美国ion audio中英简介和苹果的销售策略

美国ion audio中英简介和苹果的销售策略
美国ion audio中英简介和苹果的销售策略













美国ION AUDIO中国大陆总代理- 深圳市佳音王电子有限公司诚招各地经销商深圳市龙岗区横岗安良六村安业路11-1号电话:400-777-5166 www ion net cn




打造苹果文化,培养疯狂的苹果粉丝。苹果电脑已经在消费者心目中有了一个鲜明的印记,那就是:优越的性能、特造的外形和完美的设计,苹果电脑意味着特例独行,意味着“cool”的工业设计,意味着时尚。乔布斯力图让每件产品都符合消费者对苹果文化的理解。而苹果的每一款都能让消费者欣喜若狂的说:这就是我的苹果! 可口可乐在饮料行业中占据了消费者心理的首位,并因此代表美国价值。乔布斯也做到了让苹果在创新产品和创造文化上占据首位而有一个不同于其他品牌的营销的起点。








乔布斯的哲学是“做正确的事”,这个正确,不是技术,不是设计,不是美学,而是“人性”。事实上,在当时,乔布斯眼中的“正确的事”,都于传统相反。比如iPhone有红外感应功能,打电话时自动关闭屏幕。当你将iPhone贴着脸部打电话时,iPhone 美国ION AUDIO中国大陆总代理- 深圳市佳音王电子有限公司诚招各地经销商深圳市龙岗区横岗安良六村安业路11-1号电话:400-777-5166 www ion net cn








ION Audio was created in 2004 out of the desire to bridge the gap between the classic and the cutting-edge, between the tim eless and the revolutionary. The USB turntable, invented by ION, gives vinyl enthusiasts everywhere the power to bring their music forward even as the m usic brings them back. Its huge success paved the way for ION’s entire family of conversion p roducts that convert cassettes, VHS tapes, film negatives, CD’s, prints and slides into digital media, ready for archiving and playback on today’s digital technology.

ION Audio创建于2004年,宗旨是希望在永恒和革新之间,去弥合古典经典与尖端前沿之间的隔阂。ION发明的USB唱盘,给全球各地的乙烯基(黑胶唱盘的材质)粉丝以巨大的激情去将自己的音乐与时俱进、使他们回归音乐殿堂。它的巨大成就是铺平了整个家庭的产品转换道路:转换盒式录音带、VHS录像带、胶片、激光唱盘以及印刷品,使人们不知不觉地沉浸到数字媒体中,用今天的数字技术将家庭的各式传统音乐媒体转化为数字音乐媒体,以备归档收藏及重温怀旧。

美国ION AUDIO中国大陆总代理- 深圳市佳音王电子有限公司诚招各地经销商深圳市龙岗区横岗安良六村安业路11-1号电话:400-777-5166 www ion net cn

ION is about m ore than converting LP’s to MP3’s and film negatives into JPEG’s; we also m ake products that help ins pire music listeners to becom e musicians

them selves. ION m akes music creation accessible to everyone by offering instruments that utilize the latest technology and make learning-to-play fun.


Today, ION is a worldwide com pany that continues to design innovative products to simplify your life and energize your entertainment. ION has unparalleled resources that enable us to develop exceptional products. Sister companies, Numark, Alesis and Akai Professional bring their industry-leading expertise in DJ gear, musical instrument technology, and music production tools to ION, providing us with unrivaled technological know-how. Whether it’s enhancing your gaming experience, bringing your entire library of books to your com puter or helping you or your child learn to play an instrument, ION takes advanced, exciting technologies and m akes them easy to use, transforming them into all-in-one solutions that everyone can understand and afford.


美国ION AUDIO中国大陆总代理- 深圳市佳音王电子有限公司诚招各地经销商深圳市龙岗区横岗安良六村安业路11-1号电话:400-777-5166 www ion net cn


英国指南.英国的内政.英国的政体 (1)君主政制 女王拥有什么权力? 王国政府代表英王(即宪法赋予其统治王国权力的人)及政府,也是最高行政机构的象征。英女王拥有王国政府的统治权,但行使有关权力的,一般都是向国会负责的部长级官员,因此英国实际上是由英国政府代替女王管治的。然而,大部分重要的政府议案仍须得到女王同意方可获得通过。 国会 女王有权召开、解散或下令国会休会。新一年度国会在召开第一次会议前,女王均会发表一篇由政府官员撰写的演辞,内容主要简述政府新一年的工作大纲。每项议案均须得到女王在国会两院宣布正式批准方能成为法律。 女王在部长的建议下有权特赦囚犯或宣布减刑。根据法律规定,女王个人是不会犯法的——因为她获民事及刑事起诉的豁免权,法庭也不能起诉她。然而,其他王室成员却不能享有该项豁免权。 勋衔及委任女王有权册封贵族、颁授爵位及其他勋衔。受勋人士名单通常由首相提名,但某些勋衔则由女王自己决定。许多重要的国家职位均由女王委任,人选则由首相或有关内阁大臣提名。 外交政策 各国派驻伦敦的外交人员均须得到女王的同意,她有权缔结条约、发动战争或议和、确认海外国家及政府、吞并及割让领土。 枢密院 女王负责主持枢密院的会议。按君主特权所订立的枢密令,以及其他法令均是由枢密院通过的。君主特权包括组织行政机关,而政府的权力则受制于宪法习惯(这些规则本身并非法律,但对政府的运作却异常重要)。 所有涉及君主特权的行为,均须由有关部长负责执行,他们须向国会负责,并就各项政策接受国会议员的质询。国会有权撤消或限制有关特权的行使。 除了听取各项报告外,女王也可随时就国民生活情况向其官员发表意见。 为什么英女王有两个生日呢? 女王的出生日期是在4月21日。但传统以来,英国人都习惯于夏天庆祝君王的寿辰。由1805年起,英国人开始以举行军旗礼来庆祝君王的官方寿辰,日期通常是定于6月的第二个周末。 这个仪式的本来目的是让士兵熟识其所属兵团的旗帜式样,以便日后行军打仗时易于识别。五个步兵团,包括近卫步兵第一团、Coldsteam步兵团、苏格兰、爱尔兰及威尔士步兵团,每年按编制负责于仪式上展示其军旗。 仪式开始时,女王会在王室骑兵军官的陪同下骑马离开白金汉宫,沿着林荫大道步往骑兵卫队的阅兵场,检阅五百名卫兵。军旗礼展示的军旗依照卫兵的官阶高低排列,每队卫兵随着军旗带领,在步兵团的陪同下,分列式步操经过女王面前。至于女王正式生日当天,并无特别仪式举行,只是各政府大楼会有升国旗及播放国歌,以示庆祝。 王位继承人的排列次序如下: 1.威尔斯王储(1948年生)


Do you know why Apple with a bite of the apple as a company logo Apple in Greek mythology, is the symbol of wisdom, when Adam and eve ate the apple became a thinking, now extended to the unknown fields of science and technology. Apple's logo is a bite of the apple, shows that they have the courage to march to science, to explore the unknown 苹果在希腊神话中,是智慧的象征,当初亚当和夏娃就是吃了苹果才变得有思想,现在引申为科技的未知领域。苹果公司的标志是咬了一口的苹果,表明了他们勇于向科学进军,探索未知领域的理想Faster than the sum of its parts. Advanced Intel Core i5 and i7 processors help you power through the most complicated technical computing tasks. Integrated Iris 6100 and Iris Pro Graphics and advanced AMD graphics give you tons of pixel-driving horsepower. State-of-the-art I/O like Thunderbolt 2 gives you high-performance expansion, unprecedented in a notebook. And at the centre of it all is an entirely flash storage–based architecture that makes everything you do incredibly fast and responsive. 先进的Intel Core i5 和i7 处理器,帮你从容应对极度复杂的技术性运算任务。集成Iris 6100 和Iris Pro Graphics 图形处理器与先进的AMD 图形处理器,为每个像素都带来源源不断的强大驱动力。Thunderbolt 2 等先进的I/O 传输技术,更赋予笔记本电脑前所未有的高性能扩展能力。而这一切的核心,就是全闪存架构,它令你所做的一切都运转快速,响应灵敏。 Video Edition Edit up to 10 streams of uncompressed 8-bit 1080p HD video on the 15-inch model —right from internal storage.Having four times the pixels of a standard display makes video so sharp, so clear and so lifelike, your shots may look even better than you remember. 15 英寸机型可直接从内部存储多机位剪辑多达 16 条1080p ProRes 视频流。拥有4 倍于标准显示屏的像素,让视频如此锐利、清晰、而且鲜活动人,让你拍摄的每一个画面远胜记忆中的每一个精彩时刻。 Photography ith over four million pixels on the 13-inch model and over five million pixels on the 15-inch model, the Retina display is the perfect place to view and edit your high-resolution photos. 13 英寸机型的Retina 显示屏具有400 多万像素,15 英寸机型具有500 多万像素,是查看和编辑高分辨率照片的绝佳选择。 Design And Layout The MacBook Pro is the ultimate creative design studio. MacBook Pro 堪称强大的创意设计工作室Science And Engineering Advanced dual-core and quad-core processors provide an enormous amount of computational power. 先进的双核和四核处理器,可为你提供源源不绝的澎湃运算能力。 Backlit Keyboard Thin and light, MacBook Pro is designed to go anywhere — including places with less-than-stellar lighting. A built-in sensor detects changes in ambient light and adjusts the keyboard and display brightness automatically. So you’re never left in the dark. 这款轻薄的MacBook Pro 可以随你去到任何地方,包括光线难以企及的地方。内置传感器会检测环境光的变化,然后自动调节键盘和显示亮度,让你不会迷失在黑暗之中。

The United Kingdom 英国介绍_中英文

The United Kingdom, including Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland "and Northern Ireland, is a member of the European Community 12. Its full name is the United Kingdom. Britain is the British Isles by the majority of islands, of which the largest islands are Great Britain, the second largest island Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The west coast of Scotland there is a large islands called the Hebrides. Native north-east coast of Scotland Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, and Samoa. Of these islands with the mainland have administrative relations, but the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands between France is largely autonomous and not an integral part of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom area of approximately 242.5 thousand square kilometers (93600 square miles), from the south coast to Scotland is almost the most northern part of nearly 1,000 kilometers (about 600 miles), nearly horizontal at its widest point about 500 kilometers (about 300 miles). "Britain" the term originated in the Greek and Latin words, which may eventually be traced back to Celtic. Although the use of "Prehistoric" This yardstick to measure, the Celtics went to the British Isles is also a later (and before that had created those civilizations such as the Avebury stone circle Stonehenge construction sites and Such well-known historical monuments), but the history of written records relating to England, after all, about the Celtics from the start. "Celtic" This phrase is very common and regularly used to distinguish the early inhabitants of the British Isles and later the Anglo - Saxon invaders. The Romans ruled from AD 43 onwards lasted 300 years. The Romans in 408 before the final withdrawal of the island were from Northern Europe began to Angles, Saxons and Jutes intrusion, has undergone a period of growing chaos. "England" is the word from the "Angles" came. Over the next two centuries, and gradually became a settler harassment and the establishment of a number of small kingdom. British people in today's Wales and Cornwall Regional Independent survive. These small kingdom there was relatively strong to dominate the country's kingdom, first in the North (Northumbria Kingdom), and then in the central (the Kingdom of Mercia), and finally in the south (Wessex kingdoms). However, from the Scandinavian Vikings then invaded England and settled down, although in the 10th century Wessex dynasty, beat off the invading Danes and for a time to dominate the vast region of England. In 1066 took place on the last successful invasion of England. Duke William of Normandy in the Battle of Hastings defeated the British, the Normans from France and others come here to settle. In the ensuing three centuries, the French became the language of nobility, the legal structure has been the English Channel on the other side of the passage of that set of consequences, and social structure, to some extent been affected. Wales, though often in England within the sphere of influence, but has been a bastion of Boston. However, in the Prince Llewellyn was killed in 1282, after Edward I waged a battle and victory to put England under the rule of Wales. Welsh nationalist sentiment continues to rise, the beginning of the 15th century rebellion led by Owen


Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in organizational hierarchy. Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple was a Fortune 500 company. By the time of the "1984" TV ad, this trait had become a key way the company attempted to differentiate itself from its competitors. According to a 2011 report in Fortune,this has resulted in a corporate culture more akin to a startup rather than a multinational corporation. As the company has grown and been led by a series of chief executives, each with his own idea of what Apple should be, some of its original character has arguably been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ. This was especially after Jobs' return. To recognize the best of its employees, Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made extraordinary technical or leadership contributions to personal computing while at the company. The Apple Fellowship has so far been awarded to a few individuals. Apple is also known for strictly enforcing accountability. Each project has a "directly responsible individual," or "DRI" in Apple jargon. As an example, when iOS senior vice president Scott Forstall refused to sign Apple's official apology for numerous errors in the redesigned Maps app, he was forced to resign. Numerous employees of Apple have cited that projects without Jobs' involvement often took longer than projects with his involvement. At Apple, employees are specialists who are not exposed to functions outside their area of expertise. Jobs saw this as a means of having best-in-class employees in every role. For instance, Ron Johnson who was Senior Vice President of Retail Operations until November 1, 2011, was responsible for site selection, in-store service, and store layout, yet he had no control of the inventory in his stores (which is done company wide by then-COO and now CEO Tim Cook who has a background in supply-chain management). This is the opposite of General Electric's corporate culture which has created well-rounded managers.[236][236] Under the leadership of Tim Cook who joined the company in 1998 and ascended to his present position as CEO, Apple has developed an extremely efficient and effective supply chain which has been ranked as the world's best for the four years 2007–2010.[citation needed]The company's manufacturing, procurement and logistics enables it to execute massive product launches without having to maintain large, profit-sapping inventories; Apple's profit margins have been 40 percent compared with 10–20 percent for most


一种民族语言(包括词汇)的发展与民族的历史密切可关。要了解英语语汇的发展史,不 可避免地跟整个英语的发展史,乃至英国的历史密不可分。 不列颠群岛的最早居民是凯尔特人,又称不列颠人。公元前55年,罗马人在凯萨大帝的 率领下侵入不列颠群岛,凯尔特人被罗马人赶入威尔士和苏格兰的深山之中。直到公元 410年,罗马占领时期才告结束。随后,来自德国北部平原的三个日耳曼部落盎格鲁人, 撒克森人和朱特人开始来到不列颠定居。英语就是盎格鲁—撒克森人的语言。 语言史学家一般把英语的历史分为三个时期:1、古英语时期,2、中古英语时期,3、现 代英语时期。 1、古英语时期(又称盎格鲁-萨克森时期公元450—1100年) 日尔曼部落在不列颠定居后,名自占领一些地区。盎格鲁人占领了泰晤士河以北的英格兰 的大部分地区和苏格兰的低地,朱特人占领了肯特郡一带地区,撒克森人占领了泰晤士河 以南的大部分地区。各个部落建立了一些小王国,出现了英国历史上的七国时代。直到公 元830年,阿尔弗雷德大王才统一了整个英格兰地区。由于全国长期没有统一,所以古英语时期存在着多种方言,主要方言有四种:西萨克森语,肯特语,莫西亚语和北恩布里亚语。这四种方言都曾一度占主导地位。西撒克森语保存下来的手搞最多。其它方言在形成 英语的过程中也起过很重要的作用。 古英语的词汇有着浓厚的日尔曼语族的特点。这主要表现为复合法是重要的构词方法。复 合词在古英语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗《贝奥武夫》3183行诗句中,竟有1069个复合词。有些复合词中不重读部分,渐渐失去了独立地位,而演变成了词缀,如 for-, in-, -ful 等派生法在古英语中也广泛使用。共有二十四个名词后缀、十五个形容词后缀,-dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -the, -ful,- ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。古英语时期的诗歌有一种特殊的修辞手法,即头韵(alliteration),由此产生的许多短语一直保留到现在,如night and main, friend or foe, a labour of love。 古英语时期有两个重要的历史事件,给英语词汇带来较大的影响。第一件事是基督教传入 英国。公元597年,一个名叫奥古斯丁的牧师从罗马来到英国传教。罗马文化随着基督教传入了英国。与此同时,一批拉丁词进入了英语。 第二件事是北欧人入侵英国。从公元790年开始,大批斯堪的那维亚人在英国定居。丹麦国王卡纽特还一度成为英国的君主。斯堪的那维亚人和英国人频繁交往,所以有许多斯堪 的那维亚各国的词语进入了英语。 2、中古英语时期(公元1100—1500年) 公元1066年,诺曼人在征服王威廉率领下,横渡英吉利海峡,在哈斯丁战役中击溃了盎 格鲁-萨克森军队,英王哈路德战死,英国被征服。这在历史上被称为诺曼征服。从此,英国结束了分裂状态,置于中央集权的封建统治之下。谨曼征服是英国历史上的重要转折点,对英语的发展有巨大的影响。 诺曼征服之后,谨曼人占据了教会和政府的一切重要职务。以后的二、三百年里,谨曼法 语成为英国的官方语言。普通人仍然讲英语,但英语的文字记载却几乎中断。中古英语一 般右以分为两个时期,1204年后,英语逐渐恢复主导地位。1362年英王爱德华三世首次 用英语向议会致词。十五世纪,伦敦标准方言兴起。1476年,卡克斯顿把印刷术传入英国,


苹果公司简介 苹果电脑公司由乔布斯、斯蒂夫?沃兹尼亚克和Ron Wayn在 1976年4月1曰创立。 苹果股份有限公司,简称苹果公司,英文名Apple,Inc.总部位于美国加利福尼亚的库比提诺,核心业务是电子科技产品,目前全球电脑市场占有率为8.3%。 苹果公司的创始人是Steve Jobs 斯蒂夫?乔布斯。 他是一个美国式的英雄,几经起伏,但依然屹立不倒,就像海明威在《老人与海》中说到的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打倒。他创造了“苹果”,掀起了个人电脑的风潮,改变了一个时代,但却在最顶峰的时候被封杀,从高楼落到谷底,但是12年后,他又卷土重来,重新开始第二个“斯蒂夫?乔布斯”时代。 企业规模: 2010年二季度开始首次苹果取代微软成为全球市值最高的IT企业。从2009年底市值落后微软30%,到2010年底市值超出微软20%以上,高达56%的市值涨幅在IT十强中排名第一。苹果2010年结束时的财报,是公司首个收入超过200亿美元的财季。而整个2010财年苹果销售收入652亿美元,猛增52%;全年净利猛增70%,达到了140亿美元。很多人都不知道,该利润规模比苹果iPhone发布前公司近40年历史(1968年创立)的所有利润总合还多。 股价趋势图:

2011: 总股本: 9.2亿($)市值: 3139.7亿($)口号:Switch(变革) 产业:电脑硬件、电脑软件、手机和掌上娱乐终端 产品: Mac Mac电脑:iMac,MacBook,Mac Book Pro,MacBook Air,Mac mini,Mac Pro 应用程序:iLife,iWork,Safari,Aperture,Final Cut,Logic 配件:Keyboard,Magic Mouse,Magic Trackpad,LED Cinema Display,Airport,Time Capsule 服务器:MacOS X Server,Xsan,Mac Pro server,Apple Remote Desktop,Final Cut Server,Mac miniServer iPod iPod shuffle,iPod nano,iPod classic,iPod touch,Apple TV,Nike+iPod,MobileMe,Headphones iPhone iPhone 3GS,iPhone 4 iPad iPad iPad 2 iTunes iTunes Store,App Store,iTunes Ping,iTunes Gift Card 营业额.652.25亿美元(2010年季报) 市值:3196亿美元(2010年超过微软) 员工数14,800(2005年)


London introduction London,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center. The Big Ben, Tower Bridge Big Ben is Elizabeth Tower. London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859. Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London. Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886. The London Eye The London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London. Thames River Thames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名). Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065. Tate Museum of Contemporary Art The Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River. St.Paul's Cathedral St.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture. University of Oxford The University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world. Stratford Evan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).


苹果公司企业文化 1.专注于设计 首先,每个员工都必须牢记苹果比其他任何一家公司都更加注重产品的设计。像微软这样的公司向来不擅于打造让人赏心悦目的产品,而苹果才是真正地在做设计——了解消费者的需求,懂得如何满足消费者的需求,然后着手实现这些目标。虽然实现起来并不总是很容易,但苹果似乎每次都能恰到好处地完成。这难道不是员工的努力造就了苹果的成功吗?如果离开了员工的努力,苹果有可能会很快没落。 2.信任乔布斯美国ion 苹果是一家非常有意思的公司,它的企业文化从员工一直延伸到了消费者。这也就是说,它对员工的期望也是它对消费者的期望。其中,最重要的一点期望就是——相信乔布斯。在过去的十年中,乔布斯一直是苹果的救星。他曾带领苹果走出老化的商业模式并进行革新,从而创造了前所未有的成就,并向市场推出了许多更好的产品。不过,“相信乔布斯” 有时也会太过头(比如最近的iPhone天线门事件)。但是,在大多数情况下,相信乔布斯对苹果、对员工和对消费者来说都是有益无害的。 3.忘记一切,从头开始中国总代理 当员工初到苹果时,公司就希望他们立即做一件事:忘掉曾经了解的技术。苹果公司所做的事情与其他公司都不一样。无论是产品的设计、新产品的设计理念还是公司独具的简单运营方式,只要是在苹果,所有事情就会不同。把在其他公司的工作习惯带到苹果来,可能会造成更多的麻烦。苹果是不同寻常的。 4.坚信苹果比其它所有公司都强 不同于行业里的其它任何公司,苹果公司非常自负。其中的部分原因是由于乔布斯非常自我,他相信苹果是世界上最强的公司,有不同于其他公司的做事方式。虽然苹果的仇敌无法忍受这一点,但是对所有该公司的粉丝和员工而言,这一信条已经成为了一种号召力。 5. 看重外界的看法深圳市佳音王电子 由于自负的本性,苹果用心聆听人们对自己的产品的批评。但在真正的苹果时尚里,该公司会选择更加恶毒的行为来回应这些批评,这一点是行业里其它所有公司都不能企及的。毕竟,行业里有哪家公司可以在遇到诸如iPhone 4天线门这样的事件时还能满不在乎,依旧我行我素的呢?苹果不喜欢听到别人指责自己是错误的,并希望不管是自己的员工、还是外界的追捧者都能跟自己坚定的站在一起。 6.永不服输电话:400 777 5166 苹果最具魅力的一点就是它永不服输。就算产品被批评得体无完肤,该公司似乎也能在危急时刻找到脱离火海的方法。没有哪个领域能比计算市场把这一点展现得更加淋漓尽致的了。在做出了一些有着不少争议(和风险)的决策后,乔布斯凭借正确的策略扭转了局面,使公司获得了收益。今天,苹果希望自己所创造的利润可以打破纪录。乔布斯最不想看到的就是竞争对手击败自己的公司。也许,这就是为什么谷歌在移动市场的收益能让这位CEO如此愤怒的原因。 7.时刻关注细节网址: 如果说苹果懂得哪一条经营之道,那就是关注细节意味着长远回报。例如,谷歌的Android 操作系统,现在可能卖得很好,但在使用了一段时间之后,大多数消费者就会发现Android 与苹果的ios操作系统相比缺乏一些闪光点。这点差距并不会让消费者觉得Android操作系统不太好用,事实上,可以说Android和ios一样好用,但这点小小的差距确实会让一些消费者禁不住怀疑谷歌为什么就不能再做得更好一点。在大多数情况下,苹果却多努力了一点


苹果公司简介 苹果公司 一、简介 苹果公司是美国的一家高科技公司,2014年由苹果电脑公司更名而来,核心业务为电子科技产品,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺。苹果公司由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗纳德·韦恩在1976年4月1日创立,在高科技企业中以创新而闻名,知名的产品有apple ii、macintosh电脑、macbook笔记本电脑、ipod音乐播放器、itunes商店、imac一体机、iphone手机和ipad平板电脑等。2014年9月21日凌晨,苹果公司正式发布了新一代的iphone手机,这一代分为iphone 5s和iphone 5c两个版本,

在中国定价分别为5288元和4488元起。 二、成功的商业模式 一个完整的商业模式由四个密切相关的要素构成:客户价值、赢利模式、关键资源和关键流程。 1.一个成功的商业模式,最根本的就是要提供新的客户价值。对于苹果而言,用户价值以前意味着苹果公司为他们提供超出同业的最新技术,而自从乔布斯归来,苹果开始重新审视客户价值,破除封闭的老思维,兼收并蓄,纵横捭阖,将先进的技术、合适的成本和出众的营销技巧相结合。 苹果的产品并没有什么特别前沿的技术,也往往不是业界第一个吃螃蟹的人,但是能够在合适的时机将合适的技术以最适合消费者体验的方式设计出来,从而取得成功。 例如,最早推出数字音乐播放器的公司并不是苹果,而是一家名为“钻石多媒体”的公司,他们早在1998 年就推出了数字音乐播放器,比苹果公司早了整

整3 年。 2.赢利模式创新最关键 成功商业模式的第二步就是明确赢利模式。苹果公司的主要有两个赢利路径:一是靠卖硬件产品来获得一次性的高额利润,这在目前为苹果提供了绝大部分的利润来源;二是靠卖音乐和应用程序来获得重复性购买的持续利润,以及获得运营平台的报酬。 这两个赢利方式还会互相加强,形成良性循环。由于优秀的设计,以及超过10 万计的音乐和应用程序的支持,无论是ipod、iphone 还是ipad,都要比同类竞争产品的利润高很多。同样,由于有卓越硬件和苹果高销量的支持,那些应用程序也更有价值,也就更能促进新程序和软件的开发,拉动更多更好的内容进入苹果的供应链。 更让微软、谷歌等新老对手恼火的是,过去一直小众和封闭的苹果如今不仅完成了大众化的转身,而且仍然自成一体,牢牢掌控核心资源和核心能力后,


英国历史上的重大事件简介 公元1840年 ·6月,英国对中国发动鸦片战争 ·英国在世界上首次发行邮票——“黑便士”实行邮资制 ·英国J.P.焦耳发现电热当量,并测试了热功当量,为能量守恒和转换定律作出贡献 公元1840~1842年 ·英国宪章运动第二阶段 公元1841年 ·英国W.菲利肯斯提出第一个地层系统表 公元1842年 ·中英签订《南京条约》 ·英国J.B.劳斯建成第一个过磷酸钙厂生产氮肥 公元1843年 ·10月,中英签订《虎门条约》 ·英国A.拜恩发明了可以传送文字和图形的自动化记录电报装置 公元1845年 ·英国R.W.汤姆森获充气轮胎专利。数十年后用于自行车和汽车车胎 公元1846年 ·英国议会废除谷物法,标志着英国自由贸易政策的确立,两年后废除航海条例,自由贸易替代了保护贸易 公元1848年 ·英国开尔文提出热力学温标和绝对零度是温度的下限 公元1849~1851年 ·英国考古学家A.H.莱亚德在伊拉克摩苏尔发掘古代新亚述帝国都城尼尼微遗址时,发现大批艺术珍品和新 亚述国王“阿苏尔巴尼帕图书馆”中的大量楔形文字,轰动欧洲 公元1850年 英国伦敦用漂白粉消毒饮用水 ·英国E.福布斯编成第一幅海产生物分布图 公元1851年 ·英国建成水晶宫,为现代建筑先驱工程之一 ·首届世界博览会在英国伦敦举行 公元1852年 英国社会学家、哲学家H.斯宾塞的论文《进化的假说》发表,首次提出社会进化论思想公元1853年 ·英国同俄国的克里木战争发生 ·英国W.汤姆森给出电路振荡方程,并导出振荡频率,为电振荡理论的开端 公元1854年 ·英国J.斯诺调查伦敦霍乱大流行,证明霍乱与水源卫生的关系,促进城市公共卫生运动·英国F.南丁格尔率护士赴克里木战场,返英后于1860年创办世界第一所护校 公元1856年 ·英国H.贝塞麦发明转炉炼钢

苹果公司全方位介绍 英文

Introduction of Apple Inc. 1. Company profile Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products are the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad (Apple calls its computers Macintoshes or Macs, and it calls its laptops MacBooks. Their popular line of mobile music players are called iPods and a smart phone they have released is called the iPhone.). Its software includes the OS X and iOS operating system; the iTunes media browser; and the iLife and iWork creativity and production suites. Apple is the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia. Established on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California, and incorporated January 3, 1977, the company was named Apple Computer, Inc. for its first 30 years. The word "Computer" was removed from its name on January 9, 2007, as its traditional focus on personal computers shifted towards consumer electronics. As of July 2011, Apple has 364 retail stores in thirteen countries as well as the online Apple Store and iTunes Store. It is the largest publicly-traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated value of US$626 billion as of September 2012. The Apple market cap is larger than that of Google and Microsoft combined. As of September 24, 2011, the company had 60,400 permanent full-time employees and 2,900 temporary full-time employees worldwide; its worldwide annual revenue in 2010 totaled $65 billion, growing to $108 billion in 2011. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to 2012. However, the company has received widespread criticism for its contractors' labor practices, and for Apple's own environmental and business practices. Apple topped list of the World's Most Powerful Brands on October 2, 2012. 2. Current products 2.1 iPad On January 27, 2010, Apple introduced their much-anticipated media tablet, the iPad running a modified version of iOS. It offers multi-touch interaction with multimedia formats including newspapers, magazines, ebooks, textbooks, photos, movies, TV shows videos, music, word processing documents, spreadsheets, video games, and most existing iPhone apps. It also includes a mobile version of Safari for web browsing, as well as access to the App Store, iTunes Library, iBookstore,
