

开学的第一天The First Day of A New Term

It is a fine day today.And I will go to my new school, High School.I wish I could make many friends ,and have a great study experience,learn more things there.

I get up at 6:00, earlier than usaul.because I was so excited that I couldnot wait to school.(学校名字)High School ,I am coming.At 8:00 ,my father drive me to my school.All the birds I meet is smileing to me,and the sunshine is very bright.I say Hello to everybody I meet,and they smile to me.

Oh,that is my new school,I will spend three years here to study,make friends.The school gate is very beautiful.There are so many students.The school yard is full of green plants.The students are very friendly.Oh,I love it.

I togather with my father do all the things a new student should do.Thank godness,all the things is good. I soon make friends with the other seven of my roommates.

It is a lovely day,isn'it?


Why is it so important to learn English?

Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can't get? Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can't communicate with? Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth? Make big jumps in your career,leaving others miles behind?

You can get all these if you speak English well.

English language is the international language meaning 60% of the worlds population are speaking in english. This means that we can communicate well if we do know how to speak the language. It will help you gain friends not just locally but internationally. Also it will open some doors for you to venture on other countries like UK., USA, and the likes to spend either vacation or for studying purposes. Moreover the instructions given in some appliances, gadgets, equipments, food labels and etc were mostly written in English. So you will get better understanding of what is going on.

And finally, English is one of the most frequently used languages in the world.


I am sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you:

First, why not find a recent hot topic to start a conversation with the person you want to make friends with? For example, you may talk about the news of Yao Ming’s retirement. You may share your ideas with others. If you do this, you may feel much close with your classmates.

Secondly, you should play an active role in class work to show your good points and personality. So your classmates may know you better and like to be with you.

Finally, don’t worry about it now. You are only a new senior high student. You and your classmates will know each other better and become friends in school learning and activities. Be confident in yourself. You will have a lot of good friends.


优秀高中英语作文范文带翻译 高中英语写作教学是提高学生英语表达能力的重要环节。下面,是为你整理的优秀高中英语作文范文带翻译,希望对你有帮助! 优秀高中英语作文范文带翻译篇1Some people feel like they are always busy doing something all day long, but they still have a lot of things to do. It seems that the time is never enough. How can we spend our time effectively? Well, in my humble opinion, there are several tips that we can use. 有些人感觉他们整天都忙个不停,但是他们还是有好多事情要做。看起来时间永远不够用。我们怎样才能合理的利用时间呢?在我看来,有几点建议可供大家参考。 First of all, we should make a list about the things we need to do today. The chef thing to remember is to do the things which are extremely critical first. Second, be concentrated. For the people, they may lack of self-control, they are easily got distracted by other things, thus it’s important for them to do the things according to the list. Don’t do other things unless you have finish your job. Last but not least, wake up earlier in the morning. You’ll find you have more time to do the things you want.

高中英语作文万能句子 英语优美句子摘抄

高中英语作文万能句子英语优美句子摘抄 有很多的同学是非常的想知道,高中英语作文万能句子有哪些,英语优美句子是什么,小编整理了相关信息,希望会对大家有所帮助! 高中英语作文万能句型 1.关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是…… Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays, it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that ______ while. Obviously, ______, but why? 励志优美英语句子 1、 "The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。" 2、 Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗? 3、 Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗? 4、 When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业? 5、 What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 6、 Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪? 7、Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。 8、 Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。


高一英语作文经典句子与模板 常用句型: 1. Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能…… 2. It goes without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的) 3. It can be said with certainty that... ...是肯定的。 4. As the proverb goes 有句谚语是这样说的...;常言道... 5. It has to be noticed that...必须引起注意的是... 6. It`s generally recognized that...通常认为... 7. What calls for special attention is that... .需要引起特别注意的是... 8. There’s no denying that....不容否认... 9. Nothing is more important than the fact that...没有比这更重要的是... 10. what’s far more im portant is that..更重要的是... 11. As time goes by,.....随着时间的流逝 12. There is no doubt that...毫无疑问... 13. As far as I'm concerned, I think....就我而言,我认为... 14. It is said that...据说... 15. It is important for sb to do sth. 做某事对某人很重要 16. Compared with A, B is more ...与A相比,B更... 17. in my opinion 在我看来 18. It is high time that we did sth.是我们做..的时候了。 19. Only in this way, can we solve this problem properly.只有这样我们才能妥善解决这个问题。 20. sth is so...that...如此..以至于.. 21. not only ...,but also...不仅...而且... Not only is English important to us, but it is also a must in our daily life. 22. To be honest To tell the truth 老实说来 23. too..to 太..以至于不能.. 24. On one hand,. .on the other hand,..一方面.. 另一方面... 25. With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…… 段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0816127538.html, 高中生英语写作能力培养研究 作者:徐仁 来源:《学习与科普》2019年第26期 摘要:对学生的写作训练是对学生英语综合运用能力的训练。作为高中英语教师,必须 要想方设法去激发学生对英语写作的兴趣,逐步强化的学生写作基础而且对学生的习作进行细致的批改,并做出精辟且带有激励性的评价。只有坚持不懈地对学生进行系统科学的训练,学生的写作能力才能得到真正的提升。 关键词:写作兴趣 ;写作基础 ;写作能力 ;讲解评析 高中学生英语综合运用能力在英语书面表达过程中得到了淋漓尽致的体现。学生英语写作能力的提高不是一蹴而就的,是一个缓慢的过程。在此过程中,英语教师们扮演着指点迷津的引路人和鼓舞士气的鼓手的双重角色。这也就是说要提高高中生英语写作技能,教师们要竭尽全力去探索高效的教学方法,力争通过优秀的课堂教学来引导对学生进行行之有效的训练。 1 ; 激发学生的写作兴趣 在教学实践过程中,英语教师会发现许多高中学生觉得写作太难就消极地对待写作,对写作采取一种敷衍了事的态度。要改善这种不良的现象,教师们就必须竭尽全力去激发学生的写作兴趣和激情。学生酷爱外文流行歌曲,教师们可以有意识地让学生边听边写英文歌词。例如,前段時间Someone Like You很受欢迎,就可以在课堂上播放,让学生把歌词记录下来, 记录得全面的同学可以得到奖励。 根据学生的基础和教师的教学规划,对写作进行合理的重组,灵活地运用教学素材来引导学生的进行写作训练。通过素材重组,可以通过两个阶段让学生兴高采烈地逐步去进行必修一第一单元的写作。第一阶段,要求学生在观看《辛德勒的名单》这部电影的节选后,讨论影片中的故事及情节然后模仿并表演出来。在模仿表演的过程中,完成了写作输入的阶段。第二阶段,要求学生仿照这个表演片段,自己去设计和编导另一出表演。学生以8人为一个小组,进行自编、自导、自演。在整个过程中,每个学生都有各自负责的任务。他们集体创作和表演,这样优秀学生带动全体成员一起完成任务并能从教师那里获得相应的奖励。在此过程中,完成了写作输出的阶段。这样兴致盎然的输入和输出,让学生同时得到听、说、读、写的训练,在不知不觉中,学生的英文写作兴趣就慢慢地浓厚起来了。 2 ; 强化英语基础 具有丰富的词汇量,并且拥有良好的遣词造句的能力是写好一篇文章的关键。词语、句子、段落是写作的基础,如果词汇缺乏,不懂句子结构,是不可能写出优秀的文章来的。因此教师们要在教学过程中狠抓词汇记忆和基本句型的训练。


高中英语作文满分范例——10篇优秀范文 01 假定你是李华,你班的交换生Alice上周结业回国前嘱咐你帮她处理后续事务。请你根据下列要点提示给她写一封信。 1. 向Alice问候,并转达大家对她的思念; 2. 她之前借阅的图书已经帮她还上; 3. 已随信附上她的成绩单及与大家的合影。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Alice, How are you? It has been a week since you left China and we miss you very much. Now I am writing to tell you that I have finished what you asked me to do. Firstly, the books you borrowed have been returned to the library. So don’t worry about them. Besides, in this letter I have included your report card and the photos we took together last week. You can check them as soon as you get this letter. If there is any question, please write to me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Li Hua


高中英语会考作文模板4篇 必背 温馨提醒: 对于英语基础较差的同学,作文可采用背模板的方法应对。 以下模板仅适用于英语书面表达较差,到目前为止看到题目仍然无从下笔的同学。实属考前临时抱佛脚的无奈之举。 基础较好的同学,请按照题目要求与提示正常完成写作。 写作注意事项: 1、无论如何要写够字数80词 2、如果实在无法写出完整的符合语法的句子,可以按题目提示的中文顺序罗列你所知道的英文 单词 3、一时想不起如何拼写的英文单词,可以到阅读理解等题目中查找。 万能模板1:(适用所有作文类型) The topic of 此处抄写作文题目is becoming more and more popular recently. It is my thinking about this topic below. This First point is very important. 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) This Second point is important, too. 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) So I believe that we should pay more and more attention to this topic from now on. 万能模板2:(适用所有作文类型) I think it is very important to understand 此处抄写作文题目. Why? That’s because many people don’t understand it well enough nowadays. For one thing, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) For another, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) It is my point of view about此处抄写作文题目above. Let’s pay more and more attention to this together from now on. 万能模板3:(适用所有作文类型) I think此处抄写作文题目is an interesting topic. Many people around me are talking about this. In my opinion, we should understand 此处抄写作文题目like this. First, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) Second, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) In conclusion, let’s pay more and more attention to this together from now on. 万能模板4:(适用信件类作文) Dear **, How is everything getting along with you? It is such a long time since we met last time. I missed you very much. What have you been doing all these days? 此段翻译题目的中文提示1。(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) 此段翻译题目的中文提示2。(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) I am looking forward to your reply. My best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高中英语会考作文5篇 必背 书面表达(一) 假定你是李华,正在一所美国学校学习英文。你对学校的周末音乐俱乐部(Music Club at Weekend)很感兴趣,决定申请加入。现给该俱乐部负责人写一封信,内容如下: 1.表示有意加入; 2. 介绍音乐特长; 3. 说明性格优势; 4. 期待满意答复。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam,


音卓教育培训高考英语作文万能模板 一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit. I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 结尾部分: With best wishes. I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. 二、口头通知常见写作模板 呼语及开场白部分: Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 正文部分: All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Please come on time and don’t be late. 结束语部分: Please come and join in it. Everybody is welcome to attend it. I hope you’ll have a nice time here. That’s all. Thank you. 三、议论文模板 1.正反观点式议论文模板 导入: 第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


高中生英语写作能力培养"四步法” 【摘要】很多学生对于英语的听、说、读、写、译各个环节最头疼的往往是英语作文的写作。很多学生一写英语作文就头疼,大脑一片空白,不知从何谈起,没话说,或者句式单一,简单得自己读了都觉得干巴巴,无内容,或者错误连篇,甚至是低级错误连篇。究其原因,其实就是学生大脑中对于英语这门语言所储备的东西太少,“没有源头活水来,哪得渠中清如许”?经过思考与实践,我在教学实践中摸索出了如下的四步教学法。 【关键词】高中英语;作文教学;写作能力 写作作为一种综合运用英语知识进行书面交际的技能,让广大英语学习者颇感困惑,尤其是面临升学压力的高中生。写作教学在高中英语教学中也是一个薄弱环节,本文针对高中英语写作教学,提出应重视写作过程,教师要从关心学生的写作结果转移到关心写作内容和这一篇写作的生成过程,发展学生的思维能力和书面语言交际能力。 一、理清高中英语写作教学中存在的问题 在英语语言的五大技能(听、说、读、写、译)中,写作占据非常重要的地位。著名英语工作者刘润清也认为:“一个人英语的好坏,在很大程度上要看其书面英语的水平如何。”毋庸置疑,英语写作是中学生英语综合能力的重要体现之一,是高中英语教学中的一个重要方面。而目前高中生的英语写作现状并不容乐观。存在的问题主要是:虽然广大的中学生经过初高中阶段英语的学习,已经掌握大量的英语词汇语法知识,具备了一定的英语写作的知识储备,但是写出来的英语作文却是汉语式的英语文章,完全不符合英文的思维习惯和表达习惯,往往中国人看不懂,外国人也不明白。在高中学习阶段,教师要求学生背诵大量范文,机械地套用一些不同文体的篇章结构。结果写出的文章千篇一律,只有空洞的框架而没有鲜活的思想和内容。很多高中英语教师的课堂教学更侧重于英语单词、语法、句型等细节的讲解,较少涉及英语作文宏观的分析。在写作任务的设计上,忽视对学生写作动机及兴趣的激发,学生写作时没有读者意识。学生不知道给谁写,或者为什么写。写作题目通常限定了学生要写的内容,学生在写的时候缺乏自主表达思想的机会和空间。教师在写作教学中只重视结果,不重视学生学习写作的过程。对学生写作的过程、写作中遇到的问题没有给予关注,不提供可供学生写作的范例,常使学生在写的时候感到无从下手。由于以上问题的存在,写作经常被学生认为是最不喜欢的、也是最难以提高的技能,同时也是最让教师感到困惑和压力的课题。 二、激发学生的创作热情,提高写作兴趣 .当代的高中英语课堂上,学生只处于是听,写,记的地位,而英语写作对于他们来说大概只是一项必须要完成的任务,缺少积极性和主动性。这就需要教师平常在课堂上不能只是自己投入,还需要带领学生真正的融入到课堂中来,让他们从心底里乐意去学,这点是很重要的。首先,从自身出发,充分发挥自己教学的优点,同时要注重语言的魅力,提高对学生的吸引力。其次,了解学生喜欢并且愿意接受的教学方法,从学生出发,并且自身努力去做,这样不仅能够提高学生的学习兴趣,同时也无意间增进了师生之间的感情。再次,可以从客观条件出发,例如可以改变一下教学手段,运用多媒体教学,或者组成小组,然后在小组间组织一下英语写作比赛来提高学生的积极性和课堂的活跃性。总之,只有学生愿意去学,积极地投入,有浓厚的学习兴趣作为学习的动力,英语写作教学才能够达到理想的效果。 三、加强词汇、语法、句型教学及操练 词汇是写作必不可少的基本要素之一。要写好书面表达,需要相当的词汇量作基础。词汇量不足或掌握得不好,都会给写作带来困难。因而,在进行词汇教学时,教师不仅要教足词汇量,还要讲清楚每个词的每个意义的使用条件、用法及搭配关系,进行典型同义词、近义词比较,点出构词法等。在通过例句说明的同时,让学生模仿造句,使学生真正掌握其用法及语义特点。学生只有在较好地掌握了充足词汇量的基础上,写作时才能做到随心所欲地


优秀高中英语作文例文6篇 英语是我们学习的主要科目之一,英语作为国际性语言,学好英语自然有很多好处。学习英语要从最基础的知识开始学,而且需要端正学习态度,因为学习外语需要坚持。下文是为你精心编辑整理的优秀高中英语作文例文6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 优秀高中英语作文例文1 The story of an ugly swan becomes beautiful as it grows up telling people not to judge others by appearance. Most kids especially girls look homely but they turn to be beauties as they become adults. But some people are exceptions, because they look beautiful all the time. For the celebrities, they like to show the audience with their pictures as they are small, which proves that they are naturally beautiful, instead of doing the plastic surgery. Like Natalie Portman, the famous actress and winning the Oscar Award for Black Swan, became famous in her 13. The audience grew up with her and watched her became more and more beautiful. But what makes people surprised is that Portman studied at the top university. She is a smart girl with beautiful face. Only the talent can help a person shinning all the time.


高中会考英语作文万能句子 高中会考英语作文万能句子推荐 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s et in 1986, how ___ny people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first ___ntury. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中, 有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在 ___一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on hu ___ns, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有 ___性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

5. In group to re ___in in existen ___, a profit- ___ organization must, in the long run, produ ___ something consumers consider useful or desirable.任何盈利 ___若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的.表达。 8. With modern offi ___s being more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现 ___公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。


有关北京高考英语作文万能句子 开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言比如说:就我而言 As far as I concerned 2 It can be said with certainty that... +从句可以肯定地说...... 3.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,可以用来引用名言名句 4 .It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 5 .It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 6 .It's likely that ... 这可能是因为... 7 .It's hardly that... 这是很难的...... 8 There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 9 .Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的 是… 10 .what's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 衔接句型 1.A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是... 3 But the problem is not so simple. Therefore,+句子然而问题并非如此简单,所以…… 4 .But it's a pity that... 但遗憾的是… it’s a pity that….遗憾的是。。。 5 In spite of the fact that...尽管事实...... In spite of 尽管 6 .Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我们坚持认为,... 7 .However , the difficulty lies in..+名词或者动名词 .然而,困难在于… 8.Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同样,我们要注意... 9 As it has been mentioned above...正如上面所提到的… 可以用来对前面所说的 话进行补充说明


考英语作文万能句子:8种实用句型 一.开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言比如说:就我而言As far as I concerned 2 It can be said with certainty that... +从句可以肯定地说...... 3.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,可以用来引用名言名句 4 It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 5 It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 6 It's likely that ... 这可能是因为... 7 It's hardly that... 这是很难的...... 8 There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 9Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是… 10.What's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 二.衔接句型 1A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是... 3 But the problem is not so simple. Therefore,+句子(然而问题并非如此简单,所以……) 4 .But it's a pity that... 但遗憾的是…it’s a pity that….遗憾的是。。。 5 In spite of the fact that...尽管事实...... In spite of 尽管 6Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我们坚持认为,... 7However, the difficulty lies In + 名词或者动名词.然而,困难在于… 8Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同样,我们要注意... 9 As it has been mentioned above...正如上面所提到的…(可以用来对前面所说的话进行补充说明) 10.In this respect, 从这个角度上 11.However, 然而… 三.结尾句型 1.I will conclude by saying... 最后我要说… 2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信… 3.All things considered,总而言之= In a word=In conclusion It may be safely said that...它可以有把握地说...... 4.Therefore, in my opinion,因此,在我看来, 5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that….通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论… 6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that….通过数据我们得到的结论是,.... 7.It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论 8.From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来,如果……也许更好 四.举例句型 1. Here is one more example这里有不止一个的例子 .2.Take …for example.就拿……为例子 五.常用于引言段的句型 1. Some people think that …. 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下 2. I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我认为这个论点是正确的,因 I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.


如何提高高中生的英语写作能力 【摘要】英语作文是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的一个重要指标,在高考中占有很重的比分,写好一篇文章对于考生来说举足轻重,不容忽视。然而英语作文的教学却是异常艰难,往往事倍功半。考生的书面表达水准较低,缺乏写作的基本常识和训练。对于高中学生写作能力的培养已日渐成为我们英语教师亟待解决的难题 【关键词】英语作文书面表达写作能力写作水平 【中图分类号】G427 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)21- 英语作文是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的一个重要指标,在高考中占有很重的比分(1/ 5),写好一篇文章对于考生来说举足轻重,不容忽视。然而英语作文的教学却是异常艰难,往往事倍功半。考生的书面表达水准较低,缺乏写作的基本常识和训练。对于高中学生写作能力的培养已日渐成为我们英语教师亟待解决的难题英语的听、说、读、写四者密切相关,相互渗透,互为基础,又呈螺旋式提高。听和读是领会和理解别人表达的思想,是从外部言语到内部言语的内化过程,说和写是用言语表达思想,是从内部言语到外部言语的外代过程。写的能

力要在听、读、说的基础上进行培养和提高,而写的训练又能进行一步提高听、说、读的能力。因此,写的训练应该贯穿于整个教学的全过程,寓写于听、说等诸方面的训练中,才能真正全面提高学生写的能力。 一、听力训练,促进写作 目前辽宁高考英语听力部分不计入总成绩,这是英语学习的一个不足之处。尽管如此,我还是尽可能地给学生播放听力片段,以求提高学生的英语语感,促进写作水平提高。 二、积累词汇,促进写作 犹如土木砖石是建筑的材料,词汇是说话、写作的必需材料。衡量一个学生英语水平及交际能力的高低,关键还得看他掌握词汇量的多少。为督促学生识记单词和词组,提高学生写的能力,我在多年的教学中,一直坚持每学完一单元让学生默写单词。当堂同桌交换批改,教师抽查,记入平时成绩。对默写错了的,要立即订正5遍。在高三复习阶段也坚持每周一次听写。这就使学生在长时期坚持不懈的默写中积累了大量的词汇。 三、书写规范,促进写作 高考书面表达的质量,既反映在表达内容上,也反映在卷面形式上,因此,在教学过程中,我要求学生的笔记、试卷、课堂作业、听写都力求字迹清楚工整,并不间断地下发英文字帖让他们临摹,采用出专刊的形式,让全班同学都


2020高一英语作文满分范文五篇精选 如何提高自己的英语作文分数,答案是多看多背,基础知识扎实了,分数自然会有所提升。今天我给大家带来的十篇优质的高一英语作文范文,希望能帮助到大家! 【篇一:保护天使ToProtectAngels】 PandaisfamiliarbymoreandmorepeopleasthedevelopmentofInternet.Nowp eoplecanseetheliveshowfromtheInternet.Theselovelyangelsarefavoredbyth efansfromallovertheworld.Whattheydointhedailylifemakespeoplelaughoutl oudly.Noonecanresistthecharmfromtheseangels.Butitisknowntoallthatpand aisdyingout,becauseitisnoteasyforthemtogetbirthtothenewbabies.What’s more,peopledamagetheenvironment,whichmakespandalosetheirhome.Wecandos mallthingstoprotectthem.Whenwegotothezoo,weshouldnotthrowawaytherubbi shandkeepquiet,inthepurposeofnottodisturbtheselovelycreature.Welovepa nda,itisourdutytoprotectthemfromdyingout. 随着互联网的发展,熊猫被越来越多的人所熟悉。现在人们可以从互联网上观看它们的直播。这些可爱的天使们受到了来自世界各地粉丝的喜爱。它们在日常生活中所做的事情让人忍不住大声笑了出来。没有人能抵抗这些天使的魅力。但众所周知,因为熊猫繁殖后代的不易以及人们对环境的破坏使它们失去了家园,它们正面临灭绝的危机。不过我们可以做一些小事去保护他们。当我们去动物园的时候,不乱扔垃圾,保持安静,这样才能做到不去打扰这些可爱的生物。我们喜欢熊猫,保护它们不遭受灭绝是我们的责任。


A able (adj.) 能够;有能力的aboard (adv.) 在船(飞机,火车,公共汽车)上 above (prep.) 在……上面(adv.) 在上面 (adj.) 上面的 abroad (adv.) 到(在)国外absence (n.) 缺席 absent (adj.) 缺席;不在absolutely (adv.) 绝对地;完全地 academic (adj.) 学术的 accent (n.) 口音 accept (v.) 承认;接受;答应account (n.) 叙述;描写;报道ache (vi. & n.) 痛;疼痛achievement (n.) 成就;功业;伟绩 across (prep. & adv.) 穿过;在另一边;在对面 act (v.) 表演;扮演角色 active (adj.) 积极的;主动的actor (n.) 演员 actress (n.) 女演员 adapt (vi.) 使适应;使适合 add (v.) 加; 增加 addict (n.) 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 address (n.) 住处;通讯处 admit (vt.) 承认 advantage (n.) 优势;长处adventure (v.) 冒险 advertise (vt.) 为……做广告 advice (n.) 忠告;劝告;建议advise (v.) 忠告;劝告;建议adviser (n.) 顾问 affair (n.) 事;事情 affect (vt.) 影响;对……有坏影响 afford (vt.) 买得起;有能力支付 afraid (adj.) 害怕;担心 be afraid of 害怕 Africa (n.) 非洲 after all 毕竟;终究 again and again 再三地;反复地 once again 再一次 against (prep.) 反对;不同意; 对着;逆 at the age of 在……岁时agent (n.) 代理人;经纪人 agricultural (adj.) 农业的 agriculture (n.) 农业,农学 ahead (adv.) 向前;在前 airport (n.) 航空港;飞机场 alive (adj.) 活着的 allow (v.) 允许 almost (adv.) 几乎;近于 alone (adj.) 单独的 along (prep.) 沿着;顺着 (adv.) 向前;和……一起;一同 aloud (adv.) 大声地 although (conj.) 虽然 altogether (adv.) 总共 always (adv.) 总是;永远 amazed (adj.) 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazing (adj.) 令人吃惊的; 令人惊讶的 amusing (adj.) 有趣的;可笑 的 ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老 的 anger (n.) 怒;愤怒 angry (adj.) 生气的;愤怒的 animal (n.) 动物 ankle (n.) 脚踝 announce (v.) 宣布 announcement (n.) 通告;通知 anxious (adj.) 忧虑的;焦急 的 anybody / anyone (pron.) 任 何人 anyhow (adv.) 不管怎样 anything (pron.) 什么事(物); 任何事(物) anywhere (adv.) 任何地方 apartment (n.) (美)公寓;单 元住宅 apologize (vi.) 道歉;罪 apology (n.) 道歉;歉意 appear (v.) 出现;显得;好像 applause (n.) 掌声 apply (v.) 申请 appreciate (vt.) 感激 approach (vt.) 接近 argue (vi.) 争论 argument (n.) 争论;辩论;议 论 arrange (v.) 安排;布置 arrest (vt.) 逮捕;拘留 arrive (v.) 到达;来到 arrival (n.) 到达 arrow (n.) (弓)箭 artist (n.) 艺术家 ash (n.) 灰 ashamed (adj.) 惭愧 asleep (adj.) 睡着的 aspect (n.) 方面 assistant (n.) 助手;助理 astonished (adj.) 吃惊的;惊 愕的 astronaut (n.) 宇航员 astronomer (n.) 天文学家 athlete (n.) 运动员 atmosphere (n.) 大气;大气层 attack (vt.) 袭击;攻击 attempt (n.) 努力;尝试 attend (v.) 看护;出席,参加 attitude (n.) 态度 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力 的;吸引人的 audience (n.) 听众 autumn (n.) 秋季 available (adj.) 可获得的 average (adj.) 平均的;普通 的 (n.) 平均数 avoid (v.) 避免 awake (v.) (awoke, awoke) 唤醒;使醒;醒 away (adv.) 离开;远离 be away from 远离…… go / run away 走 / 跑开 awful (adj.) 可怕的;吓人的 B background (n.) 背景 bamboo (n.) 竹子 ban (vt.) 禁止 barber (n.) 理发师 bark (n. & v.) 树皮;犬吠 base (n.) 根据地;基地;(棒球) 垒 baseball (n.) 棒球 basin (n.) 水盆 basket (n.) 篮子 bat (n.) 蝙蝠; 球拍;球棒 battery (n.) 电瓶;电池 battle (n.) 战斗;战役 beach (n.) 海滨;海滩 beard (n.) 胡须 beast (n.) 野兽;牲畜 beat (v.) (beat, beaten) 敲 打;(脉,心脏)跳动;打胜;打赢 beg (v.) 恳求;乞讨 behave (v.) 守规矩;行为 belief (n.) 信念;信条 believe (v.) 相信;认为 belong (v.) 属于 belong to 属于;是……的成员 below (prep.) 在……下面 bench (n.) 长凳;工作台 bend (n.) 弯曲处;弯道 (vt.) 弯下腰 bent (adj.) 弯的 blame (n. & v.) 责备;责怪 blank (n. & adj.) 空格,空白 (处);空的 bleed (vi.) 出血,流血 blind (adj.) 瞎的 blood (n.) 血 boil (v.) 沸腾;水(开);使(水 或其他液体)沸腾;用开水煮 boot (n.) 长统靴;皮靴 bored (adj.) 厌烦的;厌倦的 border (n.) 边境;国界 borrow (v.) (向别人)借;借用 bother (vt.) 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 bottle (n.) 瓶子 bottom (n.) 底部;底 bow (vi.) 鞠躬 bowl (n.) 碗 brain (n.) 脑(子) branch (n.) 枝条;支流;部门 brand (n.) 商标;牌子 brave (adj.) 勇敢的 break (v.) (broke, broken) 打破;折断;打碎 brick (n.) 砖 bridge (n.) 桥 brief (adj.) 简短的;简洁的; (口语)极好的 bright (adj.) 明亮的;聪明的 brilliant (adj.) 聪颖的;才 华横溢的 bring (v.) (brought, brought) 带来;拿来 broad (adj.) 宽的;广阔的 broadcast (n.) 广播节目 (vt.) 广播 broom (n.) 扫帚 burn (v.) (burnt, burnt) 燃 烧 bury (vt.) 埋葬 bush (n.) 灌木 button (n.) 纽扣;按钮 (v.) 扣住;系扣 C cabbage (n.) 卷心菜;洋白菜 café (n.) 咖啡馆;餐馆 cage (n.) 笼;鸟笼 页脚
