

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

1.Can you play the guitar?

①play sb.sth.”=“play sth.for sb.”表示“为某人播放……”

例如: Play me a song=Play a song for me.请为我放一首歌听听吧。

②“play sth.on+乐器”表示“用乐器演奏…”,

例如:The girl often play the English song on the piano.这个小女孩经常用钢琴演奏英文歌曲。

③play chess“下国际象棋”,例如: Can you play chess?你会下棋吗?

【误区警示】“下棋”用play chess,棋类之前不加冠词。

2..I want to join the art club.我想加入艺术俱乐部。



例如: She wants to join the English club.她想加入英语俱乐部。

Come and join us.来加入我们吧。

Join the two maps togethes.把这两个地图连起来。


如:an art teacher美术老师,an art lesson一堂美术课,an artist一位艺术家

2.Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?



例如: Who wants to speak at the meeting? 谁想在会议上发言?

Do you speak Chinese? 你会说汉语吗?

talk意为“谈话,交谈”,指相互间的谈话,一般作不及物动词时,要谈到某人某事时,后面接介词about 或of。

例如:Don’t talk in class!不要在课堂说话。

Let’s talk to Mr Green.咱们跟格林先生谈谈吧。


例如: Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说话吗?

They say China is great.他们说中国是伟大的。


Can you tell me about it?你能告诉我有关此事吗?

4.Tom can play the quitar but he can’t play it very well.汤姆会弹吉它,但是他弹得不是很好。




2)句中veny well意为“很好”,是副词短词,常用来修饰句中的动词,放于句尾。

如: She speaks English very well.她英语说得很好。

5.Are you good with children?你和孩子们相处得好吗?【用法透析】(1)be good with表示“与……相处得好”,

例如: My father is good with my mother.我爸爸和我妈妈相处得好吗?

(2)be good with的同义表达方式为:get on well with,

例如:How do you get on well with your friend? 你和你朋友相处得怎么样?

【发散思维】be good at something表示“擅长做某事”,介词at后面可以直接接名词,如果接动词的话,


She is good at singing. 她擅长唱歌。 He is good at English. 他擅长英语。

6.Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮助小孩游泳吗?

【用法透析】“help sb.with sth.”表示“帮助某人做某事”,句中的with表示“就某一方面而言”。

例如: Do you often help him with his English? 你经常帮助他学习英语吗?


又如: Can you help me with singing? 你会帮助我唱歌吗?

He can help me with the box. 他能帮我提那个箱子。

【用法透析】help sb.with sth.的同义句为help sb.to do sth.

【发散思维】help作动词,意为“帮助”, help sb.(to) do sth. 这一结构中不定式do sth.前可带不定式符号to,也可不带。

例如:Could you help me(to) open the window? 你能帮我打开这扇窗户吗?

He helps me(to) go over my lessons. 他帮我复习功课。

1.Are you a musician?




其结构是:“一般疑问句 + or + 供选择部分?”

例如:—Is she at home or at school? 她是在家里还是在学校里?

—She is at school. 她在学校里。

—Are you Chinese or Japanese? 你是中国人还是日本人?

—I’m Chinese.我是中国人。

2.May I know your name?我可以知道你的名字吗?


例如:May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

May I watch TV after supper? 晚饭后我可以看电视吗?

Yes, you may. / No, you mustn't是的,可以。/ 不,不可以。


(1)表示请求、许可、可以May I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗?

May we start now? 我们现在开始吗?


He may be 25 years old.他可能25岁了。

We may come back in three days.我们可能三天后回来。

(3)may用于感叹句中可以表示祝愿或愿望。 May you success! 祝你成功!

May you have a nice trip!祝您旅途愉快!

3.Yes,a little.是的,我会画一点儿。

【用法透析】1)本句是针对上句的问话进行回答的,上句:Can you draw?

答语为:I can draw a little.

3)句中a little意为“一点儿”,在这里可看作是副词短语,修饰句中的动词draw,表示程度,放于句尾。

【拓展探究】a little除了表示“一点儿”,修饰动词,作状语之外,还可修饰不可数名词,如:a little water 一点儿水,a little cola一点可乐,a little milk一点儿牛奶等。

【易混辨析】a few; a little; few; little a few表示“有一点儿”,“有一些”的意思,是肯定的意义。修饰可数名词。

例如: I'm going to buy a few bananas.我打算买点香蕉。

I have a few apples.我有一些苹果。

I met a few of my friends in the street.我在街上遇见了几位朋友。

a little也可以表示“有一点”,“有一些”的意思,用于肯定的意义。

修饰不可数名词。在句子里,还可以作状语用,而a few不能用作状语。

例如:"Do you speak Chinese?"

"Only a little."“你会说汉语吗?”“只会一点点。”

Will you have a little cake? 你吃蛋糕吗?

She likes rice and bread a little.她有点喜欢米饭和面包。


例如:The problem is very difficult. Few students understand it.这个问题很难,没有几个学生能懂。

The problem is not quite difficult, a few students understand it.这个问题并不很难,有些学生能懂。


用来修饰不可数名词。例如: His uncle had little hair left at the age of fifty.他的叔叔在五十岁时,有很少的头发。

另外a little也表示“一个小的”之意,这时修饰可数名词单数形式,

如:a little girl一个小女孩,a little man一个小男人等。

4.Do you have an e-mail address?

【用法透析】e-mall是electricmis和 mail合成的缩写词。electrinic 意为“电子的”,mail意为“邮件”,合在一起意为“电子邮件”。

6.Yes, it’s



cindyj@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517513968.html,是电子信箱地址,一般说来电子信箱是由“用户名+@+网站名”组成的,例如:WangYiu feng 2003@163. com, Qiu Yong hua @https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517513968.html, 等等。

7.Great. Thanks a lot.太好了,多谢。

【用法透析】在口语中,可用“Great”“That's great”“You are great”来表示说话人的赞扬、赞成或兴奋的感情。

Great! 是That's great! 和You're great! 的省略形式,That's great! 指物,You're great!指人,Great! 可指人,也可指物。

如:①Our football team won. 我国足球队赢了。 Great! 太好了!(表示赞扬)

②Let's have a party. 我们开个晚会。 Great! 太棒了!(表示赞成)

③There is a football game tonight. 今天晚上有一场足球赛。 That's great! 太好了。(表示兴奋)

④He gets first in the race! 他跑赛得了第一名。 He is great. 他太棒了。

8.Please fill it out.请填一下。

【用法透析】fill out意为“填上,填满”,这个短语是“动词+副词”性的短语,其后接名词时,可放于fill与out之间或之后,如果后接代词时,只能放于fill与out之间。如:Fill your name out.=Fill out your name 填上你的名字。

Fill them out,please!请把他们填上。





4.用在世界上独一无二事物之前。the sun等。

5.用在某些普通名词构成的专有名词前。如: the Great wall长城。








Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

get up 起床 get home到达家中 get to work到达工作岗位

make breakfast做早饭 make a shower schedule 做一个洗澡的安排

practice guitar 练吉他 leave home 离家 take a shower = have a shower 洗淋浴澡

take the Number 17 bus to the Hotel 乘17路公共汽车去旅馆 go to class 上课

go to school 上学 go to work 上班(反义词 go home)

have breakfast/dinner/lunch 吃早、晚、午饭 go to bed 睡觉(反义词get up)

put on 穿衣服(反义词take off) do one’s homework 做家庭作业 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事know about sth. 知道某方面的情况 love to do = like to do 喜欢干某事

listen to the early morning news on radio 听电台早间新闻

watch the early morning news on TV 看电视早间新闻 around six o’clock六点左右

in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 listen to 听…英语时间的表达(1)整点时间可表示为“钟点数+o’clock”或直接读钟点数,省去o’clock。

如:It’s ten o’clock a. m. 现在是上午十点整。


如:It’s eight-thirty. 是八点三十分。


点与分钟之间用连字如: eleven-thirty 十一点三十分 nine-twenty-five 九点二十五分

6:10 →six-ten 8:50→eight-fifty 9:30→nine-thirty 10:15→ten-fifteen 7:45

→seven forty-five 11:05→eleven-five


如: 6:10→ten past six 11:05→five past eleven 10:15→ a quarter past ten或

fifteen past ten 8:15→a quarter past eight或fifteen past eight 9:30→half past nine或

thirty past nine


如: 11:50→ten to twelve 7:31→twenty-nine to eight 9:45→a quarter to ten或

fifteen to ten 12:59→one to thirteen 此句话还有几种表达方式。如: What is the time? 几点了?

What time is it by your watch? 你的手表几点了?

A: Wh at’s the time, please? B: It’s twelve o’clock.

2. what time与when what time翻译为“几点”问的是具体的时间,一般回答要具体到小时。

What time do you go to school? 你什么时候/几点上学?

I go to school at half past seven o’clock.我七点半去上学。


when也是对时间的提问,但与what time的区别是:用when提问,回答既可以是具体的时间,也可以是

不具体的时间,如:in the morning,last year,in 1998等范围大的时间,

例如:When does he take a shower?他什么时候洗澡?

He takes a shower in the morning. 他在早上洗澡。

也可用具体时间: I take a shower at 6 o’clock in the morning. 我早上六点洗澡。

3. 关于一般现在时。(语法重点)


①表示现在的特征或状态。如:He is at home today. 他今天在家。

②表示经常性、习惯性的动作。常和频率副词always, often, usually及every day等表示时间的短语连用。如:I go to school at 7:00 every day. 我每天7点钟去上学。

③表示主语具备的性格或能力。如:She likes pears very much. 她非常喜欢梨子。They speak English. 他们讲英语。



①They stay at home on Sundays. 他们星期天呆在家。

②He does his homework in the evening. 他在晚上做作业。



①They don’t stay at home on Sundays. 他们星期天不呆在家里。

②Hedoesn’t do his homework in the evening. 他晚上不做作业。


①Do they stay at home on Sundays? 他们星期天呆在家吗?

②Does he do his homework in the evening? 他晚上做作业吗?


肯定式否定式、I speak English. You speak English.

He/She/It speaks English.

We/You/They speak English.

I do not (don’t) speak English.

You do not (don’t) speak English.

He/She/It does not (doesn’t) speak English.

We/You/They do not (don’t) speak English.

疑问式和简略答语Do I speak English? Yes, you do. No, you do not (don’t).

Do we speak English? Yes, we/you do. No, we/you do not (don’t).

Do you speak English? Yes, I do. No, I do not (don’t).

Do you speak English? Yes, we do. No, we do not(don’t).

Does he/she/it speak English. Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it does not (doesn’t).

Do they speak English? Yes, they do. No, they do not (don’t).

5.always, usually, often 和sometimes

这四个副词表示行动或动作的频率。频率最高的是always(总是),其次是usually(通常,总是),often (经常,时常),sometimes(有时),使用时要注意它们在句中的位置。


本单元重点学习usually“通常”。如:When do you usually get up? 你通常什么时候起床?

I usually get up at six o’clock.我通常六点起床。

What time does your sister usually get up? 你妹妹通常什么时候起床?

She usually gets up at 6:30. 她通常6:30起床。

6. What a funny time to make breakfast! 多么可笑的做早饭的时间啊!这是一个以what开头的感叹句,不是特殊疑问句。

△感叹句用来表示感情的喜、怒、哀、乐等,其结构为感叹词(what, how)+强调成分+主语+动词等。what用来强调句中的名词,how用来强调句中的形容词、副词或动词。例如: What a fine day it is today! 今天天气多好啊! What interesting books they are! 多有趣的书啊! How beautiful the garden is! 这个花园多美呀!

7. listen to, hear和sound

△listen to意为“注意听”,表示有意识地去听,但不一定听得见什么,强调听的动作。(listen不及物,listen to 及物)

如: They are listening to the teacher. 他们在听老师说。


如:I’m sorry to hear that. 听到那个消息我很难过。


例如: The music sounds sweet. 这音乐听起来悦耳。

8. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saite Hotel. 为了赶去上班,他要乘坐去赛特宾馆的17路公共汽车。

(1)to get to work 是动词不定式作目的状语。

(2)take a bus 表示“乘坐公共汽车”。如: I get to school at 8:15. 我八点一刻到达学校。

9. Thanks for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。 Thanks for…谢谢……,其后接名词,或相当于名词的词。如: Thanks for your help. 多谢你的帮忙。 Thanks for coming to see me. 谢谢来看我。

10. I usually get up at around six fifteen. 我通常在大约六点一刻时起床。

around 表示“大约”的意思。 around 还可表示“在周围,在附近”,“朝……四处”。

如:There are around 100 people in the hall. 大厅里大约有一百人。

She looks around the room. 她环顾一下室内。

11. School starts at nine o’clock.九点钟学校开始上课。


如:What time does the party start? 聚会几点开始?

It starts to rain (raining). 开始下雨了。

He usually starts studying at eight at home. 他在家通常8点开始学习。

Unit3 How do you get to school?


1. get to school 到校

2. get home 到家

3. how about=what about …….怎么样?

4. take the subway 乘地铁

5. ride a bike 骑自行车

6. take the bus乘公共汽车

7. take the train乘火车 8. take a taxi乘坐出租车 9. go in a parent’s car 坐父母的车

10. by bike, bike bus, by subway, by taxi, by car, by train (乘坐……车,放在句尾)

11. have a quick breakfast 迅速吃早饭 12. the early bus 早班车 13. how far多远

14. take sb. to sp.带某人到某处 15、it takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人一些时间做某事

16. bus stop公共汽车站,train station火车站,subway station地铁站,bus station客运站

17. want to do sth.想做某事 18、 walk to school 步行上学 19. in North America 在北美

20. in other parts of the world 在世界的其他地区 21. depend on依靠,靠……决定

22. not all 不是所有的 23. need to do sth.需要做某事 24. number of students学生数

25. a number of=many 许多 number前可用large, great, small修饰其谓语是复数

26. the number of….的数量,谓语是单数 27. don’t worry(about sth./sb.)别着急(为某人/事担心

28. around the world= all over the world世界各地


1. How do you get to school? I walk to school.你是怎样到校的?我步行

2. I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.我通常步行,但有时坐公共汽车

3. How long does it take you to get to school? It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus.你需要多长时间到校?步行大约10分钟,乘汽车15分钟。

4. How far is it from his home to school? About 10 kilometers. 从他家到学校有多远?大约10公里。

5. He leaves for school at around six-thirty. 他大约在6点30分动身去学校。

6. Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school.林飞的家离学校大约10公里。

7. Then the early bus takes him to school.然后,他乘坐早班车到学校。

8. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bike。在日本,大部分学生乘坐火车上学,尽管其他人也步行或骑自行车。

9. A small number of students take the subway to school. 小部分学生乘坐地铁上学

10. What do you think of the transportation in your town? 你对你们镇的交通认为怎么样?

Unit4 Don’t eat in class

一.短语 1. in class 在课上 2. on school nights 在上学的晚上 3. school rules 校规

4. no talking 禁止交谈

5. listen to music 听音乐

6. have to 不得不

7. take my dog for a walk 带狗去散步

8. eat outside 在外面吃饭

9. in the hallway 在走廊上10. wear a uniform 穿制服

11. arrive late for class 上学迟到12. after school 放学后17. be in bed 在床上

13. practice the guitar 练习弹吉他 14. in the cafeteria 在自助食堂里

15. meet my friends 和我朋友见面 16. by ten o'clock.十点之前 18. the Children's Palace 少年宫

19. help my mom make dinner 帮助我妈做饭


1.Don’t arrive late for school=Don’t be late for school

2.Don’t fight

3.Don’t listen to music in the classroom.

4.Don’t run in the hallways

5.Don’t smoke. It’s bad for your health.

6.Don’t play cards in school

7.Don’t talk in class

8.Don’t watch TV on school nights.

9.Dont sleep in class.

10.Don’t play sports in the classrooms.

11.Don’t sing songs at night.

12.Don’t talk when you eat.

13.Don’t wear hats in class.

14.Do homework by 10:00.

15.Clean your house!

16.Make the bed.

17.Can we ……? Yes ,we can. No, we can’t.

Eg:Can we arrive late for class ? No, we can’t. We can’t arrive late for class.

18.Do you have to wash your clothes? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.


1. 情态动词have to 的用法,意思是"必须、不得不",它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威。

(1)结构:主语+have to+动词原形+其他(一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用has to;句子是过去时,用had to.)

如: We have to wear sneakers for gym class. 在体育课上,我们必须穿运动鞋。

Tom has to practice the guitar every day. 汤姆每天必须练习弹吉它。

I had to get up at 5:00 am last Monday. 上周一,我不得不早上5点起床。

(2)否定形式:主语+don't have to+动词原形+其他(一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用doesn't have to. 句子是过去时,用didn't have to)

如:Nick doesn't have to wear a uniform. 尼克不必穿制服。We didn't have to do our homework at once. 我


疑问句:Do (Does或Did)+主语+have to +动词原形+其他

如:Do you have to stay at home on weekends? 周末你必须呆在家里吗?

Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 是的,我必须。不,我不必。

Did he have to go to bed by 11:00 last night? 昨晚,他不得不11点前上床睡觉吗?

2. 情态动词can的用法


Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉它吗?

Judy can speak a little Chinese. 朱蒂会说一点中文。

I can dance and sing. 我能唱歌又能跳舞。


Can the students run in the hallways? 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗?

We can eat outside. 我们可以在外面吃东西。Can I come in? 我能进来吗?

注意同样是情态动词,can 和have to 的用法是有区别的,和大部分情态动词一样,can在否定句中,直接在can后加上not,在疑问句中,把can放到主语前面,并且没有人称和数的变化。

3. hear,listen和sound都有"听"的意思,但三者是有区别的。

(1)hear"听说",侧重于"听"的内容I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你生病了,我很难

过。I never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事。

(2)listen"听"侧重于"听"这一动作。Listen to me carefully. 认真听说。 The children like to listen to music. 孩子们喜欢听音乐。

(3)sound"听起来",它是系动词,后面接形容词等。That sounds great. 那听起来真不

错。 It sounds like fun. 听起来挺有趣。

4. be in bed "在床上、卧床"in 和bed之间不能用冠词,bed也不用复数。He is in bed for 10 years. 他卧

床10年了。Dave has to be in bed early every night.大卫每晚必须很早睡觉。

5. arrive late for 与be late for 意思相近,"迟到"Don't arrive (be)late for school. 上学别迟到。I arrived (was)late for the meeting yesterday. 我昨天开会迟到了。

6. No talking ! "禁止交谈!"no后面加上名词或动名词(doing)也表示不要做某事。与don't +do的用法相似。No wet umbrellas! / Don't put wet umbrellas here! 禁止放湿雨伞! No food! Don't eat food here! 禁止吃食物!No smoking! Don't smoke here! 禁止吸烟!

7.语法(祈使句)祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召或者劝告等的句子,这类句子的主语常是第二人称you,也就是听话者,因而you常省去了。祈使句的开头是动词原形。如:Look out! 小心!

Wait here for me! 在这等我! Be sure to come here on time! 务必准时来到这里!

祈使句的否定形式多以do not(常缩写成don't)开头,再加上动词原形。

Don't arrive late for school. 上学别迟到。 Don't fight! 别打架!

Don't look out of the window. 不要向窗外看

Unit 5why do you like pandas?

Word: Koala dolphin penguin giraffe animal Friendly clever smart during grass Quiet cute describe look for direction Honest outgoing used to be so many of us

A sentence pattern: 、

What animals do you like? ----I like …

Why do you like pandas? ----Because they are cute/smart/beautiful……

Where are dolphins from? ----They are from China.

What ether animals do you like?

Gamma focus: Let’s to do sth. Let sb do sth let sb not do sth First, do sth first

Kind of e.g. Pandas are kind of cute. All kinds of e.g. There are all kinds of animals. A kind of

e.g. A kind of animal. Kind n. 善良 e.g. It’s kind of you help me.

种类 e.g. What kind noodles would you like? Other 其他的

e.g. What other animals do you like? Others

e.g. How about others? Another再一

e.g. I want to eat another piece of cake. Do sth (for) some time don’t have to do sth

(不必怎么样) Relaxed 对人 Relaxing对物或事

Relax Would you please do sth 恳求你做什么事

Unit 6I’m watching TV


1. 现在进行时态的构成:主语+ be+ v-ing表示此时此刻正在发生或正在进行的动作

2. do one’s homework (此处的do是―做‖的意思)

3. talk on the phone 打电话交谈

4. watch look see read 的大致区别:watch 观看,看 watch TV 看电视

watch a football game 看一场足球比赛 see 看见(看的结果)

I can see the bird in the tree. look 看(看的动作)

Please look at the blackboard. read 阅读,读书,读报

She is reading a story.

5. go to the movies 去看电影

6.That sounds good. 那听起来不错

7. TV show 电视节目

8. at six o’clock 在六点钟

9. wait for sb /sth 等侯某人/某物

10. all 、 also 、often 、never 等副词应该放在be动词,情态动词及助动词之后,行为动词之前。

He never stop talking. I often get up at six. We are all students. The boys can also swim. They all like En glish.

Lions also come from South Africa.

12. thanks for sth 谢谢某物 Thanks for your letter. thanks for doing sth 谢谢做了某

事 Thanks for joining us.

13. some of + 宾格代词(us / you /them )

some of us 我门当中的一些人 Some of +名词复数 some of the students 一些学生

14. in the first /second /next / last photo 在第一/第二/下一个/最后一张照片里

15. at school 在学校 at home 在家 at the pool 在游泳池 at the mall在商店

16. be with sb 与某人一起

He is with his parents. 他和他的父母在一起。

17. with 是一个介词,with短语不能做主语:

19. what about doing sth. 用于提出建议,做点什么怎么样?

What about watching TV?

20. 电话中介绍自己:This is …(speaking)或 It is …(speaking).

问对方是谁:Who is that ? 或 Is that …(speaking) ?

21. Not much = Nothing much没忙什么 be free 空闲的

22. join sb. for sth./ doing sth. 和某人一起做某事

23. live with sb. 和某人住在一起 live in +地名住在某地

24. family 当家人讲是复数,如:Zhu Hui’s family are at home. 当家庭(整体)讲是单数,如:Jim’s family has one shower.

25. be like 像…一样 sound like 听上去像 look like 看上去像

26. any other + 可数名词单数 any other night / picture / singer…

27. miss sb. 想念某人 wish to do sth. 希望做某事

28. a photo of sb’s family 一张某人家庭的照片

29. study + 学科表学习什么如study English 学习英语 study for sth. 表为了什么而学习

如study for the English test 为了英语考试而学习 learn to do sth. 学习做某事

learn to speak English.


(1)-What+be+主语+doing? 正在做什么? -主语+be+doing…正在做某事。例:-what are you doing? -I’m doing my homework.

(2)-Thanks for …为。。。而感谢例:Thanks for your letter.

(3)-Here are/is…例:Here are some of my photos. Here is a photo of my family.

(4)-That sounds good.

(5)-This TV show is boring.


1.他正在干什么? What is he doing?

他正在吃饭He is eating dinner.

他正在哪里吃饭? Where is he eating dinner?

他正在家里吃饭He is eating dinner at home.

3.你想什么时候去?When do you want to go?

让我们六点钟去吧。Let’s go at six o’clock.

3.他正在等什么? What is he waiting for? 他正在等公交车。 He is waiting for a bus.

4.他们正在和谁说话?Who are they talking with? 他们正在和Miss Wu说话。They are talking with Miss Wu.

5.你们正在谈论什么? What are you talking about? 我们正在谈论天气We are talking about the weather.

6.他们都正在去上学。They are all going to school.

7.这儿是一些我的照片。Here are some of my photos. 这儿是一些肉Here is some of meat. (some of meat


8.谢谢你帮我买这本书。 Thank you for helping me buy this book.

9.family 家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。


1. What are you doing? I’m watching TV.

2. What’s he doing? He’s reading.

3. This TV show is boring.

4. Is Nancy doing homework? No, she isn’t.

5. When do you want to go? Let’s go at six o’ clock.

6. What’s he taking?

7. What’s he waiting for?

8. What are they talking about?

9. Where are the all doing?

10. Where do people play basketball? At school

11. Is Tina there? No, she isn’t.

12. Thanks for your letter and the photos.

13. Here are some of my photos.

14. I’m with my sister Gina.

15. Here is a photo of my family.




① now 现在② at this time 在这时③ at the moment 现在④ look 看(后面有―!‖)⑤listen 听(后面有―!‖)


①一般在动词结尾处加ing Eg: go—going look--looking

②②以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e加ing。Eg: write—writing close--closing

③③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加ing. Eg: get—

getting run—running ( swim, run, put,get,sit,begin)

Ⅳ现在进行时的构成肯定句: 主语+ am/is/are+ doing +其他+时状.

Eg: He is doing his homework now. 否定句:主语+am/is/are +not+ doing+其他+时状.

Eg: He is not doing his homework now. 一般疑问句: Am/Is/Are +主语+ doing+其他+时状

Eg: Is he doing his homework now? 肯定回答:Yes,主语 +am/is/are Eg:Yes, he is.

否定回答:No, 主语+am not/isn’t/aren’t

Eg: No, he isn’t.


助动词be(am,is,are)+动词-ing形式(也叫现在分词),表示现在(说话的瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 2)现在进行时的肯定句形式主语+be(am,is,are)+动词现在分词+其他 I’m watching TV.

3)现在进行时的否定句形式主语+be(am,is,are)+not+动词现在分词+其他 They are not playing soccer. 4)现在进行时的一般疑问句形式及回答: Is(am,are)+主语+动词现在分词+其他? Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not. Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not.

5)现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式: 特殊疑问词+is/am/are+主语+现在分词+其

他? 例:What is your brother doing?

6)动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成. 1.一般情况下在动词词结尾加-ing. 如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean —cleaning, play—playing, 2.以不发音的元音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e再加-ing. 如:take--taking,write

—writing,have-having come—coming.dance--dancing 3.词尾如果是以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词.应该先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing. 如:run—runing,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming. Shop—shopping.put—putting,sit—sitting


(1)-Do you want to go to the movices? –Sure.

(2)-When do you want to go? –Let’s go at seven.

(3)-Where do people play basketball? –At school.

(4)-What’s he waiting for?-He’s waiting for a bus.

(5)-What’s he reading? He’s reading a newspaper.

Unit7 It’s raining


1.例句: --How’s the weather ? 天气怎么样?

-- It’s cloudy./It’s sunny./It’s raining.多云./晴天./在下雨.


How’s the weather? What’s the weather like ?

两个句型后面都可以加“in+ 地点”,用以询问“某地天气如何”


通常用:“It’s +表示天气的形容词”。

常见的该类形容词有:fine(晴朗的) dry(干燥的) warm(温暖的) cold( 寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) hot(炎热的) rainy(下雨的) snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的) cloudy(多云的)等。

同时也可以用现在进行时进行回答:It’s raining/snowing 正在下雨/ 下雪。

例句: --How’s the weather in your city?—It’s warm.

--What’s the weather like in Shanghai?—It’s raining now.


1.例句:---What are you doing? ---I am cooking.

---What are they doing? ---They’re playing basketball in the park.

---What’s he doing? ---He’s studying at his friend’s home.

2.用法:(1)表示说话时动作正在发生或进行。They are watching TV.他们正在看电视。


He’s working hard at his lesson this year. 今年他一直在努力学习。

(3)有些动词的现在进行时用来表示按计划或安排将要进行的动作。如come,go,arrive,leave,start,stay 等。I’m leaving tomorrow.我明天动身。My parents are coming back tomorrow.我的父母明天回来。(4)有些动词,如know,lie(位于),have,own(拥有),belong to(属于),like,love,want,hope等,通常不用于进行时态。

I like going shopping with my friends. This book belongs to me.这本书是我的。


三、常见的打电话用语 It’s Steve.“我是史蒂夫。”是打电话的常用语。


Eg:---Hi, is that Laura? 嗨,你是劳拉吗?

---No ,it’s / this is her mother. 不,我是她的妈妈。



2.找某人接电话:May/ Could/ Can I speak to...? 我可以和......通电话吗? I’

d lik

e to speak to ...我想和......通电话。

3. 询问对方是谁及其答语:---Who’s that (speaking)? 你是谁?/谁在讲话?

---This is ...(speaking). 我是...... –

--Is that ...(speaking)? 你是......吗?/是......在讲话吗?

---Yes, this is ... (speaking) 是的,我是....../是的,......在讲话。

4.请求某人稍等:Hold on for a moment.等一会儿。

Hold on please.请稍等。

5.为某人稍口信:Could I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗?

四、---How’s it going? 最近怎么样? ---Not bad,thanks. 还不错,谢谢。

用法:How’s it going?“最近怎么样”是询问“对方处境或事情进展如何”的习惯用语,相当于

How is everything?

即:How’s it going ?=How is everything? 常用答语有: Great! 好极了! Not bad!还不错! Terrible! 糟糕透了! Pretty good! 相当好! Just so-so! 一般般


两种形式: 1.有生命的名语直接在词尾加“’S”。表示双方共有时,则在后一个名词的词尾加“’S”;表示各自所有时,则在每个名词的词尾加“’S”。

Eg: my sister’s coat.我姐姐的外套。 Lily and Lucy’s mother. 莉莉和露西的妈妈。 Tom’s and Li Lei’s bed.汤姆的床和李雷的床。

2.无生命的名词多用“of +名词”结构表示所有关系。 Eg: a map of the world 一张世界地

图。 a picture of my family 一张我家人的照片。注:名词所有格通常是在名词后加“’S”。但是若名词为复数,则直接在后面加“’”

Eg: five days’ work. 五天的工作 My friends’ cars. 我的朋友们的车。




(2)陈述部分否定+疑问部分肯定。Eg: It’s rainy today, isn’t it? 今天下雨,不是吗?

Tom didn’t like vegetables ,did he? 汤姆不喜欢蔬菜,是吗?

---They work hard, don’t they? 他们工作努力,不是吗?

---Yes, they do / No, they don’t. 是的,他们工作努力。/ 不,他们工作不努力。


take a message 稍口信

leave a message 留言,留个口信

do some cooking 做饭

cook sb sth=cook sth for sb为某人做......

no problem 没问题

on vacation 在度假

go skating 滑冰,溜冰

Unit8Is there a post office near here?


1. post office 邮局

2. pay phone 投币式公用电话

3. in front of 在......前面

4. across from 在......对面

5. next to 紧挨着

6. turn left/right 向左右拐

7. a busy street 一条繁忙的街道

8. a dirty park 一个脏乱的公园

9. have fun 玩得开心

10. the way to school 到学校的路

11. take a walk through the park

12. go straight 13. in the neighborhood

13between … and …

14. on Center Street

Asking ways: (问路)

1. Where is (the nearest) ……?(最近的)……在哪里?

2. Can you tell me the way to ……?你能告诉我去……的路吗?

3. How can I get to ……?我怎样到达……呢?

4. Is there …… near here / in the neighborhood? 附近有……吗?

5. Which is the way to ……?哪条是去……的路?

Showing the ways: (指路)

1. Go straight down / along this street. 沿着这条街一直走。

2. Turn left at the second turning. 在第二个路口向左转。

3. You will find it on your right. 你会在你右手边发现它。

4. It is about one hundred metres from here. 离这里大约一百米远。

5. You’d better take a bus. 你最好坐公交车去。(You’d better+动词原形)

Unit 9 What does he look like?



What do you look like? 或者What does he look like?

即用:What+助动词do/does+主语+look like?相当于“What +be动词+主语+like?”辨析:look like 和be like

look like 意为“看上去像......”,指外貌。be like意为“像......一样”,指品德、性格、脾气等,更多侧重表示人的个性特征。

Eg:--What does your brother look like? 你的哥哥长什么样?

--He is tall and strong. 他又高又强壮。

---What’s he like? 他是个什么样的人呢?

---He’s friendly and kind. 他友好善良。

例1.What does your mother _____ _____? = What _____ your mother _____?(长什么模样)例2.—What do you look like?

—I’m .





例3.What Amy and her brother like?







的前面有多个形容词修辞)”两种方式来回答。“主语+be +形容词”强调某人是……样子的外形”,常用于描述大概的体形、身高等。“主语+have/has +名词”结构强调某人具有的相貌特征,常用于描述五官、相貌等。

例如:-What do you look like? 你长得怎么样?

-I am tall and thin. 我又高又瘦。

-What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎么样?

-She is tall. She has long hair. 她个子高,长头发。

注意:描述人或事物的特点,性质还可以使用“be + of + 名词”结构,例如本单元学到的表示某人中等身材或中等个头时,其构成为“sb +be +of +medium build/height”。build作名词意为“体格,体型”。height作名词意为“高度,身高”,两个词表示身高、体格的时候,有两种表示方法:He is of medium build=He has a medium build.


除了以上的句式外,动词wear, have;with构成的介词短语等也常用来描述人的外貌。例如:

Lu Xun wore a moustache while Max had a beard.


Do you know the girl with long hair?



1.She tall and thin.

2.Jim small nose and big eyes.

3.He of medium height.

4.She a little bit(有点儿) short and big eyes.

5.Does she long hair?


1.My hair isn’t straight,it’s c .

2.My English teacher is thin and she is of medium h .

3.Look,she is about 160cm and she is of medium b .

4.Peter isn’t short,he is t .

5.Lucy is very lazy.She a gets up late.

6.I have a (金黄色的)car.

例6. ( ) Our captain _______ tall and he _______ a medium build.

A. has; has

B. has; is

C. is; has

D. is; is

例7. My father is of medium build. (改为同义句)

2. We’re meeting at seven, right?


Eg:They are going to the village tomorrow.

My brother are coming to my home soon.

3.Yes , but I may be a little late. 是的,但我或许要晚点。

【解析1】a little, a bit, a little bit, a bit of

(1)a little = a bit = a little bit 表示“有点”,后接adj/adv。

It's a little hot today.

(2)a little = a bit of 表示肯定,意为“有一点”,后接不可数名词。

There is a little rain tomorrow. 明天有小雨。


There is little rain here in spring, so it's very dry.

【解析2】may be与maybe

may be是情态动词+动词原形,在句中作谓语;maybe是副词,意为“也许”,在句中作状语,通常放在句首。

You may be right=Maybe you are right.

4.Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. 他留着棕色的头发,戴眼镜。

glass 玻璃→glasses 眼镜.

【解析1】wear, put on, have on,dress


⑵put on是“穿上”“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性动词短语,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。

⑶have on意为“穿着”“戴着”,与wear同义,指穿的状态,其后可以接表示衣服、帽子、鞋子的名词。have on不用于进行时态。

⑶dress “使......穿着,装扮,打扮”dress sb/ dress sb in +衣服。dress后面不能直接跟衣服。

例8.()①He always ______ black trousers and he always ______ his son in black.

A. dress; dress

B. wears; puts on

C. wears; dresses

D. puts on; wears

()②He likes _______ the red coat.

A. wearing

B. wears

C. putting on

D. dressing



Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。


Please have a glass of water. 请喝杯水。

⑶glass作“眼镜”讲时,只用复数形式。 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

Eg:He’s wearing a pair of glasses. 他戴着一副眼镜。

例9.()I like wearing _______ in hot summer.

A. a glass

B. glass

C. some glasses

D. glasses

5.He has long straight brown hair .

curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直/长发


形容词的顺序一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词; 如果几个形容词的重要性差不多, 音节少

的形容词在前, 音节多的方在后, 在不能确定时, 可参照下表:

限定词+数量词(序数词在前, 基数词在后)+ 描绘性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+名词

如: those + three + beautiful + large + square


如: old + brown + wood + table 例10. They have got such a ______ table.

A.round wooden brown

B.round brown wooden

C.brown round wooden



“Is he short or tall?”是一个选择疑问句。选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择的句式。此类问句不能用yes或no来回答,要选择其中一项作答。or意为“或者;还是”。

Eg: -- you want to go to the movies or study at home?

--want to go to the movies.

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.




https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517513968.html,rge 反义词:small


5.different名词:difference 副词:differently

6.lucky名词:luck 副词:luckily 反义词:unlucky


1.would like (表示愿意)愿意;喜欢

2.what kind/size 什么种类/尺寸

3.a bowl of…一碗……

4.two bowls of beef soup 两碗牛肉汤

5.green tea 绿茶

6.orange juice 桔汁

7.the number of………的数目

8.blow out 吹灭

9.in one go 一举;一下子;一口气

10.cut up 切碎

11.around the world 全世界

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517513968.html,e true 实现

13.take one’s order点菜

14.mapo tofu with rice 带有米饭的麻婆豆腐

15.small/medium/large bowl 小/中/大碗

16.birthday cake 生日蛋糕

17.make a wish 许个愿望


1. would like+ sth. 想要某物

2. would like+to do sth. 想要做某事

3. Why don’t you + do sth.?何不做某事?

4. The number of+名词复数……的数量


1. I’d like some noodles.我想要份面条

2. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?在牛肉面条里有一些蔬菜吗?

3. What kind of noodles would you like?你想要哪种面条?

4. May I take your order?您现在点菜吗?

5. What size would you like?你想要多大碗的? I’d like a medium bowl, please.我想要中碗的。

6. We’d also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice. 我们也想要一些宫爆鸡丁和一些带米饭的


7. Would you like a large bowl?你想要大碗的吗? Yes, please.是的。

8. Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup.在西红柿鸡蛋汤里有

肉吗? No, there isn’t any./ No, there’s no meat.不没有

9. I don’t like onions,green tea or porridge.我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和粥。

10. The answer would be difficult in different countries.在不同的国家里,答案将是不同的。

11. The number of candles is the person’s age.蜡烛的数目是这个人的年龄。

12. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go,the wish will come true.如果他一下子吹灭所有的蜡烛,那愿望将会实现。They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.他们从不切碎面条因为长长的面条是长寿的象征

Unit11 How was your school trip?


结构:主语 + 谓语动词的过去式 + 宾语谈论过去发生的事情用一般过去时态

do/does 的一般过去时态形式:did

例句:Last week I visited my aunt's house.(上个星期我去我姑姑家玩了。)

She lives in California.(她住在加利福尼亚州。)

The weather was beautiful.(那儿的天气很好。)

I went swimming.(我去游泳了。)

不规则动词的过去式:go 过去式:went

ride 过去式:rode feed 过去式:fed

take 过去式:took do 过去式:did is/was过去式:was

are 过去式:were see 过去式:saw say过去式:said

have过去式:had buy 过去式:bought buy 过去式:bought hear 过去式:heard

teach 过去式:taught come 过去式:came get 过去式:got

grow 过去式:grew eat 过去式:ate draw 过去式:drew


go for a walk 去散步

milk a cow 挤牛奶

ride a horse 骑马

feed chickens 喂鸡

talk with 和……交谈

take photos 拍照

show…around 带领……参观

in the countryside 在农村

go fishing 去钓鱼

go to the zoo 去动物园

climb the mountains 爬山

visit a museum 参观博物馆

fire station 消防站

draw picture 画画

science museum 科学博物馆

by train 乘火车

in all 一共;总共

be interested in 对……感兴趣

not…at all 一点也不

quite a lot 相当多

learn about 了解

grow strawberries 种植草莓

pick strawberries 采草莓


at night 在夜晚

come out 出来

along the way 沿线

a lot of 许多;大量

buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.为某人买某物

go on a shool trip 去学校郊游

after that 之后

all in all 总的来说


1.Did you see any cows?你看见奶牛了吗? Yes,I did.I saw quite a lot.是的,我看见了许多。

2.Did you ride a horse?你骑马了吗? No,I didn’t.But I milked a cow.不,我没有,但我挤牛奶了。

3.How was your school trip?你的学校旅游怎么样?

4.What did Tina do?蒂娜干什么了? She picked some strawberries.她摘了一些草莓。

5.I visited my grandparents in the countryside.我看望了我在农村的祖父母。

6.I went fishing every day.我每天钓鱼。

7.The farmer showed Tina around the farm.农场主带领特纳参观了农场。

8.It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain.天阴得很厉害,我们担心将要下雨。

9.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.然后,导游叫我们怎样制作机器人模型。

10.All in all,it was an exciting day.总之,这是令人激动的一天。

11.Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.一切事情都是关于机器人的,我对那不感兴趣。

12.The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos.房间真的很暗,拍照很困难。

Unit12 What did you do last weekend?


1.beach 复数:beaches

2.sheep 复数:sheep

3.nature 形容词:natural

4.butterfly 复数:butterflies

5.visit 名词:visitor

6.mouse 复数:mice

7.baby 复数:babies


9.sing 过去式:sang 10.swim 过去式:swam 11.surprise 形容词:surprised,surprising

12.wake过去式:woke 13.put 过去式:put 14.tell 过去式:told 15.leave 过去式:left


1.do my homework 做作业

2.go to the cinema 去看电影

3.go boating 去划船

4.by the lake 在湖边

5.go to the beach 去海滩

6.play badminton 打羽毛球

7.visit my grandma 看望我奶奶

8.study for the English test 为英语测验而学习备考 9.the Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆

10.kind of 有点儿11.stay up 深夜不睡,熬夜 12.give back 归还 13.be afraid 害怕

14.play the guitar 弹吉他 15.go to the library 去图书馆 16.in a swimming pool 在游泳池里

17. shout at…冲……大声叫嚷 18.high school 高中,中学 19.fly kites 放风筝、

20.go camping 去野营 21.put up 搭建 22.make a fire 生火 23.tell stories 讲故事

24.each other 互相 25.go to sleep 入睡 26.get a surprise 吃惊

27.shout to…呼喊……喊叫…… 28.up and down 来来回回;上上下下

29.wake…up 把……弄醒30.do my homework 做我的家庭作业

31.on Saturday morning 在星期六早上 32.have a good weekend 周末过得愉快

33.the next morning 第二天早上 34.work as 以……身份而工作 35.run away 跑开

36.move into …移进……

III用法集萃 1.go+doing 去做某事 2.play+球类玩……球 3.时间段+ago ……前

4.keep+sb./sth. +形容词/副词/介词短语使……保持……


6.see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事

7.let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 8.start to do/doing sth. 开始做某事


1.What did you do last weekend?上个周末你做了什么了? I did my homework.我做我的家庭作业了。

2.Where did she go last weekend?上个周末她去哪里了? She went to a farm.她去一家农场了.

3.Who did she go with?她与谁一起去的? She went with her classmates.她与她的同班同学一起去的。以上三个对话分别含有 what, where和who引导的特殊疑问句,且句子的时态为一般过去时态。

4.What did you do last weekend, Lucy? 露茜,上个周末你干什么了?

Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton. 哦,在星期六上午,我打羽毛球了。

5.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.我在自然历史博物馆当导游了。

6.Really? How interesting! 真的吗?真有趣!

7.I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. 我熬夜看足球比赛了。

8.He lost his keys. But somebody found them and gave them back to him.他丢失了钥匙。但是有人捡到了并归还给了他。

9.Baby Mouse was afraid and climbed onto his father’s back.小老鼠很害怕爬到他父亲的背上。

10.That’s why it’s important to learn a second language.这就是为什么学会第二种语言很重要。

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517513968.html,st weekend was interesting but scary. 上个周末是有趣的但是也是恐怖的。

12.There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. 在那儿我们搭起帐篷并且生火来取暖和做饭。

13.On the first night, we just sat under the big moon and told each other stories.在第一天晚上,我们就坐在大大的月亮下互相讲故事。

14.But I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 但是我太累了以致于我早就入睡了。

15.I was so scared that I couldn’t move.我太害怕了以致于我不能移动。

16.My dad started to jump up and down in their tent.我爸爸开始在他们的帐篷里来来回回地蹦跳。



be from= come form 来自...

pen pal=pen friend 笔友

like and dislike 好恶;爱憎

live in….在...居住

speak English 讲英语

play sports 做体育运动

a little French 一些法语

go to the movies 去看电影


新人教版七年级英语下册知识点全总结 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? 短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums 敲鼓 9. make friends 结交朋友 10. do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫 11. tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends在周末 ◆用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下棋/打球 2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿 8. join the clu加b入俱乐部 9. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 ◆典句必背 1. —Can you draw? 你会画画吗?

.会。/不,我不会。 —Yes, I can./No, I can 是的’,t我 2. —What club do you want to join? 你想加入哪个俱乐部? —I want to join the chess club. 我想加入国际象棋俱乐部。 3. You can join the English club. 你可以加入英语俱乐部。 4. Sounds good./That sounds good.听上去很好。 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer我.会说英语也会踢足球。 6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. 请给米勒夫人拨打电话555-3721。 ◆话题写作 主题:介绍自己特长/强项 Dear Sir, I want to join your organization ( 组织) to help kids with sports, music and English. My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I'm a student in No. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well. I can sing many songs. I can swim and speak English well, too. I think I can be good with the kids. I also do well in telling stories. I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Mike Unit2 What time do you go to school? ◆短语归纳 1. what time 几点 2. go to school 去上学 3. get up 起床


新人教版七年级英语上册重点知识复习资料(全册) Starter Unit s 1-3 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上(上午)/下午/晚上好。答语相同。在熟人或家人 之间可省略good。熟人之间的问候可加上称呼语,称呼语放在问候语之后且用逗号隔开。 如:Good morning , class!同学们,早上好!△Good night!晚安(晚间告别用语) 2. A: How are you? 你(身体)好吗? B: (I’m) fine/Very well/I’m OK, Thank you./thanks.How are you? / And you?我很好,谢谢。你呢? A: (I’m)fine/OK, too.我也很好。 4. thanks = thank you 谢谢 1.What’s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎么说? It’s a/an + 单数物品(△不说This/That is...) What’s this in English? 这用英语怎么说?It’s a jacket. 夹克衫 What’s that in English?那用英语怎么说?It’s an orange. 橘子。 in + 语言:用某种语言in Chinese/English/Japanese用汉/英/日语 5. a 和an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示“一”。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词 前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如:a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔(/p/为辅音音素) an orange /’ ?rind? / 一个桔子(/? /为元音音素) an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card /an e-mail / an hour/an old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport an art lesson 6. Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 请拼读它。K – E - Y. Spell “pen”, please. = Please spell pen. 请拼读“pen”。 P – E - N.注:please置于句末时,前面要加逗号。 7. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么?It’s V. 这是V。 V是字母,前面不必加冠词,但表示某一类东西,则在其单数名词前加a或an。 1) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么?2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 8. 问颜色:What color 1) What color is + 单数名词?2) What color are + 复数名词? It’s /It is + 颜色. They’re/They are + 颜色. 如1) What color is the key?(这把)钥匙是什么颜色的? It’s (It is)yellow. (它是)黄色的。 2) What color are the keys? 这些钥匙是什么颜色的? They’re (They are) red.. (它们)是红色的。 3)It’s black and white. 它是黑白色的。 9. The key is yellow. 钥匙是黄色的。 The是定冠词,表示“这(个),那(个),这些,那些” ,在元音音素前读/ ei: /,在辅音音素前读. 定冠词the的用法: (1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物:The ruler is on the desk. (2)复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new. (3)谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school. (4)在序数词前:John’s birthday is February the second. (5)用于固定词组中:in the morning / afternoon / evening 10.字母教学资料 1)英语中共有26个字母。其中的Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu 5个字母被称为元音字母。这五个元音字母是构成英语成千上万单词的核心,除了一些缩略词之外,其它任何一


初一英语基础知识点整理 1.名词 首先,注意可数名词和不可数名词。A.数的区别:可数名词有单、复数,其复数形式一般是在其后加上-(e)s。不可数名词只有单数形式,而没有复数的变化。B.量的表达区别:可数名词前可用a(n)及 数词来表示其量,也可借助于其它的可数名词,用of介词来表示其量,此时,表示量的可数名词有单、复数变化,表示事物的可数名 词本身则必须用复数。不可数名词前则不可用a(n)及数词来表示其量,只可借助于其它可数名词,表示量的可数名词有单、复数的变化,不可数名词没有数的变化。C.修饰词的差异:可数名词和不可 数名词前都可用some,any来修饰,表示“一些”之意,而表示“很多”之意时,可数名词(复数形式)前应用many或alotof;不可数名 词(只可用单数形式)前应用much或alotof。询问可数名词的量用howmany,而询问不可数名词的量则应用howmuch。 其次,注意名词所有格的用法。有生命事物名词的所有格应在其后加上's。方法:A.单数名词在其后直接加's。B.以-s结尾的复数 名词,在其后加上’,而不可加's。C.以非s结尾的复数名词,需在 其后加上's。D.表示两个或两个以上的人共有某个人或某个事物时, 只需将最后一个名词变为所有格,前面的各个名词无需变为所有格。E.表示两个或两个以上的人分别有某人或某物时,各个名词均需变 为所有格形式。注意:表示无生命事物的名词一般应用of介词短语 来构成其所有格。 2.英语限定词的用法 英语名词前一般常会用上a(n),the,some,any等词修饰它,这些词都叫限定词。限定词的使用应注意选择,不可滥用、混用。 首先,注意冠词的用法。a(n)为不定冠词,它常用在单数可数名词前,表示不确定的人或事物。a用在以辅音音素开头的词、数字、字母、符号等前;an用在以元音音素开头的词前。the为定冠词,可


七年级英语下册知识点总结牛津上海版Module1Garden City and its neighbours Unit1Writing a travel guide Unit2Going to see a film Unit3A visit to Garden City Unit4Let’s go shopping 1.How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with“进展”;“与……相处(融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2.be famous for…(以/由于……出名) be(well)known as…(以/作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also known as a“Shopping Paradise”becausethere are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有 很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3.It is+adj.+that(主语从句),表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is+adj.+to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant.The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4.If you go there,you will see a huge open area with green grass,trees, fountains and pigeons.主句用一般将来(或can,may,must),从句用一般现在时。 Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain. We’ll go on an outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.


人教版英语七年级上册知识点归纳 Starter Unit 1 知识点: 1.短语归纳: good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好 name list 名单an English name 英文名字 2.必背典句: (1)Good morning, Alice! 早上好,艾丽斯! (2)Good afternoon! 下午好! (3)Hi, Bob! 你好,鲍勃! (4)Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克! (5)Good evening 晚上好! (6)—How are you? 你好吗? —I’m fine, thanks. How are you? 我很好,谢谢。你好吗? —I’m OK. 我很好。 3.英语中常见的问候语 在英语中,见面时的问候语有很多常用的有: ①Hello! “你好!”是比较随便、不分时间的一种问候语,通常用于打招呼、打电话。表 示惊讶或引起对方注意。对方应答仍用Hello! ②Hi! “你好!”的使用比hello!更随便,在青年人中使用更为普遍。 ③Nice to meet you! “很高兴见到你!”是两个初次见面、经介绍相识的人互相打招呼的 用于。回答时可以说Nice to meet you, too.或者Me, too.表示“见到你很高兴” ④How do you do? “你好!”用于初次见面,是非正式的打招呼用语。对方应答语应是“How do you do?” How are you? 表示问候 How are you? 意为“你好吗?”,为询问对方身体状况的问候语,应答语一般是“I’m fine. Thank you. / I’m very well. Thank you. / I’m OK. How are you? 的其他用法:习惯上回答完别人的问候后,常可反问对方的身体状况,此时可用How are you?也可用And you? “你呢?”


新目标七年级下册英语各单元知识点归纳 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? ◆短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟…说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums 敲鼓 9. make friends 结交朋友 11. tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 ◆用法集萃 ◆典句必背 1. Can you draw? -----Yes, I can. / No, I can‘t. 2. What club do you want to join? -----I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. 4. Sounds good. /That sounds good. 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. 7、May I know your name? 我能知道你名字吗? 11、He can‘t play the violin or the piano. Can you help kids with swimming? 12、Why do you want to join the English club? Because I want to learn English well. ◆话题写作 Dear Sir, I want to join your organization (组织) to help kids with sports, music and English. My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I‘m a student in No. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well. I can sing many songs. I can swim and speak English well, too. I think I can be good with the kids. I also do well in telling stories. I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Mike 补充: 1. can+动词原形,它不随主语和数而变化。 (1)含有can 的肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词的原形+其他。 (2)变一般疑问句时,把can 提前:Can+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes ,主语+can 。否定回答:No ,主语+can't. (3)含有can 的否定句:主语+can't+动词的原形+其他。 (4)含有can 的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? 2.may+动词的原形。(may 为情态动词)一般疑问句是把may 提前, 肯定回答是:Yes ,主语 +may 。否定回答是:No ,主语+mustn't 。或please don't 。 3. ―Like+动词ing‖表示―喜欢做某事‖ I like playing basketball.Tom likes listening to music. 1. play +棋类/球类/牌 下……棋,打……球 2. play the +西洋乐器 弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形 能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词 一点儿…… 8. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 9.join the …club 加入…俱乐部 10.want to do sth 想要做什么 11.help sb. (to ) do sth. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 12.speak+语言 说某种语言


人教版七年级英语下册知识点全总结 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? ◆短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟…说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums 敲鼓 9. make friends 结交朋友 10. do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫 11. tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 ◆用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下…棋/打…球 2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉…乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事

4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿… 8. join the…club 加入…俱乐部 9. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 ◆典句必背 1. —Can you draw? 你会画画吗? —Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 是的,我会。/不,我不会。 2. —What club do you want to join? 你想加入哪个俱乐部?—I want to join the chess club. 我想加入国际象棋俱乐部。 3. You can join the English club. 你可以加入英语俱乐部。 4. Sounds good./That sounds good. 听上去很好。 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 我会说英语也会踢足球。


人教版初一上册英语知识点归纳总结 一、48个国际音标及26个英文字母的正确书写 要熟练掌握元音和辅音,5个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u),字母的正确占格及单词间距。 二、be动词的用法 be动词有三种变形,分别是:am, is, are。记忆口诀: "我"用am, "你"用are, is用于"他、她、它";单数全都用is,复数全部都用are。 三、人称及人称代词的不同形式(主格和宾格) 1、三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, Maria)。 2、人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:I, We, You, You, He, She, It, Maria。 3、人称代词的宾格,即人称代词位于句子宾语位置时的形态:me, us, you, you, him, her, it。 4、形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, your, his, her, its, their。 5、名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs。 6、反身代词:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves。 四、基数词(表示数量多少的词,大致相当于代数里的自然数)

zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred,one hundred and one。 五、一般疑问句及特殊疑问句 1、一般疑问句:能用Yes或No来回答的问句。一般疑问句句尾读升调。 2、特殊疑问句:不能用Yes或No来回答的问句。特殊疑问句句尾读降调。 六、可数名词变复数 可数名词变复数时,有规则变化和不规则变化两种。 1、规则变化: (1)一般情况直接在词尾加"-s ",如:cake-cakes, bag-bags, day-days, face-faces, orange-oranges等; (2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的词,要在词尾加"-es ",如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes等; (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加"-es ",如:baby-babies, country-countries, family-families等; (4)部分以f (e)结尾的词,变f (e)为"ves ",如:knife-knives, half-halves 等; (5)以o结尾的词,加"-s "或"-es ",如:zoo-zoos, photo-photos, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes等。记忆口诀:除了"英雄"hero外,凡是能吃的,加"-es ",不能吃的加"-s "。


2013人教版七年级下册英语各单元知识点大归纳 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? ◆短语归纳 1.play chess 下国际象棋 2.play the guitar 弹吉他 3.speak English 说英语 4.English club 英语俱乐部 5.talk to 跟…说 6.play the violin 拉小提琴 7.play the piano 弹钢琴 8.play the drums 敲鼓 9.make friends 结交朋友 10.do kung fu 会(中国)功夫 11.tell stories 讲故事 12.play games 做游戏 13.on the weekend=on weekends (在)周末 14.join the basketball club加入篮球俱乐部1.play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2.play the +西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器 3.be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4.be good with sb. 善于与某人相处 5.can + 动词原形能/会做某事 6.a little + 不可数名词一点儿…… 7.join the …club 加入…俱乐部 8.like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 9.say it in English 用英语说它 10.show sth to sb = show sb sth “把某物给某人看 11.English-speaking students 说英语的学生(带有 连词符,有形容词性质) ◆用法集萃


七年级下 unit1 一、短语: ◆短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟…说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴8. play the drums 敲鼓9. make friends 结交朋友10. do kung fu 练 (中国) 功夫 11. tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 14 show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物给某人看 ◆用法集萃 ◆典句必背 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. 4. Sounds good./That sounds good. 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. 二、短语和语法: 1. — Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗? —Yes, I can. 是的,我会。—No, I can’t. 不,我不会。①情态动词can的用法: 情态动词无人称和数目的变化,不能独立使用作谓语,后面必须接动词原形,情态动词和动词原形一起构成谓语。常用的情态动词有:can, may, must, need。含情态动词的句子一般疑问句是把情态动词提到句首,否定句是在情态动词后加not。 ② play the guitar“弹吉他”,play后加乐器名词时,乐器名词前要加the,“play + the+乐器”表示“弹奏某种乐器”。play后加球类名词时,球类名词前不加the,“play +球类名词”表示“踢、打某种球”。 2. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? speak English“说英语”,“speak + 语言”表示“说某种语言”。 say it in English “用英语说它”,如:Can you say it in English? 3.I want to join the art club. 我想加入艺术俱乐部。 (1).join是动词,意为“参加,加入”,后面接表示团体、俱乐部或组织的词作宾语,意为“加入某种团体、俱乐部或组织,并成为其中的一员”。①若想表示加入某项活动、聚会、比赛等时,要加介词in。②join还可以用于“join sb ( in doing sth)”结构中,意为“加入到某人中(一起做某事)”。 (2).对俱乐部的名称进行提问时,疑问词用What club,如:I want to join the art club.对划线部分进行提问时,答案是:What club do you want to join? 4. What can you do? 你会干什么? What can you do? 是对主语会干的动作进行提问。如:He can play the piano.(对划线部分进行提问)答案是:What can he do? 5. Are you good with kids? 你和孩子们相处的好吗? be good with sb 意为“和某人相处的好”, be good for···意为“对······有益处”, be good at···意为“擅长······” 1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事


人教版七年级下册英语各单元知识点归纳Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? ◆短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. join the swimming club 参加游泳俱乐部 5. talk to 主动跟…说话 6. talk with与…说话 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums 敲鼓9. make friends with与朋友 10. do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫 11. tell stories=tell a story 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 14 want to do 想要去做 15 music(音乐)-musician(音乐家) ◆用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球[不戴帽子] 2. play the +乐器弹/拉……乐器[戴帽子] 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 5. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好be good for 有利于 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事[can是照妖镜] 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿…… 8. join the …club 加入…俱乐部; 9. like to do sth. =love to do sth.=like doing=enjoy doing 喜欢/喜爱做某事come to my school ◆典句必背 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.


人教版七年级英语上册知识点 Starter unit 1 Good morning! 1.短语归纳: good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好 name list 名单an English name 英文名字 2.必背典句: (1)Good morning, Alice! 早上好,艾丽斯! (2)Good afternoon! 下午好! (3)Hi, Bob! 你好,鲍勃! (4)Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克! (5)Good evening 晚上好! (6)—How are you? 你好吗? —I’m fine, thanks. How are you? 我很好,谢谢。你好吗? —I’m OK. 我很好。 3.英语中常见的问候语 ①Hello! “你好!”是比较随便、不分时间的一种问候语,通常用于打招呼、打电话。表示惊 讶或引起对方注意。对方应答仍用Hello! ②Hi! “你好!”的使用比hello!更随便,在青年人中使用更为普遍。 ③Nice to meet you! “很高兴见到你!”Nice to meet you, too.或者Me, too“见到你很高兴”用于 初次见面 ④How do you do? “你好!”用于初次见面,是非正式的打招呼用语。对方应答语应是“How do you do?” How are you? 表示问候意为“你好吗?”,为询问对方身体状况的问候语,应答语一般是“I’m fine. Thank you. / I’m very well. Thank you. / I’m OK. 3.大写字母的用法: ①在英语中,句子的第一个单词的第一个字母都应大写。Sit down, please. 请坐。 ②字母I作人称代词时,意为“我”,在句中任何位置都必须大写。日常用语“OK”在句中任何位置都大写。I’m a student. 我是一名学生。Is everything OK? 一切都好吗? ③人名、地名、国名、某国人或某种语言等专有名词的第一个字母都必须大写。


七年级各单元知识点汇总Unit1 My name’s Gina. 重点短语 1.your/his/her/my name 你的/他的/她的/我的名词 2.first name 名字 3.middle school 中学 4.telephone number 电话号码 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517513968.html,st name 姓 6.in China 在中国 重点句型 1.—What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? —Alan 艾伦 2.—I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you. 我是珍妮。见到你很高兴。—Nice to meet you, too.见到你我也很高兴。 3.—Good morning! I’m Cindy. 早上好!我是辛迪。 —Hello, Cindy! I’m Dale.你好,辛迪!我是戴尔。 4.—My name’s Linda. Are you Helen? 我是琳达。你是海伦吗? 5.—What’s her name? 她叫什么名字? —She’s Jane. 她是简。 6.—Is he Jack? 他是杰克吗? —No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.不,他不是。他的名字是迈克。 7.What’s your phone number?你的电话号码是多少? It’s 587-6275. 它是587-6275。 8.My friend is in China.我的朋友在中国。 重点语法 1. 2.Be动词的一般现在时形式:am, is, are I用am You 用are Is 用于他他它 Unit2 This is my sister. 重点短语 1.family name 全家福 2.have a good day (表示祝愿)过得愉快! 3. a picture of 一张……的照片 4.in the first phone 在第一张照片里 5.family tree 家庭关系图


七年级下册常考知识点汇总 Unit1 Do you want to watch a game show? 一、短语归纳 1.think of 认为 2. learn…from 从…..获得;向….学习 3. find out查明;弄清 4. talk show 访谈节目 5. game show 游戏类节目 6. soap opera 肥皂剧 7. sports show 体育节目 8. talent show 才艺节目 9. go on 发生10. watch a movie 看电影11. one of…….之一12. a pair of 一双;一对13. In class 在课上14. have a discussion about 就…..进行讨论15.try one’s best 尽某人最大努力16. look like 看起来像17. as famous as 与…..一样有名18. around the world 全世界19. one day 有一天20. such as 例如21. a symbol of….. 的象征22. come out 发行;出版23. dress up 装扮;乔装打扮24. take sb’s place 代替;替换25. do a good job 干得好26. Interesting information 有趣的信息27. can’t stand 不能忍受28. don’t mind 不介意29. on TV 在电视上30. action movie 动作影片31. scary movies 恐怖影片32. over 80 years ago 多年以前33. In the 1930s 在20世纪30年代34. one of main reasons 主要原因之一35. face any danger 面对任何危险36. be famous for 因……而出名 37. be famous as 作为…..而闻名 二、用法归纳 1. mind doing sth. 介意做某事 2. mind one’s doing sth. 介意某人做某事 3. make up one’s mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事 4. can’t stand ( sb.) doing sth. 不能忍受某人做某事 5.let sb. do sth. 6.plan to do sth. 7.make a plan to do sth. 计划做某事8. make a plan for sth. 为某事做计划9.hope to do sth. 希望做某事10.happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事11.expect to do sth. 期待做某事12.how about doing ? 做….怎么样? 13.be ready to do sth.乐意做某事;准备做某事14.try /do one's best to do sth. 尽某人最大力做某事15.be interested in sth./doing sth.16.what do you think of.....?=how do you like of ...?你认为。。。怎么样? 17.something enjoyable令人愉快的东西,(形容词作不定代词的后置短语)18.stop to do sth.停下来去做某事19.stop doing sth.停止做某事20.forget to do sth.忘记做某事(事情还没有做)21.forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情做了)22.remember to do sth. 记住做某事(事情没做)23.remember doing sth.记住做过某事(事情做了)24.try to do sth. 设法做某事25.try doing sth.尝试做某事26.not so/as +形容词或副词原级+as….. …….不如…….. 三、重点句型 1、Well,they may not be very exciting,but you can expect to learn a lot from them. 2、I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. 3、—What do you think of talk shows? —I don’t mind them./I can’t stand them!/I love watching them.


初一上册英语知识点大全 1. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 辅音字母:Bb Cc Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 2. 字母发音与单词拼读 3. 成分:主语,谓语,宾语,定语 Starter Un it 1 Good morning 1. 关于英语名字的性别 Name List: First n ame/ give n n ame: Male (Boy 'name):Bob, Dale, Eric, Frank, Alan, Tom, Mike, Jack, Paul, John, David, Bill, Female (Girl's n ame): Alice, Cin dy, Grace, Hele n, Gi na, Jenny, Mary, Lin da, Jane, Sally, Kate, Anna Last name/ family name: Brown, Miller, Green, Smith 2. 基本句型 a. ——Hello (Hi)! ——Hello (Hi)! b. ---- Good morni ng (Mornin g)! ---- Good morni ng (Mornin g)! ---- Good After noon (After noon)! ---- Good After noon (After noon)! ---- Good Evening (Eve nin g)! ---- Good Evening (Eve nin g)! c. ---- How are you? ---- I'm fine (Fin e), tha nks. How are you (And you)? ---- I'm Ok. (I'm = I am) Starter Un it 2 What' this in En glish? 1. 不定冠词a/an 英语中,不定冠词a/an用于名词之前,泛指“一个”。当所修饰的名词发音为辅音字母开头时,就用不定冠词a;当所修饰的名词发音为元音字母开头时,就用不定冠词an。 例如, a key, a jacket, a map; an apple, an egg, an orange。 2. 基本句型 ---- What 'this in English? —— It's a / an +实物名称. ---- Spell it, please ( How to spell it?). ——K-E-Y.单词字母大写) (What ' this in En glish? = What 'the En glish for sth.?; It'= It is) Starter Unit 3 What color is it?
