


Module I

Listening Comprehension(35%)

Section One

In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question.

Question 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

1.What is the specific field of study for John’s dissertation?

A.the current state of universities in San Francisco

B.western philosophy

C.philosophy with an emphasis on Buddhist studies

D.eastern religions

2.Which is NOT True about Suen Mok?

A.It has got a very good program for ten day meditation retreats.

B.Their meditation programs teach only foreigners.

C.Their meditation programs teach meditation techniques.

D.It is not the only temple John studies.

3.What is so special about Tam Krabok?

A.It teaches people to meditate and overcome their drug addiction.

B.It organizes meditation retreats for foreigners.

C.It organizes workshops to promote Thailand’s version of


D.It teaches people the essence of Theravada.

4.How many people have been cured in Tam Krabok?

A.about one hundred

B.about one thousand

C.about one hundred thousand

D.more than one hundred thousand

5.Which of the following statement is Not True according to the


A.Opium was illegal in Thailand until 1959.

B.Opium was legal in Thailand until 1959.

C.Drug addiction is a big problem in many different countries.

D.In John’s understanding, Buddhism basically tries to help people

live better lives.

Section Two

In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and fill in blanks that follow.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on a news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast you will be given 10 seconds to fill in each of the following five blanks.

Now listen to the interview.

6. The number of new homes being constructed across Australia rose by 15 per cent in the December quarter, which is since 2001.

7. Department store owner David Jones says sales are expected to slow over the next few months as taxpayer handouts and the dry up.

8. The World Bank has warned China's facing a big


9. The World Bank revised up its forecasts for China's from 8.7 to 9.5 per cent this year.

10. The World Bank’s quarterly China report suggested that higher migrant wages could help boost rural incomes and reduce the between rural and city lifestyles.

Section Three

In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 5 minutes to answer the following three questions.

Now listen to the interview.

11. Describe the impact of the economic downturn on teenagers who left school without completing year 12 in 2008.

12. Describe the current economic downturn in Australia.

13. How did the retail industry perform in this economic downturn?

Module II

Business Reading and Writing 40% (50 minutes)

Section A 5%

Directions:Read the following passage. Fill in Blanks 14-18 with the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the

Answer Sheets.

America sounds increasingly determined to push its exports, and its attitude to China has 14 . Mr Obama has set a goal of 15 exports in five years and has promised to “get much tougher” over what it regards as unfair competition from China. Speculation is rising in Washington, DC, that the Treasury will brand China a currency “manipulator” in its next exchange-rate report. With America’s unemployment at 9.7% and the mid-term elections approaching, the appeal of China-bashing is rising in Congress, too. Several senators recently revived a mothballed demand that the Commerce Department should investigate China’s currency regime as an unfair trade16 .

Beijing, in turn, shows little sign of budging on the yuan, even though the latest figures show surprisingly strong export growth and higher-than-expected 17 . Zhou Xiaochuan, the head of China’s central bank, caused a brief flurry in currency markets when he argued on March 6th that keeping the yuan stable against the dollar was “part of our18 of policies for dealing with the global financial crisis” from which China would exit “sooner or later”. But he made it quite clear that China would be cautious and gave no hint that sudden exit was imminent. In recent days various other Chinese officials have put even more emphasis on the stability of the currency, bristled at outside pressure to hurry up and denounced American “politicisation” of the exchange-rate issue.

14. A. stabled B. hardened C. toughed D. firmed

15. A. two B. twice C. doubling D. double

16. A. surplus B. allowance C. help D. subsidy

17. A. inflation B. appreciation C. depreciation D. stagflation

18. A. parcel B. package C. bundle D. series

Section B 5%

Directions:Look at the tables and graphs below. For each table or graph, there are one or two statements describing it. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B,

C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Question19 is based on the following graph.
