



英语中的否定词非常重要,往往是理解句意的关键,也是各种考试的考点。因此,有关否定词的短语值得英语学习者专门研究和集中学习。常见的否定词有not,no,none,never,nothing,without 等。除双重否定表示肯定外,还有一些含有一个否定词的短语也表示肯定含义,现根据他们在句子中的功能和接续归类如下:


1)as often as not:往往

as often as not the buses are late on foggy days. 每遇多雾天,公共汽车往往脱班。

2)as likely as not :很可能

he is now at home as likely as not. 现在他很可能在家。

3)as soon as not :非常乐意

He would go as soon as not .他很乐意去。


1)can not but/can not help but(后跟动词原形):不能不,不由得不

I can not but agree 我不得不同意。

2) have no choice/ alternative but to (后跟动词原形):只好,只有

We have no alternative / choice but to submit。我只好顺从。

3)can not(后跟动词原形)+ too/over(后跟形容词或副词或前缀over 构成的词,表示“过分”,“太”):越……越……,再……也不会过分

The importance of the course cannot be overestimated。关于这门课的重要性,再高估都不算过分。

4)could not(后跟动词原形)+形容词或副词的比较级:再……不过了,非常

I couldn’t agree with you more。我非常同意你的观点。

I couldn’t feel better。我觉得身体好极了

5)can not help(后跟动词的-ing形式):情不自禁

I can not help laughing 我不禁笑了起来。


1)no more than (后跟名词):仅仅,只是

It’s no more than a beginning 。这只是个开端。

2)no/ none other than (后跟名词或代词):正式,就是

The new arrival was none other than the president 。刚来的那位就是董事长。

It is no other than Tom。这人就是汤姆

注意,“no other …than….”表示除……之外没有别的……”,“只有”,如:I have no other relation than you。(我除了你之外,就没有别的亲戚了。)

3)not half (后跟形容词、副词或动词):非常

She didn’t half cry 。他大声疾呼。

We didn’t half enjoy ourselves。我们过得十分愉快。

但是,“not half bad”是一个短语,“不错“。如:Your room is not half bad (你的房间相当好。)

4)never so (后跟形容词、副词):非常

One hearing the good tidings,she was never so happy。她一听到这个好消息,就高兴得不得了。

5)nothing but/ none but (后跟名词性短语):只有

It is nothing but a rumour .这完全是个谣言。

None but the aged and the sick stay at home 。只有老年人和生病的人留在家中。


五个常见英语否定前缀用法辨析 令狐文艳 一、un-是来自英语本族语的前缀,其英文含义为not, the opposite of。它是5个否定前缀中运用最为广泛的一个,构词能力相当强。通常加在形容词、副词、名词、动词及分词之前,表示否定意义和相反的动作。该词缀的用法有下列几种情形: 1. un-加在词头为in-或im-的单词前。 a.加在in-前:uninfluential uninformative unintell igent unintentional unintelliglble uninterpretable uninteresting un involved b.加在im-前: unimportant unimaginable unimpre ssible unimpressive unimproved unimagined 2. un-加在以-able,-ful,-like,-ly,-some,-ing,-ed 结尾的单词前。 a.加在-able结尾的词前: unfinishable undesirable unmatchable unexplai nable unexpectable untranslatable b.加在-ful结尾的词前: unhealthful unfruitful unhelpful unmindful unpainful unskillful

unsucceessful unuseful c.加在-like结尾的词前: unstatesmanlike unsportsrnanlike d.加在-some结尾的词前:unhandsome untroublesome e.加在-ly结尾的词前: unbrotherly unshapely unsightly unw orldly unwomanly unmannerly f.加在-ing结尾的词前: unharming ungiving unloving u nfeeling unmeaning unmoving g.加在-ed结尾的词前: unmoved unspoiled unhandled unfixed unexpressed unexpected 3. un-还可以加在-ed分词+介词或副词的词前: unheard-of unhoped-for unmade-up uncared-for 4. “un+名词+ful”形式的形容词常和“名词+less”形式的形容词表达相同的意思。例如:unfaithful=faithless,unuseful=useless等。但也有例外,如hopeless,thoughtless就没有相应的unhopeful,unthoughtful。 5. 在现代英语中,un-的使用范围日趋广泛,几乎可以任意地加在形容词前构成反义词。如:


浅析英语中的否定 编讲:田老师在教学中不难看出,影响学生英语理解和阅读的除了有单词和主从句(长难句)外,还有一些否定句子困扰学生,严重影响了学习兴趣。现在就英语中的否定作统一的浅析以便教和学更轻松。 第一篇:否定转移和不转移问题 否定转移的主句动词在语义上可分: A:表示看法的动词: be supposed to, believe, expect, imagine, suppose, think, fancy,guess,should say等表示主观意见和猜想的动词在句中作谓语时,按习惯其宾语从句的否定通常转移到主句。如: 1. I didn’t think I have seen you before. 2. She didn’t imagine that we would say anything. B:表示感觉的动词: 在seem,feel,taste,sound,appear,look like, feel as if, look as if, sou nd as if作联系动词的句子中,特别是seem,按习惯以它的否定来代替其他部分的否定。例如: 1. The baby doesn’t appear to be awake. 2. It doesn’t look(看起来)like it’s (天不会)going to rain. 3.English doesn't seem easy to learn. 英语好像不容易学。

4.It didn't seem during those years that therecould be anyone else who might share my own peculiar tastes. 在那些年月里,似乎没有人会有我这样的特殊情趣。 C类似的情况还有半助动词happen。 例如:He didn't happen to be at home. 他碰巧不在家。 D将seem, appear 等后的从句的否定转移到前面。 It doesn't seem th at they know where to go.看来他们不知道往哪去。 It doesn't appear that we'll have a sunny day tomorrow. 看来我们明天不会碰上好天气。 E有时将动名词,介词短语或整个从句的否定转变为对谓语动词的否定。 I don' t remember having ever seen such a man. 我记得从未见过这样一个人。 (not否定动名词短语having…) It's not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street. 在这里,人们不会想到在街上会碰上陌生的人。 (anyone 作主语时,从句中的谓语动词不能用否定形式。) F 状语和状语从句的否定转移 The ant is not gathering this for itself alone. (否定状语) 蚂蚁不只是为自己采食。 He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle saidso. (否定because状语) 他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何,就轻信此事。


带有色彩单词的短语 brown sugar红糖black tea红茶red wine:红酒red sky:彩霞black money:黑钱black market:黑市交易或黑市 blue book:蓝皮blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的工人 green-eyed:嫉妒/眼红green meat:鲜肉 a green hand:新手 white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”。 white money:银币 white elephant:昂贵却无用的物品或物主不需要但又无法处置之物white sale:大减价grey market:半黑市 yellow pages:黄页(指分类电话簿,并非指黄书。) a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人 Yellow Pages 黄页(电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷) Yellow Book 黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧) blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者 grey-collar workers 灰领阶层,指服务*行业的职员 white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者pink-collar workers 粉领阶层,指职业妇女群体 golden-collar personnel 金领阶层red ink 赤字in the black 盈利white goods 白色货物,指冰箱、洗衣机等外壳为白色的家电产品 brown goods 棕色货物,指电视、录音机、音响等外壳为棕色的电子产品。black dog 忧郁、不开心的人black sheep 害群之马,败家子 black leg 骗子白雪公主Snow White 白色污染white pollution 百年老店century-old shop


关于否定词 一个句子,如果多次出现“不”、“没有”之类的否定词,很有可能句子字面意义和要表达的意义不一致,出现多重否定失当的毛病。 例①雷锋精神当然要赋予它新的内涵,但谁又能否认现在就不需要学习雷锋了呢? (句中否定词有“否认”和“不”,另外还是一个反问句。这样,句子含三重否定,即等于一重否定,从而将句意搞反了。) 例②为了防止这类交通事故不再发生,我们加强了交通安全的教育和管理。(句中的“防止”表示否定意义,和“不再”形成双重否定,表示肯定,恰与应表达的意思相反。) 例③睡眠三忌:一忌睡前不可恼怒,二忌睡前不可饱食,三忌卧处不可挡风。(句中的“忌”也表示否定意义,后面再加上一个否定词“不可”,也形成双重否定,使得句意与要表达的意思正好相反。) 为此,多重否定句句意的断定要注意技巧。①每一个否定词(如“不、没、无、莫、非”等)表示一重否定。②反问句表示一重否定,肯定的反问句表示否定的意义,否定的反问句表示肯定的意义。③“忌、禁止、防止、难以、忘记、忽视、放弃、拒绝、杜绝”等表示否定意义,各表示一重否定。④“无时无刻”、“不明不白”各表示一重否定。“不无”(不是没有,多少有些)表示双重否定,用于单个人;“无不”(没有一个不)表示双重否定,用于群体对象。⑤“差点儿”和“差点儿没”如果是不希望实现的事情,表后果、程度或形容、夸张等,意思相同,都表否定,两者均指事情接近实现而没有实现,如“差点儿摔倒”和“差点儿没摔倒”都表示几乎摔倒但没有摔倒。如果是希望实现的事情,或平实地叙述一件事,意思不同,“差点儿”是惋惜它未能实现,表否定;“差点儿没”是庆幸它终于勉强实现了,表肯定,如:“差点儿赶上了”是指没赶上;“差点儿没赶上”是指赶上了。


2011级英语总复习 构词法-2 初中英语形容词否定前后缀语法归纳 ☆特别提醒: ◇初中阶段,形容词否定前缀大多以un-构成,除去少数几个以-less否定后缀结尾外,不是以un-否定前缀构成的形容词基本上只有7个。 即上表中以dis-, im-, in-, ir-开头的七个例词。换言之,如果把这七个词烂熟于心,那么记忆形容词否定前缀就将事半功倍。 ◇以un-开头的形容词其前面的冠词用的是an。例如:an unusual boy。 ◇dis-否定前缀除了形容词dishonest外,还常常用在动词前构成否定形式,如dislike, disagree, disappear等。 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. You will be_____________ (able) to pass the exam if you don’t study hard. 2. There are lots of ________ (common) kinds of birds in Zhalong. Many people like to go birdwatching there. 3. It is ___________ (necessary) for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park. 4. It is ___________ (important) to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects. 5. He feels _________(happy) because he lost his wallet. 6. There is a ________ (regular) rain in Sahara desert every year. 7. Is it __________(possible) to get to the city by train? 8. Some people are ___________ ( friendly) to birds. They throw stones to them. 9. Some people feel ____ (happy) that government give poor people such small and ____(comfortable) flats. 10. It is _______ (safe) to walk on the street at night. 11. We should keep students staying away from the ________ (healthy) books. 12. These trainers are too small. They are ______________(comfortable) to wear. 13. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is ____________(polite). 14. Jim never tells lies and he is an ___________ (honest) boy. 15. This girl is so __________(care) that she often makes mistakes in her homework. ◇江苏13城市中考试题汇编◇ 1. It's ________(friendly) of him to say such bad words to his classmates. (08常州) 2. Don't get _________(patient) about your personal trouble. (08无锡) 3. He seemed ______(friend) at first, but now I've got to know him and I realize he's warm and kind. (08徐州) 4. If someone doesn't show good manners to others, he or she is __________(polite). (08宿迁) 5. It’s so ___________(不公平的)! Mary gets more money for less work. (09镇江) 6. The basketball team was __________(luck) to lose in the final minute of the game. (09徐州) 7. In some ways, the space shuttles travel fast, but the journey to Mars may be very___(comfortable). (09泰州) 8. it’s ___________(possible) for us to finish so much work within so little time. We need help. (2010南通) 9. Simon is such a __________(honest) person that no one believes him. (2010扬州) 10. Don’t be ________(patient)! You should listen to what he is saying first. (2010常州) 11. It is _________(possible) for me to design the poster without your help. (2010泰州) 12. it’s not easy for those superstars to face ___________(无穷无尽的)interviews and doubts. (2010镇江) Keys:


五个常见英语否定前缀用法辨析 一、un-是来自英语本族语的前缀,其英文含义为not, the opposite of。它是5个否定前缀中运用最为广泛的一个,构词能力相当强。通常加在形容词、副词、名词、动词及分词之前,表示否定意义和相反的动作。该词缀的用法有下列几种情形: 1. un-加在词头为in-或im-的单词前。 a.加在in-前: uninfluential uninformative unintelligent unintentional unintelliglble uninterpretable uninteresting uninvolved b.加在im-前: unimportant unimaginable unimpressible unimpressive unimproved unimagined 2. un-加在以-able,-ful,-like,-ly,-some,-ing,-ed结尾的单词前。 a.加在-able结尾的词前: unfinishable undesirable unmatchable unexplainable unexpectable untranslatable b.加在-ful结尾的词前: unhealthful unfruitful unhelpful unmindful unpainful unskillful unsucceessful unus eful c.加在-like结尾的词前: unstatesmanlike unsportsrnanlike d.加在-some结尾的词前: unhandsome untroublesome e.加在-ly结尾的词前: unbrotherly unshapely unsightly unworldly unwomanly unmannerly f.加在-ing结尾的词前: unharming ungiving unloving unfeeling unmeaning unmoving g.加在-ed结尾的词前: unmoved unspoiled unhandled unfixed unexpressed unexpected 3. un-还可以加在-ed分词+介词或副词的词前: unheard-of unhoped-for unmade-up uncared-for 4. “un+名词+ful”形式的形容词常和“名词+less”形式的形容词表达相同的意思。例如:unfaithful=faithless,unuseful=useless等。但也有例外,如hopeless,thoughtless就没有相应的unhopeful,unthoughtful。 5. 在现代英语中,un-的使用范围日趋广泛,几乎可以任意地加在形容词前构成反义词。如:unalike, uncool, uncooperative等。 6. 近年来,un-又增添了新的含义。如:unbook指买来不是为读而是为送人的书;unperson 指政治上失宠并遭清洗的官员。 二、in-是来自拉丁语的前缀,其英文含义为the opposite of, not, 表示“相反”的意思。常加在形容词前构成反义词。除了in-这一基本形式外,由于音同化的影响,还有其它3种词素变体(allomorph):il-, im-和ir-, 共有4种形式。其用法有下面4条细则: 1. il-用于l开头的单词,如: illegal illiterate illogical 2. im-用于b, m, p开头的单词,如: imbalance immortal imperfect 3. ir-用于r开头的单词,如: irresponsible irregular irrelevant 4. in-用于其它字母开头的单词,如: inactive incorrect inexperience inhuman injustice insecure 拉丁语前缀in-在过去非常盛行,现在却变为了非能产性的,不能再与英语本族语的同义词前缀un-抗衡。在现代英语中,几乎所有的形容词和分词都可以加un-这个前缀。因此,在用法上要注意in-和un-的区别。


关于英语中的否定句 1) 一般否定句 I don‘t know this. No news is good news. There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house. 2)特指否定 He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on time. I don‘t think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are ri ght. 3)部分否定 I don‘t know all of them. I can‘t see everybody/everything. All the answers are not right.(并非所有答案都对。) All is not gold that glitters. (闪光的不一定都是金子。) Both of them are not right.(并非两人都对。) 4)全体否定 None of my friends smoke. I can see nothing/nobody. Nothing can be so simple as this. Neither of them is right. 5) 延续否定 You didn‘t see him, neither/nor did I. You don‘t know, I don‘t know either. He doesn‘t know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of French. 6) 半否定句 We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing. I know little English. I saw few people. 7) 双重否定 You can‘t make something out of nothing. What‘s done cannot be undone. There is no sweet without sweat. No gain without pains. I can‘t help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it. No man is so old but (that) he can learn. 8)排除否定 Everyone is ready except you. He did nothing but play.


英语中的否定 第一部分:重点讲解 I. 否定的种类: 否定句是英语中的常用基本句型之一,它用来表示对所表达情况的否认.英语的否定结构形式多种多样,无论在思路上,还是在表达方式上,都与汉语有许多差异.如果只按字面意思翻译,有时会造成误解.因此,在做英译汉和汉译英练习时,一定要认真体会其中的含义,不要望文生义,以防陷入这个可怕的迷宫. 按意义分,英语中的否定多种多样.有全部否定、部分否定、多重否定(双重否定). 1)全部否定 no, not, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither... nor,结构均表示强烈意味的完全否定, 在汉语中体现为"绝对不","没有","远不(非)......","一点也不","根本不......","无论如何也没有......"等. 2)部分否定 英语中一些含有总括含义的代词、形容词或副词,当用于否定句中时,只否定一部分,

而不是完全否定.如all, everybody(everyone), everything, anyone(anybody), anything, anywhere, everywhere, always, quite, both, entirely, altogether等词与not连用时,在汉语中译为"......不全是......","不都是......","并非全都是......","不总是......"等,而不是按照字面理解为"所有......都不是". All that glitters is not gold. 闪闪发光的东西不一定都是金子.(误:所有闪闪发光的都不是金子.) All of us don’t want to go. 照字面看来好像是“我们大家都不想去”,而实际上是“并非大家都不想去”,即有人想去,有人不想去。“None of us wants to go”才是“大家都不想去” 因此,“All……not……”应解释为“一切……并不都……”或“并非一切……都……”。例如: All knowledge and techniques of modern medicine cannot bring him back to life.


英语中关于颜色的一些词汇: ①red 红色、pink粉红色、baby pink浅粉红色 ②green绿色、moss green emerald green dark green深绿色 ③white 白色、off white 灰白色、ivory 象牙色、snowy white雪白色oyster white乳白色。 ④blue 蓝色cobalt blue 钴蓝色、navy blue天蓝色 ⑤gray 灰色、smoky gray 炭灰色、misty gray雾灰色 ⑥purple紫色lavender淡紫色、lilac浅紫色、pansy紫罗兰色。 下面的词语中都含有颜色的单词,但意思特别。如: red letter days(纪念日,喜庆日子) 在西方一般指圣诞节或其它节日,因为这些日子在日历上都是用红色标明的,所以“red letter”的意思可以转译成“可纪念的、有纪念意义的、喜庆的”, ①to paint the town red 狂饮,痛饮,胡闹(西方国家的夜生活非常流行,这里它指夜生活 中的狂欢作乐,酗酒胡闹,而不是“把全城染红”的意思。) ②roll out the red carpet for somebody隆重欢迎,它的本意是“展开红地毯”,隆重地欢迎某 人。 He was the first European head of the state to visit their country, and they rolled out the red carpet for him。他是第一个访问该国的欧洲首脑,他们用隆重的礼节来欢迎他。 ④be in red 亏损 ⑤in the red 赤字 be in the red 负债,亏空,财政赤字 the red carpet treatment 隆重接待 red cent 很少的钱 catch…red-handed 当场被捕 red tape 繁文缛节 see red 突然发怒 black letter days倒霉的日子,在日历上大部分日子都是用黑体字写的,但它不可以翻译成“平常的日子”,而是表示“倒霉的日子。 black 构成短语的翻译: call white black/call black white 混淆是非 black money 黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱) in the black 盈利、赚钱、顺差。 Black and white 遍体鳞伤 Black sheep 害群之马 Black Friday 耶稣受难日,不吉利的星期五 Black lie 用心险恶的诺言 The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑一百步。 white构成短语的翻译: white war 没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”。 White sale 大减价 White money 银币


“含蓄否定词”或“暗指否定词” 1. 名词 —含蓄否定名词主要有:shortness / shortage(不够; 不足)、lack(缺乏; 没有)、absence(不在)、failure(未能; 不成功)、defiance(不顾; 无视)、denial(否认; 否定)、exclusion(排除)、freedom(不; 免除)、refusal(不愿; 不允许)、loss(失去)等。 2. 动词或动词短语 —英语中常见的含蓄否定动词包括:refuse(不愿; 不肯; 无法)、lack(缺乏; 没有)、defy(不服从; 不遵守; 不让)、forbid(不许)、stop(不准; 别)、ignore(不理; 不肯考虑; 无视; 不顾)、hate(不愿意)、miss(没听清楚; 没赶上)等。 3.形容词或形容词短语 —含蓄否定形容词主要有:absent(不在; 不到; 不出席)、blind(看不到; 不注意)、awkward(不熟练;不灵活)、bad (令人不愉快的; 不舒服的)、dead(无生命的; 无感觉的; 不毛的)、difficult(不容易的)、foreign to(不适合的; 与…无关)、short of(不够)、poor(不好的; 不幸的; 不足的)、thin (站不住脚; 不够有力)等。 4. 介词或介词短语 —含蓄否定介词和介词短语主要有:without(没有)、against

(不符合)、except(不包括)、beyond(无; 无法)、beside (不对; 不符合)、above(不至于)、behind(未能; 尚未; 还没有)、instead of(没有; 而不是)、aside from(不包括)、far from(绝不是; 还不; 非但不…(甚至)还…)、at large(未被捕; 未捉拿归案)、at a loss(不知所措; 不知如何是好; 完全不明白/不理解)、but for(要不是/没有…就不能/不会/无法…)、would rather…than(宁愿/宁可…也不)等。 5. 副词 He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children. Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelope, and unfolded it. 6. 连词 —包括:before(还没来得及)、unless(如果没有…就…)等。 7. 习惯用法和固定搭配 He is anything but a writer. 他决不是一个作家。 The decision has to come. 决定尚未作出。 I’m but too glad to do so. 我非常愿意这样做。 We will die before we give in. 我们宁死不屈。 8. 含有否定意义的谚语和警句 Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪! Wet paint! 油漆未干! Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。


英文前缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 1)纯否定前缀 a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的) dis- dishonest, dislike in-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular ne-, n-, none, neither, never non-, noesense neg-, neglect un- unable, unemployment 2)表示错误的意义 male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失调) mis-, mistake, mislead pseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience 3)表示反动作的意思 de-, defend, demodulation(解调) dis-, disarm, disconnect un-, unload, uncover 4)表示相反,相互对立意思 anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的) contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流) counter-, counterreaction, counterbalance ob-, oc-, of-, op-, object, oppose, occupy with-, withdraw, withstand


关于英语中的否定句 1)一般否定 这是一般意义上的否定句。否定句是指谓语部分使用了否定表达的形式。 I don’t know this. No news is good news. There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house. 2)特指否定 这是指否定句子中的某一成份,例如下面例句是对状语的否定。 He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on time. I don’t think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right. 3)部分否定 这是指对主语或宾语中所提到的人或事物,进行部分的否定,而不是全部提到的人或事物。句中使用了not all, not everybody, not both 一类的句式。 I don’t know all of the boys over there. I can’t see everybody in the meeting room. All is not gold that glitters. (闪光的不一定都是金子。) Both of them are not right.(并非两人都对。) 4)全体否定 这是指对主语或宾语中所提到的人或事物,进行全部的否定,即每个人或事都不是的。句子主要使用了有全部否定含义的词语,如none, nothing, neither 等。 None of my friends were involved in this case. I can see nobody in the deserted street. Nothing can be so simple as this. Neither of them is to blame for being late. 5) 延续否定 用两个简短的否定句,进一步表达否定的意思。 You didn't see him last night, neither/nor did I. You don't know about it, I don't know either. He doesn't know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of French. 6) 半否定句 这是由英语中特定的词语所决定的,与上面所说的部分否定有相似之处,这些词语是seldom, hardly, little, few 等,表示全部否定中还有一点点是肯定的。 We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing. I saw few people at the bus station at midnight. 7) 双重否定 双重否定即否定之否定,用两个否定来表示肯定,在语气上要强烈得多。 You can't make something out of nothing. What's done cannot be undone. There is no sweet without sweat. No gains without pains. I can't help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it. No man is so old but (that) he can learn. 8)排除否定 也是一种部分否定,句子使用了表示排除的介词,如except, but, but for 等。介词后面的部


给你点颜色看看=_= 小伙伴,你可知道颜色还可以表现品格、传达情绪、丰富语言?不知道没关系,今天又要带你长知识啦!赶紧准备好! 1. Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe. 自从她男朋友去了欧洲以后,玛莉一直感到闷闷不乐。 2. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon. 这种机会真是千载难逢。 3. You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it. 你可以没完没了地说下去,但我是不会相信你的。 4. Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我那么好骗吗? 5. Although he is physically old, his mind is still in the green. 尽管他身体已经衰老,但是思想还是很活跃。 6. She is red with anger. 她气得满脸通红。 7. All the family is in the pink. 全家人的身体都好极了。 8. Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified. 虽然我认为应该说实话,但我认为善意的谎言有时也是无可非议的。

9. He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white. 他坚持要把这项协议用白纸黑字写下来。 10. Henry was beaten black and blue, you can’t see a white spot about him. 亨利被打得遍体鳞伤,全身没一块好肉。 11. I’m glad that he is not so black as he is painted. 我很高兴他不是像你说的那么坏。 12. They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed. 他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。 13. We will soon be out of the red. 我们不久就要转亏为盈了。 14. I can’t even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow. 除你之外,这种事不能对别人说,因为他们会觉得我是个胆小鬼。 15. They choose a white day for their engagement. 他们选择吉日订婚。 16. He is the kind of person who calls white black. 他就是那种颠倒黑白的人。 赶紧现学现用,用“颜色”去形容你身边的小伙伴啦^_^


英文中常用否定前缀总结 anti-表示,相反的,相对的antibody 抗体 non-表示“非”nonhuman 非人类 英语中大部分否定前缀构词法: 1> dis 加在形容词前 -- agreeable(adj.使人愉快的)→ disagreeable(adj.不愉快的) -- content(adj.满意的 vt.使满足)→ discontent(adj.不满的 vt.令人不满 n.不满) -- graceful(adj.优美的)→ disgraceful(adj.使失体面的, 耻辱的)-- honest(adj.诚实的, 正直的)→ dishonest(adj.不诚实的) -- satisfactory(adj.满意的)→ dissatisfactory(adj.不满意的) 加在名词前 -- agreement(n.同意)→ disagreement(n.意见不同) -- honesty(n.诚实, 正直)→ dishonesty(n.不诚实, 不老实) -- ability(n.能力, 才干)→ disability(n.无力, 无能) -- grace(n.优美, 雅致)→ disgrace(n.耻辱) -- comfort(n.舒适 vt.安慰)→ discomfort(n.不舒适 vt.使不舒适)可以加在动词前 -- agree(v.同意)→ disagree(v.不同意) -- appear(vi.出现)→ disappear(vi.消失, 不见) -- believe(相信, 信任)→ disbelieve(v.不信, 怀疑) 在名词前加dis得到动词, 表示除去、解除。 -- courage(n.勇气, 精神)→ discourage(vt.使气馁) -- root(n.根, 根部)→ disroot / unroot(vt.连根拔除)


英语中的部分否定与全部否定 在英语里有一些用来表示“全体”或“完全”意义的总括词,如all, every(及everybody, everything等),both, always, quite, wholly, entirely, altogether, completely等,凡含有这些词的否定句并非表示全部否定。如: 1. Not all the ants go out for the food. 并非所有的蚂蚁都出外觅食。 2. Money is not everything. 金钱并非万能。 从上面例子中可以看出部分否定有下列两种形式: 一、直接把否定词not 放在被否定词之前。如: 3. Not all birds can fly. 并不是所有的鸟都会飞。 4. Not both children are clever. 两个孩子并不都聪明。 5. He doesn’t quite understand. 他并非全部理解。 6. We are not altogether interested. 我们并不完全感兴趣。 二、用not 来否定谓语。如: 7. I can’t catch everything in the book. 我没有完全掌握书中的内容。 8. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。 除了上述两种常见的形式外,部分否定还有其它表现形式。如: 9. She can’t sing and dance. (not...and... ) 她并非既会唱歌又会跳舞。 10. It was not for nothing that she spent two years studying skies. (not for nothing) 她花了两年时间研究天体并非毫无收获。 还有含有seldom, hardly, little 等词的句子也有表示部分否定的情况。 11. He seldom asks for leave. 他很少请假。 12. It hardly ever snows in Guangdong. 广东极少下雪。 13. We know few of them. 他们当中我们不认识几个人。 14. There is little ink in the bottle. 瓶里没有多少墨水。
