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《中国古代宗教信仰和哲学思想》(Histoire des croyances religieuses et des opinions Philosophiques en Chins depuis l'origine jusqu'a nos jours),法国神甫戴遂良(Léon Wieger,1856-1933),河间府献县(Ho Kien Fou: Hsien hsien):天主教会印刷所(Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique),1917年

《中国人的世界观:其天文学、宇宙论及自然哲学的思辨》(The W orld Conception of the Chinese: Their Astronomical, Cosmological and Physico-philosophical Speculations),(德)佛尔克(Alfred Forke,1867-1944),伦敦:亚瑟·普罗赛因(Arthur Probsthain),普罗赛因东方文学丛书14(Probsthain's Orieintal Series,No. 14),1925年

《中国哲学》(Chinesische Philosophie),海克曼(H. Hackmann),慕尼黑(München):莱因海德出版社(V erlag Ernst Reinhaidt),1927年

《中国古代哲学史》(Geschichte der Alten Chillesischen Philosophie)、《中国中古哲学史》(Deschichte der Mittelalter Lichen Chinesischen Philosophie)、《中国近代哲学史》(Geschichte der Noueren Chinesischen Philosophie),佛尔克(Alfred Forke),汉堡(Hamburg):Friederischen, de Gruyter and Co.,1927;1934;1938年。佛氏最受重视的著作。分别叙述先秦哲学;汉代到宋代哲学;明清至二十世纪的哲学。全书介绍了150多位中国哲学家,主要取材于中文原始资料,包含大量的译文和注释。傅海波(Herbert Franke)评价说: “这部书受到一些批评毫不奇怪,因为如此宏篇巨制,实非一人能力所及。但是佛氏的著作取材宏富,又对原文严加考辨分析,一些不太出名的思想家和作者也没有被忽视,故长期以来它都是西文著述中有关中国哲学史的最便利、完备的参考书。可以称得上是一部后人难以企及的哲学史著作。”海尼诗(Erich Haenisch)也说: “佛尔克的《中国哲学史》与嘎伯冷兹《中国文言语法》、顾路柏《中国文学史》和福兰阁《中国通史》一样,是代表德国汉学研究水平的巨著。他本人也因此而长期享名于东方学界。”《历史文献:儒释道》(Textes historiques: Confuciisme, Taoisme, Buddhisme),戴遂良(Léon Wieger),河间府献县(Ho Kien Fou: Hsien hsien):天主教会印刷所(Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique),1930年。道教两卷集,第一卷是当时最新《通藏》总目录,第二卷是《老子》、《列子》、《庄子》法汉对照本,据戴密微说,戴遂良的“译文与原文相去甚远。”(《法国汉学研究史概述》)戴遂良是在中国河间府传教的多产作家,他留给后人不少重要汉学著作。那三十几卷作品,既无所不包,又浅尝辄止

《中国思想论》(La Penseé Chinoise),葛兰言(Marcel Granet,1884-1940),巴黎:图书复兴社(Albin Michel),1934;1938年,收入法国新史学运动大师白尔(Henri Berr)主编的“人类演化丛书”

《中国古代三大思想方式》(Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China),亚瑟·韦利(Arthur Waley),伦敦:麦克米兰出版公司(The MacMillan Co.),1939;1940年;伦敦:乔治·爱伦和爱文(George Allen & Unwin)出版社,1946年;纽约:Barnes and Noble,1953年;伦敦花园城(Garden City):Doubleday Anchor Books,1956年,275页;台北:金山图书公司(KinSAN Book Co),1970年;加利福尼亚、斯坦福大学出版社,1982年。选译《庄子》《孟子》《韩非子》consists primarily of selections from Chuang-tzu, Mencius, and Han Fei-tzu, representative texts of the most important schools of Chinese thought competing in the Late Chou period (fifth through third centuries B.C.).Arthur Waley selected the passages and translated them for the general reader, so the work is not only informative, but also enjoyable to read. The selections from the Chuang-tzu will appeal to the reader's imagination; the Mencius,to one's moral feelings; and readers are likely to find in the fewer selections from the Han Fei-tzu a political philosophy one might be tempted to compare with the philosophy of the present century. This book is recommended as the first volume of translations to be read by the layman and for use in general introductory courses.

《中印智慧》(The Wisdom of India and China)(The Wisdom of China and India),林语堂(Lin Yutang, 1895-1976),纽约:蓝登书屋(Random House),“现代图书馆丛书”版(Modern Library Editions),伦敦、纽约:约翰·戴公司(John Day Co.),1942年,1103页。台北:经文出版社,1964年

The wisdom of India. Indian piety. Hymns from the Rigveda; The Upanishads; The Lord's song (The Bhagavad-Gita); The yoga aphorisms of Patanjali -- Indian imagination. The Ramayana -- Indian humor. The fables of Panchatantra; The enchanted parrot -- Buddhism. The Dhammapada; Three sermons by Buddha; Some Buddhist parables and legends; The light of Asia (Life of Buddha)/ by Edwin Arnold; The Surangama Sutra; What is nirvana? -- Glossary of Hindu words

后半部是有关中国的。分六部分,每部分之前均有作者之评述。除诗歌外的其他五部分是: (1)中国神秘主义(Chinese Mysticism),收有《道德经》和《庄子》11章的出色译文;(2)中国民主主义(Chinese Democracy),收有《书经》《孟子》(均为理雅各之译文)和《墨子》(梅贻宝之译文);(3)中庸(The Middle Way),收有《论语》《中庸》;(4)中国诗歌(Chinese poetry),收有屈原、李白之诗歌;(5)中国人生活之素描(Sketches of Chinese Life),收有沈复《浮生六记》(Six Chapters of a Floating Life);(6)中国智慧(Chinese Wit and Wisdom),收有《列子》《郑板桥家书》(Cheng Pan-ch'iao's family Letters of a Chinese Poet)

The wisdom of China. Chinese mysticism. Laotse, the book of Tao; Chuangtse, mystic and humorist --Chinese democracy. The book of history: doucments of Chinese democracy (Shu Ching); Mencius: the democratic philosopher; Motse: the religious teacher -- The middle way. The aphorisms of Confucius; The golden mean of Tsesze 子思-- Chinese poetry. Some great ancient lyrics; Ch'u Yuan; Li Po; The tale of Meng Chiang: a "drum story" in five cantos; The mortal thoughts of a nun -- Sketches of Chinese life. Chinese tales; Six chapters of a floating life / by Shen Fu -- Chinese wit and wisdom. Parables of ancient philosophers; Family letters of a Chinese poet; The epigrams of Lusin; One hundred proverbs -- The pronunciation of Chinese names -- Table of Chinese dynasties.

《中国智慧》(The Wisdom of China),林语堂(Lin Yutang),Michael Joseph, London. 1944, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1954, 1956, 1969年,London, Four Square Books, The New English Library Ltd., First Four Square Edition, 1963. 590页;台北:
