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1 地点类话题分类
Describe a restaurant Describe a shopping center Describe a street Describe a hotel Describe a city you visited Describe a place with water
2 地点类思路分析
Square, cube, rectangle , circle or sphere , the wave or curvilinear form
2 地点类思路分析
The Great Wall of China (begun 214 B.C.), designed specifically as a defense against nomadic tribes, has large watchtowers that could be called buildings.
4 典型话题及范文赏析
I’d like to talk about a shopping mall in my home city of Xi’an,which is in the downtown pedestrian zone, and it’s not far from where I live, just about ten minutes’ bus ride away(位置), so it’s really convenient for me to go there.
1)地点类话题分类 2)地点类思路分析 3)地点类口语素材 4)典型话题及范文赏析
1 地点类话题分类
Scenic spots
1 地点类话题分类
Describe a library Describe a museum Describe a building in your university Describe a monument in your city Describe your ideal house
2 地点类思路分析
Shopping mall:
分散思维法 整体介绍
购物 美食 特色 娱乐休闲
2 地点类思路分析
restaurant :
地理位置 特色食品
价格 环境
2 地点类思路分析
Scenic Spots
特色(民俗民风, 建筑,环境) 特殊经历
3 地点类口语素材
1 地点类话题分类
Scenic Spots
Describe a historical place Describe a natural beauty Describe a river or lake
2 地点类思路分析
哪个建筑 (name) 地理位置 (location) 历史 (history) 外形/内部特点 (characteristics) 功能用途 (function) 特殊经历 (experience) 个人感想 (feeling)
特价Special offers 美食街Food court 美食delicacies 放松,休闲Hang out 健身Work out 旅游景点Tourist spots/attractions 拥挤的Crowded/packed
3 地点类口语素材
有……的特色 Feature 高档的 Classy, chic, upscale 无可挑剔的 Impeccable 宾馆的服务设施 Hotel amenities 高楼 High-rise buildings
4 典型话题及范文赏析
Chengdu is probably one of the best known metropolises in China, just like Shanghai and Shenzhen, but it’s got its own unique charm. Shanghai is a financial center, and Shenzhen is a commercial center, but Chengdu is more known as a leisure and tourism capital.
4 典型话题及范文赏析
As to why I love the place so much, the main reason is of course that the mall is a shopping paradise, offering an amazingly wide selection of goods. Most of them are reasonably priced, affordable to most people. The most important thing is you can always find something you really want to buy there, whether it’s a piece of clothing or electronic equipment. And everything there is namebrand stuff , so the quality is highly reliable.
4 典型话题及范文赏析
In China, when people talk about Chengdu, what first comes into mind is usually its gorgeous scenery, wonderful delicacies and beautiful girls. And also, the local lifestyle is envied by most people in China. The living cost in Chengdu is not very high and the pace of life is not so fast. It seems that people there don’t care so much about making money.
3 地点类口语素材
中等规模的 Medium-sized 舒适的 Cozy 放松精神 Calm one’s nerves 大量出现 Sprout out 文化中心 Cultural hub 经济中心 Economic powerhouse
3 地点类口语素材
有点儿 Kind of 看见 Spot 繁华的 Bustling 是……的圣地 A mecca for 名牌货 Name-brand stuff 体验 Check out 顺利的 uneventful
3 地点类口语素材
建筑的外观 Exterior 室内Interior 受到追捧 Enjoy a large following 历史悠久的 Time-honored 干净的 Spotless/tidy 写字楼 Office complex 宽敞的 Spacious
3 地点类口语素材
很轻松的事 A breeze 口碑好 Enjoy a superb reputation 服装店 Boutiques 便利店 Convenience store 全场打折 Store-wide sales 在商场闲逛 Hang out in the mall 家庭用具 Household appliance
4 典型话题及范文赏析
2. Describe a city or town you ever visited or lived in. You should say: Which city it is What is the main feature of the city What you like about it What you dislike about it.
3 地点类口语素材
常客I’m a regular there. 壮观的Imposing/spectacular 一定要看的地方It’s a must see. 宁静的Tranquil and serene 让某人着迷Fascinate someone 热情好客的hospitable
4 典型话题及范文赏析
2 地点类思路分析
The Forbidden City (1407–1420) in Beijing served as the seat of imperial power during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368–1911). It is the world's largest palace complex, covering about 183 acres and including 9,999 buildings.
1. Describe a shopping place you like. (such as a supermarket or shopping mall). You should say: where it is what it looks like how often you go there and explain why you like it so much.
2 地点类思路分析
The Eiffel Tower, in Paris, was built for the Exposition of 1889 by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. It is 984 feet high (1,056 feet including the television tower).
4 典型话题及范文赏析
I’d like to talk about Chengdu, which is the capital of Sichuan province in southwestern China.
I’ve been to the city for a couple of times on summer vacation or at spring festival to visit my uncle. He went to the city after graduating from university and has been living there since then.
3 地点类口语素材
商业建筑 Commercial building 居住建筑 Residential building 行政大楼 Administration building 热情的 Helpful/ go out of their way to help you 距离…近在咫尺Just a stone’s throw away from 容易去的 Easily accessible
The mall is huge, you know, with 10 floors, and it looks really modern with shiny glass curtain walls.(外部构造).
4 典型话题及范文赏析
The inside is also amazing. It’s spotlessly clean and elegantly decorated(内部构造). So it’s absolutely an enjoyment to be there. I go to the mall quite a lot, about once or twice a month, sometimes alone, and sometimes with the company of my best friend. And most of the time, I go there to buy something, but some of the time, I just go window shopping there.