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销售管理子系统是一个B2C模式的以网上零售为主的在线购物系统,采用三层架构的B/S开发技术,数据库选择了Microsoft SQL Server 2000,并利用了目前流行的WEB开发技术-JSP,通过JavaBean和JSTL的使用,实现了前台商品的展示、购物车、留言板;后台商品管理、订单处理、单据生成等主要功能。将业务模型最终以程序的形式实现,从而使得该系统能充分满足基于B2C模式的网上销售系统的需要。





Sales management subsystem technically is a B2C online sale system, main function of which is to promote online retail activities of a business. The system adopts a three-tier architecture B/S development technology. Background database of the system adopts the Microsoft SQL Server 2000. By using JavaBean and JSTL (Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library) of JSP (Java Server Page) technology, the system integrates many practical functions, which includes Foreground Item Display, Shopping Cart, Feedback Board, Inventory Management, Order Processing, and Bill Generation etc. The real business mode finally is embodied in form of computer program. Therefore, the system can fully meet requirements of a B2C online sale mode.

With the system businesses can realize the informative management in aspects of inventory, procurement and customer relationship, as well as can handle the online sales process and settlement via internet. The system can help businesses to facilitate their internal information flow and develop potential e-market, as well as simplify business process and improve work efficiency and quality. It will bring competitive edge to businesses.

The paper presents a general design of the online sales system, and particularly, presents the detailed system analysis, system design, system implementation and system test of the Sales Management Module.


Key words: B2C; Shopping vehicle; JavaBean; Dispose the order forms


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 设计构想 (1)

1.2 开发工具选择 (1)

1.3 开发方案选择 (2)

1.4 开发方法 (4)

第2章可行性研究 (7)

2.1 技术可行性 (7)

2.2 经济可行性 (7)

2.3 操作可行性 (8)

2.4 其他方面可行性 (8)

第3章需求分析 (9)

3.1 系统的需求分析 (9)

3.2 业务流程 (9)

3.3 数据流程 (10)

3.4数据字典 (14)

第4章数据库的设计 (18)

4.1 数据库设计总述 (18)

4.2 概念设计 (19)

4.3 逻辑设计 (20)

4.4 物理设计 (21)

4.4.1 设计原理 (21)

4.4.2 设计方案 (22)

4.5 数据库实现 (22)

4.6 数据库的安全性设计 (26)

第5章系统的设计 (27)

5.1 系统设计原则 (27)

5.2 系统的功能结构的设计 (27)

第6章系统实现 (31)

6.1 系统界面的实现 (31)

6.2 用户与管理员登陆的实现 (33)

6.3 商品管理的实现 (34)

6.4 商品浏览与查询的实现 (36)

6.5 订单处理的实现 (42)

6.6 留言板的实现 (44)

第7章系统测试 (46)

7.1 测试的任务及目标 (46)

7.2 测试方法 (46)

7.3 测试过程与结果分析 (48)

第8章结论 (50)

参考文献 (51)

致谢 (52)

附录 (53)
