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Ma was born into a doctor’s family in 1933 and became a military doctor in 1947. She (apply) to become a paratrooper in 1961, but her first application failed because there were no female paratroopers at that time. But she learnt to parachute by training hard in secret. Finally, she became China’s first female paratrooper. She set a

national record as the oldest enlisted woman to do a parachute jump the age of 51. She completed over 140

parachuting jumps over a period of 20 years. In 2018, Ma donated her entire life savings to her home town. This (donate) was to support local education and public welfare.


Shadow plays, the earliest of 4 started over 2000 years ago, have enjoyed a long history in China and consist of many styles. One famous branch displayed in museum is called Taian Shadow Play. It is believed that it originated in the Song Dynasty when an emperor came to Mount Tai to offer sacrifice. In the past, the authentic shadow figures 5 (make) of donkey skin. But nowadays,to save the 6 (life) of many donkeys, they have found some man-made materials, which are used for the figures in the hands-on area.


The oceans are a valuable source of natural resources. Some of them are new to us.

Most notable of these is China’s discovery of an ice-like substance, as “fire ice”, under the South China Sea. In addition, China’s underwater vessels, such as the Jiaolong and ShenhaiYongshi, have been exploring waters at depths of thousands of metres. The Jiaolong even holds the record for the deepest dive by a

manned submarine, at 7,062 metres,

research conducted by these vessels is providing scientists with a better understanding of

formed, as well as helping identify areas for deep-sea drilling, taking deep-sea exploration into a whole new era.



My education started in a small village of India, I did not have any English then. When I discovered that famous novelist George Orwell was born in Motihari, it made me wonder if I could be a writer too. That day, it became my

My father opened up the world of books for me. I must have been seven or eight, when he first me a Hindi (印地语) storybook. When dad was reading the book for me, I was

tutor made me

picture books in English.

Two years later, I began to read my first English novel. Then I that I should try writing newspaper articles, improve my skills and then progress to longer forms. I approached a couple of Hindi newspapers with my

writing but was promptly

doubted my ability. At this time, I met kind-hearted Daniel who

an important turning point for me, my

After writing a dozen articles and reviews, I knew it was finally time to plan my novel.

sent it to Mary Mount, a famous editor right away. My submission was

hear from her.

One year later, I finished my writing work again. I -back landed

on my table, but it was desperate, to put it mildly. I

When I shared it with my friend, she a lot. Her feedback and support helped me improve my

manuscript further. Then I submitted it to a few publishers and a few days later, I got a

To my

houses had expressed interest in my novel. One of the directors intended to adapt it for the screen. It is

because of my and the encouragement from my family and friend, after 21 years struggling, that eventually I fulfilled my dream.

11. A. dream B. career C. memory D. ability

12. A. returned B. lent C. drew D. bought

13. A. attracted B. frightened C. amused D. warned

14. A. remember B. regret C. believe D. suggest

15. A. admitted B. realized C. explained D. complained

16. A. put down B. written down C. broken down D. turned down

17. A. worried B. surprised C. depressed D. excited
