








Due day(到期日), renew(续借), overdue(过期的), process(过程), suspend(延缓,推迟), privilege(特权,基本权利)

Librarian(图书管理员), facilities(设施), reference room(资料室), literature(文献), periodical(期刊), academic journal(学报,学术期刊), current issue(现刊), card catalog(卡片目录),reserve book(库存书不能外借), index(索引)

对应TPO:TPO1 C1, TPO4 C1, TPO7 C2, TPO9 C2, TPO14 C1,

TPO20 C1, TPO10 C2, TPO24 C1






Term paper(学期论文),first draft(初稿),scope(范围),rewrite (重写),revise(校正),reference section(参考部分),due(截止),deadline(截

止日期),extension(延期),submit(提交),consult(请教,查阅),process(过程,方法,步骤),draw up(起草), manually(手动的),

revision(修正,复习,修订本),thesis statement(论文观点)

对应TPO:TPO2 C1, TPO4 C2, TPO6 C2, TPO9 C1, TPO12 C1,

TPO13 C1, TPO17 C1, TPO22 C2




Sign up(注册,选课,报名),permission(许可),diploma(毕业证书),credit(学分),basic course(基础课程),certify(证明),prerequisite(先决条件,预备知识),graduation form(毕业表格),dean(院长,系主仸),field work(实地研究),counselor(咨询员)。

对应TPO:TPO3 C1, TPO5, TPO8 C1,TPO21 C2, TPO23 C2



Laboratory assistant(实验室助理), fill out an application(填申请表), career training(职业训练,专业训练), Internship program(实习计划), supervise(监督管理指导),sponsor(赞助者,主办方,保证人), tons of money(无数的钱), Salary 工资,Interview (面试),employee(雇员),employer(雇主),career fair(招聘会),resume(简历)

对应TPO:TPO6 C1,TP12 C2,TPO17 C2,TPO18C1


商务英语对话听力 Tom: Sofarourcommoditieshavestoodthecompetitionwell.Theveryfa ctthatotherclientskeeponbuyingspeaksforitself.Fewotherteasc ancomparewithourseitherforflavororcolor. 目前为止,我们的商品都是经得起竞争的。其他客户不断地向我们购买就证明了这一点。在香味或色泽方面,其他品牌的红茶很难与我们的红茶媲美。 Sammy: ButIbelievewe’llhaveahardtimeconvincingourclientsatyour price. 不过我认为很难说服我们的客户们接受你方的价格。 Tom: Tobefrankwithyou,ifitweren’tforourgoodrelations,wewould n’tconsidermakingyouafirmofferatthisprice. 坦率地说,如果不是为了我们之间的友好关系,我们本来不会考虑以这个价格报实盘的。 Sammy: Allright.Inordertogetthebusiness,Iaccept. 好吧,为了达成交易,我接受了。 Tom: I’mgladthatwe’vesettledtheprice.

很高兴我们就价格问题达成了协议。 Sammy: Nowaboutthequantity.Yousaidyoucouldoffermeonly500cases,w https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a8912070.html,styearwesold700cases,andI’msureIca ndobetterthisyear.Ihopeyoucanoffermeatleast800cases. 现在谈谈数量问题。你说只能供应500箱,这不够,去年我们销售了700箱,今年肯定能销售更多,我希望你至少能报800箱。 Joey: I’mhopingtogettoyourshowroom. 我打算到你们的展示中心看看. Jenny: Whenmightyougo? 什么时候想去呢? Joey: IwasthinkingaboutnextTuesday. 我想下个礼拜二。 Jenny: I’llmeetyouthere,shallwesayabouteleveno’clock. 我会在那儿等你,你看十一点左右如何。 Joey: I’dliketoseeyourshowroom. 我想参观你们的展示中心. Jenny:


学习场景 关于考试 2008.6(14) A) Review the details of all her lessons. B) Compare notes with his classmates. C) Talk with her about his learning problems. D) Focus on the main points of her lectures. 2008.6(17) A) Attending every lecture. B) Doing lots of homework. C) Reading very extensively. D) Using test–taking strategies. 2013.6(14) A) She does not like psychology. B) She does not like taking exams. C) She is not a reliable source of information. D) She is not available until the end of next week. 关于论文 2008.12(17) A) She wants to get some sleep. B) She needs time to write a paper. C) She has a literature class to attend. D) She is troubled by her sleep problem. 2011.12(17) A ) The woman is going to make her topic more focused. B) The man and woman are working on a joint project. C) She should choose a broad topic for her paper. D) It took a lot of time to get the man on the right track. 关于书本 2007.12(17) A) The woman forgot lending the book to the man. B) The woman doesn’t find the book useful any more. C) She doesn’t seem to know what the book is about.D) The woman wondered why he didn’t return the book. 关于课程 2009.12(17) A) Female students are unfit for studying physics. B) He can serve as the woman’s tutor. C) Physics is an important course at school. D) The professor’s suggestion is constructive. 关于专业的选择 2013.12 (1) A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 图书馆场景 2008.12(16) A) She couldn’t have le ft her notebook in the library. B) She may have put her notebook amid the journals. C) She should have made careful notes while doing reading. D) She shouldn’t have read his notes without his knowing it. 交通运输场景 2011.12(11) A. Read the notice on the window B. Get a new bus schedule C. Go and ask the staff D. Board the bus to Cleveland


000000000001 Restaurant 餐厅场景 alcohol 酒精,酒 apple pie 苹果饼 bacon 烤肉 beef 牛肉 beer啤酒 beverage 饮料 butter 黄油 cafe 咖啡馆 cafeteria 食堂 cheese 奶酪 chicken 鸡肉 Chinese food 中餐 coffee 咖啡 cold drink 冷饮 dessert 点心,甜品 dish 菜 dressing配料 egg 鸡蛋 fish 鱼 fried rice 炒饭 go Dutch AA制,各付一半账hamburger 汉堡包 hard drink 酒精饮料 hot dog热狗 It’s my treat 我请客 knife刀 menu 菜单 napkin 餐巾 noodle 面条 orange juice 桔子汁 order 点菜 pay the bill 买单,付账 pizza 比萨饼 pub, bar …吧 pudding布丁 reserve 订菜 Restaurant 餐厅,饭馆 salad 沙拉 sandwich 三文治 sauce调味品 seafood 海鲜 serve服务,端上(菜,饭) shrimp 虾 lobster 龙虾 snack 餐部,小吃部 soft drink软饮料 soup 汤 special 特色菜, 招牌菜, 特价菜 spirits 白酒 spoon勺 steak 牛排 taste味道 tip 小费 toast 吐司,烤面包片 tray 托盘fork叉 treat sb. for sth. waiter 男侍者 waitress 女侍者 western food 西餐 whisky 威士忌 wine红酒 2) Hospital 医院场景 aspirin 阿斯匹林cancer 癌症 capsule 胶囊 clinic 诊所 cough咳嗽 dentist 牙医diagnosis 诊断 dizzy头晕 doctor医生emergency room急诊室examine 体检 faint 昏迷 fever发烧 first-aid 急救 flu流感headache 头痛 heart attack 心脏病 high blood pressure 高血压 hurt 痛 injection 针剂 intensive care 特殊护理 lotion 药水 medicine 药品 nurse护士 operation 手术 pain-killer 止痛药 patient病人 physician内科医生 pill 药丸 prescription 处方 recover 恢复 sneeze 打喷嚏 sore 疼 stomachache胃疼 surgeon 外科医生 surgery 外科手术 symptom 症状 tablet药片 test 化验 treatment治疗 visiting hours 探视时间 vomit呕吐 ward病房 worn out疲乏 3) Post office 邮局场景 airmail 航空信express mail 特快信件fee 费用fill out form 填表 insurance fee 保价费 mail(send, post)a letter寄信 overweight 超重 parcel 包裹 postage 邮资


四级听力短对话必看10大场景词 1. 学校场景 课程分类:Optional course 选修课Required course 必修课Day course 白天的课Evening course 晚上的课 科目或专业:Chinese 中文mathematic 数学history 历史chemistry 化学Literature 文学 考试:Final exam 期终考试middle exam 期中考试make up 补考private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校 学校中的人:president 校长dean 院长professor 教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant 助教doctor 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士freshman 大一新生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生 lend / borrow / check out 借书reference book 参考书overdue 过期return 还书fine 罚金attend / have a lecture 上课 2. 交通运输场景 fare 车票license 驾照rush hours 高峰时间traffic jam 交通堵塞overtake 超车one way street 单行道over speed 超速police officer 交警 ticket 罚单fast way / express way / high way 高速公路free way 免费高速公路ring road 环线 subway (美) / underground (英) 地铁underpass 人行地道overhead 轻轨flyover 人行天桥


托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介绍 在托福的对话类听力素材中,图书馆可以算的上是一个出现频率相当高的场景了。许多对话都是发生在图书馆当中,对话双方多为学生和图书管理员。下面就和大家分享托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介绍详解图书馆里的二三事如何应对托福听力中的图书馆场景? 1、熟听、熟记图书馆场景标志词,使听力差的考生虽听不懂段子的具体内容,但能确定出它是图书馆场景类型的段子。 2、反复听老题中图书馆场景的段子,掌握以下具体的方面: (1)美国学校图书馆的基本制度:如研究生和教师可以进入书库直接查阅,本科生则不能之类的规章制度等; (2)美国学校图书馆的基本部门设置和常见设施:如reference room,periodical room等重要部门; (3)考生尤其应注意美国学校图书馆在制度、机构设置方面与中国的差别,因为考生缺少对这些差别亲身体验的感性认识,从而在听清字面意思时也造成对实际内容的理解障碍,是产生失分的主要原因。

掌握以上背景知识的目的是期望对将来托福听力中图书馆场景段子的内容做到未听先知,考生对它们的掌握程度应力求达到较流利的口头表述。 托福听力中图书馆相关词汇汇总 library图书馆 librarian图书管理员 archive 档案 non-fiction 非小说类文学作品 science-fiction 科幻小说 copier 复印机 check out 办理(借、还)手续 renew 续借 overdue 过期 interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称 information desk n.服务台 delivery/circulation desk借书台 shelf 书架


实用文档 大学英语四级听力常见场景词汇 短对话的常见场景 1. 学校场景 课程分类学校中的人 president 校长Optional course 选修课 dean 院长Required course 必修课 professor 教授Day course 白天的课 lecturer 讲师Evening course 晚上的课 coordinator 管理员经常出现的科目或专业 doctor 博士Chinese 中文master 硕士English 英语 bachelor 学士mathematic 数学freshman history 历史大一新生 sophomore 大二学生chemistry 化学 junior 大三学生Literature 文学 senior 大四学生考试 图书馆Final exam 期终考试 借书lend / borrow / check out middle exam 期中考试参考书make up test reference book 补考续借测验renew test过期pop test 事先没有说好的测验overdue 还书return quiz 测验罚金oral test fine 口试attend / have a lecture 上课考试临近cut a class 逃课draw on / in sight of / draw nearly miss a class 考试延期或取消错过了课 scholarship delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone 荣誉奖学金 assistantship 助教奖学金/ put off / suspend teaching assistant 助教学校分类 research assistant 助研公立学校public school semester 学期private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校 2. 交通运输场景free way fare 车票免费高速公路 交通工具(出现频率从高到低)驾照licence plane / train(女)/ bus / bike(女)/ walk rush hours 高峰时间(女)/ taxi 交通堵塞traffic jam (女):女生比较喜欢单行道one way street tunnel / channel 隧道超速over speed subway(美)police officer 交警/ underground (英)地铁 metro 罚单ticket 地道 take a taxi 乘出租车罚金fine call a taxi 招出租车高速公路fast way / express way / high way /订出租车 汽车/ 机动车道motor way 赶火车catch a train / bus


1.对话场景词汇: A:Office Hours—Student & Professor 论文: office hour n.办公时间 term papern.学期论文. the first draft = draft version [drɑ:ft] [?v?:??n]n.初稿 hand in the final copy v.提交最后打印版 scope [sk?up]n.范围 wander off topic v.跑题. essay [?esei]n.作文,散文 revise [ri?vaiz]v.校正 reference section [?ref?r?ns] [?sek?(?)n]n.参考部分 疑难解答: assignment [??sainm?nt]n. 作业 grade [greid]n.成绩 credit[?kredit]n.学分 mid-term exam n.期中考试 due [dju:]adj.截止 deadline [?dedlain]n.截止日期 extension [ik?sten??n]n.延期申请 volunteer [?v?l?n?ti?]n.志愿者 campus [?k?mp?s]n校园 semester[si?mest?]n.学期 scholarship/fellowship [?sk?l??ip] [?fel?u?ip]n. 奖学金 选课: Preparatory Course [pri?p?r?t?ri]n.预备课程: foundation course [faun?dei??n] n.基础课程 intro/introduction course [??ntr??]/ [?intr??d?k??n].n.导论课程 intermediate Course [?int??mi:di?t]n.中级课 程 advanced course [?d?vɑ:nst]n.高级课程 其他: Orientation[??:ri?n?tei??n]n.大学新生介绍校园生活和学习 Retire [ri?tai?]v. 退休 graduate [?gr?djueit] vi. 毕业n.毕业生 B:Student & Officer 学生对工作人员 Library:图书馆 librarian[lai?br??ri?n]n.图书管理员 inter-libraryn.馆际互借 loan[l?un]v.n.借 loan counter [?kaunt?] n.借书处 loan period [?pi?ri?d] n.借书期限 return [ri?t?:n]v.还 renew [ri?nju:]v.更新,续 reserve[ri?z?:v]vt.预留/n.储备 photocopier[?f??t??k?p??(r)]n.影印机 fine [fain]vt.罚款/n.罚金 literature review [?lit?r?t??] [ri?vju:]n.文献评论 electronic [i?lek?tr?nik]adj.电子版的 journal [?d??:n?l]n.期刊 database [?deit?beis]n.数据库 abstract [??bstr?kt]vt.摘要 contemporary [k?n?temp?r?ri] n.当代的 reference guide [?ref?r?ns] [gaid]n.参考指南 the front desk n.前台 charge[t?ɑ:d?] =fee [fi:]n.费用 the rare books [re?] 珍藏本书 Bookstore:书店 full refund [ful] [ri?f?nd]n.退款 retreat[ri?tri:t]n.退书 merchandises[?m?:t??ndaiz]n.商品 purchased ['p?:t??st] =buy vt.买 policy [?p?l?si]n.规定 store credit [st?:] [?kredit] n.商店退款;赊账购物 Cafeteria:食堂 Restaurant/dining room [?da?n??] [ru:m]n.餐厅 organic food [?:?g?nik] n.有机食物 deep fried foodn.油炸食物 snack[sn?k]n.小吃,快餐 salad[?s?l?d]n.沙拉 Registrar’s Office:注册办公室


备考资料:听力场景词汇(气候问题) 2011-6-18 9:44:53来源: 点击次| travel agency 旅行社 book the ticket 订票 single ticket 单程票 return tickets 双程票 half-price ticket 半价票 inclusive tour 包办旅行 off season 非旅游旺季 peak season 旅游旺季 sightseeing guidebook 观光指南 reservation 预订 quote 报价 arrangement 安排 booking office 订票中心 information booth 问询处 备考资料:听力场景词汇(减肥锻炼) 2011-6-8 10:07:09来源: {HYPERLINK \l ""星火词网点击{HYPERLINK \l ""388 次

put on weight 长胖 overweight 超重的 lose weight 减肥 slimming drug 减肥药 on diet 节食 physical exercise 锻炼 body-building class 健身班 fitness center 健身中心 exercise machine 健身器材 build up a good physique 锻炼身体 备考资料:听力场景词汇(医生治疗) 2011-6-6 8:00:00来源: {HYPERLINK \l ""星火词网点击{HYPERLINK \l ""626 次 clinic 诊所 the dentist s 牙科诊所 emergency room 急诊室 ward 病房 physician 内科医师 surgeon 外科医生 anesthetist 麻醉师 pharmacist 药剂师 treat 治疗


英语听力技巧总结之听力对话部分(二) 直传答案题: Why not….? What about…? So do….? So am…..? 1). M: Hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone. W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are. Q: What will the man most probably do? (2001.1) [A] Get some change from Jane [B] Use the woman’s phone. [C] Go to look for a pay phone. [D] Pay for the phone call. 2). W: The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.(2001.1) M: So do I. I can’t see any scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too. Q: What does the man think of the women’s car? [A] Her car can stand any crash. [B] Her car is not as good as his.

[C] Her car is maintained as well as his. [D] Her car is kept in good condition. 3). M: Wonderful day, isn’t it? Want to join me for a swim? (2001.1) W: If you don’t mind waiting while I get prepared. Q: What does the woman mean? [A] She is too busy to go. [B] She doesn’t want to wait long. [C] She’s willing to go swimmi ng. [D] She enjoys the wonderful weather. 4) W:The people next door are making so much noise, I just can’t concentrate, Tom. M:Why don’t you stay at the library? It’s much quieter there. Q:What does Tom mean? A)The woman should have complained to her neighbor. B)The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet. C)The woman should have stayed at the library. * D)The lab will be a better place for reading.


大学英语四级听力常见场景词汇 短对话的常见场景 1. 学校场景 课程分类 Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 经常出现的科目或专业 Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学 考试 Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up test补考 test测验 pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近 draw on / in sight of / draw nearly 考试延期或取消 delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类 public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 professor 教授 lecturer 讲师 coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆 借书 lend / borrow / check out 参考书 reference book 续借 renew 过期 overdue 还书 return 罚金 fine attend / have a lecture 上课cut a class 逃课 miss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教research assistant 助研semester 学期 2. 交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路motor way 机动车道free way 免费高速公路 交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train(女) / bus / bike(女) / walk (女) / taxi (女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 subway(美) / underground (英)地铁metro 地道 take a taxi 乘出租车 call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车 catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车


一、学校 课程分类Optional/Elective course 选修课Required course 必修课Day course 白天的课Evening course 晚上的课 文English 英语mathematic 数学history 历史 文学 考试Final exam 期终考试middle exam 期中考试make up补考test测验pop test 事先没有说好的测验quiz测验oral test 口试考试延期或取消delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类public school 公立学校private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校 学校中的人president 校长dean 院长professor 教授lecturer 讲师coordinator 管理员doctor 博士master 硕士bachelor学士freshman大一新生['s?f?m?:] sophomore大二学生junior大三学生senior大四学生 图书馆借书lend / borrow / check out 参考书reference book 续借renew过期overdue还书return 罚金fine attend / have a lecture 上课cut a class逃课miss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant助教research assistant 助研semester学期 二、飞机场场景 plane / craft 飞机book 订票timetable时间表destination目的地open ticket one way ticket 单程票round trip ticket来回票non-stop / direct flight直航transfer / lay over / stop over 转机first / business / economy cabin头等/ 商务/ 经济舱confirm the flight 确认航班check in登记boarding card 登机牌security check安检see off 送行送别时的祝语keep in touch 保持联系safe landing 安全着陆board 登机take off 起飞departure离港safety / seat belt安全带land 着陆arrival 进港pick up 接机空姐flight attendant 三、医院场景 see a doctor 去医院看医生send for a doctor让医生出诊health center / clinic 卫生所/ 门诊部physician内科医生surgeon外科医生dentist牙医make an appointment 预约emergency 急诊check up / exam 检查cold(感冒)flu(流感)headache (头痛)sore throat(嗓子痛)fever(发烧)toothache(牙疼)stomachache (胃疼)prescribe 开药方pill / tablet药片liquid 喝药水injection => shot 注射operation手术medical result 诊断结果 四、打电话 mobile phone 手机pay phone公用电话telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页dial (拨电话号码)/ press (按电话号码)extension 分机operator 总机put~through 接通wrong number /there is no one by this name电话号码错了/ 没有这个人is not in 不在?hold on 不要挂断,稍等take/leave a message留言hang up / get off 挂断 五、邮局 post / send / mail 寄letter / mail 信registered mail挂号信regular mail 平信airmail 航空


住宿: 宿舍: accommodation 住处,膳宿 reside nee hall 宿舍 suite套间 studio工作室,独立套间 lounge公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay在国外住在房东家里的那种 corridor走廊,过道 roommate同屋者,室友 租房 lease租借,租约 IandIord 房东 Iandlady女房东rent租金tenant房客patio / balcony 阳台sliding door 推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartment两间卧室的公寓 house key房锁匙 床上用品: pillow枕头bed linen床上用品sheet被单mattress 床垫 blanket 毯子towel手巾,毛巾quilt 棉被 家具类 furniture 家具 bookshelf 书架 bookcase 书柜 couch沙发 chest柜子;橱;箱子 dresser (bureau)梳妆台 cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cup board (closet)碗橱storage wall 壁橱 rug小地毯carpet地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸 fixture (房屋)固定装置 furnishings室内陈设 电器类 electric appliance(instrument;equipment)电器heater, furnace加热器,炉子 heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备 stove炉子 microwave oven 微波炉 washer/dryer洗衣机/烘干机(laundry洗衣店) laundromat自动洗衣店 utensil器皿;用具 kitchen utensil 炊具 oven烤箱;烤炉 range炉灶;(能利用余热的)多功能炉灶dishwasher 洗碟机 washing machine 洗衣机 coffee pot咖啡壶 refrigerator (freezer/ icebox) 冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机 CD player CD 机 maintenance 维修,保养 日常生活/问题: personal p ossessi ons/ prop erty/ bel onging 个人财产 get in sura nee for sth garbage/ rubbish/ waste 垃圾dis pose 处理gas meter煤气表burglar 夜贼burglary入室行窃 leak in g/leakage 泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入


英语对话听力材料 引导语:听力常作为一种考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力;通常有听对话选择答案、听句子默写关键字词几种形式。以下是小编整理的英语对话听力材料,欢迎参考! 第一部分,听对话,回答问题(计10分) 1 W: John, why have you come back? You willbe late. M: Mum,it is raining outside. Get me an umbrella, please. 2 W: Tom, how can you speak Chinese so well?Who teaches you? M: learn it by listening to the radio. 3 W: I go to school by school bus in themorning and have lunch in the school. How about you? M: Me,too. 4 W: I never feel time passing when solvingmaths problems. M: Idon't think so. Art is more interesting. 5 W: David, can you go and get some coffee,please? M: Sorry,I'm a bit busy. Maybe Jack can help you. 6 M: How many students passed the exams lastterm? W: Well,let me see. 1,060 students took the exam,


江苏省初中英语听力口语人机对话情景话题 第一组 一、 Jim四岁时随父母一起搬到了阳光城,他对那里很了解。 1. When did Jim move to Sunshine Town with his parents (At the age of 4.) 2. How did he know Sunshine Town (Very well.) 二、那只名叫“希望”的熊猫宝宝,出生时重约90克。 1. What was the baby panda called/ named (Xi Wang.) 2. How much did it weigh when it was born/ at birth (About ninety grams.) 三、很多人在义演现场为“希望工程”捐了钱,这使得被选为主持人的李雷感到非常高兴。 1. Who was the host of the charity show (Li Lei.) 2. Why was Li Lei so happy (Because many people donated money to Project Hope at the charity show.) 四、我最喜爱的颜色是暖色。暖色包括能带给你成功的橙色和象征智慧的黄色。 1. What are your favourite colors (Warm colours.) 2. Why do you like warm colours best (Because they include yellow which can bring you success and it’s the colour of wisdom.) 五、Tom和他父母在迪斯尼乐园里拍了许多照片,打算回去后会给他的朋友们看。 1. Where did Tom take many photos with his parents (In Disneyland.) 2. What would he do with these photos (He would show them to his friends.) 六、 9年级的学生Nancy每天看一个小时电视,她最喜欢看的电视节目是《动物世界》。 1. How long does Nancy watch TV every day (For an hour.) How much TV does Nancy watch every day (An hour of TV.) 2. Which is her favourite TV programme ( Animal World.) 七、出生于1929年的Hepburn在1953年被选在影片《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)中担任女主角。 1. When was Hepburn born (In 1929.) 2. When was she chosen to play the lead role in Roman Holiday (In 195 3.) 八、地震开始时王林正在图书馆里看一本名叫《飘》(Gone With the


大学四级听力场景词汇---归纳总结 四级听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围是以校园生活(campus life)为主题,主要是学习打工,衣食住行,英语是模式化的语言,固定场景只会用固定词汇,分场景总结记忆,听力场景词汇---归纳总结是十分必要的。 1. 学习选课场景 1)课程分类 Optional course/electives 选修课,Required course 必修课,Day course 白天的课,Evening course 晚上的课 2)经常出现的科目或专业 mathematic 数学,history 历史,chemistry 化学,Literature 文学,Final exam 期终考试,middle exam 期中考试,make up补考,test测验,pop test事先 没有说好的测验,quiz小测验,oral test 口试drawing near考试临近,考试延期或取消delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off /public school 公立学校,private school 私立学校,religious school 教会学校 3)学校中的人: president 校长,dean 院长,professor 教授,lecturer 讲师coordinator 管理sophomore 大一新生,freshman 学士,bachelor 硕士,master 博士,doctor 员,大二学生,junior 大三学生,senior 大四学生 have a lecture 上课,miss a class 错过了课,scholarship 荣誉奖学金,assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教,research assistant助研cut a class 逃课assistantship助教奖学金teaching assistan助教semester学 期 4)考试延期或取消delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 2. 校园生活场景 The housing office 住宿办公室Tuition 学费Dormitory deposit 宿舍保证金Live off campus 学生住宿经理Security office 安全管理处Rest room 休息室Room and board
