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1.Why couldn't the pony talk?

He was a little hoarse.

2.What part of London is in France?


An old woman has lived in one-story house before.Her body is very short.Afterwards,she moves into a big building and lives in the ninth story.However,when she comes back home each time,she always takes an elevator to the sixth story and gets off,then she walks to the ninth story.Why?(有位老妇人,从前住平房,并且个子非常矮,后来她搬进了一个很高的楼里,住在第九层,但是她每次回家,她总是乘电梯到第六层就下来,然后走到第九层。为什么?)

3.What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day?


4.What is it that is found in the very centre of America and Australia?R.

5.If you throw a white stone into the Red Sea,what will it become?Wet.

6.What was the largest island before Australia was discovered?Australia.

7.What kind of table has no legs?


8.What has an eye but cannot see?

A needle.

9.What is the worst weather for rats and mice?

When it rains cats and dogs.

10.What star is not seen in the sky?

A film star.

11.What did the pig say when the farmer took hold of his tail?This is the end of me.

12.What is it that I can see but you cannot?

The back of your head.

13.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?



14.What animal is you r girlfriend?


15.Why is a river so rich?

It has two banks.

16.When does a car go as fast as a train?
