


1. Greeting message 祝福

Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。

How are you? 你好吗?

How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗?

2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议

I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is ok for you and Ben.


I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.


We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time.


Le t’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.


I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project.


3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows.


Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.

谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.


What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?


What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想?

Do you have any idea about this?


Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know. /

Any question, please let me know. /

Please contact me if you have any questions. /

Please let me know if you have any question on this.


Your comments and suggestions are welcome! /

Please let me know what you think?


It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior.


At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.


4. Give feedback 意见反馈

Please see comments below. 请看下面的评论。

My answers are in blue below. 我的回答已标蓝。

I add some comments to the document for your reference.


5. Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.


Attached please find t oday’s meeting notes.


Attach is the design document, please review it.


For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.


6. Point listing 列表

Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today: 1…….2…….


Some known issues in this release: 1…….2…….

声明中涉及的一些问题: 1…….2…….

Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns: 1…….2…….


Here are some more questions/issues for your team: .


The current status is as following: 1…… 2……

目前数据如下: 1…… 2……

Some items need your attention:1…….2…….


7. Raise question 提出问题I have some questions about the report XX-XXX


For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions:…


8. Proposal 提议

For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing…


I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.


Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue……


9. Thanks note 感谢信

Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作!

Thanks for the information 谢谢您提供的信息!

I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.


Thanks for your attention! 谢谢关心!

Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated.


Really appreciate your help! 非常感谢您的帮助!

10. Apology 道歉

I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!


I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP.

很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。(注:ASAP=as soon as possible,意为尽快。)



1.Know your email terms 要弄清楚email发送程序缩写

"Reply to all"表示你的回复将发送给每一个收到原始邮件的人。在邮件的地址栏内,"cc" (carbon copy)部分指的是该邮件发给你指定的人,而"bcc"部分你可以悄悄的发送邮件而不让其他的人知道– b代表的是"blind"(掩藏的)。如果有人要你"forward"一封邮件,意思是要你通过转发的功能发送邮件,有时侯简写成"Fw."

https://www.360docs.net/doc/02786005.html,e the Right Greeting 使用正确的称谓

用"Hey"作为写给朋友的电子邮件开场白没有任何问题,但是最好不要用这种方式给一个潜在的商务伙伴这样写信。另,用非常正式的传统开场白"Dear Sir" 也已经越来越过时了。

最好写成"Dear Mr. / Ms." 后跟那个人的姓氏。同事之间,通常可直呼其名,如"Dear John"。

3.Keep it Short and Clear 用英语写邮件,要清晰、有条理

在邮件的第一段清楚的表明你写信的目的,保证每一段中都有代表核心观点的中心句。使用类似"first, second, next, and finally"的词引导读者你所要表述的每一个观点。你不需在邮件中包括所有的详细内容,取而代之的可以是类似"If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me,"这样的短语来结束邮件,这样一来可以为对方创造进一步交流的前提。

4.Be polite and tactful 懂得谦逊和准确传达信息的重要性

"I want."之类的词能避免则避免出现,相比之下,"I would like"显得更尊重对方。又如"I am interested in"是提出请求建议或寻求意见的好方法。


"I am looking forward to your reply," "Thank you,"或者"Sincerely"都是给收信人留下好印象的结尾方式。


Referring to previous contact 提及之前联系

Thank you for your interest… 感谢您…的兴趣

Further to our conversation of … 关于我们某月某日的谈话……

W ith reference to your letter of/dated …in which… 关于您某月某日的来信…,其中谈到…

Stating the reason for writing 陈述写信原因

I am writing to confirm/apply for/ outline… 我写此信是为了确认/申请/简略地说明……

I'd like to thank/complain/comment on… 我想对……表示感谢/投


I am writing concernin g… 我写此信是关于……

Enclosing information 随附信息

Please fine enclosed… 附上……As requested, I enclosed… 应您要求,随信附上……

Offering assistance 提供帮助

Should you have any further questions, please contact me on the above number.


In the meantime, if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call me.

在此期间,如果您需要了解更多信息,请尽量来电与我联系。Referring to further contact 提及未来联系

I look forward to hearing from you/meeting you/seeing you/working with you. 我希望收到您的回信/与您见面/与您共事。I hope to hear from you soon. 希望尽快收到您的回信


E-mail的书写很简单,采取左对齐,单边行距的文档格式。段落之间double-space. 具体,我列出以下几个注意点。

?Address the recipient by Full Name. Use gender-Neutral language. 对收信者要称呼对方的全名。使用中性的语言。

如果关系不是那么亲密,用Mr., Dr会比较好。

?Write a specific, not general, topic in the subject box. 在Subject一栏里要把主题写的明确,不要大众化。不然,很有可能紧急的信件被划到垃圾信件里。那事情就大条了。?Start your e-mail with a sentence that tells what your message is about. 首句就直截了当的告诉对方这封E-mail讲的是什么事。简单,明确。

?Put the details of your message in the second garagraph. 第二段落是细节的部分。你可以把收信人不了解的信息,或可能遗忘的信息放在第二段。

?Be clear, concise, and specific. Avoid overly long sentences. 信件简明,扼要。你要知道对着电脑屏幕一行行的看字,不像看本书,是很伤眼睛的。所以,为了他人着想,尽量写的言简意赅吧。实在E-mail不得不长,分段处用Headings。?Never write in all capital letters or all lower-case letters. 之所以用大写是为了引起别人的重视,如果全用大写字母,不是招人烦么。全用小写字母也是不当的。这样,会给人一种不尊重,偷懒的感觉。

?Be cautious about what you say in a business e-mail. 记住,你的E-mail, 可能被人forward给其他人看。万事要小心,别把一些谣言,玩笑话写在E-mail里。甚至轻易泄漏你的银行卡号,信用卡密码。

?Check your e-mail and any attachments to make sure your

message is clear, your tone is pro, and your spelling, grammar

and punctuation are correct. 一封E-mail写完了,别忘记查看附件有没有上传好。你的语气是不是够专业,Grammar和


?At the end of your message, before your full name and position, use a commonly accepted complimentary closing. 在E-mail收


Cordially, or Regards.


F. Y. I

刚进外企的时候,收到很多别人转过来的信上都有这三个字母,过了好久才知道意思是:For Your Information。看到这几个字母意味着下面内容和我有关,但是关系不大,看看就好。因为对方如果要你采取行动,一定会说清楚“Catherine, please……”而不会只是了事。潜台词: 和你关系不大,给你随便看看。




潜台词:你这个事情也许会出岔子,你要好好注意,别弄砸了!My understanding is …

这句话的字面意思是:“我的理解是…”,往往是在你发表一个观点或看法时,对方会说“My understanding is …”。这时候你要注意喽:他不是想让你听听他的理解是什么。而是想告诉你,你的理解有误,我再给你解释一下。


好像口语里很少用到这个词来表达感谢,但是在email里,这个词可是使用率很高的。当事情自己解决不了的时候,需要别人帮忙的时候,或者是自己做错事无法挽回的时候,一句“Your kind help should be appreciated.” 能够发挥很大的作用了。如果你想让对方快一点回复你的email,也可以在结尾写上“Your quick reply will be highly appreciated.”也可以起到很好的push作用。






潜台词:一旦被别人说"very aggressive",需要好好理解,也许人家是说:这人整天凶巴巴的,不好相处,做事没头没脑,老闯祸。但老板说你不够"aggressive",那意思则是你不够积极,工作需要更主动些。








Follow up

意思是:跟办。外企老板,尤其是老外,很重视项目或工作的进度,而且要心里清楚是谁在负责,所以总喜欢问“这个case有没有人follow up?”,如果一个工作还没有结果,却没有人follow up,那部门主管可就会成为直接负责人了。所以,每个主管也都很聪明,把自己手里面的所有case都分派给手下的员工,然后就由他们自己去follow up。老板问起来,只要把员工名字告诉老板,然后说说简单情况就可以了。这也就是为什么外企员工的独立性都很强、效率很高的原因了。


To Do List

进入外企,如果你想有条不紊的完成手里面堆成小山的工作,而且不会误了deadline,那你的法宝就是To Do List。一定要做一个很有条理的Excel表格,把项目的名称、期限、具体内容、特别注意、进展情况等都列成一个表,随时follow up自己的进度。这样,不仅能让自己变得有条理,而且在老板问起来的时候也好有个实实在在的东西给她/他看。同时,这也是日后写绩效评估的一个文字依据啊,何乐而不为呢?



这个词是截止日期的意思。刚到外企的新手往往对手头的工作没有时间观念,不知道要在规定的时间内完成,也不知道问每一个任务的deadline是什么日期。最后,等真到了deadline还没完成,那你的死期可就真到了。所以,你一定要自己做一份To Do List(任务清单),把每一项任务都拍好顺序,千万要写清楚交差的日期,准时完成。


You deserve it.

正像《杜拉拉升职记》里面提到的,这句话的确在外企里面很流行。不过他有两个意思,一个是褒义“当之无愧”,另一个是贬义“你活该”。所以,如果一是搞不清楚上级或同事说这句话的意思,那可要仔细品味了。不过大可放心,如果是上级直接对你说“You deserve it.”,那肯定是在夸奖你呢。


Performance Evaluation


潜台词:拿Performance Evaluation不当回事的人,在外企绝对混不久的。





Thank you for contacting us.如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。

Thank you for your prompt reply.当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting bac k to me.”

Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the proble m.”Thank you raising your concerns.

就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your fee dback.”



Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。

Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢。

Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使用这句句子吧。

Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话,就用这封邮件结尾。

Thank you again for everything you've done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。如果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读者,你就可以使用这句话,但是因为他们的帮助,你可以着重再次感谢你们的付出。




YES:Supplier training

NO:professional trainees from sister company should abide by rule of local company(太长)


NO:像News about the meeting 这样的表达,

YES:应改为Tomorrow's meeting canceled。


YES:New E-mail Address Notification;Detailed calculation

NO:detailed calculation

视信的内容是否重要,还可以开头加上URGENT或者FYI(For Your Information,供参考),如:URGENT:Submit your report today!


1、E-mail一般使用非正式的文体,因此正文(Body)前的称呼(Salutation)通常无须使用诸如Dear Mr. John之类的表达。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。YES:Tommy,或者Mr. Smith。



I received your memo and will discuss it with Eric on Wednesday.



3、人家的名字千万不要错,老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃圾桶. 同样, 头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.以下是一样的: Howard E. Wyatt, Dr. Howard E. Hyatt


YES: Messrs. Smith, Wyatt, and Fury 。女人呢? YES:用Mesdames, Mmes., or Mses. 同样不要跟名字. 例子: Mses. Farb, Lionel, and Gray 。男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如: Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ;Mr. Harold Wright and Dr. Margaret Wright ;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams-Quinn 。

5、有人有自己头衔就要跟紧,例如有人有荣誉学位就不喜欢用一般的头衔,有时大头不知道对方头衔,干脆用Ms.算了. Ms. Sarah Gray


Ken Green, President /Ken Green /Vice President of International Operations

NO:Ken Green /Vice President of Unicom China

YES:Ken Green /Vice President, Unicom China

7、老外的名字有时有Jr. 或Sr.,之前的逗点是随你喜欢的,以下都是正确,不要笑人:

YES:Michael J. Smith, Jr. /Michael J. Smith Sr.

8、用人家的名字总好过人家的头衔称呼. 如果没有名字,或者是很正规信的信件,可以考虑这些:

Dear Committee Member:

Dear Meeting Planner: Dear Colleagues: To All Sales Reps:

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Sir or Madam:

Dear Madam or Sir:

Dear Purchasing Agent:


YES:Gentlemen or Ladies: Ladies or Gentlemen:


YES:Dear Mr. Jones: (非常正规) Dear Joan:

Dear Jim, Jim, (非正规)


1、E-mail的非正式的文体特点并不意味它的撰写可以马虎行事,特别是给长辈或上级写信,或者撰写业务信函更是如此。写完信后,一定要认真检查有无拼写、语法和标点符号的误。当然Outlook Express等软件的'拼写检查'功能可以助你一臂之力。



NO:He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment.

YES:He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment.



NO:MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样。




1、Very Formal非常正规的(例如给政府官员的)

Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully,


Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Yours truly,

3、Less Formal不太正规的(例如客户)

Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Cordially yours, Yours

cordially, Cordially,


Regards, Warm regards, With kindest regards, With my best regards, My best, Give my best to Mary, Fondly, Thanks, See you next week!

有时在we, I, and you之间选择是很烦的事-- 如果是公司代表联络生意之类,可以用: We will reimburse you for these legal expenses. Sinopec will reimburse you for these legal expenses. 如果单纯说你自己,可以用: I found the brochure very informative. 有时可以一起用啦...: We are pleased to offer you the position of sales director, and I am looking forward to our Tuesday morning meeting.

那么I和you呢?好烦好烦.一般来说,收信人的利益比较重要,名义上都要这样想.给人尊重的语气就一般不会错了. 多用you有时会有隔阂的感觉.

You will be pleased to learn that you have been selected to serve on our advisory board. Your prompt response will be appreciated. (好像欠你一样)

I am pleased that our board has selected you as the best qualified candidate to serve on our advisory board. I hope you’ll agree to serve. (这就友善多了)

Your book was well written and comprehensive. (不用你来判断我呀~~)

I thoroughly enjoyed your book and found an answer to every one of my questions about performance appraisals. (客气一点,人家受落)


B、信尾客套话(Complimentary close)通常也很简明。常常只须一个词,如:'Thanks','Best','Cheers',不需要用一般信函中的'Sincerely yours'或'Best regards'。

C、签名:不要把Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr.之类一起签,人家会笑你的... 签名也看信件的语气.给朋友或公司客户,签Bill也可以,给陌生人就最好用Gates或者Bill Gates啦.


英文电子邮件的格式A. 文法

1.切忌主客不分或模糊. 例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment.” 应改为Deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. (We决定呀, 不是report.)

2.句子不要凌碎. 例子: He decided not to audit the last ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起.

3.结构对称,令人容易理解. 例子: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings. 应改为: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract.

4.单众数不要搞乱,不然会好刺眼,看不舒服. 例如: An authorized person must show that they have security clearance.

5.动词主词要呼应. 想想这两个分别: is one of the

public-relations functions that is underbudgeted. 2. This is one of the public-relations functions, which are underbudgeted.


7.标点要准确. 例如: He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment. 改为: He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment.

8.选词正确. 好像affect和effect, operative和operational等等就要弄清楚才好用啦.

9.拼字正确. 有电脑拼字检查功能后,就更加不能偷懒.

10.大小写要注意.非必要不要整个字都是大写,除非要骂人,:,例如: MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样. 要强调的话,用底线,斜字,粗体就可以了.

英文电子邮件的格式B. 文体

1.可读性.对象是大学程度的话,用高中的英文就行,不要以为人人都是语言大师.多用短句(15-20字吧), 技术性的字,就更加要简单易明.

2.注意段落的开头.一般来说,重要或强调的事情都放在信件或段落的开头,而句子就放在最尾. 例如: he was unable to attend the meeting personally, he forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape. forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape because he was unable to attend the meeting personally. 两者强调的事情就有分别了.

3.轻重有分. 同等重要的用and来连接,较轻放在次要的句子里.

4.意思转接词要留神. 例如: but (相反), therefore (结论), also (增添), for example (阐明). 分不清furthermore和moreover就不要用啦.

5.句子开头不要含糊不清的主词. 例子: These decisions have been a big disappointment to the committee members. They have delayed further action. They是指什么呀????开头少用this, that, it, they, 或which.

6.修饰词的位置要小心,例如: He could only reimburse the cost after July 15. 应为He could reimburse the cost only after July 15.

7.用语要肯定准确.切忌含糊. 例如:The figures show a significant increase.” 怎样significant呀,大哥? 改为: The figures show an increase of 19%.

8.立场观点一致. 少用被动语. 例如: Partial data should be submitted by April. 改为: You should submit partial data by April.就很好了.

英文电子邮件的格式C. 格调

1.式样和句子长度不要太单调. 千篇一律的


2.弱软的词. was, were, is, are...)可以加强一点. 例如: Prunton products are highly effective in ... 改为: Prunton products excel in ...就有力很多了.

3.亲切,口语化是比较受欢迎! 用宾词和主动的词,让人家受落. 例如: 1. This infor mation will be sincerely appreciated.” 2. We sincerely appreciate your information. 明显地,我们会喜欢第2句.

英文电子邮件的格式D. 内容与附件








其中邮件主题应体现邮件主旨,要引人注目、意思明确,最好为名词或动名词短语;称呼礼貌得体,符合商务英语写作习惯,如不知对方姓名只知头衔,可用Dear+Title作为称呼,如只知对方姓名不知性别,可用Dear+全名,如邮件为一封通函,则用DearAll 作为邮件称呼;正文应结构清楚,便于阅读,如正文内容较长,可使用小标题、小段落,或利用星号、下划线及段落间空行等方式使邮件眉目清楚、一目了然。









例1 It is very difficult to sell man hole covers in product must have the quality certificate issued in France.

例2 Price:FOB Shanghai USD 96“PC.

例3 Hope you can accept it.







例1 We will deliver your goods soon.

例2 中significant一词意为明显的、不小的,语义模糊,故可以用具体数字替换。例2中soon表示不久、很快,语义不明确,没有指出具体的供货时间,可改为具体的年月日。



例1 If it is not for the larger orders we receive from a numbero four regular customers,we could not have quoted for supplies even at that price.

例2 I would appreciate it if you could give me your best quotations for 65,000 pieces.









2.在你摁下发送按钮之前,一定要double check一下。发邮件是一件覆水难收的事情。如果你实在没空重新检查一遍,也一定要看看数字是否正确,有些句子的意思有没有弄反了。

3.要记住,不要用大词,不要用那些迂腐的古董般的啰哩啰唆的表达方式。比如please be advised that…Should you required any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

in view of the fac that , it has come to my attention that这样的表达方式并不能让你看起来更醒目。


5. 如果你处于比较弱势的或者被动的地位,或者你觉得自己的英文不够好,请多研究对方的邮件。如果你觉得自己的英文太牛逼了,比那些老外都要好,有时候也要尽量采用对方的表达方式。因为这样他们理解起你来就容易多了。当然,如果对方是英语国家的人,你想要炫耀就随意吧。


Dear Brad,

After we receive the sample of Air Release System and instruction you sent to us, we’ve found that it is effective only for steam cooking. However, most of the recipes for PC are related to soup (such as pettitoes, pork ribs, chicken, beef and so on, together with some vegetable, are cooked in lots of water and form soup ) .

Thank you for the sample of Air Release System and the instruction. We find it only works for steam cooking. However, most of the PC recipes are for soups, such as pettitoes, pork ribs/steaks, chicken, etc. which are cooked in a lot of water with some vegetables.

Kelvin suggests that Air Release System can also preserve the vitamins, so maybe we can apply it

to our high end products.

Therefore, we expect to understand its effective on preserving vitamin, and how it works to realize this function, in order to have a better understanding on its function, and further to decide whether to introduce it to domestic China.

As Kelvin suggested Air Release System works/worked well at preserving vitamins, and we think it might be a good idea to use it on our high-end products. So we hope to get a better understanding of how it works on preserving vitamins, and decide whether to introduce it to China or not.


中国有句古话,叫“善始善终”,我想我们既然有了漂亮的开头,当然也不能少了一个画龙点睛的结尾呀!所以我整理了一个美国朋友写给我的十八封邮件的结尾(closing statements)跟大家分享,并作了简要的分析和评论值得积累下来的词汇和句型。真诚地希望大家能从中有所收获。

1. OK, I'd better quit now

so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message。

I look forward to hearing more from you。

Take care。


我的朋友每次给我写邮件都是“飞流直下三千尺”,我现在才反应过来原来我的阅读能力就是这样训练出来的:)不过说实话,我很喜欢读朋友写的东西,他写的东西确实挺幽默,我经常一个人坐在电脑前一边读邮件一边哈哈大笑。朋友说so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message说明他很“体谅”我,所以才说必须离开了,要不然他一直这么写下去我这一整天也什么也不用做了,光读邮件了:)其实我觉得用中文讲出来都已经没有原来的味道了,大家最好还是用英文的思维去体会其中的幽默吧!

2. That's all I can think of for now. I'll close with another email hug. Take good care of yourself。


朋友说今天就写到这儿,怎么结束呢?当然是来一个email hug hug是拥抱的意思,现在流行email hug 哟。怎么样,够形象吧?

3. I really enjoy conversing with you, and it will be fun to talk more often。

Take care, and good luck。


在结尾表达跟我谈话很开心,用了enjoy conversing with … converse 这个词大家应该很眼熟吧,对啦,它就是conversation 的动词,不过我们平时用得少,看来还是得多学学native speaker 的地道用词啊:)

4. I look forward to hearing from you again. Best wishes in your job search, and best wishes to you and your family。

Warmest regards,


这是一个很常规的结尾,表达了良好的祝愿。不过Warmest regards我们在课本上好像学不到哟!一般我们只知道Best wishes 或者是Best regards。

5. I guess I will quit writing now. I look forward to hearing from you again very soon.

Best wishes,


再一次看到了quit, 应该不陌生了。学会怎么用了吗?如果你要结尾了就可以说quit writing。

6. Please write again soon.

Best wishes,



wish you the very best in the coming year. I will talk to you more soon。



8. I need to get to work, so I'll write more later. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.


look forward to doing 这个短语非常重要,最主要是很实用,而且很常用。



1. CC

CC是Carbon Copy的缩写,意思是抄送。对于抄送的邮件,表示发件人对抄送人的一种告知,抄送人是不用回复的。但是,这种告知是比较诡谲的,发件人往往真实的目的是要影响抄送人,而非主收件人。这表示发件人在“狐假虎威”、在“敲山震虎”,在用主收件人的压力去影响抄送人。潜台词:“XX,我已经告诉你了


2. FYI

FYI是for your information的缩写,意思是供你参考。这句话下面通常紧跟的链接和附件资料。潜台词:“XX,这件事与你有关,随便看看吧,不用太上心。”

3. Highlight


4. Unacceptable

Unacceptable的意思是不可取。外企很注意形式上对人的尊重,因此在批评员工时用词也选择一些不激烈的词。这些词通常是表扬词汇(如acceptable)的否定形式。如果老板说“It is unacceptable!”,这就很严重了。潜台词:“你这么做太差劲了,让我太不满意了,再这样下去,我就不客气了!”

5. Great/Wonderful

Great/Wonderful是一般性的夸奖。正如,广州人叫你“靓女”、“靓仔”不值得沾沾自喜一样,老外对你说“It’s great!”,“Wonderful!”,你也不必飘飘然。只要你工作不出差错,这句话就能经常在你邮件发送工作成果后老板的回复中看到。潜台词:“还可以吧,验收合格。”





















外企不流行口头汇报,发电邮是回报业绩的主要方式。这个场面在许多职场小说上都屡见不鲜,比如《米娅,快跑》上,David 写了一个洋洋洒洒的Email,发给了包括亚太区甚至是美国总部在内的相关团队,狠狠地吹了一把。他甚至用了这样的语句:“请原谅我的这个邮件写得如此之长,因为我担心任何的一点删减都会影响到整个项目的辉煌。”不止是邀功,连自恋都溢于言表。









一. 商业书信常用开头语Opening Phrases & Sentences Generally Used In Business Letters


To inform one of; To say; To state; To communicate; To advise one of; To bring to one's notice (knowledge); To lay before one; To point out; To indicate; To mention; To apprise one of; To announce; To remark; To call one's attention to; To remind one of; etc.

1. We are pleased to inform you that

2. We have pleasure in informing you that

3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of

4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)

5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that

6. We have to inform you that (of)

7. We have to advise you of (that)

8. We wish to inform you that (of)

9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)

10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)

11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice

12. Please allow us to call your attention to

13. Permit us to remind you that (of)

14. May we ask your attention to

15. We feel it our duty to inform you that (of)


1. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that (of)

2. The purport of this line is to advise you that (of)

3. The object of the present is to report you that

4. The object of this letter is to tell you that

5. By this letter we Purpose to inform you that (of)

6. Through the present we wish to intimate to you that

7. The present serves to acquaint you that


1. Please inform me that (of)

2. Kindly inform me that (of)

3. Be good enough to inform me that (of)

4. Be so good as to inform me that (of)

5. Have the goodness to inform me that (of)

6. Oblige me by informing that (of)

7. I should be obliged if you would inform me that (of)

8. I should be glad if you would inform me that (of)

9. I should esteem it a favour if you would inform me that (of)

10. I will thank you to inform me that (of)

11. You will greatly oblige me by informing that (of)

12. We shall be obliged if you will inform us that (of)

13. We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on, as to; about)

14. We shall deem it a favour if you will advise us of

15. We shall esteem it a high favour if you will inform us that (of)


1. We confirm our respects of the l0th May

2. We confirm our letter of the l0th of this month

3. We confirm our last letter of the l0th June

4. We had the pleasure of writing you last on the l0th of this month

5. We confirm our respects of the l0th June

6. We confirm the remarks made in our respects of the l0th July

7. We confirm the particulars of our enquiry by telephone of this morning

8. In confirming our telegram of this morning, --

9. Confirming our respects of the 10th May,---

10. Confirming our last of the 10th June,---


l. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd May

2. We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the lst June

3. We have to acknowhedge receipt of your favour of the 5th July

4. Your letter of May 5 was very welcome

5. Your letter of April l0 gave me much pleasure

6. Your esteemed favour of 7th May was duly received by us

7. Your favour of the 5th June is duly to hand

8. Your favour of the l0th is to (at) hand

9. We are in due receipt of your favour dated the 7th June

10. We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July

11. We are in possession of your letter of the 5th April

12. We have duly received your favour of the 5th March

13. Your letter of yesterday's date is duly to (at) hand

14. Your esteemed communication of yesterday's date is just to (at) hand

15. We thank you for your favour of the 5th May

16. We are obliged for your letter of the 5th May

17. Many thanks for your latter of the 5th June

18. Very many thanks for your letter of May 5

19. In acknowledging receipt of your letter of the 5th June, ...

20. Your favour of the 5th May has just reached me

21. Your favour of the 5th May is duly received

22. Your favour of the 5th May is now before me

23. Your promised letter under date (of) the 5th June has just reached us


1. I have the pleasure of stating, in answer to your inquiry of the 4th inst, that

2. In reply to your letter of the 5th of May, I have to inform you that (of)

3. I hasten to answer your inquiry of the l5th May, by stating that

4. We are in receipt of yours of the 5th June, in reply to which we are pleased to state that

5. In reply to yours of the l0th May, relative to..., I would say that

6. I am in receipt of your favour of the 7th May, and in response I inform you that (of)

7. In response to your letter of l0th May, I wish to say that

8. In answer to your favour of the 5th May regarding... I reply as follows:

9. Answering your letter of the 8th of February re..., I would say that

10. In reply to your letter of February 8th, I inform you that (of)

11. Replying to yours of the 8th of February regarding..., I would say that

12. Replying to your favour under date of February 8th re..., I say that


l. We regret to inform you that (of)

2. We are sorry to have to draw your attention to

3. We regret to have to say that

4. We regret to advise you that

5. We very much regret to announce you that

6. It is most regrettable that we have to inform you that (of)

7. It is with our greatest regret that we must inform you that (of)

8. To our greatest regret we must herewith inform you that (of) 9. It is a matter for regret that I have to inform you that (of)

10. It is to be regretted that I must inform you that (of)

11. It is with regret and reluctance that we have to inform you that (of)

12. It gives us a deep sorrow that we have to announce you that

13. It causes me much sorrow to have to say that

14. I feel sorry for having to announce you that

15. I express my sorrow for announcing you that

(8)当我们得悉... 甚为遗憾等。

1. We are very sorry to hear (know) that

2. we are grieved to hear of (about)

3. We are indeed sorry to hear that

4' We very much regret to hear that

5. We regret to hear of (that)

6. It is with great regret that we just learn that

7. Much to our regret we have heard that

8. We regret to receive your information re

9. We regret that we have been informed that (of)

10. To our deep regret we were informed that (of)


1. We thank you very much for your inquiry of the l0th of May

2. I thank you for your inquiry of the 10th May

3. We are very much obliged by your enquiry dated the 10th May

4. We are indebted to your inquiry under date (of) the 10th May for

5. I thank you for your inquiry of July 10

6. Thanks for your kind enquiry of May 5


1. Enclosed please find

2. Enclosed we hand you

3. We enclose herewith

4. Herewith we have the pleasure to hand you

5. We have pleasure in enclosing herewith

6. We take the liberty to enclose herein

7. We are pleased to enclose herewith

8. We are pleased to hand you enclosed


1. In accordance with the instructions given (contained) in your favour of the 10th May

2. According to the directions contained in yours of the 6th May

3. According to the instructions given in your letter under date of the 10th of last month

4. In conformity with (to) your instructions of the l0th ult.

5. Pursuant to your instructions of May 10


1. I will write you particulars in my next.

2. Particulars will be related in the following.

3. I will relate further details in the following.

4. I will inform you more fully in my next.

5. I will go (enter) into further details in my next.


1. As stated below,

2. Annexed hereto,

3. Attached you will find...

4. As shown on the next page

5. As indicated overleaf(下页,背面)

6. As at foot hereof,

7. Sent with this,

8. As the drawings attached,

9. As shown in the enclosed documents,

10. As already mentioned,

11. As particularized on the attached sheet,

12. As detailed in the previous letter,

(14)因电文不太明确...,等。1. Your telegram just received is quite unintelligible.

2. Please repeat your wire on receipt of this, stating your meaning more clearly.

3. Your telegram is not clear; explain the third and fourth words.

4. Your telegram is unintelligible; repeat more fully in plain language.

5. Your cable is not clear, repeat, using the codes agreed upon (on).

6. We cannot understand your telegram; state the code used and which edition.

7. Your telegram is not signed with cipher as agreed on; confirm if correct.

8. We cannot trace the code you used; please repeat the telegram in plain words.

9. Your telegram is too short to be understood. Please repeat it more fully.

l0. The telegram was vague (pointless), and they requested them to explain in plain words.

二. 商业英文书信常用结束语Closing Phrases & Sentences Generally Used in Business Letters


1. We hope to receive your favour at an early date.

2. We hope to be favoured with a reply with the least delay.

3. We await a good news with patience.

4. We hope to receive a favourable reply per return mail.

5. We await the pleasure of receiving a favourable reply at an early date.

6. We await the favour of your early (prompt) reply.

7. A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.

8. We trust you will favour us with an early (prompt) reply.

9. We trust that you will reply us immediately.

10. We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply.

11. Will your please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?

12. Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do.

13. We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.

14. We are awaiting (anxious to receive) your early reply.

15. We thank you for the anticipated favour of your early reply.

16. We should appreciate an early reply.

17. We thank you in anticipation of your usual courteous prompt attention.

18. We thank you now for the courtesy of your early attention.

19. We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.

20. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

21. Please send your reply by the earliest delivery.

22. Please send your reply by messenger.

23. Please reply immediately.

24. Please favour us with your reply as early as possible.

25. Please write to us by tonight's mail, without fail.

26. May we remind you that we are still awaiting your early reply.

27. May we request the favour of your early reply?

28. A prompt reply would help us greatly.

29. A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.

30. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

31. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

32. We look forward to receiving your early reply.

33. We thank you now for this anticipated courtesy.

34. As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige.

35. We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.


1. We await your reply by telegraph.

2. Please wire reply to our telegram of this morning.

3. We are anxiously awaiting your reply by telegram.

4. Please arrange for your telegraphic reply, or long distance call, to reach us before noon on Monday.

5. Cable reply immediately, using Western Union Code.

6. Please acknowledge by wire the receipt of these instructions.

7. Please do not fail to telegraph your reply immediately on receipt of this letter.

8. Please telegraph your decision without delay as we have offers awaiting.

9. Please telegraph reply immediately, our offices will be open until

9 .

10. Oblige us by replying by telegram before noon tomorrow, as we have another offer.

11. Inform us by telegram of your lowest quotations.

12. Wire me at the Grand Hotel. Yokohama, before noon.

13. Wire in time for us to write you in reply by 7 . mail.

14. Telegraph me from Osaka before noon stating your telephone numbers.

15. Kindly reply me by wire (telegraphically).

16. We should be pleased to have you telegraphically reply us.


1. Please accept our thanks in advance for your usual kind attention.

2. Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.

3. We are obliged to you for your kind attention in this matter.

4. We are greatly obliged for your trial order just received.

5. We wish to assure you of your appreciation of your courtesy in this matter.

6. We thank you for your order just received.

7. We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.

8. We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.

9. Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.

10. We are very sensible of your friendly services on our behalf, for which please accept our sincere thanks.


1. Please excuse my late reply to your very friendly letter of March 1.

2. I hope you will forgive me for not having written you for so long.

3. I hope you will excuse me for not having replied to you until today.

4. I humbly apologize you for my delay in answering to your kind letter of May


5. I have to (must) apologize you for not answering your letter in time.

6. I must ask you to kindly accept our excuses, late as they are.


1. We request you to accept our warmest thanks for the anticipated favour.

2. We thank you in advance for the anticipated favour.


1. We assure you of our best services at all times.

2. We shall spare no efforts in endeavouring to be of services to you.

3. We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times.


1. We hope you will pardon us for troubling you.

2. We regret the trouble we are causing you.

3. I regret the trouble it caused you.

4. We trust you will excuse us for this inconvenience.

5. We wish to crave your kind forbearance for this trouble.

6. We solicit your forbearance for such an annoyance.

7. We trust you will overlook this botheration, which we exceedingly regret.

8. Kindly excuse me for troubling you in this matter.


1. Please excuse this clerical error.

2. We tender you our apology for the inconvenience this error may have caused you.

3. We request you to accept our regret for the error of our clerk.

4. We greatly regret that we have caused you such a inconvenience.

5. We wish to express our regret for the annoyance this mistake has caused you.

6. We frankly admit we were at fault and we are anxious to repair the consequences.


1. We solicit a continuance of your valued favour.

2. We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.

3. We hope we may receive your further favour.

4. We hope to receive a continuance of your kind patronage.

5. We request you to favour us with a continuance of your kind support.

6. We solicit a continuance of your kind patronage.


1. It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.

2. We wish to reciprocate the goodwill.

3. We shall on a similar occasion be pleased to reciprocate.

4. We hope to be able to reciprocate your good offices on a similar occasion.

5. We are always ready to render you such or similar services.

6. We shall at all times be willing to reciprocate such or similar favour.

7. We shall be happy to have an opportunity of reciprocating to you on a similar occasion.


1. With nothing further to add today.

2. With nothing more for today.

3. Without anything further for the present.

4. With nothing further for the present.

5. Without anything more to communicate for today.

6. Without more to write you by this mail.

7. Without further to advise you today.

8. We have no more (nothing further) to tell (inform) you today.

三. 商业英文书信中所使用的词语Words, Phrases & Clauses Used in Business Letters


Your letter; Your favour; your esteemed letter; Your esteemed favour; Your valued letter; Your valued favour; Your note; Your communication; Your greatly esteemed letter; Your very friendly note; Your friendly advice; Yours.


Our (my) letter; Our (my) respects; Ours (mine); This letter; these lines; The present.


The last letter; The last mail; The last post; the last communication; The last respects(自己的信); The last favour(来信)


The next letter; The next mail; The next communication; The letter following; the following.


Your letter of (the) 5th May; Your favour dated (the) 5th June; Yours of the 3rd July; Yours under date (of) the 5th July; Your letter bearing date 5th July; Your favour of even date(AE); Your letter of yesterday; Your favour of yesterday's date; Your letter dated yesterday.


Your telegram; Your wire; Your cablegram(从国外); Your coded wire (密码电报); Your code message; Your cipher telegram; Your wireless telegram; Your TELEX; Your Fax.


Your telephone message; Your phone message; Your telephonic communication; Your telephone call; Your ring.



Advice; Notice; Information; Notification; Communication; A report; News; Intelligence; Message.


To communicate (a fact) to; To report (a fact) to...on; To apprise (a person) of; To let (a person) know; To acquaint (a person) with; To intimate (a fact) to; To send word; to send a message; To mail a notice; to write (a person) information; To give notice(预告); To break a news to(通知坏消息); To announce(宣布).



An answer; A reply; A response.


To answer; To reply; To give a reply; To give one's answer; To make an answer; To send an answer; To write in reply; To answer one's letter.


Reply to; Answering to; In answer to; In reply to; In response to. (等候回信)

To await an answer; To wait for an answer.


To get an answer; To favour one with an answer; To get a letter answered.



Receipt(收到); A receipt(收据); A receiver(领取人,取款人);

A recipient(收款人)


To receive; To be in receipt of; To be to (at) hand; To come to hand; To be in possesion of; To be favoured with; To get; To have; To have before (a person); To make out a receipt(开出收据); To acknowledge receipt(告知收讫).


To confirm; Confirming; Confirmation; In Confirmation of(为确认...,为证实...); A letter of confirmation(确认函或确认书)


To have the pleasure to do; To have the pleasure of doing; To have pleasure to do; to have pleasure in (of) doing; To take (a) pleasure in doing (something); To take pleasure in doing (something); To be pleased to (with)(by); to be delighted at (in)(with); To be glad to (of)(about); To be rejoiced in (at).


Enclose; Inclose.


Urgently; Promptly; Immediately; With all speed; At once; With dispatch; With all despatch; With the quickest possible despatch; With the least possible delay; As soon as possible; As quickly as possible; As promptly as possible; At one's earliest convenience; At the earliest possible moment; At an early date; Without delay; Without loss of time; Immediately on receipt of this letter; By express messenger; By Special messenger; By special delivery; By express letter.


By return; By return of post; By return of mail; By return of air-mail.


According to; Agreeably to; Conformably to; pursuant to; In accordance with; In conformity with (to); In obedience to; In deference to; In compliance with; In agreement with; In pursuance of.


About; Regarding; Concerning; As to; As regards; With regard to; In regard to;(of); Respecting; Relative to; Anent; In connection with; Referring to; With reference to; In reference to; Re.


To be due; To fall due (become) due(日期将到); Duly(正时,及时);In due Course (依照顺序).


Per(=by, through) rail.(post,mail,steamer)(通过铁路,邮政,轮船)Per pro.= by proxy (由代理)

Per annum (=yearly,每年)

Per mensem (=monthly,每月)

Per diem [daiem] (=daily,每日)

Per man, per capital (=per head,依照人数,每一人)

Per piece (每一个,每一件)


To take the liberty of doing something; To take the liberty to do something; To take the liberty in doing something.


To regret; To be sorry; To be chagrined; To be mortified; To be vexed; To regret to say; To be sorry to say; To one's regret; To feel a great regret for; To express regret; To be regretted; To be a matter for regret; To be regrettable; To be deplorable.


To have the honour of doing (being); To have the honour to do (be); To do one (oneself) the honour of doing (being); To esteem (regard) it as a high honour to do (be); To appreciate the honour to do (be); To feel honoured to do (be); To owe one a debt of honour to do (be); To be honoured with doing (being) something; To honour one with doing (being) something.


Please; Kindly; be good enough; Be kind enough; Have the kindness.


To thank; To be (feel) thankful; To be (feel) grateful; To be obliged; To be indebted; To esteem (it) a favour (privilege); To give (tender, return) one's thanks; To express one's gratitude (appreciation); To tender one's sincere thanks for; To be overwhelmed with gratitude.



Command; Order; Service


To command; To order; To serve; To be at one's service; To render service to one; To do one a service; To be of service to one.


16 April 2006

Dear Sir, I am working on a new project which is called A Survey of New Industry in the Maywood District.According to the design of our district, we need information about(寻求信息) firms that have recently moved into this area. Your firm is one of the largest of these, so I shall be very grateful if you can spare the time to help me. Three points are specially important to the project(提出要求). The first one is the training schemes for school leavers. The second one is about the transport arrangements to overcome poor road and rail links in this district. The third is the plans for expansion.

Any other information will be useful, but those points are the ones with which I most need your help.

I am enclosing an information form for you to fill in(我附上了一份表,需要你填写). I hope you can post it to us as soon as possible. I apologize for adding to your work with this request, but I do hope that you will feel able to assist me.I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this request.

Yours faithfully,

Mary Spencer

Useful Expressions:

I am sorry to trouble you, but nobody would come into my mind to help me except you. I would like to seek help from you.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me.

I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this request.


22 March 2006

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for a rapid response to our invitation. Enclosed you will find an outline of events to take place during International Week here at the University of Montana. I will also list a number of possible speaking engagements so that you can choose those things in which you are most interested(我会列出一些xxx的安排,你能选出你最感兴趣的).As far as topics are concerned(就…而言), the topics for classroom visits are generally determined by the professor, but most professors are very flexible. We have approximately thirty-five faculty members that teach courses in Asian Studies, ranging from language and culture to history and economics. Here is a tentative(尝试性的)schedule:(如果是写提案的话,也可以参照这种格式)

Sunday, April 8th

10 am -Cultural Exhibition opens

12 am -International Festival begins with a speech by the university president and an introduction of visiting dignitaries

1-5pm-Opportunityto visit festival, interact with student performers, taste foods

6 pm -Dinner with Director of Mansfield Center Phil West, Ambassador Mark Johnson, and staff of Mansfield Center

As you can see, there is tremendous interest in China here at the University of Montana. Please let me know if this outline suits your purpose, and if not, please don't hesitate to offer any suggestions for changes.(询问反馈)W can arrange as many or as few speaking engagements as you have time for.

Thank you for your attention and enthusiasm.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Ma

Useful Expressions:

You will find an outline of . . .

I will also list a number of possible speaking engagements so that you can...

As far as the topics are concerned,...

Please let me know if . . .

The flight gets in at . . .

The flight leaves at . . .

One thing I'd like to do/to arrange is to . . .


20 July 2006

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of MCEA (Maywood Chinese Education Association).Your letter clearly articulates(表达)all the major reasons children in Maywood will benefit from studying the Chinese language as part of their elementary school education. It provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual Chinese education a reality in Maywood public schools.

Although MCEA would like to see Palo Alto public schools implement the first bilingual Chinese kindergarten class in September of 2006, we have learned that the school district must take the time to understand how a new program will affect existing educational offerings, and to validate community interest. Nevertheless, MCEA, with more than 70 members, will continue to actively promote bilingual Chinese education in the Palo Alto public schools and will keep you apprised of the progress we make.

Thanks again for sending a letter in support of MCEA. We' will continue to do all we can to realize this program both for families of

Chinese descent and those with a general interest in participating in the growing economic power of China.

Yours sincerely,

George Chen

Useful Expressions

Thanks for. . .

It was very nice/good of you to ...

Thank you very much for. . .

I must thank you for. . .

I am extremely grateful for your help. . .

I am most grateful for. .


16 May 2006

Dear Mr. Williams,

Thank you for your letter of congratulation on my exam results. I was very pleased to hear from you. The results were a great relief. I did much better than I thought I would.

We are having a celebration party on Saturday 22 May and we shall be pleased if you can come. It is a party for me, but my parents and some of their old friends are joining in, so you will find "real people" as well as teenagers to talk to.

The party starts at half past six-drinks, and a buffet supper later. You said in your letter that you've given up driving, so my father will meet you with the car at San Mateo station. Please let me know what time your train arrives.

There is a good train back to San Palo at 10:30 and we'll arrange transport for you to catch that. I hope that won't be too late for you. It would be a pity if you had to leave while the party was still in full swing. I do hope that you will be able to come.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Chen


12 Mary 2006

Dear Tom,

Thanks for your letter which finally caught up with me in London. I suppose you're keen to hear how the trip has been so far. So here's a short description of what's happened.

Well, you remember we left Sydney on Monday and arrived in London 24 hours later. After such a long and exhausting flight the first thing we did was to have a good, long sleep. And after that a good meal to make up for all that horrible airline stuff!

The first real day of our holiday was spent just walking around London to get a feel of the place. After that, however, we were more particular and planned each day carefully. First,we looked at all the historical sights, such as the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, the British Museum and the National Gallery. Then we visited some other famous places, such as Kew Gardens and Hampstead Heath. Finally, we took a one-day trip to Oxford, which is really the most marvelous town. You should make sure to go there when you visit England. (列举事件时使用的连词)

After we had seen a lot of London, we flew to Paris. At first, we didn't like the place-I suppose because it was so different from London. Later, though, we began to really love it and started to appreciate its differentness. (表达时间先后的连词)

The final stage of our trip is a visit to Rome, after which we will be staying in Singapore for two days before returning to Australia. Hope everyone is well. See you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Chen


1. Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.


are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.


tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.


us to thank you for the kindness extended tous.


thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.


should be grateful for your trial order.


should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.


will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. 如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。

shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration.


are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received.


assure you of our best services at all times.


there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.


would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.
