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学校 班级 姓名 学号 . 密 封 线 内 请 不 要 答 题 2015~2016学年度第二学期五年级期中调研 英语试题 (考试时间:60分钟,总分:100分)得分________ 【卷面语】 好成绩要从点滴做起。写好每一个字母,做好每一道题,只要你点滴不漏,认真审查,你一定能考出好的成绩,加油! 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,听两遍(10分) ( ) 1. A. bad B. hat C. bag ( ) 2. A. right B. light C. kite ( ) 3.A. small B. ship C. snack ( ) 4.A. feel B. feet C. eat ( ) 5. A. message B. medicine C. merry ( ) 6. A. take off B. try on C. put on ( ) 7. A.many cars B.some mushrooms C. many sweets ( ) 8.A. go to the supermarket B. go to see the dentist C. go to the post office ( ) 9. A. Get on at Park Station. B. Get off at City Library Station. C. Get in a taxi. ( ) 10. A. You can drink some water. B. I can ’t eat the sweets. C. You should have a rest. 二、听录音,根据录音内容给下列图片排序,听两遍(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听对话,根据对话内容和问题,选择正确的答句,听两遍。(共5分)( ) 1. How do they get to the station?

A. Take a metro.

B. Take a train.

C. Take a taxi. ( ) 2. Is there a cinema near Wang Bing’s house?

A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, there is.

C. No, t here isn’t. ( ) 3. How does the boy get to the library?

A. Go along this street. Turn left at the traffic lights.

B. Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights.

C. Go along this street. Turn left at the traffic lights and then turn right. ( ) 4. Why is Mike so sad?

A. He has no nice coat.

B. He has to finish his homework.

C. He has an old bike.

( ) 5. What’s Miss Li’s job?

A. She’s a nurse.

B. She’s a policewoman.

C. She’s a teacher.


Yang Ling to Su Hai’s home by . She on the metro at Park Station and gets at City Library Station. , she along Sun and turns at the traffic lights. Then, she walks along Moon Street. Soon, she finds Su Hai’s home to

the .



()1. headache peach ()2. drink dress

()3. trousers train ()4.short shout

()5. sheep shop


1.brush (第三人称单数)




5. ride (动名词)


1. Turn left at the (two) traffic light.

2. Cinderella_________(try) on the shoe and it fits.

3. Mike (not do)his homework on Saturday.

4. __________ (do) your parents live there?

5. I like (dance), but my sister doesn’t like.

6. Su Yang (live)near the City Library.

7. We want (have)a picnic.

8. Can you (draw)a picture for me ?

9. I don’t have____________(some) new skirts.

10.Where are my shoes? I can’t find _______(they).


( ) 1. It’s late, she _________ go to work by taxi.

A. want to

B. has to

C. have to

( ) 2.How _______ your sister _________ to the park?

A. does, goes

B. do, going

C. does, go ( ) 3. I want to _______my car ________you.

A.showing, with

B.show, for

C. show, to ( ) 4.You can see the park your left.

A. on

B. to

C. in

( ) 5. –Why are you so sad?

–_____ I don’t have any nice clothes.

A. Because

B.Because of

C. So

( )6. –Miss Li looks sad. W hat’s wrong with ?.

–She has a fever.

A . she B. he C. her

( )7. –shoe do the girls try on? –Su Yang’s.




( )8. I t’s very cold today. You can__________ the coat.

A. take off

B. put on

C. try on
