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姓名:_________ 得分:_________ 一.听辨单词。(10分)

( ) 1. A. field B. piece C. friend

( ) 2. A. blow B. now C. know

( ) 3. A. monkey B. money C. camera

( ) 4. A. paint B. plant C. boat

( ) 5. A. fly B. body C. spy

( ) 6. A. share B. earth C. care

( ) 7. A.shorts B. skirt C. shirt

( ) 8. A. twenty B. twentieth C. twelve

( ) 9. A. gain B. pain C. mountain

( ) 10.A. 3rd B. 13th C.13


( ) 1. There are _____ seasons in a year.

A. four

B. for

C. fox

( ) 2. It’s _____ late. I must go home.

A. too

B. two

C. to

( ) 3. Dolphins are _____ and friendly.

A. clear

B. clean

C. clever

( ) 4. Summer is here. It’s _____ hot.

A. get

B. geting

C. getting

( ) 5. We wear ________.

A. coats and glove

B. coat and gloves

C. coats and gloves


( ) 1 A. When is winter? B. Where is winter?

( ) 2 A. Water flowers,please. B. Water the flowers,please.

( ) 3 A. I’m going to draw. B. I’m going to dance.

( ) 4 A. Who’s the first? B. Who’s the last?

( ) 5 A. Let’s cut the cake. B. Let me cut the cake.

( ) 6 A. Blow out the candle. B. Blow out the candles.

( ) 7 A. They gobing to plant tres. B. They are planting trees.

( ) 8 A. Tigers live in mountains . B. Tigers live in the forest.

( ) 9. A. They live in France. B. They live on the earth.

( )10. A.Fetch me some flour. B. Fecth me some flowers.



( ) 1. Oh, it’s too _____! Any discount?

A. deer

B. dear

C. deal

( ) 2. There _____ some flowers next to the house.

A. is

B. are

C. A and B

( ) 3. “ April 12th ” is read as (读作) ________.

A. April twelfth

B. April the twelfth

C. April the twelveth

( )4. _____ live in rivers and lakes.

A. Fish

B. fish

C. Fishes

()5. Winter is here. It’s getting ______.

A. hot

B. cold

C. warm

()6. It’s hot. It’s time to _______.

A. go skating B .go for an outing C. go swimming ()7. Flowers ____in spring.

A. bloom

B. blow

C. plant

()8. Spring _____ from March to May.

A. last

B. lasts

C. are ()9. It’s hot. She ____ a hat.

A. want

B. needs C .have ()10.---Sorry! ---_____.

A. That’s OK.

B.That’s ok. C .that’s OK. ( ) 11. ---_What are you going to do?

--- I’m going to _____________ .

A. water flowers

B.playing football

C. singing a song ( )12.I’m looking ____my pen.
