

一、单选题(共40 道试题,共100 分。)


1. The hero of the story is an artist in his _______.

A. thirtieth

B. thirty

C. thirty’s

D. thirties

满分:2.5 分

2. It wasn’t a good thing; _______ the contrary it was a huge mistake.

A. of

B. on

C. in

D. at

满分:2.5 分

3. All in all we unexpectedly lost the match after two month of hard training.

A. 在经过两个月的艰苦训练后,我们所有的人都为输掉了这场比赛而意外。

B. 总而言之,在经过两个月的艰苦训练后,我们意外地输掉了这场比赛。

C. 虽然经过了两个月的训练,但是我们所有的人还是失去了这场比赛。

D. 最后出乎意料的是,我们经过了两个月的艰苦训练还是输掉了这场比赛。

满分:2.5 分

4. There’s something important in _______.

A. paper of today

B. today newspaper’s

C. today newspaper

D. today’s newspaper

满分:2.5 分

5. All the _______ in the hospital will get a rise tomorrow.

A. women-doctors

B. woman doctors

C. women doctors

D. doctors of women

满分:2.5 分

6. _______ a cold morning in June, I saw a stranger walking around the house.

A. In

B. At

C. On

D. For

满分:2.5 分

7. I think we should _______ these interesting old customs.

B. preserve

C. reserve

D. serve

满分:2.5 分

8. The English of today is very different _______ the English of500 years ago.

A. to

B. in

C. by

D. from

满分:2.5 分

9. Millie has _______ e-dog and its name is Hobo.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

满分:2.5 分

10. If you meet a new word and you are not sure what it means, _______ it _______ in a dictionary.

A. look at

B. look for

C. look after

D. look up

满分:2.5 分

11. John was so drunk that he fell off the bike and _______ by the roadside until the next morning.

A. laid

B. lied

C. had lain

D. lay

满分:2.5 分

12. 十年来我一直在坚持收听收音机里的英语节目。

A. I listened to the English programs over the radio ten years ago.

B. I often kept on listening to the English programs over the radio ten years ago.

C. For ten years I kept on listening to the English programs over the radio.

D. For ten years I listened to the E

满分:2.5 分

13. The _______ of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.

A. major

B. majority

C. minor

满分:2.5 分

14. — You’d better have more physical exercise. — _______

A. I’d like that, but I can’t afford the time.

B. That’s good.

C. Really.

D. Yes, I would.

满分:2.5 分

15. — Hi! How do you do, Zhang? — _______

A. How are you?

B. Good afternoon.

C. How do you do?

D. Very fine.

满分:2.5 分

16. It was _______ that came here at midnight.

A. him

B. them

C. her

D. they

满分:2.5 分

17. The young people spoke _______ length about their experiences.

A. in

B. at

C. with

D. by

满分:2.5 分

18. — Let’s go and have sports together. — _______

A. Yes, please.

B. You’re welcome.

C. Good idea.

D. Thank you.

满分:2.5 分

19. — Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? — _______

A. Thank you a lot.

B. It’s several years.

C. Long time no see.

D. Just so-so.

满分:2.5 分

20. Some friends of _______ joined the political party.

B. my father’s

C. my fathers'

D. my fathers

满分:2.5 分

21. Mrs. Lenny gave us _______ on how to learn English well.

A. some advices

B. many advices

C. some advice

D. an advice

满分:2.5 分

22. You must keep it secret. It is only _______ you and me.

A. for

B. to

C. among

D. between

满分:2.5 分

23. His behavior _______ his lazy attitude toward to work.

A. forbids

B. impresses

C. reflects

D. occupies

满分:2.5 分

24. Old Mr. Carter was convinced that women doctors were _______ to men.

A. superior

B. inferior

C. superiority

D. inferiority

满分:2.5 分

25. 昨天雨下的很大,但是我们不管怎样都去了音乐会。

A. It rained heavily yesterday, for we went to the concert anyway.

B. It rained heavily yesterday, and we went to the concert anyway.

C. It rained heavily yesterday, but we went to the concert anyway.

D. It rained heavily, however we went to the concert anyway.

满分:2.5 分

26. The air in Beijing is getting much _______ now than a few years ago.

A. clean

B. cleaner

C. cleanest

满分:2.5 分

27. I could hear them talking but I couldn’t figure _______ what they were saying.

A. out

B. at

C. to

D. about

满分:2.5 分

28. I’d like to have some fish rather than beef.

A. 我想吃牛肉,不想吃鱼。

B. 我不想吃牛肉,也不想吃鱼。

C. 我想吃鱼,不想吃牛肉。

D. 我想吃牛肉,也想吃鱼。

满分:2.5 分

29. Advertising is often the most _______ method of promotion.

A. efficient

B. efficiency

C. effect

D. effective

满分:2.5 分

30. I _______ to catch the early train, but I didn’t get up in time.

A. managed

B. intended

C. tended

D. failed

满分:2.5 分

31. The pencil is _______ that one.

A. as two time as long

B. as long two times as

C. two times as long as

D. long as two times than

满分:2.5 分

32. She volunteered to take care of _______ wounded and _______ dying.

A. the, /

B. the, the

C. /, the

D. /, /

满分:2.5 分

33. I _______ on those days as the happiest time of my life.

A. look at

B. look down

C. look back

D. look for

满分:2.5 分

34. — Which is your preference, tea or coffee? — _______

A. OK, thanks.

B. I like both.

C. Can I choose?

D. I choose tea any time.

满分:2.5 分

35. I’ve lost _______ with George in the last few months.

A. letter

B. message

C. contact

D. news

满分:2.5 分

36. By sunset we had _______ thirty miles.

A. crossed

B. went

C. spread

D. covered

满分:2.5 分

37. Each member is given a special exercise routine that is _______ for his or her needs.

A. constant

B. appropriate

C. bad

D. hopeful

满分:2.5 分

38. My son is already showing an interest _______ music.

A. on

B. to

C. in

D. at

满分:2.5 分

39. His performance did not live up to our expectations.

A. 他的表演不如我们的期望好。

B. 他没有按照我们所期望的那样表演。

C. 他的表演出乎我们的预料。

D. 他的表演恰好如我们期望的一样。

满分:2.5 分

40. Peter, my English teacher always _______ me to study hard.

A. occupied

B. challenged

C. encouraged

D. convinced

满分:2.5 分
