
一 形合和意合
Chinese:parataxis 意合
English:hypotaxis 形合(小句之间的依赖或主从关系靠连接词联系)
eg:1 你不来我不走。
I won’t leave till you come.
We will not attack unless we are attacked.
I’ve made proposals but they proved futile.
If you get beyond your depth,you will suffer.
5 人到事中迷,就怕没人提。
When a man is lost in a labyrinth, what he needs badly is a hint.
6 瓜熟蒂落,水到渠成。
When a melon is ripe, it falls of its stem.When water flows, a channel is found.
7 不坚持,就会失败。
If you don’t hold on,you will fail.
8 吃饭防噎,走路防跌。
While eating, take heed that you don’t choke.While walking, take heed that you do not fall.
9 聪明一世,糊涂一时。
Smart as a rule, but this time a fool.
10 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of fire wood.
11 送君千里,终有一别。
Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, you must the parting come at last.
12 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的。
The future is bright while the road ahead is tortuous.
13 不到黄河心不死。
Untill all is over,ambition never dies.
=Ambition never dies, until you get to HuangHe River.
14 狼披羊皮仍是狼。
A wolf remains a wolf even though it is in sheep’s clothing.
15 问遍千家成行家。
Learn from numerous advisers and you’ll become a master.
15 不进则退。
Move forward, or you’ll fall behind.
16 酒醉智昏
When wine is in, wit is out.
17 玩火自焚
If you play with fire,you will perish by it.
18 人无远虑,必有近忧
If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand.
19 不知己,不知彼,每战必殆。知己知彼,百战不殆。
If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself ,you are sure to be defeated in every battle; If aware both of your enemy and of yourself,you are sure not to be defeated in battle.
20 我们十分关注巴基斯坦的局势发展,正在进步了解情况。
We are very much concerned about the situation in Pakistan and will follow the development closely.
21 恢复澳门的主权
The resumption of exercise of sovereighty over Macao.
22 政权交接
Transfer of government
23 关键是他把两岸关系引向何方,我们将拭目以待。
What is at stake is in which direction he will lead the cross-straits relations and we will have to be watchful (vigilant)。
24 坦白地讲,我们对陈水扁是不放心的。
To be frank, we can hardly trust Chen Shuibian.
25 我们并没有说一个中国就是中华人民共和国。
We do not say that one China is the People’s Republic of China.
26 朝鲜半岛南北双方
The north and the south of Korea /DPRK and ROK.
27 如果要对抗,我们可以找很多麻烦,

Should one want confrontation , it is always easy to look for troubles and deliberately create obstacles.
28 我们不禁要问,我们还要不要遵守中英关于香港问题的联合声明。
People can not but ask whether the Jonit Declaration between China and the UK on HongKong will still be observed.
29 台湾当局派人到处活动。
The Taiwan Authorities have sent people lobbying everywhere.
30 <当问及对非政府组织的看法时,我方回答> 要看这些组织的性质如何。
It all depends on the nature of these organization.
31 美国人不欢迎我去,中国人也并不高兴我到美国去。
Some people in the US may not welcome me very much and some Chinese may not be very happy about me going to the US either.
32 决不允许极少数人在澳门进行针对中央的活动。
We should never allow anyone to stage any activities against the Central Government.
33 要不是美国作梗,台湾问题早就解决了。
The Taiwan issue would have been solved a long time ago, if the US had not put obstacles in the way/made trouble.
34 日本是不是继续走和平发展的道路?
Will Japan continue to seek the development through peace?
二 注意下列中国特色词的翻译
1 建设社会主义物质文明和精神文明
To build socialist civilization with a high actual level and moral standards.
2 精神文明单位
A model unit in moral standards
3 文明礼貌月
The virtues and ethics month
4 搞精神文明
To promote ethical progress
5 讲文明礼貌
To behave civilly
6 文明经商
To conduct ourselves honorably in commercial transactions
7 扶贫计划
Program to lift people off poverty
8 无情下岗,有情安排
Although to lay off people is cruel, to get laid-offs re-employed is heart-warming.
9 四有新人
Citizens with lofty ideals
三 零位主语
1 有一座塔,由于修建年代较近,___保存得较为完整。塔身有碑文,___移步读去,猛然一惊,___它的主人竟然就是那个王圆录。
One of the stupas was built not long ago, so it is comparatively intact. There is an epitaph inscribed on it. When I want closer and read the text, I found , to my great consternation, that the man buried under this stupa was none other than Wang Yuanlu.
2 我曾多次见他画小鸡,毛茸茸,很可爱;也见过他画的鱼鹰,水是绿的,钻进水里的,很生动。
On several occasions I watched him paint fluffy little chicks and vivid cormorants with their heads in clear green water.
3 我从此便整天的站在柜台里,专营我的职务。虽然___没有什么失职,但___总觉得有些单调,有些无聊。掌柜是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气,叫人活泼不得,只有孔乙己到店,___才可以笑几声,所以___至今还记得。
Thenceforward I stood all day behind the counter, fully engaged with my duties. Although I gave satisfaction at this work,I found it mon

otonous and futile. Our employer was a fierce-looking individual.and the customers were a morose lot , so that it was impossible to be gay.Only when Kong I-chi came to tavern could I laugh a little . That is why I still remember him.
4 从西南开来到南京路口的一路电车正冲着那对头风挣扎,它那全身的窗子就像害怕了似的扑扑地跳个不停。终于电车在华懋饭店门口那站头上停住了。当先下来一位年青时髦女子,就像被那大风卷了去似的直扑过马路,跳上华懋饭店门前的石阶级。(《子夜》)
A No.1 tran running eastward towards the Bund to the end of Nanjing Road was battling with the powerful head-wind and its windows rattled noisily as if trembling with fear. It finally come to a halt at the stop in front of the Cathay Hotel, and a fashionably-dressed young woman got off. She ran straight across the road as if driven forward by the wind and flew up the stone steps in front of the hotel.
四 指称意义和字面意义的重叠与交错
印第安饭-玉米粥:Indian meal
印第安春天-小阳春:Indian summer
美国佳丽-月月红:American Beauty
德国毛线-细毛线:German woo
1 英国胜利地登上了小岛。
A: The British army climbed onto the island successfully.
B: The British army landed on the island successfully.
2 他对事情的进展情况也还满意。
He is quite satisfied with the way things went.
3 这姑娘是漂亮。
The girl is really beautiful.
4 是可忍,孰不可忍。
If this can be tolerated, what cannot.
5 是古非今
Praise the past to condemn the present.
6 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing , to allow that you do not know it.
7 此人是书就读
This man read every book he can reach.
8 南京的风俗:但凡新媳进门,三日就要到厨下收拾一样菜,发个利市。这菜一定是鱼,取“富贵有余”的意思。
The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish , which stands for fortune.
咏梅(Ode to the Plum Blossom)
Wind and rain escorted spring to go
Spring’s return was welcomed by flying snow
Hundreds feet ice hung on the cliff
A flower springs up so fair
Sweet and fair, she is not so vain to dominate spring
But to say it comes again
One day when all flowers bloom in different styles
She stands amid them all and smiles

五 蕴含意义
1 他是纸老虎
He is a paper tiger.
2 咱们俩的事,一条绳上栓着两只蚂蚱,谁也跑不了!
We’re like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away!
3 去设埋伏我们都没有信心,想他一定在昨天晚上就早溜了,今天去也是瞎子点灯白费蜡。
We had no con

fidence in today’s ambush because we were sure he had escaped last night. It seemed as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.
4 清明 杜甫
Tomb-sweeping Day/Mounring Day/All souls’ Day
It drizzles endlessly during rainy season in spring
Travellers on the road look gloomy and miserable
When I ask shepherd boy where I can find a tavern
He points at a hamlet nestling amidst apricot
5 克明:觉新哪,你听着!
Keming: Juexin, I want you to pay particular attention to this.
Behind the wall of my backyard you can see two trees. One is a date tree, the other is also a date tree.
As guests entered the gate, they would first smell a sweet fragrance and then see the waxy-green leaves and the rainbow-red or snow-white flowers.
六 汉译英的词语处理
1 英汉词义的对应
垂直:vertical dimension
红茶:Black tea
接电话:To answer the telephone
税:tax, duty, tariff, bond
国税:state taxes
关税:customs duties
税率:tariff rates
保税仓库区:Bonded warehouse area
消费/进口税:excise/import duties
Among the applicants are government functionaries, ordinary workers, employees of joint venture
(公司,企业的)办事人员,公司职员,上班族:office worker
公务员:public/civil servant
政府雇员:government employee
2 直译法:完全保留汉语的指称意义
Reed Flute Cave/ Ludiyan/Ludi Cave is the most magnificent of all the Guilin.
In 1990, the Province approved 99“Three Forms of Ventures”(sino-foreign joint ventures , cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign-funded enterprises),the total number of the “Three Forms of Ventures” reached 284.
新闻照片:press photo
红眼:pink eye / to be green-eyed
慢车:local train
街道妇女:housewives of residential area
快车:limited express
妓女:street woman/girl
干货:dried goods
纺织品:dry goods
减肥操:slim nastics
东方时空:Oriental Time and Space
东方之珠:Oriental pearl
人与自然:people and nature
音乐桥:Music Bridge
与你同行:Going along with you
环球45分钟:Around the Globe in 45 Minutes
体育栏:Sports Sections
世界知识产权组织:World Intellectual Property

中华全国青年联合会:All-China Federation of Youth
中华全国总工会:All-China Federation of Trade Unions
中国国际贸易促进委员会:China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
海关总署:General Customs Asministration
中国商品检疫局:Commodity Inspection Bureau of the PRC
中华全国妇联:All-China Women’s Federation
合肥工商局:Hefei commerce and industry Bureau
国有商业银行:Commercial State Banks
私有商业银行:Commercial Private Banks
所得税:income taxes
优惠集资政策/优惠政策:Preferential (investment ) Policies
远洋公司:General Ocean Shipping Company
总书记:General Secretary
助教:assitant teacher
主任医师:professor of medicine
高级经济师:senior business engineer
假冒伪劣商品:fake or poor quality commodities
汇率并轨:a uniform exchange
证券交易所:stock exchange
金鸡/狮:Golden rooster/lion
股市:stock market
北京人在纽约:A native of Beijing in NewYork
上海大风暴:the big storm over Shanghai
中国商人:Chinese Businessman
戏剧人生:dramatic life
女人不是月亮:Women are not the moon
小天鹅牌洗衣机:Little Swan Washing machine
国务院主管部门:The competent department of the State Council
注:competent: competent to do sth. 足以胜任的,有能力的;有决定权的。
2 意译法
In China’s more remote and backward rural areas, corrupt practices exist in the form of forced marriages/arranged or bought and sold marriages.
A younger ,better educated and more professional leadership
A relatively comfortable standard of living
To shake off poverty and set out on the road to prosperity
Eat, drink and be married
Intellectuals go in for business
Travelling scope
Global vision
China pictorial
Listed stocks/companies
Checked baggage
But this song should only belong to heaven , among mortals how seldom can it be heard?
3 音译法:直接用汉语拼音;用类似英语单词的拼写体现原文的发音
西苑饭店 XiYuan Hotel
康顺有限公司 Conson Ltd
磕头 Kowtow
4 音译意译结合法 :在拼音之前或之后加上一个表意的词,直接套用谐音谐义的英语单词
绿丹兰 Ludanlan Cosmetics
“稳得福”酒楼 Wonderful Restaurant
《唐明皇》 Emperor Tang Ming Huang
索牌 (塑料绳具的商标) solid
寒山寺 Han Shan Monastery
5 重复

Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out ( in silence), we shall perish in this silence.
此时此刻 at this moment
不知不觉 without knowing
谢天谢地 thank Heaven/God
6 叠词
Two rows of small willows lined the path. The twigs were slender , with rustling leaves covered by a layer of white velvet.
I look for what I miss, I know not what it is, I feel so sad, so dreary,so lonely, without cheer.
7 双关
To dig coptis with a hoe –dig
Don’t dig at me.
After a few days things will be back to that they were before.
The Globe brings you the world in a single copy
I’d rather own a bed on the western bank than an apartment on the eastern bank of Huangpu River.
8 语用意义的翻译
鸡皮疙瘩 Goose flesh
水中捞月 to fish in the air
猫哭耗子假慈悲 to shed crocodile tears
像热锅上的蚂蚁 like a hen on a hot girdle
狗改不了吃屎 the leopard cannot change his spots
开门红 to be/ to get off a good start
红白喜事 weddings and funerals
红榜 honor board
红火 flourishing/prosperous
红眼病 be green-eyed
红盖头 a red cloth
鸳鸯 mandrin duck
For better (athletic) records and sportsmanship
=For a good harvest both in sports and morals
羊肠小道 a winding trail
9 语体色彩的复制
It would be appreciated if samples and /or brochure could be soon forwarded to us.
Yours truly will do his best
Lao wang said :“He was at the end of tether”.
10 感情色彩的叠合
金鸡鞋油 :颜色有黑、棕、白、红、黄、蓝。
Golden Rooster Shoe Polish comes in black, brown, white, red, yellow and blue.
健身房,健身俱乐部 exercise room, health club
售票处,补票处 ticket /booking office, fare-adjustment office
武汉中心百货大楼,东方宾馆 Wu Han Zhongxin Department Store, Oriental hotel
幽默在导游中的妙用 on the clever use of Humor in Tour Guiding
双关 :只朝上,不朝下 they kept their eyes on those above them rather than those below them.
We must not be little big problems or exaggerate what is just trivial
七 汉译英的句法处理
1 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易。
Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts.
2 希望今后北京能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。
It is hoped that Beijing will establish

friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future.
3 Sunshine is delicious , rain is refreshing , wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating, there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
4 The coloring of winter hills , though without the riches of autumn ,has a beauty of tint beyond anything we see on them in summer.
5 我知道你要说服他放弃那个计划是很困难的。
I know it is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan.
6 她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。
It never occoured to her that he was a dishonest man.
7 下倾盆大雨了
It’s raining cats and dogs.
8 南京发生过许多重大的历史事件
Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.
9 Beijing first witnessed / saw the rise of May 4th movement
10 中国在1980年成功发射了第一颗洲际导弹。
1980 witnessed the successful launching of Chinese first intercontinental guided missle.
11 到去年年底,我部已同有关省市签订了100余艘中小船舶的建造合同和协议。
By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 100 medium-and small-sized vessels.
12 我给你打国际直拨就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。
An international phone call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs.
13 我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。
We have won one victory after another for our course.
=A series of victories have been won for our course.
八 谓语的选择
The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas.
2 当前,我国的职业教育和成人教育正在加快发展。
Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country.
3 王教授精通好几门外语,他有资格在那种场合担任译员。
Professor Wang has a good command of several foreign languages and qualified to be an interpreter in that occasion.
=Professor Wang is qualified to be an interpreter in that occasion,for he has….
=Professor Wang, who has…,is qualified to be….
4 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。
His absent-mindedness during the experiments nearly caused an explosion of the chemical.
5 他过去的那副尊容,只要你见过一次,无论什么时候你都不会忘记。
He had a face that once you saw is never forgotten.
6 这一证书课程分在三年中学完。
This certificate course of studies will spread over 3 years.
7 这次旅游可选择的地方有北京、上海和西安。
The tour will include Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an.
8 从这次讲座中,我们学到了许多美国历史方面的知识。
We obtained much knowledge of American history from the lecture.
9 你们一定要知道,这种打字机轻便高效,经久耐用,有经济实惠,

You are well aware that this type of typewriter is portable and durable ,economical and practical for high school students.
10 这款手机工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式繁多,携带方便。
This new type of cellphone are made in advanced technology with novel structure , beautiful shape, various paterns.They are convenient to take.
11 市政府采取各种措施招商。
The City government takes many measures to invite investment.
12 招商代表团吸引了许多东南亚客商来厦门洽谈项目。
The delegation of inviting investment has atracted many businessmen from Southeast Asia to Xiamen to hold talks on different projects.
13 又一座立交桥将于年底通车。
Another flyover will be opened to traffic by the end of this year.
14 家家房顶上都装了供沐浴用的太阳能热水器。
A solar heater is installed on the roof of every house, providing warm water for the shower.
15 一切科技成就都是建立在理性思维的基础上的, 没有理性思维就不可能有科学。
All science and technological achievements are founded on rational thinking, without which, there would have been on science.
16 鼎湖山整个地区为热带,亚热带森林所覆盖,气候独特。
Dinghu Mountain is covered by tropical as well as subtropical forest and has an unique climate.
17 你的工作取得了很大的成绩,但不能因此而骄傲自满。
You have made great progress in your work, but you should not get conceited and arrogant.
18 我们打算赶头班火车回北京。
We are going to catch the first train back to Beijing.
19 他们劝我采取睁一只眼闭一只眼的方针。
They persuaded me to adopt the live-and –let-live policy.
20 想到要出国深造,他就激动不已。
The idea that he would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited.
=He felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.
21 他决定不当司机了,去学一门新手艺。
He decided to give up his occupation as bus driver and to learn a new trade.
22 近年来,中泰两国国民经济发展迅速,为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础。
In recent years the national economies of China and Thailand have quickly developed, providing a good foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
= Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand , which has prepared for good economic and …
=China and Thailand , with the rapid development of their national economies in recent years, have laid a good foundation for their economic and …
=The rapid development of the national economies of China and Thailand in recent years has laid a sound foundation for economicand …
23 住房是中国人最关心的问题之一。
Housing is one of the problems for which citizens of China care most.
九 语序的调整
汉语 主体-

英语 主体---行为---行为客体---行为标志
宾语的位置 :
1 我们已经试过各种可能的办法了。
We have tried every way possible.
2 我们要把祖国建设成为社会主义的现代化强国。
We will build our motherland into modern .powerful socialist country.
3 到场的来宾中还有一些外宾。
The guests present include some foreign visitors.
4 那是中国内地出版的第一份报纸。
That was the first newspaper that had been published in inland China.
5 他是一位中国现代化优秀作家。
He is an outstanding contemporary Chinese writer.
6 日本和我们是一衣带水的邻邦。
Japan is our close neighbor separated a narrow strip of water.
7 世界上最大的都市有日本的东京,英国的伦敦,美国的纽约,中国的上海。
The largest cities of the world are Tokyo Japan,London Britan,New York America and Shanghai PRC.
汉语 时间—地点—方式—动词
英语 动词—方式—地点—时间
1 他每天早晨在教室里认真地学习。
He studies hard in the classroom every morning.
汉语 叙事——表态
英语 表态——叙事
It is dangerous to drive through this area.
十 否定的翻译
A 否定译成肯定
1 在收据尚未签字之前不得付款。
Before the receipt has been signed, the money must not be paid.
2 她抱怨名单上没有她的名字。
She complained about the omisson of her name from the list.
3 她一辈子没有迈出家门一步。
She never traveled out of her hometown in her life.
4 她不想做女强人。
She doesn’t want to be an intelligent and capable woman.
5 她尽力克服智力上的不足。
She tries to overcome the lack of intelligent quality.
6 他决不会说出这样的话。
He was the last person to say such things.
7 说什么我也不去。
I’ll be damned if I go.
1 他们工作时总是互相帮助。
They never work without helping each other.
2 他太自私,几乎没有人喜欢他。
He is so selfish that hardly anybody likes him.
1) 谓语——主语
1 如果没有太阳,什么也不能生存。
Without the sun , nothing could live.
2 物质必须运动,否则就没有做功。
Matter must move,or no work is done.
1 我们全然不知这件事。
We know nothing about it /the matter.
2) 分句谓语转移到主句谓语
1 我们认为他们不可能按时到达。
We don’t think they cn arrive in time.
2 她觉得她再也不能忍受她丈夫的侮辱。
She doesn’t feel that she can stand her husband’s insult any longer.
十一 是字句的翻译
1) 表示加重语气
1 这孩子是可爱。
The child is lovely indeed.
2 我是想给你一个机会。
I do want to give

you a chance.
3 我不是不懂,是不想说。
It’s not that I didn’t understand, but that I didn’t want to say anything.
2) 表示存在
1 前面是一大片稻田。
There is a big stretch of rice fields ahead.
2 一千五百米跑下来,他满身都是汗
After a thousand-and –five-hundred-meter run, he was sweating all over.
3 满屋都是烟,连他衣服上都是烟味。
Smoke filled the room ,even his clothes smelled of smoke.
3) 表凡是之意
1 是重活,他都抢着干
Whenever there is a tough job, he is always the first to do it.
2 是人都会犯错误
To err is human.
3 武汉是湖北省的省会,是华中地区工业、金融、商业、科学、文化教育的中心。
Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province .It is also the center of industry, finance, trade, science, culture and education in the central area of the country.
4 春秋战国时期,楚国是疆域最辽阔的诸侯国,加上历时八百多年,楚国文化成为中华民族文化的重要组成部分。
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States, Chu occupied a vast territory and last hundreds of years so that Chu Culture became an important component part of the Chinese Culture.
5 农业、冶炼、丝织、漆器和天文,是楚人在当时同一领域世界领先的物质文化。
Chu’s agriculture, metallurgy,silk-knitting, lacquer-work and astronomy took the lead in the then world and represented the highly developed Chu civilization.
4) 是表示特征的翻译
1 汉正街原来是破旧、窄小的一条旧街
The Hanzheng Street was originally a narrow shabby street.
2 十三多亿人口的中国是个巨大的市场,与各国的经济合作有着广阔的前景
With a population of over 1.3 billion, China itself is a great/large market that holds great potential for countries looking for economic cooperation.
5) 表示一种直观的表象或结果的是字句
1 那年月,有钱人是天天过年
In those years, the rich people’s extravagance was such that everyday was a Spring Festival.
2 我爸爸直来直去,但他是一片好心
My father is rather blunt but he’s always well-intentioned.
3 现在中国市场有两个显著的特点:一方面是农产品比较丰富充裕;另一方面是农产品价格上涨幅度大
At present, there are two outstanding characteristics of /on the market of China .On the one hand, there are quite abundant agricultural products available. On the other hand, the prices of the agricultural products are rising at an extremely high speed.
6) 表示的字构成的是…的
1 是烂了的。
They are the rotten ones.
2 是厂长同意了的
It’s the head of our factory who has given us the green light.
7) 与才、就、竟、的等构成才是…;就是…;竟是….;…的是…等表示强调结构的是字句译法
1 拿了才是事故发生的地方
It was there that the accident took place.
=There was where the …

=That was the very place in which the accident…
2 我正在干的就是给他上一堂课
What I am doing now is teaching him a lesson.
3 这件羊毛衫好是好,可就是太贵。
The sweater is of good quality indeed, but it is too expensive.
8) 表示让步
1 蜜蜂是在酿蜜,也是在酿造生活;不是为自己,而是为人类酿造最甜蜜的生活。
Making honey is also creating life, a most sweet life, not for themselves but for others.
1 冰箱里只剩下一点冻肉,我又带了客人来吃饭,你该想象得出我丈夫是多么感激我了
You can image how I blest my husband for bring friends to dinner when he had only a bit of cold meat in the refrigerator.
2 我半世的辛苦,全是替他们做牛马。
I have been slaving all these years just to make money for them.
3 太阳这么高了,大姑奶奶怎么还不露脸?
It’s so late now, why hasn’t my niece show up?
10) 把握修辞的特点
1 所有的反动派都是纸老虎
All reactionaries are paper tiger.
2 阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻
It was checkered with highways and paths between the fields ; rooster-crow and dog-bark in one village were heard one another.
3 你总喜欢横挑鼻子竖挑眼,不是见鬼吗?
Isn’t it absurd of you to be always picking holes?
11) 表达确切
1 词语的增减与置换
Shaoxing is the home of Yue Porcelain. Yue is a state name used to refer to the Shaoxing region in ancient China.
He survived the traffic accident, but his face was badly scarred.
A tour to Yulin will be a most rewarding experience .
这个工厂有男工200人,女工250,干部职员48人, 共有职工500人。
This factory has a staff of 500 people, including 200men-workers,250 women-workers and 48 carders and functionaries.
The inhabitants of that scenic isle, male and female, old and young, are good at singing and dancing.
He is awakened to the fact that he can hardly make a man of his son who is as timid as rabbit.
Will her status as a Chinese citizen be affected if she marries an American?
A new situation is emerging in China’s economic and technical exchange and cooperation with other countries.
Accumulate more in good years and less or none in years when the crops half fail or totally fail.
We must carry on an active publicity drive to get birth rate under control.
Those who shelter u

ndesirable elements and do not report them to the authorities concerned shall be duly punished.
The various aspects of national economy must be taken into further consideration .
The six principle is to adhere to a coordinated development of regional economy and gradually narrow the grap in the development of different location.
十二 文法与翻译
1 借你的词典用用好吗?
May I use your dictionary?
2 坐在花园的篱笆旁,一只黄蜂刺了我一下。
Sitting against a fence in my garden, I was stung by a wasp.
3 昨晚他们家被偷了
Their house was robbed last night.
4 聚也不易散也不易
It’s not easy to gather, nor is it to part with each other.
5 市政府终于批准了建设高科园的资金项目。
The municipal government has finally voted the funds for building a high-tech park.
6 画册中的错误,真如王胡棉衣里的虱子,捉也捉不干净。
The numerous errors in the brochure turned out to be more than one coule shake a stick at.
7 若这位市长欣欣然乘着飞机,拿着这本画册去招商引资,那真是应了老百姓的一句粗话,叫光着膀推磨,转着圈丢人了。
If the mayor flew around the world to invite business and procure investment with an English brochure as such, he could get nothing from abroad, I bet , other than ridicules and disgrace.
8 她垂头丧气地回到家里,不管母亲说什么都不理会。
She returned home crestfallen, turning a deaf ear to whatever her mother said.
9 我当时是说着玩的, 他就认真了,这不正应了那句话:“言者无心,听者有意”。
I was only joking , but he took it to heart. Just as an old saying goes,“A casual speaker’s remark may sound deliberate to a suspicious listener.”
10 这件事情你责怪他是找错了对象,他与此事毫无关系。
In blaming him for what had happened,you were indeed barking up the wrong tree.He had nothing whatever to do with the affair.
十三 逻辑与翻译
1 大熊猫一胎产仔两只
An adult female giant panda gives birth two cubs at a time.
免费入场 entrance free
座钟 standing clock
挂钟 wall clock
太平门 emergency exit
教练本 student vehicle/training vehicle
九五折 5 percent discount
母细胞 parent cell
子细胞 daughter cell
田径项目 track and field event
自言自语 think aloud
杀虫剂 insect powder
避雷针 lightening rod
牧羊犬 sheep dog
瘦肉 red meat
(书)折角 dog ear
端坐 sit on one’s neck
办理离婚案件的律师 divorce lawyer
爱打听别人私事的人 busy body
(饭店)里收拾桌子的服务员 bus boy
卫生间 rest-room
有勇无谋 foolishly bold
不紧不慢 haste slowly
疲劳但健康 healthily tired

半生半死 living death
惊喜 pleasantly surprised
少数民族 national minorities
免费入场名单 free list
违规停车罚款通知单 parking ticket
卖鱼妇 fish-wife
救生艇 life boat
十四 正反表达法
1 我不理解这件事
I can’t understand it.
=I fail to understand it.
=I am at a loss to understand.
=I am all at sea about it.
=I am in the dark about it.
=It is beyond my comprehension.
=It beats me .
=It is a sealed book to me.
=It is all Greek to me.
2 财富不长在
Wealth has wings.
3 他不将这消息告诉别人。
He kept the news to himself.
4 这样说错不了
We may safely say so.
5 缴枪不杀。
Lay down your arms,or die!
十五 短文翻译
1 春是多么可爱的一个名词!自古以来的人都赞美它,希望它长在人间。诗人,特别是词客,对春爱慕尤深,试翻词选,差不多每一页上都可以找到一个春字。后人听惯了这种话,自然地随喜附和,即使实际上没有理解春的人,一说起春也会觉得欢喜。这一半是春这个字的音客所暗示的。“春”你听,这个音读起来何等铿锵而惺忪可爱!这个字的形状何等齐整妥帖而具足对称的美!这么美的名字所隶属的时节,想起来一定很可爱。好比听见名叫“丽华”的女子,想来一定是个美人。
What a lovely word spring is! People have praised it since ancient times,hoping it to stay in the human world forever. Poets, especially composers cherish it with a special deep love for spring. Try to leaf through the collection of dictionary and you can find the word “spring” on nearly every page . The descendants become used to listening to these and they naturally to love and chime in with those around them. Even those who do not really understand the loveliness of spring.while talking about it, they wold feel a pleasant sensation. It is partly because the likeness is suggested by the word of spring. Listen “Chun” .How sonorous,sleepy and lovely the sound flows!How the formation of “spring” is neatly arranged and symmetrically aesthetic. Thus the season attached by such a beautiful name must be very lovely to think of. It seems that the sound of the girl’s name “Li Hua”must remind us of beauty.
2 然而实际上春不是那么可喜的一个时节。我积三十六年之经验,深知暮春以前的春天,生活上是很不愉快的。

However,spring , in fact is by no means a pleasant season. With my experience of 36 years, I feel deeply the life before late spring is rather unpleasant.
The plum blossom in snow is said to be the harbinger of spring. But it is just a spring in the mind. Actually , there is still rain and snow and the north wind is still chilly cold. It has no difference from severe winter. The so-called spring ushers can just curl up in the cold behind the window and tremble under the evaves to watch the plum blossom on the dry twigs.
In another month (in a couple of months), as in these days, the Waking of Insects( the third solar term) is over, as /when a half spring has passed, my friends living in the cities think the villages at this time are picturesque and beautiful . They sent me a letter urging me to write sth.about spring. As if I were snuggling un to the spring and had provoked their jealous feelings. Actually, those who living in the countryside do not enjoy the pleasure of spring. On the contrary they suffer from various discomfouts,the thermometer shows a sharp change between 36°F and 62°F.The abrupt temperature changes are all within a day when it is/goes hot you may think of the ice-cream in the cities; and when it is cold, you may see natural ice. You can taste the so called “the chill of spring” to the fullest. The weather changes from sunny to rainy. When you are away from home, your shoes often become sloppy returning home. “How many sunny days we have within a spring season !”is true .“We can hear spring rain falling in a mansion all night” is really nothing special. Actually it
is very boring and has a far cry from the various wireless broadcasts in your city. Now half of spring is over but it gives us no comfort. On the contrary it makes us worry about the chill, warmth, wind and rain. In fact, it is “within the three portions of spring two for sorrows/worries and one for wind and rain.”
