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()1. —Is it time _____ lunch?

- Yes, it ' s time for us ________ have lunch.

A. to; to

B. to; for

C. for; for

D. for; to

()2. - Does your brother like singing?

- Yes, he does. He wants to be a ________ like Jay Chou.

A. dan cer

B. swimmer

C. sin ger

D. player

()3. - I want to buy a card with best ________ for the teacher on

Teachers' Day. - Good idea. Let ' s go and ___________ one.

A. wish; buy

B. wishes; to buy

C. wishes; buy

D. wish; to buy

()4. - My cousin ______ works hard and the teacher likes him.

-He is a good student.

A. n ever

B. sometimes

C. ofte n

D. always

()5. - Who is that young woman?

- She is _______ teacher. She teaches ________ English.

A. our; us

B. us; our

C. our; our

D. us; us

()6. _______ a re in the same class. And we should help each other.

A. You, I and he

B. I, you and he

C. You, he and I

D. He, you and I

()7. - ______ Sim on __________ home after school?

- _____ . He takes a bus every day.

A. Does; walks; No, he isn ' t

B. Is; walk; Yes, he is

C. Does; walk; Ye s, he does

D. Does; walk; No, he does n 't

()8. - ______ Tom at home? - Yes, he ______ go to school today.

A. Does; doesn ' t

B. Does; isn 't

C. Is; isn ' t

D. Is; doesn 't

()9. —We will go to Beiji ng n ext week. —_______________

A. Thank you

B. You are welcome

C. Have a good time

D. Don ' t forget it

()10. These boys are _____ football players. They all play football

A. good; well

B. good; good

C. well; good

D. well; well

()11. Tom ' s father is talking ________ the teacher _______ Tom ' s En glish.

A. with, with

B. about, about

C. with, about

D. about, with

()12. There are two win dows ___ t he wall. ____ the wall there are p


A. on; In

B. i n; On

C. i n; In

D. on; On

()13. My cous in always _________ to school.

A. by bus

B. by a bus

C. take a bus

D. takes a bus

()14. —Mike is really a polite boy.

— Yes. He ________ “Good morning ” to me every day.

A. speaks

B. says

C. talks

D. tells

()15. — Whe n does your first class begi n?

— __ 7:30 ____ the morni ng

A. At; in

B. In; at

C. At; on

D. On; at

四. 完形填空。(10分)

A woma n is going shopp ing. She is going 1 boat. The boat is going acr oss (穿过)the river. Her basket is empty (

空的).Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the 2 .

“Help! ” she says. “Look! My basket is in the

・ » river.

ZEISEEI A boy sees the basket. He says, “ Don t worry! I can 3 it! I

m a very good swimmer. ” He takes off his shoes and shirt. “Look 4 m y shirt and shoes, please! ” he says and then jumps into the river. A 5 sees the basket. “ I can go by basket! ” it thinks. It gets into th e basket. The boy is 6 in the river. “Where s the basket? ” he asks. “It ' s over there! ” says the woman.

“It ' s behind you! ” It ' s 7 that duck! The boy gets to the basket. “Go away!” he says to the du ck. The duck 8 out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the ba sket to the land. “Oh, thank you! ” says the woman. “Thank you very much!”

“ Would you like to give me my shirt an s in the basket? It ' s the duck ' s 10 .' ()1. A. on B. in C. by D. to

()2. A. water B. boat C. ship D. tree

()3. A. clea n B. buy C. do D. get

()4. A. after B. at C. for D. like

()5. A. dog B. chicke n C. duck D. mon key

()6. A. fishing B. swimming C. playing D. flying

()7. A. under B. beside C. on D. beh ind

()8. A. climbs B. comes C. jumps D. walks

()9. A. basket B. basketball C. shoes D. duck

()10. A. meat B. hair C. ha nd D. egg

五. 阅读理解。(15分)


Mike is one of my best frie nds. He is thirtee n years old. He comes fr om Beiji ng. Mike likes badm inton( 羽毛球)very much, and he ofte n play s badm inton after school. He is good at football, too. You can always see him on the football field. Every one says he is a good player. We go home together every day. Sometimes, we play computer games at his home. Mike works hard at his less on s. I am not good at Maths. He ofte n helps me with my less ons.

()1. Mike comes from ____________ .

“ Not at all! d 9 ? ”

“ Yes, here you are. Oh, what says the boy.
