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1. I _________ ________ and ________ ___________ ___________ ___________ .

2. Tom ___________ ___________ for his friends .

3. Did Mike ___________ ___________ ___________ last night ?

4. They ___________ ___________ and ___________ a ___________ last Sunday .

5. Chen Jie ___________ a ___________ last Monday .

6. My brother ___________ ___________ last Sunday .

7. Did they ___________ ___________ last week ?

8. We ___________ ___________ the ___________ ___________ .

9. ___________ did you go last week ? I ___________ to the ___________ .


( ) 1. A. It was sunny . B. It’s hot . C. It wasn’t hot .

( ) 2. A. She watch TV. B. She watched TV C. She watches TV .

( ) 3. A. I bought a comic book . B. I bought a pair of shoes . C. I want to buy a pencil . ( ) 4. A. Y es , she did . B. Y es , she does . C. No , she isn’t .

( ) 5. A. I went by bus . B. I go on foot . C. I by bus .

( ) 6. A. I play football . B. I visited my aunt . C. I went to the park .

( ) 7. A. He went to Beijing . B. He visited his aunt . C. He goes to the bookstore . 三、听音,选择你所听到的内容。、

( ) 1. A. went B. want C. when D. where ( ) 2. A. parents B. prepare C. present

( ) 3. A. washed B. wash C. watch D. watched ( ) 4. A. bought B. ball C. boat D. coat ( ) 5. A. have B. had C. has D. heavy ( ) 6. A. swim B. swam C. swing D. swimming ( ) 7. A. took B. book C. cook D. look ( ) 8. A. eat B. ate C. at D. and

( ) 9. A. good B. food C. foot D. feel ( ) 10. A. study B. studies C. studied

( ) 11. A. go B. got C. get D. set ( ) 12. A. park B. path C. party D. pass

( ) 13. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaner D. cleans ( ) 14. A. play B. played C. plane ( ) 15. A. visit B. visited C. visitor ( ) 16. A. take B. talk C. work D. walk


1. wash

2. go

3. swim

4. draw

5. win

6. watch

7. read

8. study

9. get 10. fly 11. leave 12. prepare 13. relax 14. see 15. row 16. buy 17. climb 18. am 19. have 20. do 21. eat 22. sing 23. dance 24. learn 25. take 26. cook 27. clean 28. visit 29. play 30. water 五、用动词过去式翻译下列短语。

1. 看电视

2. 打扫房间

3. 踢足球

4. 看我外祖父母

5. 洗衣服

6. 做作业

7. 去公园

8. 去游泳

9. 读书10. 去钓鱼11. 去郊游12. 学习汉语13. 又唱又跳14. 吃美食15. 照相16. 爬山17. 买礼物

18. 划船19. 看大象20. 去滑雪21. 到达22. 去滑冰

六、写出下列句子的一般疑问句, 并在原句上写出其否定句。

1. I bought presents for my cousins .

2. They did sports yesterday morning .

3. Mike flew kites last weekend .

4. We took pictures in the park .

5. Sarah went fishing with Amy .

6. I was happy yesterday .

7. They were busy last weekend .

8. Zhang Peng studied English last Sunday .

9. Miss Zhang ate good food last night .

10. We had a good time on our holiday .

11. John played football yesterday afternoon .

12. Tom had a fever yesterday .

13. I left Beijing on the 5th .

14. We skied and made a snowman last winter .

15. Wu Yifan watched TV last night .

16. Mike read books in the study .


1. They went to school by bus .

2. I went to the park on foot .

3. I went to the zoo with my parents .

4. I was happy yesterday .

5. They played football last weekend .

6. We went to Canada on our holiday .

7. I went to Xinjiang last winter holiday .

8. She climbed a mountain last Monday .

9. They saw elephants yesterday .
