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有助于help sb. do facilitate / contribute to doing 极大地有助于go a long way towards / be of great help to 很大程度上largely / to a great extent 更有可能be more likely to do 增加某人做…的可能性increase one’s chance / odds / prospects of doing

医疗改革health care reform 远非令人满意be far from / anything but satisfactory 最关注的事情之一one of one’s utmost / biggest concerns 尽管有现代化方便设施despite modern conveniences 没机会享受… have no access to / be inaccessible to sb. 生活水平的提高the improvement of living standards / a better livelihood 增强健康意识enhance one’s awareness of health 因人而异vary from person to person 小到…大到… range from…to… 我们不仅…还要… not only do we have to…but to… 不一定奏效will not necessarily work / produce any effect 结果却… o nly to do 取决于depend on / is up to 使我们无法(很难)做…. make it impossible / difficult for us to / make impossible our attainment of this goal 这就是我们…的原因, which is why… 不管费用如何whatever the cost 任何运动形式,不论是流行的还是不流行的,都… any form of physical exercise, popular or unpopular, can… 重要的是… what counts is…. / it is …that counts it is important that we do… 对…有很多对策there are many things we can do about sth. 尽管我们特别重视食品质量despite the special attention we pay to / the great importance we attach to food quality 我们只能… the only thing / all we can do is… / we can do nothing more than do…. 使我们坚信… leave us convinced that…/ lead us to the conviction that…. 随时了解keep oneself informed of / updated on… 以防in case 一旦你开始… once yo u have started to… 首先描述… begin / start by describing… 只有…才能cannot / can

never…without doing / unless you do…. 只要…就会… no…without doing… 轻易…. have no trouble / difficulty doing….. 我们很少想到… it seldom occurs to us that…. 不久…. It won’t be long before we can… 几乎不可能的virtually out of the question / there is little chance that… 几乎不能适应快节奏生活can hardly adapt to the fast pace of life 城市化和数字化urbanization and digitalization 决心克服困难和愿意同他人合作将….the determination to overcome d ifficulty and willingness to cooperate / collaborate with sb will…. 为了….in order to . so as to / for the purpose of doing / with a view to doing 到能实现梦想的地方工作work where I can make my dream come true / turn my dream into realities 以前是不可能的事what used to be impossible 有益于/有害于be conducive to / be detrimental to… 做…需要哪些因素what it takes to do… 干…是什么感受what it is like to do… 成功需要… success requires / calls for…. 一直没引起重视have been left unnoticed 使某人抑郁leave sb. depressed 接触be exposed to / one’s exposure to / have contact with 不…却…. not…but instead 他不…我也不… he doesn’t… nor do I… 此外beyond that / also in addition 首要的是above all 与…密切相关be closely related to 对…影响很大(使…有很大不同)make much difference to 短期内不能…in the short term but will…in the long term.但从长远角度看…. 远离steer / keep clear of 幸福健康well-being 诱发疾病的习惯disease-inducing habits 一劳永逸once for all 即使我们不能…但也even if we can’t do…but … 有望…. be expected to do 吃惊地发现be surprised to find… 更多了解… learn / find out more about 有必要深刻理解… need to gain keen insight into… 对健康构成威胁pose a threat / hazard to health 我首先想到的是… the first thing that comes to my mind is … 值得注意(讨论)be worthy of attention /
