







从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。( ) 1. Attention, please. _______ “h” in the word “honest” is silent.You can’t lose it.

A. A

B. An

C. The

D. /

( ) 2. At Chinese New Year, some people visit their relatives, _______ stay with their families.

A. another

B. others

C. the other

D. the others

( ) 3. The woman feels that she should let her son _______ his own decision this time.

A. makes

B. make

C. to make

D. making

( ) 4.—Would you like to drink coffee or milk?

—_________. Please give me some tea.

A. Neither

B. Both

C. Either

D. None

( ) 5.—What do you think of the school?

—Great! It can provide us _____ hot water, it can also provide food_____ us.

A. for ; for

B. with ; with

C. with ; for

D. for ; with

( ) 6. —I don’t know when she _____ back tomorrow.

—Don’t worry. I’ll call y ou when she _____ back.

A. will come; comes

B. comes; comes

C. comes; will come

D. will come ; will come

( ) 7. —Excuse me. Did you see a girl in red walking past just now?

—No, sir. I a newspaper.

A. read

B. was reading

C. have read

D. am reading

( ) 8. — Could you tell me_____ to go to Mianyan by train?

—Just a minute, please. I have to check my computer.

A. how much does it cost

B. how much did it cost

C. how much it cost

D. how much it costs

( ) 9. —Do you mind if I sit here?

—_____. It’s for Mr. Lee.

A. Not at all

B. Never mind

C. Better not

D. Of course not

( ) 10. ______ Oscar night, the shining stars in beautiful clothes walk on red carpets and drink champagne to celebrate their success.

A. At

B. In

C. On

D. For

( ) 11. —Mary, you’re going to buy an apartment here, aren’t you?

—Yes, but I can’t_______an expensive one.

A. spend

B. cost

C. pay

D. afford

( ) 12. They are your skirts. Please __________.

A. put it away

B. put out it

C. put them away

D. put them out

( ) 13. —How long have you _______ the car?

— For about two weeks.

A. had

B. bought

C. borrowed

D. lent

( ) 14. Dashan has known a lot of Chinese since he_____ to China ten years ago.

A. has come

B. come

C. came

D. had come

( ) 15. —What a clean and bright school, isn’t it?

—Yes, It’s always clean and bright because it ________every day.

A. clean

B. cleaned

C. is cleaned

D. was cleaned

( ) 16. At least 500 million people are using QQ ________ by Ma Huateng to chat on line.

A. created

B. create

C. creating

D. to create

( ) 17. —Do you know__________?

—I’m not sure. Maybe an artist.

A. what is the man with long hair

B. who the man with long hair is

C. what the man with long hair is

D. who is the man with long hair

( ) 18. Everyone ________go through the security check(安检)when entering the airport.

A. must

B. may

C. can

D. should

( ) 19. This is the school I studied three years ago.

A. where

B. which

C. when

D. that

( ) 20. There were some girls ________volleyball on the playground at that time.

A .play B. played C. to play D. playing




Food is very important. Everyone needs to _21_ _well if he/she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is__ 22 __.We begin to get a knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are __23__ in everything around them. They learn __24 __while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to ___ 25__ story books, science books…anything they like. When they find something new, they have to ask questions and__26___ to find out the answers.

What is the best ___27____to get knowledge? If we learn___28___ourselves, we will get the most knowledge, If we are__29___getting answers from others and don’t a sk why, we will never learn more and understand___30__.

( ) 21. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat

( ) 22. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat

( ) 23. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. meat

( ) 24. A. everybody B. something C. nothing D. anything

( ) 25. A. lend B. write C. think D. read

( ) 26. A. try B. wait C. think D. need

( ) 27. A. place B. school C. way D. road

( ) 28. A. in B. always C. to D. by

( ) 29. A. seldom B. always C. certainly D. sometimes

( ) 30.A.harder B. much C. well D. better


Radio, telephone and television are widely used in the world. When you turned on the radio, you can listen. But when you use the telephone, not only you can listen to others ___31__ you can talk with them; however, you can’t see anything at all. Television is much better than __32_ of them. People can watch TV and listen to it. But they can’t take part in__33_they see.

Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With it two people who are talking can see each other.

Picture phone can be very ___34__ when you have something to show the person you are calling. They may have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to __35__a library and ask to read a book right over your picture phone.

( ) 31.A.so B. and C. nor D. but also

( ) 32.A.all B. both C. none D. each

( ) 33.A.where B. what C. how D. why

( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/1316523559.html,ed B. use C. uses D. useful

( ) 35.A.go to B. sit in C. ring up D. make phone calls






The famous little golden Oscar statues(奥斯卡金像)weigh only 3.8 kilograms and are only 34.3 centimeters tall, but all films stars dream of winning one for their hard work. Oscar, the golden statue handed out to the winners, looks like a knight(骑士)standing on a reel of film(一盘胶片)and holding a sword in his hands.

But how did the little statue get the name “Oscar”? Ten years later, a popular story says that an American librarian thought the statue looked just like his uncle, whose name was Oscar .The Academy began to call the statues “Oscars” in 1939.

For 75 years, the Academy Awards have been the most famous film awards in the world. There are Oscar awards for all parts of movie-making, including acting, directing(导演)and music.

One of the most exciting things about the Oscars is that they are all secret. Before the envelopes are opened on stage and the winners are announced on TV, no one knows who they are!

This year, the statues were given at the 76th annual Academy Awards (also known as the Oscars) held on February 29 at Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, US. Some of the Oscars went to American actor Sean Penn and South African actress Charlize Theron, and also to the animated film Finding Nemo , which tells a touching story about a clown fish named Marlin who looks for his lost son Nemo.

On Oscar night, all the shining stars in beautiful clothes, walk out on red carpet, drink champagne and celebrate their success!

( ) 36. The meaning for the underlined word “animated” is________.

A. 纪事的

B. 动漫的

C. 爱情的

D. 暴力的

( ) 37.The first Oscar was in______________.

A. 1900

B. 2004

C. 1939

D. 1929

( ) 38. How often does Oscar take place?

A. Once every four years

B. Once a year

C. Twice a year

D. Once every two years

( ) 39. Where was the 76th Oscar held?

A. We are not told

B. In New York, USA

C. In Los Angeles

D. In the capital of the USA

( ) 40. Which of the following statements is Not True?

A. The golden statues are not very big.

B. The name “Oscar” came from a librarian’s uncle named Oscar.

C. People can know who has won the Oscar before the night.

D. The Oscar statues are given to the persons who achieve great success in movie making.


You leave the palm trees(棕榈树)in the Union Square—the heart of San Francisco—and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city, live people from many nations—Australians ,Italians, Chinese and others—giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in San Francisco’s Chinatown than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants, Chinese postboxes, and even odd(奇异的)telephone-boxes that look like pagoda(塔),it is easy to feel you are in China itself.

( ) 41. This passage is most probably taken from ________.

A. a Chinese textbook about the United States

B. a novel published in San Francisco

C. a traveler’s guide

D. a letter to parents

( ) 42. Union Square _________.

A. lies in San Francisco’s Chinatown

B. has many plat trees around it

C .is a shopping centre of the city

D. has some telephone-boxes which looks like pagodas

( ) 43. The main idea of this paragraph is that______________.

A. there are many Chinese living in Chinatown

B. people living in San Francisco like Chinatown

C. the area around Union Square is the centre of San Francisco

D. San Francisco is a city made up of different people with various cultures

( ) 44. The Chinese in San Francisco_______.

A. are still living in Chinese way

B. do everything according to the Chinese tradition(传统)

C. feel they are in China itself

D. have built Chinatown into an area with a Chinese character

( ) 45. From the passage we can see that _________.

A. the Chinese culture is the greatest in the world

B. people living San Francisco come from all parts of the world

C. the Chinese have turned San Francisco into a Chinatown

D. in San Francisco there are more Chinese than Australians, Italians and so on


Why are Arabic figures(数字) used everywhere in the world? In the past, other counting figures once existed in many countries, but they all died away.

The Roman figures, for example, were popular in Europe before the 13th century. However, they are hardly in use now, except on some clocks and on other rare occasions. Look at the following and you will know why it is so.

The Romans used seven letters, each representing a different number, I for 1,V for 5,X for 10 ,L for 50,C for 100,D for 500,and M for 1,000.To express a small number, the Romans would use repetitions or additions, or subtractions. For instance, II means 2, XXX means 30(repetition); VII means 7(addition) while IX expresses 4(subtraction).

To express a number a thousand times larger, they put a line above the number. Therefore, X VI= 16,000, and CDXL VII=44,700. To show the year 1995 in Roman figures, it will be MCMXCV. The difficulty is quite clear.

The Arabic numbers, on the other hand, avoid all this trouble. First, they are decimal(十进位) .Second, they are easy to write. It is these strong points that make the Arabic figures accepted by people all over the world.

()46. In the text, ________methods are shown as to how to express numbers in Roman figures.

A. four

B. seven

C. five

D. three

()47. The 1,548 in Roman figures should be________.





()48. Why are Arabic figures widely used in the world? Because _______.

A. other counting figures all died away

B. they are convenient and easy to expressed decimal points and fractions

C. Arabic figures are decimal

D. Both B and C

()49. The line above the number LV means _______.

A .500 B. a thousand time C.5500 D. more than 500

()50. The main idea of this passage is about________.

A. how to express a number in Roman figures

B. Roman figures

C. the history of Roman figures

D. the reasons why Arabic figures are used everywhere in the world.


Before modern farming methods, farmers lost crops to dry weather. Sometimes dry period lasted for many years. In those days, a long dry period, or drought, often turned the land to dust. The winds came along and blew the good land away. This happened year after year.

Farmers didn’t understand how to plant and so they made the situation worse. Each year they planted the same crops. They never gave the land a rest. The land became poor with too much use. They always plants in long straight rows. They broke the land into fine dust. They never plants trees to break the strength of the wind.

The worse dry period was the drought of the 1930’s. Good farmland on the Western Plains became a Dust Bowl. Farmers had a very hard time until they started to use modern farming methods.

Now farmers plant a different crop every year. Some years they give part of their land a rest. The land stays healthy and rich. Modern farmers form rows in curving(弯曲) lines and plant trees to stop the wind. Modern crops are much larger and more dependable.

Dry land farming is both a science and an art. From the air, the farms look like pieces of modern art. ( ) 51.Why did farmers lose so many crops? Because _______.

(1). drought turned land to dust

(2). winds blew the good land

(3). a dry period lasted for a long time sometimes

(4).farmers used different methods




D. All of the above ( )52.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The fields were in long straight rows so there was no space for farmers to plant trees.

B. The land became poor because farmers used too much fertilizer (化肥).

C. The situation got worse because f armers didn’t understand the modern methods.

D. The planting of the same crops and too much use made the land become poor.

( ) 53.What happened on the Western Plains in the 1930’s?

A. Farmers lived a hard life until 1930.

B. Farmers began to use modern farming methods in 1930.

C. The drought made the farmland become a Dust Bowl.

D. The land became healthier and richer.

( ) 54.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Modern farmers give part of their land a rest so as to find places to plant trees.

B. Modern farmers give land a rest from time to time and grow different crops every year, so the land becomes healthy and rich.

C. Trees are planted so that they protect the land from the wind.

D. With the modern farming methods, crops grew very well.

( ) 55.In the underlined sentence “They broke the land into fine dust”, the word “fine” probably


A. healthy and comfortable

B. in very small bits

C. chemical

D. bright and sunny.



Tony: ________56_______________________?

Lingling: It’s interesting enough. I like it very much.

Tony: 57 , I think you speak it very well.

Lingling: Thank you. About 3 years.

Tony: _____________58__________

Lingling: I study English by speaking more with my friends.

Tony: Do you have any difficulties in speaking with your friends.

Lingling: Yes.

Tony: ________59___________

Lingling: My problem is that I sometimes can’t understand others.

Tony: _____60_____.



阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全文后表格中所缺失的信息, 每空限填一个单词。

In Singapore, many middle school students spend a lot of time on their studies. Good education is often regarded as a ticket to success in their future. So, many of these students try their best to get a good mark in their examinations. They have a lot of homework to do every day and exams are a big headache .sometimes, some of them are even made to go to remedial(补习的) classes after school.

Schools run programmes outside school hours. The students can take part in sports and games, music and dance, hiking and rock-climbing, etc. They are also very active in community service.

In their spare time, most students like to listen to pop music. Hollywood blockbusters(大片) ,Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them. Some of them also spend their free time surfing the Internet, e-mailing their friends, playing computer and video games. They sometimes go to cafes, fast-food

restaurants, shopping centers and big book-stores.

第二节:选词填空。(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,根据文中意思,从方框中选择恰当的词,并在下面对应题号的


Happiness is for everyone. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your 66 into it. When you are in trouble at school ,your friends will help you; when you study ___67___ at your lessons, your parents are always 68 good care of your life and your 69 ; when you get ___70___ , your friends will congratulate you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel 71 , too. All these are your happiness .If you notice a bit of them , you can find that happiness is always around you. Happiness is not the same as money, it’s a 72 of your heart. When you are poor, you can also be very happy, because you have something else that can’t be 73 with money. 74 you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are happy, because you have more chances to challenge(挑战)yourself. _75_____ you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.

66 ._______ 67. _______ 68._______ 69 ._______ 70._______

71._______ 72._______ 73._______ 74._______ 75._______

第三节 书面表达(共20分)


请看下面的表格,这是Mary 一日三餐吃的饭菜及就餐地点。假设你是Mary ,请以My Three Meals 为题目写一篇短文,介绍自己的一日三餐。



Key to answers:


1-5BBBAC 6-10ABDDC 11-15DCACC 16-20ACAAD


21-25 DCABD 26-30 ACDBD

31-35 DBBDC


36-40 BDBCC 41-45 CBDDB 46-50 ABDBD 51-55 ADCAB


56-60 DBAEC



61. Good education 62. programmes 63.examinations/exams

64. community service 65. rich/colourful


66. heart 67. hard 68. taking 69. health 70. success

71. happy 72. feeling 73. bought 74. When 75.So


Hello! My name is Mary. I’m a middle school student. Every day I have three meals. In the morning I have breakfast at home. I’d love to eat an egg, some bread or cakes and drink milk, which I often have for breakfast. I have lunch at school with my classmates. I have rice, meat and vegetables for lunch. I have supper at home with my parents. I’d like to eat rice, meat, fish and vegetables for supper. After supper I often have some fruit that is good for me.

This is my three meals. What about you?


人教版九年级英语上册期末测试题及答案 第二卷笔试部分(95分) 六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) 26. —How can I read the English passage faster? —Y ou can read faster ____ reading word groups. A. with B. at C. on D. by 27. —My sister likes red very much. —Then this red skirt must belong to ____. A. hers B. her C. yours D. you 28. —Do you know ____ there will be a concert in the theater next Saturday? —Really? I'm looking forward to it. A. that B. why C. whether D. how 29. —I can't find my phone anywhere. —Y ou____ have lost it while shopping. A. may B. can C. should D. would 30. The movie____I have seen twice is The W andering Earth. A. who B. which C. where D. when 31. —Mike, you're crazy about music. A concert ____ in the gym tomorrow. Would you like to go? —That's great! But have you got the tickets? A. is holding B. is held C. will be held D. has held 32. —Why did she avoid ____ me? —I think she's sorry for her mistake, so she had to go off. A. meeting B. to meet C. not meeting D. not to meet 33. —What do you usually have for breakfast? —I used to ____ dumplings. But these days I get used to ____ bread and milk. A. eat; have B. eating; having

九年级上册英语期末考试试卷及答案 人教版

卷面部分A卷 一.单项选择。20% 16. ----Do you know how to plant trees? ----Yes, ________________. A. the more, the better B. more or less C. more and more D. so do I 17. Let’s put up the map on the wall __________ everyone can see it clearly. A. when B. because C. so that D. since 18. Mr. and Mrs. Green have ______ in Beijing for a week. A. got B. reached C. been D. arrived 19. She was never heard__________ so well before. A. sing B. singing C. sang D. to sing 20. The twins often know ____________________. A. what the other is going to say B. that the other is going to say C. what is the other going to say D. if the other is going to say 21. Now computers work __________ faster than the old ones. A. several millions times B. millions of time C. millions of times D. million of times 22. Have you ever seen __________ man? A. such a tall B. such tall a C. so a tall D. a so tall 23. He answered me, but he spoke __________ quickly __________clearly A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. nor; neither 24. There will not be enough space even to stand__________ the earth. A. in on B. in C. on D. over 25. The population of China is much larger than____________ Japan. A. / B. it in C. those in D. that of 26. He said he _____________ to the party. A. will go B. is coming C. would come D. has been 27. When the rubbish collector saw the couple, they ____________ hands down the lane. A. are holding B. were holding C. held D.hold 28. The police office finished reading the report ___________. A. interested B. interesting C. in interest D. with interest 29. Many residents of that area __________ snake bites every year. A. die from B. die in C. die for D. die of 30. The teacher must be ____________. A. listening to B. listened to carefully C. listened carefully D. listen 31. The machine _______ is good. Only the price is a little bit high. A. itself B. that C. it D. this 32. Let’s make some_____ f or this old lady. A. place B. room C. space D. seat 33. ______ which channel can we find our favourite programme? A. On B. In C. By D. For 34. ----____________? I didn’t hear you. ----I said you could take this seat. A. Hello B. Can I help you C. Pardon D. Sorry 35. We have __________ students this year than last year. A. many B. a lot more C. much D. any more


初三英语期末考试 时间:100分钟满分:130分 听力部分(20分) 一、听问题,选答案。读一遍。(5分) ( )1. A. Once a year. B. For a long time. C. Next year. ( )2. A. That’s right. B. Good idea. C. No, I don’t. teacher. ( )3. A. In his office. B. Very funny. C. He’s a ( )4. A. No. don’t say so.B. Thank you. C. We’d love to. ( )5. A. No, not at all. B. Yes, please open it. C. No, don’t open it, please. 二、听对话。选出最佳选项。读一遍。(5分) ( )1. How will the woman get to the railway station? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. ( )2. How old is the man now? A. 22 years old. B. 24 years old. C. 26 years old. ( )3. Where are they talking? C. On the phone. A. In the classroom. B. At the girl’s home. ( )4. When is it now? A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning. ( )5. When did Mike go back home last night? A. At 8:45. B. At 9:15. C. At 9:45. 三、听第3段材料,选出最佳选项。读两遍。(10分) ( )1.Wen did Mr. Smith’s friend give him a cat? A. two months ago B. one month ago C. two weeks ago D. one week ago ( )2. Mr. Smith asked his cook to give to his cat every day. A. a piece of cake B. a pound of fish C. a pound of meet D. a bowl of rice ( )3. Mr. Smith didn’t believe his cook because . A. the cat was becoming thinner and thinner. B. the cat wanted to run away. C. he didn’t like him. D. he wanted to prove. ( )4. Mr. Smith got the cat from . A. his friend B. the market C. the street D. the house ( )5. From the story, we know ate the meat. A. Mr. Smith B. the eat C. the cook D. Nobody 听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 6. What did David do well in when he was young? A、Basketball. B、Football. C、Tennis 7.Why did he stop playing football? A、Because he didn’t like it at all. B、Because he went to work in a city. C、Because there was no team. 8.What happened to David then? A、He was badly ill. B、He began to get fat. C、He got stronger and stronger. 9.What did he decide to do then? A、To play tennis.


新目标英语第8单元测试题 ? 一、根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词。 1. I am very a_____. Give me some food, please. 2. It’s Friday today. Don’t p____ off it any more. 3. He is a v_______, and he often treats some animals. 4. My computer is broken. He is r_____ it for me. 5. His father is able. He can s_____ this problem by himself. 6. There is a s_____. It says“No Smoking!”. 7. His grandfather can’t walk and has to sit in a w______. 8. I love dogs because they never c______ and they’re grateful. 9. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_____ in many ways. 10. He is my best friend. We all t_____ in him. 二、试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。 1. It’s your turn to _____ the room, Wang Fang. A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off 2. I’m thirsty. I’d like _____ a glass of water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 3. A: Must I go out for a walk now B: No, you _____. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not 4. Ask him _____ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesn’t D. isn’t 5. It’s twelve now. Let’s have _____ lunch together. A. a B. an C. the D. x 6. I am a League Member. I volunteer my time _____ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped 7. I don’t know _____ kind of work I can do. A. how B. what C. who D. why


期末综合能力测试(一) 听力部分(20分)) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(5分) 听力材料:1.The w ine is made from grapes. 2.We often eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festi v al. 3.Lots of Western people can't use chopsticks. 4.Look!The balloons are so beautiful. 5.Cruel w ars made lots of children homeless. ,A),B),C) ,D)),\s\do5(E)) 1.__B__ 2.__C__ 3.__E__ 4.__A__ 5.__D__ 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 听力材料:M:Do you think grammar is the most difficult in English learning? W:No.I think w riting is. ( B )6.What does the girl think is the most difficult in English learning? A.Grammar.B.Writing.C.Listening. 听力材料:M:Mom,I'm excited to ha v e a food festi v al. W:Me too,dear. ( A )7.How do the speakers feel about the food festival? A.Excited. B.Bored. C.Surprised. 听力材料:M:Hi,Julia.Can I take my camera to the art museum? W:No.We mustn't take photos there. ( C )8.Where are they going? A.To the library. B.To the theater. C.To the museum. 听力材料:M:Whose are these things,do you kno w? W:Y es.The pen belongs to Jack.The pencil box belongs to Mary and the notebook is Ann's. ( B )9.Whose notebook is it? A.Mary's. B.Ann's. C.Jack's. 听力材料:M:Excuse me,w here can I buy some stamps? W:There is a post office on the opposite of the supermarket.You can buy some there. ( B )10.Where does the man want to go? A.To the supermarket. B.To the post office. C.To the police station.


九年级上期英语期末测试题 (全卷满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟) 一、听力部分(共30分) (一)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. peasants B. presents C. parents D. parent ( )2. A. past B. passed C. pass D. parts ( )3. A. interested B. favorite C. different D. inportant ( )4. A. look worried B. be worried C. feel worried D. worry about ( )5. A. June 16.,1986 B. July 8,1986 C. June 18,1986 D. July 16,1988 (二)听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(每小题1分,共5分) ( )6. A. Quite well. B. I’d love to. C. They’re busy. ( )7. A. No, thanks. B. I want more dumplings. C. I don’t like it at all. ( )8. A. Yes, I know. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. The nearest post office is very big. ( )9. A. I’ve just drunk it. B. I don’t know. C. I’ve just eaten it. ( )10. A. Yes, please. B. Have a good time. C. That’s kind of you. (三)听对话和问题,选择最佳答案(每小题2分,共10分) ( )11. A. She has gone to her hometown. B. She is returning from her hometown. C. She is leaving for her hometown. ( )12. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I do. ( )13. A. Oliver. B. Tom C. Mike. ( )14. A. At 6:35. B. At 5:55 C. At 5:45. ( )15. A. Very good. B. Quite interesting. C. Not good. (四)听短文,选出最佳答案(每小题2分,共10分) 16. How old was Mike ? A. Over ten. B. Less than ten. C. Ten. D. About ten. 17. Did Mike like doing his homework ?( ) A. No, he didn’t like doing it. B. Yes, he did it himself. C. Yes, and he did it well. D. Yes, he enjoyed doing it. 18. Why was the teacher pleased and surprised ?( ) A. Mike made a lot of mistakes. B. Mike didn’t do his homework at all. C. Mike didn’t finish his homework. D. Mike did all his exercises right. 19. How did Mike do his homework this time? A. His father did it for him. B. His brother helped him do it. C. He did it by himselt. D. Hes mother helped him with it. 20. Do you think Mike’s father was good at maths ? A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasn’t C. No, he was good at English. D. We have no idea. 二、笔试部分 (一)根据句意及首字母提示填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) 1. Can you p_____________ me with some books on science? 2. Could you tell me how to p_________ this word ? 3. Everyone in my class w_________ about the coming exam. 4. You can find p__________ telephones easily in our city now. 5.That year’s Olympics were s_________ because the games were coming back to the country where they started. 6. The policemen have caught the thief who matches Mrs Li’s d_____________ . 7. Hong Kong has lots of great e_____________. 8. I want to join the school v________ project. 9. It’s d_________ to swim alone in the river. 10. What’s wrong with the flowers ? Some of the l__________ are turning yellow. (二)用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) 1. I’d like Uncle Li _____________ (mend) my bicycle. 2. Jim doesn’t know how ________(fix) up his TV. 3. A cup is used for ___________(drink) water. 4. By the time she got to the cinema, the movie _______________(begin). 5. ____________ (luck) , I passed the examination. 6. The TV play had a very happy _________(end). 7. Lin Tao would like to go (to) somewhere __________ (relax). 8. I’d like to stay at home, because I like _________(peace) vacations. 9. Mr Chen was surprised to see the fast __________(develop) in China after his long absence from the country. 10. Watch __________(care), and you will find the differences between the two pictures. (三)单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 1. It is reported that a small plane from South Africa crashed(坠毁)northwest of Changsha _______ May 28,2004. A. on B. in C. to D. at 2.—Shall we call for a taxi? —OK. Let me _______ the phone number in Yellow Pages. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after. 3. With the development of the society, parents _______ more and more money on their children’s education. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend 4. —How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008? —It’s hard to say. _______ people, I think. A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two millions of D. Two million of 5. —Thanks for giving me ______ I wanted. —You’re welcome. A. the information B. an information C. the informations D. information 6. There is not many differences between the two. I really don’t know ___________. A. what should I choose B. which I should choose C. which should I choose D. what I should choose 7. The television ________. It doesn’t work now.


高台二中2015秋学期质量检测试卷 九年级 英语8—10 温馨提示:请你先认真阅读试题,掌握关键词汇。相信自己!It is so easy ! 一、英汉互译(10分) 1.属于 2、做出努力 3、坚持、固守 4、大量、充足 5、偶尔地、间或 6.顺便拜访 7 、毕竟 8、脱掉、起飞 9、使...感到宾至如归 10、关闭、停止运转 二、词性互换(10分) 1.value (形容词) 2. north(形容词) (形容词) 4、pain (形容词) 5.history (指人的名词) (形容词) (名词) (形容词) (名词) (名词) 三、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(10分) 1.You ’d better go to bed early or you will feel s____________ the next day. 2. We went to the park to have a p________________ last weekend. 3. You can ______________ (表达) your opinions in different ways. 4. The boy went to a _________________ (医学的) college at last. 5. It is not polite to _______________ (将…….刺入) your chopsticks into the rice in China. 6. I have made up my mind to a____________ (参加) a course on DIY 7. Can you _______________ (表演) a dance for us now 8. The new leader received high _____________ (赞扬) from people in the city. often expresses her _____________ (悲伤) by writing letters to her friends. 10. The d______________(导演) of the film is Feng Xiaogang 四、情景与语法交际(30分) ( )1. As we know, England is ____European country and Singapore is ___Asian country. A. an ; an B. an ; a C. a ; a D. a ; an ( ) my way home ,I found a handbag and ______. A .picked it up B .gave up it C .gave it up D .picked up it ( )3. —Be quiet ! is coming. —Don't ______ be him. is much taller. A .mustn't B .must C .can't D .might ( )4. —Did Molly tell the policeman ______ — told him how the accident happened.


I.用所给词的适当形式填空。5分 1. This is an ______ (interest) place. Many people like it. 2.. I don’t think English is as ______ (difficult) as maths. 3. Can you hear the sound of children ______ (play) outside? 4..The people in the ship were enjoying ______ (them). 5. The ______ (thank) mother didn’t know what to say. II.选择填空20分 ( )1. Mr. Green didn’t have ______ money. A. many B. much C. a lot D. lot of ( )2. I won’t leave until you ______ back tomorrow. A. come B. will come C. comes D. came ( )3. He enjoys ______ story books very much. A. reading B. read C. to read D. reads ( )4. You’d better _______ in bed. It’s bad for your eyes. A. not to read B. not read C. don’t read D. read ( )5. -I did worst of all in the long jump. -_______. A. Bad luck B. Good luck C. Well done D. Congratulations ( )6. They were ______ to see each other. A .pleasure B .pleasant C. pleased D .please ( )7. He didn’t know it. I didn’t know it, ______. A. too B .either C .also D. neither ( )8. What were you doing when he ______ to see you? A. came B. was coming C. comes D. come ( )9. Would you please ______ it again? A. not to do B. not do C. don’t do D. to do ( )10. The teacher came in, ______ a smile ______ his face. A. with; on B. on; with C. with; in D. and; on ( )11 Moonlight Sonata is a piece of beautiful ______. A. song B. music C. picture D .game ( )12. Can you _______ the difference _____the two words? A. say, between B. tell, between C. tell, among D. speak, among ( )13. Who saw it ______ at that time? A. happen B. happened C. happens D. to happen ( )14 _______ neither you nor he like baseball? A. Does B. Are C. Do D. Is ( )15. Mother told her son _______do that _______ A. don’t, any longer B. to not, no longer C. not to, any more D. doesn’t, no more ( )16. If you ride your bike too fast, there may be ______ accident. A. a B. the C. an D.不填 ( )17. It’s not easy _______ Chinese students _______English well. A. of, to learn B. for, learning C. of, learning D. for, to learn


2013-2014学年第一学期九年级英语期末测试卷(一) 考号:班级:姓名:得分: 一. 单项选择(30分) ()1. It’s easy for you English well if you don’t give up. A. study B. studies C. to study D. studying ()2. Study hard, and will be difficult. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something ()3. Tom used to late. But now he is used to early. A. sleep; sleeping B. sleeping; sleep C. sleeps; sleeping D. sleeping; sleeps ()4. I don’t think should be allowed to drive. A. sixteen years old B. sixteen-year-old C. sixteen-year-olds D. sixteen-year ()5. --Whose T-shirt is this? --It be John’s. I t’s too small for him. A. must B. may C. can’t D. could ()6. --I’m afraid I can’t pass the English exam. --Don’t worry. You study very hard. God(上帝) helps those people help themselves. A. when B. who C. how D. which ()7. --Excuse me. Could you tell me to Xi’an E xpo? --Take No.231 to get there. A. which bus should I take B. how far is it C. which bus I should take D. how far it is ()8. Langlang plays the piano very well. He is one of pianists in China. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous ()9. On weekends I like to with my friends in the supermarket. A. hang out B. look out C. hand out D. give out ()10. More trees should to protect our environment. A. plant B. be planted C. are planted D. planted 二. 完形填空(20分) 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 How can we practice our spoken English? The first, and the most important thing is to believe 11. You should always be full of confidence, or you 12be able to improve you're your English. Maybe you are afraid of losing face, but you should think that because we are students, we’re 13. So there’s no need to worry 14anything. You cannot speak English as well 15the native people because we nearly have no chance to talk 16the foreigners. But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and 17other people. You should believe the native speakers will not 18at you when you make mistakes. So if you’re brave(勇敢) enough, you’ll make great progress in your 19English. 20 be shy or afraid! Just have a try. ()11. A. itself B. yourself C. themselves D. myself ()12. A. cannot B. are never C. can D. will never ()13. A. learning B. saying C. students D. teaching ()14. A. with B. to C. about D. for ()15. A. so that B. as that C. as D. than ()16. A. for B. about C. of D. with ()17. A. to be understood B. understand C. understood D. understanding ()18. A. speak B. laugh C. look D. stand ()19. A. speaking B. speech C. spoken D. spoke ()20. A. Don’t B. Not C. No D. Nor 三. 阅读理解(30分) A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A” 表示,错误的用“B”表示。 A When you’re invited to have dinner in a foreigner’s home, please remember the following: At table, when the hostess (女主人)picks up her napkin(餐巾), you may pick up yours and put it on your legs. If a servant(佣人)passes food around, he will pass the dish to you at your left hand so that you can easily serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbour on the right. Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get something---that is not polite. Ask him or her to pass it to you. There are things in the middle of the table, such as bread,butter, and candies. You shouldn’t take any until the hostess tells the servant to pass them to you. Do not leave your seat without saying anything. If you need to leave the table to go to the washroom or do something else, you should say “Excuse me for a moment, please.” ()21. You should put your napkin on your legs before the hostess picks up hers. ()22. The dish is passed to you on either of your sides. ()23. If the food is far from you, you shouldn’t st and up to serve yourself. ()24. You may take any food at any time. ()25. When you have to leave your seat, you need to say “Excuse me for a moment, please.” B Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge (知识). If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer. Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn't walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily. Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back. If you are followed by someone you don't know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you. Next, don't go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift (电梯). If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. This stops other people from studying you. On the bus, don't sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Don't sleep. ()26. Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out? A. Go home alone late at night.
