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sentences wife he appears interested in is • The only
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Every stammer always fears they will fall back to square one. Put your thinking caps on. 每个病人都害怕努力半天又回 你们得绞尽脑汁了 到起点. That’s the scoop around town. • Easy enough to give away. 传的满城风雨了 放手…其实很容易 Stop trying to be so bloody clever! • That must ring a few bells with you, Bertie.这不是和你的治疗 你就不能装傻一下吗! 很像吗? Don’t attempt to instruct me on • You have no idea who I have my duties! 别插手我的公事! breathing down my neck. But Hitler’s intent is crystal clear. 你是不知道有多少人巴不得帮 希特勒的野心昭然若揭. 我打听清楚. I might have overstepped the • That is the Stone of Scone, you mark. are trivializing everything . 我说的确实有点过分了… • 你怎么藐视一切.
• My brother.. is infatuated with a woman who has been married twice. 我哥…迷上了一个结了两次婚 的女人. • I am not an alternative to my brother.我无意顶替我哥哥 • Vulgar but fluent. You don’t stammer when you swear. 说粗话很流利,这时候你不 结巴. • Defecation flows trippingly from the tongue? 嘴里吐脏字很轻松吧?
• Ah. Know the f-word? 噢,你知道F开头的词? • wireless is indeed a Pandora’s Box. 无线电是把双刃剑. • And what if my husband were the Duke of York? 要是我丈夫是约克公爵呢? • But for my method to work. But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey. 要不是下雨, 我们会有一次愉快 的旅行 • If only they would. 要是他们愿意就好了
Don’t listen to egghead. 别理书呆子了. so you can chit-chat at posh tea parties? 好在宴会上显摆一下. Just a great deal of nerve. 穷有一身的胆量. It being a p-pleasant day, pperhaps take a stroll. 天气这…这么好,也可以…出去 散步. I came at the invitation of the King. 我是应国王的邀请而来
The king’s speech
Titles of royal house
Words and expressiwk.baidu.comns sentences
Titles of royal house
皇室的称谓 • • • • 皇朝 dynasty 皇宫(imperial) palace 皇家 imperial/royal house 国王陛下his Majesty the King,your Majesty • 国王乔治五世陛下 his Majesty, King George the fifth • • • • • • • 皇太后 empress dowager 皇帝 emperor 皇后 queen 皇太子crown prince 殿下your Royal Highness 大人your Grace 卑职 your humble servant

• I am sure you will be splendid. Just invariably the wife of another! take your time. 唯一想娶的女人就是别人的老婆! • 您肯定会有出色的表现。慢慢来. • He said she made him sublimely happy.他 • I’m just in the loo.我正上厕所 说她让他由衷的开心。 • Poor and content is rich and rich • Who’ll pick up the pieces? enough.“人能安贫就是富” 谁来收拾烂摊子? • You are awfully sure of yourself. • Let the words flow 您这么信心十足 . 让词语脱口而出. • Indentured servitude? • Long live the King.国王万岁 契约缠身的苦差事? • What on earth was that?究竟怎么了? • He comes highly recommended. • Now I’m trapped!我是解脱不了了 这人强力推荐他 • You’re not well acquainted with Royal • As long as he lives he was the guiding star of a great nation. Princes, are you? 他活着的时候,是整个帝国的指路明灯. 你还不太了解殿下。 • Show who’s in command. • 给它点颜色看看
• By repeating tongue • twisters . 通过绕口令之类的练习 • • If your father were here, tardiness would not be tolerated. • 大卫,要是你父亲在,这 样不守时是绝不允许的 • • She pinch me so I’d cry, 她都掐我,我就哭 • He died at 13, hidden from view. I’ve been told it’s not • catching. 岁死后,家里人就不再提 他,大人说这不是光彩事。
Words and expressions
• You‘re live in two minutes. 两分钟后会给您直播。 • The largest Exhibition staged anywhere in the world. 这是迄今世界上最大的展会。 • Cigarette smoking calms the nerves .吸烟能缓解紧张情. • I do not have a “hubby”. We don’t “pop”. 我丈夫不是普通的“老公 也不随便“转转”。 • Sterilized 已经杀菌了 • I bloody well stammer! You’re bloody well paid to listen!那是因为我给你钱了! Papa’s bloody clocks were Always half an hour fast!爸的 表总快半小时! • Tick, tock, tick, tock.静一静 • You will be if you remain un-obliging. 要是你还这么不近人情的. • I‘m not here to rehearse. 我来这儿不是彩排的.