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Key to Focus Listening 4

Lesson 1

Part A I. Key: 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 IL a, b, c, d, c

Part B 111. l.a, d, a, b, b 2. Key: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10

Passage 2 IIL 1. a, c, a, d, c

2. 1) television, radio, correspondence courses; 3) social sciences, arts, mathematics 4) farm workers, teachers, policemen; 5) cheapest and most far-reaching

Lesson 2

Part A Affirmative response: 2,5,6,8,9,13,18,19,20

Negative response: 1,3,4,7,10,11,12,14,15,16,17

Part B IIL 1. d,a,d,d,c

2. Teacher's complaints: 1) students don't do their homework properly.

2) students constantly arrive at school red-eyed and yawning.

Two explanations: 1) stay up late to watch television; 2) take up part-time jobs Passage 2 IIL L b, a, c

2. 1) early childhood 2) elementary// arithmetic, social studies, music, physical education 3) secondary//to prepare students for college; to prepare students for jobs 4) higher// engineering, business

Lesson 3

Part A 1) 2 2) 11 3) 6 4) 455 5) 8 6) New York 7) 318 8) 12 9) Madrid 10)641 11)9 12) Paris 13)814 14)4 15) Athens 16) 260 17)2 18) Boston 19) 74 20) 24

Part B Passage 1 IIL 1 b, c, a, d, a 2. key: 1,4,5,6,7

Passge 2 IIL 1. c, a, d, b, c 2. l)sports; 2)two basketball games; 3)Fruday night and Saturday night; 4)skiiing ; 5)music; 6)concert; 7)Saturday night; 8)museum exhibits; 9)American Indian pottery and sand painting ; 10) 10 a.m.-5 pm Saturday and Sunday

Lesson 4

Part A I. 1. At 12:30 2. 10:00 train to Edinburgh 3. Platform 16 4. The one to Chicago

5. At 17:00

6. The 16:14 train to Boston

7. Platform

8. The 7:10 train to Washington D.

C. 9) AT 10:15 10) To board the train immediately

II. his close friend Andrew was leaving for Boston; long before the departure time for Andrew's plane; a lot of things to say to his friend; he didn't know what to say; Just a postcard will do

Part B. passage 1. III. 1. b, d, a, a, d 2. key: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9

Passage 2. III. 1. a, c, b, d, c 2. key: 1,4, 5, 7, 9

Lesson 5

Part A. 1. At 8:55 2. In the hospital 3. to pick up her children from school 4. call again after 5 5. she had to stay home to take care of her sick father 6- invite some friends over for a drink 7. he got injured in the football match 8. she's going abroad to visit her daughter 9. close all the windows 10. he's come across many unfamiliar words and has to consult the dictinary all the time

Part B. passage 1. III. 1. b, c, a, d, d 2. Key: 1, 3, 7, 8, 10

Passage 2. III. 1. a, c, b, c, d 2. key: 1,3, 4, 7, 10

Lesson 6

Part A. I. 1-5 a, c, a, b, c; 6-10 d, c, d, c, c

II. she lost her sight and hearing; until the arrival of ; who was to change Helen's life; March 3, 1887; It was 3 months before Helen's 7th birthday; worked closely with; At times; became disappointed; Miss Sullivan's efforts were rewarded; communicate with others.

Part B. Passage 1. III. 1. a, b, b, d, a 2. 1) laugh at pelple in trouble 2) be kind to 3) take your turn 4) older people, women and disabled people on the bus 5) tell them they are fat 6) ask pelple their age 7) smoke unless allowed 8) be on time 9) Please; Thank you 10) stand up when speaking to elder people

Passage 2. III. 1. d, b, c, b, c 2. 1) Flowers, old porcelain tea sits, traditional paintings, calligraphy, national costumes 2) Tea and small cakes 3) The most distinguished guest 4) Sip bit by bit 5) Constantly make bows and show appreciation of the designs of the tea sets

Quiz 1

Part A 1-5 d, b, c, d, a 6-10 a, b, d, b, d

Part B. 11. Do you mind if I sit here? 12. of course not 13. I'm going to New York 14. I'm on sort of a business trip 15. to study a graduate program for a year 16. I'll study electric engineering 17. but I'm also a little worried 18. Fve heard that it's a dangerous place 19. crimes there in the newspapers 20. actually it's a very exciting place

Part C. 21-23 d, b, d 24-6 d, c, a 27-30 b, c, d, c

Lesson 7

Part A 1-5 abcab 6-10 cdaca

Part B
