



Note: This form is to be completed in block letter in Chinese or English, printing recommended.


Note: Applicant should submit this form together with all other documents required in our admission

brochure. An incomplete application, or failure to submit supporting documents, will DELAY the process of your application.



注:1、接到您完整的申请材料,经审查合格后,我们将在两个月内寄发《入学通知书》和《JW202》(来华签证申 请表)。 2、申请表及材料传真无效。如未被录取,所寄材料及报名费不予退还。 3、本表每份仅限申请一期,若想申请两期以上,请分别填写申请表(申请表可复印使用)。 4、申请人请将所需材料及费用(现金或汇款收据复印件)在开学前两个月寄到或送交国际教育学院办公室。Notes: 1. Within two months after receiving the application, the University will send a Admission Notice, along with Form JW202 for visa application, to student who is accepted. 2. Application materials sent by fax are unacceptable. The application fee is nonrefundable. Application documents will not be returned. 3. Each application is valid for one session of study. Those who wish to join more than one session successively must apply and pay the application fees separately (The Form can be copied). 4. The completed form should be returned two months before the opening of the university to the College of International Exchange Office together with the required supporting documents and the registration fee (cash if submitted in person or a photocopy of the telegraphic transfer receipt)

application form for foreigners

中华人民共和国四川大学Sichuan University P.R.C. 外国留学生来华学习申请表Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study in China

(一)报名费Application Fee: 600 Yuan RMB (二)学费/学年Fees for Tuition (one academic year) 1. 文科Humanities and Social Science: 语言学习生Language student 16500 yuan RMB 本科生Undergraduate 17500 yuan RMB 硕士研究生Graduate for M.A.Degree22000 yuan RMB 博士研究生Graduate for Ph.D. Degree 26000 yuan RMB 普通进修生Regular trainee 16500 yuan RMB 高级进修生Advanced trainee 21000 yuan RMB 研究学者Visiting Scholars 36000 yuan RMB 2. 理科Science and Engineering 本科生Undergraduate 22000 yuan RMB 硕士研究生Graduate for M.A.degree25000 yuan RMB 博士研究生Graduate for Ph.D.degree 37000 yuan RMB 普通进修生Regular trainee 21000 yuan RMB 高级进修生Advanced trainee 23000 yuan RMB (三)住宿费/Accommodation 1.双人间宿费/天Rent for one bed in a two-bed room suite 24 RMB (Per day) 2.单人间宿费/天Rent for single room with a private bathroom 48 RMB (Per day) 3.标准间宿费/天Rent for standard room with a shared bathroom 36 RMB (Per day) (四)如决定来我校学习,请填好此申请表并尽寄回。经审核通过后,我办将“来华留学签证申请表”和“入学通知书”寄给你。 Please send this form back as soon as possible,then the visa application form(JW202 form)and the Admission Notice will be sent to you. (五)申请攻读本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生的学生,必须提供最后学历证明的复印件。 Candidates for applying B.A., M.A., Ph. D. have to submit the duplicate(s) of the Diploma of most advanced studies. 四川大学留学生办公室Overseas Student Office, Sichuan University 中国·成都·一环路南一段24号No.24, South Section 1, Yihuan Rd., Chengdu, P. R. China 610065 Website:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html, Tel:0086-28-85401808/85407199(English), 85405773(Japanese) Fax:0086-28-85405773 E-mail: nic8203@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html,(Degree students) bioluo@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html, (Asian and African students) nic8202@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html,(European, American and Australian students)


中山大学外国留学生入学申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY 1. 姓 FAMIL Y NAME____ ________ ____ 名 GIVEN NAMES__________________ ___ 2. 国籍 性别 NATIONALITY____________ ______ ___ SEX_______ 3. 护照号码 Passport Number.________ ____________________ 4. 出生日期 DATE OF BIRTH __________year___________ month __________day 5. 出生地 PLACE OF BIRTH__________________________ 6.婚否 MARITAL STATUS_______________ 7.职业和单位 OCCUPATION (if a student, give the name of your institution) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8.学习经历 (EDUCA TIONAL EXPERIENCES ) __ ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9.汉语熟悉程度 (The CHINESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY ): A. 汉语口语(THE SPOKEN CHINESE PROFICIENCY ) □很好/ excellent □好/good □一般/fair □不会/beginning B. 汉字(THE CHINESE CHARACTERS ): □很好/ excellent □好/good □一般/fair □不会/beginning C . 你曾经学过多长时间汉语(HOW LONG HAVE YOU LEARNE D CHINES E )? □600学时以上/ OVER 600 CLASS HOURS □400-600学时以上/400-600 CLASS HOURS □200-400学时/200-400 CLASS HOURS □50-200学时/50-200 CLASS HOURS □50学时以下/LESS THAN 50 CLASS HOURS D . 汉语水平考试等级(TH E CHINESE PROFICIENCY TEST/HSK ): □ 级/BAND □考过,没有级/YES ,BUT NO GRADES □没有考过 /NO


外国留学生申请表(一) Application Form ( I ) for Foreigners to Study at North China University of Water Resources & Electric Power (NCWU) 河南省郑州市北环路36号电话/Tel: 86-******** 36, Beihuan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan ******** China 传真/Fax: 86-******** 请用正楷填写/Please use block letter 电子邮件E-mail: fao@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html,

Please complete form (Ⅱ) if you are applying for degree program.

外国留学生申请表(二) Application Form ( II ) for Foreigners to Study at North China University of Water Resources & Electric Power (NCWU) 河南省郑州市北环路36号电话/Tel: 86-******** 36, Beihuan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan ******** China 传真/Fax: 86-******** 请用正楷填写/Please use block letter 电子邮件E-mail: fao@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html,

注意:所填内容必须正确无误,不完整的申请表或未按要求交验有关材料,将会延误对此申请的审理时间。 Important: All the information should be true and correct. An incomplete application, or the supporting document not submitted, WILL DELAY the process of your application.



A. The applicant should faithfully fill in the Application Form and prepare the following documents: 1. 非学历生/ Non-degree Students ①学历证书:本人最后学历证书的复印件或高中或大学在校学习证明/Academic diploma: A copy of the applicant’s latest academic diploma or confirmation of enrollment in high school or university. ②申请者护照首页的复印件/A copy of the applicant’s passport(the page with applicant’s photo.). ③申请人如在境外,需提供《外国人体格检查记录》(表格为中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,在中国驻外使领馆可以办理)复印件(一式两份)。申请人须严格按照《外国人体格检查记录》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章的《外国人体格检查记录》无效。鉴于检查结果有效期为6个月,请申请人据此确定本人进行体检的时间。 Applicant if not lives in China, shall provide two copies of photocopy of PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER (this form is printed by Chinese Ministry of Health and Quarantine; applicant can get it from Chinese Embassy). Applicant should follow strictly the required terms on PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER to do physical examination. Any term failed to be examined, form without photo or without paging seal on the photo will cause your PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER invalid. Due to the valid period for PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER is 6 months, applicant should confirm the time for physical examination accordingly. 2. 学历生/ Degree Students ①学历证书:本人最后学历证书的复印件或大学在校学习证明/Academic diploma: A copy of the applicant’s latest academic diploma or confirmation of enrollment in high school or university. ②成绩单:本人最后学历成绩单的复印件(经发证机关认证)/Academic record: The notarized copy of the academic records. ③两封推荐信(如申请博士研究生)/ Two recommendation/reference letters.(If applying for doctoral candidate.) ④申请者护照首页的复印件/A copy of the applicant’s passport (the page with applicant’s photo). ⑤申请人如在境外,《外国人体格检查记录》(表格为中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,在中国驻外使领馆可以办理)复印件(一式两份)。申请人须严格按照《外国人体格检查记录》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章的《外国人体格检查记录》无效。鉴于检查结果有效期为6个月,请申请人据此确定本人进行体检的时间。 Applicant if not lives in China, shall provide two copies of photocopy of PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER (this form is printed by Chinese Ministry of Health and Quarantine; applicant can get it from Chinese Embassy). Applicant should follow strictly the required terms on PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER to do physical examination. Any term failed to be examined, form without photo or without paging seal on the photo will cause your PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER invalid. Due to the valid period for PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER is 6 months, applicant should confirm the time for physical examination accordingly. 3. 凡在中国其他正规学校学习的人员申请来我校学习,还应提供/ More documents are required for those who are studying in another Chinese institution: ①所在院校留学生办公室的转学同意信(必须加盖公章)/ A stamped approval letter from the Foreign Students’ Office of the current hosting institution. ②在华有效签证或居留证复印件/ A copy of the valid visa or Residence Permit in China. B. 请于报名截止时间前将填写好的申请表和其他材料邮寄发送至: B. Please send the filled Application Form and other required documents by surface mail to: 中国·湖南省**市迎丰东路612号**学院国际交流处邮编:******** International Office Huaihua University 612 East Yingfeng Rd, Huaihua, Hunan, P. R. China ******** 电话/Tel:+86-******** 传真/Fax:+86-******** E-mail: hhxywsb@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html, C. 收到您完整的申请材料,经审查合格后,我们将在两个月内寄发《入学通知书》和《来华签证申请表》 (JW202) C. On receiving your complete application documents, we will send you both the Admission Notice and Visa Application


地址:云南省昆明市呈贡新区吴家营雨花片区3号 650500 No. No.3 Yuhua Pianqu ,Chenggong ,Kunming ,China 650500 外国留学生来华学习申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR FOREIGNERS WISHING TO STUDY IN CHINA 1,护照用名/Full legal name_________________________ 姓(Surname ) 名 (First ) MIDDLE 2,中文姓名/Chinese name (姓/surname 名/first )______________ 3,国籍/Country of citizenship___________ 4,护照号码/Passport No.__________________ 5,性别/Sex 〇男/Male 〇女/Female 6,婚姻状况/Marital status__________ 7,宗教/Religion_______________ 8,出生日期(年/月/日)Date of birth (y/m/d )______/___/____ 9,出生地点/Place of birth______________ 10家庭地址Home address _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 11,本人工作单位/Company_______________________职业/Occupation_____________ 传真/Fax __________电话/Telephone___________电邮/E-mail_________________ 12,目前通讯地址/Current mail address if different from permanent address: _ ____电话/Telephone___________________电邮/E-mail_______________ 13,来华学习单位、专业/Research field and institute in China ____________________________ 14、家庭成员信息:父亲Father :_________________电话_Telephone_______________ 工作单位Company__________________________________________________________ 母亲:Mother_________________ 电话__Telephone_______________ 工作单位Company_________________________________________________________ 15、汉语水平(请自评)Your Chinese level________________ 16,学习期限/duration of study 自/From____年/Year____月/Month 至/To_____年/Year____月/Month 17,本人学历(最后学历)/Education background (Highest educational level ) 校名/Name____________________ 地点/Location_____________________ 专业/Major_________时间/Dates attended___________所获学位/Degree Awarded________ 18,经费来源Source of funding 〇奖学金scholarship : 类别 Categories_______________________________〇自费self-supporting 〇其它others ___________________________ 19,在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度。/ While studying in China, I shall abide by the laws of Chinese government and the regulations of yunnan University of Nationalities 上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的All the information I provided above is true and correct


南京农业大学外国留学生入学申请表 Nanjing Agricultural University Application Form f or Foreign Students

填表说明NOTICE: i本栏可提供工作、项目及研究经历。Refer to any major job/project/research experiences. ii 申请人是否为在校生,如是,请说明学习专业名称。Whether you are a current student or not, if yes, clarify the program you are currently enrolled in. iii 本栏只适用于非在校生。Only applicable to non-current students. iv 请说明是否为自费/父母出资/本国校级奖学金/或其他资金来源。如申请中国政府奖学金或其他中方提供的奖学金,请勿填写此栏。Clarify whether you are self-support/parents-support/ university scholarship support/or supported by any other funding sources. CSC or any Chinese scholarship is not included. v 研究生学习时间:博士生4年,硕士生3年;本科生学习时间:4-5年(5年为动物医学专业);入学时间: 1.春季学期从2月开始; 2.秋季学期从9月开始。Term of study for Graduate programs: PhD students require 4 years; Master students require


北京印刷学院外国留学生入学申请表 Application Form for International Students of BIGC ●请用中文或英文填写此表 Please complete the form in Chinese or English. ●请打印填写 P lease type clearly in block capitals . 1.申请人情况Personal Information 姓名Name 护照用名 Passport Name 姓 Family Name 照 片 Photo 名 Given Name 中文姓名 Chinese Name 性别Gender 国籍 Nationality 婚姻状况 Marital Status 护照号码Passport No. 有效期至 Valid Until _________年______月_______日 Yr. Mon. Date 出生日期 _________年______月_______日Date of Birth Yr. Mon. Date 出生地国家城市Place of Birth Country City 最高学历 Highest Degree Awarded 宗教信仰 Religion 母语 Native Language 目前所在学校或单位Present Institution or Employer 职业Occupation 电话Tel. 传真 Fax 电子邮件 E-mail JW202表和录取通知书邮寄地址 Mailing Address to which JW202 form and Admission Notice should be sent . 家庭住址 Home Address 2.受教育情况Educational background 学校 Institution 在校时间 Year Attended 在学状态Student Status 3.汉语水平Chinese Proficiency HSK考试等级 (如果有请填写) Level of HSK Test (If available ) 参加考试时间 Date of Test 取得成绩 Score 4.申请人亲属情况Information of Family Members 姓名 Name 年龄 Age 职业 Occupation 联系电话 Tel. E-mail 父亲 Father 母亲 Mother 配偶 Spouse


交流生申请书 交流生申请书,是外国留学生申请来中国留学的一种途径。申请交流生需要提交一份申请书,这份申请书包含了申请人的个人资料、学术背景、语言能力、申请来中国留学的目的和计划等信息,通过一份完整的申请书可以让申请人更好的展示自己,增加获得录取的机会。 以下是交流生申请书的具体要求和书写规范。 一、申请书的格式要求 申请书采用A4纸,顺序(排版)整齐、清晰、布局美观、条 理分明,必须经过申请人本人撰写和签字,不得抄袭他人文章或使用已发表的公开文章。要求申请书需包含以下七个部分: 1.个人基本信息 申请人的个人基本信息,包括姓名、性别、出生年月、国籍、联系方式(email、电话、微信号等)和当前所在学校、专业。 2.学习经历 申请人得学习经历,包括最高学历学位(certificate、diploma、degree)、所学专业、学习成绩、获得奖励和学术活动等。 3.语言水平 申请人需要对自己的语言水平做出客观的描述,根据自己的实际情况如级别证书、笔试及口试成绩等来证明自己的语言水平。

同时还可以介绍自己是否在留学前、参加过相关的汉语课程。 4.留学目的和计划 申请人需要客观描述为什么想来中国留学,以及留学期间的具体计划。例如,信中需要阐述自己的留学目标、计划学习的科目/专业、希望了解的文化、结交什么样的人或者社交活动等。 5.社会经历 申请人除了学习经历之外,还可以介绍自己的社会活动、志愿者经历、实习经历、工作经历等。 6.个人特长和爱好 个人特长和爱好能充分展现申请人的舞台才能,如身体健康、体育运动、旅游、音乐,等等。 7.自我评价和总结 申请人需要对自己做一个客观总结,阐述自己的优点和不足,让招生部门能够了解自己的真实情况,以此评估他们是否适合留学生活。 二、申请书的语言表达 申请书是一份正式的文件,需要遵循书信格式和语言准确性的基本原则。正确使用语法并使用标点符号的规则,采用简洁、连贯、条理清晰、结构紧凑的表现方式。可以参考书信或其他可信的例子格式。建议在电脑上撰写申请书,使用标准的宋体字体、12号字大小,以避免格式不一致、难以阅读等情况。 此外,注意书写类型,否则有可能会被驳回。


中国科学技术大学外国留学生入学申请表 Application Form for International Students University of Science and Technology of China 地址:中国安徽合肥中国科学技术大学国际合作与交流部 230026 电话/Tel: +86-551-63603144/63600279 Address :Office of International Cooperation 传真/Fax: +86-551-63632579 University of Science and Technology of China 电子邮件/E-mail: isa@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff19239059.html, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China 1. 姓名/Name 姓/Family Name 名/Given Name MIDDLE 2. 中文姓名/Chinese Name 姓/Family Name 名/Given Name 3. 国籍/Nationality 4. 护照号码/Passport No. 5. 性别/Sex ☐ 男/Male ☐ 女/Female 6. 婚姻状况/Marital Status 7. 出生日期(年/月/日)/Date of Birth(y/m/d) / / 8. 出生地点/Place of birth 州/省/State/Province, 国家/Country 9. 永久通讯地址/Permanent Home Address 邮编/Postal Code. 电话/Telephone. 电子邮件/Email 10. 目前通讯地址/Current Mailing Address if different From Permanent Address 邮编/Postal Code 电话/Telephone. 电子邮件/E-Mail 14. 本人学历(从高中开始)/Educational Background (Starting from High School) 校名/Name 地点/Location 专业/Major 时间/Dates Attended 所获学位/Degree Awarded 照片 Photo 13. 来华留学申请类别/Categories of Foreign Students ☐ 本科生/Undergraduate Student ☐ 硕士研究生/Master ’s Candidate ☐ 博士研究生/Doctoral Candidate ☐ 普通进修生/General Scholar ☐ 高级进修生/Senior Scholar 11. 来华学习专业 (请参见招生专业目录) Major for application (Please Refer to the List of Programs) 12. 学习期限/Duration of Study 自/from 至/to


南京医科大学外国留学生入学申请表 Nanjing Medical University Application Form for International Students 英文名English Name(Same as in Passport): 姓Family Name 名Given Name 国籍Nationality:性别Sex: 出生日期Date of birth :年/Y 月/M 日/D 出生地点Place of birth: 婚否Marital Status:护照号码Passport no.: 母语Native Language:宗教Religion: 联系地址Present Address: 电话Tel:传真Fax: 电子信箱E-mail: 永久通信地址Present Address: 2.家庭信息Family Information 父亲姓名Father’s name: 从事职业Occupation: 母亲姓名Mother’s name: 从事职业Occupation: 家庭地址Present Address: 电话Tel:传真Fax: 电子信箱E-mail: 3.学习经历Educational Background(to the time of application) 学校在校时间主修专业所获毕业证书Institutions Years Attended(from /to)Fields of Study Certificate Obtained ~ ~

~ 4.工作经历Employment Record 工作单位起止时间从事工作职务及职称Employer Time(from/to)Work Engaged Posts Held ~ ~ ~ 5.语言能力Language Proficiency 1)汉语Chinese:很好Excellent□好Good□较好Fair□差Poor□不会None□HSK考试等级或其他类型汉语考试成绩Level of HSK test or other certificates which can show your Chinese level. : 2)英语English:很好Excellent□好Good□较好Fair□差Poor□不会None□我的英语水平可以用英语学习I can be taught in English:是Yes □否No □3)其他语言Other Language: 6.申请留学类别Student Status Types □短期生Short-term student □进修生Senior advanced student □本科生Bachelor’s degree candidate □硕士研究生Master’s degree candidate □博士研究生Doctor’s degree candidate 申请专业或研究专题Subject of Field of Study in NMU: 申请学习时间Duration of Specialized Study: 7.留学经费来源Source of Financial Support □全额奖学金由提供Full scholarship granted by □部分奖学金由提供Partial scholarship granted by □自费self-paying
