a biography

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para2 his birth and death
•On January,_1__9_2_0__, Aismov was born. •On April,__1_9_9_2___, Asimov died in New York. •Nine years earlier(in_1_9_8__3_____) ,Asimov got a
• His writing experience
•para4 •para5 •para6
• a brief introduction • His education and early jobs • His awards and famous works
Main idea of each paragraph
what is a biography?
•A story of ____a__p__e__r_s_o__n__'s____ life
was written by someone.
what are often written in a biography?
• life (birth / death) • education • job • experience • achievements • marriage
A biography of Isaac Asimov
• life (birth / death) • education • job • experience • achievements(awards and works) • marriage
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Main idea of the text
•It introduces an American_s_c_ie_n_t_is_t_____ and__w_r_i_te_r_______ Issac Asimov's life and works
Main idea of each paragraph
•para1 •para2
• His marriage • His birth and death
• in 1949 he became a_b_i_o_c_h_e_m__is_t_ry__ teacher.
• in 1958 he became a__f_u_ll_-_ti_m_e__w_r_i_te_r___
para4 writing experience
• In 1931,he started to take himself seriously as _a__w_r_i_te_r__ • in 1939 he began having stories __p_u_b_l_is_h_e_d_i_n__sc_i_e_n_c_e_f_ic_t_io_n__m__a_g_a_zines • in 1950 he published__h_i_s_f_ir_s_t_n_o_v_e_l____ • in 1953 published _h_i_s_f_ir_s_t_s_c_ie_n_c_e__b_o_o_k__
HIV infection from a blood transfusion
para3 education and early资料仅供j参o考 bs
• at 3 years old(in _1_9_2_3___) He moved with family to New York, parents bought a candy store
•para1 •para2
• His marriage • His birth and death
• His writing experience
•para4 •para5 •para6
• a brief introduction • His education and early jobs • His awards and famous works
• at the age of nine(in_1_9_2_9_) he started working in the candy store. • in _1_9_4_2___, he finished working in the store. • in1941 he gained a__m_a_s_t_e_r_'s_d_e_g_r_e_e_in chemistry. • in 1942 he worked as a_j_u_n_i_o_r_ chemist in Philadelphia Navy Yard • in 1948 he got his_P__h_D___ in chemistry