M5 Unit 3 project教案

M5 Unit 3 project教案
M5 Unit 3 project教案


unit3 Science and Nature

Teaching objects

1 ability

a. To reinforce student’comprehension of the passage and improve their reading strategy.

b. To help student get the main idea of each paragraph and give a definition of cloning

c. To enable student to express their own ideas about cloning

2 language

a. To enable studens to grasp some typical phrases when stating viewpoints such as: On the one hand, on the other hand, howver

b. To enable studens to grasp some scientific words such as, embryo, tissues, transform, Frankenstein’ monster.

Teaching important points difficult points

a. Students can work out the meaning of the unfamiliar scientific terms with reading strategy.

b. Students can understand different attitudes towards human cloning and and put forward their own opinions

Teaching method

a. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.

b Discussion

c.task- based approach

Teaching aids

a computer; a projector

Teaching procedure

Step 1. Leading-in

To warm the students up by showing them some pictures(monster), leading the

students to think about the topic --- “cloning”.

To introduce some background information such as some big events about the “cloning

Show some scientific terms which help them understand the passage on ppt and check their comprehension

Step 2. Reading

The first-reading. ----students get the main idea of each paragraph

1)Ask the students to read the text and give some choices for to match the correct answer

2) The second-reading.-----Underline the linking words and expressions

I give them some examples:on the one hand, on the other hand, however, Instead, after all, in general, on a personal note.

Question1: what’s the author’attitude towards human cloning? A. Objective B. Sujective C indifferent

Question2: what’s the reader’ attitude?

2)The third-reading.-----detailed information

Ask students to fill in the following blank

For human cloning Against human cloning

1. produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives 1. human life becomes like a crop to be harvested or a product for sale

help those who are unable to have


produce a real-life Frankstein’s monster

lead to more diseases in the animal world

shows no respect for human life

should be having fewer babies in order to

reduce Earth’s population, not cloning


Step4. Discussions:

1. Talk show:

Divide class into groups and ask students to give a talk show (Student A plays as a goverment officer in China ; Student B plays as a chinese mother who lost his daughter several years ago; Student C plays as a scientist.)

Step5. Homework

1. Read passages on page 58-59. Man and Nature & GM food : hope or danger?

Project 1 My school life 教案

Project 1 My school life Period 1(总第课时) Teaching time教学时间: Teaching contents教学内容:Revision 1~2、Project A(2)( 3) Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1.在情境中帮助学生复习1~2单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~2单元的单词和句型。 2.以“subjects ”“timetable”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~2单元词句进行交流。 Focus of the lesson教学重点: 完成Project1 中的“My school subjects”和“My timetable”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。 Teaching aids教学准备:英文课程表 Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Warming up and revision 1.Greetings 2.Show the two topics of this lesson ”My subjects” “My timetable” 3.Brain storm T: When you see the two topics , that words can you think of ? Let’s play a game “Brain storm”. Ss: Playing the game in groups. Subjects: Chinese , M aths, English, PE, Art, Science’, Music. 拓展: Social Science Weeks: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , Friday, Saturday https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd8129026.html,petition Can you have a words spelling competition in groups: Rules: 组与组之间进行单词拼读大赛,两个组进行PK, 一个同学说单词的前3个字母,另一组的同学如果能正确拼出这个单词,获胜。 Step 2 Presentation and practice T: You can spell the word of subjects and weeks very well.. Today I’ve received an e-mail from my English friend “Roy”, It’s about weeks and subjects. Can you read it for me?


Unit 3 Computers Period 1: Listening & Speaking GOALS: 1. To practise listening comprehension. 2.To practise making decisions and reasoning TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step1. revision 1. check the homework exercises. 1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education. It has been reported that free education will be offered to children. 2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book. It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us. 3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week. I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week. 2. Question: What can computers be used as? Step2. Lead-in As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it


集体备课教案 时间月日执教人左美萍补充建议 主备人左美萍课件制作多媒体课件武俊霞:感情朗读,感受精心保护地球是每个地球人责任。说明文一般不如记叙文生动,所以往往过分注重课文的分析。本篇课文例举了三项保护地球的事例,可以让学生深深地感悟到“地球的资源是有限的,地球的活动范围很小,地球被破坏没有其它星球可去”。因此,是一篇对学生进行环保教育的好文章。李东平:那么怎样让学生感悟地球急需人类保护呢?我引导学生抓住重点词,通过有感情的朗读来体会,激发学生对爱护地球之情。从而懂得:我们要精心地保护地球,保护地球的生态环境。? 张丽霞:合作学习能为学生创造更多的参与 辅备人六年级全体语文老师教学内容13只有一个地球 教学目标1.认识本课的生字。 2.有感情地朗读课文,了解课文内容。3.理解含义深刻的句子,体会作者所要表达的思想感情,增强保护生态环境的意识。 重点把握课文内容,学习生字词。 难点 理解课文内容,激发学生保护地球生态环境 的情感。 教学过程1.自读课文,想想课文写了关于地球的哪几 个方面的内容。 (地球的渺小、自然资源有限、目前人类无 法移居) 2.记得遨游太空的宇航员发出感叹:“我们这个地球太可爱了,同时又太容易破碎了。”听到这些,你有什么疑问?

3.用自己喜欢的方式读课文,找出写地球可爱和容易破碎的句子读读。 8同桌交流、讨论,引导学生明白课文内容。重点练习,品读感悟 1.让学生感悟到地球美丽壮观,和蔼可亲。(1)首先让学生找到能表现出地球可爱的句子,自己读一读,然后教师引导──在茫茫 的宇宙中,出现了一个裹着水蓝色的“沙衣”的晶莹透亮的地球,让学生感受到地球是那 么美丽,那么亲切,让学生把地球的美读出来。接着让学生再深入理解“地球”这位人 类的母亲,这个生命的摇篮的比喻意义。文 中把地球比作母亲,说明地球给人类生命, 把地球比作摇篮,说明地球哺育我们成长。 这样,学生再读地球,这位人类的母亲,这 个生命的摇篮,是那么美丽壮观,和蔼可亲时,就能对地球母亲的喜爱之情融入自己的 朗读中。(边读边想象地球的样子) (2)让学生感悟地球是渺小的。 (3)教师先演示──地球在太阳系中运行的 情况,让学生只觉地球的渺小,接着让学生 找出地球渺小的数据和有关的比喻,理解人学习以及表现自我的机会。就我们班级现状:有五十多人,在开展学习过程中,老师提出一个问题,举手者中只要有一人发表高见,其他人则无露脸的机会。开展合作

Project1 My puppy教案

Project1 My puppy 教学内容: (译林小学英语三年级下册Project1 P. 30 &31) 教学目标: 认知目标: 1. 综合复习前几单元所学的词汇与句型。 2.复习、巩固出现的主要交际用语。 3.巩固询问方位的日常交际用语,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 4.帮助学生进行语言的积累。 5.能在具体的情景中运用前四单元出现的重点句型。 技能目标: 1. 通过思考、讨论、交流和合作,制作一只可爱的小狗玩偶,能综合运用第一至第四单元所学的语言知识和语言技能。 2.利用所制作的小狗玩偶进行游戏,能综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语与句型等语言知识。 3.训练学生在特定的情景中运用恰当的语言进行交流的能力情感目标: 教学重、难点: 1.复习、巩固出现的主要交际用语。 2.能综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语与句型等语言知识。 课时安排:共 1 课时

教学内容:Project1 教学要求: 1. 综合复习前几单元所学的词汇与句型。 2.复习、巩固出现的主要交际用语。 3.巩固询问方位的日常交际用语,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 4.帮助学生进行语言的积累。 5.能在具体的情景中运用前四单元出现的重点句型。 6.通过思考、讨论、交流和合作,制作一只可爱的小狗玩偶,能综合运用第一至第四单元所学的语言知识和语言技能。 7.利用所制作的小狗玩偶进行游戏,能综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语与句型等语言知识。 教学重、难点: 1.复习、巩固出现的主要交际用语。 2.能综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语与句型等语言知识。 教学准备: 1.利用课本上的图片,制作一张Ann家室内的背景画,把前四单元学过的室内摆设文具类物品制成可粘贴的小卡片。小布偶Anna。 2.指导学生在家长的帮助下课前把教科书P67的小狗的身体涂色并剪下,用线装好,制成小狗玩偶。给狗玩偶取名。准备一些门、窗、食物图片。


Unit 3 Computers Extensive Reading The General Idea of This Period: This period includes revision of the text,Reading and speaking on Page 22、Reading task on Page 58.In this period the students will be involved in a speaking activity about designing an android after reading the story of Andy,and learn something about the performances of a sporting robot of the 22nd century,Hua Fei in 78th Olympics and 79th Olympics,so that the students will not only improve their reading and speaking,but also their creative thinking. Teaching Aims: 1.Help the students to learn about the different ways of designing the robots and give their opinions to the class. 2.Enable the students to discuss to design their own robots. Talk about the different ways of designing the robots. Teaching Important and Difficult Points: How to design their own robots and report their designing to the class. Teaching Methods: 1.Task-based learning. 2.Cooperative learning. Teaching Aids: 1.A tape recorder. 2.A multimedia. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Reading (1) We’ve learned a lot about computers,but can you imagine that computers could be put into androids or robots.Think of the fun you could have!Now let’s first read the passage about a robot called Andy—what it looks like and what it can do on Page 22,and then we’ll have a designing competition to see who will design the best robots.


Unit 3 Computers Section Ⅴ Writing-想象类作文 想象类作文是作者根据已有的生活经验和知识,超越现实生活来勾画出从未见过或者不曾出现过的生活图景的文章。 一、基本结构 想象类作文可分为三段:首段,进行概述;中间部分,具体描述;结尾,对文章进行总结。 二、增分佳句 1.My ideal robot in the future will be like ...and ...or perhaps it will help me ... 2.My ideal robot in the future is called ... 3.He/She does all the work around the house. 4.He/She is very patient and never complains ... 5.He/She can be with me whenever I feel lonely. 6.My ideal robot in the future can work as/serve as/be used as ... 7.Great changes will take place in the future. 8.I believe our dream will come true some day. 9.Have you ever thought about ... in the next 30 or 50 years? 10.In addition, there will be super computers or robots which can help us do ... [题目要求] 你们班进行了一次关于未来机器人的讨论。作为你们小组的代表,请你以“My ideal robot in the future”为题写一篇英语短文,向同学们介绍你心目中的理想机器人。 第一步:审题构思很关键 一、审题 1.确定体裁:本文为说明文; 2.确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第三人称; 3.确定时态:本文的主要时态应用一般现在时态。 二、构思 开头:对我理想的机器人进行总体说明。 主体:对我理想的机器人的形态、功能作细致描述。 结尾:再次概括评价。 第二步:核心词汇想周全


库尔勒市第五中学集体备课(初备)教案 学科数学年级三年级初备时 间 2016年6月1日 单元第七单元课题小数的初步认识复 习课主备人曾玉琳 备课意图(分析本课在单元中的地位,设计备课的主要目的) 小数的初步认识在本单元有着非常重要的地位,只有将抽象的小数有一定的熟悉了解之后才能够在此基础上升入的学习和计算。 教学目标(确立合适的教学目标,要求明确、具体、细致) :1、通过复习,使学生进一步了解小数的含义,会认、读、写小数部分不超过两位的小数。 2、使学生能结合具体内容比较一位、两位小数的大小。 3、通过复习,使学生熟练准确地计算一位小数的加减法。 4.渗透知识间的联系,激发学习兴趣。 教学重点重点:回顾落实有关小数的含义,读写方法,大小比较,及加减法的计算等基 教学难点 难点:培养学生利用小数解决实际问题的能力。 教学准备教、学具准备 教师准备:多媒体课件。

课时安排1课时 初备教学设计 《小数的初步认识》复习课 教学内容:人教版教材三年级下册第七单元 教学目标:1、通过复习,使学生进一步了解小数的含义,会认、读、写小数部分 不超过两位的小数。 2、使学生能结合具体内容比较一位、两位小数的大小。 3、通过复习,使学生熟练准确地计算一位小数的加减法。 4.渗透知识间的联系,激发学习兴趣。 教学重难点 重点:回顾落实有关小数的含义,读写方法,大小比较,及加减法的计算等基础 知识。 难点:培养学生利用小数解决实际问题的能力。 教、学具准备 教师准备:多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、复习 直接说得数 23+77= += += += 42+24= 12×4= 2000+400= 11×50= 15×2= 78-69= 二、回顾整理,建构网络 (一)自主整理,实施创建 师:请同学们借助课本自己梳理一下这一单元我们主要学了什么知识,在小组内 交流一下。 教师巡视,指导 小组展示汇报整理成果,教师随机引导,板书: ↗小数的含义和读写 小数的初步认识→小数的意义和大小比较 ↘小数的加减计算


义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案 Project 1 My puppy 第一教时 活动目标: 1. 通过思考、讨论、交流和合作,制作一只可爱的小狗玩偶,能综合运用第一至第四单元所学的语言知识和语言技能。 2. 利用所制作的小狗玩偶进行游戏,能综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语与句型等语言知识。 活动准备: 1. 利用课本上的图片,制作一张Ann家室内的背景画,把前四单元学过的室内摆设、文具类物品制成可粘贴的小卡片。小布偶Anna 2. 指导学生在家长的帮助下把教科书P67的小狗的身体涂色并剪下,用线装好,制成小狗玩偶。给狗玩偶取名。准备一些门、窗、食物图片。 活动过程: A. Greetings B. Visit Ann 1.T: (出示小布偶)Boys and girls, we have a friend today. Her name is Ann. Let’s say hello to her. Ss: Hello, Anna. Anna: Would you like to come to my home? T: Let’s go to Anna’s home, OK? Ss: Great! T: Look, Anna’s house is so big. There are many things in the house. Let’s see what they are. 引导学生看图对话 T: What’s this? S: It’s a window. It’s nice. Anna: Thank you. T: What’s that? S: It’s a book.

高中英语Unit3 The Computer教案

Unit3 The Computer 合作与讨论 This unit is about computer.Since its invention,computer has been widely used and has brought us great convenience.But computer also causes some problems.Now discuss in groups the following questions: 1.How has computer been developing itself? 2.In what aspects is computer widely used? 3.What bad influence does computer have on our work,study or life? 4.How can we avoid the disadvantages of computer? Unit3 The Computer 学习策划 How can we memorize new words effectively of each unit we are learning?Maybe this is a big problem for each of us,for in our new textbook there are too many new words for us to remember.Some classmates say new words cost them so much time,but still when they use them,they often forget or make mistakes.Don’t worry about it.It’s the same for every English learner.But in doing this,people are different from each other.Some people memorize new words quickly and correctly and can use them freely.First,they work hard at English,and second they may have some effective methods which they learn English with.I think the following might be of some help to you when you learn English. 1.Concentrate on your task while reading English.Don’t be disturned by other things. 2.Divide the new words you are learning into proper groups and put them down.Whenever you have time,such as early in the morning,just before sleep,read and remember them separately. 3.Learn new words by comparing and associating their pronunciations,spelling forms, collocations and styles,such as: advice n.—advise vt. drop in on sb.—drop in at a place enjoy his singing—enjoy him singing(informal) (4)Learn new words by analyzing word roots or affix,for example, comfort vt.—comfortable—uncomfortable discomfort vt.

unit3 Computers 教案

Unit 3 Computers Reading Teaching procedures: 1.Listening and reading to the recording of the text WHO AM I? Turn to page 18 and listen and read to the recording of the text. Pay attention to the pauses, pronunciation and intonation of the native reader. 2.Reading aloud and underlining expressions Now we are to read the text once again and underline all the expressions in the text. Put them down into your notebook after class as homework. Collocations from WHO AM I? begin as…, a calculating machine, be built as…, follow instructions from…, sound simple, at the time, a technological revolution, write a book, make…work, solve problems, become huge, had artificial intelligence, go back to…, the size of…, go by, change size, become small and thin, get quick, stand there by oneself, be connected by…, share information by…, talk to…,bring…into…, deal with…, communicate with…, serve the human race 3.Reading, identifying and settling It is time to skim the text one more time and identify the difficult sentences. Try analyzing the structures of the difficult sentences and discuss them among your group members. You may also put your questions to the teacher for help. 4.Closing down by doing comprehending exercises Turn to page 18 and in pairs do the comprehending exercises No. 1 and 2. Scan the text for information to complete the table below, describing the development of computer. 1642:The computer began as a calculating machine. 1822:The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage. 1936:The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 1940s:The computer had grown as large as a room. 1960s:The first family of computers connected to each other. 1970s:Computers were brought into people's homes. Now:Computers connect people all over the world together Language points Reading WHO AM I? 1. In pairs discuss what they have in common. 两人一组讨论一下他们有哪些共同之处。 in common, for or by all of a group共同的;共有的;共用的 We have very much/a lot /nothing /little /something in common. 我们有很多/没有/几乎没有/有一些相似之处。 You know, Mary, you and I have one thing in common.玛丽,你知道,我俩有一个共同点。 2. Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appeared?你能按照他们现世的时间顺序把他们排列成序么?


Unit3Computers SectionⅠWarming Up,Pre-reading, Reading&Comprehending 课后篇巩固探究 一、选词填空 1.as a result;as a result of (1)It rained heavily.,we had to stay at home for the whole weekend. (2) the heavy rain,we had to stay at home for the whole weekend. 答案:(1)As a result(2)As a result of 2.solve;settle (1)(2017·全国Ⅱ)Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution,the company eventually in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. (2)(2017·北京)(solve) the safety problem well enough to move forward in AI seems to be possible but not easy. 答案:(1)settled(2)Solving 3.from then on;since then (1),he refused to talk about it. (2)I have never seen him . 答案:(1)From then on(2)since then 4.so...that...;such...that... (1)He is funny a person he is popular among the children.


译林版六下Project1 教案 教学目标 1. 能熟练掌握第一至第四单元主要的词汇、句型和日常交际用语等语言知识。 2. 通过阅读短文,归纳好习惯和坏习惯。 3. 通过小组讨论,归纳好学生应该具备的品质。 教学重、难点 1. 能灵活运用第一至第四单元的词汇、句型和日常交际用语等语言知识。 2. 通过阅读短文,归纳好习惯和坏习惯。 3. 通过小组讨论,归纳好学生应该具备的品质。 教学准备PPT 教学设计 Step 1: Warm-up Free walk Step 2: Revision Have a PK. T: Do you want to be a good student in class? Ss: Yes. T: Good. You must have a PK. (Each group has a box. Now open the box. If you do a good job, you will get a heart from the box .) Round 1: Sing a song 演唱歌曲This is the way,并鼓励学生改编歌词。 (1) Sing a song T: You sing well , so you can get a heart. (2) Try to make a new song T: Can you make a new song like this? This is the way I brush my teeth, ... This is the way I go to school, ... Round 2:Pick apples 复习动词词组和副词的搭配。 T: get up... S: get up early T: go to school... S: go to school late ... Round3:Have nice food 复习可数名词、不可数名词与a few, a little的搭配。 Round 4:Quick response 呈现第二至四单元有关生活习惯、饮食习惯和行路规则的图片,要求学生描述,并判断是好习惯还是坏习惯。 T: Try to describe and judge. Are they good habits or bad habits?


Section Ⅲ Grammar—现在完成时的被动语态语法图解 探究发现 ①Over time I have been changed quite a lot. ②Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. ③The important problem has been discussed for nearly two weeks. ④The ink has not been removed from the clothes. ⑤Haven't your problem been solved? ⑥How many buildings have been built in your school? [我的发现] (1)以上例句中都使用了现在完成时的被动语态。 (2)以上例句中第①②③句是该时态的肯定句式;第④句是否定句式;第⑤句是一般疑问句式;第⑥句是特殊疑问句式。 一、结构 Already this year, 115 measles cases have been reported in the USA, compared with 189 for all of last year.(2017·北京高考) 今年美国已经报告了115例麻疹病例,而去年全年共189例。 The construction of the bridge has not been finished. 桥的建设还没有完成。 Has the date for the next meeting been decided? 下次会议的日期已决定了吗? How long has the battery not been changed? 电池多久没有更换了? [即时演练1] (1)变换句子

人教版二年级数学上册练习十八教学设计 集体备课 教案

8的乘法口诀 -----练习十八(第81页—83页)内容的教学设计 设计思想: 新课程的基本理念,提出“改变过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于研究、勤于动手”。因此,教学时要根据二年级学生年龄兴趣特征,设计多种活动,激发学生学习兴趣。如:以“庆元旦文艺汇演”活动和“超市大比拼”为两条主线,进行情景教学。还制作了形式各样的教学具刺激学生感观,奖励小花、进行游戏活动、用激励性语言评价等。提供足够的活动机会,引导学生在自主探索、合作交流的基础上,领会数学思想。同时以培养学生数感为主,在反复感悟本教学内容中各数与算式、口诀之间;算式与口诀之间的联系,深挖教学内涵,升华教学主题。 教材分析: 1.教学内容:本节课教学内容是人教版义务教育课程标准实验教材数学二年级上册第五单元表内乘法(二)中的《练习十八》。 2.知识基础和作用:本节课是在初步理解乘法意义和2-8的乘法口诀的基础上学习的,是巩固前面所学的口诀的。乘法口诀是数学最基础的知识之一,对今后的计算具有重要的作用,所以学生必须熟练掌握。教师要鼓励学生自主探究,为学生发展创造空间。 学生分析: 学生在学习本课内容之前,已经学习了2-8的乘法口诀,已具有用加法算式来总结乘法口诀的经验。使学生熟记“8的乘法口诀”,能够正确地迅速地进行乘法计算,并熟练地运用乘法解决实际问题,提高学习兴趣。让学生在学习的过程中,进一步体会一个数学问题是怎样提出来的,又是怎样解决的。

1、使学生熟记“8的乘法口诀”,能够正确地迅速地进行乘法计算。 2、解决简单的实际问题的过程中,进一步体验数学与生活的联系,发展数学思考,提高解决实际问题的能力。 3、培养与人合作的意识,逐步养成独立思考和主动探索的习惯。 教学重点: 熟记“8的乘法口诀”,能够正确地迅速地进行乘法计算。运用“8的乘法口诀”解决实际问题。 教学难点: 随着口诀句数增多和数目的增大,记忆口诀比较困难,在解决问题时,学会分析数量关系。 教学策略: 1.创设情景,激发兴趣,体现数学无处不在。通过为学生创设游戏的场景,把学生带入现实生活中去学习数学。 2.经历过程,全员参与,体现学生的主体和教师的主导作用。学生在经历练习的过程中,特别注重教师主导和学生主体、独立思考和合作学习两个关系的处理上。 3.精心组织,渗透方法,体现自主探究和合作交流的学习方式。教师引导学生参与教学全过程,学生始终在主动地进行观察、推理、验证、交流等数学活动,体会到学习成功的喜悦,同时也渗透了迁移类推的学习方法。 教具准备: 1、课件(教材习题图)、口算卡片、信封卡片、小红花(奖励用) 2、课件(超市图)、转盘、铅笔。

Unit 3 Computers教案

Unit 3 Computers教案 Unit 3 Computers The 4th period: Listening & Speaking GOALS: 1. To practise listening comprehension. 2.To practise making decisions and reasoning TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step1. revision 1. check the homework exercises. 1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education锛?It has been reported that free education will be offered to children锛?2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book锛?It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us锛?3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week锛?I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week锛?2. Question: What can computers be used as? Step2. Lead-in As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT? (TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books鈥︹€? Step3. Listening (SB) 1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ? 2. While-listening: Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.) Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages锛嶭et鈥檚check the answers together. Type of IT Advantages Disadvantages TV You can both listen and watch锛?You cannot write to friends


Unit 3 Computers I. 单元教学目标 II. 目标语言

III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以computers为话题,旨在通过单元教学,综合听、说、读、写等多种形式,使学生了解计算机和信息技术的产生和发展过程及其在我们的学习、工作、娱乐等生活中所起的重要作用,激发学生对信息技术的兴趣。 Warming up提供几幅与计算机有关的图片,形象地说明了计算机的发展历程,并用三个问题引发学生对这一话题的思考,从而起到热身的作用。 Pre-reading根据文章内容预设问题,检查学生对computers相关知识及应用的了解。学生对computers的了解可能参差不齐,这更能激发学生想获取更多知识的欲望,从而引出下面的阅读文章——WHO AM I。

Reading中以别致的标题WHO AM I引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不急待地阅读这篇文章,并判断出“I”是computer,从而对文章的内容印象更深刻。文章以第一人称的形式按时间先后顺序讲述了computers的产生、发展和现状,并用拟人化的口吻表达了computers乐于为人类服务的精神。 Comprehending 1 通过scanning的方式完成反映计算机发展历程的时间进程;2 通过填表的形式帮助学生宏观梳理文章结构,找出每个段落的主题句(论点)及具体的支持性论据;3 是读后讨论,要求学生结合自己的生活实际讨论计算机如何改变了我们的生活。 Learning about language分词汇(Discovering useful words and expressions)和语法(Discovering useful structures)两大部分。Discovering useful words and expressions 1 根据单词释义写出相对应的词汇,考查学生对WHO AM I 文章中的重要词汇及短语的理解。2 是以对短文填词完型的形式考查学生对几个重点词汇在篇章中的运用。3 以personalize的形式练习几个表时间状语的短语的用法。Discovering useful structures 是学习现在完成时的被动语态。1 是让学生根据例子提示在WHO AM I文章中找出两个含有现在完成时的被动语态的句子,初步了解这一时态的形式。2 是根据例句提示把所给的现在完成时句子变为被动语态。3 通过欣赏一首小诗进一步理解现在完成时的被动语态的用法。 Using language从听、说、读、写四个部分强化学生的语言应用能力。Listening and Speaking 以“信息技术”为子话题展开听说活动。说的活动主要是就信息技术各种形式的优势和劣势展开讨论,并用所给的表reasoning的功能项目展开讨论,决定哪种类型是最有用的。Reading, speaking and writing 以“芯片”为子话题展开读、说和写的活动。阅读文章介绍了叫一个叫Andy的机器人的故事,故事以第一人称的拟人话手法来写,说明了计算机芯片在机器人领域的应用。1 根据文章内容完成Andy的个人简历,检验学生对一些具体信息的掌握。2 激发学生的想象力,让他们设计出自己的机器人,并能用简历的形式描述。3 是写作任务,学生根据所给范文和2中的notes写篇文章,介绍自己设计的机器人。 LISTENING 材料的话题衔接Reading, speaking and writing的话题,介绍
