

Course paper of Chongqing University

A Comparative Study on Family Education

Between China and America

School of Foreign Languages and Cultures

June. 2014


In a lifetime, family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. Children are the hopes of a nation, and family education is the elementary ed ucation for children. In a sense, talent competition is the competition of the ability of family education. So family education is very important. In view of this, America gives more attention to family education. Along with the accelerating process of the development, the disadvantage of the Chinese tradition family education gradually reveals. So family education reform is urgently needed. There are great differences in the concepts of education, aim of education, methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education. This thesis will complete the comparative study from the importance, the definition, the differences and the reasons of family education between America and China. At the same time, the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly.

Key : family education, definition, difference, cause


Chapter 1 The Definition of Family Education (4)

Chapter 2 The Differences of Family Education between China and America (5)

2.1 The concepts of family education are different (5)

2.2 The aim of family education are different (5)

2.3 The methods are different (6)

Chapter 3 The Reasons for the Differences of Family Education between China and America (7)

3.2 Different economic form (7)

3.3 Different social conditions (7)

3.4 Different Thinking Patterns (8)

Chapter 4 conclusion (9)

Works Cited (10)

Chapter 1 The Definition of Family Education

What is family education about? Most people including some parents may say that family education simply means raising and educating. However, it is never the case. Family education is more than raising and educating.

A General Introduction of Chen Heqin’s Thoughts on Preschool Education defines family education as “Family education is a society use to educate new generation with aims and systems” (Chen Heqin, 2006). It can be proved that as in the period of early childhood, family education processes are critical for elementary-school-age children?s learning and development.

According to the traditional concept family education is parents educate their children. Yet, the definition of family education should be extended. Family education is not only the action of family but also concerns the whole society. Family education is not only the way that parents or elder generation educate the child or teenage in family, but all the family members educate each other. Family education is not only the education of the pre-school education, but also all life education.

Chapter 2 The Differences of Family Education between

China and America

2.1 The concept of family education is different

The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive different education. In China, many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future, a good job, a good life or not. Based on these expectations, many parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible as they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future. Therefore, in the process of children?s growth, the most important thing that parents care about i s to develop their children?s intellect, except for caring children?s daily life. Contrastively, American parents generally believe that the growth of children must rely on their own strength and experiences. Based on this concept, most American parents em phasize more to train their children?s ability of independence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood.

2.2 The aim of family education is different

The aim of family education is to foster the children to grow in some direction by family education.

There is an essential difference between two country?s aim of family education. To most Chinese parents , the aim is expecting their child ren to be a “ dragon ”, which is “ wang zi cheng long ” in Chinese. But American parents take hoping the child to be a man with the ability which is “ wang zi cheng ren ” in Chinese as their aim. For Chinese parents, their aim is to do anything to support their children to get high marks. What forms apparent contrast to it is, America parents give their children more

training about improving abilities. They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently.

2.3 The methods are different

The differences of concepts and aim cause the children to be taught by different ways and methods. In Chinese family, affected by Chinese traditional culture, parents educate children by … control ? and … seal ? typ e. Chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life. In Chinese family, children don?t have to do any housework. Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities. Chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward children?s study. So Chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things.

What about America children? Let?s talk about the famous film 《The Pacifier》. In the film, it may be unconscious, but Shane Wolfe had let the kids master many skills by training them during the time when he cared them. So American parents bring up their children by the method of “ letting go ” but “ not indulging ” to exercise children?s abilities of independent living.

Chapter 3 The Reasons for the Differences of Family Education between China and America

3.1 Different historical background

China with a long history has a sort of conservative sense of worth, which is lack of spirit of adventure and innovative consciousness. By contraries, America is a nation of immigrants with a short history, there remains so little traditional culture. With the influence of muti culture and sense of worth, it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture. So America children are better at taking risks and innovating.

3.2 Different economic form

China has a long history with a large population. Therefore, there are so few opportunities to find a job even a good job which can decide one?s life happiness. And getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future. The condition of economy in America is better than that in China, so there are more employment opportunities in America. American parents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society independently.

3.3 Different social conditions

Social conditions are also the factor to form the different concepts between China Family Education and America Family Education. As we all know, China is a socialist country and America belongs to capitalist country. American has good economic conditions, perfect old-age social system. Instead, they think when they become old, they can go to old people?s home to live the rest of their life. So they rear the children to 18 years old, who become independent persons. They don?t care about

whether the children will bring honor to them or not.

By com parison, Chinese parents consider that children?s education is connected with the rest of their life. They treat the children as their own property and require children to pay back for them.

3.4 Different Thinking Patterns

The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. But the most important point is that their attitude towards the position of family institution is also different. In Chinese traditional family, parents? authoritative consciousness plays a leading role while in America family mainly emphasizes struggle, equality, democracy and human rights, which is quite different.

Chapter 4 Conclusion

Through the analysis above, we can easily conclude that there are numbers of differences between Chinese children family education and American family education. Therefore, family education should change the traditional ideas, on the basis of keeping our advantage. In my opinion, on the one hand, we need inherit and develop the fine educational tradition of ancient China; on the other hand, we need derive the essence from American family education, and promote the reform family education characteristic of China. So Chinese family education should be adjusted reasonably, it mainly includes the following four aspects:

1. First of all, family educational idea should be modernized, we should reject obsolete educational idea, keep pace with the times.

2. Establish gua rdian?s concept of law in education,and enhance family educational consciousness of democracy, respect child, equal communication.

3. Adopt the scientific method of encouragement, guidance, and tolerance to enhance the child?s self-respect and the self-confidence.

4. Follow closely development of the knowledge economy and the information age, further open up the family educational mentality, enhance opening consciousness; Promote organic synthesis between intelligence factors and the non-intelligence factors, and educate the child to learn to study and seek knowledge;

Meanwhile the child must also face the world, absorb and introduce the quintessence foreign ideology and culture, and carry out the communication between Eastern and Western family education.

Works Cited

《The Pacifier》Adam Shankman



中西方教育差异相关论文 在曾芝兰《论中美家庭教育的差异》中记录,家庭教育,按照传统观念,就是在家庭生活中,由家长对其子女实施的教育。而按照现代观念,家庭教育则是在家庭生活中,家庭成员(包括父母和子女等)之间相互的影响和教育。 家庭教育是大教育的组成部分之一,是学校教育与社会教育的基础。家庭教育是终身教育,它开始于孩子出生之日(甚至可上溯到胎儿期),婴幼儿时期的家庭教育是“人之初”的教育,在人的一生中起着奠基的作用。孩子上了小学、中学后,家庭教育既是学校教育的基础,又是学校教育的补充和延伸。 (1)教育倾向不同 中国父母重社会教化,轻儿童成长。中国父母十分重视社会适应性的教化,但却常常忽视了从孩子达到身心发展的特点出发来促进其成长,他们往往按照既定的模式来培养子女,为他们的成长铺设康庄大道,外铄各种品行于子女。 西方父母更重视为子女提供一个可以与之抗争的成长环境,并养成他们坚韧的个性和良好的品行,根据社会的变化和子女身心的特征不断的调节、选择自己的培养观念和方式。 (2)家庭教育价值观不同 西方家庭教育则认为教育的目的不是准备谋生,而是准备生存。他们所强调的“博雅教育”是具有一种塑造心智的价值,一种与功利的或职业的考虑无关的价值。 (3)家庭主体观与教育的相互性不同 孙琼如在《中美家庭教育的比较与启示》向我们解释,中国传统的家庭文化因袭着统治的模式,表现为家庭内部的权威意识。强调服从和尊重,重视外部控制。中国家庭几欧阳的肢体是教育者——父母。中国父母的家长意识十分强烈。他们把孩子视为自己的独有

私人财产,看作是他们的附属物。因此十分看重他们单方面的塑造,影响孩子的个性建构。他们注意到自身的形象,忽视了孩子与成人 的相互作用,忽视了相互影响的过程和全面性,使幼儿处于被动地位,无视幼儿个体的存在。 (4)教育的重心不同 综上所述,我们可以看出中西家庭教育传统各有千秋,他们都是扎根于各自的传统文化土壤中的。我们要一方面继承和发扬中国古 代家庭教育的优良传统,一方面汲取西方家教的精华并融会贯通, 从而促进有中国特色的家庭教育的改革,培养出现代社会所需要的 高素质人才。 参考文献: [1]曾芝兰.论中美家庭教育的差异[J].太原师范学院学报(社会 科学版).2006, [2]郑金洲.教育通论[M].上海华东师范大学出版社.2000, [3]张楠.不同类型的家庭教育.2008, [4]萧愚.教育孩子需要大智慧.2000, [5]王晓红.中美家庭教育的差异比较[J].辽宁教育行政学院, [6]赵燕.不同文化背景下的中美家庭教育比较[J].北京教育(普 教版).2005, [7]冯建军.生命和教育.2005, [8]孙琼如.中美家庭教育的比较与启示.教书育人.普教 版.2002(14).-2-5, [9]张云裳.尊重理解互动——美国家庭教育给我们的启示北京教育.2006. 《中西方传统家庭教育差异及其借鉴意义》 【关键词】传统文化;家庭教育;异同

英语作文 中西教育比较

Comparison between Chinese and Western family education Family education is an important part of education, and it often plays a role that cannot be replaced by other educational models. It has a huge impact on our growth.I think Chinese and western family education has four different key. First the values of family education are different.For example, Chinese family care more about reputation in educating the child.The education’s goal is for making their living,f or honor.The Western family think the education is not preparation for making their ,but survival.And emphasize”the learned education and happy education.”Second the education method is different.The Chinese family more emphasize mechanical memorizing.If the book is read hundreds of times,its meaning is shown naturally.But the Western family emphasize the child’s “power of understanding.” Seeking the knowledge from life and nature.Third the emotional education and punishment .About all Chinese know one can become a useful person without being beaten and the club helps the child to be loyal son.We emphasize” reserve for everyone.”The Western family using the encourage language and pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional communication.The punishment also offends the law.Forth education in manage money.The Chinese family earn money to support one’s family and manage the wealth are adult’s matter.Try every means to satisfy the children with the money.But,the Western family teach the child to make plans for budget items,learn to spend money reasonably.Encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves. In my opinion,there are many differences between China and Western family education and each has its strong points and weak point.We should reject the dross and absorb the cream of them,advance the family educational.


精选高考英语作文:东西方文化差异 Cultural Differences between the East and the West Culture, according to the definition given by Hofstede, is the collective mental programming of the people in an environment, conditioned by the same education and life experience. Therefore, there are differences between various nations or regions, because people are affected by education, society and work experience. Take the cultural difference between the East and the West as the example, China is a country that endures high power distance while America endures lower power distance. Therefore, status symbol is very important for Chinese and a superior having the privilege is a matter of course. But people in America think that they are all equal. Besides, the westerns are individualistic while the easterners are more collectivistic. In individualistic societies, people focus on their own values and needs, relying on individual efforts to serve their interests. In the collectivistic nations, people combine themselves into one or several communities, finding their own place in the group and they mentally rely on the community, so


浅谈中西方教育的差异 一、中西方教育的主要区别 中西方教育的差异.自古以来就存在。近代以来,随着?西学东渐?运动的兴起和国门被西方列强打开后.国人开始瞩目西方教育的另一种景观。中国近代著名启蒙思想家严复、学贯中西的大学者王国维等,对中西方文化、教育上的差异已有了较为深刻的认识。严复首先从宏观方面分析了两种文化体系的根本区别,指出:?尝谓中西事理,其最不同而断乎不可合者,莫大于中之人好古而忽今,西之人力今以胜古;中之人以一治一乱、一盛一衰为天行人事之自然,西之人以日进无疆。既盛不可复衰,既治不可复乱,为学术教化之极则。?其次在?为学?方面,严复也意识到,?中国夸多识.而西人尊新知。?的确,国人勤学苦读、博闻强记,可谓满腹经纶,但探索新知的勇气和精神却不足。他还进一步指出:?夫自由一言,真中国历古圣贤之所深畏,而从未尝立以为教者也。彼西人之言日:唯天生民,各具赋畀,得自由者乃为全受。故人人各得自由,国国各得自由,第务令毋相侵。?也就是说,自由的原则是西方教育中的一条重要准则,但在我国避讳很深,强调的是?顺从?。可以说,严复在中国近代教育思想发展史上的贡献.恰恰表现在他始终着眼于两种文化体系的宏观对比分析上。清末学贯中西的大学者王国维,则站在思

想的更高处。在具体分析了西方教育学的发展与西方哲学演变的关系后,得出结论道:?近世教育变迁之次第,无不本于哲学的思想之影响者。?进而提出了?夫哲学者,教育学之母也?的命题。国学大师梁漱溟也谈到东西方教育侧重点的不同,?大约可以说,中国人的教育偏重情意一边,例如?孝弟?之教;西洋人的教育偏重知的一边,例如诸自然科学之教。?将中西方教育内容方面各有倚重的情况看得非常真切。 进入改革开放的新时期后,对中西方教育差别的讨论更为深刻。著名美藉华裔科学家、诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁教授也指出,中国传统的教法是,一步步地教、一步步地学,这与中国的整个社会都强调?守规矩?有关。这种教学方法有好处也有坏处,最大的一点好处是,比较有耐心,比较了解要学好一样东西,需要努力,有个过程,不能一下子学到手。传统教育方法训练出来的小孩,可以深入地学到许多东西,这对于他进大学、考试有许多帮助。但是,对做研究工作来说则有妨碍。由于过去的学习方法是由人家指出来的路你去走,做研究所需的方法则要自己去找。这里有个习惯问题,忽然一下于要自己去找路.就有点觉得茫然。曾任中国复旦大学和英国诺丁汉大学校长的杨福家教授,也在其讲学、著作中多次提到中西方教育的种种差异。他认为,?中国传统的基础教育有几千年的历史。它有一个好处就是能比较系统地给学生以知识。遗憾的是,大部分的基础教育,过多地注重了传授知识。?然而,学生真正要掌握知识,并把知识变成


中西教育差异英文写作 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to isn't nearly as much homework for the


The Diet and Eating Habits of UK and China In those two old countries UK and China, the diet and eating habits have some differences and similarities. Eating habits is one of the most important elements in a country’s culture. So comparing the difference between UK and China’s eating habits will help us forward to learn about the culture of two countries. Although the two countries are far a port, both of UK and China also have a number of similarities. Traditionally, both countries have three meals in one day. It is a large coincidence that the two countries make the lunch become the most simply meal in modern society. The dinner very lucky has set the seat of biggest meal because it has long free times. Fast food is very popular in both countries. If you ask the two countries’children that this discourse will be proved. This fact is also a problem in those two different countries. For example, if you only have a little time to enjoy your lunch, may be you have to select fast food. The facts explained that no matter tradition or modern, countries’ eating habits always have several similarities. Because of different location, climate, history and custom, eating habits are decided have a big different between those two countries. Firstly, the UK belongs to west Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. It has made British people eat


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f718964851.html, 浅谈中西方学校教育观念的差异 作者:田红霞 来源:《商情》2013年第52期 【摘要】教育是一种文化现象,不同的教育反映出不同的社会文化内涵,地域差异以及文化差异造就了教育的不同形式。中西方学校教育制度的差异培养出具有不同价值观和世界观的人。从发展创新能力的角度来看,中国的学生容易偏于自我约束、自我控制以及因害怕出错而习惯于固守规范。适应教育国际化的趋势,我们应该如何扬弃?这些都是值得探讨的问题。要解决此问题,则需要我们深入探讨、挖掘中西方文化在教育观念上的具体表现,追究其存在差异的根源。 【关键词】中西方教育;教育观念;哲学根源 社会的竞争,知识和智能的较量已不是唯一的衡量标准,更多的是意志、心理状态和做人的比拼。中西方教育存在诸多的差异,产生这些差异的根源在于教育目的的差异。而教育目的的差异又是源于中西方传统哲学思想和教育理念的不同。从这些差异中,我们可以找出许多值得我们学习的观念和做法。 一、中西方学校教育观念的差异 由于中西方文化传统和文化传承方式的不同,因此中西方在教育理念和教育方法上也着有很大的差异: (一)教育宗旨的差异 中国传统的教育是与政治紧密相连的,所谓“文以载道”、“文章者,经国之大业也”是其最好的解释。中国古代的教育即是通过培养国家所需要的官吏既而来为政治服务的。教育的宗旨就是培养国家需要的人才。西方教育则与中国大相径庭,它们的教育自成体系,与政治的关系比较松散,其培养人才的宗旨在于掌握、使用科技技能。 (二)教育体制的差异 传统的中国教育是一种地地道道的应试教育,强调“分数”,考试是唯一的评价标准,所培养的学生缺乏想象力,缺乏主见和创造,这是应试教育的最大弊端。西方的教育体制则是倾向于能力教育。其特点是重视学生学会独立思考、独立生活的能力,培养学生创新能力以及思考问题的习惯和方法,从而为进入一个重视创造性思想的社会做好准备。 (三)教育理念上的差异


The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign countries.Just from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional research.The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher.In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to do.There isn't nearly as much homework for the students so they have time to spend on their hobbies and interests.


The similarities and differences between British and Chinese education China has a long history in of education. The education system is being consummated gradually,While The Great Britain is the typical r epresentative of western educator, who owns more advanced education system . 第一段,就是开头,无实质性内容 No matter the education in the UK or in the china , education is the process through schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage—its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills--from one generation to another. And the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and other basic skills which they will need to become active members of society and build their future . 第二段,就是The similarities,但我也不知道该写什么,就差不多写的算是教育的本质概念吧,你说:“ 特别是第二段一会儿讲中国好一会儿讲英国好。 最好能分不同方面讲, 比如:从学生基础知识方面,学生实践能力方面分析。 或者从优缺点两方面讲,第一段讲中英教育分别有的有点第二段讲中英教育的缺点。。 这样文章更清晰一些。” 我觉得你是在说第三段吧, However there are tremendous differences about in education between United Kingdom and China. There are a number of phenomena to illustrate it. For example ,in China, students have to spend almost all their time on studying t heir major courses such as English, math, biology, geography and so on, which is boring. English, math, biology, geography and so on that are boring as their major courses W hile students in the UK are taught music, art and so on and they spend much free time on what they are interested in in the UK.;Morever, Teachers and students would like to be the friends in the UK. They enjoy discussing and solving questions in class .On the contrary in China teachers are over-strict.And Students are quiet and absolutely taught in class .;However the most attractive point in Chinese education system is that Chinese people emphasize the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation. While the western students learn slowly.


精选高考英语作文:东西方文化差异 导语: 学习了解中西方文化的差异, 有利于我们实现从感性到理性质的飞跃, 排除东方思维负迁移的影响,下面是 yuwenmi 小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文 ,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! Cultural Differences between the East and the West Culture, according to the definition given by Hofstede, is the collective mental programming of the people in an environment, conditioned by the same education and life experience. Therefore, there are differences between various nations or regions, because people are affected by education, society and work experience. Take the cultural difference between the East and the West as the example, China is a country that endures high power distance while America endures lower power distance. Therefore, status symbol is very important for Chinese and a superior having the privilege is a matter of course. But people in America think that they are all equal. Besides, the westerns are individualistic while the easterners are more collectivistic. In individualistic societies, people focus on their own values and needs, relying on individual efforts to serve their interests. In the collectivistic nations, people combine themselves into one or several communities, finding their own place in the group and they mentally rely on the community, so harmony seems important in those nations. There are three main differences between the East and the West, namely uncertainty avoidance index, masculine versus femininity and long vs. short term orientation. 【参考译文】 东西方文化差异 根据霍夫斯泰德对文化所下的定义, 文化是在同一个环境中的人们所具有的 “共同的心理程序”, 是由相同的教育背景和生活经历所决定的。 因 此,各个不同的民族或地域之前会存在文化差异,因为其中的人会受到教育、社 会和工作经验 的影响。以东西方的文化差异为例,中国是一个崇尚大权力距离的国家,而


浅谈中西方教育的差 异

浅谈中西方教育的差异 一、中西方教育的主要区别 中西方教育的差异.自古以来就存在。近代以来,随着“西学东渐”运动的兴起和国门被西方列强打开后.国人开始瞩目西方教育的另一种景观。中国近代著名启蒙思想家严复、学贯中西的大学者王国维等,对中西方文化、教育上的差异已有了较为深刻的认识。严复首先从宏观方面分析了两种文化体系的根本区别,指出:“尝谓中西事理,其最不同而断乎不可合者,莫大于中之人好古而忽今,西之人力今以胜古;中之人以一治一乱、一盛一衰为天行人事之自然,西之人以日进无疆。既盛不可复衰,既治不可复乱,为学术教化之极则。”其次在“为学”方面,严复也意识到,“中国夸多识.而西人尊新知。”的确,国人勤学苦读、博闻强记,可谓满腹经纶,但探索新知的勇气和精神却不足。他还进一步指出:“夫自由一言,真中国历古圣贤之所深畏,而从未尝立以为教者也。彼西人之言日:唯天生民,各具赋畀,得自由者乃为全受。故人人各得自由,国国各得自由,第务令毋相侵。”也就是说,自由的原则是西方教育中的一条重要准则,但在我国避讳很深,强调的是“顺从”。可以说,严复在中国近代教育思想发展史上的贡献.恰恰表现在他始终着眼于两种文化体系的宏观对比分

析上。清末学贯中西的大学者王国维,则站在思想的更高处。在具体分析了西方教育学的发展与西方哲学演变的关系后,得出结论道:“近世教育变迁之次第,无不本于哲学的思想之影响者。”进而提出了“夫哲学者,教育学之母也”的命题。国学大师梁漱溟也谈到东西方教育侧重点的不同,“大约可以说,中国人的教育偏重情意一边,例如“孝弟”之教;西洋人的教育偏重知的一边,例如诸自然科学之教。”将中西方教育内容方面各有倚重的情况看得非常真切。 进入改革开放的新时期后,对中西方教育差别的讨论更为深刻。著名美藉华裔科学家、诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁教授也指出,中国传统的教法是,一步步地教、一步步地学,这与中国的整个社会都强调“守规矩”有关。这种教学方法有好处也有坏处,最大的一点好处是,比较有耐心,比较了解要学好一样东西,需要努力,有个过程,不能一下子学到手。传统教育方法训练出来的小孩,可以深入地学到许多东西,这对于他进大学、考试有许多帮助。但是,对做研究工作来说则有妨碍。由于过去的学习方法是由人家指出来的路你去走,做研究所需的方法则要自己去找。这里有个习惯问题,忽然一下于要自己去找路.就有点觉得茫然。曾任中国复旦大学和英国诺丁汉大学校长的杨福家教授,也在其讲学、著作中多次提到中西方教育的种种差异。他认为,“中国传统的基础教育有几千年的历史。它有一个好处就是能比较系统地给学生以知识。遗憾的


Not long ago,there was a test in a English school.They hire some Chinese teachers to teach the Brintish students in Chinese way.In Chinese,every class may have more than 50 students,but in Brintish,there may 30 students at most.So they made up a big class which containing 55 students.The Chinese teachers teached them math,Chines,science and morning exercise.But the condition is not really good.So what cause the problem? As we know,education is culture, and different educations show different societies’ culture.The different society structure plays an important part in the education system. In China, all those who can enter the University have received an elite education and before enrollment they have devoted themselves to hard studying. Therefore, they are good at getting high marks on math,chemistry,and so on.There is an old saying in China: Knowledge can change life.So,many student in Chinese small village work hard to get a better life.While in British, the education system pays more attention to social skills than to marks .Students have developed the ability to be independence in life and work.They have a sound of social security system,so they don’t need to worry about their future life. In my opinion,these two kinds of education system is not good or bad.We only need to think about which is suitable to us and whether our educate system is suitable to other countries students.Our students have adopt to our educate system and the same is true for foreign,so we need


浅析中西方教育差异的历史渊源 文学院中文师范专业111班万盼盼 学号:1101012025 作为中文师范专业的一名学生,因为专业性质和个人爱好,而对中西方 教育有着鲜明的喜好取向。从小接受学校“严谨、认真、听话”的“好学生” 教育,也经历过“千军万马挤独木桥”的中国高考顺利步入大学,对中国的 教育制度感触颇深;因外国读物,偏爱西方“尊重孩子天性和自由”的教育 理念,钟爱杜威的教育理念。在中西方教育制度和教育理念的对比中,两者 的差异显而易见,但归根到底都有其深刻的历史根源。 中西方教育的发展都经历过漫长的萌芽、产生、发展和成熟的时期,最 终形成现代的教育制度和理念。但纵观中外的现代教育,总或多或少的带有 古代教育理念和制度的色彩和缩影。 教育制度的不同来源于不同的价值取向。 西方经历过数次启蒙解放运动,民主、自由、天赋人权的观念深入人心。 而这种平等观念也被运用到教育上,关注个人价值,尊重个体的权利成为教 育制度的核心理念。也正是出于对个体权利的尊重,人文主义教育家的大力 倡导,才使西方的初始教育踏上正确的道路。也让之后所有的教学理论和实 践都围绕这一主题开展。夸美纽斯的《大教学论》、卢梭的《爱弥儿》以及 赫尔巴特的“儿童中心论”等都在人文主义教育的理念下开展。 在西方,对儿童的最好教育来自自然的理念,推动着西方幼儿教育、自 然教育的发展。创造适合儿童的玩物,将孩子带到大自然中接受大自然的教 育等启蒙教育,才使得西方教育从源头抓起教育。 而古代中国真正教育的开端和发展基于封建政治之下,“学而优则仕” 的教育为政治服务的观念深入人心。封建政治对人民思想控制相当严格,“严谨、认真”的教育理念培养出一批“服从的楷模”,而真正缺少的缺失真正 意义上的人。“学在官府”和“愚民政策”让人民思想僵化和无创造力。 教育的发展程度取决于教育的自由度。 西方遵循“天赋人权,人生而平等”的政治理念,建立三权分立的政治 制度,分权而制衡。因为政治上的民主,推动教育的独立与自由,保持教育


中美文化对比大学英语 作文 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

Chinese Education Is Superior The born of a baby is considered as a blessing to a family, while the family education will in turn leave a brand on the baby’s future. I was born in a Chinese family with western education system. I’m well respected. I’m growing up without any fence. But reflecting on my personal upbringing, I can tell you with certainty that Chinese Education is superior. Firstly, in a regulated Chinese family, the rules for family are the core of its education system, which could ensure children staying away from some bad habits. The rules Chua set up contributed to her children’s promising victory over long turn. But in my family, there is no such notion. At my formative year, I could stay up late enough to embrace the sunrise. Consequently, I always suffered from drowsiness at class. Worse still, my poor eyesight due to it has become a handicap to me. Therefore, Chinese strict rules are necessary, especially for a young child.
