

Unit 1 Great scientists

Reading ---John Snow Defeats “King Cholera







1.____________ adj.科学的→____________ n.

2.____________ v t.& v i.结束;推断出→____________ n.结论;结束

3.____________ v t.打败;战胜;使受挫n.失败

4.____________ v t.照顾;护理;出席;参加→____________ n.出席;出席的人数;照顾→____________ n.服务员;出席者;随从

5.____________ v t.暴露;揭露;使曝光→____________ adj.

6.____________ n.挑战v i.向……挑战

7.____________ v t.吸收;吸引;使专心→____________ adj.全神贯注的;一心一意的8.____________ v t.怀疑n.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯

9.____________ v t.污染;弄脏→____________ n.

10.____________ n.柄;把手v t.处理;操纵

11.____________ v t.宣布;通告→____________ n.宣告;公告→____________ n.播音员;宣告者

12.____________ v t.命令;指示;教导→____________ n.教员;教练;指导员→____________ n.吩咐;命令;用法说明;操作指南


1.________________提出2.________________ 得出结论

3.________________ 使显露;暴露4.________________ 面对挑战

5.________________ 决心干某事6.________________ 将……和……联系起来7.________________ 肯定地8.________________ 被指示做某事【课内探究交流】

Ⅰ. Skimming Choose the best answer according to the text.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London.

B. The cause of the Cholera was polluted water.

C. The source of all drinking water should be examined.

D. How John Snow collected, analyzed data and found the cause of the disease and solved it.

Ⅱ. Careful reading Answer the following questions according to the passage.


1. What was John Snow′s job ? __________________________________________________

2. What problem did he find? _____________________________________________________

3. What did he want to do? _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Para.2

1. What are the two theories John Snow got interested in?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Cholera kill people? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


1. Which did he suspect? _______________________________________________________

2. How did he begin his enquiry? __________________________________________________

3. What was the reason that he was determined to find out?

_____________________________________________________________________________ Para.4

1. What did he mark on the map, first? _____________________________________________

3. What did he also notice? ______________________________________________________

4. What did he discover? ________________________________________________________

5. What was to blame? __________________________________________________________ Para.5

1. What did he do next? _________________________________________________________

2. What did he find? ____________________________________________________________

3. What did he tell the people to do? ________________________________________________

4. What had he shown? __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Para.6

1. What was the supporting evidence? ______________________________________________

2. What did he announce? ________________________________________________________

3. What was the conclusion? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Para.7

1. What did he suggest in order to prevent it from happening?


2. What happened finally? _________________________________________________________

3. What can you learn from the passage? _____________________________________________ Ⅲ. Match each of the following with the paragraph of the passage.

Draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make a question

Find a problem Analyze the results Find supporting evidence

Ⅳ. 完成句子并背诵



2.So many thousands of terrified people died __________________________________ (每一次爆发疫情).

3.But he became inspired when he thought about ______________________________ (帮助受到霍乱病威胁的普通百姓).

4.It seemed that _____________________________________________ (水是罪魁祸首).

5.To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that ___________________


Read the passage again and again. Then do Exercise 1 in comprehending Write a summary of the passage.

Unit 1 Great scientists

Learning about Language--- Discovering useful words and expressions


1. 熟记单词、短语、句式基础知识,并能熟练运用所学。

2. 通过做练习扎实掌握基础知识,提升灵活运用知识的能力。

3. 激情投入,挑战人生。


Learn to use the following and make sentences with them:

Words and phrases

1. expert

2. attend

sb. to sth.

3. expose sth. to sth. else

sb. be exposed as sth. (position) 4. cure

doing sth. 6. absorb … into …

5. suggest sb. doing sth.

that sb. do sth.

7. affect sb.

sth. effect have an effect on sb./sth.

8. suspect + that-clause 9. forsee vt.

10. link …to … = connect … to … 11. have sth. done

12. announce with certainty + that-clause 13. instruct sb. not to do sth.

Sentence Patterns:

1. Neither … nor …

2. sb. do sth. every time sth. else happen

Both … and … sb. do sth else

3. sb./ sth. be to blame

4. sb. suggest + that-clause

sth. suggest + that


Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions bellow.

instruct suspect attend on;be absorbed in;expose

draw a conclusion;cure characteristics enquiries

1.The need to communicate is a key ________of human society.

2.I don’t know who sent the gift,but I’ll make some ________.

3.You will be ________where to go as soon as the plane is ready.

4.An active attitude towards life can help people deal with whatever ________they may come across in daily life.

5.What made you ________your best friend of having taken your necklace?

6.We’d better discuss together before ________________.

7.I ________________the book just now and didn’t notice you enter the room.

8.The doctor ________________me of my illness,and I was very thankful to him.

9.Dr.Martin himself ________________the sick man last night.

10.They consider it almost a crime to ________________children to violence and sex on TV.


Ⅰ. 单项填空:

1.(2011年山东实验中学高二检测)No one has ________ anything better than the plan now under consideration.

A.put up with B.come up C.put forward D.come up to

2.(2011年湖州高二检测)Mary thought highly of the painting,but to Mr.Smith’s ________eye,the painting was terrible. A.eager B.extra C.exact D.expert

3.(2011年白鹭洲高二检测)Her pale face suggested that she ________ badly ill and I suggested she ________to hospital without delay.

A.be;should be sent B.was;be sent C.be;was sent D.was;was sent 4.(2009年高考山东卷)So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape.

A.did the attack B.the attack did C.was the attack D.the attack was

5.She was so________in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. A.attracted B.absorbed C.drawn D.focused

6.He isn’t like his brother________in appearance________in character.

A.both;and B.neither;nor C.not only;but also D.either;or

7.Mr.Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one________. A.blamed B.blaming C.to blame D.to be blamed

8.The Food and Agriculture Organization says more than forty billion dollars a year needs to be invested in agriculture to ________ world hunger, which is becoming more and more serious. A.defeat B.expand C.reject D.cure


As we know, the number of the traffic accidents has been growing rapidly in recent years. We can have a clear i________(1) about the damage of traffic accidents from the ________(最新)(2) statistics. Traffic accidents happen frequently and people suffer a great loss from it.It c________ (3) many injuries and deaths every day. The main r________ (4) lie in the following aspects: First, the number of vehicles is increasing ________ (5) fast that the roads are becoming more and more crowded;second, there are still many people who don’t obey the traffic rules while t________ (6) on the road.Besides,such actions ________ (7) drunk-driving,over-loading andspeeding can also ________(促成) (8) to serious accidents.In my opinion, in order to solve the traffic problems, the ________(政府)(9) should take measures to improve the traffic conditions.At the same time, all of us ought to o________(10) the traffic rules wherever we are.

Unit 1 Great scientists

Learning about Language--- Discovering useful structures






课前预习:1. 预习省略句的基本概念(见课本88 页)。

2. 通读课文,用红笔划出使用过去分词的句子,以备集体讨论使用。



About some situations below:

(1) —What did the coach feel when he saw the players win the gold medals?

—He felt excited.

—What did he do at that time?

—He jumped up with cheering.

—Yes. The excited coach jumped up with cheering when he saw the players win the medals. 发现:_____________________________________________________

(2)—What did you feel when you heard somebody crying “earthquake”?

—I felt frightened.

—What did you do at that time?

—I run out of the building.

—Yes. Every frightened person ran out of the building down to the play ground.


(3).About the earthquake in Wenchuan.

—When a girl saw a snake, how would she feel?

—The girl would feel frightened.

—What would she do the moment when she saw it?

—The frightened girl would run away quickly .

—The girl frightened by the snake would run away.




The person is nodding and smiling.

The leaves in fall are yellow.

The child is crying.

The teacher always makes the child cry.


1.The Olympic Games,first ________(play)in 776 BC,did not include women players until 1912.

2.When they reached the railway station,the two boys got ________(separate)from their parents. 3.Most of the people ________(invite)to the conference were famous actors.

4.We finished the run in less than half the time ________(allow).

5.It is one of the funniest things ________(find)on the Internet so far this year.

6.The children were ________(frighten)at the sad sight.

7.When they came to the village,they found all the doors were ________(lock).

8.The people seemed terribly ________(shock)after the earthquake.

9.They had to adapt their thinking to the ________(change)conditions.



1.(2010年高考北京卷)I’m calling to enquire about the position ________ in yesterday’s China Daily.

A.advertised B.to be advertised C.advertising D.having advertised 2.(2010年高考湖南卷)So far nobody has claimed the money ________ in the library. A.discovered B.to be discovered C.discovering D.having discovered 3.(2010年高考福建卷)In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained ________ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.

A.sticking B.stuck C.to be stuck D.to have stuck

4.(2010年高考大纲全国卷Ⅰ)Mrs.White showed her students some old maps ________ from the library.

A.to borrow B.to be borrowed C.borrowed D.borrowing

5.(2010年高考四川卷)A great number of students ________ said they were forced to practise the piano.

A.to question B.to be questioned C.questioned D.questioning

6.Those ________ by the teacher last night handed in their papers one by one.

A.scolded B.being scolded C.scolding D.having scolded

7.The computer centre,________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school. A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened

8.The Town Hall ________ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time. A.to be completed B.having been completed C.completed D.being completed 9.(2010年高考陕西卷)________ from the top of the tower,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.

A.Seen B.Seeing C.Having seen D.To see

10.Tom sounds very much ________ in the job,but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. A.interested B.interesting C.interestingly D.interestedly

11.Sarah,hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to ________ before the party.

A.get changed B.get change C.get changing D.get to change

12.It is believed that if a book is ________,it will surely ________ the reader. A.interested;interest B.interesting;be interested

C.interested;be interesting D.interesting;interest

13.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ________ by the hour.

A.pay B.paying C.paid D.to pay

14.Many things ________ impossible in the past are common today.

A.being considered B.considering C.to be considered D.considered

15.—The man ________ in blue looks unhappy. What is the matter?

—Because he feels ________ at his son’s failure.

A.dressed;disappointed B.dressing;disappointing

C.dressing;disappointed D.dressed;disappointing

16.The concert ________(give)by their friends was a success.

17.(2011年湖州高二检测)The power station ________last year is a big one.

A.having been built B.built C.being built D.to be built

Unit 1 Great scientists

Using Language---Reading---Copernicus′ Revolutionary Theory







1.____________ v t.建设;修建→____________ n.建设;建筑物

2.____________ v t.& v i.捐献;贡献;捐助→____________ n.

3.____________ adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的

4.____________ n.移动;运动;动作→____________ v.

5.____________ adj.热情的;热心的→____________ n.

6.____________ adj.小心的;谨慎的→____________ ad v.→____________ n.

7.____________ v t.拒绝;不接受;抛弃→____________ n.

8.____________ n.宇宙;世界



2.________________ 除……之外;此外3.________________ 对……要求严格4.________________ 导致;通向5.________________ 讲得通;有意义6.________________ 对……热情7.________________ 对……谨慎

8.________________ 态度;观点;看法


Ⅰ. Answer the following questions.

1.What was Copernicus′theory and What was Christian Church′s theory?

2.Did he publish his ideas as soon as he proved them? Why?

3.When did he publish his ideas?

4.Was his theory very useful and important?

5.How could you know it?

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with proper words.

Copernicus was______ because he found the earth was not the centre of the solar _____, only if you put the sun there did the_______ of the other planets in the sky_________ He kept improving his new theory until he felt it was _____ in 1514. He suggested that the earth was_____ as it went round the sun .


1.____________________________of the other planets in the sky make sense.


2.Yet Copernicus’ theory is now the basis______________________________.




reject;be strict with;enthusiastic;make sense of;make sense;cautious

1.I can’t ____________________this poem,but perhaps I will if I read it again.

2.Although I ____________________ by the university, I didn’t lose heart.

3.As she ____________ very __________________ her children, they developed a good studying habit.

4.Only after finishing reading the passage can you find it ____________________.

5.With so many people watching him, Jim was very ________________.

6. He doesn’t sound ________________ about the place, in which his parents have ever worked.


1.The origins of the ________(宇宙)are still a mystery.

2.The May 4th ________(运动) of 1919 is very important in the history of China.

3.Our teacher tells us that exercise ________(有助于)to good health.

4.Several ________(热情的) young teachers have just started working at the school.

5.She’s got a really ________(积极的)attitude to life.

6.When her husband left home she felt ________(抛弃)and useless.



1.(2011年福州三中高二检测)I don’t think his reason for being late makes ________.

A.use B.sense C.value D.cause

2.(2011年青岛高二检测)The teacher didn’t explain the problem clearly,so many students were ________.

A.confusing B.mixing C.confused D.mixed

3.(2011年河南实验中学高二检测)Only in this way ________to get there ahead of time.

A.you can hope B.you did hope C.can you hope D.did you hope

4.A small but ________ crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.

A.energetic B.enthusiastic C.enjoyable D.encouraged

5.I cared for none of the presents ________the wonderful bag you bought for my 12th birthday.

A.in addition to B.as well as C.in addition D.apart from

6.Our students ought to ________our share to the coming college students’ sports meeting in our city.

A.contribute B.construct C.instruct D.introduce

7.Franklin’s ability to learn from observations and experience _____ greatly to his success in public life.

A.owed B.contributed C.attached D.related

8.—How do you________ we go to Beijing for our holidays?

—I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable.

A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest

9.Our students ought to _____our share to the coming college students’ sports meeting in our city.

A. contribute

B. construct

C. instruct

D. introduce

最新人教版高中英语必修二全册学案(全册 共110页)

最新人教版高中英语必修二全册学案(全册共110页) 目录 Warming-up and reading Learning about Language Using Language Writing Unit 2The Olympic Games Warming-up and reading Learning about Language Using Language Writing Unit 3Computers Warming-up and reading Learning about Language Using Language Writing

Unit 1Cultural relics ?转化 design n.设计;图案;构思→v t.设计;计划;构思 debate n.争论;辩论→v i.争论;辩论 ?派生 名词后缀:-al,-or,-ist survive v i.幸免;幸存;生还→survival n.生存;幸存;存活;残存物→survivor n.生还者;幸存者 art n.艺术→artist n.艺术家 形容词后缀:-al,-able culture n.文化;文明→cultural adj.文化的 value n.价值→valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的 天坛是世界文化遗产,全国重点文物保护单位,国家5A级旅游景区。位于北京市南部,东城区永定门内大街东侧。 The Temple of Heaven is located in southern Beijing.It is included in the UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)world heritage(遗产)list in 1998.With an area of 2.7 million square meters,it is the largest of its kind in the country. Built in 1420,the 18th year of the rule of Ming Emperor Yongle,the temple's main building is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests(祈年殿).The round hall,38 meters high and 30 meters in diameter,has triple eaves and a cone-shaped deep blue tile(瓦)roof crowned with a gilded knob.Surrounding the hall is a six-meter-high spacious


Book 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 一.词性拓展 1.achieve vt.完成;达到→ achievement n.成就;功绩 2.specialist n. 专家→specialize v. 专攻;专门从事→special adj. 特别的→specially adv 特别地;专门地 3. n.连接;关系;亲戚→connect vt.连接 4. n.组织;机构;团体→organize vt.组织→organizer n. 组织者 5. vt. & vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现→behaviour n.行为;举止 adj.值得的;值得做的;→worth n.价值;adj. 值... ...的 (It is worthwhile doing/to do sth 做某事是值得的) vt.观察;遵守→observation n.观察→observer n.观察者 8.respect vt. & n.尊敬;敬意→respectable adj.体面的,值得尊敬的→respectful adj.恭敬的 vi. & vt.讨论;辩论;争论→argument n.争辩;争吵,论点 n.款待;娱乐→entertain v.宴客,款待某人→entertaining adj. 令人愉快的 11. crowd n. 群众,人群→ crowded adj. 拥挤的 12.inspire vt.鼓舞;感动;激发;启示→inspiration n.灵感;鼓舞或激励人的人或事物 →inspired adj.受感动的→inspiring adj.鼓舞人的 13.support n. & vt.支持;拥护→-supporter n.支持者→supporting adj.支持的;支撑的 14. refer vi. 谈到;查阅→reference n.言及,参考 n. 疾病;恶心→sick adj .生病的;恶心的 16.intend vt.计划;打算→intention n.打算 17. determination n. 决心→determine v. 下决心,作出决定→determined adj. 决定了的,坚决的 n.仁慈;好意→kind adj. 善良的 adj. 考虑周到的-→consider v. 考虑,认为→consideration n.考虑,体谅 20.deliver vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)→delivery n.发表,递送 21. modest adj. 谦虚的;适度的→modesty n. 谦逊 二.重点短语 1. human beings 人类 2. move off 离开;起程;出发 3.lead a...life 过着……的生活(lead-led-led)


Unit 4 Earthquake 1、shake v.&n. ①v t.&vi.(shook, shaken) 摇动;震动;颤抖; shake hands with sb /shake sb’ s hand / shake sb. by the hand 与…握手 shake one’ s head at sb 朝某人摇头(表否定, 怀疑, 悲伤, 不赞成等) shake with…. 因…..而颤抖 e.g.: a. shake with laughter, fear, rage, etc 笑得, 吓得, 气得……打颤 b. shake with cold 冻得发抖 shake one’ s fist at sb 向某人挥拳表示愤怒或恐吓. e.g.: a. shake the bottle before using. 使用之前请摇动瓶子. b. The earthquake shook the building. 地震使房子振动. ②n. [ c ] (多用单数) 摇动; 震动; e.g.: a shale pf the head 摇头 辨析: shake, tremble ,quake ①shake 为常用词, 表示短促而迅速地上下往来摇动. ②tremble 尤指身体因恐惧、激动或愤怒轻微、快速、不由自主地颤抖. e.g.: tremble with rage, excitement etc trembling hands 颤抖的手 ③quake 较为正式, 常同tremble ,但含“猛烈”的意思. e.g.: quake with fear/cold 因恐惧[寒冷]而颤抖. △quake n. (口) == earthquake 练习: The boy shook his mother’s hand. →The boy shook hand. 2、right away == at once / without delay. 毫不耽搁地;不可用于进行时态. e.g.: I’ll write to him right away. right now == immediately / in no time / in a moment / at this very moment / at present 立刻;在此时;在此刻. 在作“在此时”, “在此刻”讲时,可用于进行时态. e.g.: He’s writing a novel right now. 2、rise vi. (rose; risen) ①(太阳, 月亮, 星星等)升起;出现; == go up / come up 反义→set ②(物价, 东西等)上涨;上升; == go up / increase(vi.) 反义→go down / fall / drop rise to 上升到; rise by 上升了; ③(人等)站起来,起床,起身. rise to one’s feet == stand up 站起来 raise sb to one’s feet 把某人扶起来 early to bed and early to rise 早睡早起 n. 升起;升高;增加=increase give rise to sth 引起;导致; == cause sth / lead to / result in / bring about sth give sb a rise 给某人涨工资;提职; the rise and fall of the British Empire 大英帝国的兴衰 e.g.: a. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


2020年新人教版高中英语必修一导学案全套 Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 导学案 【学习目标】 1.学会本节单词、短语。 2.掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习重难点】 掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习过程】 一、词汇学习 1. get to know 逐渐了解 2. exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 3. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;交易;兑换 4. registration n. 讲座;注册;挂号 5. sex n.性别 6. nationality n. 国籍;民族 7. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的 8. annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 9. frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的 10. senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人 11. outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 12. impression n.印象;感想 13. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的 14. junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年 15. explore vt.&vi. 探索,勘探 16. confident adj.自信的;有把握的

17. designer n. 设计师;构思者 二、知识运用 1. exchange 词性:________ 意思:__________ 词性:________ 意思:__________ 短语搭配: in exchange (for......)作为(与.......的)交换 exchange A for B 以A交换B;把A兑换成B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物 exchange opinion/ideas/views 交流意见/想法/看法 练习:The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange ______ a small fee. 2. designer (1)词性:_________ 意思:________ (2)词性:_________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:make designs for.....为......做设计 by design(=on purpose)故意地 design sth. for.......为......设计某物 be designer to do.......旨在做.......,用于做........ 练习:Lucy was born on January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married to a fashion_____(design). 3. anxious 词性:__________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:be anxious for sb./about sth. 为某人/某事担心/担忧 be anxious for......渴望........ be anxious (for sth.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that.......渴望(从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略) 练习:She lost her job last month. Therefore, she is anxious_______ (find) a new job.


Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 一、教学目标 1、掌握考纲所要求的词汇; 2、掌握“祈使句+and/or+陈述语序”的用法 3、学会划分句子成分 二、使用要求 1、理解课文,借助工具书完成导学案; 2、在规定的时间内,交流答案,展示成果; 3、书写认真规范; 4、讲解时,修正答案。 预习案 A.Key words and phrases 1. n健康: _______ adj 健康的, __________(反义词) 不健康的;有碍健康的. 2. adj. 富裕的;有钱的. _________n. 富裕 3. v.伤害__________ n.伤害;损伤 4. n.疼痛___________adj.疼痛的 5. adj. 稀少的,极少的____________ adv.稀少地;极少地 6. v朝……方向前进__________ n.头 7. v呼吸___________ n. 呼吸 8. adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的n.焦虑;焦急 9. n.谚语10. n. 饮食;v. 照医生的规定饮食11. adj. 正常的,一般的12. n. 队长 13. 与……有联系14. 确保 15. 锻炼 探究案 Language Points I: words and phrases: 1. diet n. 饮食;日常食物 v. 照医生的规定饮食 (1) The doctor advised more vitamins in his diet. ___________________ (2) You’ll hav e to diet before you get fat. ___________________ (3) Everyone needs a balanced diet. __________________ (4) The fat girl is on a diet. __________________ (5) I’m gaining weight; I should go on a diet. __________________ 2. 教材原句:I’m quite fit. 我相当健康。 fit adj. 健康的,强健的;适合的 【一言辨异】This small-sized skirt doesn’t ____me, although it _____ my socks well and the color also _____ me. 3. 教材原句:I rarely get toothache. 我很少牙疼。 rarely adv. 稀少地,极少地 rare adj. 稀少的 (1) She is old and rarely goes out. 她年纪大了,很少外出 Rarely do we see them nowadays. 如今我们很少看见他们 注:rarely是否定意义的词,位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。即把助动词、系动词、情态动词提到主语之前。常见的词还有never, hardly, seldom(很少), no sooner…than(一…就…) 测一测: I have been living in the US for 20 years, but seldom so lonely as now.

高中英语人教版必修四教学案:Unit 5 Section 4 Word版含答案(精修版)

人教版英语精品资料(精修版) Choose the best answer according to the text. 1.What's the main idea of the text? A.A brief introduction to Futuroscope. B.A journey deep into space. C.An exciting experience in the jungle. D.A 3-D film. 2.What is Futuroscope most famous for? A.Car racing.B.3-D movies. C.Animals.D.Advanced technology. 3.Where can visitors try their own scientific experiments? A.In the 3-D cinemas. B.In the jungle. C.In the learning centres. D.At the bottom of the ocean. 4.How can visitors book tickets to Futuroscope? A.Through travel agencies. B.On the Internet. C.By phone. D.On TV. 5.If you go to Futuroscope, you must bring ________. A.the cellphone B.3-D glasses C.sneakers D.the computer 答案:1~5ADCBC Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.My car broke down on the freeway (高速公路), so I had to call the emergency services.2.Our garden gets a lot of sunlight (阳光) so the vegetables usually grow very well. 3.When you climb a mountain, you should wear a pair of comfortable sneakers (运动鞋).4.Can you send me a brochure (小册子) about your company. 5.Two young men were walking through the jungle (丛林).All of a sudden, a tiger appeared from a distance, running towards them. 6.There's a(n) shuttle (往返汽车) service from the city centre to the airport. 7.I was so excited that I rushed out to take pictures of those beautiful tiny creatures (生物).8.Eddie's grandfather was one of the town's first settlers (移民者). 9.The local shopkeepers sell souvenirs (纪念品) to the tourists. 10.What brand (牌子) of shampoo do you use? Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1.athlete n.运动员→athletic adj.运动的 2.translate v.翻译→translator n.译员;翻译→translation n.翻译;译文 3.advance v.前进;促进;提前n.前进;进步→advanced adj.高级的;先进的 4.admit v.承认→admission n.允许进入;入场费;门票;承认 5.minority n.少数;少数民族→majority n.多数;大多数 6.settler n.移民;殖民者→settle v.(使)定居;安排→settlement n.移民;殖民;协议[巧记单词]

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案 学习目标1能够熟读课文并背会部分段落。 2掌握本单元重点词和 短语的用法。学习方法1在理解的基础上记忆并运用本单元重点词汇。 预习案一.单词拼写。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.__________ adj. 有价值的 2.__________ vi. 幸免 3.__________ n. 朝代 4.__________ vt. 惊讶 5.__________ vt. 挑选 6.__________ n. 蜂蜜 7.__________ n. 设计 8.__________ adj. 奇特 9.__________ n. 风格 10.__________ v. 装饰 11.__________ n. 珠宝 12.__________ vi. 属于 13.__________ n. 接待 14.__________ vt. 移动 15.__________ n. 怀疑, 16.__________ adj. 值得的 17.__________ n. 证据 18.__________ vi 爆炸 19.__________ vi. 下沉 20.__________ n. 争论写出下列短语的意思 1. in search of ___________ 2. belong to _____________ 3. at war ________ _______ 4. in return _____________ 5. less than ______________ 6. take part in____________ 7. think highly of _______________ 8. pay much attention to __________ 9. rather than ______________ 10. there is no doubt that_________ 探究案 1、In search of the amber room 寻找琥珀屋 search vt. 搜查 We searched the whole town, but could not find one flower shop. 我们找遍了整个城镇,但没找到一家花店。(1)search for 寻找What are you searching for? money? 你在找什么?钱吗? 2)in search of 找寻 The man walked through the streets in search of his lost bike. 那个人在好多条街道转寻找他丢失的自行车。即时活用: 1)She tried ____ but failed; now she could do nothing but wait till her husband came. A. to search the pockets her key B. searching her keys for her pockets C. searching the pockets for her keys D. to search her keys for the pockets 2、This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because


人教版精品英语资料(精校版) 第三单元阅读学案 姓名:班级:组号: 【学习目标】 1.To learn some useful new words and phrases; 2.To understand this paragraph and get some reading skills. 【课前预复习】 请同学们将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,等待课堂上与教师和同学探究解决。 Ⅰ、知识达标 (1)翻译下列单词和短语 1.This famous film was (导演) by Zhang Yimou. 2.I’ve been f to have so many good teachers. 3.The project has been set up to help the (无家可归的)people. 4Tom was too brave and (克服)a lot of difficulties last month. 5.Although he failed in the examination again , he knew the success came after many______(失败). 6.We can’t go abroad this year , we’ll have to c ourselves with a holiday in Beijing. 7.We were a that she appeared at the party . 8.Zhao Benshan is an actor whose h is known to us all. 9.That book was writte n by the o writer , which you should read. 10.I just wanted to e her but it seemed that I made her cry worse. (2)翻译下列句子 1.As Victor Hugo once said, "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face", and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. 2. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. 3. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. 令人感到震惊的是,当查理会说话和走路的时候就被教唱歌和跳舞。 it在句中作_____ _____,____ ______才是真正的宾语。It本身无意义。 4. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off(现在分词短语作结果状语) 5. By his teens, Charlie had, through his humour, become one of the most popular child actors in England. He could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. 6. As time went by, he began making films. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. 7. This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties.


Unit 1 Friendship 【单元导航】 World War Ⅱ In 1933,the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Many European Jews lived in the countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence. By 1945,nearly two out of ,which was the Nazi every three European Jews had been kill ed as part of the “Final Solution” policy to murder all the Jews of Europe. Period 1Warming Up and Reading Step 1.Pre-reading Task1. Enjoy some proverbs to support what the truly friendship is about. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is like a second self. The best mirror is an old friend. Friends are just the people who can share happiness and sorrows. Task2. Choose the words below to describe your best friend. sociable,honest,friendly,easy-going,nervous,open-minded,anxious,careful,talented,talkative,nosy,thoughtful,generous,carefree,pessimistic,peaceful,optimistic,interesting,reliable,helpful,active,careless,caring,exact,adventurous,imaginative,hot-blooded,well-organized,trustworthy,patient,responsible,outgoing,kind,brave,warm-hearted,selfless,tolerant,etc. For example: ?His/Her name is …… ?He /She is …… years old. ?He /She likes doing…… and dislikes doing…… ?He /She is very kind/friendly/honest/brave/wise/funny/humorous/ helpful/ kind-hearted and concerned about you / responsible. ?I think a good friend should be…  ?(or)In my opinion, a good friend is someone who…… _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Step2.Skimming Task 1. Read the text quickly and answer the questions.


预习导学 Unit 5 Music 第一课时Warming up ﹠vocabulary 本单元重点单词,请写出下列单词的汉语意思: 1.classical 2.folk 3.jazz 4. musician 5.pretend 6.attach 7.form 8.passer-by 9.earn 10.extra 11.instrument 12.perform 13.performance 14.pub 15.cash 16.studio https://www.360docs.net/doc/044531101.html,lionaire 18.actor 19.rely 20.broadcast 21.humorous 22.familiar 23.attractive 24.addition 25.dip 26.confident 27.brief 28.briefly 29.devotion 33.sensitive 30.afterwards 34.painful 31.invitation 32.beard 本单元重点词组,请写出下列单词的汉语意思: 1. d ream of 5.play jokes on 2. t o be honest 6.rely on 3. a ttach…to 4.in cash 7.be/get familiar with 8. a bove all 9. s tick to 10. or so 11. break up 12. by chance 13. in addition 14. sort out 实战演练 一、词汇学习 1.古典英语5. 民乐9. 蓝调13. 轻音乐 2. 摇滚乐 6.乡村音乐 10 嘻哈音乐 14. 乐队 3. 说唱 7. 交响乐 11. 流行音乐 15. 音乐家 4. 爵士乐 8.合唱 12.西方音乐 二、根据首字母填写单词 1. The ball r down the hill. 2. A the stamp to the front of your letter. 3. Many fans were once impressed by Jay’s wonderful p . 4. As babies, we r entirely on others for food. 5. I’m very sorry. To answer this question is beyond my a . 6. He’s a f figure in the neighborhood. 7. As far as I know, Miss Gao enjoys listening to f music very much. 8. His d to his wife and family is touching. 9. They s all that they had when they were abroad. 10. You are far too s about her words. 预习导学 一、根据课文的内容填空 第二课时Reading If we are ourselves, most of us have being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and a band .Sometimes they play in the street to so that they can earn some money and this also gives them a to realize their dreams. There was once a band started in a different

高中英语人教版:必修四 unit 4 reading 学案

Unit4 Body language reading 【学习目标】:Enable the students to realize the importance of body language.【学习重点】:Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text. 【学习难点】:Help the students learn how to explain the common idea—“different cultures, different body languages” with the target language in this unit. 【教学过程】: ⅠSkimming 1. How many international students are there in the story? 2. Who are they and where do they come from? Ⅱ. scanning 1. Fill in the table according to Para4.

2. Find out the two cultural mistakes in Para2 沟通:没问题吗? 昨天,另一个学生和代表我们学校学生会,去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。他们都要在北京大学学习。我们将他们先对他们的宿舍,然后到学生餐厅用膳。半个小时后等待他们的飞行到达,我看见几个年轻人进入等候区好奇地环顾四周。我看着他们站了一分钟,然后就去迎接他们。 第一个到的人是托尼·加西亚从哥伦比亚,其次是朱丽亚史密斯来自英国。当我遇上他们,然后介绍他们认识对方,我很惊讶。托尼接近茱莉亚,碰着她的肩膀并亲吻她的脸颊!她退后一步出现对此感到惊讶,并举起她的手,仿佛在后防线上。我猜想那里可能是一个主要的误解。然后从日本晶Nagata 笑着走进来,同乔治厨师来自加拿大。当他们进行了介绍,乔治把手伸到日本的学生。就在那时,然而,所以他的鼻子碰晶向乔治的移动的手。他们互相道歉--另一种文化的错误! 艾哈迈德·阿齐兹,另一个国际学生,来自约旦。我们昨天遇见的时候,他走得很接近我,就像我作了自我介绍。我搬回了一点,但他走得更近了,问一个问题,然后跟我握了握手。从法国来的时候Coulon 达琳冲穿过门的时候,她认识的托尼·加西亚的笑脸。他们握了握手,然后吻了对方两颊,因为这是每一个成年人,在法国习俗遇到很多人,他们知道。艾哈迈德Aziz.,恰恰相反,只是点了点头,女孩子。男人从中东和其他穆斯林国家通常会站得很近,他 Tony Garcia Julia Smith The first mistake He approached Julia, ________ _____ _________and _______ her on the ________. She ______ ________ appearing _________ and put up her hands, as if ___ _______. The second mistake Akira Nagata George Cook He________ his hand ________ to the Japanese student. He ________ so his nose ________George’s _______ ________.


Unit1 Friendship part 1 (new words) Learning Aims(学习目标): 1.Understand the meaning and usage of words in warming-up and reading 了解并掌握重点词汇 2.Practice using some important words in bold . Learning importance (学习重点): key words Learning procedure:: 1.add up合计,加起来;合情理 add up to加起来达到,总计为;add to增添add...to...把……加到……里 eg. 1.Add up your score and see how many points you get. 累加你的分数, 看你得多少分。 2.The numbers add up to exactly 100. 这些数字的总和恰好是100。 Exercise: The heavy rain _________the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.大雨增加了营救被掩埋群众的困难。 2.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;v. upset,upset,upsetting 使不安;使心烦;打乱;扰乱;打翻be upset about/at/over为……烦恼It upsets sb.that...让某人心烦的是…… eg. 1.There is no point being upset about it. 犯不着为此事而难过。 2.I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. 对不起, 我没想要让你不高兴。 3.It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about that.让他不高兴的是, 谁也没把那件事告诉他。 4.She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. 他的不辞而别让她感到不安。 夯实基础 (1)用upset的适当形式填空 ①She sounded _______________when I said you couldn’t come. 3.ignore v.不理睬;忽视;不顾 ignorance n.无知;愚昧;不知道out of ignorance出于无知ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的be ignorant of不知道…… eg.1. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你会不顾铃声, 而是去某个安静的地方安慰你的朋友。 2.We can’t afford to ignore their advice. 我们不能不考虑他们的劝告。 夯实基础(1)用ignore的适当形式填空 ①They fought a long battle against prejudice and_______________. 4.calm adj.镇静的,沉着的(not excited,upset,etc.);风平浪静的;无风的;v.(使)平静,(使)镇静calm sb.down使某人平静下来keep/be/stay calm保持镇静calm down平静 镇静 下来 eg. 1.We waited inside until things calmed down. 我们待在室内等着, 直到一切都恢复了平静。 2.He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 他深深吸了几口气, 使自己平静下来。 3.It is important to keep calm in the face of danger. 在面临危险时, 保持镇静是重要的。Exercise:(1)I t is not easy to ____ the excited man _____. 5.concern v.影响 ;涉及 与……有关 be connected with ;让 某人 担忧 be worried about ;n.担心,忧虑;关心concerned adj.担心的;忧虑的;感兴趣的as far as sb.be concerned就某人而言 concerning prep.关于 eg.1.Can you tell us what concerns you most? 你能告诉我们什么让你最担忧吗? 2.More and more people are showing concern for the safety of school buses.越来越多的人在关注校车的安全问题。 3.As far as I’m concerned, I disagree with his idea. 就我个人而言, 我不同意他的想法。Exercise: It is love and __________that have brought about the great changes. 6.go through经历,经受 experience ;仔细查看 go o ver ; 法律等 通过;用完 use up ;浏览 look through get through通过;接通电话;用完look through浏览;往……里面看break through冲破;突破 eg.1.The poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died. 这个可怜的女孩自父母去世后经历了许多苦难。 2.The doctor will go through the operation soon. 那位医生很快就会做完手术了。 3.I went through the students’ papers last night. 昨晚我仔细阅读了学生们的论文。 7.set down放下 put down ;记下 write down ;登记;让……下车 set off动身;引爆;引起set up竖立;建立;张贴set an example树立榜样be set in以……为背景eg.1.You had better set down your idea before you forget it. 你最好把你的想法写下来, 以免忘记。2.She has set a good example for us. Exercise: 1.The bus stopped to _____________an old lady. 公共汽车停下来让一位老太太下车。 2.Please help me _____________the names of all the students. 请帮我把所有学生的名字都登记下来。 8.in order to为了 in order not to do...为了不做…so as to do...为了做…in order that/so that后接从句,为了…… eg 1.In order to pass the exam, he studied even harder. 为了通过考试, 他学习更加努力。 2.He went to sleep early in order to get up early the next day. 为了第二天早起, 他早早地就睡觉了。Exercise: 1..__________________encourage the students to take outdoor exercise ,our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10. 为了鼓励学生进行户外锻炼,我们学校在四月十号组织了爬山。 特别提醒 in order to与so as to都可以表示目的,但so as to不能用于句首,而in order to既可置于句首,也可置于句中。两者都可转换成in order that/so that引导的状语从句。 9.power n.能力;力量;权力;动力 come to/into power掌权;上台in one’s power在某人的掌控中
