九年级英语英语 第七单元句型

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1.The other team was strong, but you beat them. 对方颇有实力,但你们打败了他


2.By the way, where was Steven today? 顺便问问,今天史蒂文去哪了?

3.Danny is just about to say something when he sees Steven running towards then

carrying a basketball. 丹尼正要说什么,这时他看到史蒂文抱着一个篮球向他们跑来。

4.Well, my computer broke down the day before yesterday and it’s still being

repaired. 噢,前天我的计算机坏了,现在还在修理呢。

5.I tried calling you, but your phone was out of service. 我试着给你打过电话,但


6.Danny almost hits Steven, but Brian and Jenny jump in to separate them. 丹尼差


7.You are good friends, not enemies. 你们是好朋友,不是敌人。

8.I’m in Grade 9 this year, and I’m president of the student council at my school. 今


9.Student councils work to make schools better places to learn. 学生会的工作就是


10.In the council, we share our ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and others.

在学生会里,我们与老师们和其他同学们分享我们的思想、兴趣和事务。11.In December, we decided to raise money for an organization that provides food for

poor people in our city. 在12月份,我们决定为本市一个给穷人提供食物的组织集资。

12.We sold tickets and, in the end, we all right $300. 我们出售比赛的门票,最后,


13.I think we should work together towards peace in our schools and in the world.


14.We need to learn about different countries and make friends with people from

other cultures. 我们需要了解不同的国家,与不同文化背景的人交朋友。

15.He was a good man, and God loved him. 他是个好人,上帝爱他。

16.This made God very angry. 这让上帝很生气。

17.In the evening, the dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth. 晚上,


18.This meant that land was near and the danger had passed. 这意味着离陆地很近


19.Since then, people have always takes the dove and the olive branch as symbols of


20.In the early twentieth century, people suffered through many wars. 20世纪初,人


21.The headquarters of the UN is in New York City. 联合国总部在纽约市。

22.The UN Security Council has fifteen members, five of which are permanent

members----China, France, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S. 联合国安理会有15个成员国,其中5个为常任理事国----中国、法国、俄罗斯、英国和美国。23.It is not always easy for the members to reach an agreement. 成员们达成协议不


24.Just imagine how difficult it is to satisfy all 193 members! 请试想象一下,让所


25.Let’s hope that the great idea they had in 1945 to prevent war will last forever.让


26.I’m glad you agreed to come to my house. 我很高兴,你答应来我家。

27.Would either of you like a cookie? 你们俩谁想吃饼干?

28.Do you really want to stop being friends? 你们真的不想做朋友了吗?

29.Some of our teammates had to go to the Old Age Home and help the elders that

morning. 那天上午,我的几位同班同学必须去养老院帮助老人。

30.Steven, I think Danny really tried to reach you. 史蒂文,我想丹尼确实没法与你


31.I did n’t mean to do it, Danny. 我没想那样做,丹尼。

32.After all, it’s just a game! 这毕竟只是场比赛!

33.Did you ever have a fight with a good friend?你曾经跟好朋友打过架吗?

34.He and I play on the same basketball team.他和我在同一个篮球队打球。

35.Thanks to Jenny, everything is OK now.多亏詹妮,现在一切都好了。

36.Friendship is important, and we should not fight over such a small matter. 友情为


37.We all want peace rather than fighting. 我们都想和睦,而不想打架。
