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-Their particular expertise and inputs to developing a mutual business. Their respective goals and objectives.他们特殊的专长以及发展双方业务的投入。 -Their respective goals and objectives. 他们各自的目的和目标。
Building relationship with KA ຫໍສະໝຸດ BaiduKA建立联系
Build and cultivate relationship建立及培养交情
•Building and cultivating relationship with managers:-和管理人员建立及培养交情: -Buying. Including any members of buying committee.采购部。包括采购小组的任何 一位成员。 -Product range distribution policies. E.g. on which outlets will stock which brands. 分销 产品种类的政策。如那一类门店售卖那一类品牌。 -Marketing. E.g. store advertising and promotion programs.市场营销部。如门店广告 和促销活动。 -Store operations. Management at regional, area or branch levels.门店操作部。区域性, 小区或分店的管理层。
Building relationship with KA 与KA建立联系
Business rapport 商业关系
•A two-way communications process between the Account Manager and key account.关键客户经理和 KA双方面的沟通。 -Not a monologue situation in meetings nor a demand-and-respond situation. 它不是个单方面迎合, 或要求和响应的局面。 •An ability to raise contentious issues without rancour. 有能力唤起不带有怨恨的争论话题。
4. Developing trust in the Account Manager as a person, and in the Company as a good supplier. 发展关键客户经理为可依赖的人,及使公司成 为良好的供应商
Understand KA operation 了解关键客户的操作
Subserv ience 奉承 Respect 尊重 Aggres sion 侵犯 EQUA LITY 平等互 利 Confro ntation 冲突 Antago nism 对抗
•Account Manager is responsible关键客 户经理有责任推动这项过程
Harmon y融洽
•The degree of interaction will depend on the sophistication of the account and the depth of our backup services available.相互影响的程度有赖于客户 的复杂性和我们所提供后援服务的深 度
Market Research 市场调研
Price Checker 检价员
•Merchandising, Store Operation and Logistics Distribution form the operational axis of a KA. •采购部,门店运营部和后勤部是KA的操作核心。
•All other departments are operating in a service and support role towards these 3 departments. 所有其他部门都为这三个部门扮演服务和支援的角色
Finance & Administration 财务及行政部
Non Food 非食品部
Dry Groceries 干粮部
Fresh Food生鲜 食品部
Merchandising 采购监控部
A&P 广告及促销部
Space Planner 货架陈列
Product Database 商品数据库
•Share of profit 利润份额
•Influence 影响力 •Social 社交活动 •Stake利害关系
Building relationship with KA 与KA建立联系
What motivate key accounts? 什么能激发关键客户?
Developing personal relations 发挥个人交情
1. Profit enhancement. E.g. Trading terms, pricing policies, promotional support, improvement of sale s& profit performance. 增加利润。如贸易 条件,价格政策,促销支援,增进销售和利润。
in other people than you can In two years by trying to get people interested in you. 如果您能关心别人,您在两个月内认识的 朋友比让别人在两年内关心你还来得多。
Dale Camegie (1888-1955)
2. Product knowledge and training. Eg. Retail sales staff, distributor Sales teams.产品知识和培训。 如门店员工,促销商的销售队伍。 3. Sale support.Eg. Merchandising support, space management planning, category management advice, pre-sales and after sales service. 销售支 援。如理货服务,空间管理计划,产品分类管 理的建议,售前及售后服务。
Organizational structure 组织结构
General Manager 门店总经理
Store Operations 门店运营部
Merchandising 采购部
Logistics&Distribut ion 后勤及配送部
Human Resources 人力资源部
Business Development业务 发展部
-Physical distribution of goods. E.g. central warehouse management.实际货物派送。如 中央仓库管理。
-Accounts. Particularly on processing payment. 会计部。特别是负责处理付款的人员。
Building relationship with KA与KA建立联系
Building relationship with KA 与KA建立联系
Moving through the spectrum 通过系列障碍
•This diagram indicates some typical job functions where liaison may be advantageous.图表指示妥善联系有利 于某些KA工作
Building relationship with KA与KA建立联系
Relationship of equality 平等互利的关系
•Mutual respect between the Account Manager and key account. 关键客户经理和KA彼此尊重对方。
-Their role and responsibility. 他们的角色和职责。
Adding value to KA;s business 增添KA的业务价值
1. Understanding buyers and satisfying their needs from the relationships.了解采购员及利用交情满 足他们的需求。
2. Developing a balance harmonious relationship with all contacts.联系发展平衡和谐的关系。 3. Providing recognition and esteem, and developing friendship and acceptability.赏识和尊重,以及 发展友谊。
-Their needs (for the business and personally). 他们的工作和个人需求。
•Neither assuming or projecting a dominant or hypocrisy attitude towards the other. 不会以傲慢,占尽优势或虚伪的态度对待对方。 •Either party being willing to seek or heed the advice of the other. 任何一方都很乐意去探索和注意对方的意见。
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested
- Discussion without animosity or conflict. 没有敌意或冲突的讨论。
-A position of mutual respect and willingness to identify and address issue impacting on the performance and objectives of either party.彼此尊重, 乐意识别及提出有关影响任何一方业务问题 的态度。 •Personal relations at a satisfactory level. 令人满意的个人交情。 •A level of mutual trust demonstrated by the key account. KA表明某一定程度的彼此信任。 - Willing ness to discuss his/her business performance and issues with the Account Manager. 愿意与关键客户经理商讨有关他/她业务上的问题。
Knowing the buying organization
What motivates the buyer? 什么能激发采购员 •Business. E.g. volume, profit, security etc.业务。如 生意量,利润,保障等。 •Personal. E.g. status, recognition, achievement etc. 个人。如地位,赏识,成 就等。 His business 他的职责 •Goals and objectives 目的和目标 •Organization structure 组织结构 •Operations 操作 •Procedures 程序 •Market 市场 •Overall performance 整体业务 His environment 他的工作环境 •Economy situation •经济情况 •Competition 竞争 •Pressures压力 •Opportunities转机 •Plans 计划 Supplier in the mix 与供应商来往 •Importance 重要性 •Share of turnover 销量份额