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初二年级提高班复习资料Unit One


this tem on time Teacher’s Day welcome back give a talk in class think about be different from talk about good idea be short for buy sth. for sb.

Best wish for example be from work hard

1欢迎回到学校。Welcome back ____ school. 2。

2. 这是我们的第一节课。This is ____ _____ lesson..

3.抱歉,我迟到了。因为交通很糟糕。I’m _____I’m _____, _______ the ______ is ____. 4.没关系。下次请按时到。It _____ _____. Please be ____ ____ ____ _____.


Today is _____ _____. Here is a ____ ____ you ____ our _____ ______ .

6.谢谢你使英语课变的有趣。Thank you for _____ English ______!

7. Mr Wu wants me to give a talk in class tomorrow.

8. I’m thinking about what to say. Do you have any good idea?

9. Why don’t you talk about the difference between Chinese and English names.

10.Chinese names are different from English names.

11. Jim is short for James.

12. Are you from Beijing? No, I’m from Shan dong.


1. new ( 反义词)

2.one ( 序数词)

3. has (原形)

4.say (第三人称单数)

5.make (现在分词)

6.different (名词)

7.long (反义词) 8.wish (复数) 9. study (单数形式)


1. Welcome ____ our home. A. you B. you too C. to D. back

2.I will make ____ Teacher’s Day card this evening.

A. a

B. some

C. /

D. any

3. Here’s a card _____ you. A. to B. with C. for D. give

4. Thanking you _______ English fun.

A. for making

B. for make

C. with making

D. with make

5.What ______ he _____ now? He is watching TV.

A. does, do

B. are, doing

C. is, do

D. is doing

6.English names are different _____ Chinese names.

A. to

B. from

C. with

D. between

7. Let Zhang Hua _____ this work.

A. doing

B. to do

C. does

D. do

8.Please give me __________ paper.

A. a

B. a piece

C. a piece of

D. piece of

9. She is reading _______.

A. five lesson

B. lesson five

C. the lesson five

D. the fifth lesson

10.He _____ about English names.

A. know a lot

B. know lot

C. knows a lot

D. knows a lot


1.I have a computer. (先变成否定句,在变成一般疑问句,并作出肯定和否定的答。)

2.I’ve no idea. (同义句)

3. We are students,______ _______? (反义疑问句)

4.Li Ping does his homework every day, ________ _______? (反义疑问句)

5. Where are you from ? Where _____ you _____ ______? (同义句)

6。Bill’s watch is on the table. (划线提问) ______ watch is on the table?

7. She writes with a pencil. (改否定句)She _____ _____ with a pencil.


1.Why do people c____ me Jim?

2.Can you help me c_____ the house?

3.How about g_____ there with us?

4.Thank you for h_____ my mother.

5.Dave is s____ for David.

6.I’m a____ I’v no idea.

7.We are going to have f_____ learning and speaking English this term.

8.It doesn’t m______. 9. Who’s on d_____ today?

10.Please say “here” w_____ I call your name.

Unit Two


1.go on a trip

2. go fishing

3. be good at

4. go boating

5.have a field trip

6.go hiking

7. have a picnic

8. go the wrong way

9.hurry up 10. do some shopping 11.watch a football game

12. a lot of 13. many different kinds of 14.the day after tomorrow

1.下个星期五我们准备去郊游。We’re going on a _____ _____ _____ _____.

2.东湖有许多不同种类的鱼。East Lake ____ many _____ ______ ____ fish.

我擅长钓鱼。I’m good at ____. 4。昨天晚上我没有睡好。I ____ sleep____ _____ _____ 5.他经常走错路。He often ____ ____ _____.

6.我准备休息一会。I’m going to ____ _____ _____ .

7.我妈妈不准备去购物。My mother _____ going to ______ _______.

9.Xiangshan isn’t far from Beijing.

10.Is James a boy’s name or a girl’s nam e?

11.Sometimes it’s a boy’s name, and sometimes it’s a girl’s name.

12.May I call you Miss Wang?


1. we are going on _____ field trip. A. the our first B. our the first C. our first

2.Let’s go boating_______ the river. A. in B. on C. with D. over

3.They are going to pick apples, ______ ? A. are they B. do they C. aren’t they?

4. How are you going there? ___________. A. on our feet B. By a car C. By bike

5.Li Lei with her classmates ________ work on a farm tomorrow afternoon.

A. go to

B. are going to

C. goes to

D. is going to

6. They are going to _____ some new stories this evening.

A. look at

B. see

C. read

D. watch

7. He has _____ idea. It’s ______ good idea. A. a n, a B. an ,an C. a, an D. a, a

8.She usually gets up ____seven ____weekdays. A. on,on B.at, on C. on, at D. at, in

9. Is it going ______ this evening? A. rain B. rains C. to rain D. raining

10. What are you going to have ______ supper ? A. at B. about C. for D. of
