


While some visitors to Singapore expect a high-tech city, there are also some parts of the island that still reflect how it used to look before urban development took over.

In one of the main Central Nature Reserves, monkeys still roam freely, living side by side with humans. The macaques have grown accustomed to being fed, so they look to humans as a source of food. But this in itself is problematic. As the monkeys depend more on humans for food, they venture further from their natural habitat, a phenomenon that has worried experts.

There is just not enough space. Essentially, in much of Southeast Asia we’ve seen a lot of habitat loss where rainforest has been destroyed and converted into human settlement. Singapore is a very urbanized city, and it’s taken a lot of space, so there is not much space left for long-tailed macaques.

We really need to stop encroaching into nature reserves. We need to stop building the houses so nearby the reserves, which then causes the problem of the macaqu es coming into people’s houses and raiding them. These macaques are French species so they live on the edges of the rainforests.

If humans keep building the houses so near the reserves, there will definitely be a constant human-macaque conflict issue.

After all, the macaques are essential to maintaining the rainforest’s ecosystem. More should be done to protect them.



During the whole year’s promotion, a series of activities will be held to promote public awareness in protecting biodiversity like summit forums and biodiversity knowledge competitions. Also, the government will conduct supervision to fight illegal hunting and other related conduct in nature reserves nationwide.

Wan Bentai, general engineer at the Ministry of Environmental Protection says biodiversity is vital to human life. The Earth is colorful just because of biodiversity. If all the species were gone and there were only us humans left, humans wouldn’t be able to survive.

Biodiversity not only refers to all the species, including animals, plants and insects but also the genes and our living environment. However, dozens of species are disappearing on our planet everyday. Currently, 34,000 plants and 5,200 animals are on the edge of extinction.

Scientists say many species’ extinction is attributed to human activities. Many animals are endangered because of human activities like hunting and fishing. But many animals

have a close connection with humans, so we should treat them as friends. Besides, many plants make great contributions to human life, some of which are even more precious than gold.



When it comes to intelligence, there has always been one fundamental question: Is intelligence a function of nature? Is it simply encoded in a child’s genes? Or is it a function of nurture? Is it more about the environment that a child grows up in?

On the one hand, if we take two people at random from the crowd, it is very likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. However, if we take two identical twins, chances are that they will be as intelligent as each other. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. On the other hand, though, if we put identical twins in different environments, we would find differences in their intelligence several years later, which indicates that environment does play a crucial role in people’s intelligence.

Recently, data has clearly indicated that nurture is indeed more than 50% of the equation. That is good news for educators, but even better news for society as a whole.

Fortunately, President Obama has come out in strong support of early childhood education, particularly for those children most at risk of school failure. Investing in quality pre-school opportunities clearly helps give children from poverty-stricken areas the chance at a stronger start in school and in life.

If we are serious about helping our children succeed in school, if we are truly interested in “Leaving No Child Behind,” we will take a hard look at this compelling data and begin investing greater sums at the early childhood level.



Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived. His name has become part of many languages when we want to say someone is a genius, as in the phrase, “She’s a real Einstein”. He must have been pretty brainy to discover the Theory of Relativity and the equation E=MC2.

In 1999, Time Magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century. No one could have

guessed this would happen when he was in school. He was extremely interested in science but hated the system of learning things by rote memory. He said it destroyed learning and creativity. He had already done many experiments but failed the entrance exams to a technical college. He didn’t let this setback stop him. When he was 16, he performed his famous experiment of imagining traveling alongside a beam of light. He eventually graduated from university, in 1900, with a degree in physics.

Twelve years later he was a university professor and in 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for

Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific papers. Einstein is the only scientist to become a cult figure, a household name and part of everyday culture. He once joked that when people stopped him in the street, he always replied, “Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein.” Today, he is seen as the typical mad, absentminded professor, who just happened to change our world.

艾伯特爱因斯坦是一个德裔物理学家,虽然大部分人都知道他是最聪明的人谁住。他的名字已经成为我的一部分,许多语言,当我们想要说某人是一个天才,在短语,―她是一个真正的爱因斯坦‖。他一定很聪明发现相对论和方程=mc 2。在1999年代,杂志将爱因斯坦列为世纪之人。没有人能想到这会发生,当他在学校。他对科学感兴趣,但极讨厌死记硬背学习系统内存。他说,它破坏了学习与创新。他已经做了许多实验,但未能通过入学考试技术学院。他不让这一挫折阻止他。他16岁时,他进行了著名的实验想象旅游与一束光线。最后他从大学毕业,在1900,与物理学学位。十二年后,他是一个大学教授,并在1921,他获得了诺贝尔奖物理。他继续发表超过300篇科学论文。爱因斯坦是唯一的科学家成为偶像人物,一个家喻户晓的名字和部分日常文化。他曾经开玩笑说,当人们在街上拦住他,他总是回答说,―对不起,对不起!我一直误认为是爱因斯坦教授。‖今天,他是被视为典型的疯狂,心不在焉的教授,他要改变我们的世界。UNIT3 L1

To imagine life in the future, you have to know what might be possible. You also need a lot of imagination. There have been many exhibits, such as those at World‘s Fairs and theme parks, showing how future homes might look and work, sponsored by builders, developers or technology companies. Science fiction is another way to pre dict the future. It‘s a kind of writing that blends real science with fantasy. Over the years, science fiction writers, artists and engineers have had many ideas about what life would be like in the future. Here‘s a look at what some of the leading scientists are working on today to bring into your homes tomorrow.

On the outside a home might look like any other. But inside, it can be high-tech all the way! Computer scientists have found new ways to use technology to make people‘s lives easier. For instance, sensors can show if someone is in your home and where they are at all times. You can check in from any computer —anywhere. The stuff of cutting-edge scientific research today is tomorrow‘s household technology, and high-tech consumer products could be available in your future home!


What if we could wear bodysuits to give us super strength? Own an identical robot twin to work for us? What if we could travel through time? Technology is pushing from every direction, getting faster with each passing second. Prepare yourself! The future is closer than you think.

A robot conducting a symphony orchestra! Amazing as that is, it‘s just one way reality is

outpacing science fiction. Every day robots become even more sophisticated, taking on additional human traits. Until now, robots have mostly gotten the toughest jobs. They work at the assembly line and defuse or even detonate explosive devices.

The traditional tasks for a robot have always been the 3-D‘s: dull, dirty, dangerous. But as

technology improves and as researchers are work towards

developing these intelligent humanoids, we are going to see our homes and offices occupied by robots. It makes sense that if you are going to build a general-purpose robot that can perform any task that a human can do, you‘d like to give it a human shape. It can walk gracefully. His creators study motion-capture video of both humans and animals. I believe that humanoid technologies will improve our lives in the 21st century.




A leading US scientist has predicted that computers will be as intelligent as humans by 2029. Futurologist Dr Ray Kurzweil told the American Association for the Advancement of Science that in the near future, machine intelligence will overtake the power of the human brain. He said that within two decades computers will be able to think quicker than humans. Dr Kurzweil painted a picture of us having tiny robots called nanobots implanted in our brain to boost our intelligence and health. He told reporters that these microscopic nanobots would work with our brains to make us think faster and give us more powerful memories. Kurzweil explained that we are already ―a human machine civilization‖ and that the upcoming technology ―will be a further extension of that.‖

Dr Kurzweil was one of 18 top intellectuals asked by the US National Academy of Engineering to identify our greatest technological challenges. Other experts included Google founder Larry Page and the human genome pioneer Dr Craig Venter. Kurzweil has a very impressive background in science and innovation. He was an innovator in various fields of computing, including the technology behind CDs. He also pioneered automatic speech recognition by machines. He predicts the pace of new inventions will increase greatly from now, saying: ― … the next half century will see 32 times more technical progress than the past half century.‖ This mean s scenes from science fiction movies, like Blade Runner, The Terminator and I, Robot, will become more and more a part of our everyday lives. 美国著名科学家预测,电脑会和人一样聪明2029。未来学家雷·库兹韦尔博士告诉美国科学促进协会,在不久的将来,机器智能将超过人脑的能力。他说,二十年内,电脑将能够觉得快于人类。Kur zweil博士画了一张我们有微小机器人为机器人植入大脑中增加我们的智慧和健康。他告诉记者,这些微小的纳米机器人将与我们的大脑,使我们觉得更快,让我们更强大的记忆。库兹威尔解释说,我们已经是―一人一机文明‖,即将到来的技术‖将进一步的延伸。‖Kur zweil博士是一个18的高级知识分子的要求由美国国家工程院确定我们最大的技术挑战。其他专家包括谷歌创始人佩吉和人类基因组的先驱克雷格·文特尔博士。有一个非常令人印象深刻的时代背景,在科学和创新。他是一个创新者在各种领域的计算,包括背后的技术光盘。他还首创了自动语音识别机。他预测的步伐的新发明将大大增加了,说:―……接下来的半个世纪将看到32倍以上的技术进展比过去半个世纪。‖这意味着从科幻电影场景,像银翼杀手的终结者,我,机器人,将越来越成为我们日常生活的一部分生活。

The scientists who launched the Human Genome Project believed in the power of genetic information to transform health care to allow earlier diagnosis of diseases than ever before and to fuel the creation of powerful new medicines.

But it was also clear that genetic information could potentially be used in ways that are hurtful or unfair —for example denying health insurance because of an increased risk for developing a particular disease.

Aware of the danger and hoping to ward it off, the founders of the Human Genome Project created a program to explore the ethical, legal, and social implications of new genetic knowledge. The goal was to anticipate problems that might arise and to prompt solutions.

For example, in the future, doctors will likely be able to give each of us a ―genetic report card‖ that wil l spell out our risk of developing a variety of different diseases. But will we really want that information? How will it be used? Who will have access to our genetic information? How will it affect our lives, our families, and our communities?

The challenge of addressing these issues is not reserved for scientists. We all have a stake in making sure that everyone will benefit from genetic research and no one is harmed.





―Art does not solve problems, but makes us aware of their existence,‖ sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz has said. Arts education, on the other hand, does solve problems. Years of research show that it‘s closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equal opportunity. Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork. A 2005 report by the Rand Corporation about the visual arts argues that the intrinsic pleasures and stimulation of the art experience do more than sweeten an individual‘s life —according to the report, they ―can connect people more deeply to the world and open them to new ways of seeing,‖ creating the foundation to forge social bonds and community cohesion. Comprehensive, innovative arts initiatives are taking root in a growing number of school districts. Many of these models are based on new findings in brain research and cognitive development, and they embrace a variety of approaches: using the arts as a learning tool, incorporating arts into other core classes and creating a school environment rich in arts and culture. ―When you think about the purposes of education, there are three,‖ an educator says. ―We‘re preparing kids for jobs. We‘re preparing them to be citizens. And we‘re teaching them to be human beings who can enjoy the deeper forms of beauty. The third is as important as the other two.‖


The arts are windows of the world in the same way that science helps us see the world around us.

Literature, music, theater, the visual arts, the media, architecture, and dance reveal aspects about ourselves, the world around us, and the relationship between the two. In 1937, German planes flying for Franco in the Spanish civil war bombed a defenseless village as a laboratory experiment, killing many of the inhabitants. In Guernica, Pablo Picasso painted his outrage in the form of a vicious bull surveying a scene of human beings screaming, suffering, and dying. These powerful images mark in our minds the horror of a senseless act of war.

Today, one major goal of education has become very practical: employability. Children should know

how to read, write, and compute so that they can assume a place in the work force. Few would argue with that. But this objective should not allow us to overlook the importance of the arts and what they can do for the mind and spirit of every child and the function of schooling.

Educational administrators need to be reminded that schools have a fundamental responsibility to

provide the fuel that will ignite the mind, spark the aspirations, and illuminate the human spirit. The arts can often serve as that fuel. They are the ways we apply our imagination, thought, and feeling through a range of ―languages‖ to illuminate life in all its mysteries, miseries, delights, pities, and wonders.





A solution may be at hand for holidaymakers who are finding it harder to get off the beaten track. For those who really want to get away from it all, a new holiday destination has sprung up —Antarctica. However, this new hotspot, or freezing zone, might only be for those with the deepest pockets if a new policy gets under way. Tourism on Antarctica has been increasing dramatically in the past twenty years, from a few thousand people in 1985 to more than 40,000 in 2007. The growing numbers are having a negative effect on the pristine environment of the South Pole. To combat this, researchers from Holland‘s Maastricht University have come up with a possible solution: limit the number of tourists allowed to visit

and auction the vacations to the highest bidders.

Many environmental protection agencies agree that there is a need to protect the frozen wilderness from the damage created by modern tourism. Antarctica is the last unspoiled place on Earth. It has a very delicate ecosystem that could be easily upset by hordes of tourists landing in airplanes and using skimobiles. A difficulty exists because Antarctica is not a country and therefore has no government to pass laws or guidelines to control the number of visitors. The Maastricht University team‘s proposal to auction off a fixed number of tourist places seems a workable solution. It would limit the number of visitors and therefore contain the amount of environmental damage, and the money would be used to protect Antarctica‘s future.


During your traveling, tread lightly and respect the natural environment. These destinations are World Heritage sites because of their exceptional natural or cultural splendour. Do your part to keep them that way by following designated trails, respecting caretakers and not removing archaeological

or biological treasures from sites. Besides, while it is important to support local economies, certain tourist activities and souvenirs can damage a fragile World Heritage site. Say ―no‖ to souvenirs that are a piece of the site itself and to tourist activities that may be harmful to a site‘s longevity.




Anyone who has experienced it knows all too well –video game addiction is real. Although gaming addiction is not yet officially recognized as a disorder by the American Medical Association, there is increasing evidence that people of all ages, especially teens and pre-teens, are facing very real, sometimes severe consequences associated with compulsive use of video and computer games.

Video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed and compelling to a growing international audience of players. With better graphics, more realistic characters and greater strategic challenges, it‘s not surprising that some teens would rather play the latest video game than hang out with friends, play sports or even watch television.

Of course, all gamers are not addicts –many teens can play video games a few hours a week, successfully balancing school activities, grades, friends and family obligations. But for some gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Studies estimate that 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers exhibit signs that meet the World Health Organization‘s criteria for addiction. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviors, teens can become so enthralled in the fantasy world of gaming that they neglect their family, friends, work and school.

任何人谁经历它深知–视频游戏成瘾是真实的。虽然游戏成瘾尚未正式承认为一种疾病的美国医学协会,有越来越多的证据表明,各种年龄的人,特别是青少年和青春期前的孩子,面对的是非常真实的,有时严重的后果与强迫性使用的视频和电脑游戏。视频游戏也变得越来越复杂,详细和令人信服,越来越多的国际观众的球员。更好的图形,更现实的人物和更大的战略挑战,这并不奇怪,一些青少年宁愿玩最新的视频游戏和朋友出去玩,玩或看电视。当然,所有玩家都不依赖–许多青少年可以玩视频游戏几个小时一个星期,成功地平衡学校活动,成绩,家人和朋友的义务。但一些游戏已成为一种无法控制的冲动。研究估计,百分之10至百分之15的玩家展出的迹象,符合世界卫生组织的标准成瘾。就像赌博和其他强迫性行为,青少年可以变得如此着迷于幻想世界的游戏,他们忽视了自己的家庭,朋友,工作和学校。Internet Addiction Disorder has long been recognized as a social problem.

According to psychological counselor Li Jianling, if you have the following symptoms, it is

likely that Internet addiction has begun to infiltrate your life. Internet addicts lose track of time and spend less and less time on meals at home or at work. They are used to eating in front of a computer screen. Also, they deny spending too much time on the Net. They can‘t help going online when already busy at work, and they sneak online when family members aren‘t at home, with a sense of relief. It‘s a commonly known fact that Internet addiction can have a devastating effect on peoples‘ health and social lives. Adults may lose the most important years for their career development and students may waste too much of their youth in front of a computer screen.

But why is Internet addiction so prominent in China? Li Jianling explains that many youths are the only children in their families. They don‘t have enough chanc es to associate with

parents and relatives. Also, the lack of activities for adults can lead to Internet addiction. When people grow up, if they don‘t spend time on sports or other positive interests, they often turn to the Internet to kill time.

How do we deal with this problem? Li Jianling says associating more with family, friends and nature can really help Internet addicts kick the habit. Everyone understands that parents nowadays are busy, but if they just spend more time communicating with their kids, they can help avoid their children from becoming addicted to the Internet.



The ability of a country to reduce poverty and increase its development depends on a number of things: its physical geography, the policy choices it makes, and the resources, institutions and capacities it has access to. On top of these, money is also needed to enable a country to invest in infrastructure or programs that support economic growth and development. Countries can finance their development in several different ways. First and foremost are the domestic financial resources that countries already have —the taxes they collect on economic activity or government borrowing from the savings that people and companies make. But for many developing countries, domestic resources are insufficient to meet the scale of investment necessary. So there is often a need to supplement them with financial resources from other countries. In 2005, many donor countries committed to increasing the amount of money they give in aid by $50 billion by 2010.

Of equal importance, aid also needs to work better. For example, aid sometimes can be tied to the purchase of goods and services from the donor. This means that aid is not necessarily directed to the things that matter for poor people. This undermines the effectiveness of aid, as measured by its ability to reduce poverty. Making aid more effective is a responsibility shared by donor and recipient countries. The organization called United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been focusing on supporting recipient governments, ensuring aid coordination, and supporting to monitor arrangements that include the private sector and civil society.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the global financial crisis may have shaken world confidence, but not the international community‘s resolve to help the United Nations continue working to fight poverty and disease. Mr. Ban said the international community‘s determination to help what he calls the world‘s ―bottom billion‖ — those who live on less than $1 a day — has not weakened. During the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly that wrapped up last week in New York, member states pledged $16 billion to help the UN meet targets of cutting poverty and disease worldwide by 2015.

―Everyone has felt the earthquake on Wall Street,‖ said the U.N. chief. ―But it has not shaken our resolve. Banks may be failing, but the world‘s bottom billion can bank on us.‖ He said the generosity of these commitments is very encouraging, given the economic climate.

In the first of a new monthly series of press conferences, Mr. Ban spoke about the many challenges facing the United Nations —among them, the deteriorating situation in Darfur, the precarious political and military situation in Afghanistan, piracy and instability in Somalia and the effects of climate change.

The UN chief said that amid these crises the world must not forget the plight of others and he urged world leaders to honor the monetary pledges they have made. ―Grave as it may be, today‘s financial crisis will be overcome,‖ he said. ―We must underline the need for ?crisis-proofing‘ of the important priorities of the United Nations from international financial turbulence.‖




1适应校园生活——来自世界各地的访谈 塔尼娅?扎茹茨卡娅莫斯科,俄罗斯 去年的这个时候,我对新生活感到很紧张。我没有朋友,也是第一次离开家。一开始,我一天到晚都在忙功课:上课,并且学习到深夜。 可后来我意识到我错过了大学里许多其他活动。一天,跟我住同一幢宿舍楼的一个女孩儿邀请全楼的人去参加一个晚宴。我不知道她在哪儿买的那些吃的,也不清楚她怎么会有足够的钱。而且她穿得像个模特儿。我真不知道她干嘛还要费那劲儿上大学!现在我结识了许多有趣的人,既努力学习,也快乐地生活。 米古尔?方斯卡瓜达拉哈拉,墨西哥 刚上大学的时候,我尽量把教授们在课堂上说的每一句话都记下来。结果是我光忙着记笔记,都顾不上听讲了。我现在学的是化学,现在学的东西似乎都比我们在中学里学的复杂。不过我意识到,在大学里,你应该更多地去听、去思考。现在,我已弄清新知识和过去所学知识之间的差别了。 弗兰辛?博内里昂,法国 我刚来时,这所大学似乎很大,也很不友好。一开始,我觉得很难适应缺乏指导的自由生活。上中学的时候,我已经习惯了晚上做家庭作业。 如何使用每月的生活费也让我感到很头疼。你得买食品、书、公交车票、衣服等东西,这和小时候在家花零花钱大不一样。每学期的钱是一次性汇来的,所以一开始我总觉得手头相当宽裕。然后我就大手大脚地花钱,搞到后来每天只能吃一个三明治! 我现在认识到家长或老师不再有照顾我的责任了。长这么大第一次,我该自己打理自己的生活了……可我却不知道该怎么办! ?2世界各地的街头小吃 “快餐”这个词通常会让人想起汉堡包和薯条。我们会想到送到现代市民手中的过度包装、却并不健康的饭菜。而人们也只是把食物当作聊以充饥的东西,而不是可以享用的美食。 事实上,快餐并不是现代社会的产物。到世界上任何一个地方旅游,你都会看到街头小贩的身影,听见他们卖各式各样的地方小吃的吆喝声。这些小吃通常都是用几样当地的基本配料加工而成,现场制作,立等可取。 商业化的快餐制作采用工业化的加工程序,用现成的配料大量烹制,然后重新加热。不管你到世界的哪个地方吃麦当劳,食物的味道都是一样的。 而街头小吃在多数地方都是现场烹制的。你只需闻着香味,一边看一边等着小贩给你准备新鲜的小吃。尽管在一些地方卫生条件差强人意,但因为食物一般是高温快速烹制的,吃起来基本安全。


第一章 1. What is an academic topic? ---A topic studied in schools by university professors and by scholars, around which a discipline and a body of literture have grown up. 2. What does research mean? ---Reading and study of various kinds of evidence, mainly but not exclusively drawn from written materials. 3. What kinds of materials may research be based on? ---Printed materials, written materials that are not printed, spoken materials, visual materials, and digital documents from the Internet. 4. What does “operating in a scholarly way” mean? ---Building new knowledge by analyzing and learning from what others have done and adding fresh insights to it. 5. What is the length of a typical research paper? ---10-15 double-spaced pages / 3000-5000 words. 第二章 1. What are the four elements discussed in the lecture? ---Subject, topic, question and thesis. 2. Which is supposed to be more specific, a subject or a topic? ---A topic. 3. What is an appropriate topic characterized by? ---It can be covered adequately and interestingly in just 10-15 pages. 4. Why was Lincoln able to win the election of 1860? ---Because of his ambiguous position on slavery/By not taking a very firm or clear stand on slavery. 5. What is the function of the thesis of a research paper? ---The thesis states what you want to say about the topic-your conclusion based on your research and thought. 6.How do you judge whether a topic is appropriate or not? ---It can be covered adequately and interestingly in just 10-15 pages. 第三章 1. What is a good topic? A good topic: ? is not merely a narrative, ? is not too broad, ? is not too narrow, ? has research sources, ? has not been overdone, and ? interests you. 2. What is a good working thesis? A good working thesis: ? can be stated in a single clear sentence, ? is a positive, non-obvious statement, and ? can be tested through research. 3.What kind of thesis is a good working thesis? ·It can be stated in a single clear sentence. ·It is a positive,non-obvious statement ,and ·It can be tested through research. 第四章 1. What is plagiarism? ---A kind of theft. 2. What does the word “publishing” mean according to the professor? ---Something printed in book/magazine form or anything posted on the Internet. 3. What are the four different types of plagiarism? ? Buying, borrowing, or reusing a paper. ? Claiming as your own a piece of writing from a published source. ? Quoting words, sentences, paragraphs, or pages from another writer’s work without giving that writer credit. ? Copying another writer’s sequence of ideas without giving that writer credit. 4. What transitional words does the professor use to introduce the four different types of plagiarism? ---First, next, also, finally. 5. What will you teacher or advisor do when you commit plagiarism? You teacher or your advisor will refuse to write a letter of recommendation. 6.what does the speaker mean when he explains the point “citing sources in a scholarly fashion”? Following standard rules and procedures to explain where you found the facts and ideas you are borrowing. 7.What does “publishing” also refer to? “Publishing” also refers to the act of posting an item on the Internet. 第五章 1. What is common knowledge? ? Information that you and your friends all know. ? Any information that could be easily obtained from many sources and that is not open to dispute or varying interpretations. (also) 2. What is a fact? ---An event in the real world that practically everyone can point to and agree on. 3. What is an opinion or interpretation? ---A personal spin (remark), attitude, or feeling to the real- world event, which not everyone will agree on.


UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse:Y ou look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy? Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter? Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按[1~5]的顺序编号。对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。怎么了,萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧? 戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃了太多的垃圾食品。 因此,昨天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几乎起不来床 了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗? 本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球时伤了我自己。最初看起来还可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。 对话4 护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希? 南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙痛。非常痛!我真的也不能吃任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5 护士:怎么了,朱迪? 朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非常困难。 护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足够的水。现在我喉咙非常痛。


UNIT 1 Welcome to Insidermedicine In Depth. I'm Dr. Susan Sharma. Focusing time and energy on the most personally meaningful aspects of their work may help physicians avoid burnout, according to a survey published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Here are some consequences of physician burnout, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine: ?Increased risk for substance abuse ?Damage to personal relationships, and ?Increased risk for developing inappropriate prescribing patterns Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester surveyed over 550 physicians in the department of internal medicine at a large academic medical center. The survey included questions about job satisfaction, emotional well-being, and the aspects of the jobs that were the most meaningful. As many as 34% of respondents met the criteria for burnout, including emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a low sense of personal accomplishment. The 88% who said they spent at least 20% of their working time on activities they found to be the most meaningful had about half the burnout rate of those who did not. Today's research highlights the need to optimize career fit among physicians in order to reduce burnout rates. For Insidermedicine In Depth, I'm Dr. Susan Sharma.1 UNIT 2 So I work in marketing, which I love, but my first passion was physics, a passion brought to me by a wonderful school teacher, when I had a little less gray hair. So he taught me that physics is cool because it teaches us so much about the world around us. Tonight I'm going to spend the next few minutes trying to convince you that physics can teach us something about marketing. So, quick show of hands —Who studied some marketing in university? (Show of hands.) Who studied some physics in university? (Show of hands.) Ooh, pretty good. And at school? (Show of hands.) Okay, lots of you. So, hopefully this will bring back some happy, or possibly some slightly disturbing memories. (Laughter.) So, physics and marketing: We'll start with something very simple, Newton's law: "The force equals mass times acceleration." This is something that perhaps Turkish Airlines should have studied a bit more carefully (Laughter.) before they ran this campaign. (Laughter.) But if we rearrange this formula quickly, we can get to acceleration equals force over mass, which means that for a larger particle, a larger mass, it requires more force to change its direction. It's the same with brands. The more massive a brand, the more baggage it has, the more force is needed to change its positioning. And that's one of the reasons why Arthur Andersen chose to launch Accenture rather than try to persuade the world that Andersen's could stand for something other than accountancy. It explains why Hoover found it very difficult to persuade the world that it was more than vacuum cleaners, (Laughter.) and why companies like Unilever and P&G keep brands separate, like Oreo and Pringles and Dove, rather than having one giant parent brand. So the physics is (that) the bigger the mass of an object, the more force is needed to change its direction. The marketing is, the bigger a brand, the more difficult (it) is to reposition it. So think about a portfolio of brands or maybe new brands for new ventures. Now, who remembers Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle? Getting a little more technical now. So this says that it's impossible, by definition, to measure exactly the state, i.e., the position, and the


2017七年级下册英语听力材料翻译 Module 1 Unit 1 2 Listen and answer the questions. 听录音并回答问题。 Betty:Is this your football, Tony? Tony:Oh yes. Thank you. And that’s my sweater. Are these your crayons, Betty? Betty:No, they aren’t. Tony:Whose crayons are they? Betty:I think they’re Lingling’s. But these gloves are mine. Tony:And that’s my wallet. 贝蒂:这是你的足球吗,托尼? 托尼:哦,是的。谢谢你。那是我的毛衣。这是你的蜡笔吗,贝蒂? 贝蒂:不,不是。 托尼:它们是谁的蜡笔? 贝蒂:我认为它们是玲玲的。但这手套是我的。 托尼:那是我的钱包。 Module 2 Unit 1 2 Listen and check(√) the things in Activity 1 which Tony’s dad can do. 听录音,在活动1中托尼的爸爸能做的事情处打“√”。 Tony: Can you sing, Dad? Tony’s dad: No, I can’t. Why do you ask? Tony: Because we have singing today at school. Can you ride a bike, Dad? Tony’s dad: Yes, I can. Tony: Can you cook? Tony’s dad: Yes, I can. Tony: Can you speak Chinese? Tony’s dad: No, I can’t. Can you teach me? Tony: OK. I can teach you Chinese after school. Tony’s dad: Thanks. Have a good day at school. And please be careful! 托尼:你会唱歌吗,爸爸? 托尼的爸爸:不,我不会。你为什么这样问? 托尼:因为我们今天在学校里有音乐课。你会骑自行车吗,爸爸? 托尼的爸爸:是的,我会。 托尼:你会烹饪吗? 托尼的爸爸:是的,我会。 托尼:你会说汉语吗? 托尼的爸爸:不,我不会。你能教我吗? 托尼:好的。我放学后可以教你汉语。


第一单元 第一单元 1. Betty Russell is a(n) _________. 1。贝蒂罗素是一个(N)_________。 A. professor who teaches international students A.教授国际学生 B. officer from the International Students’ Office B.军官从国际学生办公室 C. library director C.图书馆馆长 D. program director D.项目经理 2. It is important for new students to _________ first. 2。新学生_________第一重要的是。 A. get the ID card 答:拿身份证 B. pick up the library card B.拿起图书卡 C. have a medical check-up C.进行体检 D. enroll D.报名 3. When they use the school sports facilities, the students must _________. 3。当他们使用学校的体育设施,学生必须_________。 A. pay the fee A.支付费用 B. show their ID card B.出示身份证 C. prove they are students C.证明他们是学生 D. like sports 喜欢的体育运动 4. At the health center, the medical service is free for _________. 4。在医疗中心,医疗服务是免费的_________。 A. all international students 答:所有的国际学生 B. both students and staff B.学生和工作人员 C. all enrolled students C.所有在校学生 D. all students who need medical assistance


1.你希望你在做谈话好吗?一个伟大的健谈的人是与人,让他们觉得自己很重 要。他们跟你说话的时候,让你觉得你房间里唯一的人。 成为一个好的沟通者需要知道三件事:第一,如何开始谈话;第二,如何保持下去;第三,如何结束它。 开始一段谈话通常意味着要有一个开口线或破冰。冰断路器最好是积极的。赞美的话总是一个很好的破冰船,通常会欣赏。任何新闻事件是一个很好的破冰。事实上,任何开口线都行,只要不是负面的,只要它不是一个谎言。为了吸引人和你谈话的最好方式就是真诚和尊重,并让他们知道你是在谈论他们的兴趣。 一旦你已经有了一个谈话,保持它的最好方法就是通过问对方问题,不需要回答是或否。问类似的问题记者会问出一个人:谁,什么,何时,哪里,为什么和如何的问题。你问的最后一个人的问题说。这就是所谓的“加工工艺”。一旦你想到你觉得有趣,不断地提问,为了得到人阐述的话题尽可能多的。一个健谈的人阐述了他们的经验。不是说党是有趣的,为什么它是有趣的。说明为什么你有一个很好的时间里,发生了什么事,它在哪里,以及人们如何安排宴会。进入细节。描述是最好的沟通方式,因为它让人们的兴趣,激发他们。 如果你开始与另一个人交谈,你有困难的结局,有几个信号可以发送给其他人,会将谈话接近尾声时不伤害任何人的感情。打破眼神接触是一种谨慎的信号,谈话即将结束。另一种信号是使用过渡词一样好,或者至少。你可能想翻新都说。无论你做什么,不要欺骗别人。如果你不感兴趣又对他们说,不要提及未来的会议可能只是出于礼貌。那是虚伪的。相反,你可以说,“很高兴见到你。”然后,离开。 最后,一定要给对方一个良好的,坚定的握手。最后你的印象会是重要的一个初始的你。 2。一般来说,是很有礼貌的说“恭喜你!“(充满激情的)当一个人已经完成的东西。这类场合的例子包括毕业,升职,孩子的出生,和一个家庭购买。当是为了祝贺,有时还适当的给的礼物,尤其是当被邀请参加一个生日,毕业,结婚,或周年晚会。 邀请可以说在下一个RSVP,指的是一个法语意思“回应”的缩写,请”。如果邀请函上说,“RSVP唯一遗憾的回应,“通过电子邮件或电话如果你不能来。 同样必须注意在悲伤的场合礼貌。如果你的同事,同学,邻居的经验在家庭中的死亡,这是适当的表示同情。在这样做的话,应该避免死亡或死亡。最好是简单地说,“我很遗憾听到你的损失。”


Unit 1 Presenting a Speech Road Building Good morning, everyone. Today I'l l be talking about the relationship between road building and the development of the American economy during the 18th century. About 300 years ago, the United States' economy was growing rapidly, mainly because of a booming trade in two important agricultural products: grain and cotton. Grain output in the eastern part of America increased quickly at that time due to the rapidly growing population and the large number of immigrants from Europe. As a result, the demand for grain almost doubled. For this reason, the trade in grain first developed in this part of the country. At the same time, the road system was gradually built up in order to transport the grain from the rural areas to various cities. The road building clearly helped develop the economy quickly in these areas and in the cities as well. During the same period, farmers in the South could get a large amount of laborers from Africa, and they started to grow cotton. As the cotton output increased, the farmers needed to sell it in other places. As a result, many roads were built to link the rural areas to the cities. At first, this trade of grain and cotton took place along the coast, or near rivers and lakes. It took place there because it was easy and cheap to transport goods from one place to another. Before 1700, it was very expensive to move the goods by road.

新标准大学英语 视听说 听力及翻译

新标准大学英语视听说听力及翻译 Listening in 1 Passage one Interviewer: Can you tell me…how do you think you have changed as you have matured?What things have had a major influence on you? Speaker 1 : Well, let me think…I suppose going to university had a big impact on my life. It made me much more open-mind ed. I met so many different types of people there with weird and wonderful ideas and it changed the way I see the world. I’m much more tolerant now… It mad e me a more rounded person. Interviewer: Great, and had any particular person had a central role in forming your character? Speaker 1: I guess that’d have to be my grandfather. I was very close to him, and he taught me to stand up for my beliefs. He was always telling me about this…Interviewer: So what peopl e or events have had an impact on your life? Speaker 2: I think that traveling my gap year made me grow up and see both the beauty of the world and, well…just the generosity of ordinary people. I traveled a lot

学术综合英语听力原文 学术综合英语听力材料

学术综合英语听力原文学术综合英语听力材料导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“学术综合英语听力材 料”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd11321281.html,的支持! Comprehensive Academic English For Graduates 新编研究生英语系列教材 学术综合英语 Comprehensive Academic English For Graduates 听力材料 罗立胜 Comprehensive Academic English For Graduates 上海外语教育出版社 Comprehensive Academic English For Graduates 1 目录 Unit 1 Presenting a Speech ............................................................. (1) Road Building ........................................................... (1) The Mississippi River in America ............................................................ .. (1)

Unit 2 Energy Conservation ....................................................... .. (2) An Eyewitness to Changes in China .............................................................. .. (2) Talk with ―Harry Potter‖ –Daniel Radcliffe Answers Questions form Fans (4) Unit 3 Traffic ............................................................ . (5) 2 Driving While on a Cell Phone Worse Than Driving While Drunk (5) Quake Kills at Least 300 on Indonesian Island ............................................................. .. (6) Unit 4 Social Behavior ........................................................... .. (7) The Men’s Movement: What Does It Mean to Be a Man? (7) Husbands and Wives: a Caller form

大学英语听力 第一单元翻译

Test 1听力原文及参考答案 Section A 1.W; Excuse me, when will the 7:15 bus arrive? M: It's been delayed two hours because a bridge was broken. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? (C)The bus will probably arrive at 9:15 女:打扰一下,应该在7:15到达的公共汽车怎么还没到达呢? 男:因为一座桥坏了,所以耽搁了2个小时 问:对话的内容讲的是什么? 答:公共汽车大概9:15到达。 2.W: I'm afraid Susan's question made you angry, M: Don't worry. If I had been angry, I would have refused to answer it. Q: How did the man feel? (B)He wasn't annoyed by Susan. 女:我担心苏珊问的问题让你生气。 男:不用担心,如果我生气了,我就拒绝回答她的问题。 问:这位男士的感受是什么? 答:他不会对苏珊恼怒。 3.W: We have been waiting for you for over an hour. M: I'm sorry. I would have been here sooner if I'd not been held up by the traffic jam. Q: Why was the man late? (A)The traffic was too busy. 女:我已经等你一个多小时了。 男:对不起,要不是被堵车耽误了,我早该到了 问:这个男人为什么迟到? 答:因为堵车。 4. W: Could I please borrow a pen from you? Mine has just run out of ink. M: I'm afraid I don't have an extra one Would a pencil do? Q: How did the man respond to the woman's request? (B)He offered her a pencil. 女:你能借我一支笔吗?我的笔墨水好像用完了。 男:我恐怕没有多余的,铅笔可以吗? 问:男人怎么回答这个问题的? 答:他借她一支铅笔。 5.M: If George doesn't come to dinner, we'll have 13. W: Let's invite tow more just in case. Q: How marry people will have dinner? (A)16. 男:如果乔治不来吃饭,我们只有13个人 女:我们再多请2个人吧 问:有多少人参加聚餐? 答:16个人


1.M: You call Mike a dreamer, but I think he’s got a lot of ideas. W: Good ideas are only useful if you make something out of them. Q: Why does the woman think that Mike is a dreamer? 2.M: Hello, Susan. Could you please meet Mr. James at the airport? His flight is BA 553 from London. He should arrive at about 10 o’clock. Mr. James is in his late fifties, average height and has short, curly, gray hair. His meeting with the Sales Department is at 4:00. Thank you. W: Sure, no problem. Q: What does the man mean? 3.M: Hello, I’m a senior student. Could you tell me whether this reference room is only for faculty members? W: No, it’s also open to the postgraduates; and undergraduates can come too if they’ve got professors’ written permission.
