


Unit 2 vocabulary

1. Loss of appetite(食欲) can be a result of minor infection or health conditions such as coughs ,fever or indigestion.

2. In societies where family lives are decisively centered upon the wage system ,it is not surprising that unemployment can have a destructive(破坏的) effect upon families .

3.An advertising agency(代理) is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion for its clients .

4.Many processed(加工的) foods are made with saturated fats, large amounts of sodium and sugar.There types of foods should be avoided, or at least eaten sparingly.

5.My suede shoes were saturated(饱和的) with water during a storm .Now that they’ve dried ,the suede has lost its softness.

6.Blogging is ,to my mind ,a complete and utter (完全的)waste of time .Our time could be better spent on writing well-reflected articles in subject areas where we have more knowledge.

7.Yesterday villagers watched in excitement as a 100-tonne crane hoisted(升起)their new community hall into place .

8.I find it disturbing that media keeps referring to(参考、涉及) my marriage ,since

I got divorced ten years ago .

9.Experiments confirm an observation experienced by most people :One can forget some information at one point in time and yet be able to retrieve(重新得到、恢复)it at a later point .

10.Jimmy Carter asked large businesses to hold down prices and labor unions to avoid new wage demands . Unfortunately(不幸的)his words had little effect. Translation

Study after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases.


For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods.


Therefore, in the past decade, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains.


Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has released a document containing the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings perday.


However, ma ny Americans still don’t listen to these recommendations.


Unit 3 vocabulary

1.Mary invited us to her birthday party last week ,and we received the written invitation(邀请) yesterday.

2. It is known to all that facts are eloquent(意味深长的),speaking louder than words .

3. The presidential candidate refused to concede(承认) defeat in election and planned to demand a recount in some districts.

4. It is often vital for a leader to listen to different views on an issue ,even if these views are contradictory(相反的).

5. Who ,after all ,has not worn a mask on occasion that suggests happiness and contentment but conceals(隐瞒) pain and frustration?

6.A survey shows that fewer wealthy people feel guilty(羞愧) about making luxury-goods purchases and more of them are proud to be recognized as rich.

7. It is difficult to generalize(概括) about students who are gifted because their characteristics and needs are so personal and unique .

8. We often get caught in(陷入) heavy traffic during the rush hour ,when it takes a long time to move forward even an inch .

9.Unfortunately, the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets ,so my dog has to stay with my parents for now(至今).

10.Speaking at an international conference , Dr.Young pointed out that police officers should use force only as a last resort(作为最后的手段) and that the amount of

force must be in proportion to the threat they encounter .


The new president of our university disapproves of the idea that we should be allowed to tell lies under certain circumstances.


He believes that if people get used to telling any kind of lie, they will indulge themselves and eventually be stuck with the bad habit.



To tell or not tell a lie can sometimes become a very sticky issue, but our president insists on the notion that nobody in the world of education should dodge the responsibility of attaching primary importance to honesty while teaching the young.



I agree with him. What about you? 我同意他的看法。你的意见呢?

Unit 5 vocabulary

1.The percentage(百分比) of pensioners living below the poverty line has increased by 15% in the last four years.

2. Events will be taking place in every time zone(区域)on the planet in cities such

as New York , London ,Los Angeles ,Tokyo , creating a continuous, 24-hour Earth Day celebration.

3.The cloud absorbs sunlight ,heating the stratosphere up but stopping warmth(变暖)form reaching the Earth .

4.My mother and my sister have diverse(多样的) ideas on how to raise children .

5. In fact ,many recent developments have served to widen(拓宽) the gap between North and South.

6.It’s such a beautiful city , it’s a shame we didn’t have more time to looked around


7.Babies are weak and vulnerable in the face of(面对) huge shapes and loud noises that they can only dimly perceive.

8.We must keep the problem in perspective(观察), it’s not really that serious .

9.Most aquarium plants come from tropical and subtropical areas , with a few from the warmer parts of the temperate(温和的) zone .

10.As with the development of all skills , the theoretical(理论的) approach described in this chapter needs to be supplemented by practical experience . Translation

Most scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanity has altered climate.


They agree that the long-term effects of global warming will be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants.


What is more, climate change won’t be a smooth transition to a warmer world.


Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes.


Enormous areas of densely populated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable.


Hundreds of millions of residents would have to migrate to safer regions.


Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.


Unit 6 vocabulary

1. As a man who has reached his present position the hard way(以自己的努力)and who has experienced the tough side of life , he knows more about life than most people .

2. Bob made a solemn(庄严的)promise to Ann before their marriage that he would break his gambling addiction for good .

3. Jennifer wrote out(写完) list upon list of all the things she needed , from padlocks to picture framers.

4. As a champion(捍卫者) of the poor , Mother Teresa won worldwide recongnition and respect .

5. The president has announced a policy for the naton’s wetlands , which calls for steps to increase their federal ownership(所有权)

6.In some jails if prisoners behave well they are allowed the privilege(特权) of visiting their families at the weekend .

7.To be sure(无可否认), she didn’t know very much about romance ,just enough to know that it seemed to be a force that did not like to be tamed .

8.His lack of height has not been a handicap(障碍) to him . He is as good an athlete as anyone else in the school .

9. His plan met with a surge(出现) of resistance from her family , who regarded the idea as wholly unrealistic .

10. When we launched the new product , we cut the ground from under(让别人站不住脚)our competitors’ feet.


Robert Lee’s father’s life had been plagued by poor financial investments.


He was jailed twice for unpaid debts and in the end was forced to flee the country.


Lee’s mother was the dominant force in shaping Lee’s personality.


Against the poignant failure of her husband, she was determined that the tragedy should not be repeated in the life of her children.


Self-control, a sense of obligation and an indomitable spirit were the virtues she taught Lee.


In 1825, with an aspiration to win back the family honor, Lee began studying at West Point Military Academy.


This began a new chapter of his life. Over the four years, he consistently finished near the top of every course.


Unit7 vocabulary

1.I received anonymous(匿名的) phone calls warning me not to go to the police about what I’d seen .

2. The station has been converted to burn confiscated marijuana which has been piling up(堆放) in the warehouses of the local police forces .

3. The advent(来临) of the railway improved considerably the quality of life in the 19th century .

4. When you sober up(清醒)you may be ashamed of what you’ve done .

5. He is confident and articulate(能说会道的), like many of the students at his college .

6. As winter approaches , food supplies dwindle(减少) ; if the hedgehogs did not hibernate ,they would probably starve .

7. World War I transformed Western society , not least of all(尤其、强调)in its emancipation of women , largely because of their enormous contribution to the war effort .

8.For some reason ,the spokesman seemed deliberately vague(含糊) about the number of weapons that were uncovered .

9. He was busted(突然搜查) for possession of heroin in 2002 , landing two years in

a California state prison .

10. Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting(腐烂)their teeth .


Gamblers’ family members always pay a steep price.


They not only have to endure the pain of having their wealth wiped away overnight, but they are also frequently overwhelmed with feelings of depression and hopelessness.


A nationwide survey found that over 2 million adults identified a spouse’s gambling as a significant factor in a prior divorce.



The number of divorces in a county in Mississippi has nearly tripled since the advent of casinos.


The county has also witnessed increases in domestic violence since then .


A considerable body of evidence showed that the expansion of legally sanctioned gambling destroys individuals, ruins families, increases crime, and ultimately costs society far more than the revenues government collects.



Unit1 lessonA


4.optional listening

Unit2 lessonA


4.optional listening

Unit3 lessonA


4.optional listening

Unit4 lessonA 2.listening

4.optional listening


电子信息专业英语复习资料 一、基本术语(英译汉) 1.probe探针 2.real time operational system 实时操作系统 3.debugger 调试器 4.sourse code 源代码 5.software radio wireless LAN 软件无线电网络 6.base station 基站 7.top-down approach 自顶向下分析法 8.variable 变量 9.data compress 数据压缩 10.signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路 11.Chebyshev Type Ⅰfilter 切比雪夫Ⅰ型滤波器 12.vertical resolution 垂直分辨率 13.device driver 设备驱动 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9918040828.html,piler 编译器 15.template 模板 16.concurrent process 并发进程 17.object recognition 目标识别 18.Discrete Time Fourier Transform 离散傅立叶变换 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9918040828.html,bined circuit 组合逻辑电路 20.impedance transform 阻抗变换器 21.voltage source 电压源22.passive component 无源器件 23.quality factor 品质因数 24.unit-impulse response 单位脉冲响应 25.noise origin 噪声源 26.Domino effect 多米诺效应 27.output load 输出负载 28.cordless phone 无绳电话 29.Antenna 天线 30.harmonic interference 谐波干涉 31.Parallel Resonant 并联谐振 32.voltage control oscillator 压控振荡器 33.adaptive delta modulation 自适应增量调制 34.amplitude modulation 调幅 二、缩略语(写出全称) 1.LSI:large scale integration 2.PMOS :p-type metal-oxide semiconductor 3.CT:cycle threshold 4.MRI:magnetic resonance imaging 5.ROM:read-only memory 6.DRAM :dynamic random access memory 7.TCXO :temperature compensated X'tal (crystal) Oscillator https://www.360docs.net/doc/9918040828.html,B:Universal Serial Bus 9.DCT:discrete cosine transform


学习中医基础理论心得 精气学说、阴阳学说和五行学说,是中国古代有关世界本原和发展变化的宇宙观和方法论,是对中医学理论体系的形成和发展最 有影响的古代哲学思想,也是中医学的重要思维方法。这部分内容 深奥而且没有条理性,学好这部分知识需要的是有中医学独特的思 维方式,然而世界观是思维方式的基础,它为人们认识和把握外部 世界提供了思维背景和认识框架,从而决定了人们的四维空间和思 维内容。所以我们需要通过看更多的相关书籍从而去深入地了解中 国古人的世界观以及他们独特的思维方式,自己对内容的足够了解 和熟悉再加上老师生动的讲解,这看似深奥的中医哲学相信也不在 话下了。 想必学中医的我们知道精、气、血、津液、神在人体生命活动 中占有重要位置,而藏象学说中所说的五脏六腑以及奇恒之腑又是 人体不可或缺的内脏器官,所以针对这一部分我们需要做的是深入 个体,将每一个个体的基本概念、生理机能、生理特性以及个体之 间的关系都整理出来,这样就能够有清晰地条理,以便我们掌握。 我们学习医学无非就是想通过自己的双手救死扶伤,为人类出 去病痛,让世人都拥有健康的身体,幸福的生活。而疾病源于生活,是生活中一些因素引起的,病因的种类很多,如七情内伤、饮食失宜、劳逸失度等,均可导致发病而成为病因,而这些都是我们在生 活中常见的,或者有的不那么常见,但是这都不妨碍我们通过结合 生活实际来学习这部分内容,所以当我们将病因与生活一一对应的 时候我们会发现病因其实很好掌握。而病机部分需要我们在联系生 活实际的同时,再结合精气阴阳五行学说,以及精、气、血、津液、神,相信如果我们能将哲学、藏象部分学好,那么病机也不会有什 么问题了。


期末考试总结大全 期末考试结束了,同学们有没考好?没考好原因是什么?下面是小雅整理的期末考试总结大全,欢迎阅读参考! 期末考试总结一 期末考试成绩公布了。我的成绩是:语文96、数学79分。语文成绩列全班第20名,数学成绩列第一名——倒数第一名。闭幕式后我把成绩册丢在班级不敢带回家给爸爸妈妈看。 回到家,我赶忙躲到自己的房间里关起门来,眼泪也不由自主的从眼角溜了出来…… 爸爸下班回到家里,知道了我的期末考试情况,没有想到他没有责备我,他说: 要为成功总结经验,不要为失败找借口。语文能考96分是因为我将要求背诵的课文、抄写的生字都掌握了,而且还在爸爸的辅导下做了三份期末模拟试卷。而数学考试考成这个样子的原因就恰好相反:老师布置的作业没有完成,考试的时候粗心大意…… 知道这些使我落后的原因了,我一定会针对它们加以改正,争取当上“三好学生”。 期末考试总结二 光阴似箭、日月如梭。四年级学习生活不知不觉结束了,在这个学期里,老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血,我们也为自己

的学习洒下了辛勤的汗水。这次期末考试,我的每门功课都达到老师和家长满意的成绩:数学100分、英语100分、语文98分,总结这个学期的学习,我想主要有以下几个方面: 第一,学习态度比较端正。能够做到上课认真听讲,不与同学交头接耳,不做小动作,自觉遵守课堂纪律;对老师布置的课堂作业,能够当堂完成;对不懂的问题,主动和同学商量,或者向老师请教。 第二,改进了学习方法。为了改进学习方法,我给自己订了一个学习计划:(1)做好课前预习。也就是要挤出时间,把老师还没有讲过的内容先看一遍。尤其是语文课,要先把生字认会,把课文读熟;对课文要能分清层次,说出段意,正确理解课文内容。要求背诵的课文提前背过。坚持写日记,记录生活笔记。(2)上课要积极发言。对于没有听懂的问题,要敢于举手提问。积极发言,大胆思考。(3)每天的家庭作业认真检查,再让家长检查一遍,把做错了的和不会做的,让家长讲一讲,记在错题集上,考前几天再把以前做错了的题目,经常拿出来看一看,复习复习。(4)要多读一些课外书,了解课外知识,每天中午吃完饭,看半个小时课外书;每天晚上做完作业,只要有时间,多看几篇作文。 第三,课外特长不放松。能够利用星期天和节假日,到课外辅导班学习绘画,在学校的想象画评比中,我荣获“艺术之星”的称号。


成都精榜教育2015年暑假培训结业测试 五升六年级英语试卷 (满分:100分答题时间:70分钟) 姓名:_______ 年级:_______ 得分:_______ 一、按顺序写出所缺字母的大写形式。(15分) A B C ______ E ______ ______ ______ I _____ _____ L _____ _____ O _____ _____ R _____ _____ U _____ _____ X _____ Z 二、找朋友,连一连大写和小写字母。(10分) B D P Q N U G Y M W P q n u g y m w b d 三、火眼金睛,找出不同类的一项。(5分) ( ) 1.apple banana lemon fish ( ) 2.monkey panda ball sheep ( ) 3.blue green bike yellow ( ) 4.car bike bus elephant ( ) 5.pen pencil ruler giraffe 四、对号入座:单词中英文连线。(15分) 1、monkey panda bear dog cat 熊猫猴子猫熊狗 2、duck elephant frog giraffe eel 大象鸭子长颈鹿青蛙鳗鱼 3、blue kite red bus black dog green tree white sheep 红汽车蓝风筝绿树白羊黑狗 五、读句子,连线。(5分) 1、Good morning ! 1、They’re rabbits. 2、What is it? 2、It’s the letter Oo. 3、What are they? 3、Good morning! 4、What are they doing? 4、Glad to meet you too! 5、Glad to meet you! 5、They are making the letter Rr. 六、写出下列汉字对应的英文单词。(20分)


This simple circuit made up of a source,a load and two wires is seldom,if ever,met with in practice.Practical circuits may contain a large number of sources and loads interconnected in a variety of ways. 这种由一个电源、一个负载和两根导线组成的简单电路,在实践中即使能碰到也是很少见的。 实际电路可能包括许多按不同方式连接的电源和负载。 The direct ion of curre nt flow may be show n either by a hollow arrowhead or by suppl ying the curre nt symbol with a double subscript whose first digit identifies the junction at a higher potential and the second 省略了identifies) the junction at a lower potential. 电流的方向既可用一个空心箭头来表示,又可用带有双下标的电流符号来表示,且第一个下标 认定为高电位点,第二个下标为低电位点。 In a pote ntial-distributi on diagram it is represe nted( on a suitable scale)by the slope of the respective curve at any poi nt,the slope bei ng defi ned as the tangent of the angle that the line tangent to the curve at that point make with the x-axis. 在电势分布图中,电流由曲线上该点相应的斜率表示,斜率定义为切线与x坐标轴夹角的正切。 It follow that the r.m.s.(effective) value of an alternating current is numerically equal to the magnitude of the steady direct curre nt that would produce the same heat ing effect in the same resista nee and over the same period of time. 由此得出:交流电流的均方根(有效值)大小上等于在相同电阻上和同一时间内产生相同的热效应的恒稳直流电流。 The operational voltage amplifier is representedschematically by the triangular symbol .AO is the voltage gain from differe ntial in put to sin gle-e ndrd output and is always a positive nu mber . Phase reversals are taken into account at the in put termi nal,which is the reas on why these are labeled ” +” andThe voltage at each terminal,including the output ,may be referred to common reference ,usually ground ,and uni ess otherwise stated ,this com mon refere nee will be assumed . Thus ,lett ing V(+) represe nt the voltage of the positive in put term inal with respect to the com mon refere nee ,and V(-),that of the n egative in put term inal ,we may defi ne the differential input voltage as V二V( ) -V (-) ,and the output voltage is V0 = A0V id. 电压运算放大器可用三角形符号来表示。A0表示从差动输入端到单一输出端的电压增益,并恒 为正值。考虑到在输入端可能会有反相输入的情况,所以要标上“ +号与号。每个端口包括 端口的输出端口的电压,都可以选一个共同的参考点,通常选大地,除非另有说明,否则所假定的参考点就是地。这样,用V(+)代表正向输入端对参考点的电压,而V(-)则代表负向输入端 对参考点的电压,我们可以将差动输入电压定义为%二V「)-V(-),输出电aa压V。二Ay。 The significance of this result is that the terminal voltage gain ,which is the usable voltage gain , is in depe ndent of the parameters of the amplifier ,and depe nds only on the exter nal comp onent R1 and 这个结论的意义在于端电压增益(这是很有用的电压增益)与放大器的参数无关,而只取决于外部元件 R1和R2。 A truth table is a list of all of the possible in put variable state combinations of a circuit listed in binary-sequential order with the corresponding output state for each combination listed in an adjace nt colu mn. Tablei shows the binary nu mbera corresponding to the decimal nu mbers from zero to fiftee n. 真值表是这样的一个表格,电路中可能输入的所有不同状态组合按二进制顺序连续排列,输出 状态与输入端的每种组合--- 对应,表1表示了与十进制0~15 ------------ 对应的二进制数。 The truth table is used as the begi nning point in desig ning or an alyz ing a logic circuit The sequential listing makes it easy to recog nize if any in put comb in ati ons were missed. It is made up of either from the problem specificati ons or by seque ntial testi ng of an assembled circuit. A logic equati on can be formulated from the truth table and a logic circuit can be developed from the equation. Truth tables are


中医基础理论知识 导论 一、中医基础理论的体系的形成和发展(历代名医和代表著作) 先秦、秦、秦汉时期——形成时期 《黄帝内经》(战国至秦汉)——奠定了中医学理论体系基础 《伤寒杂病论》东汉张仲景——《伤寒论》确立了辨证诊治的纲领;《金匮要略》 《神农本草经》东汉——我国现存最早的药物学专著,奠定了中药学理论基础 二、中医理论体系的主要特点——整体观念、辨证论治 (一)整体观念——人体自身的整体性、人与自然环境和人与社会环境的统一性三个方面 (二)辨证论治——辨析疾病资料以确立症候,论证其治则治法方药并付诸实施的思维和实践过程 病、症、证的概念(懂得区分) 病:即疾病,是致病邪气作用于人体,人体正气与之抗争而引起的机体阴阳失调、脏腑功能损伤、生理机能失常或心理活动障碍的一个完整生命过程(重点在全过程) 症:即症状和体征的总称,是疾病过程中表现出的个别、孤立的现象可以是病人异常的主观感觉或行为表现,也可以是医生检查病人时发现的异常征象(是病和证的基本要素) 证:即证候,是疾病过程中某一阶段或某一类型的病理概括,一般由一组相对固定的有内在联系的、能揭示疾病某一阶段或某一类型病变本质的症状和体征构成(重点在现阶段) 阴阳学说 一、阴阳的基本概念 阴阳,是中国古代哲学的一对范畴,是对自然界相互关联的某些事物或现象对立双方属性的概括 二、阴阳之间的相互关系 阴阳对立制约:属性相反的阴阳双方在一个统一体中的相互斗争、相互制约、相互排斥 阴阳互根互用:阴阳互根,是指一切事物或者现象中相互对立的阴阳两个方面,具有相互依存,互为根本的关系;阴阳互用,是指阴阳双方具有相互滋生、促进、和助长的关系 阴阳消长平衡:是指对立互根的阴阳双方不是一成不变的,而是出于不断的增长和消减的变化之中,表现为阴阳互为消长、阴阳皆消皆长 阴阳相互转化:是指事物的总体属性,在一定条件下可以向其相反的方向转化 三、阴阳学说在中医学中的应用:说明人体的病理变化 1、分析病因的阴阳属性 正气——指人体正常的机能活动及适应环境与抗病、康复能力。可分:阳气、阴气 邪气——泛指各种致病因素。可分为阳邪、阴邪。 2、分析病理变化的基本规律 (1)阴阳偏胜(盛)——指阴或阳高于正常水平的病理状态。实者泻之:寒者热之、热者寒之 ①阳偏胜(阳盛):阳胜则热——实热证:高热烦躁,面红目赤 阳胜则阴病——兼津伤:咽干口渴,尿少便结 ②阴偏胜(阴盛):阴胜则寒——实寒证:恶寒肢冷,舌淡脉紧 阴盛则阳病——兼阳虚:神疲踡卧,尿清便溏 (2)阴阳偏衰(虚)——指阴或阳低于正常水平的病理状态 虚者补之:壮水之主,以制阳光;益火之源,以消阴翳。


2、环境的定义 ?一般意义上的环境:是相对于某一个中心事物而言的,即围绕某个中心事 物的外部空间、条件和状况,便构成某一中心事物的环境。 ?环境科学上的环境:也叫人类环境,是以人类为中心、为主体的外部世界, 即人类赖以生存和发展的天然的和人工改造过的各种自然因素的综合体。 ?生态学中的环境:是以整个生物界为中心、为主体,围绕生物界并构成生 物生存必要条件的外部空间和无生命物质,如大气、水、土壤、阳光及其他无生命物质等,是生物的生存环境,也称“生境”。 ?生态学中的环境:是以整个生物界为中心、为主体,围绕生物界并构成生 物生存必要条件的外部空间和无生命物质,如大气、水、土壤、阳光及其他无生命物质等,是生物的生存环境,也称“生境”。 ?本法所称的环境:是指影响人类生存和发展的各种天然的和经过人工改 造的自然因素的总体,包括大气、水、海洋、土地、矿藏、森林、草原、野生生物、自然遗迹、人文遗迹、自然保护区、风景名胜区、城市和乡村等。 3、环境的功能 ?生命支持功能(提供物质资源) ?废物消纳功能 ?生态审美功能 4、环境与自然资源的比较 ?定义:在一定的经济技术条件下,自然界中对人类有用的一切物质和能

量都称为自然资源。 ?比较: ?自然资源与环境是密不可分的,他们属于环境要素中可被人类利用的自然 物质和能量。 ?二者的相近:如果把自然资源作为环境因子,自然资源则纳入环境的外延; 也可以把环境作为自然资源系统的一个层次进行研究,把环境纳入资源的范畴。 ?二者的区别:自然资源的认识侧重点是其经济效用、经济价值,而环境则 侧重于系统平衡的生态性概念作为人类共同保护的客体,其根本目标是维护人类环境系统的平衡、保持生态环境系统的稳定,关注社会效益、生态效益。自然资源大多可以商品性物化,可以界定产权。而环境则具有综合性和整体性,很难通过界定产权来保护。 ?二者的融合:环境资源化(即赋予环境以价值);资源生态化(作为整体 系统的资源生态功能) 5、环境问题的定义 ?环境问题是指由于自然界或者人类活动使环境质量下降或者生态失调,对 人类的社会经济发展、身体健康以至生命安全及其它生物产生有害影响的现象。 6、环境法的科学基础-环境科学 ?环境科学是研究人类与环境关系的科学。它探索环境演化的规律,研究环 境变化对人类生存的影响,研究人类生存发展与环境保护如何协调统一,研究人类生存发展在不同范围内对环境的整体性影响,研究环境污染综合防治的技术措施和


1.Types of Business Organization: 1)Sole Proprietorship :an unincorporated business owned by one person 2)Partnership :owned by two or more individuals (called partners) a)Limited partnership——general partners,limited partners 3)Corporation :a legal entity separate from its owners 2、Separation of Ownership and Control (pros and cons): Pros(赞成的理由): Specialization,Efficiency,Diversify,Going concern Cons(反对的理由):Four major downsides:agency problem,free-riding problem,increased costs of information https://www.360docs.net/doc/9918040828.html,rmation asymmetry 3.Overview of Financial Statements balance sheet; income statement;statement of cash flows;statement of retained earnings 4. Statement of Retained Earnings,it shows: the retained earnings balance at the start of the period;how much the firm earned (net income); how much dividends the firm paid;how much net income was reinvested back into the firm (retained earnings);any repurchases of the firm’s stock;any new issues of the firm’s stock; andthe retained earnings balance at the close of the period. 4. Statement of Cash Flow:Operating Cash Flows ,Investing Cash Flows ,Financing Cash Flows 5.Analyzing Financial Ratios Financial ratios are not standardized. Analyzing a single financial ratio for a given year may not be very useful. Some of a firm’s financial accounting practices or choices will affect its financial statements and, finally, its financial ratios. Financial ratios do not provide analysts with all of th e answers about a firm’s condition. 7. Uses and Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis:while ratio analysis can provide useful information concerning a company’s operations and financial condition, it does have limitations that necessitate care and judgment 1.Risk-return tradeoff Investors will take on additional risk only if they anticipate high return. 2.Time value of money A dollar available today is worth more than a dollar available at a future date. This is because a dollar today can be invested to earn a return. 3.Types of value Going-concern value,Liquidation value ,Book value ,Market value ,ntrinsic value 4.Valuation Approaches discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation,relative valuation,contingent claim valuation,option-pricing models 7.Contractual Provisions of a Typical Bond Par Value,and Coupon Rate,Maturity,Call Provisions,Sinking Fund Provisions,Conversion Rights ,Put Provisions,Indenture,Trustee,Collateral,Bond Rating 1.Introduction to Risk and Return All financial assets are expected to produce cash flows, and the risk of an asset is judged by the risk of its cash flows. Here are two assumptions about risk and return: Assumption (1): The returns from investments are normally distributed.Assumption (2): Investors are risk-averse. The risk of an asset can be considered in two ways: (1) on a stand-alone basis (2) in a portfolio context. In a portfolio context, an asset’s risk can be divided into two components: a,diversifiable risk ;b. market risk.An asset with a high degree of relevant (market) risk must provide a relatively high expected rate of return to attract investors. 4.Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Assumption 1:The returns from investments are normally distributed.Assumption 2: Investors are risk-averse.Assumption3:Investorsare rational.Assumption4:Investors are price takers.Assumption 5: The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) holds. 5. Three types of financial market efficiency: allocationally efficient, operationally efficient,informationally efficient 6. Three main factors associated with informational market efficiency The type of information to which the market price reacts,The speed at which the market price reacts to information,The degree to which market participants over-or under-react to information 8. Characteristics of an Informationally Efficient Market Price changes cannot be predicted. The price of the asset is equal to its fundamental (unobserved but true) value.Prices change due to the inflow of new information, and information flows randomly to the market.Therefore, price changes should be random and unpredictable. 10. Modern portfolio theory —Markowitz’s Mean-variance Framework ,Efficient portfolios are those that have: the lowest risk for an expected rate of return; or the highest expected rate of return for a given level of risk.The assets that meet these criteria make up the efficient frontier.


中医基础理论 绪论 中医学:就是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断与防治的一门科学,它有独特的理论体系与丰富的临床经验。 中医基础理论:就是关于中医学的基本理论、基本知识与基本思维方法的学科,也就是阐释与介绍中医学的基本理论、基本知识与基本思维方法的课程。 一、中医学理论体系的形成 1、中医学的学科属性 ①中医学受到中国古代哲学的深刻影响 ②自然科学及社会科学的双重性 ③中医学就是多学科交互渗透的知识体系 2、中医学理论体系的形成与发展 (1)中医学理论体系的形成时期 战国至秦汉时期,《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《神农本草经》、《伤寒杂病论》的问世标志着中医学理论体系的基本建立。 《黄帝内经》:我国现存最早的一部医学典籍,中医学理论体系形成的主要标志,其全面奠定了中医理论的基础。 《难经》:继《黄帝内经》之后的又一部重要的医学著作,创造性的提出了“独取寸口”的诊脉方法。 《神农本草经》:我国第一部药学专著,成书于两汉之间,全书收载365味中药,提出寒凉温热、酸苦甘辛咸之四气五味的理论,确立了中药理论的基础。 《伤寒杂病论》:东汉末年著名医家张仲景所著,后经宋代林亿等整理而成《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》两本书。《伤寒论》确立了中医辨证论治的基本原则。 (2)中医学理论体系的发展时期 1)魏晋隋唐时期: 《针灸甲乙经》:晋代皇甫谧所著,我国第一部针灸专著。 《脉经》:晋代王叔与所著,我国第一部脉学专著。 《诸病源候论》:隋代巢元方所著,中医第一部病因病机证候学专著。 《千金要方》、《千金翼方》:唐代孙思邈所著,使脏腑辨证更加完善。 2)宋、金、元时期 《三因极一病证方论》:宋代陈无择所著,确立了三因之病因分类法。 “金元四大家”:金、元时期我国医学史上的重要医学流派。 刘完素(河间)主寒凉,提出“六气皆从火化”之火热论; 张从正主攻邪,认为病皆由邪生,故“邪去则正安”; 李杲(东垣)提出“内伤脾胃,百病由生”的观点,治以补益脾胃; 朱震亨(丹溪)以“阳常有余,阴常不足”立论而主养阴。 3)明、清时期 出现了大批集成性著作。如明代张介宾之《景岳全书》,李中梓之《医宗必读》,清代王清任之《医林改错》等。 叶桂(天士),吴塘(鞠通)等为代表,创立了以卫气营血、三焦为核心的温病的辨证论治的体系,形成了“温病学派”。 4)近代与现代 三、中医理论体系的主要特点 1、整体观念 (1)定义:人体就是一个有机的整体,人与自然界息息相关、密切相联,人体受社会、生存环境影响,这种机体自身整体性思想及其内外环境的统一性,称之为整体观念。中医的整体观念贯穿与中医的生理、病理及诊治等各个方面。


期末考试总结 光影似箭,岁月如梭。期末考试离我们越来越近了。想从期末考试中获得鲜花和掌声吗?想,那么,就请把握现在,决战期末。 “十年砺剑百日策马闯雄关,一朝试锋六月扬眉传佳音”,我坚信即使前方道路充满阴霾和坎坷,我们都必须勇敢面对!拿出破釜沉舟的勇气,坚持下去,成功必将属于我们自己!让我们肯定自己,超越自己,创造自己,让我们心中伴着信念,矢志不渝,带着希望而迈向辉煌! 下面我就在未来半个月中,我们应该怎样调整好自己状态提以下几点建议: 第一,争分夺秒,提高效率。期末考试是对一学期来所学内容的全面考查,它所复盖的知识点多,能力要求也更高更全。这就需要我们花更多的时间来复习和记忆,我希望我们学生要珍惜这半个月的时间,坚持不懈。一方面要保质保量完成老师布置的复习题。另一方面还可以根据自己的情况作出合理安排。我们可以把所有的作业和测试卷拿出来整理,找出原来的错误,并分析错误的原因,再做一些同类的题目进行巩固。成绩优异的同学可以归纳方法,一题多解。学有困难的学生多注重基础知识,可以完

成书本的练习题,举一反三。还要多向家长和老师寻求帮助,只有这样复习的效率就提高了。 第二,面对困难、不要泄气。在学习的过程中,难免会碰到一些难以解决的困难,但有时只要你换个角度去思考问题,也许就会豁然开朗。问题也将迎刃而解。 第三,平和心态,决胜千里外。同学们,临近考试,请你放下背上的包袱,用平和积极的心态,坦然的迎接考试,迎接梦想的飞翔。你可以思慕古人那种“不以物喜,不以己悲”的旷达胸襟,向往诗圣李白恃才傲物的豪迈情怀,艳羡毛泽东的“问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮”的高瞻远瞩。运筹帷幄,决胜千里之外,啸傲考场,人生处处精彩。 同学扪,考试的号角已经吹响,胜利的旋律在寰宇回荡,长风破浪正此时,直挂云帆济沧海,行动起来吧,我们一定会谱写自己的辉煌。相信自己吧,人间自有公道,付出就有回报,我们的成绩一定会步步高。 (本范文仅供参考,希望能够有所帮助!) 附:


最新小学五升六数学入学考试测试题 (时间60分钟满分100分) 班级姓名 一、填空。(每题2分,共30分) 1.600平方米=()公顷,2小时15分=()小时。 2.11 4 的倒数是(),1的倒数是(),的倒数是()。 3.()÷16= 15 () = () 40 =()÷8 = 4.比16千克多1 4 是()千克。15米比()米少 1 6 。 5.23 5 的分数单位是(),加上()个这样的分数单位就是最小的合数。 6.一件大衣的价格是300元,现在打八折出售,每件大衣优惠()元。 7.草地上有山羊20只,比绵羊的只数多1 4 ,草地上有绵羊()只。 8.一个长方体玻璃容器的底面积是72平方厘米,倒入500毫升水后,将一个76立方 厘米的小铁块完全浸没在水中,这时容器的水深是()厘米。 9.在1—100的自然数中,因数的个数是奇数个的数一共有()个。 10.一个平行四边形的两条邻边分别是37厘米、25厘米,一条高是30厘米,它的面 积是()平方厘米。 11.加工一批零件,甲独做要20天,乙独做要30天,甲乙合做5天后,还剩140个零 件没有加工,这批零件一共有()个。 12.一辆汽车从甲地到乙地,去时每小时60千米,返回时每小时50千米,这辆汽车往

返的平均速度是每小时()千米。 13.三只猴子分一筐桃,第一只猴子分到全部桃子的1 7 多12个,第二只分到余下的 2 3 少 4个,第三只分到20个。这筐桃子共有()个。 14.在1,2,3,……,N,这N个自然数中,共有a个质数,b个合数,m个奇数,n 个偶数,则﹙m-a﹚+﹙n-b﹚=()。 15.某班同学订阅课外书分别为语文、数学、科技三类,每人都订了不同的两种书,其 中语文20份,数学24份,科技30份,那么订了语数的有()人。 二、选择。将正确答案的序号填在括号里。(每题2分,共10分) 1. 小红和小亮看同一本书,小红从2018年5月1日开始看,每天看20页;小亮从2018年5月9日开始看,每天看36页。过了若干天,两人恰好同时把书看完。那么这本书共有()页。 A、240 B、360 C、480 D、以上都不对 2. 一个骰子六个面上写着1、2、3、4、5、6,将它投掷两次,则两次面朝上的数字之和为3的倍数的可能性为()。 A、1 3 B、 1 4 C、 2 5 D、 1 6 E、 无法确定 3. 一根绳子,小明先剪下它的3 5 后,小英再剪下 3 5 米,则两人中()剪下的绳子 要长一些。 A、小明 B、小英 C、一样长 D、无法确定


Main Points Chapter 1 Communication: Mass and Other Forms 1.The 8 elements in the communication process: A source, encoding process, message, channel, decoding process, receiver, feedback, and noise. 2.The 3 types of noise:Semantic, environmental, mechanical. 3.The 3 main settings for communication: Interpersonal, machine-assisted interpersonal, mass communication. 4.Each element in the communication process may vary according to setting. 5.Mass Communication: Refers to the process by which a complex organization, with the aid of one or more machines, produces public messages that are aimed at large, heterogeneous, and scattered audiences. 6.Characteristics for a mass communicator: Traditionally, it is identified by its formal organization, gatekeepers, expensive operating costs, profit motive, and competitiveness. The internet has created exceptions to these characteristics. 7.New models have been developed to illustrated Internet mass communication. A.Push Model—the traditional model of mass communication was a ―one-to-m any‖ model. Under the traditional model there is little direct interaction between sources and receivers. B.Pull Model –the new model makes it possible that several different levels of communication happen in a computer-mediated environment. The content is provided not only by organizations but also by individuals. It is not a one-way model. Instead, receivers can choose the time and manner of the interaction. The messages flowing to each receiver are not identical. In this new model, the receiver pulls only the information that he or she wants. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9918040828.html,munication content has become more specialized in the past 40 years, but the channels of mass communication still have the potential to reach vast audiences. 9.7 trends for modern mass communication: Audience segmentation, convergence, user-generated content, increased audience control, multiple platform, more mobility, social media. 1 / 24
