
Preface 兰氏化学手册

PREFACE TO FIFTEENTH EDITION This new edition,the?fth under the aegis of the present editor,remains the one-volume source of factual information for chemists,both professionals and students—the?rst place in which to“look it up”on the spot.The aim is to provide suf?cient data to satisfy all one’s general needs without recourse to other reference sources.A user will?nd this volume of value as a time-saverbecause of the many tables of numer ical data which have been especially compiled. Descriptive properties for a basic group of approximately4300organic compounds are compiled in Section1,an increase of300entries.All entries are listed alphabetically according to the senior pre?x of the name.The data for each organic compound include (where available)name,structural formula,formula weight,Beilstein reference(or if un-available,the entry to the Merck Index,12th ed.),density,refractive index,melting point, boiling point,?ash point,and solubility(citing numerical values if known)in water and various common organic solvents.Structural formulas either too complex or too ambig-uous to be rendered as line formulas are grouped at the bottom of each facing double page on which the entries appear.Alternative names,as well as trivial names of long-standing usage,are listed in their respective alphabetical order at the bottom of each double page in the regular alphabetical sequence.Another feature that assists the user in locating a desired entry is the empirical formula index. Section2on General Information,Conversion Tables,and Mathematics has had the table on general conversion factors thoroughly reworked.Similarly the material on Statis-tics in Chemical Analysis has had its contents more than doubled. Descriptive properties for a basic group of inorganic compounds are compiled in Section 3,which has undergone a small increase in the number of entries.Many entries under the column“Solubility”supply the reader with precise quantities dissolved in a stated solvent and at a given temperature. Several portions of Section4,Properties of Atoms,Radicals,and Bonds,have been signi?cantly enlarged.For example,the entries under“Ionization Energy of Molecular and Radical Species”now number740and have an additional column with the enthalpy of formation of the ions.Likewise,the table on“Electron Af?nities of the Elements, Molecules,and Radicals”now contains about225entries.The Table of Nuclides has material on additional radionuclides,their radiations,and the neutron capture cross sec-tions. Revised material for Section5includes the material on surface tension,viscosity,di-electric constant,and dipole moment for organic compounds.In order to include more data at several temperatures,the material has been divided into two separate tables.Ma-terial on surface tension and viscosity constitute the?rst table with715entries;included is the temperature range of the liquid phase.Material on dielectric constant and dipole vii

Preface to the Dictionary of the English Language

Preface to the Dictionary of the English Language Samuel Johnson It is the fate of those who toil at the lower employments of life, to be rather driven by the fear of evil, than attracted by the prospect of good; to be exposed to censure, without hope of praise; to be disgraced by miscarriage, or punished for neglect, where success would have been without applause, and diligence without reward. Among these unhappy mortals is the writer of dictionaries, whom mankind have considered, not as the pupil, but the slave of science, the pioneer of literature, doomed only to remove rubbish and clear obstructions from the paths of Learning and Genius, who press forward to conquest and glory, without bestowing a smile on the

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(Preface to Culture of Narciss

1. Preface to Culture of Narcissism Hardly more than a quarter-century after Henry Luce proclaimed “the American century”, American confidence has fallen to a low ebb①. Those who recently dreamed of world power②now despair of governing the city of New York. Defeat in Vietnam, economic stagnation, and the impending exhaustion of natural resources have produced a mood of pessimism in higher circles, which spreads through the rest of society as people lose faith in their leaders. The same crisis of confidence grips other capitalist countries as well③. In Europe, the revival of fascist movements, and a wave of terrorism all testify, in different ways, to the weakness of established regimes and to the exhaustion of established tradition④. Even Canada, long a bastion of stolid bourgeois dependability⑤, now faces in the separatist movement in Quebec a threat to its very existence as a nation. The international dimensions of the current malaise indicate that it cannot be attributed to an American failure of nerve⑥. Bourgeois society seems everywhere to have used up its store of constructive ideas⑦. It has lost both the capacity and the will to confront the difficulties that threaten to overwhelm it. The political crisis of capitalism reflects a general crisis of western culture, which reveals itself in a pervasive despair of understanding the course of modern history or of subjecting it to rational direction⑧. Liberalism, the political theory of the ascendant bourgeoisie, long ago lost the capacity to explain events in the world of the welfare state and the

Preface to Lyrical Ballads

The Harvard Classics. 1909–14. Preface to Lyrical Ballads William Wordsworth (1800) T HE F IRST volume of these Poems has already been submitted to general perusal. 1 It was published, as an experiment, which, I hoped, might be of some use to ascertain, how far, by fitting to metrical arrangement a selection of the real language of men in a state of vivid sensation, that sort of pleasure and that quantity of pleasure may be imparted, which a Poet may rationally endeavour to impart. I had formed no very inaccurate estimate of the probable effect of those 2 Poems: I flattered myself that they who should be pleased with them would read them with more than common pleasure: and, on the other hand, I was well aware, that by those who should dislike them, they would be read with more than common dislike. The result has differed from my expectation in this only, that a greater number have been pleased than I ventured to hope I should please. Several of my Friends are anxious for the success of these Poems, from a 3 belief, that, if the views with which they were composed were indeed realized, a class of Poetry would be produced, well adapted to interest mankind permanently, and not unimportant in the quality, and in the multiplicity of its moral relations: and on this account they have advised me to prefix a systematic defence of the theory upon which the Poems were written. But I was unwilling to undertake the task, knowing that on this occasion the Reader would look coldly upon my arguments, since I might be suspected of having been principally influenced by the selfish and foolish hope of reasoning him into an approbation of these particular Poems: and I was still more unwilling to undertake the task, because, adequately to display the opinions, and fully to enforce the arguments, would require a space wholly d isproportionate to a preface. For, to treat the subject with the clearness and coherence of which it is susceptible, it would be necessary to give a full account of the present state of the public taste in this country, and to determine how far this taste is healthy or depraved; which, again, could not be determined, without pointing out in what manner language and the human mind act and re-act on each other, and without retracing the revolutions, not of literature alone, but likewise of society itself. I have therefore altogether declined to enter regularly upon this defence; yet I am sensible, that there would be something


比尔盖茨清华演讲(英文) (2007-09-28 13:41:47) Attending to of high regard president, the teacher, the classmates of Chin Hua university: Acquire Chin Hua university the honorary doctorate academic degree of this top-grade university in the world, let me feel to be honored very much.Chin Hua is an all of a hundred years history school, was born here a lot of outstanding scientist, businesses and political leader. I visited a Chin Hua last time is in 1997.At that time, the Chinese student's artistic talent, enthusiasm and created * to leave a very deep impression for me.After, I decide in China to establish the Microsoft Asian institute for research.At to the leadership of ocean Doctor under, at Chin Hua etc. the university excellent graduate student of under help, the Microsoft Asian institute for research obtained success, making huge contribution for the Microsoft company.Can see their figures in various international conference tops.They is also the new products of Microsoft,such as Windows Vista, to be born, paying industrious effort.Today that develop quickly in calculator science, the student who is a Chin Hua is a business of excited public.

Preface and Content

2010 中国对外贸易百强企业CHINA’S TOP FOREIGN TRADE ENTERPRISES 中国对外经济贸易统计学会编 Compiled by Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China

编者说明 《中国对外贸易百强企业》创刊于1990年,旨在通过对中国外贸企业的年度进出口业绩排序,评比出综合实力较强、经营业绩较好的中国外贸百强群体,彰显入榜企业在中国对外贸易领域的主力军地位,帮助提高其国内外知名度。排名活动一年一次,原由商务部(原外经贸部)发起,2008年起转由中国对外经济贸易统计学会负责。 刊物发行20年来,因其公正性、权威性和连续性,广受国际工商界、新闻界认可,业已成为国内外各界了解中国外贸资讯、拓展经贸合作的有效渠道。刊物发送范围主要包括国务院各部委、地方商务主管部门、各行业商协会、中国驻世界各国家(地区)使领馆、世界各国家(地区)驻华使领馆、跨国公司在华地区总部等。 《2010 中国对外贸易百强企业》收录了最新排名的中国外贸500强企业、200强出口企业及百强民营企业名录(注:按照2009年中国海关进出口统计数据排序)。本次排名及刊物发行得到了商务部、各地商务主管部门以及有关中央企业的大力支持,在此一并表示感谢。 由于时间仓促,本刊在编辑出版过程中可能存在疏漏和不足之处,欢迎读者批评指正。

中国对外经济贸易统计学会 二O一O年七月 Preface The year 1990 saw the initial edition of China's Top 100 Enterprises of Foreign Trade, which aims to highlight the 100 leading enterprises with comparative strength and outstanding performance of foreign trade,based on the industrial ranking of annual import and export volumn. It will help promote the leading role of the enterprises listed hereby, hence raising its reputation both at home and abroad. The ranking, conducted on an anual basis, has been launched by Chinese Ministry of Commerce until 2008, after which is done by the Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China. Thanks to its impartiality, authoritativeness, and continuity, this journal has won wide recognition from the international industrial and commercial circles as well as the press media over the past 20 years, as an effective means to know more about China's foreign trade news and expand economic and trade cooperation. And its recipients include not only the state ministries, provincial commercial departments, chambers of commerce of different industries, but also our diplomatic missions abroad, foreign diplomatic corps in China, and multinational corporation's China offices, etc. China's Top 500 Enterprises of Foreign Trade, 2010 edition includes a namelist of China's top 500 enterprises of foreign trade, a list of China's top 200 export enterprises as well as a list of China's top 100 private enterprises, with the statistics based on the data of China’s import and export volumn in 2009 provided by General Administration of Customs, China. With regard to the ranking and publishing work, great support has been lent by Chinese Ministry of Commerce, regional commercial departments and related national enterprises, who deserve our hearfelt thanks. Due to time constraint, there is still some room for improvement for this journal, where your constructive comment is highly appreciated. Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China July 2010


Structures for High-Speed Railway Transportation IABSE Symposium, Antwerp, Belgium, August 27-29, 2003 Scientific Committee Leo Wagemans, Chairman The Netherlands Philippe Van Bogaert, Vice-Chairman Belgium Horst Falkner Germany Michael Franke USA Yaojun Ge China Eberhard Gentz Germany Kent Gylltoft Sweden Byung-Suk Kim Korea Andres Lopez-Pita Spain Luc Maertens Belgium Kiyomitsu Murata Japan Dieter Pichler Austria Pekka Pulkinnen Finland Philippe Ramondenc France B.C. Roy India Fernando R. Stucchi Brazil Marcel Tschumi Switzerland Ton Vrouwenvelder The Netherlands C.J. Walsh Ireland Peter Wigley UK Halil Karadeniz, Secretary The Netherlands Organising Committee Luc Taerwe, Chairman Belgium Aad Van der Horst, Vice-Chairman The Netherlands Roger Borenstein Belgium Hans Burger The Netherlands Clément Counasse Belgium Guy Demey Belgium Luc Maertens Belgium Eugène Piraprez Belgium Bert Snijder The Netherlands Dick Stoelhorst The Netherlands Philippe Van Bogaert Belgium Ton Vrouwenvelder The Netherlands Leo Wagemans The Netherlands


第一章 绪 论 本章以误差为主线,介绍了计算方法课程的特点,并概略描述了与算法相关的基本概念,如收敛性、稳定性,其次给出了误差的度量方法以及误差的传播规律,最后,结合数值实验指出了算法设计时应注意的问题. §1.1 引 言 计算方法以科学与工程等领域所建立的数学模型为求解对象,目的是在有限的时间段内利用有限的计算工具计算出模型的有效解答。 由于科学与工程问题的多样性和复杂性,所建立的数学模型也是各种各样的、复杂的. 复杂性表现在如下几个方面:求解系统的规模很大,多种因素之间的非线性耦合,海量的数据处理等等,这样就使得在其它课程中学到的分析求解方法因计算量庞大而不能得到计算结果,且更多的复杂数学模型没有分析求解方法. 这门课程则是针对从各种各样的数学模型中抽象出或转化出的典型问题,介绍有效的串行求解算法,它们包括 (1) 非线性方程的近似求解方法; (2) 线性代数方程组的求解方法; (3) 函数的插值近似和数据的拟合近似; (4) 积分和微分的近似计算方法; (5) 常微分方程初值问题的数值解法; (6) 优化问题的近似解法;等等 从如上内容可以看出,计算方法的显著特点之一是“近似”. 之所以要进行近似计算,这与我们使用的工具、追求的目标、以及参与计算的数据来源等因素有关. 计算机只能处理有限数据,只能区分、存储有限信息,而实数包含有无穷多个数据,这样,当把原始数据、中间数据、以及最终计算结果用机器数表示时就不可避免的引入了误差,称之为舍入误差. 我们需要在有限的时间段内得到运算结果,就需要将无穷的计算过程截断, 从而产生截断误差. 如 +++=! 21 !111e 的计算是无穷过程,当用 ! 1 !21!111n e n ++++= 作为e 的近似时,则需要进行有限过程的计算,但产生了 截断误差e e n -.

Preface to Lyrical Ballads(by William Wordsworth)

Preface to Lyrical Ballads(by William Wordsworth) I. Read the following words selected from Preface to Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth in1800 and pay special attention to highlighted ones. It was published, as an experiment, which, I hoped, might be of some use to ascertain, how far, by fitting to metrical arrangement a selection of the real language of men in a state of vivid sensation, that sort of pleasure and that quantity of pleasure may be imparted, which a Poet may rationally endeavour to impart. The principal object, then, proposed in these Poems was to choose incidents and situations from common life, and to relate or describe them, throughout, as far as was possible in a selection of language really used by men, and, at the same time, to throw over them a certain colouring of imagination, whereby ordinary things should be presented to the mind in an unusual aspect; and, further, and above all, to make these incidents and situations interesting by tracing in them, truly though not ostentatiously, the primary laws of our nature: chiefly, as far as regards the manner in which we associate ideas in a state of excitement. Humble and rustic life was generally chosen, because, in that condition, the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity, are less under restraint, and speak a plainer and more emphatic language; The language, too, of these men has been adopted。。。because such men hourly communicate with

《螺旋理论》A Treatise on the Theory of Screws-PREFACE

PREFACE. About thirty years ago I commenced to develop the consequences of certain important geometrical and dynamical discoveries properly associated with the illustrious names of Poinsot and Chasles, Hamilton and Klein. The result of my labours I have ventured to designate as "The Theory of Screws." As the theory became unfolded I communicated the results in a long series of memoirs read chiefly before the Royal Irish Academy. To this learned body I tender my grateful thanks for the continual kindness with which they have encouraged this work. I published in 1876 a small volume entitled The Theory of Screws:A Study in the Dynamics of a Rigid Body. This contained an account of the subject so far as it was then known. But in a few years great advances were made, the geometrical theories were much extended, and the Theory of Screw-chains opened up a wide field of exploration. The volume just referred to became quite out of date. A comprehensive account of the subject as it stood in 1886 was given in the German work Theoretische Mechanik starrer Systeme:Auf Grund der Methoden und Arbeiten und mit einem V orworte von Sir Robert S.Ball, herausgegeben von harry Gravelius,Berlin, 1889. This work was largely a translation of the volume of 1876 supplemented by the subsequent memoirs, and Dr Gravelius made some further additions. The theory was still advancing, so that in a few years this considerable volume ceased to present an adequate view of the subject. For example, the Theory of Permanent Screws which forms perhaps one of the most instructive developments was not communicated to the Royal Irish Academy until 1890. The twelfth and latest memoir of the series containing the solution of an important problem which had been under consideration for twenty-five years did not appear until 1898. It therefore seemed that the time had now come when an attempt should be made to set forth the Theory of screws as it stands at present. The present work is the result. I have endeavoured to include in these pages every essential part of the Theory as contained in the twelve memoirs and many other papers. But the whole subject has been revised and rearranged and indeed largely rewritten, many of the earlier parts have been recast with improvements derived from later researches, and I should also add that I have found it necessary to introduce much that has not been previously published. The pleasant duty remains of expressing my thanks for the help that I have received from friends in preparing this book. I have received most useful aid from Prof. W. Burnside, Mr A.Y.G. Campbell, Mr G. Chawner, Mr A. W. Panton, Mr H. W. Richmond, Mr R. Russell, and Dr G. Johnstone Stoney. In the labour of revising the press I have been aided by Mr A. Berry, Mr A. N. Whitehead, and lastly by Professor C. J. Joly, who it will be seen has contributed several valuable notes. Finally, I must express my hearty thanks to the Cambridge University Press for the liberality with which they undertook the publication of this book and for the willing consent with which they have met all my wishes. ROBERT S. BALL. OBSERV A TORY CAMBRIDGE, 17 May, 1900.
