




Factors for success in rural tourism tourism


Since the 1970s,economic restructuring and farm crisis have reduced rural communities' economic development options, making older development strategies less viable and forcing many to look for nontraditional ways to sustain themselves. One

of the most popular nontraditional rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship opportunities because of tourism's ability to bring in dollars and to generate jobs and support retail growth. The purpose of this study was to identify and examine those factors that have helped rural communities successfully develop tourism and its entrepreneurship opportunities. Several focus groups were conducted with local businesspersons and leaders in six rural Illinois communities. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of the community approach to tourism development and that rural tourism development and entrepreneurship cannot work without the participation and collaboration of businesspersons directly and indirectly involved in tourism.

Since the 1970s, economic restructuring and the farm crisis have severely reduced rural communities’economic opportunities.Economic restructuring has caused a loss of rural manufacturing plants and many jobs. The 1980s farm crisis in the Midwest also led to a decline in the numbers of farmers

and restructured farm ownership, forcing some farm families to augment their incomes with off-farm jobs, to depart farming, or to declare bankruptcy. The farm crisis and the loss of manufacturing jobs had substantial ripple effects in rural communities. As rural joblessness rates rose above urban levels, real income growth stagnated in rural areas (Sears and Reid 1992). Many stores and agribusinesses disappeared from small rural towns. Not surprisingly, a 1992 statewide survey in Illinois found that 39% of rural residents perceived their economic prospects as worsening (Walzer 1993).

These changes limited rural communities’economic development options, making older development strategies such as manufacturing less viable and forcing many to look for nontraditional ways to sustain themselves . One of the most popular nontraditional rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship opportunities (Edgell and Harbaugh 1993; Luloff et al. 1994). Rural areas have a special appeal to tourists because of the mystique associated with rural areas and their distinct cultural, historic, ethnic, and geographic characteristics (Edgell and Harbaugh 1993). Rural tourism also is less costly and easier to establish than other rural economic development strategies such as

manufacturing. Rural tourism can be development strategies such as manufacturing. Rural tourism can be developed locally with participation from local government and small businesses, and its development is not necessarily dependent on outside firms or companies. Although tourism can be expensive to develop in certain cases (e.g., large resort areas) or can involve large firms and chains, rural tourism can be developed with relatively little investment credit, training, and capital. Hence, rural tourism can be less costly to develop as compared to other economic development strategies; additionally, rural tourism need not involve dependency on outside firms and their decisions on whether they want to be in an area. Rural tourism provides a base for these small businesses that might not otherwise be in rural communities because of their small populations. Tourism particularly helps two types of small businesses in rural areas—those directly involved in tourism (e.g., attractions and hotels/motels) and those indirectly involved in tourism (e.g., gas stations and grocery stores). Additionally, rural tourism works well with existing rural enterprises such as farms (e.g., U-Pick farms) and can generate important secondary income for farm households (Oppermann 1996).Nonetheless, rural tourism remains one of the

few viable economic options for rural communities .Like other economic development strategies, rural tourism requires several components to be successful.

Tourism development involves(1) attractions: the natural and manmade features both within and adjacent to a community;

(2) promotion: the marketing of a community and its tourism attractions to potential tourists;(3) tourism infrastructure: access facilities (roads, airports, trains, and buses),water and power services, parking, signs, and recreation facilities;

(4) services: lodging, restaurants, and the various retail businesses needed to take care of tourists’needs; (5) hospitality: how tourists are treated by both community residents and employees in tourism businesses and attractions (Gunn 1988). Left out of this list are tourism entrepreneurs and their role in fostering these components.While the above components and a community’s assets are clearly important to tourism development, only the widespread participation and contribution of rural tourism entrepreneurs can ensure a broad-based foundation for successful tourism development. A research literature has emerged on how to best facilitate the development of tourism. One view, drawing heavily on the economic literature, argues that tourism and its associated

entrepreneurship opportunities are best developed by helping and creating individuals businesses and then letting them compete in the marketplace for a review and description of this view). This view, however, has been critiqued because (1) it views tourism and tourism-related businesses as isolated from the larger community and its issues;(2) it does not recognize the interdependence of the various sectors and actors involved in tourism; and (3)most small tourism business, especially those in rural areas, do not have the individual resources to promote either themselves or the community as a tourist product (Gunn 1988; Murphy 1985; Palmer and Bejou 1995).Opposing this view is the community approach to tourism development and entrepreneurship (Murphy 1985). As its name implies, the approach argues that tourism is a community product and that, along with entrepreneurial skills and the presence of tourist businesses, it is also necessary to have the community and local capabilities (e.g., local leadership and formal and informal networks) directly involved in tourism development and promotion effort (Murphy 1985). While the community approach may be an effective way to develop and promote tourism, creating the necessary intercommunity cooperation and collaboration is a complex and difficult

process. Businesses are asked to share resources while simultaneously competing. Local governments may see collaborating to develop tourism as risky, or they may be worried about losing control over local decision making (Huang and Stewart 1996; Jamal and Getz 1995). Because of these problems, research on collaboration and those factors that allow for community development of tourism is needed . The purpose of the present study is to identify and examine those factors that help rural communities successfully develop tourism and its entrepreneurship opportunities. The present study makes an additional contribution to the research literature by including rural tourism entrepreneurs, an overlooked group in rural tourism research (Stokowski 1990).





出处:SAGE 出版社









2020旅游管理专业毕业论文参考 【关键词】出境;旅游管理;体制改革 1.旅游管理作用分析 2.出境旅游管理对旅游经济发展的重要意义 3.我国出境旅游管理的体制问题分析 首先,管理机制完善。现阶段,我国出境旅游管理机构尚不健全,管理人才缺乏,出境旅游产业缺乏有力管理和监督,各旅游协会、 旅行社管理水平参差不齐,并未发挥应有作用。对于当地政府而言,必须参与出境旅游产业的规划管理,加强高校旅游管理人才培养, 构建健全管理机制,引入民间旅游管理机构,充分发挥他们的监督、建议职能,方可促进出境旅游产业发展。其次,出境旅游管理和政 府要求不协调。现阶段,对于我国出境旅游的行政政策,一味注重 出境旅游的经济效益,忽视旅游的社会效益,或在国外不注重生态 效益、环境问题,严重影响了国人形象。同时,过度重视国外旅游,吸引游客走出国门,走出国门固然值得鼓励,但国内旅游也应重视。对于长远科学、合理的国内旅游利益不顾。同时,对于各旅游协会、旅行社和各行业,处于一种无序竞争状态,没有明确管理机制,政 府和出境旅游管理脱节,旅游业自成一家,缺乏统一规划、统筹、 约束和沟通,破坏了出境旅游资源,政府管理职责缺失,必定会严 重影响出境旅游也发展。第三,出境旅游管理缺乏先进理念。针对 某些旅游社而言,只注重出境旅游的经济效益,对出境旅游管理, 缺乏合理规划、统筹,缺乏先进境外旅游管理经验,服务意识不高,尚未形成出境旅游管理体系。 4.我国出境旅游管理体制改革的新思路 5.结束语 【参考文献】

[1]蔡家成.试论我国出境旅游管理体制改革问题[J].旅游学 刊,2000,03:13-18. [3]周琳.中国旅游业的制度创新研究[D].吉林大学,2014. 一、生态旅游管理现状 (一)管理决策不权威 (二)未科学规划 当前,各旅游区更重视开发销售旅游产品的工作,而不重视环保问题,这种重效益轻环保的现象,严重影响着我国生态旅游健康持续、科学的发展。再加上对旅游资源开发时规划不科学,结果造成 开发不当或过度开发的问题,不利于规范生态旅游的管理工作。 二、制约生态旅游发展的因素 虽然我国生态旅游的内容种类呈多元化发展趋势,然而开发期间受人为不合理因素影响,使得生态旅游可持续长期发展受到制约。 首先,部分地区开发生态旅游资源过于盲目粗放,欠缺更深层次和 缜密的调查论证,对开发规划的设计不够科学合理,没有全面考虑 旅游环境与资源的接待能力和承受能力,仅受到利益驱使而盲目粗 放地开发旅游资源,严重削弱了旅游资源可持续发展的能力。其次,由于理念的不准确,部分开发单位错误的认为景区精品化建设,即 扩大其规模,建设旅店餐馆等服务场所,结果不断改造宁静小路、 古朴茅屋,造成景观严重的城市化、商业化和人文化现象,从而失 去其原本的文化底蕴和历史内涵,对人们毫无吸引力。再次,鉴于 我国对旅游业管理和规划的力度不足,加上民众缺乏强烈的环保意识,在旅游景区随处可见乱扔垃圾残渣的现象,甚至时常存在破坏 历史文物等重要资源的问题,使得景区维护成本不断增加。最后, 还有生态旅游庸俗化、招牌化,以及低效化、理想化的惠民功能, 均会制约生态旅游可持续发展。 三、生态旅游管理路径选择 (一)科学规划,有序开发


Gee Journal 31.4457-465457?1993 (Dec) by Kluwer Academic Publishers Ecotoufism in the Small Island Caribbean Weave~ David B., Prof. Dl:, UniversiO, of Regina, Luther College, Regina, Saskatchewan $4S OA2, Canada ABSTRACT: Ecotourism-related strategies can serve to enhance the tourism industries of small Caribbean islands, which are presently dominated by a 3S (sea, sand, sun) product. In the first place, the principles of Alternative Tourism can be applied to 3S tourism in order to minimize negative environmental impacts. Secondly, diversionary ecotourism opportunities can be promoted to diversify the tourism product, thus providing a nature-oriented alternative to resort-based tourists. Thirdly, regional ecotourism, catering to ecotourists, can be fostered in mountainous interiors, peripheral islands, undeveloped coastlines, rural agricultural areas and in offshore reefs. A fourth strategy, exemplified by Dominica, entails a comprehensive ecotourism approach for destinations in which 3S tourism is undesired or unsuited. Introdactien The concept of ecotourism has attracted a considerable amount of interest among both academics and non-academics since the term was first introduced in the mid-1980s (see for example Boo t990; Goriup 1991; Lindberg 1991; Nelson, Butler and Wall 1993; Whelan 1991; Ziffer 1989). In a frequently cited definition, Ceballos-Lascurain (1988) characterizes ecotourism as Tourism that involves travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific object of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural aspects (both past and present) found in these areas. While this definition is useful in stressing the environmental orientation of ecotourism, it is clear that the term has also come to be associated with a range o f characteristics which collectively define an "alternative tourism" (AT) paradigm (Dernoi 1981; Krippendorf 1987; Singh, Theuns and Go 1989). This paradigm has emerged as an alternative to "conventional mass tourism" (CMT), which has been criticized as an often inappropriate form of tourism, especially for smaller destinations. CMT characteristics, outlined and contrasted in Tab 1 with the AT model, tend to appear during the middle and later stages of a destination's cycle of evolution (Butler 1980; Christaller 1963; Stansfield 1978). With respect to accommodations, attractions, market and economic impact, the argument can be made that ecotourism and AT are merely other names for the early "exploration" stage of the resort cycle, when relatively unspoiled areas are opened up to further tourist incursions by a few pioneer travellers. However, as pointed out by Weaver (1991), what distinguishes this "circumstantial" AT from "deliberate" AT is the lack of regulations and policies which attempt to ensure that the activity is maintained at environmentally, economically and socially sustainable levels. "Deliberate" ecotourism, the subject of this paper, is therefore very" much associated with intentions of identifying and working within the carrying capacities of a particular area, and o f discouraging the emergence of a CM T product where it is deeme d to be undesirable or inappropriate. The recent proliferation of ecotourism case studies, based largely in the underdeveloped world, is not surprising in light of deliberate ecotourism's status as the fastest growing form o f tourism (Whelan 1991). For example, Dearden (1989) and Zurick (1992) examined the p h e n o m e n o n of mountain trekking in Nepal and northern Thailand respectively, while Boo (1990), and Fennell and


乡村旅游发展论文旅游业发展论文 县域乡村旅游产品及其开发探索 摘要:在党中央和国务院的大力推动、旅游需求市场的强劲拉动下,中国乡村旅游产品的开发迎来了又一轮的高潮。衡阳县旅游开发起步不晚,而且已有一定基础,但总体发展不快,发展水平较低。应在调查研究的基础上,对其优势资源、主导产品、目标市场进行准确定位,并应对农家乐、观光休闲农业、乡村生态游、节庆旅游等乡村旅游产品优先开发,重点发展。 关键词:县域乡村旅游产品开发设计衡阳县 0 引言 根据《中共中央国务院关于推进社会主义新农村建设的若干意见》中发[2006]1号)和《中共湖南省委省人民政府关于加快发展业的决定》(湘发[2007]13号)文件精神,湖南省人民政府办公厅下发了“关于加快农村旅游发展的通知”,要求各市州、县市区人民政府大力开发农村旅游产品。2009年12月,湖南省人民办公厅根据《国务院加快旅游是发展的意见》(国发[2009]41号)文件精神,又下发了《湖南省农村旅游建设“3521”工程实施方案》(湘政办涵[2009]127号)。有感于党和政府对发展农村旅游的高度重视,本文仅就以湖南省农村旅游资源丰富多奇的衡阳县为例,对县城乡村旅游产品开发设计进行探索。

1 衡阳县农村旅游产品开发的背景 1.1 乡村旅游产品及其开发的一般认识 关于乡村旅游产品的感念国内外学者对其鉴定的见解很多,可以说是仁者见仁智者见智,但也形成了几个方面的共识,即①乡村旅游产品发生在农村地区;②以特有的农村景观资源对城区居民具有吸引力、魅力;③有自己的独特农村文化内涵;④乡村旅游产品所对应的资源市场主要为城市居民;⑤强调乡村社区和农民参与经营。在此基础上对学者们的各种界定进行归纳和概括。较多完整的乡村旅游产品概念;应该是从城市居民为主要目标,以乡村社区为载体,以乡村自然人文景观,乡村产业和乡村文化为媒介,以乡村地区的一系列乡村旅游活动为手段达到旅游者对乡村自然和人文的感知和体验,从而达到精神升华的新型旅游产品[1]。乡村旅游产品具有本质上的乡村性、空间分布的独特性、产品供给的丰富多样性,旅游消费的低水平性,参与性和体验性等特点。乡村旅游产品开发区设计是根据乡村旅游发展规律和市场需求而制定目标,以及为实现这一目标而进行的各项旅游要素的统筹部署和具体安排,而且必须遵循政府主导社区与农民参与市场主体。择优开发突出特色综合功能,可持续发展,符合标准化原则[2]。 衡阳县乡村旅游产品开发相对较早。早在20世纪90年代初期,为配合“纪念王船山逝世三百周年国际学术研讨会”,就开发了船山文化专项旅游项目,为此,修通了从衡阳县城西渡镇至王船山故居曲兰乡


外文资料译文及原文 译文(一) 消费者体验旅游和品牌的结合 米契尔罗伯特 定义消费者体验旅游 制造工厂参观,公司博物馆和公司访客中心表现为被不同名字已知的观光事业片段:制造业观光事业,工业的吸引、工业的观光事业和工业的遗产观光事业。在每一个描述性的长期的共同目标是在消费者学习品牌,其运作,生产过程,历史和历史意义的时候建立一个消费者和品牌之间的纽带。有人建议在这里CET代表一个统一的主题的旅游。这个术语捕捉消费者的消费能力发现更多关于他们所消费的品牌,而制造商可以在与该工厂的客人接触的30-120分钟时间里建立与这些消费者更密切的关系。 参与的品牌 品牌经理寻求解决在三个层次消费者的需求: (1)功能(对消费者提供解决问题的办法); (2)符号(提供心理欲望满意度); (3)经历(提供感官快乐,品种,认知,刺激) CET可以通过视觉地介绍品牌,运作,生产工艺,历史和历史意义加强消费者和品牌之间的纽带。这种纽带可以被看作是个人品牌参与和品牌忠诚度的提高。认知参与反映了消费者对产品的兴趣(或学习更多)。CET可以通过刺激消费者对于品牌和生产过程的想象提高消费者的认知水平。此外,积极口碑沟通刺激满足旅客可能会比其他形式的促销更可信。 缺乏现有的直接研究关注 迄今为止,CET已经在行销文学中受到一点注意。米契尔和米契尔(2001年)对此内容这种的旅游网站进行了评估。此外,这些相同的作者已经评估食物和饮料工业中的现象(米契尔和米契尔,2000年),非营利部门(米契尔和米契尔,2001年b),和整体经济(米契尔等, 2001)。米契尔和米契尔(2002)为学者提出了格式,用来评估在当地的服务领域这些设施的地方利益。该主题通常包括对整合营销的简要讨论,但已收到直接研究的关注很有限。


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外文翻译 译文 标题:乡村旅游与可持续发展 资料来源: 亚诺什学院 - 布达佩斯经济科学大学 作者:塔玛拉拉茨 - 拉斯洛坡格左 引言 乡村旅游是旅游产业的一个部分,这在匈牙利显得尤为重要。在一个国家没有壮观的自然景观,没有海滨、高山、雨林、珍奇动物的情况下,迷人的村庄、温泉、河流和湖泊这些旅游资源可以利用起来。优美环境与当地人们传统的热情接待相结合,能够提供给游客愉快的体验,让游客在安静的环境中得到放松并且欣赏到文化景观。 一方面,乡村旅游业的发展使匈牙利旅游资源呈现多样化,使国家形象更加多姿多彩。另一方面,乡村旅游是刺激经济增长的一种手段,促进了欠发达地区的产业发展,并改善当地居民的生活水平。 如果乡村旅游要发挥其真正的作用,在某种程度上得到进一步的发展,那么在其自身发展的基础上,就要确保资源的长期可持续性发展。那么,什么是乡村旅游的可持续发展方式?如何对其可持续性进行监测来达到促进农村发展的目的?本文试图回答这些问题,并且通过提出匈牙利乡村旅游指标来了解被认为是这种类型的旅游的目前情况。 旅游业可持续发展 可持续发展的概念是由世界环境与发展委员会在1987年的布伦特兰报告中关提出来的,可持续发展定义为“发展,以满足当代人的需求又不损害子孙后代能满足自己的需要”。 旅游业是世界各地最重要的经济活动之一,1997年世界各地国际运送超过6.17亿人,年收益产生448亿美元(WTO,1998年),这是一个重要的经济力量。1996年产生生产总值3153.3亿美元,为255万人创造就业机会,参与生产应用程序。旅游业生产值占到世界10.7%的国内生产总值,766亿美元用于投资应用程序,每年都


生态旅游对环境的影响(节选) 原文来源:Environment Impacts of Ecotourism;Edited by Ralf Buckley International Centre for Ecotourism Research,Griffith University,Australia CAIB Publishing;Oct,2008 生态旅游由于其实际或潜在的积极影响受到社会和保护区以及公司和消费者广泛吹捧。例如,在讨论进入保护区方面,旅游说客和生态旅游经营者宣称他们不仅将会采取措施师环境影响减到最小,而且生态旅游还会产生利益。然而,保护区也为旅游业提供了非常重要的好处。 每年被人类消耗或污染的自然资源有很多。人类生存需要饮用水,可呼吸的空气和可用的生物多样性。自然生态系统是每个这些领域的主要的蓄水池。生态系统由于人类活动已被不同程度地广泛地修改了。近原始的荒野地区和其他小改造的地区的环境正在不断减少,像城市中心,垃圾堆放场,矿场和单一种植区几乎完全修改的环境在继续扩大。有很多没有完全修改而又很重要的地方,如农村住宅,布罗德埃克牧区和被采伐的原始森林在最少修改的地区也继续扩大。为制止和扭转这些趋势,只在人类的社会结构和人类行为发生大规模和深远的变化时才能成为可能。然而,如果在短期内没有这种变化,规模更大的混乱将逼近人类。 关于可持续能力和关乎人类生存的任何长期策略唯一最重要的组分,能够使世界各种各样的生态系统的代表性区域保持在一个合理的原封不动的和功能的状态。当然,这是保护区全局系统的主要目标,包括世界遗产地区、生物圈储备、国家公园和其他保护区域。然而,这些公园还不能独自地防止生物多样性持续损失:首先,因为他们是太小和不充分地代表性的;第二,因为他们不充分地被保护。目前,有公开和私有土地其他地区在被保护区系统之外的,它们对保护生物多样性和空气和水的质量有很大贡献。它们包括:像极地,高山,沙漠和海洋生态系一样很少人的地方;那些为木材和家畜产品使用的但其中很少使用牧场保留其原有的性质功能和生物多样性的森林地和牧场;人类的生活方式没有介入对自然环境的密集的修改的部族和社区土地。然后,随着人口和资源消耗量的继续增长,所有这些未保护的区域却受到越来越多的开发和修改,例如采伐,农业清除和类似的冲击加速。特别是,其中一些区域涉及保护和储备,而且逐渐增长的人口压力正在导致土地清除和移民直到储备界限,有时会在保护的过程中出现侵犯。在被保护区界限不是明确界定或没有发现的地区,这样侵犯也许一般包括偷猎,非法收获,小规模移民和时而的军事演习。然而,甚而在国家公园界限已建立和强制执行的区域,侵犯可能仍然发生。有时,相关的立法也许允许发展某些类在公园界限之外的可能在保护区的周长附近增加杂草、病原生物、野生动物、水污染和火来源的压力,并且这些能不再人类进一步的干涉下在保护区里得到传播。 因此,代表性的生态系统的保护不仅能够通过增加保护区财产,改进现存储备的有效保护率,而且通过减少对储备区以外土地的修改得到改进,以便改进它的保护价值。 用纯粹财政术语来说,以现在的市场价购买高保护价值所有剩余的区域,在更加富有的政府和公司看来是在世界范围内的,并且宣称他们作为保护区。然而,由于许多政治原因,这是不太可能发生得。许多保护区管理代办处没有足够的金钱来管理他们现有的财产,更不用说发展它。全世界国家公园和相似的储备总面积继续慢慢地增长,并且在最近几年里给保护区的管理代办处的一些资助增加显著。然而,在全球范围内,公共的保护区越来越资金短缺。同时,他们不断地受到人类的压力,这种压力同时来自于从在它们的边界之外的压力和游客的人数和期望增长的压力。结果,只有最大和最远的保



原文: Destination brand positions of a competitive set of near-home destinations Abstract: Although the branding literature commenced during the 1940s, the first publications related to destination branding did not emerge until half a century later. A review of 74 destination branding publications by 102 authors from the first 10 years of destination branding literature (1998–2007) found at least nine potential research gaps warranting attention by researchers. In particular, there has been a lack of research examining the extent to which brand positioning campaigns have been successful in enhancing brand equity in the manner intended in the brand identity. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an investigation of brand equity tracking for a competitive set of destinations in Queensland, Australia between 2003 and 2007. A hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) provided an effective means to monitor destination brand positions over time. A key implication of the results was the finding that there was no change in brand positions for any of the five destinations over the four year period. This leads to the proposition that destination position change within a competitive set will only


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关于生态旅游的文献综述 摘要:生态旅游作为一项以保护性、教育性和责任性为主要特征的旅游活动,在生态环境问题日趋严重的今天,显示出越来越大的生命力,目前生态旅游已成为世界各国旅游者的一种时尚和旅游业的热点。生态旅游迅速的发展,已成为当今旅游发展的重要方向。本文对生态旅游的产生背景,概念内涵以及特性、国内为发展概况等研究文献进行了综述。 关键词:生态旅游内涵特性国内外发展 一.引言 在全球人类面临生存的环境危机的背景下,随着人类环境意识的觉醒,绿色运动及绿色消费已席卷全球。生态旅游作为一种绿色旅游消费,一经提出便在全球引起巨大反响,短短几十年的今天,生态旅游的概念迅速普及到全球,其内涵也得到了不断地充实,针对目前生态环境的不断恶化的状况,旅游业从生态旅游的对象是自然景物出发,将生态旅游定义为“回归大自然旅游”和“绿色旅游” [1]。作为一个综合性的服务部门和第三产业的重要构成部分,旅游业以其强大的关联和带动作用,在区域乃至国家经济社会发展中的作用日记重要,促使诸多地区将旅游业作为支柱性产业或主导性产业加以培育和发展,致使区域间旅游发展竞争日趋激烈[2]。针对现在旅游业发展中出现的种种问题,旅游业从生态旅游的对象不应受到损害出发,将生态旅游定义为“保护旅游”和“可持续发展旅游”。同时,世界各国根据各自的国情开展生态旅游,形成各具特色的生态旅游[3]。 二.生态旅游概述 当今世界经济中,服务业是增长最快的产业,也是提供就业机会最多的产业,美国学者约翰·奈斯比特在他的《2000年大趋势和全球问题》中提出,21世纪世界服务经济的领导产业,主要是电信业,信息技术产业和旅游业三种主要的服务业。1992年里约热内卢会议后,生态旅游在全球得到迅速发展,它作为旅游业中一种宣传主题明确,生命力旺盛的旅游形式,日益深入人心,为了更好的发展生态旅游,先对生态旅游做一回顾。 1生态旅游产生的背景 生态旅游英名为Ecotourism是Ecological Tourism的缩写,由国际自然保护联盟专家H.ceballos Lascurain于1983首次提出的。它不仅被用来表征所有观光景物的旅游,而且强调观光的对象不应受到损害,是在可持续管理的思想指导下开展的旅游活动[4]。它的产生有以下几种原因: (1)有可靠的理论基础。生态学和可持续发展的思想为生态旅游的产生奠定了深厚的基础,现生态学已超过了传统生物生态学的范畴,成为一种人类普遍的思想和原则。在生态利益优先的趋势下,在可持续发展理论指导下,人们开始注重用生态学原理,设计良性运转的旅游系统,实施生态工程,促进了生态旅游的


乡村旅游发展论文乡村旅游论文:天水乡村旅游产业 的发展研究 【摘要】关于天水乡村旅游产业的发展研究能够大力推进天水乡村旅游的健康有序发展。并且给出了四种发展模式。提 出了发展乡村旅游的建议和措施。 【关键词】天水乡村旅游发展模式 一、天水乡村旅游产业总体推进思路 1.指导思想。坚持以科学发展观为指导,按照新农村建设“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的总体要求,围绕我市争创“全国最佳优秀旅游城市”、各县(区)争创“中国旅游强县(区)”的目标,充分利用我市旅游品牌优势,适应新农村建设的具体要求,遵循旅游经济发展规律,坚持“政府主导、农民自愿、管理规范、突出特色”的方针,科学规划、合理布局、因地制宜、抓点带面、立足服务、打造品牌,大力推进我市乡村旅游健康有序发展。 2.发展目标。以天水市丰富的旅游资源、田园风光为主,全面构筑结构合理、服务良好、效益明显,与观光旅游、餐饮娱乐、休闲度假为一体的多模式、多层次乡村旅游产品体系。到“十一五”末,全市拟建成1-2个乡村旅游示范县区、3-4个乡村旅游示范乡镇、10个以上乡村旅游示范村点,并力争其中有1/3进入国家及行列。到

2010年,全市以旅游业为重要产业的自然村争取达到全市自然村总数的1%,直接从事旅游业的农民达到1万人,间接从事旅游业的农民达到5万人,乡村旅游产业总收入达到1.8亿元,占全市旅游总收入的10%,逐步形成人文资源、自然风光和乡村旅游“三位一体”的旅游格局,使乡村旅游成为我市旅游产业的重要内容。 3.开发原则。①把发展乡村旅游作为建设社会主义新农村的有效途径之一,通盘考虑,整体规划,合理布局。乡村旅游发展的目标、政策和措施都要与社会主义新农村建设的实践相结合,在充分发挥旅游业综合带动功能的同时,探索乡村旅游发展的新机制、新路子,确保乡村旅游健康永续和持续发展。②把全面推广和示范引导结合起来,建立示范点,重点扶持,以点带面,逐步推广,从而带动和推动乡村旅游的整体发展。③结合实际,科学规划部署,合理开发在乡村旅游项目的民俗性、亲和性、知识性、趣味性、参与性和多样性上不断创新。④在利用和开发农村旅游资源的同时,要加强对生态环境、文物古迹、非物质文化遗产和民俗文化的保护,坚决避免因盲目发展,统筹不够和低层次开发造成环境污染和资源破坏。⑤树立以服务促发展的理念,提升服务层次,创新服务手段,加强协调、规划、信息、促销和培训等服务工作,拓宽乡村旅游的公共服务领域,逐步建立面向农村和农民的旅游服务体系,提高乡村旅游的公共服务水平。 4.工作重点。各县区政府及旅游、农业部门要紧密协作,建立顺畅高效的工作机制,把乡村旅游的发展纳入新农村建设总体布局中,结合实际,发展带有浓厚地方特色的自然与文化遗产为可持续发


外文文献 RURAL TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION Rural tourism is a segment of the total tourist industry which is particularly important in Hungary, in a country with no spectacular natural attractions, without seaside, high mountains, rainforest or herds of exotic animals. However, its attractive cultural landscapes with small villages, thermal springs, rivers and lakes, combined with the traditional hospitality, are able to offer pleasant experiences to the kind of tourist who is looking for relaxation and recreation in a calm setting. On one hand, rural tourism development can play an important role in the diversification of the Hungarian tourist supply and in the creation of a more complex and colourful country image. On the other hand, rural tourism is not only the end, but the means to stimulate economic growth, to increase the viability of underdeveloped regions, and to improve the living standards of local populations. If rural tourism is to fulfil all these roles, it has to be developed in a way that ensures the long-term sustainability of the resources and that of the development progress itself. But what is a sustainable way of development in rural tourism ? How can sustainability be monitored and promoted in rural destinations ? This paper attempts to answer these questions by presenting the current situation of Hungarian rural tourism through indicators that are considered to be relevant for this type of tourism. SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The concept of sustainable development was introduced by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the Brundtland Report in 1987, defining sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Tourism is one of the foremost economic activities around the world, having transported more than 617 million people internationally and generated 448 billion USD in receipts in 1997 (WTO, 1998). It is a major economic force, having generated in 1996 an estimated 3,153.3 billion USD in gross output, creating employment for app. 255 million people, producing app. 10.7 per cent of world gross domestic product, investing app. 766 billion USD in new facilities


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Tourism and the Environment: A Symbiotic Relationship Nowadays, with the improvement of people's living standards and the pursuit of higher spiritual life, tourism is developing rapidly, and it has an increasing proportion in the national economy. Tourism is getting more and more people's attention, followed by the impact of tourism on the ecological environment. The vigorous development of the tourism industry has multiple effects on the environment. They are both positive and negative. In order to adapt the development of tourism to the capacity of tourism resources, and promote the coordinated development of environment protection and tourism, and this paper will state the impact of tourism on the environment from three aspects: 1 The negative impact of tourism on the environment; 2 The positive impact of tourism on the environment; 3 The countermeasure to against the negative impact of tourism on the environment. Tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it increases consumption in areas where resources are already scarce. The negative impact of tourism on the environment
