



1.delphic 暧昧的、隐晦的,意义不明的

2.Olympian 威严的,奥林匹克竞赛的,奥林匹克选手

3.Martial 军事的,军战的尚武的

4.Nemesis 克星,报应(复仇女神,涅墨西斯)

5.Titanic 巨大的

6.Iridescent 色彩斑斓的,彩虹色的,闪光的(Iris 彩虹女神)

7.a disciple/daughter/son of Momus 插科打诨的人,滑稽的人

8.Mnemonics 记忆术

?Unit 2

1.Junoesque 高贵优美的,端庄的

2.Argus-eyed 警惕的,目光尖锐的

3.Satyr/satyriasis 好色之徒,性欲极强的男人

4.Mercurial 反复无常的,水银的灵活的,易变的

5.Hermetic 密封的,不透气的

?Unit 4


2.Chaotic 混沌的,混乱的

3.Promethean 独创性的,赋予生命的,有生机的

4. Pandora’s Box 灾难之盒

含义:to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.

来源:Pandora's box involves a mythological story in which the a box was given to a human who was warned never to open the box, but his curiosity made him open it resulting in a disaster.

?Unit 5

1.arachnid 蛛型钢动物

2.Palladium 守护神

3.Aegis 保护,支持,庇护

?Unit 6

1.Dionysiac 酒神,肉欲方面的,本能方面的,耽于声色,放荡,狂欢

2.Bacchant/bacchic 酒神节


4.The Dionysian Mysteries 酒神的奥秘,宗教狂热性

?Unit 7

1.Midas’/ass’s ears 掩饰不了的秘密,浅薄的,一知半解的

2.Midas/the golden touch 点石成金

3.Cut the Gordian knot 外行的评判Layman judge

?Unit 8

1.cereal 谷物

2.Aureole 光环,光轮

3.Briarean 百手巨人,多手的

?Unit 9

1.charon’s boat/ferry摆渡的船夫的船/轮渡

2.Give/throw a sop to Cerberus给/抛出一个息事宁人的甜头

3.The Elysian fields 极乐世界

4.Cross the Styx过鬼门关,死

5.Be haunted by furies of 被...的冤魂纠缠

?Unit 10

1.panic 恐慌


3.Fauna and flora动植物

4.Zephyr 和风,西风

5.Aurora australis/borealis南极光,北极光

?Unit 12

1. swan song (最后杰作;绝笔)

2. black swan (比喻罕见之人/物;“凤毛麟角”)

3. win / gain/reap (one’s) Laurels (获得荣誉,赢得声望)

4. look to one’s Laurels (爱惜名声,保持记录)

5. Rest/repose/retire/sit(back) on one’s Laurels (坐享清福,光吃老本)

6. A Nobel /Poet Laureate; The Laureate(桂冠诗人)


?Unit 13

1.cupidity 贪财,贪心

2.Psychic 精神的,超自然的通灵的或有特异功能的人

3.Erotic 性爱的,好色之徒,恋爱诗

4.Nectareous 神酒似得,甘美的

?Unit 14

1. Aphrodite’s girdle:

2. aphrodisiac [??fr?u?dizi?k]:

n. a drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desire一种药物或其他代理,刺激性欲

adj. exciting sexual desire激动人心的性欲

3. venereal [vi?ni?ri?l] / venery [?ven?ri]性病,性欲

4. veneration [?ven??re???n]: n. 尊敬崇拜

5. adonis: n. any handsome young man。任何一个英俊的年轻人

?Pygmalion effect皮格玛利翁效应

?Unit 18

1. atlantean: adj. exceedingly strong(像)巨人阿特拉斯的,力大无比的

2. gorgonize: vt. 使吓呆

3. mount one’s Pegasus: (humor) write a poem(幽默)写一首诗

4.a chimera in one’s brain不可能实现的想法,在大脑中产生的一种妄想

Unite 20

1.the choice of Heracles:进退两难

2. accomplishments of Heracles:tremendous deeds(需要做出超人的努力才得完成的业绩)

3.Herculean effort: 巨大/艰巨的努力

含义:A Herculean effort is to say that one is strong, vigorous and determined in their attempt to achieve a result, as in a Herculean task.

来源:Driven mad by Hera, Heracles slew his own children. To expiate the crime, Heracles was required to carry out ten labors set by his archenemy, Eurystheus. Heracles accomplished these tasks, but Eurystheus did not accept 2 tasks.Then he set two more tasks, which Heracles performed successfully, bringing the total number of tasks up to twelve.

eg. He completed the translation of this monumental work with a Herculean effort. 他历尽心血终于完成了这一大套的翻译作品。

4.hydra-headed: a. 多头的,多分支的,多中心的

5. The Augean Stable肮脏的地方

含义:an extremely dirty place; a job so dirty and so huge that no-one can hope to succeed at it

来源: Augeas, whose name means "bright", was king of Elis and father of Epicaste. He is best known for his stables, which housed the single greatest number of cattle in the country and had never been cleaned — until the time of the great hero Heracles. The fifth Labour of Heracles was to clean the Augean stables

6.cleanse the Augean stables: 彻底清除积弊,进行重大改革

7. Amazons: tall strong athletic woman; female warriors高强烈运动的女人,女战士

8. Cerberus: a grim, watchful keeper, house-porter, guardian, etc. (冥府看门狗; 凶恶的看门人)

9. the Shirt of Nessus / Tunic of Nessus / Nessus-robe / Nessus’ shirt: a source of misfortune from which there is no escape (涅索斯的衣服;使人致命的礼物)

10. Pillars of Heracles: 达赫拉克勒斯石柱,今直布罗陀海峡

Unit 21

1. The Procrustean bed / the bed of Procrustes强迫一致

brutal and unreasonable policy (喻指狭小的框框,强求一致的政策/制度)

含义:when something is Procrustean, different lengths or sizes or properties are fitted to an arbitrary standard. 来源: Procrustes was a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who physically attacked people by stretching them or cutting off their legs, so as to force them to fit the size of an iron bed.

2. daedal: complex and ingenious in design or function (巧妙的,复杂的,千变万化的 )

3. with the ambition of Theseus:

to cherish great aspirations and lofty ideals (宏图远略)

4. the Golden Fleece

treasures obtained after innumerous hardships (历尽千辛万苦才觅得的宝物)

5. Argonauts / Argonautae

courageous navigator or adventurer (泛指勇敢无畏的航海家、冒险家)

6. Sow dragon’s teeth挑起纠纷

provoke war by spreading dispute; or cultivate warriors or monster

“龙齿” 喻指相互争斗的根源;“播种龙齿” 比喻(1)挑起纠纷,引起战争;(2) 培养一批武士或怪物

含义:the dragon's teeth, once planted, would grow into fully armed warriors.龙的牙齿,一旦种植,将成长为全面武装战士。

来源:In Greek myth,dragon's teeth feature prominently in the legends of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece .

7. Circe(赛丝)

witch, sorceress, enchantress who charmed men (喻指善于引诱男人的女人。善用巫术将男人变成猪,曾百般引诱奥德修斯留他在岛上居住一年。)

8. Sirens’ song

fine-sounding words; words that confuse or mislead people (赛壬姐妹原是美丽的少女,因受惩罚变成了人头鸟身的海妖,住在一个海岛上用美妙的歌声诱杀过往船只上的水手,岛上白骨遍地。“赛壬的歌声” 喻指甜言蜜语、迷魂汤。)

9. an Orphean singer (from Orpheus)

Orphean 喻指“迷人的;令人神往的”。

Eg. The young people were all touched by the Orphean singer.

10. Medea’s kettle(水壶)

a way to restore youth (喻指恢复青春的方法)

11. Be a Jason

an unfaithful husband; be a fickle-hearted man (喻指负心人)

12.Medea Complex 美狄亚情结,杀子情结

13.A Cadmean/Pyrrhic victory付出很大代价得到的胜利

Unit 22

1. the Judgment of Paris

a matephorical usage for a man who loves beauty instead of power (不爱江山爱美人)

2. Helen of Troy

a beautiful girl or woman

a beauty who ruins her country害人精

a terrible disaster brought by s

b or sth you like best一个可怕的灾难由某人或某事你最喜欢的带来的

含义:A woman whose physical beauty and sexual attraction has led man to destruction and countries to war. 一个女人的外在美和性吸引力让人破坏和国家战争。

来源:In Greek mythology, Helen of Troywas the daughter of Zeus and Leda, step-daughter of King Tyndareus, wife of Menelaus and sister of Castor, Polydeuces and Clytemnestra. Her abduction by Paris brought about the Trojan War.

3. A Greek Gift / Greek gifts害人的礼物

含义:a gift with some sinister purposes of the enemy;one given with intent to harm;a gift sent in order to murder sb.敌人的礼物和一些邪恶的目的,一个给定的意图伤害;送礼物是为了谋杀某人。

来源:Warning from Laocoon: “O wretched countrymen! What more than madness has possessed your brains? Think you the Grecians from your coasts are gone? This hollow structure must inclose, within its blind recess, our secret foes…” )

“Blood ran in torrents, drenched was all the earth, as Trojans and their alien helpers died. Here were men lying quelled by bitter death all up and down the city in their blood.”

4.Oedipal 恋母情结

5.spinx riddle 谜语

?Unit 23

1.procrustean bed强求一致的政策,普罗克汝斯忒斯之床

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3810123318.html,byrinth:complicated thing; situation difficult to get away from (喻指错综复杂的事情,难以摆脱的处境

3.daedalian: ingenious (巧妙的)

4. Ariadne’s thread the instruction that helps one out of trouble (喻指能解决复杂问题的方法)

5.icarian 冒险的,蛮干的

6.clue 线索,情节

7.the ship of Theseus(a philosophical proposition)忒修斯的船(一个哲学命题)

?Unit 24

1. An Apple of Discord祸根

any subject of disagreement and contention任何分歧和争论的主题

the root of the trouble问题的根源

a euphemism for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute一个小问题的委婉说法,可能导致更大的争议含义: a euphemism for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.

来源:The Greek goddess of discord, Eris, became disgruntled after she was excluded from the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. In retaliation, she tossed a golden apple inscribed Kallisti ('For the most beautiful one'), into the wedding party. Three goddesses claimed the apple: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Paris of Troy was appointed to select the recipient. He awarded the apple to Aphrodite, thus indirectly causing the Trojan War.

2.Achilles and Patroclus: sworn brothers, bosom friends肝胆相照,知心朋友

3. fight / work like a Trojan: fight/ work extremely hard战斗/工作极其努力

4.Sulky like Achilles in his tent: very morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to co-operate or be cheerful很郁闷的,脾气暴躁,和不满,拒绝或者是愉快的合作

5. A Trojan horse:the hidden danger; a covert wrecker他隐藏的危险;隐蔽的肇事者

6.The Heel of Achilles唯一的弱点

含义:A deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall 一个致命的弱点,尽管整体实力,可以或可能导致垮台

来源:The mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, metaphorical references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to downfall are common.

Thetis treated Achilles with Ambrosia, making him invulnerable. Thetis burned away his mortality in the house fire except on the heel, with which he was held.

Thetis dipped the infant Achilles in the river Styx, holding onto him by his heel.

7.hector v: intimidate or dominate in a blustering way恐吓或主导风狂吹的方式。威胁,愚弄

8.myrmidon 家仆,部下,忠实的追随者

?Unit 25

1.the Electra complex 恋父情结

2.The Orestes complex 杀母情结

?Unit 26-27

1 . Penelope’s Web永远做不完的工作

含义:the tactics of delaying sth on purpose;the task that can never be finished

来源:Penelope is the wife of Odysseus who was called to fight in the Trojan War. She waits twenty years for the final return of her husband .In order to put off remarriage, She has devised tricks to delay her suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Every night for three years, she undoes part of the shroud, until Melantho, one of twelve unfaithful serving women, discovers her chicanery and reveals it to the suitors.

2. With a Penelope's Faith女贞

含义:with a penelope faith means with a deep faith佩内洛普的信仰意味着与深刻的信仰

来源:In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence and is eventually reunited with him.

3. Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷

To avoid one danger but fall into another; in a dilemma (腹背受敌;进退两难,左右为难)

含义:Being between Scylla and Charybdis is an idiom express the meaning of "having to choose between two evils". 腹背受敌是习语表达的意义“必须选择两害”。

来源: Scylla was rationalized as a rock shoal (described as a six-headed sea monster) on the Italian side of the strait and Charybdis was a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily. They were regarded as a sea hazard located close enough to each other that they posed an inescapable threat to passing sailors; avoiding Charybdis meant passing too close to Scylla and vice versa. According to Homer, Odysseus was forced to choose which monster to confront while passing through the strait; he opted to pass by Scylla and lose only a few sailors, rather than risk the loss of his entire ship in the whirlpool.

4. lotus-eater:

sb. who lives in luxury and comfort free of care and worries 某人住在豪华和舒适自由的关心和担忧

5. mentor:

a wise and trusted counselor or teacher一个明智和值得信赖的顾问和老师

6. cyclopean:

of or constituting a primitive style of masonry characterized by the use of massive stones of irregular shape and size; huge, gigantic巨大的,圬工或构成原始风格的特点是使用大量不规则的形状和大小的石头

7. tantalizing:

exciting (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach令人兴奋(另一个)暴露一些可取的同时保持它的遥不可及

8. harpy: a predatory person and shrewish woman一个食肉的人,脾气暴躁的女人

9. Palinurus: an ill-fated person 一个不幸的人

10. hypnotic: inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific 催眠的,安眠药

11.dido: a mischievous prank or antic; a caper胡闹,开玩笑,雀跃

12.ibyllic/sibylline: prophetic; oracular 预言的,神谕



精心整理西方文化有两个源头:一为希腊(Hellenic)文化,一为希伯莱(Hebrew)文化,而希腊文化中的希腊神话(Greekmythology)对英语影响非常广泛。表现在词汇方面就是英语吸收了部分词汇并将之沿用,而这些词又或是可分解词或是可溯源词。这些词源包含的信息不仅可帮助读者准确理解每个词的词义,增添记忆单词的乐趣,还能特别记录、描述英语与古希腊文化的差异和交流,具有很高的历史性和趣味性。由于罗马神话深受希腊神话的影响,故事情节与希腊神话大同小异,只不过人名不同,所以希腊神话时常和罗马神话联系在一起。希腊罗马神话就像神话故事中的灵泉,滋养着英语的词汇,产生了 还是Cupid,成天无所事事,在天上飞来飞去练习射箭,搞得大家人心惶惶。 所以他们衍生出的单词都含贬义:erotic色情的;cupidity贪心,贪婪。 中国是matchmaker媒婆 10、Hygeia:希腊健康女神,其形象为年轻女子,身着白色长衣(白大褂),头戴祭司冠,用饭碗喂着一条蛇。衍生词:hygiene(n卫生学)。 11、Morpheus:希腊神话中的梦神。梦神是睡神Hypnos的儿子,掌管人们的梦境。衍生词:morphine(吗啡),marijuana(大麻),两者都是opium(鸦片)的提取物。morphine有麻醉镇 定的作用。 12.Chaos:开天辟地的混沌之神<反>cosmos:宇宙,有序的整体

13.Zeus主神宙斯 14.Pluto冥界之神,阴间之神;因为具有“冥河之宝藏”而似的“-pluto”作为词根表示”财富”;eg:plutocracy财阀统治;plutolatry拜金主义pluto冥王星 15.Styx环绕冥土四周的冥河,阴河;styxstygian冥河的,阴间的;黑洞洞的;幽暗的16.Lethe忘川,冥府河流名,饮其水则会忘记过去;忘却,遗忘 lethargic昏昏欲睡的<>stimulate 冥界三河:Styx冥河/Lethe忘川河/Meader河 abyss地狱深渊 abysmal深的。深渊的 17.Poseidon海洋之神,海王 eristic争 )siren , ) Chimerical空想的,幻想中的;异想天开的,不可能的 31.Iris(为诸神报信的)彩虹女神 iridescent彩虹色的,灿烂光辉的 32.Zephyr西风之神;西风的拟人化用语;和风,轻风,微风;轻罗,细纱 33.Academy柏拉图学派;某个科学领域内的权威定论机构 34.Stoic斯多葛学派哲学(公元前4世纪由哲学家Zeno创立于雅典);禁欲主义35.Peripateticism逍遥学派(由古希腊哲学家亚里士多德在学园内漫步讲学而得此名) peripatetic逍遥学派的,走来走去的 二源于希腊神话的英语习语 1、Pandora’sbox(潘朵拉的盒子):普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus 决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人Pandora,


希腊神话英语小故事:海伦 Helen was the most beautiful woman of the world.She was an infamous lady.She lighted the flames of the Trojan war and brought extreme destruction on the city of Troy.Helen was the daughter of Zeus.Helen's matchless beauty and charms drew towards her many heroes from all parts of Greece. When still small she was carried off by Theseus,who wished to have a divine wife .But she was rescued later by her brother Castor,and brought back to her native land.Her stepfather married her to Menelaus,king of Sparta. Nothing of importance had happened to her married life until Paris came to visit Sparta.Helen was attracted by Paris' lovely face.They stole one another's love in the absence of Menelausand then eloped on board a ship to Troy.Helen left her young daughter behind.To get Helen back,the Greek army sailed across and laid a long siege to the city of Troy . Helen was quietly weaving her story into a web of golden carpet one day when she was called up the city walls of Troy to look at the fighting between Menelaus and Paris.Menelaus was determined to kill Paris in the battle.Sitting by the side of King Priam,she told the chiefs of the Greek side to him.Tears of love filled up her eyes when she saw her first husband down below.After Paris fled the field she had the feelings of love and scorn.She encouraged Hector and Paris to take the field again and sincerely mourned the death of the true hero Hector. But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium,she helped them to do so as


文献综述 1 前言 菲茨杰拉德是美国二十世纪20年代至30年代红极一时的小说家,被推崇为“爵士时代”的编年史家和桂冠诗人他的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》发表后曾引起整个社会的轰动,当时文学界的大师,如艾略特,斯泰因对此书都给予了高度评价。小说描写的故事发生在20世纪的纽约长岛,小说的叙述者尼克,以第一人称讲述了盖茨比从一个西部的穷孩子贩私酒积累了巨额财富后,企图与黛西鸳梦重温,最终梦破人亡的故事。作者在小说中细腻地描述了二十世纪美国的社会风貌,细致地描绘了20年代那种纸醉金迷,灯红酒绿的狂热场面,深刻揭示了金钱和享乐掩盖下的精神空虚。这部小说作为一个时代文学作品的代表,至今仍广为流传。几十年来,该书一版再版,对它的评论也层出不穷,好评如潮。学者,评论家们不断审视,探究,挖掘这部小说,随着时间的推移,和社会的不断发展,人们对该书的认识也发生了很大变化,从不同的视角出发,引出各种不同的观点和看法。 2 正文 2.1主题 2.1.1美国梦的幻灭 盖茨比的悲剧实质是美国理想主义的悲剧。在盖茨比的身上可以清楚的看到美国式的理想和精神追求。他的“了不起”就在他对理想的执着,但是他的理想在与现实的冲突中却又显得天真和幻灭。他相信人可以恢复过去的美好岁月,重享青春和爱情的幸福时刻,对未来充满希望。为此,他不惜靠走私攫取巨额财富,并以此来博取昔日富家小姐黛西对他的爱情。他在能看到黛西家码头的绿光的海滨出买了套豪宅并夜以继日地举行豪华但毫无意义的聚会,只是为了吸引黛西的注意。当黛西终于来到他的豪宅与他相聚时,他向他们展示了他的富裕。他认为只要满足了黛西的物质欲望就能得到他理想中的爱情。但他不知道金钱下的爱爱情是何等的苍白。当黛西开着他的车撞死了汤姆的情妇之后,他依然保持着对她


希腊神话故事与英语词汇 语言受文化影响,又是文化的重要组成部分。通过学习一门语言,可以了解一种文化。英语学习中把语言知识与文化背景结合起来,既能掌握英语国家独特的文化现象,同时又能加深对英语语言的理解和应用。希腊罗马神话是世界文化遗产,在西方社会生活的各个领域产生了难以估量的影响。 一、关于希腊神话故事 希腊神话是欧洲最早民间口头创作,产生于公元前十二世纪到公元前八世纪之间。它融汇了发生在小亚细亚、爱琴海地区以及埃及等地的传说和故事。希腊神话包括神的故事和英雄传说两个部分。古希腊诗人荷马(Homer)的两部史诗伊利亚特(Iliad)和奥德赛(Odys sey)包含了绝大部分的希腊神话。12位主神以宙斯为中心组成奥林普斯神统体系,掌管自然和生活的各种现象和事物。英雄传说的主人公大都是神与人的后代,它们英勇非凡,体现了人类征服自然的豪迈气概和顽强意志。神话中的神和人同形,同性情。很多神话故事讲述了神和很多普通人一样,有嫉妒心,自私,残忍,狡猾,报复心很强。但也有像普罗米修斯那样造福人类的伟大的神。神和人的基本区别在于神具有超人的特殊本领,常生不死,

生活闲逸快乐;人类弱小,会死,生存艰辛。“希腊神话里的神和英雄不受拘束,任性行事,个性张扬,重视个人的权利利益和价值。他们的价值观就是我们现在所熟悉的individ uali sm(个人主义),也正是美国人的价值观和人生观的核心。” 二、希腊神话故事对英语词根和习语的影响 1、有些英语单词的词根来源于希腊神话中众神的名字,例如: 第一,Flora, 古希腊神话中的花神。她的丈夫西风之神Zephyr 送给她一座花园。春天,他们手挽手在园子里散步,走过的地方百花齐放。Flora 作为词根,相当于植物plant .同源的单词有floral(花的,植物的), florist(种花人), flourish(繁荣,茂盛)。 第二,Pan是希腊神话里的一位山林之神,他人身羊足,头上有角。因长相怪异,被母 亲一出生就抛弃。他喜欢在山林里游荡,用自己古怪的声音和怪相吓路人,人们对此很恐惧 .恐惧来自于Pan, 因此恐惧就是panic. 第三,Pluto, 冥界之神,阴间之神。因为具有“冥河之宝藏”而使得pluto 作为词根表示财富wealth.同源的单词还包括plutocracy 财阀统治;plutolatry 拜金主义。 第四,Psyche是一位美貌绝伦的公主,许多人为之倾倒。这引起爱与美之神Aphrodite 的嫉妒。她指使儿子小爱神Eros 惩罚Psyche爱上一个丑陋的人,但Eros 却对Psyche 一见钟情,把爱情的箭射向自己。Aphrodite 知道后使Psyche备受折磨,但还是没能拆散他们。Psyche 后来成为人的灵魂的化身。Psyche作为词根,意为灵魂,精神。同源词还有psychoanalyst(精神分析家);psychology(心理学);psychodrama(心理剧)。 2、“习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的固定的表达方式,习语的正确使用能使语言显得生动活泼、简洁性形象,给人以美的享受。”许多英语习语来源于希腊神话,如果知道它们的出处,并在英语写作和会话中有意识使用这些习语不仅增强表达效果,还使内容显得生动有趣。例如: 第一,Apple of discord: 弗提亚王珀琉斯Peleus(the King of Phthia)和海中仙女忒提斯(Thetis)举行婚礼时忘了邀请不和女神厄里斯(Eris)。她深感不快,于是挑起事端。她在婚宴上投下一只金苹果,上面写着“献给最美者”。结果大地之母赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena),爱与美女神阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite)为了得到金苹果而发生争执。宙斯不愿得罪任何一位拒绝裁决,于是她们找到人间最美的男子帕里斯(Paris)来裁决争端。此事导致了漫长的特洛伊战争(the Trojan war)。Apple of discord就表示不和的种子,祸根。 第二,Damon and Pythias: 达蒙(Damon)和皮西厄斯(Pythias)是好朋友,皮西厄斯出了事被判死刑,为了使他回家探视亲人,达蒙留在监牢里做人质,如果皮西厄斯不按


一、必读书目 1.(德)古斯塔夫·施瓦布著:《希腊古典神话》,曹乃云译,译林出版社,1996年版。 推荐理由★★★★★:权威的希腊神话版本。市面上流通的希腊神话都不出其右。 2.陈中梅译:《伊利亚特》,译林出版社,2000年。 推荐理由★★★★:中国社科院研究荷马史诗的专家历时数年翻译。 3.陈中梅译:《奥德赛》,译林出版社,2003年。 推荐理由★★★★:同上。 4.埃斯库罗斯等著:《古希腊戏剧选》,人民文学出版社,2008年。 推荐理由★★★★★:这个选本包括最经典的《美狄亚》与《俄狄浦斯王》。 二、延伸阅读 1.(美)罗伯特·C·雅姆:《西方人文史》(上下),张月、王宪生译,百花文艺出版社,2005 年。 推荐理由★★★★:这部著作向读者展示了完整的人文学科:文学、绘画、音乐、雕塑、摄影、建筑、电影等艺术。各个章节都附有精美图片、经典文学作品选段及其思考题。 2.(美)雅克·巴尔赞:《从黎明到衰落:西方文化生活五百年》, 推荐理由★★★★:史学大师雅克·巴尔赞以三十多部文化史和文化批评论著而闻名,本书是他毕生对1500年以来整个西方文化研究的集大成之作,也是20世纪文化论著中的经典之作。本书论述了从1500年起至今约五百年西方社会文化生活的方方面面,包括:政治制度、宗教、社会思潮、哲学、文学、音乐、美术、科技发明、民俗及社会生活等,包罗万象,涵盖面很广。你可以从中选择你感兴趣的任何一部分内容来读,该书写得极有意思! 3.(美)伊迪丝·汉密尔顿著:《希腊精神》,葛海滨译,辽宁教育出版社,2005年。 推荐理由★★★★:经典!!! 4.(美)戴尔·布朗主编:《希腊:庙宇、陵墓和珍宝》,李旭影译,华夏出版社,2004年。推荐理由★★★:图文并茂,令人赏心悦目。对希腊感兴趣的同学可以找来看看。 5.(美)布朗主编:《爱琴海:沿岸的奇异王国》,李旭影译,华夏出版社,2004年。 推荐理由★★★:同上。 6.(希腊)索菲娅·N.斯菲罗亚著:《希腊诸神传》,张云江译,国际文化出版公司,2007年。推荐理由★★★★:对希腊诸位神灵的谱系做了一个梳理。就是情节不够生动有趣,可以与希腊神话故事对照着看。 7.(德)古斯塔夫·施瓦布著:《希腊神话故事:全彩珍藏本》,陈德中译,陕西师范大学出 版社,2004年。 推荐理由★★★:该书附有与希腊神话相关的180幅世界名画,非常漂亮!


许多英语的成语来源于希腊神话,并且走入了人们的日常生活。如产生于特洛伊战争(the Trojan War)中的几个成语故事:apple of discord,意思是“不和的根源”。说的是不和女神艾瑞斯(Eris)在某个婚礼中投下一只金苹果,上面写着“送给最美的女神”。结果引起神后赫拉(Hera)、智慧女神雅典娜(Athene)和爱与美的女神阿芙洛狄特(Aphrodite)的争夺。最后她们去找特洛伊城(Troy)的王子帕里斯(Paris)裁决。三位女神向Paris许下了不同的诺言。Aphrodite 许诺说她将把世界上最美的女人送给Paris,于是Paris就把鑫苹果判给了Aphrodite.Hera和Athene非常生气,发誓要报复特洛伊人。后来,Paris出使希腊的斯巴达,在Aphrodite的帮助下,勾引走了斯巴达王后海伦(Helen)——当时世界上最美丽的女人。Paris拐走了Helen,激起了全体希腊人的公愤,于是希腊各国组成联军,远征特洛伊人。战争中,Aphrodite支持特洛伊人,Hera 和Athene支持希腊人。由一只苹果引发了战争,因此apple of discord意思就是“不和的根源,发生纠纷的事端”。这次战争中涌现了许多英雄,阿基里斯(Achilles)就是其中之一。幼年时,他母亲为了使他有不死之身,提着他的脚在冥河中将他全身浸过,使刀枪不能伤害他,唯独脚跟没有浸过冥河水,结果在同Paris作战时,被Paris用毒箭射中脚跟而死,因此Achilles' heel(阿基里斯之踵)就成了“致命的弱点”的同义语。特洛伊战争的最后一年,希腊人采用了“木马计”(the Trojan Horse),在Hera和Athene的帮助下,攻陷了特洛伊城。由于Helen导致了特洛伊城的沦陷,因此Helen of Troy就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。 再如:the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑),Damocles是叙拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。一天,国王让他坐在王位上,在Damocles的头上用一根头发悬一把利剑,告诉他王权的危险就象那把剑一样,随时可能降临。因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发;Damon and Pythias:Damon和Pythias 是好朋友。Pythias出事被判了死刑,为了使他能够回家控视亲人,Damon留在牢中作人质,如果Pythias不按时返回,就处死Damon.当期限满,临处刑之际,Pythias及时赶回。国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias 意思就是“生死之交”。 经常说的“潘朵拉的盒子”(Pandora's box)来自这样一个故事:普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus 的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。结果Epimetheus上当,接近了Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。于是Pandora's box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。 Penelop's web是来自于史诗奥德赛(Odyssey)的一则成语:泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。特洛伊战争打了十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽搁了十年。在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向Penelop求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后才能予以考虑,一到晚上,她又将白天织好的布再拆开。因此Penelop's web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。


References for part of Vocabulary Exercises 18 1. altantean: exceedingly strong 2. gorgonize: change sb. into a gorgon/ stone, paralyze, stupefy sb. 3. mount one’s Pegasus: (humor) write a poem 4. a chimera in sb’s brain:a product of sb’s i magination 20 1. the choice of Heracles: the choice between a short but glorious life and a long yet boring life 2. hydra-headed: hard to overcome or resist because of its pervasive or enduring quality or its many aspects 3. cleanse the Augean Stable: accomplish a task or problem requiring so much effort to complete or solve as to seem impossible 4. the Shirt of Nessus/Tunic of Nessus /Nessus-robe/Nessus’ shirt: sth that brings destruction to sb. 5. Pillars of Heracles: an ancient name for two promontories on either side of the strait of Gibraltar, held by legend to have been parted by the arm of Heracles 6. Herculean effort: great effort 21 1. sow dragon’s teeth: bring about disputes 2. a Cadmean victory: a victory won after a heavy loss of lives 22 1. oedipal: having an Oedipal complex 2. sphinx riddle: a puzzling or mysterious person/thing 23 1.Procrustean bed: a regulation/rule exhibiting merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances 2. labyrinth: a maze 3. Daedalian: skillful 4. icarian: reckless, daredevil 5. clue: variant of clew something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery 6. Ariadne’s thread (logic): the solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding through an exhaustive application of logic to all available routes 7. the Ship of Theseus (a philosophical proposition): whether an object which has all its component parts replaced remains fundamentally the same 24 1. the apple of discord: sth. that causes disagreement among people 2. Achilles’ heel: a weakness/ vulnerable point 3. hector v: intimidate or dominate in a blustering way 5. Achilles and Patroclus: sworn brothers, bosom friends 6. fight like a Trojan: fight/ work extremely hard 7. sulky like Achilles in his tent: very morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to co-operate or be cheerful 8. a Trojan horse: the hidden danger; a covert wrecker


篇一:古希腊神话研究学习报告 古希腊神话研究学习报 告 组长:张海泽 组员:张海泽诸宏伟钱程水金任哲 【题目】古希腊神话与中国神话比较 【摘要】神话是人类创造的第一份宝贵的精神财富,是原始社会包含宗教、哲学、政治、艺术、科学、史学、风俗等在内的社会意识形态。神话作为一种文化,具有一定的普遍的共性,但不同地域的民族产生的神话具有各自的个性。中国与古希腊的神话分别代表了东西方的文化,研究二者的异同,在理论上和现实中都有意义。 【关键词】神话人本主义比较文化文化势能造神运动 人类产生以后,由于生产力的低下,早期的人类对自然的认识能力极其有限,面对着强大的自然力,他们无能为力。为了生存,他们又不得不同大自然进行着抗争,但受着低下的生产力水平的束缚,他们只能凭借着幻想来认识和改造客观世界。"任何神话都是用想象和借助想象以征服自然力,支配自然力,把自然力加以形象化"。于是,神话诞生了。 古希腊与中国在地域上处于西方和东方,二者的神话,存在着许多异同之处,比较二者,在理论上和现实中都有意义。 一.古希腊与中国神话的相同点 首先,在世界和人类的产生问题上,二者存在了许多相似之处。 按照古希腊人的说法,最初的宇宙是混沌(chaos,最古老的神)一片,然后才区分天、地、水,正是从混沌之中产生了大地女神该娅(gaea)。该娅是万物和众神之源,她从自身生出了天神乌拉诺斯(uranus),乌拉诺斯与母亲该娅结合,即天与地相交,剩下了六男六女共12个提坦巨神,此外,乌拉诺斯与该娅还生了三个独眼巨怪和三个百手巨怪,这六个怪就是世界上各种怪物的始祖。在大地女神的教唆下,其子克洛诺斯(cronus)阉割了第一代神结主宰乌拉诺斯,从他的血中又生出了两个巨神,之后又与自己的妹妹瑞娅结婚,生下了几个神,克洛诺斯不愿重蹈父亲乌拉诺斯覆辙,于是便吃掉瑞娅生的每一个小孩。后来瑞娅奉该娅之命,在生最后一个孩子宙斯时逃往克里特岛,宙斯在克里特岛长大,推翻了父亲克洛诺斯的统治,新秩序在奥林匹斯山建立。在中国,"天地浑沌如鸡子,盘古生其中,万八千岁,天地开辟,阳清为天,阴浊为地。盘古在其中,一日九变,神于天,圣于地。天日高一丈,地日厚一丈,盘古日长一丈。如此万八千岁,天数极高,地数极深,盘古极长。"而后,"首生盘古,垂死化身。气成风云,声为雷霆,左眼为日,右眼为月,四肢五体为四极五岳,血液为红河,筋脉为地里,肌肤为田土,发为星辰,皮毛为草木,齿骨为金石,精髓为朱玉,汗流为雨泽"。可以看出,古希腊和中国神话都把混沌作为世界的最初形态,这和他们当时的思维水平是相一致的,他们把自然和自身通过幻想联系在了一起。 在希腊神话中,人类是普洛米休斯创造的,他用河水调和泥土,依照天神的形象揉捏形体。为了让泥做的人体获得生命,他从各种动物的灵魂里取出善恶两种性格封闭在人的胸内。然后借助智慧女神雅典娜的帮助,使这些具备了一半灵魂的泥团获得了灵性,人类就诞生了。在《逸史》里,寄生在盘古身上的各种小动物,受了风的吹拂,也都纷纷变化成了生活在大地上的黎民百姓。而中国最著名的人类产生的神话便是"女娲造人",开天辟地以后并没有产生人,女娲用黄泥来造人,因为精疲力竭,女娲便用绳子鞭打泥巴来造人,用黄土做成的是富贵的人,而泥点溅落变成的则是贫寒下贱的人。古希腊以男性造人,体现了希腊神话是原始社会父权制的产物,而女娲造人则是母系氏族社会的产物,这都是当时社会的产物。 其次,普罗米休斯盗天火给人间,传授人类技艺,而在中国神话里则有燧人钻木取火,伏羲氏的创造发明。这体现了原始人在认识和改造自然的能力的提高和征服自然的愿望。盗取天


Greek Mythology Today I'm very happy to have this opportunity to show you our presentation. Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks. It talks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings. Greek Mythology is not just a literary works; it is also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies. After reading the book Greek Mythology, I'm sure everybody is interested in the goddess in this fantastic masterpiece, so I will share with you some of our ideas. Juno was the principal wife of Jupiter, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honors paid to Jupiter. Juno appears to be the sublime embodiment of strict, matronly and virtue, and is on that account the protectress of purity and married women. Faultless herself in her fidelity as a wife, she is essentially the type of the sanctity of the marriage tie. So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. She seemed to be hard-hearted to those gods who were sent many blessings by Jupiter. Latona was just a typical example. Juno changed herself into fierce and dreadful forms to frighten Latona and her children - Apollo and Diana to run from the beautiful garden which Jupiter had found for her. Then she followed and tormented Latona in many ways such as sent wild animals to howl horribly behind her when Latona grew tired and to rest. Juno also changed Callisto into a great furry bear when she found that Jupiter was so pleased with Callisto?s charm and goodness. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance. Juno…s character was just like a jealous and manipulative woman in our daily life. Venus was appointed goddess of Love and Marriage.She represented sex, affection and the attraction that binds people together. With the help of her little son,Eros,the god of love,she made many a tale of happiness and sadness in the life of gods and men.Though Venus was regarded as the symbol of extreme beauty, she still showed a human-like emotion. Venus was much vexed by Psyche who was a princess famous of her beauty. Although her little son Eros - - the god of love fell in love with Psyche. Venus tried every method to break them up. Obviously, Venus was jealous of Psyche?s beauty. In another story, Venus made Pygmalion…s (a sculptor) dream come true, only because she was delighted with the loveliness of Pygmalion?s statue which looked much like herself. Venus spent all her life in the pursuit of love, but her enthusiasm for love is temporary. What?s more, she isn?t single-minded in love. Venus created a personality image with strong vanity and beautiful appearance. She stressed the women's instinct to pay more attention to the appearance. And these points made Venus more act like human beings.


文献综述 一、前言 神话是一个民族文化的积淀,反映了早期人类对各种自然现象和社会现象的想象和解释,成为一个民族文化和文明的最初形式和源头之一。同样作为东西方文化的显著代表,中、希两国先民先贤为人类留下了宝贵的精神财富。中国作为四大文明古国中唯一一个没有出现文化断层的国家,她以几千来的文明、几千年来的积淀,浸润着周边的国家和地区,中华文化成为东方文化的显著代表。希腊文明作为西方文明的两大源头之一(另一源头是希伯莱文明)它影响着西方文化的孕育、发展,尤其是希腊神话中的许多典故:阿咯琉斯之踵、金苹果、阿里阿德涅的线团、代达罗斯的飞翔、奥革亚斯的牛棚等许多典故都已通用于西方日常生活之中。希腊文明、希腊神话对于西方世界,西方人的生活方式、思维方式都起着重要的影响和作用。对于中国希腊两国神话作比较研究,探索两国先民对自然万物、社会生活、人与自然的关系的认识的差异,探求蕴藏在神话中的潜质和依存在神话中的民族文化、民族意识、民族精神,对于增近了解、促进交往都有着重要的意义,尤其在全球化的浪潮中,适应形势的要求,都起着不可或缺的作用。 二、主体 神话,在世界浩瀚的文学史上无疑是一朵奇葩。神话记载的是神鬼活动,反映的却是人类的思想和理念,因而它是对现实生活的一种虚拟和想象,正如马克思在《<政治经济学批判)导言》中所说的神话是“通过人的幻想,用一种不自觉的艺术方式加工过的自然和社会形式本身,”是“用想象和借助想象以征服自然力,支配自然力,把自然力加以形象化”。神的产生依赖于人的“自意识”的形成,不同的社会环境和社会背景会有不同的文化和思想体系,因而也就会有不同的神话。 在关于希腊神话和中国神话在神话体系、人生观、形象塑造等方面的差异及形成原因方面,杨姗姗在《略论中国古代神话与古希腊神话的差异》中认为,希腊神话体系表现为完备、丰富、具备逻辑性,而中国神话表现为短小、丰富、散乱。 在任务形象方面,中国神话英雄不食人间烟火,正襟危坐,不苟言笑,注重品行与德操,。古希腊神不但集中了人类外貌美的诸多优点,而且完全按人的心理动机思考和行动。他们具有和人一样的喜怒哀乐、七情六欲,真实全面地表现了人的品性和本性,,有很强的世俗性。 在民族信仰方面,不同民族心理和民族精神的作用下,中国和希腊神话分别体现出“崇力”与“崇德”两种神话特质。 在人生观方面,不同于希腊神话的“人本主义”,中国神话显示出厚实的“民本主义”。这种勤劳勇敢、坚韧不拔、维护群体利益、坚信美好未来的民族个性熏陶和化育了中华民族并代代相传。 关于中西神话差异的原因,杨则认为由地理因素、历史原因、民族心理因素、宗教、信仰的差别这几种因素引起。 在《漫析中国与希腊的神话》中赵翔则通过比较中希神话的主题得出‘中国神话中的神,偏重于神采,具有崇高的精神境界,最后逐渐成为人们膜拜的道德偶像,成为后来封建社会统治者控制人民的工具。而希腊神话中的神,偏重于神形,富有生活情趣,后来成为欧洲文艺复兴中寻求人性解放的有力佐证。即使是时过数千年


英语词汇中的古典成分 【摘要】希腊文化对西方文明有着深远影响,而古希腊神话形成于公元前8世纪左右,作为古希腊文学宝库的奇葩,它对西方社会文化和语言都产生了深刻而久远的影响。本文拟从英语中源于希腊罗马神话的词汇入手,追溯希腊神话对英语词汇的影响。 【关键词】希腊神话,英语词汇 古希腊神话内容庞杂,情节曲折动人,人物众多(据统计有480人之多),它对欧洲文化产生了久远的影响。现代英语80%的词汇都是借自其他语言或从其他语言的词根构成的。据粗略统计,英语中与希腊神话相关的词汇大约有1000个,所得数据未必是准确无误的,但是这至少证明了英语中与希腊神话有关的词汇在英语词汇系统中有着不可轻视的地位和重要性。 源于希腊神话的词汇已经渗透英美国家社会生活的各个层面,并对其文化和语言表达产生了深远影响。这些词汇从来源课大概分为五类:取自奥林匹克12主神的词汇,取自其他神的词汇,取自英雄故事的词汇,取自半人半神的词汇,取自凡人故事的词汇。这些词语根据其在英语中的使用方式可分为直接使用,取其寓意,转意使用,生成新词等。 1.英语中的部分词汇由古希腊罗马神话故事直接转化而来 1.1神话对基本词汇的直接影响 直接借用外来语言中的词汇为本语言所服务,并保留原有的拼写及全部或部分词义的词被称为loan word。希腊神话中的一些人物由

于具有某种典型的特征或特殊的经历,他们的名字直接转化为普通名词。这种名词不仅保留了原来的拼写,其词义多为申神话人物的象征意义与引申意义。同时,词义的内涵与外延均有很大的扩大,在词形未变的情况下,其词义由单一转化为多样,抽象转化为具体,泛指转化为特指。 如:Adonis是爱神Aphrodite所钟爱的美貌少年猎人,现指美貌少年或美男子 Gorgon(蛇发女怪,凡人见到她就会变成石头)→gorgon(丑陋可怕的女人,令人作呕的人或景象) Python(被Apollo所杀死的巨蟒)→python(蟒蛇) 1.2神话对现代英语花卉名称的影响 现代英语词汇中大量的植物花卉名称跟希腊神话有着千丝万缕的关系。他们部分是神灵的化身,部分是神灵的宠物。如矢车菊centaur源自马人Chiron,月桂树laurel源于太阳神Apollo,芦苇reeds源于牧神Pan,鸢尾花iris源于霓虹女神Iris等。 2.希腊神话对英语词根与词缀的影响(与英语原有词根与词缀融为一体,不易辨别) 2.1 神话中人名对英语词根的影响 按照语言学的观点,词根指必须和一定的词缀组成单词的词,这种派生而来的单词以形容词居多,其次是名词和动词。从数量来看,源自女神的词语明显多于来自女神的词语。如Athene雅典娜女神聪明机智,学识渊博。有她的名字“Athene”后加上后缀“-um”即


希腊神话与中国神话中关于各自神仙体系的比较研究 摘要 本文通过对中国本土中国神话(道教)和希腊神话的神仙体系若干主要差异特征的比较研究,力求描绘出两族关于各自神仙体系的框架图。进而从神话为根上溯到民族文化之果,使两族文化的差异呈现出一个较为清晰的脉络图。 本文从内容上以两族的“创世神话”、“传承体系”、“走下神坛”三题的阶段性差异为切入点,对两族关于神仙体系的多方位比较,得出以下结论: 1、创世神话的差异作用且反作用于各自民族传承延续的精神文明——舍身取义与人本主义的迥然不同 2、传承体系的差异体现在类人社会化的程度,归根结底地说:是社会化与家族化的分道扬镳 3、希腊众神与中国仙神逐步走下神坛,此结果是社会发展之必然。仙神类人化程度不同,实则是民族文化的侧重点不同。 4、两族神话的最终发展方向终是与各自民族文化息息相关,互相依托、传承且逐渐形成各自民族性格。 关键词:希腊神话、中国神话、民族文化 目录 摘要 导论 第一章神话与民族文化

第二章关于创世神话的差异——舍身取义与人本主义 第一节中国盘古开混沌 第二节希腊混沌之神卡俄斯 第三节造成创世神话差异的原因浅析 第三章关于传承体系的差异——英雄传承与生育传承 第一节中国神的英雄传承 第二节希腊神的类人传承 第三节造成传承体系差异的原因浅析 第四章关于走下神坛的差异——尚德精神与人本精神 第一节人神趋近 一中国历史的新晋仙神 二希腊神话中的半神与人 第二节造成走下神坛差异的原因浅析 第五章神话中神仙体系与民族文化的再审视 结论 参考文献 【1】谢选骏,《神话与民族精神》,山东文艺出版社,1986年版。 【2】斯威布,《希腊的神话和传说》楚图南译,人民文学出版社,1977年版。 【3】荣格,《神话——原型批评》,著,三联书店,1988年版。 【4】鲁刚、郑述谱编译,《希腊罗马神话词典》,中国社会科学出版社,1984年版。
