Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories and Problem of History of the Pole of the World

Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories and Problem of History of the Pole of the World
Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories and Problem of History of the Pole of the World




A.M. Chechelnitsky







Chechelnitsky A. M.

International University Nature, Society and Man “Dubna”, Universitetskaja, 19;

141980, Dubna 3, p.o. box 19, Moscow Region, Russia;


? Chechelnitsky A.M. 2000

Chechelnitsky A.M.

Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories and

Problem of a History of the Pole of the World


The problem of localization of megalithic memorials on the Earth surface is investigated.

It is pointed on existence of Great Belt of megalithic observatories - of concentration of astronomically significant objects near geographical latitude ? = 51° N.

The latent fundamental (and astronomical) sense is discussed of this phenomenon - the tendency to functional and architectural simplisity, to simmetry of megalithic observatories (in view of the Symmetric Mandale.

It is pointed on possibility of existence of other stretching concentrations - of clusters of megalithic observatories (the Great Belts) in connection with other fixed position of the Poles of the World (of the Earth rotation) in past.


International University Nature, Society and Man “Dubna”

March 2000

Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories 5 PROBLEM OF LOCALIZATION

OF MEGALITHIC STRUCTURES (OBSERVATORIES) One from the central theme of modern archaeoastronomy (PA, 1974; AA,1993; AC, 1993; AA, 1996; AT, 1996; Atkinson, 1975; etc.) is the next problem:

What for people of the past built such huge monuments as Stonehenge, pyramids in Europe, Asia, America? What purposes The creators of these structures pursued? Whether is casual they are disposed on a surface of the Earth?

The special message for a narrow circle was devoted to this theme - for the actively working researchers - archeologists (professors Shlosser, Ivanishevsky, Uta Berger etc.). It was made by author in time of a conference SEAC 98 ("Astronomy and Culture"), taking place in Dublin of August 31 - September 2, 1998 (Chechelnitsky, 1998a).

Basic ideas were repeated after this in Dubna September 17 on 9 International conferences " Science, Philosophy, Religion" (Theme "Eschatology") in the report Physical Eschatology: a problem "Space - Earth - Man" - as a problem of extremal natural Accidents" (Chechelnitsky, 1998b).

Let's discuss some special aspects of this extensive theme. GREAT BELT OF MEGALITHIC OBSERVATORIES

Two Aspects

Many observable megalithic structure (observatories) are characterized, at least, by two distinguished special circumstances:

?Megalithic observatory - as Symmetric Mandale.

?Typical (standard) design.

Known megalithic observatories contain a rectangular of astronomically significant directions - cardinal directions, connected with the Sun (equinoxes, solstices) and Moon (limiting points of rise and set of "high" Moon), inscribed in circle (of visiring points, megaliths). Such nonaccidental architecture, reminding, we shall speak, Symmetric Mandale, obviously, has also special astronomical sense (Fig.1).

?Distinguished latitude.

6 Chechelnitsky A.M.

Known megalithic structures (observatories) have the tendency to place in geographical latitude close to

?~ 50 ÷ 52°N ~ 51°N.

Whether it is casual?

In this connection it is interesting to pay attention to the following the bibliographic indication of Wood (Wood, 1981, p.

23) concerning of astronomically significant architecture of Stonehenge (Fig.1):

"...Piter Newman has detected, that the long sides of fourangle are oriented on the most northern point of set of the "high" Moon, and if to look in an opposite direction - at most southern point of it's rise. He has opened also one more surprising fact: four basic stone form fourangle, short and long sides are perpendicular one another. To construct rectangular, which sides mark solar and lunar directions, it is possible only at Stonehenge latitude. On other latitudes would be received parallelogram."

Discussed aspects of structure and disposition of megalithic observatories from an analytical, astronomical point of view occurs as interconnected and give occasion for the special statement.

The Suggestion. (Megalithic observatory –

as Symmetric Mandale; A = ? Symmetry).

# The ancient founders of megalithical observatories tried to use most simple - symmetric design - rectangular (of cardinal, astronomically significant directions, connected with the Sun and Moon), inscribed in a circle (of visiring points - stones, megalithes).

# This case corresponds to the special condition

A = ?,


? - latitude of monument (observatory),

A (and h) - azimuth (and height) of Sun above true horizon at the moment of rise or set.

Believing, for simplicity, that the seen horizon coincides with true (and then h = 0), we receive from the standard formula of spherical Astronomy

cosA?cos??cosh = sinδ - sin??sinh

the more simple relation

Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories 7

cosA?cos? = sinδ.

Per day of summer solstice is valid δ = ε, where

δ - declination of the Sun,

ε - Inclination of equator to ecliptics,

and then for the considered special case A=? (A=? - Symmetry) at this time the ratio

cos2? = sin ε

is valid.

# For those epoch of an ancient history, when the corner not hardly differed from modern

ε = 23°26′21″.448 = 23°.43929 and

cos2? = sin 23°.43929,

observable allowable latitude of localization of megalithic observatories not hardly differed from

? (=A) = 50°.898526.

# This zone of the structurally distinguished latitudes represents everywhere found out in archeological researches the Great Belt of megalithic observatories. It extends on all Globe in Eurasia - from Atlantic up to Pacific ocean, in America – from Pacific ocean - up to Atlantic, i.e. actually has Global localization.

Some of the brightest representatives this global Great Belt of megalithic observatories in Eurasia:

megalithic observatories of Southern Ireland, Stonehenge (51°11′ N),



Babka (51°),

Hodosevichi (53°),

Tushemla (54°),

Ancient city Arkaim (52°39′),

sacral place Savin on the river Tobol in Transural (Kurgan region) (55.4°),

Mountain Ocharovatelnaya in Western Altai and finding on one latitude with it (51° - 52° N)

Semisart (Kara-Bo) on Altai,

Kurgan - temple Arzhan in Tuva,

Parking Malta in near-Bajkal region.

8 Chechelnitsky A.M.

It is interesting to pay attention also that sacral places the Mongols of epoch Chingiz - khan gravitated to consecrated by ancient legends areas (in area Orhon). They also lay at latitudes of Great Belt of megalithic observatories.

In Western hemisphere the brightest representatives of a Great Belt - "Medicine Wheel" (Vogt, 1993) are disposed on border of USA and Canada. (It is known approximately 135 of Medicine Wheel structures. The greatest concentration them is observed in provinces Alberta and Suscachevan in Canada and in state Montana in USA) .



The Preliminary Analysis of Global Statistics Obvious availability of megalithic monuments (observatories) also and at latitudes essentially differing from latitude ? = 51°N, makes the problem of localization megalithic monuments (observatories) not so unequivocal and considerably more interesting.

Problem of Clusterization of Set of Monuments Let's assume during the further purposeful researches will be revealed, that megalithic monuments have tendency to discretness - to group along any others (not appropriate to latitude 51°N) extended zones on a surface of the Earth.

What such grouping, clusterization of megalithic structures (observatories) can mean?

Possibilities and Prospects of the New Analysis.

Other Poles of Rotation of the Earth -

Other Great Belts of Megalithic Observatories

# Let during long historical time was saved, cultivated, the tradition did not die to build megalithic monuments (observatories), we shall speak, optimally - by the way of Symmetric Mandale (with use of A = ? Symmetry).

# Then during all this time was realized Unequivocal dependence of latitude ? (=A) from ε - inclination of equator to ecliptics, i.e. the ratio was fair

cos2? = sinε

Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories 9 # If thus there were long enough epoch, when ε – the inclination of equator to ecliptics had others (not equal modern ε = 23°.439) the fixed significances (i.e. existed other Poles of the World (of rotation of the Earth), that, quite probably, could to exist and other fixed Great Belts of megalithic observatories, connected with other latitudes ? (=A) in system coordinates connected to these poles of rotation of the Earth.

# Simultaneously there is an objective enough tool researches of evolution of a Pole of rotation of the Earth, using experience of Human history (and not just geophysical, astrophysical data).



Attentive purposeful study of global statistics of megalitic monumenus (observatories) can result to fundamental, is possible, unexpected conclusions having extreme significance not only for anthropology (archaeology, histories of civilizations), but also for exact sciences - astrophysics, geophysics, cosmology.

Within the framework of the concept of the Wave Universe and Wave cosmogeonomy [Chechelnitsky, 1980 -1998] we for a long time expect appearance of the new objective data allowing reliably to verify interesting inquests of the theory. Follows to hope, that an extensive material of a human history - still unsufficiently investigated, and main, it is unsufficiently correct interpreted within the framework of exact sciences, - will allow to come nearer to more adequate understanding of evolution of the Nature and Man.

10 Chechelnitsky A.M. REFERENCES

AA (1993). Archaeoastronomy in the 1990s Edited by Clive Ruggles, Group D Publications, (1993).

AC (1993). Astronomies and Cultures, Edited by Clive Ruggles and Nicholas Saunders, Univ. Press of Colorado, (1993).

AT (1996). Astronomical Traditions in Past Cultures, Edited by V.Koleva D. Kolev. Proc. of I Annual General Meeting of SEAC, Smolian, Bulgaria, 31 Aug.-25 Sept. 1993, Sofia, (1996).

AA (1996). Archaeoastronomy: Problems of Formation, Thesises of Int. Conference, Moscow, (1996).

Atkinson R.J.C., Stonehenge, Pelican, London, (1960).

Atkinson R.J.C., Megalithic Astronomy: a Prehistorian's Comments, J. For the History of Astronomy, 6, p.42-52, (1975).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Extremum, Stability, Resonance in Astrodynamics and Cosmonautics, M., Mashinostroyenie, 312 pp. (1980) (Monograph in Russian); (Library of Congress Control Number: 97121007; Name: Chechelnitskii A.M.).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Wave Structure, Quantization, Megaspectroscopy of the Solar System; In the book:Spacecraft Dynamics and Space Research, M., Mashinostroyenie, pp. 56-76, (in Russian) (1986).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Uranus System, Solar System and Wave Astrodynamics; Prognosis of Theory and Voyager-2 Observations, Doklady AN SSSR, v.303, N5 pp.1082-1088, (1988).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Wave Structure of the Solar System, Report to the World Space Congress, Washington, DC, (Aug.22-Sept.5), (1992).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Wave World of Universe and Life: Space - Time and Wave Dynamics of Rhythms, Fields, Structures, Report to the XV Int. Congress of Biomathematics, Paris, September 7-9, 1995; Bio-Math (Bio-Mathematique & Bio-Theorique), Tome XXXIV, N134, pp.12-48, (1996).

Chechelnitsky A.M., On the Way to Great Synthesis of XXI Century: Wave Universe Concept, Solar System, Rhythms

Great Belt of Megalithic Observatories 11 Genesis, Quantization ″In the Large″, pp. 10-27: In book; Proceedings of International Conference ″Systems Analysis on the Threshold of XXI Century: Theory and Practice″, Moscow, 27-29 February 1996, v. 3, Intellect Publishing Hause, Moscow, (1997).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Phenomena of Discretness, Commensurability, Quantization in Wave Universe and Megalitic Astronomy. Preprint, (1998 a).

Chechelnitsky A.M., Physical Eschatology: Cosmos - Earth - Man Problem - As Problem of Extremal Nature Catastrophes, Proceedings of 9 International Conference ″Science, Philosophy, Religion″ (Theme - ″Eschatology″), Dubna, (1998 b).

Wood J.E., Sun, Moon and Standing Stones, Oxford University Press, Russian Translation: `. Khegp_ EmgZ b ^j_\gb_ dZfgb F Fbj

J: (1974). The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Philosophical Transactions, R. Soc. London, A.276, (1974).

Vogt D. Medicine Wheel Astronomy. Astronomies and Cultures, Ed. By C. Ruggles and N. Saunders, University Press of Colorado, p.163-201, (1993)

12 Chechelnitsky A.M. Chechelnitsky Albert Michailovich -

is an astrophysicist, cosmologist,

expert in space research, theoretical physics, theory of dynamic systems,

automatic control, optimization of large systems,

econometrics, constructive sociology, anthropology;

COSPAR Associate: Member of International organization - Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) - Member of B, D, E Scientific Commissions.

(COSPAR - most competent international organization, connected with fundamental interdisciplinar investigations of Space).

Author of the (Mega) Wave Universe Concept.

This figure "GRfig1b.gif" is available in "gif" format from:,/ps/physics/0104017v1


教育资料 《短歌行》 《短歌行》赏析(林庚) 曹操这一首《短歌行》是建安时代杰出的名作,它代表着人生的两面,一方面是人生的忧患,一方面是人生的欢乐。而所谓两面也就是人生的全面。整个的人生中自然含有一个生活的态度,这就具体地表现在成为《楚辞》与《诗经》传统的产儿。它一方面不失为《楚辞》中永恒的追求,一方面不失为一个平实的生活表现,因而也就为建安诗坛铺平了道路。 这首诗从“对酒当歌,人生几何”到“但为君故,沉吟至今”,充分表现着《楚辞》里的哀怨。一方面是人生的无常,一方面是永恒的渴望。而“呦呦鹿鸣”以下四句却是尽情的欢乐。你不晓得何以由哀怨这一端忽然会走到欢乐那一端去,转折得天衣无缝,仿佛本来就该是这么一回事似的。这才是真正的人生的感受。这一段如是,下一段也如是。“明明如月,何时可掇?忧从中来,不可断绝。越陌度阡,枉用相存。契阔谈宴,心念旧恩。月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。绕树三匝,何枝可依。”缠绵的情调,把你又带回更深的哀怨中去。但“山不厌高,海不厌深”,终于走入“周公吐哺,天下归心”的结论。上下两段是一个章法,但是你并不觉得重复,你只觉得卷在悲哀与欢乐的旋涡中,不知道什么时候悲哀没有了,变成欢乐,也不知道什么时候欢乐没有了,又变成悲哀,这岂不是一个整个的人生吗?把整个的人生表现在一个刹那的感觉上,又都归于一个最实在的生活上。“我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙”,不正是当时的情景吗?“周公吐哺,天下归心”,不正是当时的信心吗? “青青子衿”到“鼓瑟吹笙”两段连贯之妙,古今无二。《诗经》中现成的句法一变而有了《楚辞》的精神,全在“沉吟至今”的点窜,那是“青青子衿”的更深的解释,《诗经》与《楚辞》因此才有了更深的默契,从《楚辞》又回到《诗经》,这样与《鹿鸣》之诗乃打成一片,这是一个完满的行程,也便是人生旅程的意义。“月明星稀”何以会变成“山不厌高,海不厌深”?几乎更不可解。莫非由于“明月出天山”,“海上生明月”吗?古辞说:“枯桑知天风,海水知天寒”,枯桑何以知天风,因为它高;海水何以知天寒,因为它深。唐人诗“一叶落知天下秋”,我们对于宇宙万有正应该有一个“知”字。然则既然是山,岂可不高?既然是海,岂可不深呢?“并刀如水,吴盐胜雪”,既是刀,就应该雪亮;既是盐,就应该雪白,那么就不必问山与海了。 山海之情,成为漫漫旅程的归宿,这不但是乌鹊南飞,且成为人生的思慕。山既尽其高,海既尽其深。人在其中乃有一颗赤子的心。孟子主尽性,因此养成他浩然之气。天下所以归心,我们乃不觉得是一个夸张。 .


中英文资料对照外文翻译 一、英文原文 A NEW CONTENT BASED MEDIAN FILTER ABSTRACT In this paper the hardware implementation of a contentbased median filter suitabl e for real-time impulse noise suppression is presented. The function of the proposed ci rcuitry is adaptive; it detects the existence of impulse noise in an image neighborhood and applies the median filter operator only when necessary. In this way, the blurring o f the imagein process is avoided and the integrity of edge and detail information is pre served. The proposed digital hardware structure is capable of processing gray-scale im ages of 8-bit resolution and is fully pipelined, whereas parallel processing is used to m inimize computational time. The architecturepresented was implemented in FPGA an d it can be used in industrial imaging applications, where fast processing is of the utm ost importance. The typical system clock frequency is 55 MHz. 1. INTRODUCTION Two applications of great importance in the area of image processing are noise filtering and image enhancement [1].These tasks are an essential part of any image pro cessor,whether the final image is utilized for visual interpretation or for automatic an alysis. The aim of noise filtering is to eliminate noise and its effects on the original im age, while corrupting the image as little as possible. To this end, nonlinear techniques (like the median and, in general, order statistics filters) have been found to provide mo re satisfactory results in comparison to linear methods. Impulse noise exists in many p ractical applications and can be generated by various sources, including a number of man made phenomena, such as unprotected switches, industrial machines and car ign ition systems. Images are often corrupted by impulse noise due to a noisy sensor or ch annel transmission errors. The most common method used for impulse noise suppressi on n forgray-scale and color images is the median filter (MF) [2].The basic drawback o f the application of the MF is the blurringof the image in process. In the general case,t he filter is applied uniformly across an image, modifying pixels that arenot contamina ted by noise. In this way, the effective elimination of impulse noise is often at the exp ense of an overalldegradation of the image and blurred or distorted features[3].In this paper an intelligent hardware structure of a content based median filter (CBMF) suita ble for impulse noise suppression is presented. The function of the proposed circuit is to detect the existence of noise in the image window and apply the corresponding MF


液晶屏驱动板的原理与维修代换方法 1、液晶屏驱动板的原理介绍 液晶屏驱动板常被称为A/D<模拟/数字)板,这从某种意义上反应出驱动板实现的主要功能所在。液晶屏要显示图像需要数字化过的视频信号,液晶屏驱动板正是完成从模拟信号到数字信号<或者从一种数字信号到另外一种数字信号)转换的功能模块,并同时在图像控制单元的控制下去驱动液晶屏显示图像。液晶显示器的驱动板如图1、图2所示。 图1 品牌液晶显示器采用的驱动板 图2部分液晶显示器采用的是通用驱动板 如图3所示,液晶屏驱动板上通常包含主控芯片、MCU微控制器、ROM存储器、电源模块、电源接口、VGA视频信号输入接口、OSD按键板接口、高压板接口、LVDS/TTL驱屏信号接口等部分。 液晶屏驱动板的原理框图如图4所示,从计算机主机显示卡送来的视频信

号,通过驱动板上的VGA视频信号输入接口送入驱动板的主控芯片,主控芯片根据MCU微控制器中有关液晶屏的资料控制液晶屏呈现图像。同时,MCU微控制器实现对整机的电源控制、功能操作等。因此,液晶屏驱动板又被称为液晶显示器的主板。 图3 驱动板上的芯片和接口 液晶屏驱动板损坏,可能造成无法开机、开机黑屏、白屏、花屏、纹波干扰、按键失效等故障现象,在液晶显示器故障中占有较大的比例。 液晶屏驱动板广泛采用了大规模的集成电路和贴片器件,电路元器件布局

紧凑,给查找具体元器件或跑线都造成了很大的困难。在非工厂条件下,它的可修性较小,若驱动板因为供电部分、VGA视频输入接口电路部分损坏等造成的故障,只要有电路知识我们可以轻松解决,对于那些因为MCU微控制器内部的数据损坏造成无法正常工作的驱动板,在拥有数据文件<驱动程序)的前提下,我们可以用液晶显示器编程器对MCU微控制器进行数据烧写,以修复固件损坏引起的故障。早期的驱动板,需要把MCU微控制器拆卸下来进行操作,有一定的难度。目前的驱动板已经普遍开始采用支持ISP<在线编程)的MCU微控制器,这样我们就可以通过ISP工具在线对MCU微控制器内部的数据进行烧写。比如我们使用的EP1112最新液晶显示器编程器就可以完成这样的工作。 图4 驱动板原理框图 在液晶显示器的维修工作中,当驱动板出现故障时,若液晶显示器原本就使用的是通用驱动板,就可以直接找到相应主板代换处理,当然,仍需要在其MCU中写入与液晶屏对应的驱动程序;若驱动板是品牌机主板,我们一般采用市场上常见的“通用驱动板”进行代换方法进行维修; “通用驱动板”也称“万能驱动板”。目前,市场上常见的“通用驱动板”有乐华、鼎科、凯旋、悦康等品牌,如图5所示,尽管这种“通用驱动板”所用元器件与“原装驱动板”不一致,但只要用液晶显示器编程器向“通用驱动板”写入液晶屏对应的驱动程序<购买编程器时会随机送液晶屏驱动程序光盘),再通过简单地改接线路,即可驱动不同的液晶屏,通用性很强,而且维修成本也不高,用户容易接受。


1、英文地址书写格式 英文地址格式和中文刚好相反,按地址单元从小大到的顺序从左到右书写,并且地址单元间以半角逗号分隔(,),同时邮政编码可以直接写到地址中,其位置通常位于国家和省(州)之间,书写格式如下: xx室, xx号,xx路,xx区,xx市,xx省,xx国 下面我们看一个简单的例子: 上海市延安西路1882号东华大学186信箱(邮编:200051) Mailbox 186, 1882 W est Yan'an Rd., Donghua University, Shanghai 200051. 2、英文通信地址常用翻译 201室/房 Room 201 二单元 Unit 2 马塘村 Matang Vallage 一号楼/栋 Building 1 2号 No. 2 华为科技公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xx公司 xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd. 宿舍 Dormitory 厂 Factory 楼/层 Floor 酒楼/酒店 Hotel 住宅区/小区 Residential Quarter 县 County 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D 镇 Town 巷/弄 Lane 市 City 路 Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略) 一环路 1st Ring Road 省 Province(也简写作Prov.) 花园 Garden 院 Yard 街 Street/Avenue 大学 College/University 信箱 Mailbox 区 District A座 Suite A 广场 Square 州 State 大厦/写字楼 Tower/Center/Plaza


曹操《短歌行【对酒当歌】》原文、翻译、赏析译文 原文 面对美酒应该高歌,人生短促日月如梭。对酒当歌,人生几何? 好比晨露转瞬即逝,失去的时日实在太多!譬如朝露,去日苦多。 席上歌声激昂慷慨,忧郁长久填满心窝。慨当以慷,忧思难忘。 靠什么来排解忧闷?唯有狂饮方可解脱。何以解忧?唯有杜康。 那穿着青领(周代学士的服装)的学子哟,你们令我朝夕思慕。青青子衿,悠悠我心。 正是因为你们的缘故,我一直低唱着《子衿》歌。但为君故,沉吟至今。 阳光下鹿群呦呦欢鸣,悠然自得啃食在绿坡。呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。 一旦四方贤才光临舍下,我将奏瑟吹笙宴请宾客。我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。 当空悬挂的皓月哟,你运转着,永不停止;明明如月,何时可掇? 我久蓄于怀的忧愤哟,突然喷涌而出汇成长河。忧从中来,不可断绝。 远方宾客踏着田间小路,一个个屈驾前来探望我。越陌度阡,枉用相存。 彼此久别重逢谈心宴饮,争着将往日的情谊诉说。契阔谈讌,心念旧恩。 明月升起,星星闪烁,一群寻巢乌鹊向南飞去。月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。 绕树飞了三周却没敛绕树三匝,何枝

翅,哪里才有它们栖身之 所? 可依? 高山不辞土石才见巍 峨,大海不弃涓流才见壮阔。(比喻用人要“唯才是举”,多多益善。)山不厌高,水不厌深。 只有像周公那样礼待贤 才(周公见到贤才,吐出口 中正在咀嚼的食物,马上接 待。《史记》载周公自谓: “一沐三握发,一饭三吐哺, 犹恐失天下之贤。”),才 能使天下人心都归向我。 周公吐哺,天 赏析 曹操是汉末杰出的政治家、军事家和文学家,他雅好诗章,好作乐府歌辞,今存诗22首,全是乐府诗。曹操的乐府诗多描写他本人的政治主张和统一天下的雄心壮志。如他的《短歌行》,充分表达了诗人求贤若渴以及统一天下的壮志。 《短歌行》是政治性很强的诗作,主要是为曹操当时所实行的政治路线和政策策略服务的,但是作者将政治内容和意义完全熔铸在浓郁的抒情意境之中,全诗充分发挥了诗歌创作的特长,准确而巧妙地运用了比兴手法,寓理于情,以情感人。诗歌无论在思想内容还是在艺术上都取得了极高的成就,语言质朴,立意深远,气势充沛。这首带有建安时代"志深比长""梗概多气"的时代特色的《短歌行》,读后不觉思接千载,荡气回肠,受到强烈的感染。 对酒当歌,人生几何? 譬如朝露,去日苦多。 慨当以慷,幽思难忘。 何以解忧,唯有杜康。 青青子衿,悠悠我心。 但为君故,沈吟至今。 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。 我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。 明明如月,何时可掇? 忧从中来,不可断绝。 越陌度阡,枉用相存。 契阔谈,心念旧恩。 月明星稀,乌鹊南飞, 绕树三匝,何枝可依? 山不厌高,海不厌深, 周公吐哺,天下归心。 《短歌行》是汉乐府的旧题,属于《相和歌?平调曲》。这就是说它本来是一个乐曲的名称,这种乐曲怎么唱法,现在当然是不知道了。但乐府《相和歌?平调曲》中除了《短歌行》还有《长歌行》,唐代吴兢《乐府古题要解》引证古诗“长歌正激烈”,魏文帝曹丕《燕歌行》“短歌微吟不能长”和晋代傅玄《艳歌行》“咄来长歌续短歌”等句,认为“长歌”、“短

图像处理外文翻译 (2)

附录一英文原文 Illustrator software and Photoshop software difference Photoshop and Illustrator is by Adobe product of our company, but as everyone more familiar Photoshop software, set scanning images, editing modification, image production, advertising creative, image input and output in one of the image processing software, favored by the vast number of graphic design personnel and computer art lovers alike. Photoshop expertise in image processing, and not graphics creation. Its application field, also very extensive, images, graphics, text, video, publishing various aspects have involved. Look from the function, Photoshop can be divided into image editing, image synthesis, school tonal color and special effects production parts. Image editing is image processing based on the image, can do all kinds of transform such as amplifier, reducing, rotation, lean, mirror, clairvoyant, etc. Also can copy, remove stain, repair damaged image, to modify etc. This in wedding photography, portrait processing production is very useful, and remove the part of the portrait, not satisfied with beautification processing, get let a person very satisfactory results. Image synthesis is will a few image through layer operation, tools application of intact, transmit definite synthesis of meaning images, which is a sure way of fine arts design. Photoshop provide drawing tools let foreign image and creative good fusion, the synthesis of possible make the image is perfect. School colour in photoshop with power is one of the functions of deep, the image can be quickly on the color rendition, color slants adjustment and correction, also can be in different colors to switch to meet in different areas such as web image design, printing and multimedia application. Special effects production in photoshop mainly by filter, passage of comprehensive application tools and finish. Including image effects of creative and special effects words such as paintings, making relief, gypsum paintings, drawings, etc commonly used traditional arts skills can be completed by photoshop effects. And all sorts of effects of production are

TFT LCD液晶显示器的驱动原理

TFT LCD液晶显示器的驱动原理 我们针对feed through电压,以及二阶驱动的原理来做介绍.简单来说Feed through电压主要是由于面板上的寄生电容而产生的,而所谓三阶驱动的原理就是为了解决此一问题而发展出来的解决方式,不过我们这次只介绍二阶驱动,至于三阶驱动甚至是四阶驱动则留到下一次再介绍.在介绍feed through电压之前,我们先解释驱动系统中gate driver所送出波形的timing图. SVGA分辨率的二阶驱动波形 我们常见的1024*768分辨率的屏幕,就是我们通常称之为SVGA分辨率的屏幕.它的组成顾名思义就是以1024*768=786432个pixel来组成一个画面的数据.以液晶显示器来说,共需要1024*768*3个点(乘3是因为一个pixel需要蓝色,绿色,红色三个点来组成.)来显示一个画面.通常在面板的规划,把一个平面分成X-Y轴来说,在X轴上会有1024*3=3072列.这3072列就由8颗384输出channel的source driver 来负责推动.而在Y轴上,会有768行.这768行,就由3颗256输出channel的gate driver来负责驱动.图1就是SVGA分辨率的gate driver输出波形的timing图.图中gate 1 ~ 768分别代表着768个gate

driver的输出.以SVGA的分辨率,60Hz的画面更新频率来计算,一个frame的周期约为16.67 ms.对gate 1来说,它的启动时间周期一样为16.67ms.而在这16.67 ms之间,分别需要让gate 1 ~ 768共768条输出线,依序打开再关闭.所以分配到每条线打开的时间仅有16.67ms/768=21.7us而已.所以每一条gate d river打开的时间相对于整个frame是很短的,而在这短短的打开时间之内,source driver再将相对应的显示电极充电到所需的电压. 而所谓的二阶驱动就是指gate driver的输出电压仅有两种数值,一为打开电压,一为关闭电压.而对于common电压不变的驱动方式,不管何时何地,电压都是固定不动的.但是对于common电压变动的驱动方式,在每一个frame开始的第一条gate 1打开之前,就必须把电压改变一次.为什么要将这些输出电压的t iming介绍过一次呢?因为我们接下来要讨论的feed through电压,它的成因主要是因为面板上其它电压的变化,经由寄生电容或是储存电容,影响到显示电极电压的正确性.在LCD面板上主要的电压变化来源有3个,分别是gate driver电压变化,source driver电压变化,以及common电压变化.而这其中影响最大的就是gate driver电压变化(经由Cgd或是Cs),以及common电压变化(经由Clc或是Cs+Clc). Cs on common架构且common电压固定不动的feed through电压 我们刚才提到,造成有feed through电压的主因有两个.而在common电压固定不动的架构下,造成f eed through电压的主因就只有gate driver的电压变化了.在图2中,就是显示电极电压因为feed thro ugh电压影响,而造成电压变化的波形图.在图中,请注意到gate driver打开的时间,相对于每个frame 的时间比例是不正确的.在此我们是为了能仔细解释每个frame的动作,所以将gate driver打开的时间画的比较大.请记住,正确的gate driver打开时间是如同图1所示,需要在一个frame的时间内,依序将7


曹操《短歌行》其二翻译及赏析 引导语:曹操(155—220),字孟德,小名阿瞒,《短歌行 二首》 是曹操以乐府古题创作的两首诗, 第一首诗表达了作者求贤若渴的心 态,第二首诗主要是曹操向内外臣僚及天下表明心迹。 短歌行 其二 曹操 周西伯昌,怀此圣德。 三分天下,而有其二。 修奉贡献,臣节不隆。 崇侯谗之,是以拘系。 后见赦原,赐之斧钺,得使征伐。 为仲尼所称,达及德行, 犹奉事殷,论叙其美。 齐桓之功,为霸之首。 九合诸侯,一匡天下。 一匡天下,不以兵车。 正而不谲,其德传称。 孔子所叹,并称夷吾,民受其恩。 赐与庙胙,命无下拜。 小白不敢尔,天威在颜咫尺。 晋文亦霸,躬奉天王。 受赐圭瓒,钜鬯彤弓, 卢弓矢千,虎贲三百人。 威服诸侯,师之所尊。 八方闻之,名亚齐桓。 翻译 姬昌受封为西伯,具有神智和美德。殷朝土地为三份,他有其中两分。 整治贡品来进奉,不失臣子的职责。只因为崇侯进谗言,而受冤拘禁。 后因为送礼而赦免, 受赐斧钺征伐的权利。 他被孔丘称赞, 品德高尚地位显。 始终臣服殷朝帝王,美名后世流传遍。齐桓公拥周建立功业,存亡继绝为霸 首。

聚合诸侯捍卫中原,匡正天下功业千秋。号令诸侯以匡周室,主要靠的不是 武力。 行为磊落不欺诈,美德流传于身后。孔子赞美齐桓公,也称赞管仲。 百姓深受恩惠,天子赐肉与桓公,命其无拜来接受。桓公称小白不敢,天子 威严就在咫尺前。 晋文公继承来称霸,亲身尊奉周天王。周天子赏赐丰厚,仪式隆重。 接受玉器和美酒,弓矢武士三百名。晋文公声望镇诸侯,从其风者受尊重。 威名八方全传遍,名声仅次于齐桓公。佯称周王巡狩,招其天子到河阳,因 此大众议论纷纷。 赏析 《短歌行》 (“周西伯昌”)主要是曹操向内外臣僚及天下表明心 迹,当他翦灭群凶之际,功高震主之时,正所谓“君子终日乾乾,夕惕若 厉”者,但东吴孙权却瞅准时机竟上表大说天命而称臣,意在促曹操代汉 而使其失去“挟天子以令诸侯”之号召, 故曹操机敏地认识到“ 是儿欲据吾著炉上郁!”故曹操运筹谋略而赋此《短歌行 ·周西伯 昌》。 西伯姬昌在纣朝三分天下有其二的大好形势下, 犹能奉事殷纣, 故孔子盛称 “周之德, 其可谓至德也已矣。 ”但纣王亲信崇侯虎仍不免在纣王前 还要谗毁文王,并拘系于羑里。曹操举此史实,意在表明自己正在克心效法先圣 西伯姬昌,并肯定他的所作所为,谨慎惕惧,向来无愧于献帝之所赏。 并大谈西伯姬昌、齐桓公、晋文公皆曾受命“专使征伐”。而当 今天下时势与当年的西伯、齐桓、晋文之际颇相类似,天子如命他“专使 征伐”以讨不臣,乃英明之举。但他亦效西伯之德,重齐桓之功,戒晋文 之诈。然故作谦恭之辞耳,又谁知岂无更讨封赏之意乎 ?不然建安十八年(公元 213 年)五月献帝下诏曰《册魏公九锡文》,其文曰“朕闻先王并建明德, 胙之以土,分之以民,崇其宠章,备其礼物,所以藩卫王室、左右厥世也。其在 周成,管、蔡不静,惩难念功,乃使邵康公赐齐太公履,东至于海,西至于河, 南至于穆陵,北至于无棣,五侯九伯,实得征之。 世祚太师,以表东海。爰及襄王,亦有楚人不供王职,又命晋文登为侯伯, 锡以二辂、虎贲、斧钺、禾巨 鬯、弓矢,大启南阳,世作盟主。故周室之不坏, 系二国是赖。”又“今以冀州之河东、河内、魏郡、赵国、中山、常 山,巨鹿、安平、甘陵、平原凡十郡,封君为魏公。锡君玄土,苴以白茅,爰契 尔龟。”又“加君九锡,其敬听朕命。” 观汉献帝下诏《册魏公九锡文》全篇,尽叙其功,以为其功高于伊、周,而 其奖却低于齐、晋,故赐爵赐土,又加九锡,奖励空前。但曹操被奖愈高,心内 愈忧。故曹操在曾早在五十六岁写的《让县自明本志令》中谓“或者人见 孤强盛, 又性不信天命之事, 恐私心相评, 言有不逊之志, 妄相忖度, 每用耿耿。


Algebraic operation 代数运算一种图像处理运算,包括两幅图像对应像素的和、差、积、商。 Aliasing 走样(混叠)当图像像素间距和图像细节相比太大时产生的一种人工痕迹。Arc 弧图的一部分;表示一曲线一段的相连的像素集合。 Binary image 二值图像只有两级灰度的数字图像(通常为0和1,黑和白) Blur 模糊由于散焦、低通滤波、摄像机运动等引起的图像清晰度的下降。 Border 边框一副图像的首、末行或列。 Boundary chain code 边界链码定义一个物体边界的方向序列。 Boundary pixel 边界像素至少和一个背景像素相邻接的内部像素(比较:外部像素、内部像素) Boundary tracking 边界跟踪一种图像分割技术,通过沿弧从一个像素顺序探索到下一个像素将弧检测出。 Brightness 亮度和图像一个点相关的值,表示从该点的物体发射或放射的光的量。 Change detection 变化检测通过相减等操作将两幅匹准图像的像素加以比较从而检测出其中物体差别的技术。 Class 类见模或类 Closed curve 封闭曲线一条首尾点处于同一位置的曲线。 Cluster 聚类、集群在空间(如在特征空间)中位置接近的点的集合。 Cluster analysis 聚类分析在空间中对聚类的检测,度量和描述。 Concave 凹的物体是凹的是指至少存在两个物体内部的点,其连线不能完全包含在物体内部(反义词为凸) Connected 连通的 Contour encoding 轮廓编码对具有均匀灰度的区域,只将其边界进行编码的一种图像压缩技术。 Contrast 对比度物体平均亮度(或灰度)与其周围背景的差别程度 Contrast stretch 对比度扩展一种线性的灰度变换 Convex 凸的物体是凸的是指连接物体内部任意两点的直线均落在物体内部。Convolution 卷积一种将两个函数组合成第三个函数的运算,卷积刻画了线性移不变系统的运算。 Corrvolution kernel 卷积核1,用于数字图像卷积滤波的二维数字阵列,2,与图像或信号卷积的函数。 Curve 曲线1,空间的一条连续路径,2 表示一路径的像素集合(见弧、封闭曲线)。 Deblurring 去模糊1一种降低图像模糊,锐化图像细节的运算。2 消除或降低图像的模糊,通常是图像复原或重构的一个步骤。 Decision rule 决策规则在模式识别中,用以将图像中物体赋以一定量的规则或算法,这种赋值是以对物体特征度量为基础的。 Digital image 数字图像 1 表示景物图像的整数阵列,2 一个二维或更高维的采样并量化的函数,它由相同维数的连续图像产生,3 在矩形(或其他)网络上采样一连续函数,并才采样点上将值量化后的阵列。 Digital image processing 数字图像处理对图像的数字化处理;由计算机对图片信息进


led液晶显示器的驱动原理 LED液晶显示器的驱动原理 艾布纳科技有限公司 前两次跟大家介绍有关液晶显示器操作的基本原理, 那是针对液晶本身的特性,与 TFT LCD 本身结构上的操作原理来做介绍. 这次我们针对 TFT LCD 的整体系统面来做介绍, 也就是对其驱动原理来做介绍, 而其驱动原理仍然因为一些架构上差异的关系, 而有所不同. 首先我们来介绍由于 Cs(storage capacitor)储存 电容架构不同, 所形成不同驱动系统架构的原理. Cs(storage capacitor)储存电容的架构 一般最常见的储存电容架构有两种, 分别是Cs on gate与Cs on common这两种. 这两种顾名思义就可以知道, 它的主要差别就在于储存电容是利用gate走线或是common走线来完成的. 在上一篇文章中, 我曾提到, 储存电容主要是为了让充好电的电压,能保持到下一次更新画面的时候之用. 所以我们就必须像在 CMOS 的制程之中, 利用不同层的走线, 来形成平行板电容. 而在TFT LCD的制程之中, 则是利用显示电极与gate走线或是common走线,所形成的平行板电容,来制作出储存电容Cs.

图1就是这两种储存电容架构, 从图中我们可以很明显的知道, Cs on gate由于不必像Cs on common一样, 需要增加一条额外的common走线, 所以它的开口率(Aperture ratio)会比较大. 而开口率的大小, 是影响面板的亮度与设计的重要因素. 所以现今面板的设计大多使用Cs on gate的方式. 但是由于Cs on gate的方式, 它的储存电容是由下一条的gate走线与显示电极之间形成的.(请见图2的Cs on gate与Cs on common的等效电路) 而gate走线, 顾名思义就是接到每一个TFT 的gate端的走线, 主要就是作为gate driver送出信号, 来打开TFT, 好让TFT对显示电极作充放电的动作. 所以当下一条gate走线, 送出电压要打开下一个TFT时 , 便会影响到储存电容上储存电压的大小. 不过由于下一条gate走线打开到关闭的时间很短,(以1024*768分辨率, 60Hz更新频率的面板来说. 一条gate走线打开的时间约为20us, 而显示画面更新的时间约为16ms, 所以相对而言, 影响有限.) 所以当下一条gate走线关闭, 回复到原先的电压, 则Cs储存电容的电压, 也会随之恢复到正常. 这也是为什么, 大多数的储存电容设计都是采用Cs on gate的方式的原因.


中文地址翻译成英文地址的方法和技巧 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。 1.各部分写法 ●X室:Room X ●X号:No. X ●X单元:Unit X ●X楼/层:X/F ●X号楼:Building No. X ●住宅区/小区:ResidentialQuater ●X街:XStreet ●X路:X Road East/Central/West东路 / 中路 / 西路 芙蓉西二路 / West 2nd Furong Road Central Dalian Rd. /大连中路 芙蓉中路的“中”可以用Central,也有用Middle的,一般用Mid比较简洁。 ●X区:X District ●X镇:X Town ●X县:X County ●X市:X City ●X省:X Province ●国家(State)中华人民共和国:The People’s Republic of China、P.R.China、 P.R.C.、China ●X信箱:Mailbox X 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。

2.英文通信地址常用翻译 201室/房 Room 201 二单元 Unit 2 马塘村MatangVallage 一号楼/栋 Building 1

华为科技公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xx公司 xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd. 宿舍 Dormitory 厂 Factory 楼/层 Floor 酒楼/酒店 Hotel 住宅区/小区 Residential Quater 县 County 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D 镇 Town 巷/弄 Lane 市 City 路 Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略) 一环路 1st Ring Road 省 Province(也简写作Prov.) 花园 Garden 院 Yard 街 Street/Avenue 大学 College/University 信箱 Mailbox 区 District A座 Suite A 广场 Square 州 State 大厦/写字楼 Tower/Center/Plaza 胡同 Alley(北京地名中的条即是胡同的意思) 中国部分行政区划对照 自治区 Autonomous Region 直辖市 Municipality 特别行政区 Special Administration Region 简称SAR


液晶显示器驱动板几种常见故障的检修 2011-06-16 10:34:56 来源:致远维修评论:0点击:63 自己总结的驱动板几种常见故障的检修,如下: 现象:电源板输出电压正常,但是按开关没反应: 从先易后难的顺序着手检查 1、目测板子有无元件异常,通电用手触摸板子各处,看有无温度异常,有时处理芯片坏了温度很高,一摸就发现了 2、然后我习惯先检查驱动板上的各个供电。 由于电源板输出通常只有12v和5v,所以驱动板上都有几个DC/DC稳压器来转换驱动板所需的电压。 (少量机型的电源板也会输出3.3v,2.5v等电压给驱动板) 稳压器的样子看图 一目了然 一般有5v,3.3v,2.5v,1.8v等,测量一下几个稳压芯片的输入和输出电压,此机如果是供电问题引起的故障那么很快就找到故障点了。 3、如果各稳压器电压都正常,那么继续查,还是先简单的来, 供电都正常,那么按键板上的各个按键应该已经有电压了,然后用万用表测量,当按开关件时,按键上的电压有没有被拉低0v,如果没有,那么开关键坏了,换个按键就能修复故障了。 4、如果有开关电压跳变,那么开关按键也排除了,继续检查,供电有了,那么再查芯片工作所需要的时钟。(不同的处理芯片所需要的晶振频率是不同的)

用万用表测晶振两端电压有无压差,当然这样只能大概判断下,有示波器看波形当然最好。 5、mcu芯片工作所需的时钟也有了,再检查芯片工作所需条件复位,因为芯片pdf不好找,而且即使找到了,不同厂商定义的引脚可能也不同,费时间。 一般复位都是由一个电容一个电阻二个二极管产生的,如图, 看下板子上元件的排列,大概的判断下,如下图


英文地址的写法 中国MPA在线的英文地址:Rome1232,Youth building,No.34 West Beisanhuan Road, Beijing,China 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为 “Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的, 批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如:Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 四、姓名方面:


一种通用的LCD显示屏驱动程序 摘要:本文介绍了一种通用的LCD显示电路,并以PIC16F873芯片设计出了结合硬件的较为通用的驱动程序。 LCD显示屏具有体积小、重量轻、耗电低、显示内容丰富、易于定制、使用寿命长等优点,被广泛用于仪器仪表、家电、控制产品等诸多领域。根据不同的LCD显示屏其驱动程序分为静态驱动和动态驱动。因为动态驱动比静态驱动占用的芯片硬件资源少、驱动电路简单等特点而成为LCD驱动的主流。本文正是采用动态驱动方式,以Microchip公司的PIC16F873芯片,设计出一种较为通用的LCD显示电路及其LCD显示的相应驱动程序,目的在于减少研发人员的工作量,避免不必要的重复性工作。 1.LCD显示的硬件电路 为了达到动态显示的目的,在电路中使用了三个移位计数器,其中两个用于LCD显示,一个用于控制LED双色灯显示,显示部分共占用PIC16F873芯片6个I/O口,分别为RC0、RC1、RC2、RC3、RC4、RC5。可以实现控制的显示笔划位数达48个,如图1所示。其中RC3、RC5配合产生移位输入信号,RC0、RC1、RC2、RC4配合控制背电极(COM0、COM1、COM2)。当背电极COM0、COM1、COM2与笔画电极(由移位计数器输出)之间的电势差达到5V时,对应的笔画就显示,否则不显示。为了延长液晶显示屏的寿命,通常间隔交换背电极与笔画电极的电位。例如,当要COM0显示的时候可以使得RC0、RC1为5V,RC2、RC4为0V,这样COM0电压为5V,COM1、COM2电压为2.5V,然后RC0、RC1为0V,RC2、RC4为5V,这样COM0电压为0V,COM1、COM2电压为2.5V。达到显示目的。 2.驱动波形 在电路中使用RC3为时钟输入端,RC5作为数据输入端进行主同步串行。当要输入COM0行上的数据是1000 1010 1100 0100时,其驱动波形如图2所示。在正向输出(COM0端为低电平)结束后,进行反向输出(COM0端为高电平)。图3为一个完整显示周期内COM0、COM1、COM2的波形变化。 3.LCD软件显示程序 本文以PIC16F873为芯片,采用PIC汇编语言,在MAPLAB-ICD开发器上实现。程序包括移位输入数据子程序、显示矩阵校正程序、LCD显示输出程序,具体流程如图4。其中显示校正程序是将自己定义的单元值与LCD显示矩阵的值对应;移位输入数据子程序是将校正好的数据移位输入到LCD的笔画电极;LCD显示输出程序则调用移位计数器把数据转换成正确的显示结果。在本刊的网站上给出了源程序,其中,移位输入数据子程序请参照源代码(a);显示矩阵校正程序请参照源代码(b);LCD显示输出程序请参照源代码(c)。
