

51. +: meet needs and interest -→ effective education

1.兴趣help fully develop their distinct potential and talent;

-- : 1.not make full use of modern education resources


3.有些科目没有人学, 从而社会发展不利


130 A: socialized children → destiny of society

B: how to raise children -→ better society

+ : A+ -→ socialized is influential →人是社会动物需要在社会中认同, 否则

→社会交往,peer groups, 被周围的人影响着_:1.A-→ alone: 一个人喜欢沉思:Einstein


→ O.S: socialize 不是唯一的因素: Mahatma Gandhi: inner conviction

Washington: wisdom and virtue of modesty

Wallace: braveness, patriotism, heroism

Ali: fighting for racial equality,

2.A/→ B: better world: peace






A: 老师在相关领域任职-→ B: 促进教学质量

+ A: 1.书本外的先进知识-→科技学科: 电子产品高速发展,

经济学科: 社会实践.

2. 了解行情-→就业指导

-- A: 1.职业与理论相关不大-→不助于教学: 纯数学,

高科技学科目前只是实验阶段: 生物

2. 职业与理论几乎一样-→浪费时间:律师, 医生

O.S: 强化教师专业水平


4. outside field → advance

+: 1. base as another subject →

2. interaction →

--: O.S : by mistakes

Take chemistry for example. In the history of discovering elements, many significant discoveries, which exerted an vital influence on the realm of chemistry, owed to using of physical techniques and theories: alkali metals were discovered because batteries were invented and used in chemistry experiments; the discovery of the elements Rb. and Cs. was attributed to the technique advancement in the realm of optics; the radioactive elements were detected under the direction of radioactivity theory. By contrast, before these new physical techniques and theories were used, these new elements could never be detected by the traditional approaches in chemistry.

Econometrics, branch of economics that uses mathematical methods and models. Calculus, probability, statistics, linear programming, and game theory, as well as other areas of mathematics, are used to analyze, interpret, and predict various economic factors and systems, such as price and market action, production cost, business trends, and economic policy.

Hungarian-born American mathematician John von Neumann built a solid mathematical basis for quantum theory with his text Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik (1932, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics). This investigation led him to explore algebraic operators and groups associated with them, opening a new area now known as Neumann algebra. Von Neumann, however, is probably best known for his work in game theory and computers.

Mathematicians, physicists, and engineers contributed to the development of computers and computer science. But the early, theoretical work came from mathematicians. English mathematician Alan Turing, working at Cambridge University, introduced the idea of a machine that could perform mathematical operations and solve equations. The Turing machine, as it became known, was a precursor of the modern computer. Through his work Turing brought together the elements that form the basis of computer science: symbolic logic, numerical analysis, electrical engineering, and a mechanical vision of human thought processes.

154. A: education important → not leave to educators

B: parents and communities be involved

+: A: parents and communites’

participation constructive→ 1. legal authority to decide:

2. 父母营造教育环境:

3.更motivated, 主动

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b119019288.html,munity 可以为学校提供经济支持

5. 社会与学校结合,接触社会

--: 1.A: educators的重要性→ professional

2.A/→B: parents can not afford

Parents have no time

Parents unable

Today's educators need to remember that parents are the child's first and foremost teacher; parents, too, are experts, and teachers should learn from them.

5.same national curriculum V different as parts of the nation

National +: 1.basic universal→共同的基础,使各地学生层次相当

2. performance evaluation→公平的录取条件

Parts: +: 1.所学与当地状况结合:


--: too local—>应有开阔视野

177. study alters how we perceive the world (抽象类)

+: 1.科学→物理学→自然现象的理解



计算机→沟通方式, 促进交流

2. 数学→应用于经济学, 定量分析, 抽象模型

3. 艺术→改变审美→艺术反映作者本人, 反映时代, 超越时代

4. 政治, 宗教→信仰与是非观念, 民主, 自由, 道德

Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtile; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.



144. +: 艺术家1.艺术伟大――>表达感情:Chopin


Religious function

批评家-1.不公正的评价, 带有偏见, 不能真正反映艺术价值

3. 评论家无法理解超前的艺术, 阻碍艺术发展

2. filters : destroy integrity

73. imagination V knowledge

Imagination : + source of creativity→ inspiration→科学:Einstein, 化学苯的发现

艺术:dali, 指环王的作者,

Wings of knowledge→飞机的实现

--: without foundation of knowledge and experience →永动机不可能实现Knowledge +:foundation of advanced research →科学:

Of imagination :科幻文学以科学为基础

164. A: lack experience – no constraints B: imagination> experience

+: A: free to imagine→ Jules V erne, Homer, Einstein

--: experience :+ foundation for imagination → theories→ further study and inspiration

熟练→Miles Davis – improvised


clairvoyance and insightful views: experience → wisdom:


Artist: 导演—KUBRICK: 2001 the space odyssey;

Consider the science fiction writer Jules V erne, who through pure imagination devised highly specific methods and means for transporting humans to other space. What makes his imagination so remarkable is that the actual methods and means for space flight, which engineers settled on through the experience of extensive research and trial-and-error, turned out to be essentially he same ones V erne had imagined nearly a century earlier!

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b119019288.html,ernmanet funding the arts integrity of arts


--: 资助→1.解决艺术家经济问题→保持艺术创作自由→艺术完整性: 伟大的艺术家艺术家的创作有时不能转变成金钱

2. 民间资助, 贵族资助: 文艺复兴时期, 现代的画廊→不稳定性

3. 保护历史文物→曾经丢失的珍贵艺术品

+: 政府资助→影响艺术的价值取向→不能自由创作→艺术缺乏多样性:苏联,Hitler, 将艺术变为政治工具→

131 art reveals hidden ideas and society impulses

+ 1. 艺术反映现实→社会现象引起不满→艺术家对现实的讽刺, 思考→现实主义

2.艺术反映人们的愿望→一些在现实无法实现的东西就在艺术中表现→幻想类: 神话,




当人们hungry, out of work, lack the basic skill to survive not support the art

+: 1. 艺术作为精神财富不可缺少→艺术

--:2.精神财富应该建立在物质基础上→没有物质的前提下, 不可能欣赏艺术

→没有物质, 艺术家也不可能进行好的创作→


只有大多数人理解, 艺术才有价值



时代不同看法不同: Rembrandt the night watch,

政治环境,Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn

教育程度→要真正理解艺术首先要有一定基础, 否则任何艺术品都无意义




对生活的感悟,美的追求, 内心情感: chopin, V incent van Gogh, Salvador Dali,

243. art V scientist

A civilization’s value lies more in its artistic accomplishments than its scientific ones

Fails to adequately define the term value.

1. lies largely in the eye of individual beholders—subjective→ self-emotion expressionism

Cognitive→ science is of logics and reasoning

a civilization’s accomplishments→ concern with science and veracity→ western civilization

2. value: improve the quality of life→ technology→ communication, automation, automation

→environment pollutions, nuclear, war...

Art→ no threat to life comfort

3.value: lift the human spirit→beauty: self-emotion expressionism, for entertainment

reveal society →realism


48 the mass V famous few

1. mass: gradual shifts in demography, in cultural traditions, and in social attitudes and values

科技: 人民: 四大发明

建筑: pyramids of Egypt, the hanging garden of Babylon

战争: soldiers

艺术: craftsman

2. famous few: key figures, milestone

科学: Newton, Einstein

哲学: Aristotle

艺术: Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo de Vinci

政治:Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gandhi

36. greatness, 不由contemporaries, 由live after

Live after +: 伟大的头脑超出同代人→先知先觉→Bruno, Rembrandt, Emily Bronte 与当时的道德或政治氛围不同→公众的偏见→Pasternak, Ulysses...

--: 一些在当时就已定: →艺术: Shakespeare, Mozart, Mark Twain Contemporaries +: 有争议的→当代的历史气息, 更准确理解: →Napoleon

103. study of history-→ only daily lives

+: A: 1.现代社会瞬息万变, 需要新知识: 计算机, 网络


--: A. 1. 历史的成就激发灵感→科学: Newton,

政治: Mahatma Gandhi, Thoreau, Martin Luther King

2. 吸取教训→经济上: 经济大萧条, 科技不能过快发展

环境污染: Chernobyl, three mile island

3. 一种学科:医学


Today new and complex→ past little guidance 同上

54. 同上

221. study of history →(only) people are different in periods

+: history, similarity -→ values, customs 未变→ values: Sincerity, honesty, loyalty

Customs: festivals,

--:not chiefly→ 1. difference: technology→ life style, habits,

2. 历史的成就激发灵感→科学: Newton,

政治: Mahatma Gandhi, Thoreau, Martin Luther King

3 吸取教训→经济上: 经济大萧条, 科技不能过快发展

环境污染: Chernobyl, three mile island

26. historic buildings < contemporary needs

+: 1. 老建筑结构功能过时→卫生, 电器, 网络, 木结构, 拥挤:

2. 老建筑不独特, 占地方

--: 1.历史建筑物参考价值, 独一无二→一个国家的象征: 长城, 白宫, 克里母林宫,




3. 欧洲的城市规划: Rome 维也纳



41. non- stream V mainstream

A: n satisfy human needs B: play a vial role

A+ : 1. 满足好奇心, 发展需要-→埃及, 希腊预测未来:

2. 精神寄托-→来自人们古时候的恐惧:

--: 1.A-- : 不科学, 不能解决问题-→预测不灵验:

2. A/→B : 一定程度上引导了科学的兴起: 星象学→天文学

科学的发展使它减弱: 如今…

56. immediate problems of today > problems of future

Today: + immediate →累计效应→越往后越严重, 代价高→ unemployment, poverty: 环境问题, 失业引起社会动荡

恶性循环→环境, 人口, 失业, 贫穷, 其中一环都引起所有的不良后果

Future: + anticipated, foresight→ sustainable, proactively→disease, environment: SARS, Poverty, for example, can cause problems as mentioned above. it leads to problems like malnutrition and starvation, infectious disease like AIDS, and even acts of violence and crime. Even worse, people who grow up in poverty might experience lifelong problems because of it. They are at a disadvantage in things such as education because of their limited income and resources. In addition, poverty seems to perpetuate itself. In many cases, those whose parents are poor are more likely to be poor themselves, earning lower-than –average income. All the negative long-term circumstances are more likely to occur when children experience prolonged poverty, an unfortunate circumstance much more likely to affect minority children.

These problems tend to form a vicious circle, in which every term of the problems are interconnected and interdependent. For example, poverty both results in and results from the environmental pollutions; and overpopulation leads to environment problems, poverty and disease. Thus, as long as one term of the circle is not well resolved, the remaining terms will definitely be affected.


Scandals +: 1.暴露problems unknown in normal ways

Facts unseen →科学:


2.鼓励了新闻机构及人们→保护言论自由: 水门事件后的华盛顿邮报, 深喉

--: 1. 一些新闻是虚假的, 谣言

损害当事人:克林顿, 安然总裁

2. 丑闻多了不好, 正面宣传-→学习成功人士: Bill Gates, Einstein, 修女.

17. con.: obey just laws; disobey unjust laws

+ : unjust laws are damaging :Hitler, Soviet Union,


--: 1. 公正与否是相对的→不同人看法不同:贩卖黑奴的法律对黑奴,对奴隶主

2. 在某些情况下,纪律是应该无条件执行的: 军队中,要求严明。

3. O.S: 要求立法者完善:

非暴力行动:martin Luther king , ghandi

208. behaviors and appearances → ideas and values

+ : observation→ clothes→ religion → politics : Islamic的衣着习惯, 反叛的衣着in 60s

Class→ upper:英国王室

Eat → class : New Guinea

Religion: Islamic ,no pork

--: 1. 人不可貌相→伟大人物衣着朴素:Einstein, Beethoven

在专制国家里,同样的衣着,不能反应个体差异:Soviet Union

2. O.S : investigation




https://www.360docs.net/doc/b119019288.html,mite to principles→ effective leader

+: commit直达目标→商业→maximize profits: Bill Gates



宗教,社会: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, 女权运动领导者


政治:Hitler, Nixon, charley I

43 ethical, moral standards→ effective leader

1.bussiness: striking a balance between profits and public morality: Enron, Bayer, Philip Morris

2.politics: individual morality: Clinton Lewinsky

Public morality: Washington

3.spiritual leaders: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King

Daimler Chrysler:as one of the most successful automobile companies in the world, contributes significantly to the local employment of Stuttgart.

Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies, ceased one of the major production which is announced to contain harmful ingredients. Though it suffers heavily in profits, however, acquires social understanding and establishes social reputation, which contributes to the long-term success.

Mitsubishi Motors had concealed the major defects in the system break of Pajero before their public apology. Actually lots of car accidents were caused by the system break, and as a result, the company suffers a lot in production returning and moreover, lose the confidence of the consumers.

Enron, once the 7th largest company in the United States, employed the accounting practices to inflate falsely the company’s revenues. Before the fraud came to light, while the top executives made huge profits the employees saw their retirement wiped out by the collapse of Enron’s share price.

152. miaximize profits , only responsibility

+: 公司的责任,生存之道→ Bill Gates, ?

--: 道德:环境保护→



146. con: deeply committed → critical

+: why: 投入→严格要求,做到及至→ flaws与problems并存→科学:Edward Teller,



--: 社会活动:Elizabeth Stanton and B.Anthony, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King 科学:布鲁诺,Jean Arc, Wallace

47. con: society not enough reasoning and cognitive skills

+: why: 1. emotion is important → emphasis on emotions→ emotion重要性→

2. 过分强调智力→ defects →法律→严酷

商业→道德感, 责任感缺乏

--: 没有轻视智力培养→国家在大力培养科技人才



112. reasoning V emotions

Emotions: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.

Reasoning: + : 1. reasoning在自然学科中很重要:mathematics, physics

2.在艺术中重要→learn theories and techniques before → photograph: camera use;

Design: computer, architecture: physics

3.objectivity→humanities→ history, political science, law, public policy→ fairness,

equity, justice→ rather than compassion, empathy, sympathy, indignation

4.creativity-> part of intellect: has to do with intellection, cognitive process Emotions: +: inspiration: Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.


--: 1.在学科中没有太大用处:

2. undue emphasis on emotions →irrationality→jingoism: Hitler, Mao; crowd behavior: economic bubble: tulip mania, social movement: French revolution ; supernatural : celestial divination

→ success B: step down:

+: revitalization → 1.new leading ideology →新鲜血液,innovation:

2. not likely seduce, power abusing: 美国总统四年一界


--: revitalization → period → short → instability→法律:美国大法官终身制


Lack of experience→教育:

Beginner + 1.courage,enthusiasm

2.new perspective→科学: Crick&Watson


--: lacking experience

Expert: +1. 持之以恒,多年坚持: curie

2. 经验→规律→经济学家



141. individuality V conformity

individuality +: 1.creativity →科学:Einstein


3. Risky →商业:investing wealth

Conformity +: 1.社会全球化→ communication and teamwork →商业:扩大市场



--: 1.群体中成员相互妥协,无法创新:

197.progress of one country --- other country

+: globalization→ 1.经济→ interdependence: 亚洲金融危机,美国对中东石油的依赖


2.科技-->面临共同难题: environment: 厄尔尼诺,臭氧层,rainforest

卫生:sars, AIDS, Bird fluent,



59. emphasize on models V act independently→ make best choices

Models: + 1. stimulate us to pursue accomplishment→heroes: occupy : make us to be like them

2. ways of problem-solving→值得借鉴

--: 1.occupy blindness→ not uniqueness→ no diversity→ no advancement

→ cult of personality: Mao, Stalin

2. dependence→laziness→ inability of critical thinking→ no creativity

11. global university → help solving social problems

+: globalization →cooperation→科学:太空,南极考察,基因组



--: globalization→ conformity →艺术:



Diversity →政治问题变复杂:牵涉到许多国家的利益:

→ communication的问题:

Feasibility when established →

教育制度认为: comformity is good

Many people, however, are not comfortable with errors. Our educational syste m, based on ―the right answer‖ belief, cultivates our thinking in another, more conservative way. From an early age, we are taught that right answers are good and incorrect answers are bad. This value is deeply embedded in the incentive system used in most schools:

Comformity避免take risk Playing It Safe

With this kind of attitude, you aren’t going to be taking too many chances. If you learn that failing even a litter penalizes you (e.g., being wrong only 15% of the time garners you only a ―B‖ performance), you learn not to make mistakes. And more important, you learn not to put yourself to situation where you might fall. This leads to conservative thought pattern designed to avoid the stigma our society puts on ―failure‖.

Look around. How many middle managers, housewives, administrators, teachers, and other people do you see who are to try anything new because of this failure? Most of us have learned not to make mistakes in public. As a result, we remove ourselves from many learning experience except for those occurring in the most private of circumstances.


Nevertheless, too great an adherence to the belief ―to err is wrong‖ can greatly undermine your attempts to generate new ideas. If you are more concerned with producing right answers than generating original ideas, you’ll probably make uncritical use of the rules, formulae, and procedures used to obtain these right answers. By doing this, you’ll by-pass the germinal phase of the creative process, and thus spend litter time testing assumptions, challenging the rules, asking what-if questions, or just playing around with the problem. All of these techniques will produce some incorrect answers, but in the germinal phase errors are viewed as a necessary by-product of creative thinking. As Y az would put it, ―if you want the hits, be prepared for the misses.‖ That’s the way the game of life goes.

Critical thinking is the path to freedom from half-truth and deception. Skilled students are thorough thinkers. They distinguish between opinion and fact. Ask powerful questions, make detailed observations, uncover assumption and define their terms. This means that critical thinking and learning are intimately linked.

136. Choice: +: acquired effort → knowledge/ direct experience/ will power→

科学:Farady, Edison,

经济:Bill Gates

政治:Napoleon, Mahatma Gandhi, Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln --: 1. objective→ born condition: nationality

2. subjective→innate conditions→born choice → high/low born

Race/gender/color→ glass ceiling Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author and lecturer, who, having overcome

considerable physical handicaps, served as an inspiration for other afflicted people. When 19 months old, she was stricken with an acute illness that left her deaf and blind.

Faraday, British physicist and chemist, was the son of a blacksmith and received little formal education. While apprenticed to a bookbinder, he read books on scientific subjects and then experimented with electricity. Until being employed by Davy as an assistant, he began his researches of chemistry.

Columbus, Italian mariner and navigator, received little education and was a largely self-taught man, later learned to read Latin.

Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time. Edison began work at an early age and continued to work right up until his death. Through out his prolific career as an inventor, he was well known for his focus and determination.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b119019288.html,ernment should not censor the works in museum

+ censorship by government → freedom of speech→评价→评价不公正→破坏艺术完整性

:S.U, NEA, joyce, Lawrence,


--: 防止泄密, 道德问题, 历史篡改→维护稳定统治: enlightment


108.A: government at work televised : proceedings watching can help people understand the issues B: is beneficial 因果;

+: 1.for surveillance of an informed populace→ work efficiently, justly: GA TV

Witness government of other cities, states→valuable sense of perspective, appreciation of other forms of government

2. videotape archives→ supplement for conventional record keeping

3. for education→ useful curriculum supplement for public policy, law

--: 1. government process become mere displays, shows→ true business behind the closed doors 2. absolute transparency → disrupting normal proceedings of political life→ national security

195. goal of politics : not pursuit of an ideal, but search for reasonable consensus 比较型conensus: +: 国家的政治目标是使国家能够正常运转→满足大多数人的意见→search for consensus: Switzerland, Belgium

--: .consensus→ compromise→ without sense of mission and obligation

Public Opinions harm the nation→ idealist clear head

Ideas: + : 1. ideal and consensus not mutually exclusive→ ideal such as peace, environment protection ; To pursuit ideal→ gain consensus

2.human are not by nature inclined to consensus→ politicians thrive on conflict, fight

to quash others

3.proper ideals for politicians? → idealist: French revolution, American Founders,

Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther king→ concern with consensus building, ideal society --: Idealist: Hitler→ not further humanity interests

113 问解

social groups → define ourselves

+:1 needs theory→ children, adolescents

2. race ,religion, nationality → external environment

3.political parties and social strata→ different opinions and life styles: Greenpeace, the National

Organization for women, WHO,

--: 1.can not know a person completely: each group has an enormous number of components with specific characteristics

2. young adults define by marital stratus, parental stratus, and occupation.

3. 他因:分析自己, 认识自己

Although born helpless, human infants are equipped at birth with reflexes that orient them toward people. They are responsive to faces, turn their head toward voices, and mimic certain facial gestures on cue. It seems that human beings are inherently social animals. All over the world, people experience joy when they form new social attachments and react with loneliness and despair when these bonds are broken—as when separated from a loved one by distance, divorce, or death. People need people, which is why social situations can have such a profound effect on our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

235. 结论型

Loyalty is destructive

Loyalty: +: loyalty→ trust→ 1.tow people→ spouses , friends→ without→

2. group→mutual loyalty→ without→ no efficiency, no teamwork

3. society→between government and citizens→ without→ no security, revolt/ invasion;

--: misguided loyalty→ friends: gangs of miscreants, antisocial

→spouses: acquiescence despite abusive treatment

→people and institution: →to employer: ignore company’s deceptive business, disregard for regulations


→ nations: extended loyalty→ jingoism, cult of personality: Hitler, Mao

203 问解

Heroes/ heroines → understand the character of a society

+: 可以反映社会现象→社会对他们的认可: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, James Braddock …



--: 1. 英雄身上具有不同于常人的特点→统治者: Napoleon, Winston Churchill

→战争英雄: joan of arc, William wallace

→虚构的英雄: Spiderman, superman, batman

2. 人们崇拜他是因为有过人的能力: Michael Jackson,

3. 其他方法: youth, major city,

207.rituals and ceremony→ define a culture 问解

+: preserve culture identity→ rituals and ceremony distinguish culture: rites of passage : tea,

--: 1.conventional social gesture or act→ wedding ceremony, inauguration ceremony,

2. not define, other purpose→ religion

3.not the only means → dress, life style, major cities, heroes, religion, totem


Indicator of nation : not achievement but general welfare

+: 1.general welfare→ basic goal of government : welfare state in Euro 其重要性

2.acchievement do not validate nations’ greatness→ technology: nuclear bomb, S.U, fascisms --: 1. achievement in ... enhance general welfare→ economic→ high tax→ social insurances

Technology→ education develops,

→医学水平提高→public health 211.decision making: future condition> present condition

Present conditions : + immediate→ if not resolve, negative effects→ social realm,

Future: +: 1.sustainble development→social: environment problems; population explosion; unemployment

2. foresight→ individual: Bill Gates; 受到挫折一蹶不振的例子

Business strategy: making decision in long term; long-term investment

Government: 基础研究→现在看没什么收益, 但很必要

99.pragmatic V idealistic behavior

Idealist: + : ideal→ direct success, 激励, 坚持→ social politics: Washington, Gandhi, Luther,


--: utopianism: oven 空想社会主义;

Pragmatic: + :


38. A: reading < Tv B: learn much by TV

+: A : TV certain advantage → vivid image , audio-→很快接受: discoveries, 记录片…

比传统ways,实效性强, 信息量大-→第一时间内获得信息: news 1. A: TV真正有用信息少-→广告, 娱乐节目, 电视剧

A/→ B: books→好的学习媒介:好的语言,抽象思维




7. A: video camera accurate convincing ; B: video > written book

+ A: video →accuracy and convincement:在银行,医院等地的监视器surveillance →vivid and objectivity: LA骚乱,Ballanchine ballet, 生日排队



--: A 1.昂贵


A/→B:1.书本上的东西abstract, 深刻思想

2. 古时候的名著都是文字保存的




Con: technology influence, determine customs and ethics

+: why: 1. technology: tool age→ labor force→ machine age→ engine: letter← email

2. Ethics: atom bomb, gene &clone

Family → extended family → nuclear family: single parent/ divorced

DINK: double incomes no kid: 英美,韩--:1. ethics未变→ Holy Bible: curt→ commit perjury

Inauguration ceremony: god bless…

Upper class traditional: catholic, puritan

2. customs→ festival: Christmas, Santa Claus; Thanksgiving; Saint V alentine’s Day




150. A: TV and computer B: tourism obsolete

+: A: 电视和电脑确实为我们展现了很多→生动画面, 音质

--: A/→B: 1.电脑上的介绍和图片更吸引人去


时间短→ transportation




40 interests Vs contribution

Interests: +: 1.motivation→ inspiration, perseverance: Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking

Relegation → waste talents:

Contribution : --: 1. unknown, idiosyncratic→ worthwhile or not? : who decide?

→ scientists→ without intention : Marie Curie radium;

→ regulators? →even their own quirky notions unsettled:

2. 一些领域虽然目前没意义, 却不可缺少:

theories mathematics, Humanities, art:

一些有争议的研究, 如: weapons, cloning,

一些曾经被认为应当的研究: divination, alchemy, astrology 结果错误的+ : admittedly, 一些立即见效的研究应该鼓励:


A:it suggests that only a few are deserving B: High-profile awards are damaging

119. research priorities: how many people’s lives will be improved? 结论

+:. admittedly, 一些立即见效的研究应该鼓励;

--: 1. . unknown, idiosyncratic→ worthwhile or not? : who decide?

→ scientists→ without intention : Marie Curie radium;

→ regulators? →even their own quirky notions unsettled:

2. 一些领域虽然目前没意义, 却不可缺少:

theories mathematics, Humanities, art:

一些有争议的研究, 如: weapons, cloning,

一些曾经被认为应当的研究: divination, alchemy, astrology 结果错误的

184. theorize before data is grave mistakes结论

+ : 1. theory—conjurer’s hopes and desires; statistics→ support or refute, 检验

或没有理论, 不完善的情况下, 用数据推出: 而项分布, 哈博

2. 在经济,社会领域→数据统计→掌握概况→发现问题, 因为太宏观:人口普查, 公司通过数据掌握赢利情况, 做下一步决定.

--: 1. 暂时无法用数据实现验证的理论: 相对论, 虽然证实了, 可是在之后; 纯数学逻辑推导

2. 艺术学科→数据几乎是没有用的: 艺术在于灵感, 在于实践, 理论来源都是积累的.

3. 数据统计→不科学的调查方法→得出错误结论→没有理论检验

31.A: money on research always good investment, B: even though controversial

+: A+: 对于一些研究, 不是纯理论研究→解决当务之急→否则引起恶性循环, 累计严重→:AIDS, 治理环境问题

--: A1.研究的结果不可知→争论与否未知(前提的错误)

2. 一些研究后来被证明有害的→战争武器, DDT→要谨慎

A/→B: 有争议的研究→再研究还是不明确→因为涉及到道德问题→克隆,

69. con: government place few restrictions on scientific research

+ why: 1.科学发展带来的好处→

2.以什么标准限制→贡献→结果未知→科学新发现在无意中产生: Curie, Newton

--: 1.科学带来的副作用→

2.限制→基础类型→不限制→必要性, 看不出好坏

当务之急→不限制→解决最急迫的问题:失业, 贫困, 人口, 环境

有争议的问题→要限制→解决不了问题→还是有争议→道德问题: 克隆,

→带来新的问题→原子能, 环境污染, 网络

30 goal of technological advancement: increase efficiency → more leisure time

+ : 技术提高了效率→自动化, 交通发达, 沟通方便

--: 1. 高效没有带来闲暇时间→ empirical proof: 数据;

空闲时间→更多的工作: 科技→竞争→更加追求效率→大量工作

2. 科技的目的→解决问题

114.A: humanity has little progress; technology advances B: tech can not change humanity

+ : 1. A: humanity, little progress→战争, 贫困, 人口, 失业

Technology advances→进步humanity的导致/基础上→战争: 原子弹, 自动化:失业,

医疗条件好: 人口爆炸,

2.humanity根本→ human aggression, greed→ social reformers, jurists, economists

--:A/→ B: 可以改变→农业技术, 杂交水稻malnourished people;

Medicine, medical technology: prostheses, organ transplants, vaccines laser

科学的方法: 拯救濒危动物, 水污染治理,

新科技→stimulate economic growth→提供就业机会, social welfare


83. con. Government preserve wilderness area.

+: why : 1. protect environment →动物,植物生存的环境:巴西热带雨林,青海西藏(备用)


2. 地质学上的意义→研究地球演化:南极,可罗拉多峡谷

--: 1. 费用高,危险大, 而目前的社会问题也很多

2.O.S : 通过立法:美国对沙漠的治理


121. A: extinct naturally B: no extraordinary efforts, endangered species

+: A 1.objective→ natural adaptation: dinosaur

2. subjective→太多社会问题→无extraordinary efforts:贫穷,犯罪,人口爆炸--:1. A→ human behaviors→ deforestation, air pollution, 过度捕杀: 渡渡鸟,查

2. A/→B → Icon: Panda, 树懒

→ staple food→ coexist: pig.


74. most effective way to communicate with group of people ←by images not language images:+ : 1.accurate, convincing→历史时刻, 艺术表演, 体育比赛瞬间,

2.objective→video surveillance camera, witness

3.vivid →语言无法形容的时候: 名画Mona Lisa 与其文字描述;


Language: + : abstract, subjective→ feelings,气味,无法用图片准确描述: state of mind,

Impressions, reflection of an event or experience ;

Precise: axioms, theories, clauses of law ,

--: 语言障碍→语言不是通用的, 就是同一国家, 也有方言

--: O.S: poses, gesture→ universal: shaking hands,

触觉: embrace, kiss > 千言万语; →直截了当

167.A: complete honesty is not a virtue for political leaders

B: impossible to all the time tell the truth

+ : A: 1.politics require more than morality→ tactics to gain power,


Inner conviction

2. honesty: vulnerability and naiveté→ opponents 利用→ political rhetoric

Confidentiality→ state security



147. A: modernization and tradition incompatible → B: must choose one

A+: Modernization: industrialization→ factories→ women work

→ science, technology→ internet→ no writing mails

→ anthems

→ globalize→ life style→ dress, eat, live

A-: ethics→ values, virtues→ freedom, fairness, 诚信, loyalty, fidelity

1. festivals

religions → law→ Islamic→ dress, eat

2.culture→ classical music, Greek myth, literature masterpieces: Shakespeare

A/→B: 欧洲国家的老建筑保存很好, 但也很现代化

212. A: worthy goal B: any means is justifiable 具体问题具体分析

+ 全力以赴: 目标有价值→国家为了赢得正义的战争: 二战中的

为了赢得自由→独立战争: the USA

Passive resistance: Gandhi, Martin Luther King(jail, assination) --: 1.要衡量得失: 社会: 交通事故→废除汽车;


国家:为了使一个民族更加强大→侵略其他国家: Hitler

