

新编大学英语教案(第二册)_U n i t2

C o m m u n i c a t i o n

P r o b l e m s


Unit Two

Communication problems

Teaching Objectives

1. Let the students have some ideas of the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate.

2. Make the students find the efficient ways to communicate with each other.

3. Let the students come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings.

Teaching allotment

six academic hours

Focus points

1.key words and phrases

assume, conflict, convey, emphasis, ignore, misinterpret, react, verge, feel like, for effect, on the verge of, pull out, take----lightly

2.difficult sentences

1) When Martians and Venusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today.

2) So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other.

3) To fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations.

3.grammar focus

prefix “mis---”的不同意义

Related Information

It is well-known that learning a second language is never easy, and, generally speaking, the older one is when one attempts a new language, the more difficult it becomes. This is at least partly due to what is known as language interference, meaning that the linguistic patterns of our first language interfere with those of the second because no two languages have exactly the same sounds and grammatical structures. The English language has a very large vocabulary because it has incorporated words from many other languages over the centuries. This is nowhere more apparent than in its color words. For example, there are many words that express the color “purple”, describing its different shades and hues: mauve, violet, lilac, or lavender. An interesting


linguistic gender difference among native speakers of English is the likelihood of women using these color terms to differentiate between shades of purple, whereas, men will be satisfied with the one word “purple”. This is true of other color words too.

Basing on what mentioned above, when learning a language, we sometimes need to pay attention to which sex uses which words, particularly when we reach an advanced stage where we are adding many new words to our vocabulary and want to use them accurately. We also need to pay attention to some of the multiple meanings that words have, as well as to their connotations.

Suggested Class Activities

1. Warming-up activity: How to communicate efficiently

Purpose: Inform the students the efficient way to communicate with each other Step 1 Discuss in groups about the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate and try to list both their advantages and disadvantages.

Step 2 Make a comparison between them and decide which is the most

efficient way for us to communicate with others.

Step 3 Ask some of the students to give their ideas in public and point out the

necessary points they should know in daily communication.

Suggested words/expressions:


back/in a different light/turn out.

2. In-class reading activity: What can we get from communication

Purpose: Inform the students the good points of communication

Step 1. Discuss in groups why we need to communicate with others

Step 2. Try to analyze what communication has brought to us

Step 3. Then make sure what we should learn from communicating with others

Suggested words/expressions:

foreigner/uncommon/feel like/for effect/on the verge of/pull out

Further development:

How to avoid misunderstandings in communication

After reading this unit, we may know that in our communications misunderstandings are quite common, so work in groups to come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings and make it on your exercise book.

In-Class Reading


Words and phrases

1.assume v.1) believe something is true without definite proof

e.g. You assumed his innocence / him to be innocent /that hi is innocent

before hearing the evidence against him.

He is not such a fool as you assumed him to be.

assuming that---:假定----

e.g. Assuming that you are right about this, what shall we do?

2) to take up or undertake

e.g. You will assume your new responsibilities tomorrow.

assumption : n. sth. taken for granted ; sth. supposed but not proved

e.g. Don’t rely on the information she gave you---it’s pure assumption on her part.

on the assumption that----以---为设想根据

e.g. Let’s work on the assumption that our proposal will be accepted.


1) 他并非如你所以为的那样愚蠢。

(He is not such a fool as you assumed him to be.)

2) 他们认为战争会迅速结束的想法是错误的。

(Their assumption that the war would end quickly was proved wrong.)

2.conflict: 1)n. a) a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups,

countries, etc.

e.g. The two parties have been in conflict since the election.

The governor’s refusal to apply the law brought him in conflict with

the federal government.

b) (a ) war or battle; struggle

e.g. This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.

2) v. ( with) to be in opposition; disagree

e.g. conflicting opinions/ advice/ evidence

Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws? be in conflict (with) : not agree (with)

Exercise:英译汉 ;汉译英

1) a long-drawn-out conflict between employers and workers (劳资之间拖延甚久的争执)

2) 他们对于战争起因的报道与我们的相反。

(Their account of the causes of the war conflicts with ours.)

3.emphasis: n. special importance placed on something

e.g. a new economic policy, with a greater emphasis on reducing inflation

lay (place, put) emphasis on (upon)

e.g. Our English course places/ lays/ puts great emphasis on conversational skills.


emphasize v. to place emphasis on

e.g. He thumbed the table with his hand to emphasize what he was saying.

emphatic adj. done or expressed with emphasis; forceful


1) 有些学校特别重视语言的学习。

(Some schools lay special emphasis on language study.)

2 He emphasized the importance of careful driving.


4. encounter 1) v. a) experience sth., esp. problems or opposition

e.g. The more dangers we encounter, the harder we should push forward.

b) meet, esp. unexpectedly; come upon

e.g. Yesterday, I encountered an old friend on the street.

I first encountered him when studying at Cambridge.

2) n. a meeting, esp. one that is unplanned, unexpected, or brief

e.g. She didn’t remember our encounter last summer.

A bus ride from New York to Miami brings encounters with all kinds of people.

encounter with: sudden or unexpected (esp. hostile) meeting

e.g. I had frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.



(The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration.)

5. misinterpret: understand or explain wrongly

mis-:prefix 1) bad or badly

e.g. misfortune (bad luck) /misbehave (behave badly)

2) wrong or wrongly

e.g. misinterpret/ misunderstand/ mislead/ misguide

3)show an opposite or the lack of sth.

e.g. mistrust

6. tend/ intend

tend v. to have a tendency or disposition to do or be sth.; be inclined

e.g. The machine does tend to overheat.

She tends to be nervous before her lectures.

intend v. have in mind; plan

e.g. Today, I intend to finish reading this book.

We intend this news report as teaching material for freshmen.


1) Farmers ____ use more machinery now. ( tend to; intend to) tend to


2) Children _____ like action movie. (tend to; intend to) tend to

7. react v. 1) respond (to. against)

e.g. The government has reacted to the outbreak of violence by sending army

patrol to police the area.

Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.

2) (cause to) undergo a reaction (with, on )

e.g. An acid can react with a base to form a salt.

reaction n.

e.g. action and reaction作用与反作用

What’s your reaction to the news?


1) It was difficult to guess what her _______ to the news would be.

A. feelings

B. comment

C. opinion

D. reaction (D )

2) 这个公司对于批评做出了反应,迅速提高了公司形象。

(The company reacted to criticism and improved its image shortly.)

Phrases and expressions:

1.feel like 1)feel as if

e.g. They are very kind to me and that made me feel like one family.

2) give you a particular feeling

e.g. The surface feels like silk.

3) want to have sth. or do sth.

e.g. We’ll go out for a walk if you feel like it.

2.for effect: for impressing people or drawing attention

e.g. He said that completely for effect.

in effect : in fact; (of a rule, law, etc.) in operation

e.g. The rule is still in effect.


1) Don’t pay any attention to him---he’s only doing it ____.( for effect; in effect) (for effect)

2)The old system of taxation will remain ___until next May.( for effect; in effect) ( in effect)

3.lead to: cause

e.g. This led to great confusion.

Chapter One describes the events that led to the war.


(The scandal led to him resigning.)

4.on the verge of: very close to, on the border of, about to do sth.

