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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、根据首字母提示补全单词。 (共10题;共10分)

1. (1分) I ________(走路) to school.

2. (1分)单词拼写







3. (1分)看图,根据首字母补全单词

(1) t________

(2) k________

(3) c________

(4) n________

4. (1分) You look beautiful in your ________ (衬衫).

5. (1分)单词拼写

(1)对不起 ________

(2)次数 ________

(3)呼叫 ________

(4)路 ________

(5)城市 ________

6. (1分)根据图片拼写单词

f o t o

7. (1分)正确抄写下列句子.注煮大小写和标点

can you draw a robot,tom no I can t


8. (1分)—Who is ________?

—He is my ________.

—He is kind.

9. (1分)根据图片补全单词。


10. (1分) Open your ________.

二、按要求完成下列各词。 (共1题;共10分)

11. (10分)按要求写出下列动词的不同形式。

示例: play—plays—playing—played

(1) swim —________—________—________

(2) write —________—________—________

(3) buy —________—________—________

(4) come —________—________—________

(5) make —________—________—________

(6) go —________—________—________

三、短语互译。 (共1题;共10分)

12. (10分) It's a hot day.

四、单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)

13. (2分) I play music ________ my friends after school.

A . with

B . and

C . for

14. (2分) The bus stop is between the hotel ______ the bookshop.

A . with

B . and

C . of

15. (2分) Usually I go to school _______ foot.

A . in

B . on

C . by

16. (2分) I like the room,________ it is not big or bright.

A . because

B . so

C . but

17. (2分)—Why do you like the book?

—________ it's very interesting.

A . But

B . Because

C . So

18. (2分)—Can you ______far,Tom?

—Yes,I can.

A . jump

B . listen

C . sing

19. (2分) Listen _____ the bird.

A . to

B . of

C . at

20. (2分) I will not play drum. I will play basketball.

A . the;/

B . the;the

C . /;the

21. (2分) Have_______eggs.

A . some

B . an

C . a

22. (2分) I like to _____ in summer.

A . going swimming

B . swim

C . swimming

五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共10分)

23. (1分) He is the ________ (three) tallest in his class.

24. (1分) (2019六上·苏州期末) Would you like ________ (some) ________ (peach), Mike?

25. (1分) I want ________(have)a cat.

26. (1分) (2018六下·龙岗期末) Water is very________(use). We can________(use)it in many ways.

27. (1分)() I want ________(read) a book.

28. (1分) (2019六上·福田期末) Clean water keeps us ________ (health).

29. (1分) Supergirl is super. She can draw good pictures,fly ________(kite) and swim ________(good).

30. (1分) Liu Xiang is good at ________ (run). He's a good runner.

31. (1分) There________(be) a school. It________(have) two playgrounds.

32. (1分) Mike is good at ________(play)football.

六、连词成句。 (共5题;共25分)

33. (5分) the/ we/ are/ shopping/ at/ going/ o'clock/ in/ six/ afternoon (.)(连词成句)

34. (5分) at/ my/ new/ look/ T-shirt (.)(连词成句)
