



I had to break a window to get into the house. 我只得打破一扇窗户进屋。

break sth in half/two :He broke the biscuit in half and handed one piece to me. 他把饼干掰成两半,递了一块给我。

He kept pulling at the rope until it broke. 他一直拉到绳子,直到把它拉断。

The frames are made of plastic and they tend to break quite easily. 这些框架是塑料做的,很容易碎裂。

2.bones 骨头使骨折

She fell downstairs and broke her hip. 她从楼梯上摔下来,髋部骨折。

3.machines 机器弄坏,损坏〔机器〕〔机器〕损坏,失灵

Don’t mess about with my camera –you’ll break it. 别乱动我的照相机,你会把它弄坏的。

The washing machi ne’s broken again. 洗衣机又坏了。

4.rules/laws 规定/法律不遵守,违犯

?If you break the rules , you will be punished. 违反规定要受到惩罚。

5.promise/agreement 诺言/协议违反,违背〔诺言或协议〕

?I never break my promises . 我从不食言。

?You betrayed me. You broke your word . 你出卖了我,你说话不算数。

He was worried that he might be breaking his contract. 他担心自己可能会违约。

6.stop/rest 停下来/休息

*+ for+?Shall we break for lunch now? 我们现在停下来吃午饭好吗?

7.end sth 结束某事物打断,中断

?We need to break the cycle of poverty and crime in the inner cities. 我们需要打破旧城区里贫困和犯罪的恶性循环。

?We took turns drivi ng, in order to try and break the monotony. 我们轮流开车,免得乏味。

?New talks will begin on Monday in an effort to break the deadlock . 为打破僵局,星期一将重启会谈。

8.defeat sb 打垮某人

?Losing his business nearly broke him. 生意亏本几乎将他击垮。

?I won’t give in. I won’t be broken by him. 我决不服输,我不会被他击垮的。

9.destroy an organization 摧毁,瓦解〔组织〕

?The government succeeded in breaking the unions. 政府成功地瓦解了工会。10.day/dawn (天)刚亮,破晓

?Dawn was breaking by the time we arrived home. 我们到家的时候天蒙蒙亮。11.〔暴风雨〕来临,突然出现

?We were keen to get back to the hotel before the storm broke. 我们急于赶在暴风雨来临之前回到宾馆。


?The following day the weather broke and we had ten days of solid rain. 第二天天气突变,一连下了十天的雨。


?We sat and watched the waves breaking on the shore 我们坐着看波涛拍击海岸。


?He was fiftee n, and his voice was just beginning to break. 他15岁,正开始变声。?Her voice broke as she told us what had happened. 她向我们诉说发生的一切时,声音都变了。


?News of his resignation broke yesterday. 昨天传出了他辞职的消息。

?I didn’t know how I was going to break the news to my mother. 我不知道该怎样把这个消息告诉母亲。

?The doctor finally broke it to me that there was no cure. 医生最后终于和我明说,这个病没法治愈。

16.break a habit改掉某习惯〔尤指坏习惯〕

a new drug which helps smokers to break their habit 帮助吸烟者戒烟的一种新药

17.break a record破记录?an attempt to break the 10,000-metres world record 打破10,000米世界记录的努力

18.break a journey中途停留?We decided to break our journey in Oxford. 我们决定中途在牛津停留。

19.break sb’s heart使某人伤心[心碎+?He broke my heart when he left me. 他离开我时,我的心都碎了。

20.break a strike迫使罢工结束?The government has threatened to br ing in the army to break the 10-month-old strike. 政府威胁要调派军队来结束这场历时十个月的罢工。

21.break a link/tie/connection断绝关系?The US has now broken all diplomatic links with the regime. 美国现已和这个政权断绝了所有外交关系。

22.break the skin割伤皮肤,撕开皮肤?Their teeth are sharp enough to break th e skin. 它们牙齿锋利,足以咬破皮肤。

23.break the back of sth完成某事物的主要部分;攻克某事物的难关

?I think we’ve broken the back of the job now. 我想我们现在已经把这工作最难的部分完成了。

24.break the bank花很多钱;透支?A new hard drive doesn’t have to break the bank. 一个新的硬盘驱动器要不了多少钱。

25.break sb’s concentration分散某人的注意力

?The slightest sound would break his concentration. 稍有一点动静就会分散他的注意力。

26.break the silence打破寂静[沉默+?The silence was broken by a loud scream. 一声尖叫打破了寂静。

27.break sb’s spirit摧毁某人的意志,挫某人的锐气?They could not break her spirit. 他们摧毁不了她的意志。

28.break sb’s power削弱某人的权力?At last the power of the Church was finally broken. 最后,教会的权力终于被削弱了。

29.break the ice打破冷场[僵局]

?Sam’s arrival broke the ice and people began to talk and laugh. 萨姆的到来打破了沉默,大家开始又说又笑起来。

30.break a code破译密码?Scientists worked day and night to break the co de. 为了


31.break wind放屁

32.break (sb’s) serve?Hewitt broke serve twice in the second set. 休伊特在第二盘中两次破对方发球局得分。

33.break a leg祝你成功,祝你好运〔尤用于在某人上台表演前〕THESAURUS 词语辨析

to break something

1.break 使破裂,打碎?Careful you don’t break the chair. 小心别把椅子弄坏。

2.smash 〔猛力〕打碎,砸碎?A policeman smashed his camera. 一名警察砸碎了他的照相机。

4.split 使分成两半?Using a sharp knife, split the melon in half. 用快刀把瓜切成两半。

5.fracture 使断裂,使折断〔尤指骨骼等表面有裂痕〕?I fell over and fractured my wrist. 我摔倒了,手腕骨折。

6.tear 撕破〔纸或布料〕?She tore up the letter and pu t it in the bin. 她把信撕碎后扔进了垃圾筒。

?to become broken

1.break 破裂,碎裂?Plastic breaks quite easily. 塑料很容易碎裂。

2.smash 〔遭猛击而〕粉碎?The bowl smashed as it hit the floor. 碗打在地上摔碎了。

4.crack 裂开;出现裂纹?The ice was starting to crack. 冰开始裂了。

5.burst 〔轮胎、气球、管道等〕破裂,爆裂?She blew up the balloon until it burst. 她吹着气球,直到把它吹爆。

6.split 〔沿直线〕裂开?The damp had caused the wood to split. 因为潮湿,木头开裂了。

7.crumble 碎裂,崩裂〔成粉末或碎屑〕?The cork just crumbled in my hand. 软木塞就在我手中碎裂了。

break away

1.〔通常因意见不合而从某个团体或政党〕脱离出去?More than 30 Labour MPs broke away to form a new left-wing party. 三十多名工党议员脱离工党,成立了一个新的左翼党派。

2.离开〔家、家人或工作〕?I felt the need to break away from home.我觉得有必要从家里出来。

3.逃脱,挣脱,逃离?She started crying and tried to break away. 她大叫起来,想要挣脱开去。

4.甩开〔其他参赛者〕?Radcliffe broke away 200 metres before the finish. 拉德克利夫在距终点200米处甩开了其他对手。

5.松开,脱开?Part of the plane’s wing had broken away. 机翼的有些地方脱开了。break down

1.停止运转,出故障?The car broke down just north of Paris. 汽车就在

2.失败?Negotiations broke down after only two days. 谈判只进行了两天就破裂了。

3.break sth ←→ down if you break down a door, you hit it so hard that it breaks and falls to the ground撞倒,打破,砸破〔门〕?Police had to break down the door to get

into the flat. 警方只得把门撞开,进入公寓。

4.break sth ←→ down消除,驱除〔人与人之间的隔阂等〕

?Getting young people together will help to break down the barriers between them. 把年轻人聚集起来可以帮助他们消除彼此之间的隔阂。

5.(使)分解break sth ←→ down

?Food is broken down in the stomach.,Bacteria are added to help break down the sewage.食物在胃里分解。,下水道中加入了细菌,帮助分解污物。


?He broke down and cried. 他情绪崩溃,哭了出来。

?She broke down in tears when she heard the news. 她听到这个消息禁不住泪流满面。

7.break sth ←→ down拆分,把…分成若干部分〔以方便做或理解〕

?He showed us the whole dance, then broke it down so that we could learn it more easily. 他给我们演示了整段舞蹈,然后拆分开来方便我们学习。

break for sth

1.〔尤为指想避开某人〕突然跑向,冲向?He broke for the door, but the guards got there before he did. 他向门口冲去,但是警卫先他一步赶到了那里。

break in1.闯入〔行窃〕?Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment. 窃贼破门而入,盗走了价值10,000英镑的计算机设备。

2.插话,打断谈话?I didn’t want to break in on his telephone conversation.我不想打断他的通话。

3.break sth ←→ in to make new shoes or boots less stiff and more comfortable by wearing them使〔新鞋〕逐渐合脚

?I went for a walk to break in my new boots. 我出去走了走,好让新靴子合脚。4.使某人适应〔某种行为或工作方式〕?She’s quite new to the job, so we’re still breaking her in. 她才做这份工作不久,所以我们还在带着她熟悉业务。

5.br eak sth ←→ 训练〔小马〕驮人?We break the horses in when they’re about two years old. 小马两岁左右的时候,我们就开始训练它们驮人。

break into sth

1.闯入〔行窃〕?Someone broke into my car and stole the radio. 有人撬了我的车,把收音机偷走了。


?She made an attempt to break into journalism. 她试图进入新闻界。

3.动用〔不想花费的钱〕?I don’t want to break into my savings unless I have to. 除非迫不得已,我不想动用自己的积蓄。

4.break into a run/trot etc to suddenly start running突然奔跑?He broke into a run as he came round the corner. 他走到拐角处,突然拔腿就跑。

5.break into a smile/a song/applause 突然笑起来/唱起来/鼓起掌来等

break sb of sth

1.使改掉〔坏习惯〕?Try to break yourself of the habit of eating between meals. 尽


break off


?She started to speak, then broke off while a waitress served us coffee. 她开始说了起来,后来服务员给我们上咖啡,她就打住了。

2.break sth ←→ off to end a relationship

结束,断绝〔关系〕?She broke off their engagement only a few weeks before they were due to be married. 就在他们将要结婚的前几个星期,她取消了婚约。

3.(使)脱落,(使)脱开?One of the car’s wing mirrors had broken off. 车上的一块后视镜已经脱落。

break sth ←→ off?He broke off a piec e of bread.他掰下一块面包。

break out

1.〔不愉快之事〕爆发,突然发生?I was still living in London when the war broke out. 战争爆发的时候我还住在伦敦。

2.越狱?Three men have broken out of a top-security jail.三名男子从一所戒备极其森严的监狱逃跑了。

3.〔因腻烦〕改变生活方式,摆脱?She felt the need to break out of her daily rout ine.她觉得必须从日常生活中解脱出来。

4.break out in spots/a rash/a sweat 出丘疹/出红疹/出汗等

?I broke out in a painful rash. 我出了疹子,很痛。

?My whole body broke out in a sweat. 我浑身冒汗。

break through

1.冲破(某物),突破(某物)?Several demonstrators broke through the barriers despite warnings from the police. 有几名游行示威者不顾警方警告,冲破了路障。

2.〔太阳〕冲破(云层)?The sun broke through at around lunch time. 大约午饭时分,太阳破云而出。

3.突破,有突破?He’s a very talented young actor who’s just ready to break through. 他是一名天赋很高、正待破茧而出的青年演员。

break up

1.(使)碎裂,(使)破裂?It seems that the plane jus t broke up in the air. 飞机似乎突然就在空中解体了。

2.break sth ←→ up分拆,分解?There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies. 有计划要把这家公司分拆成几家独立的小公司。

3.break sth ←→ up to stop a fight阻止〔打斗〕?Three policemen were needed to break up the fight. 有要三名警察才能制止这场斗殴。

4.break sth ←→ 驱散〔集会或抗议的人群〕?Government soldiers broke up the demonstration . 政府军驱散了示威人群。

?Police moved in to break up the meeting . 警察进来驱散集会。

5.婚姻或关系〕破裂;〔团体〕散伙?He lost his job and his marriage broke up . 他丢了工作,婚姻也破裂了。

6.〔会议或聚会〕解散,散会,结束?The party didn’t break up until after midnight. 聚会直到过了半夜才结束。

7.〔学校〕放假?School breaks up next week. 学校下个星期放假。

8.使某人大笑?He breaks me up! 他让我笑破了肚皮!

break with sb/sth

1.与…断绝关系,与…决裂,脱离?She had broken with her family years ago. 她多年前就和家里断绝了关系。

2.break with tradition/the past 与传统/过去决裂?Now is the time to break with the past. 现在是该和过去告别的时候了。


break 2

1.stop working 停止工作、休息

?We’ll have a short break for lunch, then start again at two o'clock. 我们稍微休息一下吃午饭,两点钟再开始。

?Let’s take a ten-minute break . 我们休息十分钟吧。

?We’d worked for ten hours without a break . 我们已经连续工作十小时了。

2.stop doing sth 停止做某事?She decided to take a career break when she had children. 她有了孩子,决定暂时放下工作。

*+ from+?I wanted a break from university life. 我想暂时从大学里休学。

*+ in+?a welcome break in my normal routine 使我暂时摆脱平常生活的好机会

3.[C] a short holiday短暂的假期,休假?I was beginning to feel that I needed a break. 我开始觉得自己需要休假了。

the Easter/Christma s etc break?Are you looking forward to the summer break? 你期待放暑假吗?

4.at school 在学校里课间休息?They get together with their friends at break time . 课间休息的时候他们就和朋友聚在一起。

5.on tv 在电视上〔电视或广播节目中的〕广告时间

?Join us again after the break. 广告之后请继续收看。

6.sth stops happening 某事停止发生?There was no sign of a break in the weather (= an improvement in bad weather ) . 天气没有好转的迹象。

*+ in+?We’ll go for a walk if there’s a break in the rain. 雨停了我们就去散散步。?Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable break in the performance. 迟到者须等演出中途适当的间歇方可入场。

7.end a relationship 结束关系?I wanted a clean break so that I could restart my life. 我想彻底了断,开始新的生活。

*+ with+?He was beginning to regret his break with the Labour Party. 他开始后悔脱离工党。

8.space/hole 空间/洞裂口,缺口,裂缝

*+ in+?We crawled through a break in the hedge. 我们从树篱的一个缺口爬了过去。

9.chance 机会〔意想不到的〕机会,机遇?There are hundreds of young musicians out there looking for their first break. 有许许多多的年轻音乐人在寻找崭露头角的机会。?a lucky break 好运气

10.bones 骨头*?It’s quite a bad break, which will take several months to heal. 骨折


11.tennis 网球破发,破发球局得分?She really needs a break of serve now if she wants to win this match. 如果她要打赢这场比赛,现在非得破掉对方发球局才行。

12.snooker 斯诺克连击所得的分数

13.make a break for sth〔为了逃跑〕突然冲向某地?As soon as the guard’s back was turned, they made a break for the door. 警卫一转身,他们就赶快向门口跑去。

15.give me/it a break!别烦我!

16.give sb a break给某人一次机会,不苛求某人

17.the break of day黎明,拂晓


break come take 动词词组 1. give sb. a break 给某人一个(改正错误的)机会 2. make a (bad) break 失言, 失态, 随便说话; 犯错误 3. make a (clean) break with 与...绝交 4. break away 抢先开始/突然离开; 逃走/突然改变/脱离; 放弃;/革除拆除, 拆毁(云、雾等) 消散 5. break dancing 霹雳舞 6. break forth 突然发出, 迸发 7. break from 挣脱; 突然离去 8. break in 训练; 驯养/闯入; 破门而入/打断; 插嘴/开始使用 9. break in on 闯入/恍然大悟; 忽然想起/打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍 10. break in upon 闯入/恍然大悟; 忽然想起/打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍 11. break into 闯入; 潜入; 破门而入/进入(新行业) /插入; 打断/开始(某种活动) /突然加快 (步伐或速度) break of 使免于; 戒去; 治愈 12. break off 突然停止; 暂停; 休息一下/折断; 绝交/离开正路/因顶头风而改变航向 13. break off from 戒除; 放弃; 和...绝交 14. break off with 与...断绝交往 15. break open 以暴力启开 16. break out 发生; 爆发/发疹/逃出; 突围/准备使用/由贮藏处取出使用/【航海】准备起 锚/打开; 17. break out in 突然布满/突然发作 18. break out of 摆脱(束缚等) 19. break over 溢出/违犯/(浪涛)冲击; 扑打/(笑声, 掌声, 骂声等)阵阵袭向, 冲向 20. break short off 突然中止 21. break through 突破/从后面出现/(在科学研究上)有重大发现/克服; 打破 22. break up 停止/散开/分成小块; 拆开; 分解/衰弱; (精神)崩溃/解散/使哄堂大笑/打 断; 破坏 23. break up into 分解成; 分割成 24. break upon 显露; 突然出现 25. break with 与...绝交/打破


英语各种词性的用法 (2011-11-10 19:35:25) 转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 名词nouns分为专有名词(指人、地方、团体等特有的名称)普通名词(指人或东西或一个抽象的名称)用法,一般做主语,表语,动词宾语,介词宾语,状语,宾补。 冠词Art.本身没有意义,分为定冠词(表示名词为特定者)和不定冠词(用在单数名词前,表示一个)用法,用在名词前,帮助名词指明含义。 数词Num.表示数目的多少或顺序。用法,作主语,宾语,定语,表语,同位语。 代词Pronouns代替名词的,具有名词和形容词的作用。具体用法,第二次提到一些名词的时候,一般用代词代替。 形容词adjectives用来修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。用法,作定语,表语,宾补。副词adverbs修饰动词,形容词,副词,或整个句子。用法,作状语,定语,表语,宾补。动词verbs用来表示动作或状态,决定时态。用法,很广,一般作谓语。 介词prepositions一种虚词,不能单独在句子中作任何成分,需构成介词短语。介词短语用法,作定语,状语,表语,宾补。 主语S,是在句子中说明全局中心主体的部分。一般由名词、代词、不定式、或相当于名词的词(例如动名词)或短语来充当。它的位置一般在句首。 谓语V,是用来说明主语做什么、是什么、怎么样的。一般由简单动词或动词短语构成。位置在主语后面。 表语P是说明主语是什么、或者怎么样的。由名词、形容词、副词或介词短语、不定时式来构成的。位置在系动词后面。 宾语O,是动作行为的对象。由名词,代词,不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任。他和系动词一起说明主语做什么,在谓语之后。 宾补OC,就是宾语补足语。用来补充宾语不能完全表达完整的意思。 状语,用来修饰动词、副词、或形容词的。表示行为发生的时间、地点、方式、程度、目的等。由副词,介词短语,不定式,或相当于介词的词或短语来表示。位置在句末,或句首。定语,用来修饰名词或代词。形容词、代词、数词、名词、介词短语、不定式一般作定语。位置一般在动词后名词前。 注明,系动词包括be动词,表示保持或变成某种状态的动词和感官动词。感官动词就是看、听、感觉等。表示保持或变成某种状态的动词有become变得,keep保持,remain保持,get变得,prove证明,grow变得,turn变得,seem似乎,appear好像。 基本句型 1.S+V 2.S+V+O 3.S+V+P 4.S+V+O+OC 5.S+V+IO间接宾语+DO直接宾语

考研 (英语一)写作大作文范文及思路

一、图画作文 1.写作攻略 图画作文是较难的题型之一,近几年考研英语写作试题均为图画题型,因此考生应该特别认真地对待。这类题一般要求考生仔细看图,根据题目要求写成自己的作文。实际上,图画作文也可以当作三段式的提纲作文来写。第一段用来描述图画并揭示其寓意(寓意一般用一句话来概括就可以),第二段分析原因,最后一段发表评论或提出建议,其中第二、三段应该是写作的重点。面对此类题型,考生应首先确定主题,然后再动笔。具体写作要点: (1) 仔细研究作文指令,弄清楚作文的要求,是否有标题?是否有提纲?然后从题目中找出中心词,分析修饰词,准确地抓住题目的中心思想。 (2)认真解读图画,因为图画是作文的信息基础。考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其要注意图画中人或物(人与物)的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。 (3)如果图画以系列形式(既两幅以上)出现,考生除需掌握每一幅图画的信息外,还应该对图画之间的相互联系有所理解,在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。 (4)面对图画作文,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思、所想、所感。 (5)注意图画作文中的文字说明。文字说明非常重要,通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点,考生在看说明时要看清主、谓、宾,正确理解说明的意义。 (6)草拟提纲,合理组织材料。根据图画内容的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。如图画式作文写作多要求进行描写图画。对于漫画式写作,漫画描写本身并不重要,但文章的寓意却要力求准确,不要拖泥带水。 (7)系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,最好能围绕每一段的主题句进行。 (8)检查与修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。 2.必背模版句型 As is described in the picture... 这幅图描述了…… The purpose of the picture is to show us that... 这幅图的目的是为了给我们展示…… We can deduce form this picture that... 从这幅图中我们可以推断…… The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that 这幅图指出/传达…… More and more people have come to realize... 越来越多的人已经意识到…… Now it is commonly held that... but I doubt whether... 现在大家都普遍认为……,但我怀疑…… As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between... and ... 从图中我们可以清楚的看到……和……的关系。 No wonder most see the problem of... as that of ... rather than that of... 难怪大多数人把……看成……的问题,而不是……的问题。


学生最易混淆的英语短语大汇总 1. three of us, the three of us three of us 我们(不止三人)中的三个 the three of us 我们三个(就三人) 2. next year, the next year next year 明年(表示将来的时间状语) the next year 第二年(表示过去将来的时间状语) 3. at table, at the table at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌旁 4. in class, in the class in class 在课上 in the class 在班级里 5. in place of, in the place of in place of 代替 in the place of 在……地方 6. on fire, on the fire on fire 着火 on the fire 在火上

7. in front of, in the front of in front of 在……前面(范围外) in the front of 在……前部(范围内) 8. day by day, day after day day by day 一天天地(强调变化) day after day 日复一日地(强调重复) 9. year after year, year by year year after year 年复一年(强调重复) year by year 年年;逐年(强调变化) 10. out of question, out of the question out of question 毫无疑问的 out of the question 不可能的 11. a number of, the number of a number of 许多(谓语动词用复数) the number of ……的数量(谓语动词用单数) 12. for a moment, for the moment for a moment 片刻;一会儿 for the moment 目前;暂时 13. in a word, in words in a word 总之;一句话 in words 口头上


break短语的用法做一归纳。 1. break down破坏,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌,坏掉;(计划等)失败,破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;分解 Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了? The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 The police tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了,真遗憾! After a long time of hard work, he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。 2. break in破门而入,打断 Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插了话,说了说自己的一些看法。 3. break into破门而入,突然……起来 They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。 Hearing the sad news, the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了


英语词性的分类及用法 一、词性的分类 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功用,可以分成十个大类。 1 名词noun n. student 学生 2 代词pronoun pron. you 你 3 形容词adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4 副词adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 5 动词verb v. cut 砍、割 6 数词numeral num. three 三 7 冠词article art. a 一个 8 介词preposition prep. at 在... 9 连词conjunction conj. and 和 10 感叹词interjection interj. oh 哦 前六类叫实词,后四类叫虚词。 二、名词 名词概论 名词复数的规则变化 其它名词复数的规则变化 1) 以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数:如:two Marys the Henrys monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays 2) 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时: a. 加s,如:photo---photos piano---pianos radio---radios zoo---zoos; b. 加es,如:potato—potatoes tomato—tomatoes 3) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时: a. 加s,如:belief---beliefs roof---roofs safe---safes gulf---gulfs; b. 去f, fe 加-ves,如:half---halves



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大作文: (1)正面(正确、积极的):01、02、03、08、10 反面(不正确的做法、消极):04、05、06、07、09、11 (2)一幅图还是两幅图(04、06) (3)作文有无规定题目(仅02) (4)1st:描述图画,2nd:解释图画要表达的含义,3rd:严重性及采取的举措。 例如:2011环境污染;2010:一个火锅——多种文化 *2012重点预测正面 Whatthe image is trying to express is symbolic and philosophic!Featuredinthe aboveillustration are large numbers of people who ,sitting in front ofcomputer, are placedin separate rooms .However ridiculous andhumorous it mayseem at first glimpse, this cartoondoescarryrathersignificantimplications. Evidently, the cartoonistaims to enlightenus thatwe should keep a balance between interenet communication and face-to-face .A great dealofattention is being paid today to internet . Indeed ,it has lon gbeenknow that usingthe internet in a properway should be great emphasized,if we want to construct aharmonious word.to our disappointment ,however ,withanever-developing of science andtechnology ,peoplein mounting numberstendto neglecttheseriousness ofthisproblem .hence people’s emotional distancein becominglargerandlarger. keeping a balancebetween internet communication andface-t o-face ,tomy mind , is not simply good forindividuals,but alsobeneficial tothe wholesociety .Hence awidespread educ ation campaignshould be launched soas toenhance people’s awarenessof the importance of using internet in a proper way .Onlybyconcerted efforts,canweembrace a happy , healthyand harmonious world ,aswe allwish,inthelongrun! 一种事物或现象(正面意义倾向)(第一段黄色为:is a hot pot,which is a symbol of the world.二三段的中心词换为:cultural communication) 翻译;什么样的形象是想表达的是象征性的哲学!精选在上图中大量的人,坐在电脑前,被放置在单独的房间。然而荒谬和幽默似乎在第一次看到,这幅漫画进行而显着的影响。 显然,漫画家的目的是告诉我们,我们应该保持网络通信和面对面之间的平衡。很多人注意到今天的互联网。事实上,它早已知道,适当的方式使用互联网应该是伟大的强调,要建设一个和谐的世界。使我们失望的是,然而,随着科学技术的不断发展,越来越多的人往往忽略了这个问题的严重性。因此,人的情感的距离越来越大。


易错易混短语 01、next year,the next year next year将来时间状语 the next year过去将来时间状语 02、more than a year, more than one year more than a year一年多 more than one year超过一年(两年或三年等) 03、take advice, take the advice take advice征求意见 take the advice接受忠告 04、take air, take the air take air传播,走漏 take the air到户外去,散步 05、in a word, in words in a word总之,一句话 in words口头上 06、in place of, in the place of in place of代替 in the place of在…地方 07、in secret, in the secret in secret秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语 in the secret知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语 08、take a chair, take the chair take a chair相当于sit down坐下 take the chair开始开会 09、go to sea, by sea, by the sea go to sea当海员,出航 by sea乘船,由海路 by the sea在海边 10、the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher the doctor and teacher指一个人,既就是医生又就是老师 the doctor and the teacher两个人,一个医生与一个老师 11、such…that, so…that 当如此…以至于解时,such…that修饰名词,so…that修饰形容词或副词, 但名词前面如果有many, much, little, few修饰用so…that,不用such that so many people that… such a lovely boy=so lovely a boy 12、so + be (have, can, do)+主语, neither(nor) + be (have, can, do)+ 主语 也一样,肯定用so…否定用neither (nor) 13、Shall I…? Will you…? Shall I…? 征求对方意见或向对方请示,意为我能…不? Will you…? 请求或建议对方做某事,意为您愿意…不?Will you help me? Yes, I will、


【篇一】break的用法大全 break的用法1:break是一个常用词,基本意思是突然地施加一个力(压力或拉力等)使之“破”或“碎”(从一个裂纹到七零八落)。引申可指事物部分地或全部破坏、瓦解、崩溃。 break的用法2:break有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。 break的用法3:break用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃”。 break的用法4:break用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语),与agreement, promise, law, regulation, rule, vow, word等词搭配时,还可作“违背,违犯”解。可接简单宾语,也可接以形容词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 break的用法5:break用作不及物动词时,主动形式可表示被动意义,其主语通常是表示无生命的东西。 break的用法6:break用作名词的基本意思是“裂口,裂缝; 破裂”,用于时间可表示“间歇,休息时间”,也可指旧方式或生活习惯的“改变”或“中断”,是可数名词。 break的用法7:break作“休息”解时是不可数名词,用作单数形式需加不定冠词。 break的用法8:break在口语中有时作“机会”解,美国俚语中还作“运气”解,是可数名词。 break的用法9:break还可表示“奔跑,试图逃跑”。 【篇二】break的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) break away( v.+adv. ) break down( v.+adv. ) break in1( v.+adv. ) break in2( v.+prep. )


英语中各种词性的意义及用法 1、名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称的词,按意义分类 ①专有名词 表示具体的人,事物,地点,团体或机构的专有名称(第一个字母要大写)。例:China(中国)、Asia(亚洲)、the People’s Republic Of China(中华人民共和国)。 专有名词如果是含有名词短语,则必须使用定冠词the。如:the Great Wall(长城)。 姓氏名如果采用复数形式,则表示该姓氏一家人(复数含义)。如:the Greens(格林一家人)。 ②普通名词 表示某些人,某类事物,某种物质或抽象概念的名称。如: box, pen,tree,apple按是否可数分类 名词又可分为可数名词(Countable Nouns)和不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns) ①不可数名词 不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表 示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词 a / an。抽象名词,物质名词和专有名词一般是不可数名词。 ②可数名词 可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西,因此它有复数形式。 2、代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词的词,大多数代词具有名词和形 容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代 词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不定代词九种。 如:We, this, them, myself 3、动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态的词,如:Jump,sing,visit,它又分为及物动 词和不及物动词两大类: ①及物动词:字典里词后标有transitive verb(vt.)的就是及物动词。及物动词后 一般必须跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。必须加宾语意思才完整的动词,就是及物动词。 ②不及物动词:不及物动词是不需要受词的动词。字典里词后标有intransitive verb (vi.)的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾 语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at等后方可跟上宾语。 ③系动词:联系动词或称不完全不及物动词,虽有意义,但不完全,需要加名词、形 容词、代名词等作主词补语以补足其意义。常和形容词连用构成系表结构的连系动词有: look (看起来,看上去), feel (感觉), taste (尝起来), smell (闻起来),get (变得),turn(变),become(成为,变得),sound (听起来)等。 例如: The weather gets warmer and the trees turn green in spring. 春天天气 变暖和了,树变绿了。 The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。 The soup taste nice. 这汤尝上去很好吃。


(3) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) support your view with an example/examples. You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2. 范文: Success is always described by the old as something relevant to patience. In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him. Beside is the subtitle saying that “success means persisting five minutes more than others”. We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up. It is very true that success derives from persistence, for which there are several reasons. Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts. Secondly, when one is able to insist in stepping towards achievement, he must believe what he dedicates to. This belief is the source of persistence that paves the way to success. Thirdly, just as the saying goes, “Rome was not built in one day”, success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit that can never be impeded by temporary failures. To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that “He laughs best who laughs last”. Laughing symbolizes the confidence for success, and confidence always yields patience and insistence. Hence, I firmly believe that if everybody applies what the picture conveys into actual practice, they will surely reap lot more. 译文: 老人们总说成功和耐心是联系在一起的。正如这幅图所显示的那样,一个男人坐在椅子上,身边围绕着许多的钟。旁边的标题上写着“成功就是比别人多坚持五分钟”。我们可以从这幅图中推断出,这个人摆了这么多闹钟就是为了提醒自己不要轻易地放弃。 确实,成功来源于坚持,关于这一点有以下几点原因。第一,没有任何成就是可以在短


人教版(五四制)七年级下英语各单元易混淆单词和短语辨析 Unit1 易混淆词汇及短语辨析 1、anyone,any one anyone 只能指人,后面不接of短语。 any one既可指人,也可指物,表示“(某些人或物中的)任何一个”,后面可接of短语。 例:Anyone in our town knows him. 坑我们镇上任何一个人都认识他。 You can read any one of the books here. 你可以读这里的任何一本书。 2、something,anything,nothing something复合不定代词,意为“某事;某物”,常用于肯定句中。其用于疑问句中时,表示希望得到对方的肯定回答。 例:I know something about her. 我知道一点儿关于她的事。anything复合不定代词,一般用于疑问句或否定句中,其不同如下:疑问句中指“某事物”。 否定句中指“任何事物都(没有)”。 肯定句中指“任何事物;无论任何事”。 nothing 复合不定代词,意为“没有什么;没有一件东西”,其作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 例:There is nothing new in today’s newspaper. 今天的报纸上没有什么新鲜事。 3、everyone,every one everyone复合不定代词,意为“每人;人人;所有人”,相当于everybody,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 every one是两个词,既可指人,也可指物,后面可跟介词of。 例:Everyone in our class likes Mr. Liu. 我们班的每个人都喜欢刘老师。 Everyone is here, and every one of us has a chance to speak at the meeting. 大家都到了,我们每个人都有机会在会上发言。


短语break的用法 请先看下面三道高考试题: 1. The computer system _____suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. (2006年辽宁卷) A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in 解析:A由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“坏了”,因此应填broke down。 2. To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it _____ into parts. (2005年湖北卷) A. down B. up C. off D. out 解析:A break... down在此意为“将……分解”,符合语境逻辑。 3. I was still sleeping when the fire _____ ,and then it spread quickly. (2006年广东卷) A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out 解析:A由the fire与spread之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“(火灾)发生”,因此应填broke out。 以上三题都是考查break短语的用法,本文在此对其做一归纳。 1. break down (1)破坏,毁掉; Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了?(2)破除; The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 (3)制服; The police tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 (4)坍塌,坏掉; Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 (5)(计划等)失败,破裂; Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了,真遗憾! Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? (6)(健康、精神)崩溃; After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 (7)分解 This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。 2. break up (1) 解散,驱散。如: The police broke up the crowd (the meeting). 警察驱散了人群(集会)。 (2) (学校等)放假。如: When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什么时候放圣诞节假?


2011考研英语(英语1)真题大作文(海天考研范文) Part B 52、Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should 1) describe the drawing briefly. 2) explain its ntended meaning,and 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points) 海天考研范文: What a terrible and shocking scene it is! As is vividly depicted in the drawing a bove, sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing, a couple of youngsters are throwing rubbish into the sea, with many dead fishes floating on the surface. Wha t is conveyed in the picture is both realistic and thought-provoking. The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of environ mental protection and public manners. On the one hand, along with the developme nt of the economy and society, people tend to attach great importance to personal and economic interests, ignoring ecological balance. As a consequence, environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the a genda immediately. On the other hand, the inappropriate public manners such as lit tering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problem


高考英语易混词组 杨兴强整理 1..add to增添增加,add···to往…添加,add up合计加起来,add up to总共有总计达;add后面跟直接引语或that从句时,表示“补充说” 2.aloud“出声的”使声音能够听到,与read call cry等连用;loud“大声地”常与动词talk speak shout laugh等连用;loudly“高声地”有时可与loud换用,但更多地含有“喧闹”的意味 3.alone“单独”指只有一个人的状态,与心情无关;不用于名词之前;作“只有”讲时置于名词之前;lonely指“内心孤独”与感情有关;还可以修饰地点,表示“偏僻的”如:a lonely village一个偏僻的山村 4.as far as I know==as far as I am concerned就我所知,as long as和…一样长;只要 5.attend“到场出席参加”会议婚礼典礼上学(课)听报告;attend to处理专心于attend school(class)上学(课),I have some urgent business to attend to.我有一些急事要处理。 6.assist sb with sth,assist sb to do sth/in doing sth帮助…做… 7.全神贯注…be absorbed in,put oneˊs heart into;fix sth on upon sb全神贯注于,凝视 8.appeal to sb to do sth呼吁某人做某事,appeal against上诉,The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 9.aim(sth)at把…瞄准,目的在于;aim to do sth旨在做某事 10..above all首先尤其最重要的是…in all总计总共 11..break down毁坏分解出故障,break off打断停顿,break in/into破灭而入,break out (战争等)爆发,break away(from)同…..决裂(脱离关系),break through突破(重围)12.burst into+名词,突然发生,burst out+V.ing,都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况” 13.bring up抚养·培养·提出;bring in引进盈利;bring about导致·引起;bring out拿出·取出·出版·揭露 https://www.360docs.net/doc/252783805.html,e across偶然遇见,被理解,come up with赶上,想出,come over从远处来,come through康复·经历……之后仍然活着,come to oneself恢复知觉活跃起来,come into being 形成,come to light显露,为人所知


英语词性的分类及用法 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功用,可以分成十个大类。 1 名词noun n. student 学生 2 代词pronoun pron. you 你 3 形容词adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4 副词adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 5 动词verb v. cut 砍、割 6 数词numeral num. three 三 7 冠词article art. a 一个8 介词preposition prep. at 在... 9 连词conjunction conj. and 和10 感叹词interjection interj. oh 哦 前六类叫实词,后四类叫虚词。 名词(表示人或物名称的词) ?名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词. ?专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China, the United States,等。 ?普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。(普 通名词包括可数名词和不可数名词) ?普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun 2)集体名词:表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family ?(以上两类属于可数名词) 3)物质名词:表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air 4)抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work ?(以上两类属于不可数名词) 代词(代替名词的词) ?代词可以分为下列九类: ? 1. 人称代词:They are my school mates. ? 2. 物主代词:Our friends have great concern for each other. ? 3. 反身代词:Take good care of yourselves. ? 4. 相互代词:We should help each other. ? 5. 指示代词:Who are these people? ? 6. 疑问代词:What are you doing? ?7. 关系代词:She married Tony Harper, who is a student too. ?8. 连接代词:Do you know who did it? ?9. 不定代词:Do you know anything about it? ? ?代词是非常活跃的词,特别是不定代词,比较复杂,我们要熟练掌握。 形容词(修饰名词等,说明事物或人的性质或特征的词) ?形容词可分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1) 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度 副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot ,good ,wonderful等. 2) 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也 不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid, alone 等.
