Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science

Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science
Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science

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Bo Stenberg, Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, and Johanna Wetterlind, Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Soil Science. In Donald L. Sparks, editor: Advances in Agronomy, Vol. 107, Burlington: Academic Press, 2010, pp. 163-215.,/10.1016/S0065-2113(10)07005-7

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Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science

Bo Stenberg a*, Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel b, Abdul Mounem Mouazen c, Johanna Wetterlind d

a*Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 234, SE-532 23 Skara, Sweden Tel: +46 511 67276, Fax: +46 511 67134, E-mail: (Corresponding author)

b CSIRO Land & Water, Bruce E. Butler Laboratory, GPO Box 1666 Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, E-mail:

c Natural Resources Department, Cranfiel

d University, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom, E-mail:


d Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 234, SE-532

23 Skara, Sweden, E-mail:


This chapter provides a review on the state of soil visible–near infrared (vis–NIR) spectroscopy. Our intention is for the review to serve as a source of up-to date information on the past and current role of

vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil science. It should also provide critical discussion on issues surrounding the use of vis–NIR for soil analysis and on future directions. To this end, we describe the fundamentals of visible and infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and spectroscopic multivariate calibrations. A review of the past and current role of vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil analysis is provided, focusing on important soil attributes such as soil organic matter (SOM), minerals, texture, nutrients, water, pH, and heavy metals. We then discuss the performance and generalization capacity of vis–NIR calibrations, with particular attention on sample pre-tratments, co-variations in data sets, and mathematical data preprocessing. Field analyses and strategies for the practical use of vis–NIR are considered. We conclude that the technique is useful to measure soil water and mineral composition and to derive robust calibrations for SOM and clay content. Many studies show that we also can predict properties such as pH and nutrients, although their robustness may be questioned. For future work we recommend that research should focus on: (i) moving forward with more theoretical calibrations, (ii) better understanding of the complexity of soil and the physical basis for soil reflection, and (iii) applications and the use of spectra for soil mapping and monitoring, and for making inferences about soils quality, fertility and function. To do this, research in soil spectroscopy needs to be more collaborative and strategic. The development of the Global Soil Spectral Library might be a step in the right direction.

Contents Abstract (2)

1. Introduction (3)

1.1. Fundamentals of soil visible and infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (4)

1.2. Spectroscopic multivariate calibrations (5)

1.3. Considerations for developing spectroscopic calibrations (6)

2. Past and current role of vis–NIR in soil analysis (6)

2.1. Soil organic matter (SOM) (7)

2.2. Soil mineralogy (14)

2.3. Soil texture (16)

2.4. Plant nutrients (19)

2.5. pH and lime requirement (20)

2.6. Organic matter quality and microbial processes (20)

2.7. Heavy metals and other soil contaminants (22)

2.8 Soil moisture (23)

3. Factors influencing the performance and generality of vis–NIR calibrations (25)

3.1. Sample pre-treatment (25)

3.2. Data pre-treatment (26)

4 Field analyses (27)

5. Strategies for practical use of vis–NIR spectroscopy for soil analysis (28)

5.1. Local influence of target area (30)

5.2 Screening and mapping of overall soil variability (31)

5.3. Soil quality and fertility assessment (32)

6. General and future aspects (32)

References (32)

1. Introduction

Soil is a fundamental natural resource which people rely on for the production of food, fiber, and energy. Soil is a regulator of water movement in the landscape, it is an environmental filter for metals, nutrients, and other contaminants that may leach into the environment, it is a biological habitat and gene reserve and is the foundation for buildings and other constructions. Soil is also regarded as a potential sink for carbon to mitigate global warming. The ability of a soil to support any of these functions depends on its structure; composition; and chemical, biological, and physical properties, all of which are both spatially and temporally variable (Blum, 1993; Bouma, 1997; Harris et al., 1996; Jenny, 1980; Karlen et al., 1997). Fundamentally, soil is a complex matrix that consists of organic and inorganic mineral matter, water, and air. The organic material in soils ranges from decomposed and stable humus to fresh, particulate residues of various origins. The distribution of these different organic pools in soil influences biological activity, nutrient availability and dynamics, soil structure and aggregation, and water-holding capacity (Skjemstad et al., 1997). The inorganic mineral fraction is often described by its particle size distribution (proportions of sand, silt, and clay) and also by additional subclasses in various classification systems (Hillel and Hillel, 1998). Coarse sand particles typically consist of resistant minerals such as quartz and feldspars, while fine particles consist of various clay minerals that have undergone various degrees of weathering. Thus, the mineral fraction can be defined by the parent material, soil age, climate, relief, and position in the landscape ( Jenny, 1980). Different clay minerals have different properties, for example, some are able to hold water in their lattices, giving them their shrink–swell behavior, while others are important as a source of potassium on weathering (Andrist-Rangel et al., 2006). Clay particles are characterized by negatively charged surfaces and some clay minerals have more negatively charged surfaces than others.

This is important in terms of the physics and chemistry of the soil as these charged surfaces regulate aggregation processes and the cat ion exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil, which affects the release and retention of nutrients as well its buffering capacity (Hillel and Hillel, 1998).

No two soils are exactly alike and variations occur over short distances, vertically and horizontally. Given the importance of soils, there is a need for regular monitoring to detect changes in its status so as to implement appropriate management in the event of degradation. Soil surveying may be performed at national levels for the inventory of soil resources, or for agriculture at regional, farm or field scales, for example, to monitor carbon, nutrient status, pH, and salinity.

Recognition by farmers of the high variability of soils, even within fields, and the advent of global positioning systems (GPS) facilitating real time positions have led to the development of the concept of precision agriculture (PA) or site-specific agriculture. PA aims to improve resource use efficiency by variable rate applications to supply a crop with precisely what it requires at a high spatial resolution (Robert et al., 1991).

As a consequence of global warming, there is also much focus on developing soil management practices supporting carbon sequestration in soils to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide. Intensive and reliable mapping is required to monitor changes in soil organic pools (Bricklemyer et al., 2005; Mooney et al., 2004). All these aspects require accurate inexpensive soil analysis.

Over the past two decades, research on the use of visible–near infrared (vis–NIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in soil science has increased rapidly (Ben-Dor and Banin, 1995a; Bowers and Hanks, 1965; Brown et al., 2006; Shepherd and Walsh, 2002; Stenberg et al., 1995; Sudduth et al., 1989; Viscarra Rossel and McBratney, 1998; Wetterlind et al., 2008b). The main focus has been on basic soil composition, particularly soil organic matter (SOM), texture, and clay mineralogy, but also nutrient availability and properties such as fertility, structure, and microbial activity. There are many reasons for the interest in vis–NIR. For example, sample preparation involves only drying and crushing, the sample is not affected by the analysis in any way, no (hazardous) chemicals are required, measurement takes a few seconds, several soil properties can be estimated from a single scan, and the technique can be used both in the laboratory and in situ (Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c).

The aim of this chapter is to provide a review on the current state of vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil science. We begin by describing some of the fundamentals of soil diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, as well as the spectroscopic calibrations needed to estimate soil properties. We then review and discuss the use of vis–NIR for estimating important soil properties and examine the influence of external factors, such as experimental design and sample and spectral pretreatments, on the calibrations. We then consider the potential for field vis–NIR measurements and strategies for its practical implementation, and finish by providing a synthesis and discuss the future of vis–NIR spectroscopy.

1.1. Fundamentals of soil visible and infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

To generate a soil spectrum, radiation containing all relevant frequencies in the particular range is directed to the sample. Depending on the constituents present in the soil the radiation will cause individual molecular bonds to vibrate, either by bending or stretching, and they will absorb light, to various degrees, with a specific energy quantum corresponding to the difference between two energy levels. As the energy quantum is directly related to frequency (and inversely related to wavelength), the resulting absorption spectrum produces a characteristic shape that can be used for analytical purposes (Miller, 2001). The frequencies at which light is absorbed appear as a reduced signal of reflected radiation and are displayed in % reflectance (R), which can then be transformed to apparent absorbance: A = log(1/R) (Fig. 1). The

wavelength at which the absorption takes place (i.e., the size of the energy quantum) depends also on the chemical matrix and environmental factors such as neighboring functional groups and temperature, allowing for the detection of a range of molecules which may contain the same type of bonds.

When NIR radiation interacts with a soil sample, it is the overtones and combinations of fundamental vibrations in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) region that are detected. Molecular functional groups can absorb in themid-IR, with a range of progressively weaker orders of overtones detected in both the mid-IR and NIR regions. General ly, the NIR region is characterized by broad, superimposed, and weak vibrational modes, giving soilNIRspectra few, broad absorption features (Fig. 1). In the visible region, electronic excitations are the main processes as the energy of the radiation is high.

Due to the broad and overlapping bands, vis–NIR spectra contain fewer absorptions than the mid-IR and can be more difficult to interpret (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, this region contains useful information on organic and inorganic materials in the soil. Absorptions in the visible region (400–780 nm) are primarily associated with minerals that contain iron (e.g., haematite, goethite) (Mortimore et al., 2004; Sherman and Waite, 1985). SOM can also have broad absorption bands in the visible region that are dominated by chromophores and the darkness of organic matter. Absorptions in the NIR region (780–2500 nm) result from the overtones of OH, SO4, and CO3 groups, as well as combinations of fundamental features of H2O and CO2 (e.g., Clark, 1999). Clay minerals can show absorption in the vis–NIR region due to metal-OH bend plus O–H stretch combinations (Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006a). Carbonates also have weak absorption peaks in the near infrared (Hunt and Salisbury, 1970). Water has a strong influence on vis–NIR

Figure 1. S oil vis–NIR 400–2500 nm spectra showing approximately where the combination, first, second, and third overtone (OT) vibrations occur, as well as the visible (vis) range.

1.2. Spectroscopic multivariate calibrations

Diffuse reflectance spectra of soil in the vis–NIR are largely nonspecific due to the overlapping absorption of soil constituents. This characteristic lack of specificity is compounded by scatter effects caused by soil structure or specific constituents such as quartz. All of these factors result in complex absorption patterns that need to be mathematically extracted from the spectra and correlated with soil properties. Hence, the analyses of soil diffuse reflectance spectra require the use of multivariate calibrations (Martens and Naes, 1989). The most common calibration methods for soil applications are based on linear regressions, namely stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) (Ben-Dor and Banin, 1995a; Dalal and Henry, 1986),

principal component regression (PCR), and partial least squares regression (PLSR). The main reason for using SMLR is the inadequacy of more conventional regression techniques such as multiple linear regression (MLR) and lack of awareness among soil scientists of the existence of full spectrum data compression techniques such as PCR and PLSR. Both of these techniques can cope with data containing large numbers of predictor variables that are highly collinear. PCR and PLSR are related techniques and inmost situations their prediction errors are similar. However, PLSR is often preferred by analysts because it relates the response and predictor variables so that the model explains more of the variance in the response with fewer components, it is more interpretable and the algorithm is computationally faster. The use of data mining techniques such as neural networks (NN) (e.g., Daniel et al., 2003; Fidencio et al., 2002), multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) (Shepherd and Walsh, 2002), and boosted regression trees (Brown et al., 2006) is increasing. Viscarra Rossel (2007) combined PLSR with bootstrap aggregation (bagging-PLSR) to improve the robustness of the PLSR models and produce predictions with uncertainty. MLR, PCR, and PLS are linear models, while the data mining techniques can handle nonlinear data. Viscarra Rossel and Lark (2009) used wavelets combined with polynomial regressions to reduce the spectral data, account for non linearity and produce accurate and parsimonious calibrations based on selected wavelet coefficients. Mouazen et al. (2010) compared NN with PCR and PLS for the prediction of selected soil properties. They found combined PLSR-NN models to provide improved predictions as compared to PLSR and PCR. Viscarra Rossel and Behrens (2010) compared the use of PLSR to a number of data mining algorithms and feature selection techniques for predictions of clay, organic carbon and pH. They compared MARS, random forests (RF), boosted trees (BT), support vector machines (SVM), NN, and wavelets. Their results suggest that data mining algorithms produce more accurate results than PLSR and that some of the algorithms provide information on the importance of specific wavelength in the models so that they can be used to interpret them.

1.3. Considerations for developing spectroscopic calibrations

When developing multivariate calibrations, careful selection of the calibration and validation samples is important. The size and distribution of the calibration data set has to be representative not only of the variation in the soil property being considered, but also of the variation in the spectra. It is also important that the validation samples are independent of the calibration samples. That is, validation samples should have no influence on the calibration procedure and no influence on the selection of the best calibration. In the literature, suspected pseudo-independent validation samples are fairly common. This risk occurs when the validation set is randomly selected from a heterogeneous sample set consisting of several internally homogeneous subsets. Examples are series of soil core increments or multiple plots in field experiments. Adjacent core increments and plots from the same trial could be expected to be very similar and could be more or less regarded as replicates. Such situations are likely to overestimate the predictive performance of a calibration. Brown et al. (2005) came to this conclusion by comparing the random sampling of six field trials with the calibration of only five trials predicting the sixth. As indicated by their results the later validation strategy may in turn exaggerate prediction errors compared with amore representative and homogeneously distributed calibration set. Only two of the six sites were poorly predicted compared with the random validation and the difference in prediction error of those to the random validation was largely explained by bias. Still, their study emphasizes the importance of selecting a validation strategy that represents the diversity of expected future samples.

2. Past and current role of vis–NIR in soil analysis

Over the last few decades a large number of attempts have been made to predict soil properties with vis–NIR. Calibrations for total and organic carbon are probably most frequent, followed by clay content. According to a review of published explained variance statistics (Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c), these two, together with total soil N, are also those with the best chance of success. This makes sense because both clay minerals and SOM are the fundamental constituents of the soil and have well-recognized absorption features in the vis–NIR region. Some other frequently reported properties include pH, extractable P, K, Fe, Ca, Na, Mg, and CEC, as well as properties that are dependent on combinations of other soil properties,

such as lime requirement and mineralisable N. Results for these are typically moderate and often highly variable. This makes sense as the co-variations to constituents that are spectrally active cannot be expected to be globally stable.

Table 1. Band assignments for fundamental mid-IR absorptions of soil constituents and their overtones and combinations in the vis–NIR. Compilation adapted from Viscarra Rossel & Behrens (2010). Organics Fundamental

(cm-1) vis–NIR wavelength (nm) vis–NIR Mode

Aromatics ν

1 C–H 3030 cm-11650






Amine δ Ν–H 1610 cm-1

ν1 N–H 3330 cm-12060








Alkyl asymmetric–symmetric doublet ν3 C–H 2930 cm-1

ν1 C–H 2850 cm-1













Carboxylic acids ν

1 C=O 1725 cm-11930




Amides ν

1 C=O 1640 cm-12033




Aliphatics ν

1 C–H 1465 cm-12275




Methyls ν

1 C–H 1445–1350 cm-12307–2469




Phenolics ν


C–OH 1275 cm-11961 4ν1

Polysaccharides ν


C–O 1170 cm-12137 4ν1

Carbohydrates ν


C–O 1050 cm-12381 4ν1

2.1. Soil organic matter (SOM)

SOM, often approximated to 1.72 times soil organic carbon (SOC), is the property most frequently estimated by vis–NIR calibrations. Organic molecules fundamental vibrations occur in the mid-IR and their overtones and combination bands occur in the vis–NIR region. Overtones and combination bands in vis–NIR due to organic matter result from the stretching and bending of NH, CH, and CO groups (Ben-Dor et al., 1999; Bokobza, 1998; Goddu and Delker, 1960). Bands around 1100, 1600, 1700 to1800, 2000, and 2200 to 2400 nm have been identified as being particularly important for SOC and total N calibration (Ben-Dor and Banin, 1995a; Dalal and Henry, 1986;Henderson et al., 1992; Krishnan et al., 1980; Malley et al., 2000; Martin et al., 2002; Morra et al., 1991; Stenberg, 2010). Clark (1999) assigned bands near 2300, 1700, and 1100 nm to combination bands and first and second overtones, respectively, of the C–H stretch fundamentals near 3400 nm (2900 cm-1). This has been confirmed with humic acids extracted from a Chinese (Xing et al., 2005) and a Massachusetts (Kang and Xing, 2005) soil, where peaks at 3413 nm (2930 cm-1) and 3509 nm (2850 cm-1) were ascribed to aliphatic CH2 stretching (Table 1). However, making specific assignments from a vis–NIR spectrum is difficult, as several other organic and inorganic molecules may absorb in these regions (Clark et al., 1990; Goddu and Delker, 1960). This is particularly

so at longer wavelengths beyond 2000 nm. Viscarra Rossel and Behrens (2010) present a summary of important fundamental absorptions in the mid-IR and the occurrence of their overtones and combinations in the vis–NIR, which can be used to help with interpretation (Table 1). In Fig. 2 the influence of SOM in vis–NIR is exemplified.

While the absorptions by SOM in the vis–NIR are often weak and not readily apparent to the naked eye (Fig. 2), the overall absorption due to SOM in the visible region is broad but clear (Baumgardner et al., 1985; Bowers and Hanks, 1965; Krishnan et al., 1980). For this reason, a number of studies have used soil color to estimate SOM (e.g., Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006b, 2008b). Thus there are various reports suggesting that vis–NIR relates better to SOM than the NIR alone (Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c). For example, Islam et al. (2003) achieved considerably better results for Australian soils by including the visible region (350–700 nm) in the calibration and similar observations have been reported for Norwegian soils (Fystro, 2002). Udelhoven et al. (2003) suggested that the brightness of the sample is an important factor in the visible region for prediction of organic C content. However, In Swedish agricultural soils including the visible range in calibrations resulted in only small improvements (Stenberg, 2010) whereas the opposite was reported for US land resource areas (Chang et al., 2001) and south-eastern Australia (Dunn et al., 2002). Although the general observation is that soil becomes darker with increasing organic matter, many soil properties, such as texture, structure, moisture, and mineralogy, can influence this (Hummel et al., 2001), implying that darkness would only be a useful discriminator within a limited geological variation.

Figure 2. (A) Soil vis–NIR 400–2500 nm spectra and (B) the region 1100–2500 nm showing the spectra of three soils: an organic agricultural soil with 40% SOC and two with _1% SOC of which one has 87% sand and 4% clay, and the other 12% sand and 44% clay. Drop lines in (B) indicate wavelengths typical of

organic matter.

The performance of SOM and SOC calibrations is highly variable (Table 2). There are several possible explanations for this. Despite the numerous absorption bands of organic matter over the vis–NIR region, it is often reported that organic matter signals in this region are weak (e.g., Viscarra Rossel and McBratney, 1998), particularly in soils that contain only a few percent organic matter in a highly variable mineral matrix. Udelhoven et al. (2003) compared predictions of SOM in two regions of Germany and found that those based on a data set from the Eifel region were poorer than those based on data from the Hunsrück region. The authors explained this difference by the lower range of concentrations and higher geological variability in the Eifel soil. Stratification of the samples according to geological conditions and derivation of individual PLSR calibrations for each region produced better results.

Ben-Dor and Banin (1995a) suggested that the organic matter itself changes in quality with quantity in a way that influences spectra due to the stage of decomposition. In their study, in one group of soils with up

to 4% SOM (presumably 20–25 mg g-1 C) the organic material consisted mostly of humic substances while in another group of soils with more than 4% SOM it consisted mostly of decomposed litter, which can be expected to vary more than well-decomposed humus. This may be the case if the accumulation of SOM is due to impeded degradation as a result of, for example, very dry or excessively wet conditions. Contradictorily, Stenberg et al. (1998) found the organic matter present in high yielding agricultural soils with little SOM to be more susceptible to microbial degradation, which suggests that the given explanation is not universal. Nevertheless, Martin et al. (2002) found that in Manitoba, values for agricultural soils ranging between 3.8 and 40 mg g-1 C tended to be under-predicted at both the lower and higher ends, while mid-range values tended to be over predicted. By thresholding the data at 20 mg g-1 C, two equally sized data sets with similar standard deviations, residual mean squared error (RMSE) values of 4 and 4.3 mg g-1 C, were obtained. The RMSE for the low range set was reduced by 40% compared with that for all samples, while the RMSE for the high range set was hardly affected.

Another point to consider is that random sample sets dealing with organic matter in agricultural soils can be expected to reflect the natural skewness of the data towards low values. This skewness would be more pronounced in data sets with large variation and wider range. A small number of large values would also explain the largest correlation coefficients being found in data sets with the largest standard deviations (Fig. 3B).

Data sets with large variation in SOM may also be expected to originate from larger geographical regions with more variable soil, although this is not supported by the data in Table 2. Nevertheless, using a large data set representative of Swedish agricultural soils, Stenberg et al. (2002) found that calibrations for organic matter could be substantially improved by removing the sandiest soils (Fig. 4) and that it was not possible to make an accurate calibration for the entire data set (RMSE 1/4 7.2 mg g-1 SOC). The authors was postulated that sandy soils caused scattering of light (due to quartz), and ‘masked’ absorptions of organic matter. Another possible but contradictory explanation may be that SOC in very sandy soils is over estimated as the organic matter is the stronger absorbent in the matrix and will therefore dominate the spectra (Clark, 1999; see the visible end of Fig. 2a). Also the smaller surface area of coarse sandy soils will influence as the same amount of organic matter will be distributed in thicker coatings. Stenberg (2010) observed that predictions of SOC had larger errors. When the soils contained larger amounts of sand and that the errors in the sandiest soils were clearly dominated by over estimations.

Figure 3. Published data on organic carbon predictions with vis–NIR spectroscopy. Correlations between the standard deviation and (A) RMSE and (B) R2. (d) Data extracted from publications given in Table 2 and (○) data extracted from (Martin et al., 2002; McCarty and Reeves, 2006; Udelhoven et al., 2003;

Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c; Wetterlind et al., 2008a,b).

It is often suggested that smaller soil variation at the field scale would result in better calibrations than more general ones over larger geographic areas. Accordingly reported RMSE values are in several field or farm scale studies as low as or lower than 2 mg g-1 (McCarty and Reeves, 2006; Udelhoven et al., 2003; Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c; Wetterlind et al., 2008a). There is also an obvious tendency in Fig. 3A that large scale calibrations are found above the regression line while field scale calibrations are found below, indicating slightly better predictions of field scale calibrations. Therefore, there is support for a general rule that overall soil variation would influence prediction performance, but only to a small extent. The reason that field- or farm-scale calibrations perform generally better than calibrations made at regional or coarser scales might be that the variation in SOM is also small at the finer spatial scales (Fig. 3). There are also examples of field-specific calibrations with high RMSE values between 3.3 and 7.7 mg g-1, but with high R2 values (Martin et al., 2002; Wetterlind et al., 2008a). Field-scale studies of both large and small RMSE values fit well in both scatter plots in Fig. 3. This indicates that the variation in SOM

itself is the key factor.

Unfortunately there are few examples of data sets with very high OM. The exceptions are Ludwig et al (2002), Chodak et al. (2002), and Couteaux et al. (2003), reporting on two Eucalyptus sites in Australia, three spruce and birch sites in Germany and five coniferous sites in Sweden and France, respectively. Their results from data sets ranging between 255 and 500 mg C g_1 show that in all three cases R2 values were greater than 0.96, although the RMSE values were high, ranging between 14 and 24 mg g_1. Although standard deviations were not reported, we estimated standard deviations from graphically displayed data to be within a 50–150 mg g_1 range, supporting the general principle indicated by Fig. 3.

Figure 4. Differences in calibration performance for soil organic carbon (SOC) between different texture

classes (from Stenberg et al., 2002).

Whether the nitrogen content in soil is predicted through autocorrelation to organic carbon or on the basis of specific absorption is debatable. Published results are not consistent. Vis–NIR calibrations for total or organic N rarely perform better than the corresponding calibration for SOM or SOC (Viscarra Rossel et al. 2006c). Nevertheless, organic N has specific overtone and combination absorptions in the vis–NIR region (Table 1) and there are reports suggesting that organic C and N are predicted independently by vis–NIR. For example, organic and inorganic C and soil N was made to vary independently through artificial

addition of CaCO3, various composts and humic acid and all three constituents were shown to be predicted through unique spectral signatures (Chang and Laird, 2002).

However, it is indisputable that the nitrogen content in soil is almost as related to the organic matter content as organic carbon, as the absolute majority of the N is organic and typically comprises about 1/10 of the organic C. Thus, the N content is also very low, generally well below 1% and N-specific absorptions in the vis–NIR would be expected to be very weak. In a set of heterogeneous Norwegian grassland soils, the R2 for vis–NIR-predicted organic C and total N was 0.87 and 0.80, respectively, while the R2 between organic C and total N was 0.65 (Fystro, 2002). In fact, loss of ignition (Fystro, 2002) had the same predictive capacity as vis–NIR for both C and N. In this data set the correlation spectra, formed by the correlation of individual bands, to C and N, respectively, had similar general features, but there were variations in peak heights.

One way to test the potential independence between predictions of C and N would be to make calibrations for the C:N ratio. In artificially constructed soils (Chang and Laird, 2002) such a prediction worked fairly well (R2 = 0.85). In contrast, at an agricultural Manitoba site N calibrations were much less satisfactory than the corresponding C calibrations and C:N ratio calibrations failed as the correlation between C and N was only 0.67, while the correlation between predicted C and N was as high as 0.96 (Martin et al., 2002). These authors suggested, that N is best predicted when N is well correlated to C, but in the absence of such correlation, calibrations may be based on N-specific absorbing features.

2.2. Soil mineralogy

Soil minerals generally account for half the soil volume (Schulze, 2002). Their type, proportions and concentrations ultimately determine important properties such as texture, structure, and CEC. These properties may in turn have a significant effect on many other soil properties. For example, potassium availability for plant uptake is dependent on its release from the weathering of primary soil minerals. Soil minerals absorb light in the UV, visible, vis–NIR, and mid-IR portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Iron oxides absorb strongly in the UV and absorb weakly in the vis–NIR region, while clay minerals such as phyllosilicates have distinct spectral signatures in the vis–NIR region. Comprehensive accounts of the processes that produce these absorptions can be found in Hunt (1977), Clark (1999), etc. In this review, we concentrate on diagnostic absorption for the most commonly encountered iron oxides (goethite, haematite) and clay minerals (kaolin, montmorillonite (smectite), illite, and calcite). Figure 5 shows the continuum-removed reflectance spectra of these minerals.

The reflectivity of goethite (α-FeOOH) is relatively high at longer wavelengths in the vis–NIR region from the absorption band that occurs near 930 nm (Fig. 5). Three other absorption bands for goethite are discernible in the vis–NIR region, one near 660 nm, another near 480 nm and one near 420 nm (Fig. 5). The spectrum of goethite also shows weak absorption near 1700 nm, which is due to the first overtone of a stretching vibration of OH that is present in the crystal structure of goethite (Morris et al., 1985). The spectrum of haematite (α-Fe2O3) is characterized by high and nearly constant reflectivity at longer wavelengths in the vis–NIR, a reflectivity minimum near 880 nm, a shoulder centered near 620 nm and a band with very low reflectivity near 510 nm (Fig. 5).

In both goethite and haematite the absorptions near 930 and 880 nm, respectively, may be assigned to ligand field transitions that involve excitations from a ground state to the first higher energy state (Sherman and Waite, 1985). Their absorptions near 660 nm and the shoulder near 620 nm may also be assigned to charge transfer absorptions producing transitions from a ground state to a higher energy state. Assignment of bands near 480 nm and 420 nm in goethite and near 510 nm in haematite are generally attributed to the absorption edges (or wings) of intense charge transfer absorptions that occur in the UV (Sherman and Waite, 1985). Absorption in the visible range causes the vivid colors of iron oxides, for example, red haematite and yellow goethite.

Figure 5. Continuum-removed spectra of common soil minerals offset by 1 unit for each spectrum. Combination vibrations involving a O–H stretch and metal–OH bend occur in the 2200–2500 nm region. It is generally understood that absorptions near 2200 nm are due to Al–OH, as in kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite (Fig. 5), but if the absorption is near 2290 nm it is due to Fe–OH and if near 2300 nm it is due to Mg–OH in, for example, illites and montmorillonites (Clark et al., 1990; Post and Noble, 1993). There are exceptions to this, for example in gibbsite (AlOH3) the combination absorption occurs near 2268 nm instead of 2200 nm.

Clay mineral absorptions are mostly due to OH, H2O, and CO3 overtones and combination vibrations of fundamentals that occur at longer wavelengths in the mid-IR region. Kaolin has characteristic absorption doublets near 2200 nm and 1400 nm (Fig. 5). The absorption wavelengths near 1400 nm (1395 and 1415 nm) are due to overtones of the O–H stretch vibration near 2778 nm (3600 cm-1), while those near 2200 nm (2165 and 2207 nm) are due to Al–OH bend plus O–H stretch combinations.

Smectite has strong characteristic absorptions near 1400, 1900, and 2200 nm. The band near 1400 nm can to one part be attributed to the first overtone of structural O–H stretching mode in its octahedral layer. The 1400 nm and 1900 nm bands are also due to combination vibrations of water bound in the interlayer lattices as hydrated cations and water adsorbed on particle surfaces (Bishop et al., 1994). Such water is not present in kaoline supporting a diagnostic feature for dry kaolinitic soils that will absorb very weakly near 1900 nm. The combination bands that are due to vibrations of bound water occur at slightly shorter wavelengths near 1400 nm and 1900 nm, while those of adsorbed water appear as shoulders near 1468 nm and 1970 nm (Fig. 5). By remoistening, these shoulders will dominate (Bishop et al., 1994). Illite has absorptions near 1400, 1900, and 2200 nm too, but generally weaker than smectite. Illite also has additional absorptions near 2340 nm and 2445 nm (Post and Noble, 1993) (Fig. 5). These bands may diagnostically distinguish between illite and smectite. They are, however, weak and especially the former may be confused with organic matter absorption.

Carbonates have several absorptions in the NIR region, which are due to overtone and combination bands of the CO3 fundamental that occurs in mid-IR (Clark et al., 1990). The strongest is near 2335 nm, but some weaker absorptions occur near 2160 nm, 1990 nm and 1870 nm (Fig. 5). There is also strong absorption right at the edge of the NIR-region near 2500 nm (Clark, 1999). It is important to note that the position of these absorption bands varies with composition (Hunt and Salisbury, 1970). Although there are studies that qualitatively characterize soil minerals using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (Clark et al., 1990; Farmer, 1974; Hunt, 1977; Hunt and Salisbury, 1970), few studies quantify their composition in

soil. Ben-Dor and Banin (1990) used vis–NIR to estimate the carbonate concentration in soils. Ben-Dor and Banin (1994) used NIR (400–1100 nm) to estimate CaCO3, Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2, free Fe oxides and K2O. Brown et al. (2006) attempted predictions of ordinal clay mineral levels (0–5 ordinal scale) of kaolinite, smectite, and vermiculite to 96%, 88%, and 83% respectively, falling within one ordinal unit of reference X-ray diffraction (XRD) values. Viscarra Rossel et al. (2006a) modeled mineral-organic mixes as a function of vis–NIR spectra to estimate mineral-organic composition of independent test mixes. Viscarra Rossel et al. (2009) made accurate measurements of soil mineral composition and clay content using field collected spectra.

2.3. Soil texture

When it comes to soil texture, most focus has been on clay content because it has a large influence on structure by promoting the formation of soil aggregates and its swelling and shrinking properties forming cracks. Water dynamics and aeration in soil are highly dependent on texture and structure and the latter are therefore important for plant growth both directly, but also through the regulation of microorganisms – the engine in decomposition and nutrient cycling processes (Stenberg, 1999). There are also environmental aspects, as structure influences the risk of nutrient and pesticide leaching (Jarvis, 2007; Stenberg et al., 1999). Although clay is defined as particles smaller than 2 mm, clay particles mainly consist of clay minerals. Therefore the influence of mineralogy on vis–NIR spectra can be assumed to be a valuable feature for predictions of clay content. Ben-Dor and Banin (1995a) found the important bands for calibrations of clay content and the related parameters specific surface area (SSA) and CEC, to be related to both O–H in water and Mg–, Al–, and Fe–OH in the mineral crystal lattice. These bands are similar to those reported by Madejova and Komadel (2001) to distinguish different clay minerals.

As SSA and CEC are better defined and more directly related to particle size distribution and mineralogy than clay content, simply defined as particles smaller than 2 mm, it could be expected that these parameters would also be better predicted through vis–NIR calibrations. This is indeed often the case (Ben-Dor and Banin, 1995a; Brown et al., 2006; Chang et al., 2001; Shepherd and Walsh, 2002), although in Australian soils calibrations for CEC performed poorly compared to clay (Islam et al., 2003; Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c). Compared with calibrations for sand and silt content, those for clay usually perform well over large geographical regions (Chang et al., 2001; Islam et al., 2003;Malley et al., 2000; Shepherd and Walsh, 2002; S?rensen and Dalsgaard, 2005).Here, RMSE values averaged 10.6%, 7.4%, and 5.7% for sand, silt, and clay, respectively and the ratio of standard deviation/RMSE (RPD; not available for Shepherd and Walsh, 2002) averaged 1.9, 1.6, and 1.8 (Table 3). Although Chang et al. (2001) classified calibrations for sand and silt as better performing than for clay based on correlation coefficients and RPD values, the absolute RMSE was less than half for clay, which can be attributed to the clay content range also being less than half. Unfortunately no one has yet published the accuracy of soil classification from vis–NIR-predicted sand, silt and clay. However, directly on vis-NIR spectra Mouazen et al. (2005b) used a combination of principal component and factorial discriminant analyses to classify 365 soil samples from Belgium and Northern France into different texture groups. In a validation procedure, 81.8% were correctly classified into the four groups coarse sandy, fine sandy, loamy, and clayey or 85.1% into the three groups sandy, loamy, and clayey soils.

Figure 6. Literature data on clay (d), silt (j), and sand (r) predictions with vis–NIR spectroscopy.

Correlations between the standard deviation and the RMSE. Data extracted from (Chang et al., 2001;

Islam et al., 2003; Malley et al., 2000; Shepherd and Walsh, 2002; S_rensen and Dalsgaard, 2005;

Stenberg et al., 2002; Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c).

As for SOC there were obvious relationships in published data between RSME and variation in the reference texture parameters (Fig. 6). The influence of this relationship may have been in line with what Stenberg et al. (2002) found. The RMSE of a NIR calibration for clay content for all agricultural areas of Sweden was reduced from 5.6% to 3.9% clay by dividing the data set according to six geographical zones using separate calibrations for each zone instead of using one calibration for all samples. By doing so, several very bad predictions were corrected and an obvious under-estimation of samples over 30% clay was removed. In this case the limitation of geological heterogeneity in each subset was probably an important factor.

There is no evidence of RMSE values much lower than 2% in studies limited to even smaller regional, farm or field scale calibrations (Malley et al., 2000; Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c; Waiser et al., 2007; Wetterlind et al., 2008a,b), although in these cases RMSE values were among the lowest published (Table 3) and RPD values usually higher than 2 and in some cases close to three 3.

Table 3. Validation results for soil texture parameters clay, silt and sand ( %).

Origin Soil

information Range S.D.Spectral








Israel; Arid and semi-arid A0 -horizon 4-65 NA* 1000-2500nm 0.56 10.3 (Ben-Dor

and Banin,


Global (90% from the USA) Profiles 1-93



0.73 9.5 (Brown


al., 2006)

USA; Four major land resource areas Top soil 1-35 7 1300-2500nm 0.67 4.1 (Chang et

al., 2001)

Eastern and Top soil 5-79 NA 350-2500nm 0.78 7.5 (Shepherd

information range R2RMSE

southern Africa and Walsh, 2002)

NSW Australia Top and sub


2-72 19 250-2500nm 0.72 8.9 (Islam




NSW Australia; 17 ha field Top soil 8-24 3 1000-2500nm 0.60 1.9 (Viscarra

Rossel et al.,


Canadian district Profiles 1-87



0.81 8.6 (Malley


al., 2000)

Swedish agriculture Top soil 0-70 15 1100-2500 0.94 3.9 (Stenberg et

al. 2002)

Texas, USA; Six fields Profiles 1-52



0.84 6.2 (Waiser


al. 2007)

Sweden; Tree separate fields 11-25 ha Top soil 12-62






780-2500nm 0.86







et al. 2008a)

Swedish farm; ~100ha Top soil 25-66 9 350-2500nm 0.81 3.7 (Wetterlind

et al. 2008b)


USA; Four major land resource areas Top soil 3-85 24 1300-2500nm 0.84 9.5 (Chang et

al., 2001)

Eastern and southern Africa Top soil 0-42 NA 350-2500nm 0.67 4.9 (Shepherd

and Walsh,


NSW Australia Top and sub


0-40 9 250-2500nm 0.05 9.8 (Islam




NSW Australia; 17 ha field Top soil 6-20 3 1000-2500nm 0.41 2.3 (Viscarra

Rossel et al.,


Canadian districts Profiles 1-76



0.36 13.2 (Malley


al., 2000)


information range R2RMSE

Global (90% from the USA) Profiles 1-99



0.57 17.6 (Brown


al., 2006)

USA; Four major land resource areas Top soil 1-95 28 1300-2500nm 0.82 11.9 (Chang et

al., 2001)

Eastern and southern Africa Top soil 8-90 NA 350-2500nm 0.76 4.9 (Shepherd

and Walsh,


NSW Australia Top and sub


8-98 23 250-2500nm 0.53 14.5 (Islam




NSW Australia; 17 ha field Top soil 58-84 5 1000-2500nm 0.59 3.3 (Viscarra

Rossel et al.,


Canadian district Profiles 1-98



0.65 17.6 (Malley


al., 2000)

* Not available

2.4. Plant nutrients

Due to their often direct relationship to plant nutrition, plant nutrients such as N, P, K, Fe, Ca, Na, Mg, and methods for their measurement attract much interest in agriculture. In PA practices such as variable rate fertilization, data on plant-available P and K, which are fairly stable parameters over time, are important for high resolution soil mapping. Nitrogen is by far the most important nutrient in most agricultural systems. Plant N uptake occurs mainly in the form of nitrate or ammonium, but as these sources are very dynamic, estimates of their concentrations are very variable. Plant nutrients are not expected to have direct spectral absorption features in the vis–NIR region. Correlations found to vis–NIR spectra are often weak, but there are exceptions, for example, Chang et al. (2001), Ehsani et al. (1999), 2007), Pereira et al. (2004), Shibusawa et al. (2001), Udelhoven et al. (2003). These authors report highly variable coefficients of determination (R2; in parentheses) for mineral N (0.20–0.99), available K (0.56–0.83), exchangeable K (0.11–0.55), Ca (0.75–0.89), Fe (0.64–0.91), Na (0.09–0.44), Mg (0.53–0.82), and P (0.23–0.92). The occasionally successful calibrations may be attributed to locally present co-variation to spectrally active constituents. Such co-variations may of course vary between data sets. The wealth of reference methods available for the assessment of these parameters may add to the large variation in the results. However, by enriching a Yolo loam soil with ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate, Upadhyaya et al. (1994) obtained high coefficients of correlations for prediction of nitrate, but the RMSE values of 6–44 would still corresponded to approximately 15–100 kg N ha-1.

The potential for vis–NIR to predict extractable P in soil has been relatively well studied as P is the second most important plant nutrient after N and is as well a limited natural resource. Results reported for P are, as indicated above, among the most variable. Some authors report successful calibrations and others absolute failure. Udelhoven et al. (2003) failed to predict CAL-extractable P (Schuller, 1969) at the regional scale, but at the field scale it was fairly well predicted. This was attributed to secondary

correlations to other variables not measured in the study. In agricultural fields this is reasonable as P (and other nutrients) is removed with the yield and will relate to the size of the yield. Depending on the extent to which clay and organic matter regulate the harvest the depletion of plant available P will relate to clay and SOM and by co-variation also to vis–NIR, if P has been applied homogenously. This type of variation can, however, not be expected to be valid across fields or farms.

To some extent the variable performance of calibrations could also be attributed to the type of P measured with the reference method (extractable, available) and the corresponding laboratory method used. The large variety of methods employed to estimate available P are not always very well correlated (Mamo et al., 1996; Zbiral and Nemec, 2002). Chang et al. (2001) found that Mehlich III (Mehlich, 1984) extractable cations in general were better predicted than those extracted by NH4OAc. Bogrekci and Lee (2005) and Maleki et al. (2006) suggested that P correlates to the vis–NIR through different soil components that bind to phosphorus. If this is the case, it can also be assumed that there are differences in the correlations between different extraction methods for P and such P-soil complexes. The mechanism for calibration of available P, co-variations or spectral features, is a subject that requires further investigation.

2.5. pH and lime requirement

Soil pH is an important fertility regulator. As nutrient solubility is generally pH-dependent, plant root development can be restricted by unfavorable pH-values. Biological activity, decomposition, mineralization, etc., in soil are also strongly influenced by the pH. Generally, a pH close to 6.5 is regarded as ideal and liming is often undertaken to regulate low pH. Soil pH, or proton activity, is not expected to have a direct spectral response, but has still been more or less well predicted in several cases. Chang et al. (2001) suggested that this was due to co-variation to spectrally active soil constituents such as organic matter and clay. R2 values at the country or state scale ranging between 0.55 and 0.77 indicate the existence of fairly general correlations to vis–NIR spectra (Chang et al., 2001; Islam et al., 2003; Mouazen et al., 2006a; Pirie et al., 2005; Shepherd and Walsh, 2002), but it must also be recognized that the calibrations rarely perform better than an RMSE of one-third or half a pH unit. This may be high for estimations of within-field variations of lime requirement, as it corresponds to up to 10–15 tons of lime per ha in a clayey soil. However, field- or farm-specific calibrations have been shown to perform better, with RMSE values between 0.17 and 0.31 and R2 values between 0.54 and 0.92 (McCarty and Reeves, 2006; Reeves et al., 1999; Shibusawa et al., 2001; Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006c). Reeves et al. (1999) found that moving vis–NIR calibrations from one agricultural site to another caused a much greater loss in precision for pH and some other indirectly predicted parameters than it did for organic C and N. This indicates that the co-variations upon which indirect calibrations are built may be very different at different locations. For example, correlation spectra to pH have been reported to be very similar to those to clay and CEC (Islam et al., 2003; Pirie et al., 2005), while others did not find any co-variation to clay or any other measured soil parameter (Chang et al., 2001). Despite this, R2 exceeded 0.55 in all three cases.

The pH of a soil is regulated by a variety of factors. The CEC is important for the buffering capacity of soil and is in turn related to the clay fraction and organic matter content. Soil mineralogy as such is important as minerals are characterized by different acidity, an effect which is exaggerated by weathering. Carbonates are present to varying degrees in many soils. As mentioned (Sections 2.1 and 2.2), all of these factors are spectrally active, which could result in rather complex calibration mechanisms for pH. It is also easy to accept that the mechanisms can vary from one data set to another. In addition, the practice of liming to increase the pH of acidic soils and thereby improve fertility can be expected to alter, or at least disrupt, the mentioned relationships. The somewhat contradictory results and the difficulties in transferring calibrations geographically, as exemplified above, are therefore in line with expectations.

2.6. Organic matter quality and microbial processes

The importance of soil biological processes for agriculture and forestry, as well as for environmental management, is unquestionable. As discussed earlier, organic matter absorbs in the vis–NIR region and


招标投标企业报告 广东省机场管理集团有限公司揭阳潮汕机场公 司

本报告于 2019年11月30日 生成 您所看到的报告内容为截至该时间点该公司的数据快照 目录 1. 基本信息:工商信息 2. 招投标情况:招标数量、招标情况、招标行业分布、投标企业排名、中标企业 排名 3. 股东及出资信息 4. 风险信息:经营异常、股权出资、动产抵押、税务信息、行政处罚 5. 企业信息:工程人员、企业资质 * 敬启者:本报告内容是中国比地招标网接收您的委托,查询公开信息所得结果。中国比地招标网不对该查询结果的全面、准确、真实性负责。本报告应仅为您的决策提供参考。

一、基本信息 1. 工商信息 企业名称:广东省机场管理集团有限公司揭阳潮汕机场公司统一社会信用代码:91445200582918988R 工商注册号:445200000037474组织机构代码:582918988 法定代表人:郭大杰成立日期:2011-08-16 企业类型:/经营状态:在业 注册资本:/ 注册地址:广东省揭阳空港经济区登岗镇 营业期限:2011-08-16 至 / 营业范围:航空器起降服务;旅客过港服务;安全检查服务;应急求援服务;航空地面服务;客货销售代理;停车场、仓储、物流配送;货邮处理、园林绿化、保洁服务;制作、发布代理务类广告;房地产开发、航空运输技术协作中介、航空信息咨询及航空运输业务有关的其他服务。 联系电话:*********** 二、招投标分析 2.1 招标数量 企业招标数: 个 (数据统计时间:2017年至报告生成时间)180

2.2 企业招标情况(近一年) 2019年05月14 企业近十二个月中,招标最多的月份为,该月份共有个招标项目。 仅展示最近10条招标项目 序号地区日期标题 1广东2019-11-26揭阳X射线 2广东2019-11-26揭阳X射线 3广东2019-11-25揭阳潮汕机场航站区临时应急停车场和晴雨连廊建设工程项目4广东2019-11-25揭阳潮汕机场航站区临时应急停车场和晴雨连廊建设工程5广东2019-11-20揭阳潮汕国际机场助航灯光保障、场务及鸟害防治项目 6广东2019-11-19揭阳潮汕国际机场助航灯光保障、场务及鸟害防治项目 7广东2019-11-19揭阳潮汕国际机场助航灯光保障、场务及鸟害防治项目 8广东2019-11-19广东省揭阳潮汕国际机场停车场管理服务项目 9广东2019-11-18揭阳潮汕国际机场停车场管理服务项目 10广东2019-11-14揭阳潮汕机场飞行区道面嵌缝料更新项目


压缩比~~~~~~汽油标号~~~~~~垂直涡流稀薄燃烧(MVV) 高压缩比发动机用低号油的原因在我们日常为爱车选择加多少标号的燃油时总会有一种误解,认为高压缩比的发动机一定要加高标号的燃油,低压缩比就没必要加高标号燃油了,更有人会认为进口车或档次比较高的车就要加标号高的油,用车的价格来衡量加多少标号的燃油等等。 压缩比确实能作为判断发动机采用燃油标号的依据之一,按照过去的说法,压缩比在8以下的发动机可以加90号汽油,压缩比在9以下可以采用93号汽油,压缩比在9以上则应该采用97号汽油。而实际上,凭我们现在的经验会发现,这个数据与厂家给出的数据并不贴服,例如现在绝大部分的发动机压缩比都在9以上,但大多数厂家都是标称可以加93号汽油的,甚至许多压缩比达到10的发动机,也可以采用93号汽油。更为极端的例子,像东风标致的2.0发动机,压缩比高达11,仍然说可以采用93号汽油。而三菱的EVO,它的压缩比只有8.8,但厂家仍然要求必须使用97号以上的燃油。 到底是以压缩比的判断为准,还是以厂家推荐的数据为准呢?厂家推荐数据为何会与常规的压缩比判断相悖呢?实际上燃油标号的选择,除了压缩比以外,还有很多的影响因素,我们必须综合考虑才能确定最佳的燃油选择,而厂家显然对自己的发动机是最有发言权的,所有我们在这一点上应该严格按照厂家的要求来做。除了压缩比,还有那些因素会对燃油标号的选择产生影响呢? 我们现在市场上销售的汽油主要有90、93、97和98等标号,这些数字代表汽油的辛烷值,也就是汽油的抗爆性,即实际汽油抗爆性与标准汽油的抗爆性的比值。燃油标号越高的燃油,它的抗爆性就越好,反之,燃油标号低的燃油它的抗爆性就相对来说要差一些。那么汽车压缩比和燃油标号之间究竟有什么关系呢,通常情况下高标号的燃油它的抗爆性好,适合使用高压缩比的发动机,低标号的燃油适合低压缩比的发动机。


93#和97#油的区别 目前市场上汽油有90、93、95、97等标号,这些数字代表汽油的辛烷值,也就是代表汽油的抗爆性,与汽油的清洁无关。所谓“高标号汽油更清洁”的纯属误导。按照发动机的压缩比或汽车使用说明书的要求加油,更科学、更经济,并能充分发挥发动机的效率。 汽车发动机在设计阶段,会根据压缩比设定所用燃油的标号。压缩比是发动机的一个非常重要的结构参数,它表示活塞在下止点压缩开始时的气体体积与活塞在上止点压缩终了时的气体体积之比。从动力性和经济性方面来说,压缩比应该越大越好。压缩比高,动力性好、热效率高,车辆加速性、最高车速等会相应提高。但是受汽缸材料性能以及汽油燃烧爆震的制约,汽油机的压缩比又不能太大。简单地说,高压缩比车使用高标号的燃油。燃油标号越高,油的燃烧速度就越慢,燃烧爆震就越低,发动机需要较高的压缩比;反之,低标号燃油的燃烧速度较快,燃烧爆震大,发动机压缩比较低 燃油的标号还涉及到发动机点火正时的问题。低标号汽油燃烧速度快,点火角度要滞后;高标号燃油燃烧速度慢,点火角度要提前。例如一台发动机按照说明书要求应加93号汽油,现在加了90号汽油,可能会造成发动机启动困难;加速时,发动机内有清脆的金属碰撞声音;长途行车后,关闭点火开关时发动机抖动。 选择汽油标号的主要依据是发动机的压缩比。盲目使用高标号汽油,不仅会在行驶中产生加速无力的现象,而且其高抗爆性的优势无法发挥出来,还会造成金钱的浪费。 油号的基本概念 93汽油与97汽油 一、基本概念: 1、压缩比: 汽车选择汽油标号的首要标准就是发动机的压缩比,也是当代汽车的核心节能指标。引擎的运行是由汽缸的“吸气——压缩——燃烧——排气——吸气”这样周而复始的运动所组成,活塞在行程的最远点和最近点时的汽缸体积之比就是压缩比。降低油耗的成本最低效果最好的方法就是提高发动机的压缩比。提高压缩比只是改变活塞行程,混合油气压缩得越厉害,它燃烧的反作用也越大,燃烧越充分。但压缩比不是轻易能动的,因为得有另一个指标配合,即汽油的抗爆性指标,亦称辛烷值,即汽油标号。



揭阳潮汕机场南航基地工程 飞机维修区 设计任务书

编制单位:汕头航空有限公司 编制时间:二〇〇八年六月二十三日 第一章项目概况及周边条件 一、项目名称:南航汕头公司揭阳潮汕机场基地工程 二、地理位置: (一)机场区位: 潮汕机场(登岗北)场址位于汕头、潮州和揭阳三市之间,揭阳市揭东县炮台镇以东登岗镇以北,枫江以南,虎岗山以北山脚。机场近期跑道中心点位于东经116度30分09.41秒北纬23度33分07.60秒。以机场位置点为坐标中心,到三市(汕头、揭阳、潮州)中心距离及方位分别为:汕头市26公里,方位角为131.2 °即东偏南41.2度;揭阳市18公里,方位角为271°即西偏北1 度;潮州市17.5公里,方位角为40.5 °即北偏东40.5度。 从当前的城市总体规划来看,机场的东侧是汕揭梅高速路,南侧则是登岗镇,在机场西侧、国道以西将建设一条城市东环路,机场附近建设登洪高速路选线未定,会依据机场选址调整,在这个区域内将包含机场近期、中期、远期及远景用地,不能转为其它用途。

图表 1机场区位 图表 2机场工作区区位 (二)南航汕头公司基地区位: 整个机场总体分为3大部分:飞行区、航站核心区和工作区。而南航汕头公司基地主要由三个区组成: 1、机坪区:位于机场飞行区以南,该区建设用地面积约160亩(不清晰),最远端距航站楼中轴线距离约1.5公里。 2、生产生活区:位于机场工作区以南,该区建设用地面积约11.7公顷(约176亩),最近端距航站楼中轴线距离约1.2公里。 3、一线生产办公区:机场工作区以北,地块建设用地面积约0.4公顷(约6.3亩),地块中心距航站楼中轴线距离约600米。 图表 3南航汕头公司区位 三、建设规模 9月26日国家发展和改革委员会以<关于新建广东潮汕民用机场项目可行性研究报告的批复>(发改交运[ ]101号)对潮汕民用机场项目进行批复,其中对南航基地工程主要建设内容批复如下:建设5机位停机坪4.6万平方米,维修基地1.68万平方米及其它配套生产生活设施等。(注:当前南航总部批复近期建5机位停机坪及总建筑规模为37400平方米基地)。 四、机场总规及工作区控制性详规 (一)机场总体规划


汽油辛烷值......争论97,93,90汽油好坏 汽车用油主要成分是C5H12~C12H26之烃类混合物,当汽油蒸气在汽缸内燃烧时(活塞将汽油与空气混合压缩后,火星塞再点火燃烧),常因燃烧急速而发生引擎不正常燃爆现象,称为爆震(震爆) 。在燃烧过程中如果火焰传播速度或火焰波之波形发生突变,如引起燃烧室其它地方自动着火(非火星塞点火漫延),燃烧室内之压力突然增高此压力碰击四周机件而产生类如金属的敲击声,有如爆炸,故称为爆震(震爆)。汽油一旦辛烷值过低,将使引擎内产生连续震爆现象,造成机件伤害连续的震爆容易烧坏气门,活塞等机件。 爆震之原因: (1) 汽油辛烷值太低。(2)压缩比过高。(3)点火时间太早。(4)燃烧室局部过热。(5)混合汽温度或压力太高。(6)混合汽太稀。(7)预热。(8)汽缸内部积碳。(9)其他如冷却系或故障等。 减少爆震方法: (1) 提高汽油辛烷值。(2)减低压缩比。(3)校正点火正时。(4)降低进汽温度.(5) 减少燃烧室尾部混合汽量。(6)增加进汽涡流。(7)缩短火焰路程。 (8)保持冷却系作用良好. 辛烷值 爆震时大大减低引擎动力,实验显示,烃类的化学结构在震爆上有极大的影响。燃烧的抗震程度以辛烷值表示,辛烷值越高表示抗震能力愈高。其中燃烧正庚烷CH3(CH2)5CH3的震爆情形最严重,定义其辛烷值为0。异辛烷(2,2,4-三甲基戊烷) 的辛烷值定义为100。辛烷值可为负,也可以超过100。 当某种汽油之震爆性与90%异辛烷和10%正庚烷之混合物之震爆性相当时,其辛烷值定为90。如环戊烷之辛烷值为85,表示燃烧环戊烷时与燃烧85%异辛烷和15%正庚烷之混合物之震爆性相当。 此为无铅汽油标示来源,目前有辛烷值为92,95,98等级之无铅汽油,此类汽油含有高支链成分及更多芳香族成分之烃类,如苯,芳香烃,硫合物等。 例如95无铅汽油的抗震爆强度相当于标准油中含有百分之九十五的异辛烷及百分之五的正庚烷的抗震爆强度。


揭阳市人民政府办公室印发揭阳潮汕机场区域及周边营运秩 序综合整治工作方案的通知 【法规类别】航空运输 【发文字号】揭府办[2011]110号 【发布部门】揭阳市政府 【发布日期】2011.12.15 【实施日期】2011.12.15 【时效性】现行有效 【效力级别】XP10 揭阳市人民政府办公室印发揭阳潮汕机场区域及周边营运秩序综合整治工作方案的通知 (揭府办〔2011〕110号) 各县(市、区)人民政府(管委会),市府直属有关单位: 《揭阳潮汕机场区域及周边营运秩序综合整治工作方案》已经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。执行中遇到问题,请径与市交通运输局联系。 二〇一一年十二月十五日揭阳潮汕机场区域及周边营运秩序综合整治工作方案

为确保揭阳潮汕机场区域及周边良好运营秩序,保障机场安全运营,营造整洁、优美、文明、有序的城市客运环境,提升揭阳城市形象,根据有关规定,结合我市实际,特制定本工作方案。 一、指导思想 以科学发展观为指导,按城市客运管理“高起点、高水平、高效益”工作要求,以改善城市客运环境,提高服务水平为重点,集中力量、明确时限,高标准、高质量地提升揭阳潮汕机场城市客运行业形象,为国内外来宾和广大市民创造整洁、优美、舒适的出行环境,迎接国内外嘉宾。 二、总体目标 开展揭阳潮汕机场区域及周边营运秩序综合整治,实现良好的运营秩序和服务质量,基本消除拉客、揽客、“黑的”非法营运及摆摊设点、沿路叫卖、强索强卖、流浪乞讨等行为以及各种非法中介活动,确保揭阳潮汕机场容貌清新、环境卫生干净、运营秩序井然。 三、整治内容 (一)擅自在机场候机楼、停车场及周边区域散发广告、宣传品,开展募捐,拍摄影视片,举办产品展销、促销,开展文娱、体育等影响机场运营秩序的活动。


由辛烷值来说说用什么标号燃油 汽油最初是煤油提炼的废弃品,后来被利用作为内燃机燃料并促进了汽车工业的发展。汽油是碳氢化合物,主要成分为五碳至十二碳烃类有机物。以前用蒸馏法提炼汽油时,汽油中一部分是链式分子结构,还有一部分是环式分子结构,链式分子结构的成分会早于环式分子结构的成分提前燃烧,而且是无规则。如果汽油在发动机活塞还没有达到上顶点、火花塞未及点火就压燃了,就形成爆震。爆震轻者影响发动机工作效率、增加油耗、发动机抖动增加,重者冲击气缸、损坏发动机。当出现明显爆震的时候会产生敲击声,俗称敲缸。为了抗爆震燃烧,即防止汽油在发动机汽缸中加压时不规则的提前燃烧,就要提高汽油的抗爆性。早期的汽油靠添加适量的四乙基铅来阻滞汽油受压提前燃烧,四乙基铅对人体有毒,污染环境,因此需要用无铅汽油替代含铅汽油。不同烷烃的抗爆情况不同,异辛烷抗爆性最高,正庚烷抗爆性最差,将这两种烃按不同体积比例混合,可配制成辛烷值由0到100的标准燃料。汽油辛烷值是汽油抗爆性的表示单位,在数值上等于在规定条件下与试样抗爆性相同时的标准燃料中所含异辛烷的体积百分数。在石油提炼技术改进后,采用催化裂解法,可以把链式分子合成辛烷,也可以把重分子裂解成较小的汽油分子并催化变成辛烷。因此汽油不再用添加四乙基铅而是靠调节辛烷值的程度来控制抗爆性。 汽车发动机的工作离不开燃料,燃油的性能指标是发动机设计的一个重要依据,汽车应用消费也需要一个固定的燃油标准,辛烷值就是一项重要指标。汽油由原油分馏及重质馏分裂化制得,在原油加工过程中,蒸馏、催化裂化、热裂化、加氢裂化、催化重整、烷基化等单元都产出汽油组分,但辛烷值不同。如辛烷值太低,其易燃性在并不大的压缩下就会燃爆。将石油炼制得到的直馏汽油组分、催化裂化汽油组分、催化重整汽油组分等不同汽油组分经精制后与高辛烷值组分经调和,得到各种标号的汽油产品(90、93、97等),过辛烷值区分不同的抗爆震性能,标号越高、抗爆性也越高。原油中不同程度含杂质、含硫,为避免硫排放而导致酸雨,因此硫含量高的汽油组分还需加以脱硫精制。烃类充分燃烧后形成水和二氧化碳,去除汽油中的胶质、硫和其它杂质越彻底,汽油也越干净,排放也就更环保,发动机燃烧残留积碳也越少,所以现在推广应用清洁汽油对环保和发动机本身都有好处。清洁汽油与原对应标号93、97号油抗爆震效果相当的


揭阳空港经济区概况 一、空港经济区概况 揭阳空港经济区位于汕潮揭地理中心,总面积234平方公里,辖地都、砲台、登岗、渔湖4个镇和京冈、凤美、溪南3个街道,人口约43万。空港经济是推动揭阳加快发展的两大引擎之一,设立空港经济区是揭阳市贯彻落实广东省促进粤东西北地区振兴发展战略、创新驱动战略部署的重要举措,也是推动市区扩容提质、做大做强中心城区的关键抓手。2013年12月4日,广东省政府审议通过揭阳新区总体发展规划,将空港新城确定为揭阳新区核心区、起步区。在全省加快粤东西北地区建设的大潮中,空港新城成为揭阳新区建设的主战场,成为吸引资本、技术和人才加快集聚的价值洼地与投资热土。 空港经济区定位: 粤东国际化前沿平台 汕潮揭同城化先行区 揭阳转型升级集聚区 奋力争当全省新区建设排头兵

区位优势:地理位置得天独厚。空港经济区地处汕头、潮州、揭阳三市“金三角”,是汕潮揭同城化的核心地带,是连接珠三角和海西经济区的纽带。在这黄金地带建设全新的空港新城,发展高端的临空产业,将辐射带动汕潮揭城市群的建设,助推粤东产业转型升级。 交通优势:交通枢纽效应凸显。揭阳潮汕国际机场是粤东和粤闽赣边区最大的干线机场;厦深高铁潮汕总站距潮汕机场才9公里,近在咫尺;榕江就在空港的地都镇奔流入海,这条“黄金水道”可进出万吨级货轮,直通浩瀚南海;汕梅高速和206国道以及在建的梅汕高铁、潮惠高速、汕湛高速、揭惠高速穿境而过。这里已经成为名副其实的粤东交通枢纽。 产业优势:产业发展基础好、定位高、前景佳。区内已形成石材、模具、家电、塑料、服装、金属制品等六大传统产业,正在重点打造的临空型产业集群,将引进航空物流业、总部经济、金融服务、高端装备制造等高端临空产业,着力打造电子商务物流区、动漫玩具创意产业区、汕潮揭特色产业展示区、模具集聚区、石材转型升级产业区和航天育种产业区等六大产业集聚区。 政策优势:政策给力,服务高效。揭阳空港经济区享受到广东省扶持粤东西北新区建设的一系列特殊优惠政策,揭阳市委市政府专门出台了支持空港经济区起步区建设的优惠政策,倾全市之力支持空港的建设。空港经济区还是全市唯一一个借鉴顺德模式实行大部制改革的地区。以大部制的体制优势、三级政务平台的高效服务,打造国际化、法治化的营商环境,为广大投资者提供最好的创富热土。


汽油的标号 所谓90号、93号、97号无铅汽油,是指它们分别含有90%、93%、97%的抗爆震能力强的“异辛烷”,也就是说分别含有10%、7%、3%的抗爆震能力差的正庚烷。于是辛烷值的高低就成了汽油发动机对抗爆震能力高低的指标。应该用97号汽油的发动机,如果用90号汽油,当然容易产生爆震。 发动机压缩比与爆震 目前汽车使用最多的是所谓的四行程发动机,它是利用活塞在气缸里往复运动,以“进气、压缩、爆发、排气”四个行程,吸入汽油与空气的混合物,然后压缩它,再用火花塞点爆它而获得动力,得到动力后,再排出点爆后的废气。 首先我们要了解的是,四行程发动机用的燃料不一定是汽油,压缩天然气、液化石油气,甚至酒精,都可用来作为发动机的燃料。汽油之所以会成为主要燃料,是因为它相对容易取得,较容易储存,相对价廉。 正因为发动机可使用多种燃料,因此,在发动机发展之初,工程师们也做过许多尝试,除了尝试发动机不同的设计会有不一样的性能之外,也尝试使用不同的燃料会得到什么不同的效果。结果发现,当其它条件不变时,只要把发动机的压缩比提得愈高,就会得到更大的马力输出。然而,压缩比却不是可以无限制提高

的,当压缩比提得太高时,发动机就会出现爆震现象。所谓爆震,是经过压缩的油或气混合物,在火花塞还没点火之前,就因为被压缩行程所造成的气体分子运动产生的高热点燃,形成所谓的自燃现象,随后火花塞又再次点燃压缩油或气混合物,造成两团高爆火球在燃烧室里剧烈碰撞,因而产生如敲门一般的“喀、喀、喀”声。经过仔细研究,工程师们发现,原来爆震又和燃料的选择有关,如果选对了燃料,那么即使提高发动机压缩比,也不会发生爆震。 爆震与辛烷值 知道了爆震与燃料的关系后,工程师们开始把炼油厂里所产生的,可以作为发动机的各种油料逐一拿来测试和实验,结果发现,抗爆震效果最差的是“正庚烷”,因此工程师们就把最强的抗震指数100给了异辛烷,而最差的正庚烷则给了它一个0的抗震指数。于是,从此开始,辛烷值的高低就成了汽油发动机对抗爆震能力高低的指标。 那么什么是辛烷值呢?那是工程师们在实验室里,利用一部可调整压缩比的单缸发动机做试验所测得的数据。在实验中,随着压缩比的逐渐提高,测试燃料从没有爆震、燃烧顺畅的状况,逐渐调整到开始出现爆震。当爆震一开始出现的时候,就去比对异辛烷与正庚烷混合物的状况,如果出现爆震的状况时机,正好


辛烷值详解 爆震(震爆Knocking) 汽车用油主要成分是C5H12~C12H26之烃类混合物,当汽油蒸汽在气缸内燃烧时(活塞将汽油与空气混合压缩后,火花塞再点火燃烧),常因燃烧急速而发生引擎不正常燃爆现象,称为爆震(震爆) 。在燃烧过程中如果火焰传播速度或火焰波与波形发生突变,如引起燃烧室其它地方自动着火(非火星塞点火漫延),燃烧室内之压力突然增高此压力碰击四周机件而产生类如金属的敲击声,有如爆炸,故称为爆震(震爆)。汽油一旦辛烷值过低,将使引擎内产生连续震爆现象,造成机件伤害连续的震爆容易烧坏气门,活塞等机件。 爆震之原因: (1) 汽油辛烷值太低。(2)压缩比过高。(3)点火时间太早。(4)燃烧室局部过热。(5)混合汽温度或压力太高。(6)混合汽太稀。(7)预热。(8)汽缸内部积碳。(9)其他如冷却系或故障等。减少爆震方法: (1) 提高汽油辛烷值。(2)减低压缩比。(3)校正点火正时。(4)降低进汽温度。(5) 减少燃烧室尾部混合汽量。(6)增加进汽涡流。(7)缩短火焰路程。(8)保持冷却系作用良好。 辛烷值 爆震时大大减低引擎动力,实验显示,烃类的化学结构在震爆上有极大的影响。燃烧的抗震程度以辛烷值表示,辛烷值越高表示抗震能力愈高。其中燃烧正庚烷CH3(CH2)5CH3的震爆情形最严重,定义其辛烷值为0。异辛烷(2,2,4-三甲基戊烷) 的辛烷值定义为100。辛烷值可为负,也可以超过100。 当某种汽油之震爆性与90%异辛烷和10%正庚烷之混合物之震爆性相当时,其辛烷值定为90。如环戊烷之辛烷值为85,表示燃烧环戊烷时与燃烧85%异辛烷和15%正庚烷之混合物之震爆性相当。 此为无铅汽油标示来源,目前有辛烷值为92,95,98等级之无铅汽油,此类汽油含有高支链成分及更多芳香族成分之烃类,如苯,芳香烃,硫合物等。 例如95无铅汽油的抗震爆强度相当于标准油中含有百分之九十五的异辛烷及百分之五的正庚烷的抗震爆强度。 汽油亦可藉再加入其它添加物而提升辛烷值。如普通汽油辛烷值不高(约为50),若再加入四乙基铅(C2H5)4P b时,其辛烷值提高至75左右,此为含铅汽油之来源,为除去铅在引擎内之沉积,再加入二溴乙烷,使产生P b Br2之微粒排放出来,但造成环境之污染。一般无铅汽油不含四乙基铅,改用甲基第三丁基醚,甲醇,乙醇,第三丁醇等添加物。 某一汽油在引擎中所产生之爆震,正好与98%异辛烷及2%正庚烷之混合物的爆震程度相同,即称此汽油之辛烷值为98。此燃油若再渗合其它添加剂,辛烷值可大于98或小于98甚或超过100。 一般所谓的95、92无铅汽油即是指其辛烷值,所以95比92的抗爆性来的好。 辛烷值只是一个相对指标,而不是真的只以正庚烷或异辛烷来混合,所以有些燃油再渗合其它添加剂时的辛烷值可以超过100,可以为负。 若车辆『压缩比』在9.1以下者应以92无铅汽油为燃料;压缩比9.2至9.8使用95无


揭阳潮汕机场南航基地工程 飞机维修区 设计任务书

编制单位:汕头航空有限公司 编制时间:二〇〇八年六月二十三日 第一章项目概况及周边条件 一、项目名称:南航汕头公司揭阳潮汕机场基地工程 二、地理位置: (一)机场区位: 潮汕机场(登岗北)场址位于汕头、潮州和揭阳三市之间,揭阳市揭东县炮台镇以东登岗镇以北,枫江以南,虎岗山以北山脚。机场近期跑道中心点位于东经116度30分09.41秒北纬23度33分07.60秒。以机场位置点为坐标中心,到三市(汕头、揭阳、潮州)中心距离及方位分别为:汕头市26公里,方位角为131.2 °即东偏南41.2度;揭阳市18公里,方位角为271°即西偏北1 度;潮州市17.5公里,方位角为40.5 °即北偏东40.5度。 从目前的城市总体规划来看,机场的东侧是汕揭梅高速路,南侧则是登岗镇,在机场西侧、国道以西将建设一条城市东环路,机场附近建设登洪高速路选线未定,会依据机场选址调整,在这个区域内将包含机场近期、中期、远期及远景用地,不能转为其他用途。 图表 1机场区位 图表 2机场工作区区位 (二)南航汕头公司基地区位: 整个机场总体分为3大部分:飞行区、航站核心区和工作区。而南航汕头公司基地主要由三个区组成: 1、机坪区:位于机场飞行区以南,该区建设用地面积约160亩(不清晰),最远端距航站楼中轴线距离约1.5公里。 2、生产生活区:位于机场工作区以南,该区建设用地面积约11.7公顷(约176亩),最近端距航站楼中轴线距离约1.2公里。 3、一线生产办公区:机场工作区以北,地块建设用地面积约0.4公顷(约6.3亩),地块中心距航站楼中轴线距离约600米。 图表 3南航汕头公司区位 三、建设规模 2007年9月26日国家发展和改革委员会以《关于新建广东潮汕民用机场项目可行性研究报告的批复》(发改交运[2007]101号)对潮汕民用机场项目进行批复,其中对南航基地工程主要建设内容批复如下:建设5机位停机坪4.6万平方米,维修基地1.68万平方米及其他配套生产生活设施等。(注:目前南航总部批复近期建5机位停机坪及总建筑规模为37400平方米基地)。


汽车燃油使用知识——辛烷值、压缩比和爆震 对于每一车主来说,自从拥有汽车的那一刻开始,有一样东西就已经和自己形影不离了,是什么?答案当然就是汽油,或者严谨一点说是“燃料”。说到这可能很多朋友要笑话我,汽车要动起来当然需要汽油,这个还有什么可质疑的吗?没错!汽油对于我们来说是再普通不过的东西了,但是您真正了解汽油吗?或者我们再深入一步,您真正了解您的爱车应该加什么样的油吗?如果您还不是非常了解,希望我们今天这篇文章可以对您些帮助。 ● 不同标号汽油之间有何异同? 我们都知道汽油分为各种不同的标号,我们常见的有90#、93#、97#、98#等等,有个别地区还提供100#汽油,那么这些不同的标号是什么意思?其实它们所代表的就是不同的辛烷值,标号越高辛烷值越高,表示汽油的抗爆性也就越好。那么这里我们就引伸出一个名词:辛烷值。 ◆什么是辛烷值? 辛烷值就是代表汽油抗爆震燃烧能力的一个数值,越高抗爆性越好,那么这个值是怎么来的? 简单来说就是将实际的汽油与一种人工混合而成的标准燃料相比较得出的数值,标准燃料有两种组成部分,一个是抗爆性非常好的异辛烷,一个是抗爆性很差的正庚烷,把异辛烷的数值设定为100,而正庚烷的数值设定为0,通过实验调节标准汽油两种混合物的比例,达到和实际汽油相同的抗爆性,而这个比例就是我们所说的辛烷值了。举个例子,比如我们常用的93#汽油的辛烷值为93,它就代表与含异辛烷93%、正庚烷7%的标准汽油具有相同的抗爆性,以此类推97#汽油就是和含异辛烷97#的标准汽油抗爆性相同。 那为什么,石油公司会老要我们用高标号的汽油呢?关键就在生产成本上。在中国,实际上根本没有多少(可以说没有)石油公司是使用多次裂解法来生产高标号汽油的,而是使用一些低成本的小伎俩来解决问题!以前,是在低标号的汽油中添加少量的四乙基铅来明显提高汽油的抗爆震性,后来由于污染过于严重,因此被国家明令禁止。那么,他们就改用了含锰的添加剂MMT(这种添加剂至少在欧洲早已被禁止使用),起着与四乙基铅完全同样的作用。 然而,在出厂油价上却是按照多次裂解法计算的,也就是说,所谓90,93,95,97 等标号的汽油,不过是加入不同数量的含锰添加剂的产品而已,他们之间真正的成本差别仅在几分钱到二三毛钱,而它们在零售价上的差别……你们自己清楚。也就是说,它们卖90号汽油越多,赚到的钱越少;而卖高标号的汽油越多,则利润就会番倍地上升,所以,就会有越来越多的加油站贴出告示说没有90号汽油卖了。


揭阳潮汕机场航站区扩建工程 飞行区设计 评标报告 招标编号:cs03-007-12-2020z 招标人:广东省机场管理集团有限公司工程建设指挥部招标代理机构:国义招标股份有限公司 二O二O年三月

目录 一、评标报告正文 二、评标报告附件 1.交标记录 2.开标记录表 3.初步评审表 4.初步评审结论表 5.资信业绩及设计方案评审表 6.资信业绩及设计方案得分汇总表 7.算术复核表 8.评标价评分表 9.投标人得分表 10.评委签到表

一、项目简介 工程概况:将现状站坪往南扩建248m,新建C类停机位10个、E类停机位2个,延长第三平行滑行道,新建1条联络道,总面积约10.8万平方米(其中联络道及站坪道面9.4万平方米、道肩0.7万平方米、服务车道0.7万平方米)。配套助航灯光工程、站坪供配电及照明工程、消防工程、安防工程等设施。 二、招标过程简介 本次招标于2020年2月17日在广州公共资源交易中心、中国招标投标公共服务平台、民航专业工程建设项目招标投标管理系统、广东省招标投标监管网发布招标公告,于2020年2月18日至2月24日发售招标文件。有3家单位投标登记和购买了招标文件。至投标截止时间2020年3月12日9:00时,按规定在广州公共资源交易中心向招标人递交投标文件的有3家单位,招标代理对投标文件进行公开开标(详见附表1“开标记录表”)。 三、评标过程 按照招标文件规定,评标委员会由7名评委(5名专家和2名业主代表)组成,其中5名专家在民航专家库中随机抽取产生。评标当天,民航专家库抽取的5名专家分别为中南航空港建设公司的陈福年、中国人民解放军广州军区空军勘察设计院的余开元、广州飞机维修工程有限公司的吴霞、广州中南民航工程咨询监理有限公司的陈永新和任绪秋。在标前会上,广州中南民航工程咨询监理有限公司的陈永新和任绪秋提出,他们任职的单位与投标单位上海民航新时代机场设计研究院有限公司存在股权关系,申请回避。因此,经报告北京民航质监总站,本项目需要补抽2名专家,经2个多小时的多次抽取,仅抽取到1名符合要求的专家(中南航空港建设公司的杨夫礼),时至中午12点多,北京民航质监总站


揭阳潮汕机场航站区规划设计 摘要:揭阳潮汕机场总体规划主要分为飞行区、航站区和工作区三个功能分区。其中,航站区是机场的核心区域。本文通过介绍揭阳潮汕机场航站区的规划设计,分析和总结机场规划的主要内容和方法。 关键词:揭阳潮汕机场;航站区;机场规划 Abstract: Jieyang Chaoshan airport master plan is divided into three main functions of the flight area, terminal area and work area partition. Among them, the terminal area is the core area of the airport. This paper introduces the planning and design of Jieyang Chaoshan airport terminal area, analyzes and summarizes the main contents and methods of airport planning. Key words: Jieyang Chaoshan airport terminal area planning; airport; 一.项目概况 1.规划背景 潮汕地区位于广东省东部沿海,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴和商贸传统,是著名的侨乡。为了适应该地区当前经济发展的趋势和民用航空运输的需求,2007年10月揭阳潮汕机场可行性研究报告获得国家发改委的正式批复,机场建设正式提上了工作日程。 揭阳潮汕机场按照国内干线机场进行设计,目标年2020年旅客吞吐量450万人次。一期跑道2800米,机场总用地面积331万平方米,其中,航站区用地面积为74万平方米。 2.区位分析 揭阳潮汕机场选址于潮汕地区的揭阳市揭东县炮台镇以东,登岗镇以北,枫江以南,虎岗山以北,位于汕头、潮州和揭阳三市之间。以机场为中心,到汕头市26 公里,揭阳市18 公里,潮州市17.5 公里。 二、场地分析


汽油的辛烷值 市场上出售的汽油都是无铅汽油,有90、93、95、97等标号。这些数字所标定的就是汽油的辛烷值,代表汽油的抗爆性,与汽油的清洁程度毫无关联。使用车辆前,应认真阅读使用说明书,注意压缩比。压缩比在8.0以下的选用90号汽油,压缩比在8.0-8.5之间的选用93号或95号汽油,压缩比在8.5-9.0的选用95号或97号汽油,压缩比在9.0-9.5的选用97号或98号汽油,而压缩比在9.5-10.0的就应选用标号98号以上的汽油了。 车主加油时不要受“高标号的汽油更清洁”的误导,根据发动机的压缩比或遵循汽车使用说明书上的建议添加汽油,更科学、更经济,能充分发挥发动机的功率。 汽油抗爆性的评价指标是辛烷值,即汽油的标号。它是实际汽油抗爆性与标准汽油的抗爆性的比值。标准汽油是由异辛烷和正庚烷组成。异辛烷的抗爆性好,其辛烷值定为100;正庚烷的抗爆性差,在汽油机上容易发生爆震,其辛烷值定为0。如果汽油的标号为90,则表示该标号的汽油与含异辛烷90%、正庚烷10%的标准汽油具有相同的抗爆性。 从经济性上来看,炼油时提取高纯度的异辛烷做汽油用是非常不划算的。一般是提取含有一定纯度的异辛烷的多组分烷烃再加入抗爆添加剂,这样可以明显提高汽油的抗爆性。我们可以形象地称之为“勾兑”。 因为现在的汽车大都采用电喷发动机,其中的三元催化器对汽油的添加剂非常敏感,含铅的抗爆添加剂会使其中毒失效,北京市场已经不再出售含铅汽油了。 汽车发动机在设计阶段,会根据压缩比设定所用燃油的标号。压缩比是发动机的一个非常重要的结构参数,它表示活塞在下止点压缩开始时的气体体积与活塞在上止点压缩终了时的气体体积之比。从动力性和经济性方面来说,压缩比应该越大越好。压缩比高,动力性好、热效率高,车辆加速性、最高车速等会相应提高。但是受汽缸材料性能以及汽油燃烧爆震的制约,汽油机的压缩比又不能太大。发动机的压缩比与汽车的高档、豪华与否没有必然联系。 简单地说,较高的压缩比可以使用交通标号的燃油。燃油标号越高,油的燃烧速度就越慢,燃烧爆震就越低,发动机需要较高的压缩比;反之,低标号燃油的燃烧速度较快,燃烧爆震大,发动机压缩比较低。


ZGOW AD 2.1 机场地名代码和名称 Aerodrome location indicator and name ZGOW-揭阳/潮汕 JIEYANG/Chaoshan ZGOW AD 2.2 机场地理位置和管理资料 Aerodrome geographical and administrative data ZGOW AD 2.3 工作时间 Operational hours 1机场基准点坐标及其在机场的位置ARP coordinates and site at AD N23°33.2' E116°30.1'Center of RWY 2方向、距离 Direction and distance from city 087° GEO, 13.8km from city center 3标高/参考气温 Elevation/Reference temperature 16m/33.9℃(July)4机场标高位置/高程异常 AD ELEV PSN/ geoid undulation -/-5 磁差/年变率 MAG V AR/Annual change 3°W(2011)/-6 机场管理部门、地址、电话、传真、AFS 、电子邮箱、网址 AD administration, address, telephone,telefax, AFS, E-mail, website Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport Group CO. Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport, Jieyang, 515558, Guangdong province, China TEL: 86-663-3820106 FAX: 86-663-38201097允许飞行种类 Types of traffic permitted(IFR/VFR)IFR/VFR 8机场性质/飞行区指标 Military or civil airport & Reference code Civil/4D 9 备注Remarks Nil 1 机场当局(机场开放时间) AD Administration (AD operational hours) H24 2海关和移民 Customs and immigration H243卫生健康部门 Health and sanitation H244航行情报服务讲解室AIS Briefing Office H245空中交通服务报告室 ATS Reporting Office (ARO)H246气象讲解室 MET Briefing Office H247空中交通服务 ATS H248加油 Fuelling H249地勤服务 Handling H2410保安 Security H2411除冰 De-icing Nil 12 备注 Remarks Nil


汽油的标号的科学称呼应该是“辛烷值”,辛烷值越高,使其爆燃的温度越高,换句话说就是越不容易爆燃。例如90号汽油,可以保证在压缩比不大于9的发动机上使用不产生爆燃现象,97号汽油就可以保证在压缩比不大于9.7的发动机上使用不产生爆燃现象。 现在市面销售的汽油标号主要有90、93、97,有些沿海地区还有98号甚至100号(港澳地区市面上供应的汽油均为100号)。其中又有普通无铅汽油和高清洁无铅汽油之分,在中西部地区的某些地方还在供应70号汽油。作为车主我们应该怎样选择给自己的爱车用油呢?是不是标号越高的汽油越好呢?要解决这样的疑问,我们首先要了解一点汽车发动机的基本知识。 在汽车发动机的参数中,我们大多数人都只注意到功率和扭矩两个指标,但另一个重要指标却往往被人所忽视,这就是压缩比。这个压缩比是的含义是发动机在压缩时,将可燃混合汽压缩为原来的体积的比例。例如压缩比为10的发动机就是将可燃混合汽压缩为原来体积的十分之一。一般来说在发动机的其他设计不变的情况下,压缩比越高的车功率越大,效率越高(越省油)。所以要增加发动机的功率的最简单的方法就是增加汽车的压缩比,这种事有些路边店都能做,没什么值得夸耀的。但是压缩比过高会造成稳定性下降,发动机寿命缩短。而且压缩比也不可能无限制地提高,因为可燃混合汽在压缩过程中温度会急剧提高,如果在没有到活塞的上止点处温度就已经超过可燃混合汽的燃点,则可燃混合汽就会爆燃,这就是俗称的敲缸,可以听到明显的金属撞击声,严重的爆燃甚至会使发动机倒转,给发动机造成致命的伤害。 影响发动机爆燃的还有一个因素就是点火提前角(即点火的时机),通俗地说点火时间越早,发动机的效率越高,感觉车也越有力,但却越容易产生敲缸现象,也就是爆燃。过去的化油器的的点火提前角的变化规律是固定的,不会根据发动机的具体运转状况而改变。现在的发动机都是电喷的,其点火时机是由电脑控制,发动机上还有爆震传感器,一旦有爆燃的现象产生,在一定的范围内可以自动延迟点火时间,减少或消除敲缸现象。所以现在的电喷车一般很少会听到敲缸声。


77 2018.8 第4期 | 交通与港航 揭阳潮汕国际机场的功能定位及发展趋势研究肖文明,耿铭君,雷 宏,胡 婷 深圳市都市交通规划设计研究院有限公司 摘 要:经济全球化的发展和科学技术的进步促进了区域发展环境的改变,“十三五”期间,粤东的地位将逐渐提升;揭阳潮汕国际机场服务于揭阳、潮州和汕头三个城市,面临空前的发展机遇。从亚太、大珠三角、区域以及空港经济区等不同层面和视角,分析揭阳潮汕国际机场的竞争优势和发展趋势,明确揭阳潮汕国际机场功能定位的深层次内涵以及机场综合交通枢纽的具体服务功能。理论上指明了揭阳潮汕国际机场未来的发展方向——打造面向国际、辐射粤东,达到国际水准的综合交通枢纽;实践上则对揭阳潮汕国际机场的建设有较为直接的借鉴价值,可有效指导其交通规划,从而实现区域交通一体化。关键词:交通规划;功能定位;发展趋势;综合交通枢纽;揭阳潮汕国际机场Abstract :The economic globalization and science and technology advancement have accelerated the change of development environment; in the Thirteen Five Period, eastern Guangdong region is undergoing a process of marginalization. Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport, which serves three cities, Jieyang, Chaozhou and Shantou, is facing unprecedented opportunities. From the Asia-Pacific, Greater Pearl River Delta, regional and airport economic zones and so on, the competitive advantage and development trend of Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport have been analyzed; it is the deep-level connotation of Jieyang Chaoshan Airport function orientation and the specific service functions of the comprehensive transportation terminal is clear. Theoretically, the development aim of Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport is pointed out, which is to build a comprehensive transport hub terminal facing international and radiating eastern Guangdong region. Practically, it provides invaluable references to the construction of Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport, which can guide its traffic planning effectively, so as to realize regional traffic integration.Keywords :traffic planning ;function orientation ;development trend ;comprehensive transportation terminal ;Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport Study on the Function Orientation and Development Trend of Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport 第一作者简介 肖文明(1990—),男, 硕士,交通规划师,从事 交通规划工作。E m a i l : 747495460@, 0 引 言随着经济全球化与区域交通一体化进一步深入,“天空开放”进程加速推进,航空自由化呈现新的发展趋势[1]。国内机场建设步伐日益加快,机场群概念逐渐形成,大型枢纽机场地位凸显,区域枢纽机场日益完善[2]。揭阳潮汕国际机场于2011年12月15日正式通航,是潮汕地区唯一的民用航空港,2016年旅客吞吐量达381.8万人次[3];规划集中了机场、高速铁路、城际轨道、高速公路等多种交通方式,成为区域交通一体化的重要载体。揭阳潮汕国际机场对整个潮汕地区的对外交流和地区内部交通具有重要意义;“十三五”期间,揭阳潮汕国际机场面临空前 的发展机遇。通过不同视角分析
