

























惊讶的surprised(形容人)/surprising(形容物) smart聪明的


super 超级的

soft 软的;






sexy 性感


sad 伤心

safe 安全

same 一样的

second 第二个

serious 认真

sharp 锋利

sick 生病



social 社会的


soon 很快

special 特别


strange 陌生

stupid 笨蛋

s开头的英语单词splendent 辉煌的splendid 极好的壮丽的

splendiferous 极好的豪华的

spectacular 壮观的雄伟的引人入胜的

sadly adv.难过的;悲哀地

salesgirl n. 女售货员

salt n.盐

satellite n.卫星

school n.学校

schoolbag n.书包

schoolboy n. 男学生(中、小学的)

schoolyard n.校园

Seattle n.西雅图

self-respect n.自尊;自重

sell v. 卖;售

seller n.卖者;售货员

several adj./pron.几个;若干

shall aux. (我,我们)将;会

shelf n.(pl.shelves) 架子;搁板shellfish n.贝类;甲壳虫

should aux. (shall的过去时)将;会; 应该silently adv.寂静地;沉默地

sleep v. 睡;睡觉

slipper n.(常用复数)拖鞋;便鞋

slow adj. 慢的;缓慢的adv.慢慢地slow v.放慢;减速

slow down 减缓;减速

slowly adv. 缓慢地

small a.小的

smell v.闻;嗅;散发(气味)

smile v.土地

soldier n. 士兵;战士

solve v.解答;解决

special adj.特别的;特殊的

spell v.拼写

spill (spilt,spilt)v.溢出;溅出;洒出

spirit n.精神

spoil (spoilt;spoilt) v.糟蹋

Spring Festival 春节

spring n. 春天

steal v.偷;窃取

steering wheel 驾驶盘

still adv.还;仍旧;更

Stockholm n. 斯德哥尔摩

successful adv.圆满地;顺利地;成功地

suddenly adv.突然地





S开头高考英语高频词+短语 【基本单词】 sadness n. 悲哀,悲伤 salty adj. 含盐的; 咸的 scan vt. 细看; 仔细检查; 粗略地看; 浏览; 扫描 scare vt. 恐吓vi. 受惊吓 scene n. (戏剧)一场; 现场; 场面; 景色 scenery n. 景色;风景 schedule n. 时间表; 进度表vt. 为某事安排时间 scholarship n. 奖学金; 学问 scientific adj. 科学的 scissors n. (pl.) 剪刀 scream vi. 尖叫n. 尖叫声; 喊叫声seal n. 海豹; 封条; 印章 seaside n. 海边adj. 海边(的); 海滨(的) seaweed n. 海藻; 海草 security n.安全; 保护; 保障 seek vt. &vi. 寻找; 探索; 寻求 select vt. 挑选; 选择 sentence vt. 宣判;判决settle vi. 安家; 定居; 停留vt. 使定居; 安排; 解决 settler n. 移民;殖民者 severe adj.严重的; 剧烈的; 严厉的sexual adj. 性的; 性别的 shade n. 阴凉处vt.遮住光线shallow adj. 浅的; 肤浅的; 浅显的shark n. 鲨鱼; 贪婪的人; 放高利贷的人; v. 诈取; 诈骗 sharp adj. 锐利的; 锋利的; 敏捷的shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处shock v.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊 shore n. 岸; 滨 shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机 signal vi. & vt. 发信号n. 信号sincerely adv. 真诚地;真挚地 sink vi. 下沉; 沉下 skim vt. 浏览;略读 skin n. 皮;皮肤 slavery n. 奴隶制 sleeve n. 袖子


sack/ s?k/ n.袋,麻袋;开除 sacrifice/ ‘s?krifais/ n.&vt.牺牲;南祭 saddle/ ‘s?dl/ n.鞍子,马鞍 sail/ seil/ n.帆;船vi.航行 sake/ seik/ n.缘故,理由 sample/ ‘sa:mpl/ n.样品;实例,标本 satellite/ ‘s?t?lait/ n.卫星;人造卫星satisfactory/ s?tis’f?kt?ri/ a.令人满意的,良好的saucer/ ‘s?:s?/ n.茶托,浅碟 sausage/ ‘s?sid?/ n.香肠,腊肠 saw/ s?:/ n.锯子vt.锯,锯开 say/ sei/ vt.比如说[用于举例] scale/ skeil/ n.天平,磅秤,秤 scale/ skeil/ n.标度;比例;大小 scan/ sk?n/ vt.细看;浏览;扫描 scarcely/ ‘ske?sli/ ad.仅仅;几乎不 scatter/ ‘sk?t?/ vt.使消散;撒;散播 scenery/ ‘si:n?ri/ n.舞台布景;风景 schedule/ ‘?edju:l/ n.时间表;计划表 scheme/ ski:m/ n.计划,规划;诡计 scholar/ ‘sk?l?/ n.学者(尤指文学方面) scientific/ sai?n’tifik/ a.科学(上)的 scissors/ ‘siz?z/ n.剪刀,剪子 score/ sk?:/ n.得分,比数,成绩 scout/ skaut/ n.侦察员,侦察机 scrape/ skreip/ vt.&vi.&n.刮,擦 scratch/ skr?t?/ vt.&vi.&n.搔;抓 screw/ skru:/ n.螺旋,螺丝vt.拧紧 seal/ ‘si:l/ n.封蜡;印记vt.封 seal/ ‘si:l/ n.海豹 secondary/ ‘sek?nd?ri/ a.第二的;次要的secretary/ ‘sekr?tri/ n.秘书;书记;大臣 section/ ‘sek??n/ n.切片;一段;部门 secure/ si’kju?/ a.安心的;安全的 security/ si’kju?riti/ n.安全,安全感 seed/ si:d/ n.种(子),籽,萌芽 seek/ si:k/ vt.寻找,探索;试图 seize/ si:z/ vt.抓住,逮捕;夺取 semiconductor/ semik?n’dΛkt?/ n. 半导体senate/ senit/ n.参议院,上院 senior/ ‘si:nj?/ a.年少的;地位较高的 sensible/ ‘sens?bl/ a.感觉得到的;明智的sensitive/ ‘sensitiv/ a.敏感的;灵敏的 separate/ ‘sep?reit, ‘sep?rit/ a.分离的;个别的


小升初英语必背单词 字母S开头 圣诞老人 Santa Claus 羊 sheep 蛇 snake 沙发 sofa 春节 Spring Festival 长袜 stocking 停下来 stop 街道 street 地铁 subway 地铁站 subway station 超级市场 supermarket 悉尼 Sydney 星期六 Saturday 围巾 scarf 季节 season 秒 second 跷跷板 seesaw 睡觉 sleep 滑梯 slide 雪人 snowman 有雪的 snowy 春季 spring 夏季 summer 太阳镜 sunglasses 晴朗的 sunny 晚餐 supper 游泳 swim 秋千 swing

三明治 sandwich 香肠 sausage 学校 school 九月 September 聪明的;巧妙的 smart 胶底帆布/网球/运动鞋 sneakers 鞋子 shoe 一些 some 短的;矮的 short 唱 sing 衬衫 shirt 毛衣 sweater 第二 second 姐;妹 sister 书房 study 星期日 Sunday 书包 schoolbag 科学 science 座位 seat 看 see 她 she 短头发 short hair 展示 show 对不起 sorry 汤 soup 勺子 spoon 体育运动 sports 故事书 story-book 健壮的 strong 学生 student

当然可以 sure 凉鞋 sandals 七 seven 七十 seventy 短裤 shorts 六 six 六十 sixty 尺码 size 裙子 skirt 拖鞋 slippers 小的 small 如此;这样 so 袜子 socks 儿子 son 矮的 short 坐下 sit down 跳绳 skip the rope 起立 stand up 吓人的,可怕的 scary 她是she’s=she is 肩 shoulder 香料 spice 蜘蛛 spider 运动 sport (常复)糖果 sweets 说 say 船 ship 歌曲 song 科目 subject 夏天 summer


s开头的英文单词 编号单词解释 1Sabbathn. 安息日 2sabbaticala. 安息日的 3sabern. 军刀,骑兵,骑兵队 4sablen. 黑貂,adj. 黑色的 5sabotagen. 阴谋破坏,颠覆活动 6sabren. 军刀,击剑用刀 7sacn. 囊 8saccharinn. 糖精 9sacerdotala. 僧侣的,祭司的,祭司制度的 10sachemn. 酋长,Tammany 派的干部,政党领袖 11sachetn. 小袋,小香袋 12sackn.袋,麻袋;开除 13sackbutn. 低音喇叭,竖琴的一种 14sackclothn. 制袋用粗麻布,粗布衣,麻衣 15sacramentn. 圣礼,圣事 16sacramentaladj. 圣礼的,圣事的,秘迹的,圣典的,圣 17sacreda.上帝的;神圣的 18sacrednessn. 神圣不可侵犯性 19sacrificen.&vt.牺牲;南祭 20sacrificiala. 牺牲的,献祭的,具有牺牲性的 21sacrilegen. 亵渎圣物,冒渎,悖理逆天的行为 22sacrilegiousadj. 亵渎神圣的 23sacrosanctadj. 神圣不可侵犯的 24sadadj.悲哀的 25saddenvt. 使忧愁,使悲哀 26saddlen.鞍子,马鞍 27saddlern. 制造马鞍的人,马具商,乘用之马 28sadistica. 虐待狂的,残酷成性的 29sadlyadv. 难过地,悲哀地;痛心的;伤心的;悲痛地,可惜;凄惨地;忧愁地悲哀地30sadnessn.悲痛,悲哀 31safarin. 狩猎旅行,长途考察 32safeadj.安全的 33safeguardn.保护措施;护照 34safelyadv. 安全地;平安地;可靠地;平安地;确实地 35safetyn.安全,保险 36saffronn. 番红花,此花的花茎,番红花色 37sagv. 下陷,下垂,消沉 38sagan. 英勇故事,长篇小说 39sagaciousadj. 聪明的,睿智的 40sagacityn. 聪慧,洞察力 41sageadj. 智慧的n. 智者


2020大学英语六级大纲词汇:S字母开头大学英语六级大纲词汇:S safeguard n.保护措施;护照 salmon n.鲑,大马哈鱼 salute vt.迎接,欢迎 sandwich vt.夹入,挤进 sardine n.沙丁鱼 satellite n.附属物 satisfaction n.快事,乐事;愉快 satisfactorily ad.圆满地 saturation n.饱和(状态);浸透 Saturn n.农神;土星 scan n.扫描,扫掠 scandal n.丑事,丑闻;耻辱 scar n.瘢痕 scarcity n.缺乏,不足,萧条 scarlet n.猩红色 a.猩红的 scheme vt.计划 vi.搞阴谋 scholarship n.学问,学识;奖学金 scoff vt.&vi.嘲笑,嘲弄

scope n.眼界 scorch vi.烧焦,枯萎;挖苦scout vt.搜索,侦察,跟踪scramble vi.&n.爬行,攀登scrap n.碎片;废料 vt.废弃scratch n.起跑线,起步线scripture n.《圣经》;圣书scrub n.&vt.擦洗,擦净sculpture n.雕刻(术);雕刻品seam n.缝口;接缝;骨缝seaport n.海港,港口,港市seaside n.海滨(胜地);海边second vt.支持 second-hand n.旧的,第二手的section n.切下的部分seemingly ad.表面上,外表上segment n.切片,部分;段,节selection n.精选的东西;选择senator n.参议员;评议员sensation n.感觉,知觉;轰动senseless a.愚蠢的,无意义的


se开头的英文单词 2. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne.调以盐、胡椒和少许辣椒粉。 3. I'm going to take a course in applied mathematics this semester.我这学期打算学习应用数学课程. 4. He had three minors this semester.这学期他有三门副修科目. 5. He was about seven years old, small and fine-boned like his mother.他大概7岁,骨架像他妈妈一样娇小均匀。 6. In less than seven days the infested plants had recovered.不到7天时间,受虫害侵袭的植物就复原了。 7. The Peace of Ryswick was signed in September 1697.《里斯维克和约》签订于1697年9月。 8. The membership application came before the Council of Ministers inSeptember.会员申请书于9月提交部长会议审议。 9. That's why I must trust you to keep this secret.那就是为什么我必须得相信你会保守这个秘密的原因。 10. The panel'sdecisions are secret and not binding on the government.专家小组的决定是秘密的,对政府不具有约束力。 11. The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。 12. US forces are poised for a massive air, land and sea assault.美国军队作好了发动大规模海、陆、空攻击的准备。


S sack 1. (v.) dismiss解雇2. (n.) termination of employment解雇 [例] He was given the sack. salary (n.) pay, usually expressed as an annual sum and paid monthly薪水 [例] The payroll consists of the wages and salaries paid to employees. [同义词]pay, wage, remuneration salesperson (n.) person who sells销售员 sample1. (n.) a specimen of a product used to show what it is like样品 [例] The sample is for reference only. 2. (v.) to try out something尝试 3. (v.) to test a product on a small group of a target audience取样 saturate (v.) fill something completely饱和 [例] The market is saturated. [同义词]glut saturation(n.) a stage in a market’s development where there is no room for further growth 饱和[例] So many companies have entered that market that it has reached saturation point. save (v.) keep, not spend money节约 [例] Due to the high cost of office stationery, you all should have the sense of saving paper, pens,etc. saver(n.) person who saves节省的人 savings(n. pl) money saved储蓄 [例] It is said that the old couple has over 10 million dollars savings. scale (n.) system for measuring, divided into levels刻度 [例] We can evaluate performance on a scale from 1 to 5. scarce(adj.) rare, very limited, insufficient稀缺的 [例] The mineral is scarce in China so it cost high to be a raw material. scheme(n.) a systematic plan of action计划,安排 [例] apply for six –month training schemes scrap 1. (n.) waste material or non-quality products废料,残余物 2. (v.) to throw away something because it is waste or of poor quality废弃 [例] Y ou can sell the old car for scrap. scrapvalue (n) the worth of an item as waste material to be recycled 废料价值


中考核心词-S开头词汇 【same】 The same as与as...as...两者意思均为“和...一样”,但结构不同,分别为: The same+n.+as+n./从句;as+adj./adv.原级+as+n. He has the same age as you.=He is as old as you.他和你一样大 Does Tara work as hard as Tina? 塔拉和蒂娜学习一样刻苦吗? ◆作比较时,表示修饰两种事物的程度是一样的,用as…as句型,意为“和……一样”,两个as之间用形容词或副词原级,即用“as+形容词或副词原级+as”的句型。如: The watermelon is as big as a soccer ball. 这个西瓜和足球一样大。 ◆表示一方在某一方面不及另一方时用“not as/so+形容词或副词原级+as”的句型,相当于less…than…意为“不如……”。如: This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think. = This dictionary is less useful than you think. 这本字典不如你想的那样有用。 【similar】 My best friend is similar to Larry because she′s less hard working than me. 我最好的朋友与拉里相似,因为她没有我努力。 【succeed】 …while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.… …然而在1975年首次成功登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性是来自日本的田部井淳子。 ◆succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事。如: He is certain to succeed in doing his experiment.他做实验一定会成功。 ◆succeed with sth. 在某方面获得成功。如: You won’t succeed with the work if you don’t put your whole heart into it. 如果你不全心全意投入到工作中,你的工作就不会做好。 ◆名词为success,意为“成功;好结果”,还可以表示“成功的人(事)”,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。如: How to learn with success?如何学有成效? This experiment was a success.这个实验很成功。 ◆形容词为successful,意为“成功的;顺利的”,副词是successfully,意为“成功地;顺利地”,相当于with success。 如:They are highly successful in business.他们经商非常成功。


sable adj. 黑暗的;深褐色的\nn. 石貂;紫貂sabotage n. 暗中破坏;阴谋破坏\nv. 破坏saboteur n. 阴谋破坏者 sabre n. 马刀;佩剑\nv. 用马刀砍死sachet n. 香囊;小袋 sack n. 大袋;麻袋\nv. 开除;赢得;洗劫sacrament n. 圣餐;圣事 sacred adj. 宗教的 sacrifice n. 祭品;献祭\nv. 牺牲;献祭sacrosanct adj. 极其神圣的 sad adj. 悲哀的;可悲的 sadden v. 使悲伤;悲伤 saddle n. 鞍;鞍形山\nv. 给...装鞍;强加sadness n. 悲哀 safari n. 旅游;旅游队\nv. 游猎;远游 safe adj. 安全的;谨慎的\nn. 保险箱;家用冰箱safeguard n. 保护;保险装置\nv. 保护;护卫safety n. 安全;无损 sag n. 凹陷;下垂\nv. 松弛;下垂 sagacious adj. 聪慧的;有灵性的 sagacity n. 聪慧 sage adj. 贤明的;严肃的\nn. 圣人;哲人 sail n. 帆;帆船\nv. 驾驶;漂浮 sailor n. 乘船者;水手 saint n. 圣徒\nv. 正式封...为圣徒 sake n. 理由;目的 salable adj. 可供出售的 salad n. 色拉;生菜 salary n. 薪金 sale n. 卖;销路 salesman n. 售货员;推销员 salesroom n. 商品展销室 salient adj. 跳跃的;凸出的\nn. 凸角 saline adj. 盐的\nn. 碱盐泻药;盐泉 saliva n. 气泡条;涎;唾液 sally n. 冲出;出发\nv. 冲出;出击 salon n. 客厅;厅 saloon n. 交谊厅;厅 salt n. 盐;盐状物\nv. 撒盐于...上;以盐喂salty adj. 海洋的;含盐的 salutary adj. 有益的 salutation n. 问候;招呼 salute n. 敬礼;行礼\nv. 打招呼;行礼salvage n. 海上打捞;海上救助\nv. 打捞;抢救


sack n.袋,麻袋;开除 记忆方法:三个——三个麻袋 saddle n.鞍子,马鞍 记忆方法:sad(悲伤)dle(都)马鞍都要被人坐——都悲伤sake n.缘故,理由 记忆方法:say个——say个理由 sandwich vt.夹入,挤进 记忆方法:sand + wich(危机) 沙子挤进眼里有危机 sauce n.调味汁,酱汁 记忆方法:【谐音】少食??少食调味汁 saucer n.茶托,浅碟 记忆方法:少使——南方人很少使用茶托 sausage n.香肠,腊肠 记忆方法:少食——上了年纪的人最好少食香肠 scale

n.天平,磅秤,秤 记忆方法:scale 卖东西需要天平 scar n.伤疤,伤痕;创伤 记忆方法:s + car 死汽车,害我流下伤疤 scarce a.缺乏的;希有的 记忆方法:scarce & scarce scatter vt.使分散vi.分散 记忆方法:是该的——使分散是(应)该的scenery n.舞台布景;风景 记忆方法:scene 场景、风景 cene + ry(汉语拼音:人眼) 风景人眼看;舞台布景也要人眼看。 scheme vt.计划vi.搞阴谋 记忆方法:sch-学校e-饿me我学校搞阴谋饿我scholar n.学者(尤指文学方面) 记忆方法:school——scholar

scissors n.剪刀,剪子 记忆方法:谁热――用剪刀剪掉头发降温 scope n.围;余地,机会 记忆方法:够吧——机会够吧?机会不够,扩大你的发展围 scout vt.搜索,侦察,跟踪 记忆方法:sc(是该)+ out(出来是该出来了,再不出来我们就要搜索了scrape vt.&vi.&n.刮,擦 记忆方法:scrape是块布——用什么擦的地板,是块布。 scratch vt.&vi.&n.搔;抓 记忆方法:sc(是个) rat(老鼠) ch是个老鼠chchch地搔 screw n. 螺旋,螺丝vt.拧紧 记忆方法:事故——螺丝没拧紧引发的事故 senate n.参议院,上院 记忆方法:sen(三)ate(吃)参议院每天管三顿饭吃 session


必背单词(字母S开头) 圣诞老人Santa Claus 羊sheep 蛇snake 沙发sofa 春节Spring Festival 长袜stocking 停下来stop 街道street 地铁subway 地铁站subway station 超级市场supermarket 悉尼Sydney 星期六Saturday 围巾scarf 季节season 秒second

跷跷板seesaw 睡觉sleep 滑梯slide 雪人snowman 有雪的snowy 春季spring 夏季summer 太阳镜sunglasses 晴朗的sunny 晚餐supper 游泳swim 秋千swing 三明治sandwich 香肠sausage 学校school 九月September 聪明的;巧妙的smart 胶底帆布/网球/运动鞋sneakers 鞋子shoe 一些some 短的;矮的short 唱sing

衬衫shirt 毛衣sweater 第二second 姐;妹sister 书房study 星期日Sunday 书包schoolbag 科学science 座位seat 看see 她she 短头发short hair 展示show 对不起sorry 汤soup 勺子spoon 体育运动sports 故事书story-book 健壮的strong 学生student 当然可以sure 凉鞋sandals

七seven 七十seventy 短裤shorts 六six 六十sixty 尺码size 裙子skirt 拖鞋slippers 小的small 如此;这样so 袜子socks 儿子son 矮的short 坐下sit down 跳绳skip the rope 起立stand up 吓人的,可怕的scary 她是she’s=she is 肩shoulder 香料spice 蜘蛛spider 运动sport


standby footstep 1.spoken spokesperson 2. 3.soundly resonance supersonic liaison (s-th sound-thund) thunder-and-lightning thunderbird thundering thunderstone thunderstruck thundery

4.persecute persecution prosecute prosecution consequence consequent consequently sequence sequent suitcase suite ensue sue pursue pursuit 5.hillside ooutsider wayside sideline sideway(s) 6.sunbathe sunlamp sunless solarize parasol solarium turnsole(turn转向) circumsolar extrasolar lunisolar obsolete(离开太阳的,过时的) solace (给人以太阳,给人以温暖) Same assemble assembly resemble resemble resemblance seem seemingly similar similarly similarity assimilate simile facsimile simulate simultaneous symbol symptom sympathy sympathetic sympathize pathetic 7.Satisfy satisfaction satisfactory satisfied satisfying saturate saturant saturation (sat-sud) sudation sudatory sudoriferous sudorific 8.Sauce saucer sausage 9.savior saver safety (sav-serv 保留、服务) service servant reserve reservoir observe observant observation observer observatory preserve subservient serviceable servile servitude deserve disserve conserve conservative 10.Saw sawfly sawtooth sawyer (saw-sev) sever severance (sev-sab v-b) saber saber-toothed sabotage sabre-rattle 11.Say saying say-so 12.Scale escalate escalator ascend descend descent transcend 13.scatter shatter 14.Scene scenery scenario 15.Science scientific scientist conscience conscientious conscious consciousness unconscious 16.Score underscore scar 17.Second secondary second-hand secondly consecutive execute execution executive persecute persecution prosecute prosecution consequence consequent consequently sequence sequent subsequence subsequent subsequently suit suitable unsuitable suitcase suite ensue sue pursue pursuit 18.Secret secrecy secretary 19.See sight farsighted foresight insight oversee oversight sightseeing 20.Sell seller best-sell sale salesman saleswoman wholesale 21.Sense sensible sensitive sense sensation sentiment sentimental assent consent consensus resent resentment senseless nonsense sentence 22.Separate separately separation 23.Serf serfage serfdom 24.Series serial 25.Serve deserve servant service servile sergeant conserve preserve reserve conservation conservative conservation reservation reservoir 26.Set asset offset onset outset setback upset setting settle unsettle settle settled settlement 27.Shadow shadowy shade shadeless shading lampshade sunshade shady shed 28.Shame ashamed shameful sham 29.Shell skull shelter shield 30.Ship spaceship shipment shipwreck 31.Shoot shot snapshot


an开头的英文单词 我们从小就开始学习英语,积累的单词也有一定的量,那么你知道的an开头的英文单词哪些呢,今天为大家整理了一些an开头的英文单词,一起来学习一下吧! angry生气的; 愤怒的 angle角; [比喻](考虑、问题的)角度; 观点; ancestor祖先,祖宗; 被继承人; anchor锚; 锚状物; 靠山; 压阵队员 ancient古代 and和,与; 而且; 于是, analysis分析,分解; 梗概, android机器人; animal 动物,兽,牲畜; anniversary周年纪念日; annoy 打扰; 干扰; announce宣布参加竞选; 当播音员; an开头的英语词汇anabasis anabatic anabion anabiont

anabiosis anabole anabolic anabolica anabolin anabolism anabolite anabranch anacamptics anacamptometer anacanthous anachlorhydria anacholia anachorism anachronic anachronism anachronistic anachronous an开头的英文单词例句1. They get angry if they think they are being treated disrespectfully. 他们要是觉得受到了怠慢,就会大动肝火。 2. Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face.


VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以S开头的单词) VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以S开头的单词) S sabotage-v.todamageordestroyasanactagainstanorganizationornation("The rebelssabotagedtherailroad.") sacrifice-v.todowithoutsomethingortosufferalossforabelief,idea,goaloranotherperson sad-ad.nothappy safe-ad.awayfromharmordanger sail-v.totravelbyboatorship sailor-n.apersoninvolvedinsailingaboatorship salt-n.awhitesubstancefoundinseawaterandintheground,usedtoaffectthetasteoffood

same-ad.notdifferent;notchanged;likeanotherorothers sand-n.extremelysmallpiecesofcrushedrockfoundinlargeamountsindesertsa ndoncoasts satellite-n.asmallobjectinspacethatmovesaroundalargerobject;anobjectp lacedinorbitaroundtheearth satisfy-v.togiveorprovidewhatisdesired,neededordemanded save-v.tomakesafe;toremovefromharm;tokeepforfutureuse say-v.tospeak;toexpressinwords school-n.aplaceforeducation;aplacewherepeoplegotolearn science-n.thestudyofnatureandtheactionsofnaturalthings,andtheknowledgegainedaboutthem sea-n.alargeareaofsaltwater,usuallypartofanocean search-v.tolookforcarefully


S On Sabbatical, sabbatical year Sacrosanct Nothing is sacred On the safe side There’s safety in numbers (s) From the safety of Sage Salivate over Your salad days The salt of the earth: good and honest person Salutary Keep sb. sane Take sanguine view of Have the satisfaction Saturation point Save sb’s neck: to rescue sb Save the situation Save sb’s breath Saving grace: the only one good quality Savior That goes without saying

Pay scant attention, scant regard Behind the scenes Not sb’s scenes:(i) Scent the victory Schadenfreude: Scholastic achievements On this score Heap scorn on sb/sth Scot-free(i): without receiving the punishment On the scrap heap(i) Scrape the bottom of the barrel Scrimp and save Searcher engine Search me!(s) Seat of government/learning Second-guess: before sb do it Second nature: do it easily and naturally Go to seed Seedbed: a place or situation Seed corn: will be successful or useful in the future Seek sb’s fortune Self-congratulatory


s开头的英文单词 篇一: s 开头的单词 s开头的英文单词 编号单词解释 1Sabbathn.安息日 2sabbaticala.安息日的 3sabern.军刀,骑兵,骑兵队 4sablen.黑貂, adj.黑色的 5sabotagen.阴谋破坏,颠覆活动 6sabren.军刀,击剑用刀 7sacn.囊 8saccharinn.糖精 9sacerdotala. 僧侣的 , 祭司的 , 祭司制度的 10sachemn. 酋长 ,Tammany 派的干部 , 政党领袖 11sachetn.小袋,小香袋 12sackn.袋,麻袋;开除 13sackbutn.低音喇叭 , 竖琴的一种 14sackclothn.制袋用粗麻布 , 粗布衣 , 麻衣 15sacramentn.圣礼,圣事 16sacramentaladj.圣礼的 , 圣事的 , 秘迹的 , 圣典的 ,圣 17sacreda.上帝的;神圣的

18sacrednessn.神圣不可侵犯性 19sacrificen.vt.牺牲;南祭 20sacrificiala.牺牲的 , 献祭的 , 具有牺牲性的 21sacrilegen.亵渎圣物 , 冒渎 , 悖理逆天的行为 22sacrilegiousadj.亵渎神圣的 23sacrosanctadj.神圣不可侵犯的 24sadadj.悲哀的 25saddenvt.使忧愁 , 使悲哀 26saddlen.鞍子,马鞍 27saddlern.制造马鞍的人 , 马具商 , 乘用之马 28sadistica.虐待狂的 , 残酷成性的 29sadlyadv.难过地,悲哀地;痛心的;伤心的;悲痛地,可惜;凄惨地;忧愁地悲哀地30sadnessn.悲痛,悲哀31safarin.狩猎旅行,长途考察 32safeadj. 33safeguardn. 34safelyadv.安全的 保护措施;护照 安全地;平安地;可靠地;平安地;确 实地 35safetyn.安全,保险 36saffronn.番红花 , 此花的花茎 , 番红花色37sagv.下陷,下垂,消沉 38sagan.英勇故事,长篇小说


2017初中英语单词、短语、词组汇总(S开头)2017初中英语单词、短语、词组汇总(S开头) S sad a (使人)悲伤的 sadness n 悲哀,忧伤 safe a 安全的n 保险柜 safet n 安全,保险 sail n 航行v 航行,开航 sailing n 航海 sailr n 水手,海员 salad n 色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜) sale n 卖,出售 salesgirl n 女售货员 salesan n 男售货员 salesan n 女售货员 salt n 盐 salt a 盐的,咸的,含盐的 sae n 同样的事a同样的,同一的 sand n 沙,沙子 sandih n 三明治(夹心面包片) satellite n 卫星 satisfatin n 满意

satisf vt 满足,使满意 Saturda n 星期六 sausage n 香肠,腊肠 save vt 救,挽救,节省 sa (said, said) vt 说,讲 saing n 说,俗话,谚语 sarf n 领巾,围巾 shl n 学校 shlar n 学者 shlarship n 奖学金 shlbag n 书包 shlate n 同校同学 siene n 科学,自然科学 sientifi a 科学的 sientist n 科学家 sre n≈ v 得分,分数 Stland* n 苏格兰 Sttish a苏格兰(人)的n苏格兰人sreen n 幕,荧光屏 sea n 海,海洋 seaan n 水手;海员 searh n≈ v 搜寻,搜查

seaside n 海滨 seasn n 季;季节 seat n 座位,座 send1 n 秒 send2 nu 第二a第二的 sendhand n 二手货;旧货 seret n 秘密,内情 seretar n 秘书;书记 see (sa, seen) vt 看见/看到;领会;拜会 see v 似乎,好像 seld ad 很少,不常 self n 自己,自我,自身 self-servie n 自助的,自我服务的 sell (sld, sld) v 卖,售 send (sent, sent) v 打发,派遣;送, 邮寄 senir a 年长的,资深的,高年级的n 上级,长辈,高年级生sense n 感觉,意识 sentene n 句子 separate v 使分开,使分离a 单独的,分开的 separatel ad 单独地,各自地 Septeber n 9月
