so 引导的倒装句

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一.be动词:am is are was were

公式:主语A+be动词+...... , so+be动词+主语B

Examples: 1,Lucas is a good am I./so are they./so is Victor.

2,Lucy was at home yesterday. So was I./so were they./so was Lily.

二.情态动词:can/ could

公式:主语A+can +...... , so+can +主语B

Example: Helicopter can swim. So can I./ so can they./so can Tom.

三.助动词:does/do/did, has/have (助动词多出现在否定句和疑问句中,没有实际意思的一类词。如she doesn’t like noodles. He didn’t go to school yesterday.)

1.公式:主语A+verb(s)+...... , so+do/does+主语B

Examples:1.Victor likes playing basketball. So does she/he/Tom. /so do I.

/so do they.

2. They always go to school by car. So does she/he/Tom.

/so do I./so do they.

2.公式:主语A+verb(past tense)+...... , so+did+主语B

Example: Lucas ate pizza for dinner yesterday. So did I./ so did they.

/so did he/she/Sophie.

3.公式:主语A+has/have+verb(present perfect tense)+...... ,


Examples: 1. He has been in Beijing for 3 years. So have I./ so have they.

/so has she/he/Lucy.

2. I have lost my key. So have they./so has he/she/Lucy.


1.People in England eat a lot of potatoes. So _____we.

2.He often gets up at 7 o’clock. So _______ I.

3.The boy likes grapes. So _______Lucy.

4.They come from America. So ______Sean.

5.Tom is a good at swimming. So ________Lily.

6.Peter is 8 years old. So ______we.

7.They were at Lucy’s birthday party last night. So ______he.

8.Xiaoming bought a bike. So ______I.

9.Lily works hard. So _______ Sophie.

10.Tom has a computer. So ______they.

11.Victor has been to Shanghai. So _____Lucas.

12.We have studied 1000 English words by the end of term.

So _____he.

13.I have a very interesting book. So ______she.

14.Tom can run very fast. So _______ Lucy.

15.They worked all day yesterday. So ________I.

16.They have been to the Great Wall. So _______I.

17.He had a new phone yesterday. So ________Lucy.

18.Sean is our teacher. So ________Dana.

19.Patrick has long legs. So _______Ben.

20. Lucy’s mom is thin. So ________Lucas’mom.
