





This paper focuses on the metaphorical phenomenon in English idioms, firstly introducing the concepts of metaphor and idiom. Take the definition of metaphor for example, since the old times, many scholars of different schools have different ideas. In terms of relationship between metaphor and idiom, many scholars carried out their own studies. This paper cites the viewpoints of several famous scholars, like Laoff and Gibbs. This paper emphasizes the metaphorical features of idioms from the ontological metaphors, orientational metaphors and structural metaphors. These three kinds of metaphors have different characteristics, which are explained through examples. The way of citing examples enables the readers to get access to the metaphorical phenomenon in English idioms more directly.

Keywords:idioms; metaphor; schools


1. Introduction (4)

2. The concept of idioms and metaphors (3)

2.1The concept of metaphors (3)

2.1.1The definition of metaphors (3)

2.1.2The classification of metaphors (4)

2.2The concept of idioms (4)

2.2.1The definition of idioms (4)

2.2.2The features of idioms (5)

3.Research on the relationship between metaphors and idioms (6)

3.1Lakoff's study (6)

3.2The Gibbs's study (7)

3.3 Other scholars’ study (8)

4.Metaphorical features of idioms (8)

4.1Ontological metaphors and idioms (8)

4.1.1Personification (9)

4.1.2 The container metaphor (9)

4.1.3.A case study of ontological metaphor (11)

4.2Orientational metaphors and idioms (11)

4.2.1 The analysis of metaphoric meaning about UP-DOWN (12)

4.2.2 The analysis of metaphoric meaning about FRONT-BACK (13)

4.2.3 A case study: idioms denoting the concept of love (14)

4.3 Structural metaphor and idioms (15)

4.3.1 The internal systematicity (15)

4.3.2 The external systematicity among the different structural metaphors (16)

4.3.3 A case study (18)

5. Conclusion (19)

6.Acknowledgements (20)

7.References (21)

1.I ntroduction

In our study of English, we always come across metaphor, which is widely used in English sentences and can indicate vivid meanings. However, we don’t have a clear understanding of this rhetoric. Traditionally, metaphor is a figure in which one thing is compared to another by saying that one is the other. But according to cognitive linguistics, metaphor is defined as understanding one conceptual domain or cognitive domain in terms of another conceptual domain. The study of metaphor has attracted the attention of many scholars. In the West there have been many different approaches to the study of metaphor. In 1457, Aristotle studied metaphor as a transference of name, which was known as Aristotelian Approach.The traditional linguistic approach studies metaphor as a deviant phenomenon in language which produces either a false statement or an ungrammatical sentence. The pragmatic approach takes metaphor as a special speech act and metaphorical understanding as

the interplay between knowledge of the language system, knowledge of context, and background schematic knowledge about the world and the society, and the interaction approach understands metaphor as an interaction between two subject systems. Nietzsche, Shelly, Werner, Cassirer and Reddy all reflects on metaphor as cognitive phenomenon from the perspectives of philosophy, literary criticism, psychology, anthropology and linguistics respectively. The Knowledge and Language was written

by Ankersmit in 1993,which briefly introduced the theories of metaphor, the research ways to metaphor. Kirsten Malmkjaer compared the constructive theory and replacement theory in The Linguistics Encyclopedia. In The Encyclopedia of Philosophy(1967), Beardsley introduced many kinds of metaphoric theories in particular. In China, the dominant approach over the centuries has been the rhetorical

approach that studies metaphor as a figure of speech. Lan Chun once said “This approach pays a special attention to distinguishing metaphor from other figures of speech and to dividing metaphor into incessantly increasing sub-groups.” [8]49 Idioms are frequently used in our language, both in English and Chinese. Idioms are special kinds of phrases whose meaning can not be grasped from the superficial perspectives. According to the statistics, an adult uses more than 20 million idioms all over his life, which means 7000 idioms per week. It sounds unbelievable, but it is true. In this way, we may have a better understanding of the important status of idioms in the language. In 1994, the scholar Nunberg divided the idioms into three kinds: decomposable idioms, abnormal decomposable idioms and nondecomposable idioms. In The Comprehensive of Idioms, Cacciari and Tabossi divided the idioms into transparent idioms, opaque idioms according to the degree of transparency. However, in the eyes of Fernando, idioms are composed of pure idioms, semi-idioms and literal idioms. In the understanding of mechanism of idioms, two explanations have been brought up: compositional view and noncompositional view. On the basis of noncompositional view, in 1973, Bobrow and Bell put forward Idiom List Hypothesis, which means the literal meaning of idioms exists prior to the rhetoric meaning. However, Swinney and Cutler were against it, so Lexical Representation Hypothesis came up.On the other hand, on the basis of compositional view, Gibbs and Nayak put forward Idiom Decomposition Hypothesis in cognitive psychology. In China, Zhang Peiji studied the construction and meaning of idioms. In 1998,Chen Daoming issued an article in Foreign Language, talking about the development of understanding idioms. Also, there are many other scholars who contribute to the research of idiom in China, like Hua Xianfa, Lin Weiyan, etc.

This study, based on the previous studies, is expected to make clear the definition of idiom and metaphor from different perspectives, what is more, the relationship between them is also the focus of the study.

The use of idioms can achieve better communicative effects and are conceived to be a sign of language proficiency. This study has theoretical significance, and it may confirm the learnability of idioms through conceptual metaphor approach. In the process of learning idioms, people can not only remember and imitate, but also get access to its deep constructions, especially the metaphorical significance of the English idioms.

2. The concept of idioms and metaphors

2.1 The concept of metaphors

2.1.1The definition of metaphors

When we refer to the study of metaphor, there have been many different approaches in the western countries. Aristotelian approach studies metaphor as a transference of names; the traditional linguistic approach studies metaphor as a deviant phenomenon in language which produces either a false statement or an ungrammatical sentence; the pragmatic approach takes metaphor as a special speech act and metaphorical understanding as the interplay between knowledge of the language system, knowledge of the context, and background schematic knowledge about the world and the society. In the traditional way, we always regard metaphor as a figure of speech, in which one thing is compared to another by saying that one is another. For example, He is a tiger“He”in the sentence is the target, which is the described element while“tiger”is called source, which is the describing elem ent. According to Lan Chun, this approach pays special attention to distinguishing metaphor from other figures of speech and to dividing metaphor into incessantly increasing sub-groups. [8]111

The interactionist approach begins to recognize the cognitive value of metaphor, thus paving the way for the emergence of the cognitive theory. The cognitive view of metaphor can provide new insights into how certain linguistic phenomena work. It can also shed new light on how metaphorical meaning emerges. The work which marks the establishment of the cognitive approach to metaphor is Lakoff &Johnson’s Metaphor We Live By: metaphor means metaphorical concept. The definition then is

explained in the way: Metaphor refers to understanding one conceptual domain in terms of another conceptual domain. It claims that metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action and our ordinary conceptual system in terms of the fact that what we both think and act is fundamentally metaphorical in nature. We often talk about life in terms of journey, about time in terms of money, about love also in terms of journey and many others. The concept of JOURNEY(the source domain) is usually used to talk about the concept of LOVE(the target domain).The reason why concept A can be understood in terms of concept B is that there is a set of systematic correspondences between the source and target domain, in the sense that constituent conceptual elements of B correspond to those of A.

2.1.2The classification of metaphors

According to the view of Lakeoff&Johnson, metaphor can be divided into three types:

(1) Structural metaphor is known as one concept metaphorically structured in terms of another. In structural metaphors, the source domain provides a relatively rich knowledge structure for the target concept. The cognitive function of these metaphors is to enable speakers to understand target A by means of the structure of source B. For example: ARGUMENT IS WAR, in this metaphor, the target domain ARGUMENT is structured in terms of a more familiar domain WAR.

(2) Orientational metaphor does not structure one concept in terms of another but instead organize a whole system of concepts with respect to one another, as they are related to spatial orientation. It concerns about up-down, in-out, on-off, deep-shallow and so on. For example, HAPPY IS UP,SAD IS DOWN.

(3) Ontological metaphor is described as a way of viewing events, activities, emotions, ideas as entities and substances. That is to say, our experience of physical objects and substances provide a basis for an extraordinary wide variety of ontological metaphors. For example, THE MIND IS AN ENTITY, the ENTITY refers to something concrete.

2.2 The concept of idioms

2.2.1The definition of idioms

No one can give a noncontroversial answer to the question of what idiom is .That is to say, there is no clear-cut definition for the term “idiom” . The traditional view holds that idioms are semantically arbitrary. What is common in the traditional view is that idioms are essentially noncompositional and their meanings are unanalyzable and arbitrary. While the cognitive linguistics provides us a new perspective on idioms. It argues that the parts of an idiom have their individual meanings, and the relationship between the meanings of the parts and the meaning of the idiom is compositional, that is , idioms are regarded to be analyzable semantically.Different dictionaries give the different definitions about it and many linguists hold different opinions.

A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.(New Oxford Dictionary of English)

A special kind of phrase. It is a group of words which have a different meaning when used together from the one it would have if the meaning of each word were taken individually.(Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms)

A phrase whose meaning is different from the meaning of each word considered separately. These phrases have a fixed form―they usually cannot be changed―and they are often informal, but they can also be slang, rude slang, or even slightly formal. Many idioms are used in spoken English, but they also appear in newspapers and magazines, in books, and even in academic writing.(Cambridge Dictionary of American idioms)

An idiom is an expression which functions as a single unit and whose meaning can not be worked out from its separate parts.(Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistic)


There are broad sense and narrow sense in defining idioms. In its broad sense, idioms in English refer to set phrases, colloquialism, proverbs and slang expressions. In its narrow sense, idioms in English refer to some special fixed phrases. But not all fixed phrases are idioms. For example, close your eyes is a common fixed phrase, but it is not an idiom because each word in it is used in its standard meaning. Keep your

shirt on, however, is an idiom, because the phrase does not mean not taking off your shirt, but means staying calm.

In my thesis, I will focus mainly on the narrow sense of idiom.

2.2.2The features of idioms

Now, we have discussed the definition of idioms, we have known there exist different views, as different schools or linguists define idioms from different perspectives. Some may describe it from the semantic perspective, claiming the meaning of idioms are analyzable, however, some point out the semantic properties are the most important to idioms. So, here, it is necessary for us to discuss the semantic characteristics of idioms.

According to the view of Luo Shiping, there are five semantic characteristics of English idioms: [19]90

(1) The meaning of an idiom is a single unit. That is to say, an idiom must be learned as a whole. Its overall meaning is not a simple combination of each component’s meaning. For example“let the cat out of the bag”means to tell somebody secret information, which seems to have nothing to do with“cat”and“dog” .

(2) Most idioms have both literal meaning and figurative meaning, and they are different. For example“bread and butter”refers to two kinds of food literally, while figuratively, the idiom means something that people need in order to live, such as money and jobs.

(3) The literal meaning of some idioms are apparently against thinking logic or life logic, such as“eat one’s head off”.

(4) New idiomatic meanings can not be obtained by analogy or inference. Take“under the weather”for example, it is incorrect to coin a phrase“above the weather”to mean to feel well, for the phrase means to feel uncomfortable.

(5) Figurativeness is an obvious feature of the idiomatic meaning as well as a significant figure of speech employed in idioms. In this sense, they include simile idioms such as“as blind as a bat”,“feel like a fish out of water”and metaphorical idioms ,such as“an old flame”,“carry a torch”.

3. Research on the relationship between metaphors and idioms

In the previous sections, this thesis has discussed the definition of metaphor and idiom from various perspectives. However, they are not independent of each other. The next part is to clarify the relationship between metaphor and idiom, which enables the readers to understand, firstly, what is the relationship between metaphor and idiom, secondly, to what extent the research on the relationship between metaphor and idiom has reached. The thesis elucidates this part by citing the researches made by two important linguists.

3.1 Lakoff’s study

In L akoff’s book Metaphor We Live By, a large amount of idioms were frequently taken as examples of conventional metaphors, implying the facilitating role of conceptual metaphor in the comprehension of idioms. According to the view of Lakoff, the link between conceptual metaphors and idioms was established with the proposition of the conceptual metaphor theory, language is metaphorically structured, idioms, as a constitutive part of language, are supposed to be metaphorically structured. Lakoff criticized the traditional view that the meaning of idioms are arbitrarily formed, and stated“when idioms have been associated with conventional images, it is common for an independently-motivated conceptual metaphor to map

that knowledge from the source to the target domain.” [16]

Lakoff’s analysis also shows conceptual metaphor is helpful in distinguishing idioms similar in meaning. For example,“crack up”and“break down”,both are used to describe people’s psychological state, but it is still confusing to distinguish. “C rack up”is governed by the metaphor THE MIND IS A MACHINE, as if the mind has an on-off state. That is to say, when a machine breaks down, it simply ceases to function. If someone is unable to function for psychological reasons, we would like to say“crack up”,while“break down”is governed by the metaphor THE MIND IS A BRITTLE OBJECT, that is to say, when a brittle object shatters, it flies into pieces that may cause dangerous consequences, such as hurting people around. When someone goes crazy, wild and violent, he or she may hurt somebody else, then we would like to say“break down”.

3.2 Gibbs’ study

Gibbs’research contributes greatly to the psychological studies on idiom comprehension and offers us valuable inspiration for the study of idioms. Gibbs’ view is similar to Lakoff’s. His research proves that idioms are not dead metaphors and they have more complex meanings that are motivated by conceptual metaphors linking the idiomatic phrases to their figurative interpretations; the meanings of idioms are not arbitrary but motivatedly people’s tacit knowledge of conceptual metaphors as suggested by Lakoff. Gibbs has carried out a series of experiments, the feature of which is the use of mental imagery. The subjects were asked to form and describe their mental images for different idiomatic expressions and then they were asked a series of detailed questions about their images regarding the causes and effects of different events within their images. The result showed that the participants demonstrated great consistency in their responses to the questions for the idioms with similar figurative meanings despite the differences in their surface forms.

3.3 Other scholars’ study

Lakoff and Gibbs have made great contribution to the studies on the relationship between metaphors and idioms. Also based on Lakoff’s study, Kovecses and Szabo summed up the conceptual metaphors on FIRE, which contributes to the construction and comprehension of the idioms related to fire. These conceptual metaphor serve

as a bridge linking two independent domains, a domain of fire and a domain of an abstract concept.


He was spitting fire.


The fire between them finally went out.


The painting set fire to the composer’s imagination.


The killing sparked off riots.


He was burning the candle at both ends.

4. Metaphorical features of idioms

4.1 Ontological metaphors and idioms

Ontological metaphor is one of the three types of metaphors, and is usually described as “ways of viewing events, activities, ideas, emotions, etc, as entities and substances”. [16]As long as we are able to identify our experiences as identities or substances, then we can refer to them, categorize them, group them, and quantify them, and, by this means, reason about them. The most important characteristics of ontological metaphor is to view abstract things as concrete things. For example:(1)we need to combat inflation (2)That was a beautiful catch. In (1), the abstract noun inflation is regarded as concrete person. In (2), the act of catch is regarded as a concrete thing. The following are the most obvious types of ontological metaphors.

4.1.1 Personification

The most obvious ontological metaphors are those where the physical object is further specified as being a person. Personification is considered to belong to ontological metaphors.

First, let's look at the two examples.

A: Life has cheated me.

B: Anger has pinned us to the wall.

If we look closer to the above two sentences, we are able to find out that both of the two sentences enable us to see nonhuman as human. It allows us to understand a wide variety of experiences with nonhuman entities in terms of human motivation, characteristics and activities. The most obvious ontological metaphor are those where the physical object is further specified as being a person. In the second sentence, anger is personified. It gives us a vivid picture about how anger acts. In this sentence, anger seems to hurt us, attack us and kill us. So we can understand that personification is a general category that covers a wide range of metaphors, which allows us to make sense of phenomena in the world in human terms. This kind of sentences are: Disease finally caught up with him; His religion tells him that he cannot eat pork; Inflation has given birth to a money-minded generation.

4.1.2 The container metaphor

The container metaphors are the other representation of ontological metaphors. As we know, rooms and houses can be considered to be containers as they have boundaries, moving from room to room or house to house is moving from one container to another, that is, which is also true to our physical beings. Each of us is a container, with a bounded surface and in-out orientation. A clearing in the woods is seen as having a boundary surface, and we can view ourselves as being in the clearing or out of the clearing, in the woods or out of woods. There are different kinds of boundaries: concrete or abstract; definite or indefinite, surface, line or point.

1) The boundary of the tenor is a surface.

a. The boundary is clear and concrete.

This kind of tenor, which can be understood as the target in a sentence, is concrete, such as the human body, which we can actually see with our eyes. Let's look at the following examples:

(1)I was filled with anger.(2)He poured out his hatred on us.

(3)She is a warm and caring person inside.

The human body can be regarded as a container, so can every part of human body:

(1) Her eyes filled with tears.

(2) My stomach is empty.

(3) Your head is full of good ideas.

b. The boundary is obscure or abstract.

In this way, the boundary of the tenor is generally unseen or untouchable, such as water, light and air; a type of society or culture; the ideas or feeling of a human. There are some phrases in English, such as "in the air", "jump into water" and "read in the sun".

(1) He was lost in thoughts.

(2) He fell into depression.

(3) I didn't t ake this responsibility into account.

2) The boundary of tenor is a line.

Some objects with plane structure can also be mapped onto containers, for they also have boundaries which are made of lines.

(1) There is a lot of land in Kansas.

(2) What can you see in this picture?

(3) The boundary of tenor is two points.

The concept of container is pervasive. It can be mapped into a three-dimensional space, two-dimensional plane and even one-dimensional line. The concept of one-dimensional is mostly seen in the concept of time, for the time is durable and going to the future constantly. The time can be viewed as container because time has the boundary, that is ,the beginning and ending. The beginning and ending are definite in special times.

(1) He is trapped in his past.

(2) He did it in three minutes.

4.1.3. A case study of ontological metaphor

Both Lakoff and Johnson paid attention to the role of the body in Linguistic expressions and maintained that these expressions reflect and influence our thought in many ways. A group of English idioms containing "finger" contribute to different meanings, and the finger in English is frequently conceptualized as the actual "doer of thing". If one is doing something or participates in something, one's fingers must be "IN" the matter, or one's fingers should function and make contact with the matter:

(1) get one' s finger into something(participate in something)

(2) have a finger in something(take part in something)

(3) get one's finger burnt(suffer after a foolish act or mistake)

(4) work one' s finger to the bone(work very hard)

(5) cross one's finger(wish for good luck or success)

(6) twist somebody around one's finger(persuade somebody without difficulty; dominant somebody completely)

(7) get one's fingers out(begin work in earnest; hurry up)

Ontological metaphor deals with the physical experience in the objective world. We have mentioned above that ontological metaphors allow us to “view events, activities, emotions, etc as entities and substances. In (1), we can view get one’s finger into something as an activity, what can be figured out is more than that. Just as the idiom conveys “if one is doing something or participates in something, one's fingers must be "IN" the matter, or one's fingers should function and make contact with the matter”.

4.2 Orientational metaphors and idioms

According to Lakoff and Johnson, orientational metaphors give the concept of a spatial orientation by "mapping a spatial structure onto a non-spatial concept". Most of them have to do with spatial orientation:up-down,in-out,front-back,on-off,deep-shallow,central-peripherical.These spatial directions arise from the fact that we have bodies of the sort we have and that they function as they do in our physical environment. Metaphorical orientation is not arbitrary. They have a basis in our physical and cultural experiences. This section will focus on the directions of up-down and front-back.

4.2.1 The analysis of metaphoric meanings about UP-DOWN

In English we usually use up, above, over, and the verb rise, climb to denote the concept of UP. The adjectives are upper, high, superior, etc. On the other hand, the prepositions denoting the concept DOWN are down, under or below; the verbs are drop, sink, fall, etc.

1) More is up; Less is down .

If you add more of a substance or of physical objects to a container or pile, the level goes up―Lakoff [16]

(1) If you are too hot, turn the heat down.

(2) Now he has realized that he's already up to his ears in debt.

2) Good is up; Bad is down .

Happiness, health, life, and control―the things that principally characterize what is good for a person―are all up―Lakoff[16]

(1) We hit a peak last year, but it's been downhill ever since.

(2) Things are looking up.

(3) High status is up;Low status is down.

Status correlated with social power and physical power is up.―Lakoff[16]

(1) He's climbing the ladder.

(2) He has a lofty position.

(3) They work under a kind leader.

(4) Having control or force is up; Being subject to control or force down

Physical size typically correlates with physical strength, and the victor in a fight is typically on top.―Lakoff [16]

(1)I am on top of the situation.

(2)He is low man on the totem pole.

(3)The director presides over the meeting.

5)The metaphors about time in English are expressed by up and down.

Normally our eyes look in the direction in which we typically move(ahead, forward).As an object approaches a person(or the person approaches the object),the object appears larger. Since the ground is perceived as being fixed, the top of the object appears to be moving upward in the person's field of vision.―Lakoff [16]

(1) What's up?

(2) I'm afraid of what's up ahead of us.

But there are exceptions in English. TOWARD A LATER or TIME IS DOWN is also seen in English. For example, this story was handed down to him by his father.

4.2.2 The analysis of metaphoric meaning about FRONT-BACK

The words and expressions denoting the concept of "FRONT-BACK" are front

and back, before and after, in front of and behind, forward and backward, etc…


According to the normal condition, the front persons in a line are easier to be seen and the back persons are blocked and not easier to be seen.-----Lakoff

(1) He is behind the plan.

(2) The case is now before the judge.


The important person is always in the front of a line and the important thing is firstly dealt with.----Lakoff

(1)I think quality must come before quality.

(2)The prince is before his brother in the line of succession.


The fast runners will be in the front and the slow runners will be in the back.----Lakoff

(1) The child was backward in learning to walk.

(2) You company is ahead in developing the new technology.

4) The concept of FRONT-BACK is complex in denoting time. When the observer is standing at the road of time, the conceptual metaphor is:


while the observer is marching facing the future, the conceptual metaphor is:


As for (a) let's look at the examples:

(1) The plane was behind schedule.

(2) Let's move the appointment forward from Friday to Thursday.

The above metaphor views time as a road with different points and judges from the perspective of the road, thus the past is in front and the future is at the back.

As for (b) Let's look at the examples:

(1)I am looking forward to seeing you again.

(2)He looked backwards forty years.

4.2.3 A case study: idioms denoting the concept of love


The expressions, such as, we can turn back now and we are spinning our wheels, were considered to reflect entirely different and mostly dead metaphors before. Yet these expressions do reflect different aspects of our ordinary metaphorical concept of love as a kind of physical journey . Each expression listed above reflects a particular entailment of the mapping of journeys onto love, a metaphorical mapping in which our knowledge of a concrete domain of experience( journey) help us better structure our understanding of a more abstract concept(love).

Let’s look at the example: spinning one’s wheel.

We can see this idiom in this way: the wheels of a car stuck in some substance either in mud, sand, snow or on ice, so the car can not move. Our knowledge tells us that the situation will not change even we use a lot of energy. THE LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor applies knowledge about the image to that about love: a lot of energy is being spent without any progress towards fulfilling common goals, similarly, the situation will not change of its own accord before lovers take a lot of efforts to make more progress.

Metaphor is understood via the mapping progress. These mappings are presumed to be part of the human conceptual system. Whenever a metaphor is used, people automatically access the relevant conceptual metaphor that assimilates the abstract concept of love to more concrete concept such as fire, war and act.


She cast her spell over me.


He won her hand in marriage.


He carried torch for the girl he met in library

4.3 Structural metaphor and idioms

Structural metaphor, according to Lakoff &Johnson, is the case " where one concept is metaphorically structured in terms of another." [16] The cognitive function of these structural metaphors is to enable speakers to understand target A by means of the structure of source B. Like orientational and ontological metaphors, structural metaphors are grounded in systematic correlations within our experiences. The

biggest characteristic, that is , systematicity, is reflected in two ways.

4.3.1 The internal systematicity

The structural metaphors focus on the mapping from the structure of the source domain to the structure of the target domain. Because the source domain is systematic, the target domain is systematic. Let's first look at the example: IDEAS ARE PLANTS. The growing process of a plant includes: plowing the soil, sowing seeds, germination, blossoming and bearing fruits.


His argument is ill grounded in facts.


A seed of doubt may have been planted in your minds.


An idea began to germinate in his mind.


During the second revision, we weeded out some dated ideas.


The old theory is withering away, while the new one has not come into being.


This was in the seventeenth century when modern science was in its first blossom.


His ideas finally come to fruition.

What can we learn from the above examples is that the different stages of the plant can be correspondently mapped onto the different stages of the development of an idea. Because people are familiar with the stages of plants, they are used to


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英语原创毕业论文参考选题(100个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq 805990749。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1、(英语毕业论文)分析《等待》的悲剧 2、(英语毕业论文)浅论《儿子与情人》中劳伦斯的心里分析技巧 3、(英语毕业论文)中美大学生课堂讨论话语性别差异对比(开题报告+论文) 4、(英语毕业论文)从《无名的裘德》看哈代的现代性意识(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译) 5、(英语毕业论文)The Tragic Life of Blanch and its Cause in A Street Car Named Desire 6、(英语毕业论文)关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究 7、(英语毕业论文)汉英翻译中的多余词现象 8、(英语毕业论文)跨文化交际中的语用失误分析及策略研究(开题报告+论文) 9、(英语毕业论文)试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象(开题报告+论文) 10、(英语毕业论文)电影《海上钢琴师》的浪漫主义解读(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 11、(英语毕业论文)《红楼梦》两英译本中习语翻译的比较 12、(英语毕业论文)小学英语学习策略及研究 13、(英语毕业论文)纳博科夫小说《洛丽塔》的爱情讽刺 14、(英语毕业论文)英汉视觉动词概念隐喻的对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译) 15、(英语毕业论文)The Translation of English Film Title 16、(英语毕业论文)英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究——以《荷塘月色》英译本为例 17、(英语毕业论文)中西方婚姻观的差异 18、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis on Cultural Differences in Translation 19、(英语毕业论文)追寻荆棘的女人——浅析《荆棘鸟》中梅吉的形象 20、(英语毕业论文)浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》的叙事技巧


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 On the Translating Strategies of Children’s Literature Seen from the Translation of E.B.White’s Charlotte’s Web 2 从弗洛伊德解读《好人难寻》 3 王熙凤与斯嘉丽的对比研究 4 《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义 5 目的论视角下的广告语翻译 6 The Language Features of Advertising English 7 关联理论视角下莫言《红高粱家族》中的隐喻翻译分析 8 论汤亭亭《女勇士》中的和谐观 9 浅析电影字幕翻译中文化意象的重构——《冰河世纪》两个翻译版本的对比分析 10 国际商务谈判及其谈判风格 11 An Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 12 论凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德作品中的彼得?潘情结 13 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 14 简析狄更斯《远大前程》中的浪漫主义特征 15 英语幽默中会话含义的语用分析 16 使用影视片对中学生进行英语听说教学 17 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 18 中介语对二语习得的影响探究 19 《乞力马扎罗的雪》中概念隐喻分析 20 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 21 The Theme of Absurdity in The Scarlet Letter 22 中美商务交际礼仪之差异 23 论D.H.劳伦斯诗歌中的救赎意识 24 从认知角度看隐喻在英语词汇习得中应用 25 浪漫和现实冲突下的宿命论思想——赏析欧·亨利的《命运之路》 26 论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情观和婚姻观 27 从清教理想主义角度解读《红字》中的和谐思想 28 王尔德童话对传统童话的颠覆 29 合作原则在商务谈判中的运用 30 Translation of Tourism English in a Cross-Cultral Perspective 31 中美大学生课堂讨论话语性别差异对比 32 以《老友记》为例浅析美式幽默 33 浅析《野性的呼唤》中的“野性”与“人性” 34 外贸函电文体及语言特点 35 对英汉基本颜色词翻译的跨文化研究 36 高中英语课堂导入语艺术研究 37 《格列佛游记》与《镜花缘》的比较 38 Culture-based Strategies in Translating Ancient Chinese Official Titles 39 《哈利波特》系列小说的浪漫主义情节分析 40 解读奥斯丁小说《诺桑觉寺》对哥特传统的模仿与颠覆 41 矛盾修辞法的认知语用分析


浅谈生活中的隐喻现象 兴湘学院 2009级汉语言文学班王洪浩学号:2009960101 最近看了李亚伟写的一首诗:《中文系》,其中用了许多隐喻的修辞手法,比如 “浅滩边,一个教授和一群讲师正在撒网网住的鱼儿上岸就当助教,然后当屈 原的秘书,当李白的随从当儿童们的故事大王,然后,再去撒网”其中将中文系的学生比喻成鱼儿,用的是隐喻的修辞手法。这是在诗歌中用到隐喻的修辞的例子,其实在日常生活中我们用到许多的有关隐喻的修辞,现在我就日常生活的一些例子来 谈谈我的看法。 一、校园文化的隐喻现象 每个寝室都有各自的寝室文化,文化和语言是相通的,伴随而来的就是寝室语 言。 我收集了一些同学们喜欢在寝室里讨论的话语,其中就用到过不少隐喻的修辞:1、兄弟们,生命不息。(意思是晚上坚持奋战。)2、今天有没有抽水?(意思是今天有没有点名?)3、甲:你快起床,要迟到了!乙:我今天不去了,给我顶上。(意思是代 我点到啊,写张请假条也行。)4、谁借我点钱呀?江湖救急。(形容情况紧急)等等,这样的例子很多,我就不全部列出来了。现在仅就几个例子来讨论,比如“兄弟们,生命不息。”这一句语言使用中的隐喻只是一种表层的现象,真正起作用的是深藏在概念系统中的隐喻概念,即深层隐喻。正如朱军教授所说的:隐喻在人类认知方面有两大作用:创造新的意义;提供看待事物的新视角。“兄弟们,生命不息。”就给我们提供了看待事物的新视角,因为根据日常习惯我们认为生命不息是一种向上的进去行为,但这一句表现的仅仅是一种活动的延续,这属于临时性隐喻,同时具有一定的模糊性, 对语境具有一定的的依赖性。再如“今天有没有抽水?” ,这里将人比喻成水,本来意 图是说抽查人的意思,但“抽水”是日常惯用语,有与抽查在语音上有类似关联,故产生


一、科技英语中的隐喻 (一)隐喻 从词源角度看。英语中metaphor一词来自希腊语,meta含有across,的意思,phor表达carry。所以,metaphor原义为一种“由此及彼”的运动,一种转换。这就隐含着隐喻,必须涉及两种事物。—个作为出发点,一个作为目的地。理查德将前者称为载体(vehicle)后者称为话题“tenor'’。汉语分别将此称为“喻体”与“本体”。关于隐喻,Webster B New World Dictionary作了这样的解释:“a figure of speech containing an implied comparison in which a wont or phrase ordinarily and primarily used for one thing is applied to another”。这一解释简明扼要,即:隐喻是一种隐含着比喻的修辞格。它的通常和基本用法是:表述某一事物的词或词组被用来比喻另外的一种事物。 隐喻是一种普遍现象。人们每时每刻都在使用大量的隐喻。 从研究的范围和方法来看。西方的隐喻研究可以分为兰个不同的时期:1、隐喻的修辞学研究。大约从公元前300年列20世纪30年代。2、隐喻的语义学研究。大约从20世纪3O年代到70年代初,包括从逻辑和哲学角度对隐喻的语义研究和从语言学角度对隐喻的语义研究。3、隐喻的多学科研究。从20世纪70年代至今,包括从认知心理学、哲学、语用学、符号学、现象学、阐释学等角度对隐喻的多角度、多层次研究。到了7O年代后期,欧美,尤其是美国学者。对隐喻的研究达到了高潮。有人将其称为“隐喻狂热”时代。与国外近几年的“隐喻热”相比,我国的隐喻研究就显得十分单薄。对隐喻的定义历来有广义和抉义之分,亚里士多德曾将一切修辞现象称为隐喻性语言;莱考夫等人的隐喻概念也是比较宽泛的。他们把换喻、提喻和反语等都当成隐喻。 (二)隐喻在科技英语中的应用 随着科学技术的发展,新观念、新理论、新技术、新材料层出不穷。需要创造一些新词或原有词语赋予新义。这在很大程度上借助于隐喻化(metaphorization),体现在两个方面:一是大量科技术语来源于隐喻;二是不少科技术语通过隐喻增加和扩展了它的含义。 l、大量科技术语来源于隐喻 大量科技术语是通过隐喻产生的。主要有如下几种情况: 1)一些日常用语通过隐喻被借用到科技领域,从而具有新的科技意义。以“head”为例。“Head”原本指代人或者动物的一种器官,在字典中定义为“身体的一部分,包括眼、鼻、嘴和脑”;而在科技英语中,“head”指“磁盘的磁头”。对于这两种意义,其指代对象在位置和功能上具有明显的相似性。正是在这个相似点的基础上,单词“head”被隐喻化,意义发生了转移。又如,“memo~”(记也是个常用词,用于计算机,根据其类似的功能。成了接受、储存和提取信息的“存储器”。 2)一个领域的术语,随着科技的发展,被用于另一领域,产生新的词义。例如.Information Highway 息高速公路),是把运输领域的概念形象地应用到信息领域。再如:“lay by”这个词最初用于航运,是指河流或运河的一段宽阔水域。船只可以在那里停泊。


一、引言 隐喻传统上属于文学和诗学研究的范畴,近年来随着普通语言学和应用语言学研究的不断深入,成为学术界的一个热门话题,隐喻研究被赋予了新的生命和活力。 作为英语语言精华的习语,其数量可观,内容丰富,应用广泛,是英语词汇中的一个重要组成部分。由于受思维方式和文化因素的影响,英语习语在人们脑海中形成的意义往往是十分委婉而隐蔽的。因此,人们在学习习语时不能仅仅记住并模仿运用,还应该了解习语的深层结构,特别是英语习语中的隐喻意义,从而培养和提高创造性地使用英语习语的能力。 二、理论知识简介(一)关于隐喻的基本知识 隐喻是一种普遍现象,它的发展经历了漫长的历史时期,出现了三种主要理论。 “西方最初的隐喻研究发源于古典修辞学……柏拉图与亚里士多德还分别开启了西方隐喻研究的浪漫主义与古 典主义传统。”[1] 亚里士多德在《诗学》和《修辞学》两部著作 中提出了隐喻的定义,并论述了隐喻的种类、性质及其作用。中世纪至文艺复兴时期的隐喻研究处于相对低潮,当时的隐喻被认为是一种表达风格,失去了其哲学意义。16至 19世纪的隐喻研究在前一阶段积累的基础上得到了进一 步发展。研究者们以诗学领域的研究为突破口,为20世纪隐喻研究奠定了基础。20世纪上半叶隐喻研究的焦点集中在语言学上,20世纪下半叶的隐喻研究呈现多元化趋势,在语言学、诗学、认知哲学等各个领域都成绩斐然。其中布莱克发表的《隐喻》一文成为隐喻研究史上的一个里程碑。“正是从布莱克开始,隐喻才引起了人们越来越广泛的关 注。” [2]西方隐喻研究史上先后出现了三种不同的理论:比较论(comparative theory )、替代论(substitution theory )和互动论(interaction theory )。 比较论的代表人物是亚里士多德。基本模式为A 是B ,认为“隐喻可以看成缩短了的明喻”,[3]表达的意思为“A 在某些方面像B ”。替代论的基本模式也是A 是B ,但在这一模式中,一个陌生的词代替了自有的词,即表达的意思为A 是C 。对比较论的质疑导致了互动论的产生,这一理论是由布莱克在理查兹学说的基础上发展而来的。布莱克认为“隐喻性的陈述并不是对形式上的明喻或其他本义陈述的替代,它有着 自己独特的作用和结果。” [4] (二)关于英语习语的基本知识 习语是英语语言的重要组成部分,也是其精华所在。每一条习语似乎都有自己特定的形式,历史渊源,文化内涵和使用禁忌,这就要求使用者正确把握其意义。 1.英语习语的定义 对于英语习语的定义,历来不同的学者都曾做过总结。有的学者强调习语构成词的数量;有的学者强调习语结构的固定性;还有的学者强调习语语义的单一性,但总结起来,我们可以说,“习语是结构相对固定的词组或短句,它的意义不 是其构成词各意义的简单相加。” [5]2.英语习语的来源 英语习语是英语民族在长期的社会和历史实践中积累下来的一种约定俗成的特殊表达方式,其来源涉及人们物质和精神生活的各个方面。 有的习语来源于人们的日常生活和习俗。这类习语是人们根据自身生活和工作经验总结而成的,反映了社会传统和习俗,如表示“死”的委婉表达“kick the bucket ”。据说旧时人在悬梁自尽时常先站在一个倒置的水桶(bucket )上,然后把 收稿日期66 作者简介李玲(),山东省临沂市人,山东大学威海分校大外语教学部助教,研究方向应用语言学。 论英语习语中的隐喻 李玲 (山东大学威海分校大学外语教学部山东威海264209) 摘要:隐喻是人类语言的共有现象,在人们的日常生活中无处不在,作为语言精华的英语习语也蕴含着大量的隐喻。因此, 研究习语中的隐喻具有重要的价值,对学习者了解英语习语的历史和文化内涵,提高学习者的认知能力,语言思维能力及交际能力都有重要作用。 关键词:习语;隐喻;表现形式中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-949X (2008)-07-0110-02 2008年第7期(总第289期) 湘潮(下半月)2008年7月 :2008--:1982-:110


浅谈生活中的隐喻现象 兴湘学院2009级汉语言文学班王洪浩学号:2009960101 最近看了李亚伟写的一首诗:《中文系》,其中用了许多隐喻的修辞手法,比如“浅滩边,一个教授和一群讲师正在撒网 网住的鱼儿 上岸就当助教,然后 当屈原的秘书,当李白的随从 当儿童们的故事大王,然后,再去撒网 ”其中将中文系的学生比喻成鱼儿,用的是隐喻的修辞手法。这是在诗歌中用到隐喻的修辞的例子,其实在日常生活中我们用到许多的有关隐喻的修辞,现在我就日常生活的一些例子来谈谈我的看法。 一、校园文化的隐喻现象 每个寝室都有各自的寝室文化,文化和语言是相通的,伴随而来的就是寝室语言。我收集了一些同学们喜欢在寝室里讨论的话语,其中就用到过不少隐喻的修辞:1、兄弟们,生命不息。(意思是晚上坚持奋战。)2、今天有没有抽水?(意思是今天有没有点名?)3、甲:你快起床,要迟到了!乙:我今天不去了,给我顶上。(意思是代我点到啊,写张请假条也行。)4、谁借我点钱呀?江湖救急。(形容情况紧急)等等,这样的例子很多,我就不全部列出来了。现在仅就几个例子来讨论,比如“兄弟们,生命不息。”这一句语言使用中的隐喻只是一种表层的现象,真正起作用的是深藏在概念系统中的隐喻概念,即深层隐喻。正如朱军教授所说的:隐喻在人类认知方面有两大作用:创造新的意义;提供看待事物的新视角。“兄弟们,生命不息。”就给我们提供了看待事物的新视角,因为根据日常习惯我们认为生命不息是一种向上的进去行为,但这一句表现的仅仅是一种活动的延续,这属于临时性隐喻,同时具有一定的模糊性,对语境具有一定的的依赖性。再如“今天有没有抽水?”,这里将人比喻成水,本来意图是说抽查人的意思,但“抽水”是日常惯用语,有与抽查在语音上有类似关联,故产生了隐喻的意象与思维。这些新出现的事物以及相关的一套术语常会被借用到一般


2012年第·6期太原城市职业技术学院学报 Journal of TaiYuan Urban Vocational college期 总第131期 Jun2012 [摘要]论文探讨了隐喻能力的定义,提出可以通过掌握多义词学习、谚语和习语的理解、文化教学和语篇分析来提高隐喻能力,进而更好地促进英语词汇学习。 [关键词]隐喻能力;词汇学习;培养 [中图分类号]G642[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1673-0046(2012)6-0145-02试论隐喻能力在英语词汇学习中的应用 蒲婷艳 (华商学院,广东增城511300) 词汇是语言的信息载体,是语言不可缺少的有机组 成部分,在英语学习中有着举足轻重的地位。现在的英语词汇大概以500000个来计算,与此同时,大量的新词汇又被创造出来描述人们遇到的新事物、新经历。但是这种扩大不是任意的,是建立在人隐喻认知方式上的。作为认知和语言的纽带,隐喻在词汇的形成和演变中具有重要地位。因此,有必要将认知隐喻理论引入英语词汇学习,从认知视角学习词汇,以培养隐喻能力,提高词汇学习的效率。 一、隐喻能力的内涵 对于隐喻能力的内涵,国内外语教育研究者给出了的阐释。littlemore对隐喻能力作了详尽且合理的探讨,将之定义为四个方面的能力,即英语产生的独创能力、理解一个隐喻多层含义的能力、正确理解原创性隐喻的能力和轻松、准确、及时理解隐喻的能力。我国学者胡壮麟曾指出:“对隐喻能力的掌握是第二语言教学中的不可缺少的环节”。可见,隐喻能力是学习者学习语言的重要能力之一,也是学习者是否掌握一门语言的重要标志。在以往的语言学习中,许多学习者没能意识到隐喻在思维中所起的重要作用,对隐喻的本体和喻体之间的映合规律认识不足,简单认为这类现象是理所当然的,没有加以分析就推入到惯用法或固定搭配当中,死记硬背,导致背而不熟、记而不牢、用而不活。 二、隐喻能力的培养 隐喻是通过始源域的具体概念来认知目标域的抽象概念的一种映射。人类总是参照具体、较熟悉的始源域来认识和理解另一个抽象的、不熟悉的目标域,从而形成了一系列的推理模式,并形成了概念认知的隐喻对应。有了概念隐喻及其通过映射形成的对应,我们就可以很好地认知、理解词汇。所以从理论上说,隐喻的认知功能对词汇记忆和理解起着十分重要的作用。这也为词汇的隐喻学习提供了理论基础。 1.学习词义,培养隐喻能力意识 首先让我们来看看英语常见的一词多义现象,英语中很多词汇的词义都是在原有的基础上,经隐喻的催化作用,又有了一些新的含义,如“头”(head)本义是身体上部的头骨,包括了口、眼、耳、鼻和脑,可以引申为抽象意义的某个位置或地方的领导(the head of a state,the head of a government etc.),又被引申为物体的顶部或上端(the head of a pin,the head of a mountain),还可以用来表示空间概念(the head of Mississippi)。 这些引申意义是如何从一认知领域映射到另一所想表达的事物的认知域的呢?头的位置处于身体的上方,它是我们智力的起源,组织和控制着我们的行为和思想。我们利用事物的相关性进行联想,“the head of Mississippi”可能指的是密西西比河在地理位置上最高那个点,如果我们在这个最高点切断了水源,其他的地区就会干旱然后消失。这与人体的头部和其他身体部分关系是一样的。当我们直立的时候,头是身体最高的部分,如果把头切断了,其余的身体部分也会随之死亡。由此我们可知,隐喻普遍存在于英语词汇中,除了一词多义外,英语词汇中各种构词法,如前缀、后缀、派生及合成等都具有一定的隐喻性。我们在词汇学习过程中要重视隐喻在语言中的普遍性以及抽象概念表达的隐喻性,不断地培养隐喻意识,进而生成外语的自学能力,最终达到提高外语学习的效率。 2.注重西方习语,培养隐喻能力 不同语言的习语提炼自不同的社会与文化背景,对于二语学习者而言,理解和正确使用习语都是很大的挑战。 表1英汉习语对比 众所周知,牛的胃是很大的,所以我们用牛饮来形容可以容纳很多水。但是西方国家却不这样认为,他们 145 ··


英文小说中隐喻的汉译 摘要:隐喻常常在文学作品中用来表情达意,是文学中最基本的问题之一。因此,隐喻相应地在文学翻译中也占据着非常重要的地位。隐喻翻译效果的优劣对整部作品译文质量和艺术效果有着很大的直接影响。本论文试图从认知语言学的角度理解隐喻,探索英文小说中隐喻的翻译方法。 关键词:隐喻;英文小说;翻译方法 一、引言 在文学作品中,隐喻这种修辞手法表达出的语言比平铺直叙更有文学色彩和感染力,与此同时读者可以获取更多的想象空间,因此隐喻性的语言往往成为作者传达情感、展现风格的重要手段之一。隐喻相应地在文学翻译中也占据着非常重要的地位。隐喻翻译效果的优劣对整部作品译文质量和艺术效果有着很大的直接影响。对于文学作品的译者来说,能否在准确翻译原文的同时成功地传递出隐喻的含义,使读者能够正确地理解原文的喻意,也成为翻译作品传神与否的重要标准之一。 二、隐喻的定义和要素 (一)隐喻的定义 人们对隐喻的传统看法是隐喻是一种修辞手法,是一种替代或者比较的方式,也是一种语言现象。隐喻没有指明两个事物的共同点,而是用一个具有形象意义的词来直接称为。隐喻和明喻不同,它不用like或as表示出来,而是进行隐藏的比较,所以又称暗喻。表达方法通常为:A是B。 (二)隐喻的要素 隐喻有三个要素:本体、喻体和喻义。本体是对喻体比喻的对象,喻体用来类比本体,基本上是人们所熟悉的人或物,喻义是本体与喻体之间的共性。想要充分的理解隐喻,需要明白本体与喻体的类似性是意义转换的前提,喻体的性质在阴雨中映射到本体上面。 三、英文小说中隐喻的翻译 纽马克 (Newmark) 指出:“隐喻的翻译展现了翻译家们各种选择方式,因此对隐喻的翻译是所有语言翻译的缩影,在对隐喻翻译的时候,译者可以可以考虑以下因素:(1)隐喻可否保留,(2)如何传达喻体形象(转换或放弃),(3)修辞手法的表现方式,(4)隐喻的含义应该清楚的表达。基于上述因素,在翻译隐喻的时候,译者可以采取以下几种方法。 (一)直译 作为一种思维方式,隐喻和人的生活经验密切相关。不同的文化具有相似性,所以不同的语言也有相应的表达方式。基于这些相似之处,人们往往会选择相同的相同的喻体。在这种情况下,直译可在例如一个好的翻译方法,即在翻译中,喻体形象和修辞意义以及隐喻方法都可以保留。例如:The ghostly winter silence had given way to the great spring murmur of wakening life. This murmur arose from all the land, fraught with the joy of living. 译文:那阴森可怖的严寒寂静让位于复苏万物的伟大春天的低语,这种低语来自整个大地,充满着生活的欢乐。在英文原文中,春天被比作人的“清醒”和“低语”。直译既保持了本体的形象和特征又表达出原文的意思。 (二)转换 有的时候汉语和英语之间虽然有共性,但是对隐喻直译会比较生硬,容易让读者迷惑。在这种情况下,可以考虑转换成明喻,使喻义更加清楚易懂。如: She


概念隐喻理论在诗歌中的应用 ——以《吉檀迦利》第94首中的隐喻分析为例 【摘要】概念隐喻理论是认知语言学最重要的理论之一,认为概念隐喻是人类组织概念系统的基础。诗歌被称为“隐喻式语言”, 隐喻是诗歌不可缺少的一部分。本文以泰戈尔《吉檀迦利》第94首诗中的概念隐喻理论分析为例,让读者从认知语言学角度来更好的理解诗歌的内涵。 【关键词】概念隐喻诗歌隐喻认知语言学 引言 随着当代认知语言学的发展,概念隐喻打破了传统修辞学的观念,上升为一种认知思维方式,成为人类特有的一种语言分析技巧。诗歌是我们常见文本形式之一,诗歌的创作离不开隐喻的运用,因为诗人为了创造优美的意境、表达深刻的内涵,总是会运用隐喻这一方法。本文将从认知语言学的角度出发,运用概念隐喻理论来分析泰戈尔《吉檀迦利》诗的第94首诗歌中的隐喻现象,帮助读者更好的理解诗歌的内涵。 一、什么是概念隐喻 传统的隐喻理论大多把隐喻看作一种修辞手法,认为是语言层面的非正常现象。1980年,Lakoff和Johnson合著《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书,摒弃了传统隐喻的研究理论,提出了“隐喻的认知观”,综合Lakoff和Johnson的著作和李福印、张敏等人的观点,我们可以把他们对隐喻的看法和研究成果概括为概念隐喻理论。 1、隐喻从根本上讲是概念性的,不是语言层面上的,它更是一种思维方式,也就是说,思维过程本身就是隐喻性的,我们赖以思考和行动的概念系统大多数是以隐喻的方式构建和界定的。 2、隐喻的工作机制是跨概念域的系统映射。跨概念域的映射是不对称的,是部分的。每一种映射都是源域与目标域之间一系列固定的本体对应。一旦那些固定的对应被激活,映射可以把源域的推理模式投射到目标域中的推理模式上去。


科技新闻英语中隐喻的应用特点 发表时间:2010-10-18T08:36:29.937Z 来源:《学园》2010年第7期上供稿作者:孙洪英[导读] 隐喻不仅存在于文学及日常语言中,随着科技的发展,隐喻也被广泛应用于科技英语文本中。 孙洪英天津渤海职业技术学院 【摘要】隐喻不仅存在于文学及日常语言中,随着科技的发展,隐喻也被广泛应用于科技英语文本中。本文总结了 2009的 VOA慢速科技英语,探讨隐喻性语言在科技新闻中的应用特点。 【关键词】科技新闻隐喻特点 【中图分类号】 H315 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1674-4810(2010)07-0041-01 【Abstract】As EST is increasingly more and more developed, metaphor not only occurs in literary language as well as in precise EST (Science and Technology)discourses. The author favors to choose VOA of 2009 to explore the features of metaphor in EST News. 【Key words】Technology News Metaphor Features 科技英语作为科技语言的一个分支,隐喻必然在其词汇和表达方面起着重要的作用。一方面,随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,大量新词根据隐喻机制被创造出来,人类根据隐喻用其较为熟悉领域的经验来说明和解读较为陌生领域;另一方面,隐喻促使科技术语的词义和用法得以扩充和拓展。此外,新闻还要满足以下几点:(1)大众性。新闻刊物是大众传播的媒介,其语言须适应广大读者的阅读水平;(2)趣味性。不仅要求报道内容,而且语言要适应读者的爱好和阅读习惯,新词和临时生造的词可使文章更加活泼生动;(3)节俭性。它是精炼语言的重要手段。 一外形相似 White House officials also say Mr. Obama will go to Capitol Hill on Sunday to meet with Democratic lawmakers on efforts to advance health care reform.(Dec 9) 白宫实际就是美国政府,由其建筑的颜色而得名。 二位置相似 1.Competition to work at a top hospital can be fierce.(Jun 2) 2.One of the scientists says the past six years have shown the lowest Arctic sea ice cover ever measured.(Nov 26) 3.Unemployment is rising and will likely reach a historic peak of nearly 10 percent next year.(Sep 18) 4.H.I.V. is short for the human immunodeficiency virus. The experts say estimates of new H.I.V. infections are down by about fifteen percent in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. And, new infections have decreased almost twenty-five percent in East Asia.(Dec 8) “竞争是方向”、“权利是方向”以及“疾病是方向”,人们很容易理解高为优秀,高为竞争激烈,高为病情严重。 三结构相似 1.NTT DoCoMo is pouring billions of dollars into building a 3G empire that it hopes will eventually spread across the globe.(Sep 18) 2.Scarpetta said:“Part of the stimulus packages have been additional resources for labor markets and social policies.”(Sep 1 投资一个新的领域类似建立一个新的帝国,一系列的措施类似一个完整的包裹,这些人们熟悉的语言恰好满足了新闻的特点,大众性、趣味性。 四功能相似 1.The humble algae could lead be a revolutionary tool in the battle against climate change.(Sep 4) 2.OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD’s 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year.(Sep 18) 3.Tornadoes form when winds blowing in different directions meet in the cloud and begin to turn in circles.(Jun 9) 4.Satellite images show an ice bridge that held a huge Antarctic ice shelf in place recently broke apart.(May 动物也有类似于人的身份;企业的成长类似人类的运动,如爬山;自然的现象类似人类日常动作或是一种事物。 五特性相似 1.Tornadoes can also destroy anything in their path.(Jun 9) 2.Australia is preparing to introduce technology that allows algae to capture half or more of the greenhouse gases emitted by a power station.(Sep 4) 3.As well as Australia, the pioneering algae technology is also being tested in the United States and Germany.(Sep 4) 4. 根据某些事物本身特性,比如温室、先行者来解释科学现象或发现,易于被大众接受本文作者尝试采用隐喻作为教授科技英语语篇的手段,挖掘学生的隐喻智力,力图探索科技隐喻成果应用于教学。高职院校的英语课程其“实用性”即语言交流的工具性,课程的教学目标是“通过指导学生阅读和收听有关专业的英语书刊和文献及科技新闻,提高阅读和翻译科技资料的能力,并能以英语为工具获取本专业实际工作中所需的信息”。参考文献 [1]胡壮麟 .语言·认知·隐喻[ J].现代外语, 1997(4) [2]Kuhn, Thomas, Samuel. Metaphor in Science. In A: Ortony(eds.). 1993 [3]林书武 .国外隐喻研究综述[ J].外语教学与研究, 1997(1)


1. 共产党是太阳。 2.四合院是一个盒子. 3.小兴安岭是一座天然的宝库。 4.一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友。 5. 勤奋是狂风暴雨后开出的海棠。 6. 地中海沿岸成为西方文明的摇篮。 7. 广州城在节日期间成了欢乐的海洋! 8. 老师是园丁,辛勤地浇灌着祖国的花朵。 9. 更多的时候,乌云四合,层峦叠嶂都成了水墨山水。 10. 美感的记忆,是人生最可珍的产业,认识美的本能是上帝给我们进天堂的一把秘钥.篇二:隐喻学短语句子 as blind as a bat 有眼无珠 an eye for eye and tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 cannot see beyond the length of ones nose 鼠目寸光 make eyes at sb 向某人送秋波 apple in one’s eyes心肝宝贝 a thron in the eye眼中钉 pull the wool over one’s eyes 哄骗 the eagle eye 锐利的眼光 fishy-eyed狡猾的目光 evil-eyed狠毒的眼神 green eye眼红,嫉妒 black eye发青的眼圈 pink eye 传染性角膜炎 get off on the wrong foot . 出师不利 get off on the right foot 开门红 put one’s best foot forward想尽量给人好印象 put one’s foot in one’s mouth 讲话不得体说走了嘴 have ones foot on the neck of another person 残暴的控制别人 vote with feet(议会政治中)不予同意 put ones foot down很坚定,采取严厉手段 catch someone on the wrong foot令某人措手不及,出其不意,乘其不备 the shoe is on the other foot形势已经完全不同了 jump in and get your feet wet到实践中去学习,取得经验 to land on ones feet逢凶化吉 cold foot 事到临头打退堂鼓,对原先有信心的事胆怯了。 bring things to a head 使到摊牌的地步 lose head失去冷静 put heads together 集思广益 keep one’s head above water 勉强糊口 head for朝......前进 hold one’s head high 趾高气昂 bury one’s head in the sand逃避困难

英语专业 修辞学论文 Metaphors in Business English 隐喻在商务英语中的应用

Metaphors in Business English 隐喻在商务英语中的应用 课程论文提交时间:2011年9月13日

Abstract This paper introduces some basic concepts and features of metaphors such as different definitions of metaphor, how metaphors work, and the common types of metaphor. However, metaphor is nowadays not only regarded as a figure of speech but also an important tool in culture communication. As one of the most vivid rhetorical devices, metaphor is used quite frequently in language used in different fields in daily life. This study also gives some examples to prove that in the field of business there exist metaphors, which are vital to understand some economic knowledge and certain phenomena better. Key Words: metaphor; source domain; target domain; business;


英语论文:英美文学作品中隐喻的翻译手法探析 摘要:隐喻的表现手法在英美文学中运用得非常广泛,隐喻也是一种思维方式和认知手段,本文对英美文学中隐喻词的翻译分析涉及到隐喻的理论概念等,对英美文学作品实例的运用进行了深入的探讨,进一步深化我们对于隐喻的认识,同时介绍了隐喻的三种翻译方法。 关键词:英美文学; 隐喻词; 翻译分析; 隐喻是英美文文学中使用非常广泛的一种表现手法,能够让语言变得更加生动形象,而在翻译中,如何将隐喻翻译出来是我们研究的热点。国内有关隐喻的研究主要是对于英汉成语或谚语中的习用性比喻的喻体进行比较,并分析了如何进行隐喻的翻译,能够准确地表达其中的含义。目前国内有关隐喻的研究范围较窄,仅仅是针对诗学、修辞用语的隐喻翻译。本文的研究扩大了研究范围,将对英美文学作品中隐喻的普遍运用进行了探讨和说明,通过实例分析提出了三种隐喻翻译的方法。 一、隐喻的定义及其特点 隐喻作为一种修辞手法,能够是语言文字更加生动活泼,提升语言文字的魅力。《朗文当代高级词典》对隐喻的定义是:“将一物比喻为具有相似品质的另一物,如她阳光般的微笑。”《现代汉语词典》对隐喻的解释是:“隐喻是把某事物比拟成和它有相似关系的另一事物。”虽然两种定义说法上有所区别,但是意思还是相近的,总的来说就是隐喻表现手法需要源域和目标域,源域和目标域之间需要有一定的相似之处或者有一定的联系,不能够毫无关系,将源域映射到目标域上,让人们能够通过目标域对源域有更加新颖和深刻的认识。隐喻又称为暗喻,通过英文like和as表现出来的叫做明喻,而隐喻则是一种隐藏式的比喻,隐喻更加隐晦,难以琢磨,理解起来有一定的难度,但是会给文章增添更加丰富的色彩。隐喻的表达方式是通过目标域的特征来反映出源域的各种特征或者本质。隐喻的使用通常是通过动词或者名词、形容词等,在欧美文学作品中的具体表现形式也不外乎这几种,隐喻具有多样化的特点,更加委婉含蓄。 二、英美文学作品中隐喻的翻译手法


汉语中的语言“隐喻”现象 发表时间:2018-10-01T18:53:16.397Z 来源:《基层建设》2018年第23期作者:张弛[导读] 摘要:几千年以来,语言依旧是当今人类进行有效沟通和交流的方式。 河南师范大学文学院河南省新乡市 453000 摘要:几千年以来,语言依旧是当今人类进行有效沟通和交流的方式。但是随着社会的发展和变化,我国的汉语言不管是在结构、含义还是其他方面上都发生了一些变化,以致于人们对汉语言的使用变得更加多元化。作为一门语言,除了具有表情达意的功能外,还间接成为了人们的一种语言行为,很多人也能从他人的语言中感受到所要表达的情感。然而对中华民族而言,汉语言的使用中还被融入了一些隐喻的特质。 关键词:汉语言、隐喻性、文化特质、文化体系 一、隐喻 从现代认知语言学来看,隐喻是作为一种认知结构存在的,属于语言修辞学的范畴,与逻辑语义学共同构成了人类的认知和语言。语言的符号结构主要由诗性语言和科学语言两大块构成,其两大根本特征隐喻和逻辑性在语言的结构及运用发展中是相对存在的。从语言的结构上讲,隐喻性主要体现在意象符号的运用,使语言结构变得柔和灵动;从语言的运用发展上讲,隐喻性主要强调语义的创新和语义相似的运用,较逻辑性的严谨和保守,使语言更为丰盈新颖。在语言学的存在与发展上,人类思维的开始就预示着隐喻的出现,发展到现在,隐喻已经从语言学和修辞学的领域深入到了美学及更为广泛的领域,从某种程度上支持人类自由的情感表达。 二、汉语言中隐喻的构成基础 汉字自文字出现并发展以来,有两大分类:自源文字和借源文字。自源文字,即自然产生的文字,是世界上最早的文字,又被称为象形文字。语言的进一步发展,是基于人类将自然界的呈象通过感官的自然感知构成关系,并用象形文字记录下来,那么这一过程所反映出的人类的思维方式就是隐喻。人与自然界的相似性成为隐喻形成的基础,而象则成为隐喻发展的中介。汉字,是目前世界上历史最久远且惟一延续了象形根基的文字,这也显示了汉字所独具的隐喻性特质,而这一特征使汉语言成为了最具隐喻特制的语言。 三、汉语言中隐喻的构成关键 非形态化与汉语语词汉字作为汉语言的基本单位,被视为整个汉语言的发育基因,而汉语语词又该怎样定位呢?古代的汉语言构成中并没有词这一概念,只有字和句相互关系构成语言,而词则是以一种非形态化的形式作为语言中的一个符号单元在字与句之间发挥作用的。随着人类思维的不断发展及语义空间的不断扩大,汉语语词慢慢代替字与字的源始述谓活动,成为人类述谓的主要中介。根据语言符号结构诗性语言与科学语言两大特性来分析,汉语语词的述谓模式也被分为了科学语言的词性表达和诗歌语言的词性表达,前者是逻辑的词语述谓方式,后者是隐喻的词语述谓方式,日常语言中的语词构成同时兼有这两种表达。 四、汉语言中隐喻的构成核心 汉语话语结构分析汉语言的隐喻特质,要涉及到汉语言的每个层面,从字到语词再到句子。句子是不同语义单元的结合,不同的语义单元反映的是人的思维中的不同需求,人类通过不同的表达方式,通过语言来呈现出自己不同的感观,而这种形式多样的语言表达就需要隐喻的支撑,通过隐喻来开拓语义的表达空间,来展现语言对人与自然关系发展和进化的影响能力,人类的述谓活动是隐喻建立的基础,隐喻述谓必须落实到话语或句子上。隐喻的表达可以体现在任何语言中,而汉语言话语自身的隐喻特质在某些方面比其他语言更为丰富,主要有以下三个方面。 1、分析第一方面,我们必须先了解这样一个概念,就是汉语话语结构中的系词缺席。在汉语言发展到基本成熟时期时,话语的句法表达基于象形文字的影响,大多崇尚结构自由,因字而生句,因此,汉语话语结构的组成中,只有实词和虚词,而缺少了系词。基于因字而生句的规则,由于系词的缺席,使得语句中的每个词都具有实际的意义,这样就为语句中隐喻提供了非常大的存在空间。 2、“象”早就以功能单元形式在句子表达中起重要作用。象形文字的典型代表———汉字,在语句结构中的制约作用正是话语语句中隐喻特质的体现。话语语句中结合象来表达情感句意的形式是其自身表达智慧的体现,也是人与自然的隐喻关系的深层体现,更是其阐释价值的独特体现。 3、话语语句中结合象来表达情感句意的形式是其自身表达智慧的体现,也是人与自然的隐喻关系的深层体现,更是其阐释价值的独特体现。 五、汉语隐喻的象思维阐释 相对于以任意性为根基的拼音文字,汉语言则是一种“象语言”。这体现在两个层面上:一是语言符号的第一个层级,即以象形文字为根基的汉字实际上隐喻了人与自然的象似性;二是语言符号的第二个层级以上,隐喻取象是汉字第二个层级之上引申演变的认知动力。作为象语言汉字的象似性是在象思维下形成和发展的,是汉民族象思维下的产物。在大千世界中,充斥着各种各样的象似现象,这些普遍存在的象似在头脑中反映出来,就产生了象思维。象思维“从思维静态成果讲,有印象、忆象、表象、心象、类象、意象、形象等;从思维动态过程讲,有取象、拟象、想象、抽象等,象字意义的演化,从一个侧面表征了中国古代思维进化的过程。从汉字发展历程看,在篆书及其之前形态,象形特征突出。但汉字经过汉代隶书产生之“隶变”可以说也基本符号化了。不过,必须注意,即使“隶变”之后,汉字中仍然保留着象形性根基,与完全符号化的拼音文字有着本质区别,从而使之能成为书法艺术对象。在拼音文字中,视觉象形性根基已经荡然无存。 六、结语 隐喻是语言和神话的关联点,与人类情感表达息息相关,人与自然的相似性是隐喻建立的基础。隐喻关联日渐消逝,而语言则必须通过隐喻的话语方式来避免这种消逝,隐喻本就属性于语言,从语言本身来对其进行思考。日益技术化、科技化的现代生活,使人们的心灵已不堪科学逻辑的重负,需要以一种方式来进行自由的情感表达,隐喻则义无反顾的担负起这项艰巨的使命,用一句话来讲就是“我们的思想之路能够向前走也可以向后退回来,也许返回的道路更能够从思想上引导我们前进”。 参考文献 [1]范爱贤.汉语言隐喻特质[D].山东大学,2005. [2]朱瑞青.概念隐喻视域下《周易》和《圣经》生态观念对比[J].辽宁大学学报.2011
