

1986 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题

Section I Structure and Vocabulary

In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points)


I was caught _______ the rain yesterday.

[A] in

[B] by

[C] with

[D] at


1. No doctors could cure the patient _______ his strange disease.

[A] with

[B] of

[C] from

[D] off

2. He was _______ his wits ' end what to do.

[A] in

[B] on

[C] at

[D] of

3. Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.

[A] to

[B] of

[C] in

[D] from

4. The driving instructor told me to pull _______ at the post office.

[A] up

[B] back

[C] round

[D] along

5. When there ' s a doubt, the chairman 's decision is ________ .

[A] right

[B] definite

[C] fixed

[D] final

6. We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always

[A] unquestionable

[B] sound

[C] subtle

[D] healthy

7. The noise of the plane died _______ in the distance.

[A] away

[B] out

[C] down

[D] off

8. Hospital doctors don ' t go out very often as their work ________ all their time.

[A] takes away

[B] takes in

[C] takes over

[D] takes up

9. Attendances at football matches have _______ since the coming of television.

[A] dropped in

[B] dropped down

[C] dropped off

[D] dropped out

10. After the death of their parents, the sisters got well ____________ and never


[A] away

[B] in

[C] along

[D] out

11. They always give the vacant seats to _______ comes first.

[A] who

[B] whom

[C] whoever

[D] whomever

12. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _______ the

advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.

[A] in that

[B] in which

[C] in order that

[D] in the way

13. He is _______ of an actor.

[A] anybody

[B] anyone

[C] somebody

[D] something

14. The captain apologized _______ to tell us more about the accident.

[A] for to be unable

[B] that he was unable

[C] to be unable

[D] for being unable

15. ______ is no reason for discharging her.

[A] Because she was a few mi nu tes late

[B] Owing to a few minutes being late

[C] The fact that she was a few minu tes late

[D] Being a few minutes late

Sectio n II Cloze Test

For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices labeled

[A] , [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and put your choice in the brackets below the passage. Read the whole passage before making your choices. (10 poin ts)

On Wedn esday after noons Annie took the bus into tow n to shop in the market.

For an hour or 大16家she would walk up and down between the stalls looking

at everything, buying here and there, and 大17家a sharp lookout for the barga ins that were sometimes to be had. And the n, with all the things she n eeded 大18家she would leave the market for the streets of the tow n to spe nd ano ther hour 大19家she liked best: looking in furniture shop windows.

One Wedn esday she found a new shop full of the most delightful thi ngs, with a notice inviting anyone to walk in and look 大20家without feeling they had to buy somethi ng. Annie hesitated for a mome nt before stepp ing through the doorway where, almost at on ce, she stopped 大21 家before a gree n armchair. There was a card on the chair which said: “ This fine chair大22家rs less tha n a pound

a week, ” a nd very small at the bottom, “ Casprice eighty- nine pounds fifty. A” pound a week... 大23家,she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never miss it! A voice at her shoulder made her 大24家. “ Can I help

you, Madam She looked round at the assistant who had come softly to her 大25家.

“Oh, well, no, ” she said. “I was just looking. ”“Wnvei^hairs of all kind showroom. If you ' ll just come up, you will find something to suit you. ”

Annie, worried at the thought of being persuaded to buy someth ing she did n

n eed, left the shop hurriedly.

16. [A] so

[B] more

[C] else

[D] another

17. [A] taking

[B] making

[C] fixing

[D] keeping

18. [A] buy

[B] bought

[C] buying

[D] to have bought

19. [A] in a way

[B] by the way

[C] in the way

[D] on the way

20. [A] behind

[B] round

[C] back

[D] on

21. [A] doubted

[B] wondered

[C] puzzled

[D] delighted

22. [A] at

[B] for

[C] with

[D] in

23. [A] Why

[B] When

[C] How

[D] What

24. [A] jump

[B] leap

[C] laugh

[D] wonder

25. [A] place

[B] back

[C] side

[D] front

Section III Reading Comprehension

Each of the two passagesbelow is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points)

Text 1

There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making general judgments. We can call these people “ generalists. ” And these “ generalists ” are particularly needed for positions in administration, where it is their job to see that other people do the work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people 's work, to begin it and judge it.

The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a “ trained m”an; and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalist -- and especially the administrator -- deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an “ educatedm”an; and the humanities are his strongest foundation. Very rarely is a

specialist capable of being an administrator. And very rarely is a good generalist also a good specialist in particular field. Any organization needs both kinds of people, though different organizations need them in different proportions. It is your task to find out, during your training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and to plan your career accordingly.

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you -- but this is pure accident. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job. At the same time you must not look upon the first job as the final job; it is primarily a training job, an opportunity to understand yourself and your fitness for being an employee.

26. There is an increasing demand for _______ .

[A] all round people in their own fields

[B] people whose job is to organize other people ' s work

[C] generalists whose educational background is either technical or professional

[D] specialists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others

27. The specialist is _______ .

[A] a man whose job is to train other people

[B] a man who has been trained in more than one fields

[C] a man who can see the forest rather than the trees

[D] a man whose concern is mainly with technical or professional matters

28. The administrator is _______ .

[A] a “ trained ” man who is more a specialist than a generalist

[B] a man who sees the trees as well as the forest

[C] a man who is very strong in the humanities

[D] a man who is an “ educated ” specialist

29. During your training period, it is important ______ .

[A] to try to be a generalist

[B] to choose a profitable job

[C] to find an organization which fits you

[D] to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist

30. A man' s first job _______ .

[A] is never the right job for him

[B] should not be regarded as his final job

[C] should not be changed or people will become suspicious of his ability to hold any job

[D] is primarily an opportunity to fit himself for his final job

Text 2

At the bottom of the world lies a mighty continent still wrapped in the Ice Age and, until recent times, unknown to man. It is a great land mass with mountain ranges whose extent and elevation are still uncertain. Much of the continent is a complete blank on our maps. Man has explored, on foot, less than one per cent of its area. Antarctica differs fundamentally from the Arctic regions. The Arctic is an ocean, covered with drifting packed ice and hemmed in by the land masses of Europe, Asia, and North America. The Antarctic is a continent almost as large as Europe and Australia combined, centered roughly on the South Pole and surrounded by the most unobstructed water areas of the world -- the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

The continental ice sheet is more than two miles high in its centre, thus, the air over the Antarctic is far more refrigerated than it is over the Arctic regions. This cold air current from the land is so forceful that it makes the nearby seas the stormiest in the world and renders unlivable those regions whose counterparts at the opposite end of the globe are inhabited. Thus, more than a million persons live within 2,000 miles of the North Pole in an area that includes most of Alaska, Siberia, and Scandinavia -- a region rich in forest and mining industries. Apart from a handful of weather stations, within the same distance of the South Pole there is not a single tree, industry, or settlement.

31. The best title for this selection would be _______ .


1986年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Structure and Vocabulary In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points) EXAMPLE: I was caught ________ the rain yesterday. [A] in [B] by [C] with [D] at ANSWER: [A] 1. No doctors could cure the patient ________ his strange disease. [A] with [B] of [C] from [D] off 2. He was ________ his wits’ end what to do. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] of 3. Prior ________ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. [A] to [B] of [C] in [D] from 4. The driving instructor told me to pull ________ at the post office. [A] up [B] back [C] round [D] along


北京航空航天大学2005年硕士研究生入学考试基础英语试题 考生注意:所有答题务必写在考场提供的答题纸上,写在本试题单上的答题一律无效(本题单不参与阅卷)。 I. Vocabulary and Structure(40points,1*40) Part 1 Directions: Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter. 1. “The giant was bit” is a tautological statement, to say the least. A. tight B. redundant C. illogical D. relative 2. There is an embargo on any more video games coming into the house. A. landing place B. prohibition C. violation D. permission 3. Youngsters are usually more impetuous than old people. A. impatient B. immature C. impulsive D. imperial 4. U nfortunately, I’ll spend the weekend doing a bunch of prosaic chores. A .dull B. practical C. trivial D. rhyming 5. The crowd at the town meeting found the mayor’s assurance too glib. A. sarcastic B. flashy C. malicious D. readily fluent 6. Gazing at the crystalline lake, I decided it was too beautiful to swim in. A. breakable B. futuristic C. delicate D. sparkling 7. We cannot vacillate on the question of the party’s leadership. A. lead B. doubt C. check D. repeat 8. It is more difficult for a chronic smoker to give up the habit than for a novice, but it can be done. A. affluent B. confirmed C. disciplined D. indecisive 9. They were furious when one of their best managers was poached by another company A. headhunted B. punched C. plundered D. probed 10. The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were unreadable. A. indelible B. inscrutable C. illegible D. illegitimate 11. She bristled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest. A. bridled B. bridged C. breathed D. boasted 12. Investors should study a prospectus before putting money into a big company. A. positive outlook B. banking agreement C. profit-and-loss statement D. formal business document 13 .The real hero is never ostentatious. A. frivolous B. pretentious C. presumptuous D. ponderous 14. If you have never held a driving license before, you should apply for a provisional license. A. providential B. temporary C. provincial D. improvised 15. John Smith is a voracious book collector. A. vicious B. luxurious C. insatiable D. valuable 16. I don’t think we should make precipitate decisions. A .precipitous B. precocious C. precarious D. precautious 17. You need an excursion to break the monotony. A. gaunt B. jaunt C. vaunt D. taunt 18. The government appears in a quandary about what to do with so many people. A. border B. marshy ground C. dilemma D. situation 19. It was an auspicious beginning to her career as an author. A. unexpected B. interesting C. favorable D. doubtful


1986 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Structure and Vocabulary In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points) EXAMPLE: I was caught _______ the rain yesterday. [A] in [B] by [C] with [D] at ANSWER: [A] 1. No doctors could cure the patient _______ his strange disease. [A] with [B] of [C] from [D] off 2. He was _______ his wits ' end what to do. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] of 3. Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. [A] to [B] of [C] in [D] from 4. The driving instructor told me to pull _______ at the post office. [A] up [B] back [C] round


1996年年全真试题 Part ⅠCloze Test Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. (10 points) Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. They do not provide energy, 1 do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for 2 foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if 3 is missing a deficiency disease becomes 4 . Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and 5 nitrogen. They are different 6 their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin 7 one or more specific functions in the body. 8 enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for 9 vitamins. Many people, 10 , believe in being on the “safe side”and thus take extra vitamins. However, a well balanced diet will usually meet all the body’s vitamin needs. 1.[A]either [B]so [C]nor [D]never 2.[A]shifting [B]transferring [C]altering [D]transforming 3.[A]any [B]some [C]anything [D]something 4.[A]serious [B]apparent [C]severe [D]fatal 5.[A]mostly [B]partially [C]sometimes [D]rarely 6.[A]in that [B]so that [C]such that [D]except that 7.[A]undertakes [B]holds [C]plays [D]performs 8.[A]Supplying [B]Getting [C]Providing [D]Furnishing 9.[A]exceptional [B]exceeding [C]excess [D]external 10.[A]nevertheless [B]therefore [C]moreover [D]meanwhile Part ⅡReading Comprehension Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each questions there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (40 points) Passage 1 Tight lipped elders used to say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”


07-1 PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points) Section A (0.5 point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive forpath-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A. investment B. resource C. inspiration D. stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despitethe appalling workingconditions. A. bewildering B. exasperating C. dismaying D. upsetting 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting andphotography. A. all at once B. by and by C. to some extent D. on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about theconsequences. A. optimistic B. anxious C. uncertain D. scared 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents' wishes. A. enhanced B. revised C. alternated D. modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A. arisen from B. contributed to C. patched up D. participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurorsprevailed. A. resigned B. compromised C. persisted D. dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jeffersoncontended that the countryshould remain chiefly agricultural. A. inclined B. struggled C. argued D. competed 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A. on occasion B. at present C. by now D. for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifyingvictims' families. A. briefly B. quickly C. accurately D. earnestly Section B (0.5 point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _________ in the world. A. neighborhoods B. communities C. clusters D. assemblies 32. Nuclear wastes are considered to _____ a threat to human health and marine life. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0e11507759.html,pose B. impose C. expose D. pose 33. Some states in the US have set _____ standards concerning math and science tests. A. energetic B.vigorous C. rigorous D. grave 34. This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized ___________. A. presentation B. instruction C. conviction D.obligation 35. Because of ______ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along witheach other. A. incomprehensible B. incomparable C. inconceivable D. incompatible 36. As __________China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthenanti-corruption activities are gaining momentum. A. in the light of B. in the event of C. in the case of D. in the course of


1996年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I: Structure and V ocabulary Part A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. (5 points) 1.Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often ________, or better than an actual performance. [A] as good as [B] as good [C] good [D] good as 2.My pain ________ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?” [A] must be [B] had [C] must have been [D] had to be 3.The senior librarian at the circulation desk promised to get the book for me ________ she could remember who last borrowed it. [A] ever since [B] much as [C] even though [D] if only 4.Observations were made ________ the children at the beginning and at the end of pre-school and first grade. [A] towards [B] of [C] on [D] with 5.The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each ________ one major point in contrast with the other. [A] makes [B] made [C] is to make [D] making 6. A safety analysis ________ the target as a potential danger. Unfortunately, it was never done. [A] would identify [B] will identify [C] would have identified [D] will have identified 7.The number of registered participants in this year’s marathon was half ________.



1986-2009考研英语真题汇总 1986年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I: Structure and Vocabulary In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points) EXAMPLE: I was caught ________ the rain yesterday. [A] in [B] by [C] with [D] at ANSWER: [A] 1. No doctors could cure the patient ________ his strange disease. [A] with [B] of [C] from [D] off 2. He was ________ his wits’ en d what to do. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] of 3. Prior ________ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. [A] to [B] of [C] in [D] from 4. The driving instructor told me to pull ________ at the post office. [A] up [B] back [C] round


2020年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B卷) ******************************************************************************************* 招生专业与代码:050205日语语言文学、050203法语语言文学 考试科目名称及代码:241 基础英语 考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 Part I Cloze (10 points) Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Brazil has __1__ to offer the visitor: 7,300 km of coastline, much of it empty, endless beaches; the planet’s biggest rainforest; an area of wetlands full of alligators and jaguars; colonial cities and spectacular waterfalls. The Bahia coast in north-east Brazil is a particularly attractive area __2__ tourism. Several luxury resorts have been built there. Recently a $170 million five-hotel __3__ at Sauipe opened. With its 18-hole golf __4__ and designer shops, Sauipe is hoping to attract rich, foreign visitors. The tourist industry __5__ problems in the past __6__ high inflation which led to short-term planning. Hotels, __7__, are long-term investments, often with __8__ periods of over 15 years. If resorts such as Sauipe __9__ attract significant numbers of tourists, they have to solve several problems. __10__ a start, Brazil needs cheaper and more frequent international air travel. Brazilian airlines have actually decreased the number of __11__ international flights in the past two years because of a currency __12__. Foreign visitors also demand a level of service __13__ needs lengthy training – a considerable task for most of the resorts in the northeast which do not have a __14__ population to provide suitable staff. The other big challenge for Sauipe’s managers is __15__ the social problems that other new resorts have caused, when large numbers of people have come from the interior in search __16__ jobs, quickly __17__slums. The resort __18__ to deal with these pressures by setting up courses in the surrounding villages for making handicrafts which will__19__at Sauipe and by organizing __20__ for local co-operatives to produce foodstuffs for the hotels. 1. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. somehow 2. A. to B. for C. with D. on 3. A. complexity B. complicated C. complex D. compliment 4. A. course B. court C. pitch D. ground 5. A. has B. have C. having D. had 6. A. due B. because C. for D. because of 7. A. however B. therefore C. because D. while 8. A. pay B. payback C. payoff D. paycheck 1


1994年作文: Part ⅣWriting (15 points) DIRECTIONS: A. Title: ON MAKING FRIENDS B. TIME LIMIT: 40 minutes C. Word limit: 120 - 150 words (not including the given opening sentence) D. Y our composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start w ith the given opening sentence: “As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend.” E. Y our composition must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET. OUTLINE: l. The need for friends 2. True friendship 3. My principle in making friends 一、审题 本文题目是我们较为常见的关于交友的议论文。虽然关于友谊的文章很多,但要结构清晰仍需要解析友谊的真正内涵,指出友谊就是彼此帮助,互相促进学习。 二、谋篇 本文应按提纲所示分为三段:第一段为朋友的重要性。第二段解释友谊的含义。第三段说明自己的择友观。本文虽条理比较明了,但应注意呼应。 三、写作误区 1.跑题:本文虽与友谊有关,但不是单纯赞扬友谊的。有的考生忽略了“交友”,而把笔墨浪费在赞扬友谊的珍贵上,因此被扣分也在情理之中。 2.谋篇:本文应以说明议论为主,如果过多地举例描写,又无适当回扣主题,就会出现结构上的偏差,或者字数过多。 四、范文 评分标准1 15~13分:内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;表达清楚,文字连贯;句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确。 Sample 1 (14 points) On Making Friends As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend and the fact has been self-evident. Without the help of honest friends, we can hardly get over the difficulties and hardships we come across. Moreover, having no friends also means that there is nobody in the world with whom we


1986—2017年历年考研英语真题集 2017年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding "yes!" ___1__ helping you feel close and __2___to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a ___3__ of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you __4___ getting sick this winter. In a recent study ___5__ over 400 healthy adults,researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs ___6__ the participants' susceptibility(敏感性)to developing the common cold after being ___7__ to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come ___8__ with a cold, and the researchers __9___ that the stress-reducing effects of hugging ___10__ about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. ___11__ among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe __12___. "Hugging protects people who are under stress from the ___13__ risk for colds that's usually __14___ with stress," notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging "is a marker of intimacy and helps __15___ the feeling that others are there to help ___16__difficulty." Some experts ___17__ the stress-reducing,health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin (后叶催产素), often called"the bonding hormone" __18___ it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mothers and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it___19__ in the brain, where it __20___ mood, behavior and physiology. 1.[A]Besides [B]Unlike [C]Throughout [D]Despite 2.[A]equal [B]restricted [C]connected [D]inferior 3. [A]view [B]host [C]lesson [D]choice 4. [A]avoid [B]forget [C]recall [D]keep 5. [A]collecting [B]affecting [C]guiding [D]involving 6. [A]on [B]in [C]at [D]of 7. [A]devoted [B]attracted [C]lost [D]exposed 8. [A]along [B]across [C]down [D]out 9. [A]imagined [B]denied [C]doubted [D]calculated 10. [A]served [B]restored [C]explained [D]required 11. [A]Thus [B]Still [C]Rather [D]Even 12. [A]defeats [B]symptoms [C]errors [D]tests 13.[A]highlighted [B]increased [C]controlled [D]minimized 14. [A]presented [B]equipped [C]associated [D]compared

2012.12.8 研究生基础英语试卷

湖南科技大学研究生考试试题纸 课程名称:__ 基础英语__开课学院:外国语 上课专业:人文、马院、管理、教育、体育、化工等年级:2012 学生人数: 命题教师:朱诗花审核人:考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:2012 至2013 学年第 1 学期考试时量:120 分钟 Ⅰ. Multiple Choices (1*20=20’) Part A Direction: choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the italicized part of each sentence. 1.I don’t know anything about art, and I haven’t met an y grand pe ople, and I don’t go to a good tailor, and all th at , I’m not what he calls from top-drawe r society. A. highest B. lowest C. outstanding D. important 2. While watching TV to kill time at night, he draped his legs over the arm of the chair and made himself as comfortable and relaxed as he possibly could. A. covered B. arranged C. hu ng D. dwelled 3. Skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through. A. loyalty B. coura ge C. ambition D. patience 4. Dona’s having a bridal shower for Julie next week. Now she is busy preparing presents and inviting friends. A. washing B. party C. rain D. water 5. The downside was that I felt pretty intimidated. A. very close B. very intimate C. rather frightened D. humiliated 6. Don’t cling to your old ideas. Be ready to entertain some new ones, otherwise you will always lag behind others A. put forward to B. hold on to C. run to D. put up to 7. In order to finish the task in time, he was out in the rain all day and this brought on a bad cold. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. brought up D. gave up 8. The play shows that Americans have an embarrassment of riches and a paucity of spirituality and morality, focusing on the disillusionment of the American Dream. A. deficiency B. scarcity C. inadequacy D. deficit 9. Moves to change the way key resources should be allocated have sparkled a rise in turf battle, which could hinder the Internet’s growth as a global information infrastructure. A. control B. retard C. obstruct D. decrease 10. Video game markers scoff at the notion that their product can cause a psychiatric disorder. A. shout B. scream C. aim D. mock 11. From the beginning, I hated the way he talked, his whining voice and his vulgar accent. A. refined B. rude C. decent D. strange 12. To her consternation, she realized that what she had said was true, that a woman couldn’t hide love. A. shock B. fascination C. estimation D. enjoyment 13. The chemistry between Hepburn and Tracy is obvious. One can easily observe their love
