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Aa ___ ___ F_ ___ J j ______ Nn _________

、选择正确的字母,将单词补充完整。 (10分)

( )(时间)A. a B. i ()(有)

A. a

B. o

( )(超过)A. t B. d


)'cl___ _k (看)A. ou B. oc

)__f (半)

三、 改正下列词组中的错误。

(20 分)


seve n past half(


2 、get to school( 上学) 3、 eat lunch( 吃午饭) 4 、see TV (看电视) 5

、 go house( 回家)

6 、in three o'clock( 在三点钟)


、 go up(起床)

8 、go bed (睡觉) 9

、 have breakfast( 吃晚饭) 10

、listen at the clock(


四、选择填空。(20 分) play

()9. I have dinner at past six.

A. time

B. to

C. get

D. half


is it , please? It is half past seve n. A. half B. time C. past D. pass

五、选词填空。每空一词, (10 分)


at ; What ; time ;

o'clock ;



1. A: time is it, please?

B: I t ' s six

2. A: What

is it, please?

B: It 's half

six. You have di


half past


六、连词成句,并注意大小写及标点付号。 (20 分)


get, six, o ' clock,

up, I ,at

six o clock. A. / D. in

()8 What ' s the time?I t's )1. I up at 6 o '


)2. time is it?

A. Which C. What

D. Tha n. )go school at 8 o'clock. A. in B. at C. on D. to

)4.1 lunch at twelve

o ' clock.

A. have

B. has

C. had



()5 I have dinner ____ six o clock. ()6. I TV at seve n

o ' clock.

A. see

B. look

C. watch



()7. I go to bed at half

nine. A.

pass B. past C. pest D.

七、阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断对(V )错(x ) (10分)

My n ame is Xiao ming . I get up at half past six . I have breakfast

I go to school at eight o ' clock. I have lunch at twelve o'clock

I have dinner at five o'clock . I watch TV at half past six . I do my homework at seve n o'clock . I go to bed at nine o

at five o ' clock.


、写出字母表中的从 Hh 到Tt 13个字母的大小写:(13分)



the. please, what,time,


at seven o ' clock.

I go home at four o ' clock.


()1. I get up at seve n o

clock. ()have lunch at twelve . ( )3. I go home

()4.1 watch TV at half past six.

()5. I go to bed at half past nine.


____________________________________ L-J.



、根据汉语意思,圈出下列正确的单词或短语: (15分) 1、周末: weakend weekend week 2

、在周末 in the weekend on the weekend at the weeke nd

9、 在早上 at the morning in the morning

10、 在下午 in the morni ng in the after noon in the eve ning 四、选择填空:(20分) ()1、She basketball . A .play B .plays

C .does play

()2、What she at the weekend ? A .do ,does B .does ,do C .does ,does

()3、What do you at school ?I English and Chinese . A .has ,have B .have ,has C .have ,have

()4、 What's the time ?lt's . A .half past seven B .seven past half C .seve n o'clock half

()5、At the weekend I swimming ,And he TV ________ A .goes watches B .go watch C .go watches

()6、What do you do ? I have dinner. A .at eight o'clock in the after noon B .in the after noon at eight o'clock C .at the after noon in eight o'clock

、汉语: China Chia nese Chin ese

3、数学 Maths Meths Naths 4

、科学 Scaenee Sciense Scienee 5、睡觉 sleep cleep sleap

、音乐 Musec Mvsic Music

7、在学校 at school on school 8
