


Chapter 5

1.One difficulty in the study of Meaning is that the word "meaning" itself has different meanings. In their book The Meaninq of Mecminqwritte n in 1923, C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards presented a zz representative list of the main definitions which reputable students of meaning have favoured".

2.Gleechin a more moderate tone recognizes 7 types of meaning in his Semantics, first published in 1974.

3.There are gen erally three kinds of sense relations recog nized, n amely, same ness relation, opposite ness relation and in elusiveness relatio n.

Chapter 6

4.In 1950s, Chomsky' publication of Syntactic Structure(\957\helped to ignite the cognitive revolution.

5.The exist three approaches to the study of lang uage and cog nition: the formal approach, the psychological approach and the conceptural approach.

6.The most important research subjects are acquisition, comprehension and producti on.

7.From a psychological point of view, we store a great deal of in format! on about the properties of words in our mental lexicon 心理词库,and retrieve this information when we understand Ianguage.

8,Similarity and freque nev both play importa nt roles in processi ng and comprehending Ianguage, with the novel items being processed based on their similarity to the known ones.

9.According to cohort model 集群理论proposed by Marslen- wilson and Welsh in 1990. Chapter 7


lOeMalinowski 马林洛夫斯基claimed that" In its primitive uses, language functions as a link in concerted human activity…"

□Firth 福斯,a leading figure in a linguistic tradition later known as the London School, tried to..the end, he developed his own theory of Con text of Situatio n.

12.M.A.K. Halliday 韩礼德,whose contributions to sociolinguistics could be ...., and his linguistic model in the study of literature.

13.Eugene Nida 尤金奈达,a well-known linguist and traditional theorist, concerning the relationship between language and culture.

14.Hypothesis has alter natively bee n referred to as lin guistic determinism and linguistic relativity.

15.Cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际中,there are five types of sub-culture 五种次文化形态we should be fully aware of: (l)ecological culture (2)linguistic culture (3)religious culture (4)material culture (5)social culture.[Nida,1964]

16.During the whole 20th century, a great deal of efforts has been taken to treat the inquiry of linguistics as a monistic —元观or autonomous pursuit 自治性of an independent scienee.

Chapter 8

17.This kind of meaning is sometimes referred to as speaker's meaning, utterance meaning, or con textual meaning.

18.Sema ntic VS Pragmatics, the d iff ere nee iscontext,


Chapter 5

1.Semantics 语义学is the stutyof the meaning of linguistic units,words and sentences in particular.

2.The referential theory 指称论:The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the Ref ere ntial theory ?

3.Concept 概念:There is something behind the concrete thing we can see with our eyes. And that something is abstract, which has no existence in the material word

and can be sensed in our min ds. This abstract thing is usually called con cept.

4.The semantic triangle 语义三角:The relation between a word and a thing it refers to is no direct. It is mediated by concept.

5.Sense 涵义:In contrast to reference, sense may be defined as t:he semantic relations between one word and another; or more generally between one linguistic unit and another. It is concerned with the intralinguistic relations.

6.Reference 扌旨称:Reference is concerned with the relation between a word and the thing it refers to, or more gen erally betwee n a linguistic unit and a non-lin guistic entity it refers to.

7.Synonymy 同义关系:Synonymy is the technical name for one of the sense relations between linguistic units, namely the sameness relation.

8.gradable antonymy 等级反义关系:Gradable antonymy is the sense relation betwee n two antony myswhich differ in terms of degree. There is an in termediate ground between

the two. The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other. Something which

is not "good" is not necessarily "bad". If may Simply be "so?so〃or "average".

https://www.360docs.net/doc/157156414.html,positionality 组合原贝I」:Compositionality refers to the principles that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined.

lO.Sentence meaning 句子意义:This ia an area where word meaning and sentence structure come together.

Chapter 6

11.Cognition 认矢Cl : In psychology it is used to refer to the mental processes of an in dividual, with particular relatio n to a view that the mind has in ter nal men tai states such as beliefs, desires and intentions. Another definition of "cognition" is the mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.

12.Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学:is the scientific study of the relation between the way we communicate and the way we think.

13.Psychological 心理语言学:is the study of psychological aspects of language, it usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of Ian guage ?

https://www.360docs.net/doc/157156414.html,nguage acquisition 语言习得 :is one of the central topics in psycholinguistics. How does a child acquire the Ianguage skills (first language) and how are they extended to other Ianguages (second/foreign Ianguage acquisition)?

15.Connectionism in psychological 连通主义:claims that readers use the same system of links between spelli ng units and sound units to gen erate the pronunciations of written words like tovea nd to access the pronunciations of familiar words like stove, or words that are exceptions to these patterns, like love.

16.Construal 识解:is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alter nate ways through specificity, different men tai scan ning, directi on ality, vantage point, figure-ground segregation etc.

17.Categorization 范畴彳匕:is the process of classifying our experiences into d iff ere

nt categories based on comm on alities and d iff ere nces.

18.Metaphor 隐喻:involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is construed in terms of the other. It z s often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain. The target domain is the experienee being described by the metaphor and the source

domain is the means that we used in order to describe the experie nee.

Chapter 7

19.Anthropological orientation 人类学转向:in the study of language was developed both in England and in North America. What characterized this new tradition was its study of language in a sociocultural context.

20.Anthropological study of Linguistics 人类语言学:aims to look at the relationships between language and culture in a speech community. For this reason, it can alter natively be called anthropological lin guistics. More specifically, practitio ners of the field want to know more about a given community by examining the correlation between the tradition of the community, beliefs, and social behavior of community members and their Ian guage used in d iff ere nt contextsof comm un icatio n.

21.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说:is a theoretic assumption which suggests that our Ianguage helps mould our way of thinking and consequently, d iff ere nt Ian guages may probably express speakers' un ique ways of un d erst a nding the word. In a loose sense, this termcan be interchangeably used with linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism.

22>Linguistic determinism 语言决定论:is a theory which believes that our language will in flue nee or decide our way of looki ng at the world. In a loose sense, li nguistic determinism, linguistic relativity, and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis can be regarded as syn onyms.

23.The strong version 弓虽势说of the theory refers to the claim the original hypothesis makes, emphasizing the decisive role of Ianguage as the shaper of our thinking patter ns.

24.The weak version 身身势说of this hypothesis, is a modified type of its original theory, suggesting that there is a correlation between Ianguage,culture,and thought, but the cross-cultural differences thus produced in our ways of thinking are relative, rather than categorical.

25.Socilinguistics 社会语言学:as an interdisciplinary study of Ianguage use, attempts to show the relationships between language and social. It examines issues related to the subject from a more linguistic perspective and hence, is complementary with the Sociolinguistics of Society in terms of its coverage and concerns. Also it is a study of sociolinguistic issues at a macro level of discussion. Chapter 8

26.Pragmatics 语用学:is the study of language in use or context.(对语境中语言运用的研究)27.conversational implicature 会话含义:This is a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidanee of the CP and its maxims. In this sense, implicature is comparable to illocuti on ary force in speech act theory in that they are both con cer ned with the con textual side of meani ng, or 言外之意in Chin ese.

28.Performatives 施为句:is a sentence like 〃I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth;which does not describe thing and cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is a part of, the doing of an action. So they are called performatives. And verbs like name are called performative verbs.

29.Constatives 表述句:In contrast to performative, sentences like "I pour some liquid into the tube" is a description of what the speaker is doing at the time of speaking. The speaker cannot pour any liquid into a tube by simply uttering these words. He must accompany his words with the actual pouring? Otherwise one can accuse him of making a false statement. Sentence of this type are known as con statives.

30.Relevance theory 关联理论:the theory was formally proposed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wils on in their book Relevance: Communication and Cognition in 1986. They argue that all Griceanmaxims, including the CP itself, should be reduced to a single prin ciple of releva nee, which is defined as:

Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal releva nee.

31」ocutionary act 发话行为:is the ordinary act we perform when we speak, i.e. we move our vocal organs and produce a number of sounds, organized in a certain way and with a certain meaning. For example, when somebody says "morning!" , we could say he produced a sound, word, or sentenee—"morning!〃

32.Perlocutionary act 取效行为'言后行为:it concerns the consequential effects of a locution upon the hearer. By telling somebody something the speaker may change the opinion of the header on something, or mislead him, or surprise him, or induce him to do something, etc. Whether or not these effects are intended by the speaker; they can be regarded as part of the act that the speaker has performed.


Chapter 5

1.G.Leech- 7 types of meaning:

①C onceptual meaning 概念意义:Logical, cognitive or denotative content.

②C onnotative meaning 内涵意义: what is communicated by virtue of what

Ianguage refers to.

③Social meaning 社会意义:what is communicated of the social circumstances of

Ianguage use?

④A ffective meaning 感情意义: what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes

of the speaker/writer.

⑤R eflective meaning 反映意义:what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression.

⑥C ollocative meaning 搭配意义:what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of other word.

⑦T hematic meaning 主题意义:what is communicated bu the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.

2.Sense 和Reference 的区别:

①T he disti notion betwee n "se rise" and ref ere nee" is comparable to that between "cormotation" and "denotation". The former refers to the abstract properties of an entity, while the latter refers to the con Crete en tities havi ng these properties.

②To some extent, we can say every word has a sense, but not every word has a ref ere nee.

3.Gradable antonymy 等级反义关系:

(1).First, as the name suggests, they are Gradable.

(2)Second,antonymy of this kind are graded against different norms. There is no absolute criterion by which we may say something is good or bad, long or short, big or small. The criterion varies with the object described.

(3)Third, one number of a pair, usually the term for the higher degree, serves as the cover term.

Chapter 6

4.Psychological in vestigates the six following subjects 心理语言学被分为六个方向:(l)l anguage acquisition(2)language comprehension

(3)language production (4)language disorders

(5)language and thought(6)and cognitive architecture of language.

The most important research subjects are acquisition, comprehension and production. Chapter 8

5.utterance 和sentence 的区别:

(l).utteranee meaning: it is context-dependent. It is the product of sentence meaning and con text. Therefore, it is richer tha n the mea ning of the sente nee.

(2)sentence meaning: it is the abstract context-dependent entity called semantic propositi on.

6.Characteristics of Implicature 会话含义的特征:

(l)calculability (2)cancelability

(3)n on-detachability (4)n on-convention ality

6.The cooperative principle 合作原则的四准则:


A.make your contribution as informative as is required

B.do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

(2)quality: try to make your contribution one that is true.

A.do not say what you believe to be false.

B.do not day that for which you lack adequate evidenee.

(3)relati on: be releva nt

(4)manner: be perspicuous

A.avoid obscurity of expression

B.avoid ambiguity

C.be brief( avoid prolixity)

D.be orderly
