



Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all the people on earth die tomorrow, life will not stop. The plants, animals and everything else will go on living. But, if all the green plants die, Earth will become a very different place. The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air. All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that!

All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that!


1. When and where were you born?

2. What’s your nationality?

3. Which class and grade are you in?

4. What should a student do in class?

5. How often do you have a class meeting?

三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)介绍你的美籍同学Anna。要点提示: 1. Anna来中国已2年了; 2. 喜欢中文,爱吃中餐,对中国文化和民间工艺感兴趣, 结识了不少中国朋友;3. 擅长运动,喜爱集邮,已集了约100张中国邮票;明年将回国。


一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)How do you give messages to other people? Y ou speak, or you write, of course. But you give messages with your body, too. People know when you are happy. Both your mouth and your eyes tell them that. They can see the smile on your face. What happens to your mouth when you are sad? Everybody uses their hands to say different things. When you say “Hello!”to somebody, you often put your hand in the air, too. When you say “Goodbye!” you put your arm up and move your hand a few times from side to side. Y ou can say“Come here”with your hands. Which part of your body do you use to say “Y es” and

“No”? How do you

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. How are you feeling today? 2. What do you want to be when you grow up? 3. How long have you studied English? 4. How many players are there in a team in a football match? 5. How often do you write an English composition?




一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Many people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning. Others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they learn what is happening in the world. Sometimes, however, we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully, so we just take a quick look at the front page, at other times, we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the names of the passages.

Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in the big cities, of course, but in some of the mountain villages we can see fewer newspapers. Today newspapers in English have the largest number of readers in the world. The English Language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading newspapers such as China Daily or 21st Century as they bring us more and more messages together with the Internet.

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What’s the date today? 2. How many days do you go to school every week? 3. Who is your favorite pop singer? 4. What kind of sport do you like best? 5. What is the capital of China?


就可以在左边看到广州博物馆;4、广州博物馆里有各种各样的东西, 是个有趣的地方


一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)E-mail is quick. It can take days or weeks for a paper letter to arrive somewhere, but an e-mail will arrive in a few hours. With e-mail, you can also send copies of your letter to as many people as you want. Now, you can even send pictures, sounds and short films in your e-mail. But there are still some things that yo u can’t do with e-mail.

For example, you can’t send real things, like a stamp or a pretty leaf. Of course, you can’t send an e-mail to someone who doesn’t have a computer, but as e-mail is almost free, more and more people are using it. Maybe, one day, people will live and die without ever receiving a paper letter!

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. How many P.E classes do you have every week?

2. When do you usually have your sports meeting?

3. Which sport are you good at?

4. How often do you have sports?

5. How do you like having sport every week?

三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)要点提示: 1. 广州是个四季如春的美丽的现代化城市; 2. 广州到处可见红花绿树,人们称它为“花城”; 3. 到处可见到博物馆、超级市场、公园、高楼大厦和名胜古迹等;


一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Christmas is a very busy time for everyone. People send cards to all their relatives and friends. They make their houses pretty. Everybody has a Christmas tree with coloured lights and lots of bright things on it. People buy presents for everyone in the family. They put them under the tree. In many countries, Christmas is one of the most important festivals of the year. Christmas Day is the 25th of December. In some countries, Father Christmas brings presents to all good children on Christmas Eve. He rides through the sky with a big bag of presents. He can travel all over the world in one night. On that night, children are very excited and sometimes a bit naughty. Often parents say, “If you are naughty, Father Christmas might not come. Remember! He only comes to visit good children. ”That makes them quiet again!

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What’s your favourtie animal? 2. What will you do if your pet is ill? 3. What food will you give to your pet? 4. How often do you feed

your pet? 5. How do you like your pet?


广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题((((第六套第六套第六套第六套))))一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Last night, I watched a TV programme about two teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Zhou. They had visited several countries round the world to see the people celebrating their special days, for example, V alentine’s Day. They said that they had learned about many different holidays during their trip. Mrs. Zhou said that V alentine’s Day has been a holiday long before people started giving red paper hearts to show their love. She said that V alentine’s Day had started with a love letter from a boy named V alentine. Mr. Zhou also talked about Halloween. She said that Halloween had started as a festival in Europe a long time ago. Today, children dress in strange clothes to frighten people. They may also ask people for sweets.

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. How many days do you go to school every week? 2. How are you feeling today? 3. What do you do after class? 4. How do you go to school every day? 5. Which countries have larger population than any other country in the world?

三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)话题:Tom 上学经常迟到,今天他又迟到了,他向班主任Mr. Brown道歉并说明迟到的原因是自行车坏了。


一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Most of us think that people are the most important things on Earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all the people on Earth die tomorrow, life will not stop. The plants, animals and everything else will go on living. But, if all the green plants die, Earth will become a very different place. The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air. All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else---food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the

sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that!

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What’s the weather like in Guangzhou? 2. How often do you watch TV? 3. What should you say to your friend on his birthday? 4. How many languages can you speak? What are they? 5. How do you feel if you are going to stay in a new city?



一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Are you good at learning some things by yourself, but not others? Do you find it easy to understand art, for example, but not maths? If you do, don’t be surpris ed. Everyone’s mind is different and most people are better at some things than others. Hardly anyone is good at everything. Many famous people were good at one thing but poor at others. Mozart was good at music but not very good at maths-----he never had enough money! Einstein was good at maths and writing, he also played the violin but most people say that he wasn’t very good at that. Max Berlitz’s parents and grandparents were maths teachers but he was poor at maths. He was good at languages. He started a school that taught languages. Now many books and thousands of schools use his ideas.

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 2. Y our teacher tells you to do more exercise, d oesn’t’t she? 3.Where will you have dinner this evening? 4.When is Christmas? 5. How long have you been a middle school student? 三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)话题:请用六个以上的英语句子说说你在学校的学习情况(例如,学习的科目、感兴趣或擅长的运动等)


一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)For hundreds of years, people have found dinosaur bones in many different parts of the world. But, until scientists did tests on them, only a few people knew where these large bones really came from. In ancient China, people thought that the dinosaur bones were dragon bones. In parts of Europe, people thought that they were

bones of giant people and animals. The ancient Greeks found dinosaur bones when they dug for gold. These dinosaurs had beaks like birds. The Greeks thought that they must be griffins. In Vietnam, people believed that a giant water buffalo carried the sun across the sky each day. They thought that dinosaur bones were the giant water buffalo’s bones. American Indians thought that the bones came from giant snakes. They believed that these snakes dug holes in the ground and died in them.

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. How do you ask the policeman if you don’t know the way to the hospital? 2. What do you usually do after school? 3. How often do you go shopping? 4. What kind of sport do you like best? 5. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?



一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Why did the population grow very slowly in the beginning, and why is it now growing faster and faster? A long time ago, many babies died when they were only a few days or weeks old. If people grew up, many didn’t live for very long. Why? Sometimes they didn’t have enough food. Sometimes their food didn’t make them strong. But, most importantly, people became ill very easily. There were no hospitals or doctors, and people often died young. But what will happen if the population doesn’t stop growing? We will have to use farm land to build houses. There will be no animals or plants or trees. Then there won’t be enough food in the world for everyone.

二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What kind of music do you like best? 2. Have you got a mobile phone? 3. What do you think of Guangzhou? 4. What do you think is the most important to you? 5. Where was your mother born?

三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)话题:请根据所给要求,谈谈你的度假计划。 1. Where are you going for the vacation? 2. What are you going to do there? 3. Who are you going with? 4. How long will you stay there? This summer.


中考英语口语模拟试题第一节短文朗读(计 6 分) 你将有 60 秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90 秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: From cats to horses , people have had animal friends for thousands of years. Pets have been part of our lives,big or small,living indoors or outdoors,for as long as we can remember. In the city,many pets are kept indoors because it may be too dangerous for them to run around outside. But how is it for the pets to be kept inside all day?Does the animal get sad or bored ? It’s hard to know since they can’ t talk to us. 第二节情景反应(共 4 小题,计 8 分) 你将有 20 秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准 备。在听到“开始录音”的信 A 号后,请根据提示的内容,按照 提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15 秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 朋友想知道你对写日记的看法、你的日记的内容、多久写一 次等。

1.Do you have your own diary?(2分) 2.How do you like writing the diary?(2分) 3.What kind of things would you like to write in your diary ?( 2 分) 4. How often do you usually write in the diary?(2分) 第三节口头表达(计 6 分) 你将有 2 分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示, 在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用并作答题准备。 5 句以上 的英语句子在 2 分钟内进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.你最好朋友的外貌特征; 2.你最好朋友的兴趣爱好; 3.你最好朋友的性格特点; 4.大家都喜欢她。 相关链接 口语中如何说“want to ” WhenI am talking to others in a friendly conversation,I often speed up my speech. I change words to make them faster to say. For example , when I am talking,I pronounce “ want to”as “ wanta ”. I say ,“I wanta see a movie. ” I say “ I want


广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题。(第一套) 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分) Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all the people on earth die tomorrow, life will not stop. The plants, animals and everything else will go on living. But, if all the green plants die, Earth will become a very different place. The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air. All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that! All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that! 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. When and where were you born? 2. What’s your nationality? 3. Which class and grade are you in? 4. What should a student do in class? 5. How often do you have a class meeting? 三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)介绍你的美籍同学Anna。要点提示: 1. Anna来中国已2年了; 2. 喜欢中文,爱吃中餐,对中国文化和民间工艺感兴趣, 结识了不少中国朋友;3. 擅长运动,喜爱集邮,已集了约100张中国邮票;明年将回国。 广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题(第二套) 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)How do you give messages to other people? Y ou speak, or you write, of course. But you give messages with your body, too. People know when you are happy. Both your mouth and your eyes tell them that. They can see the smile on your face. What happens to your mouth when you are sad? Everybody uses their hands to say different things. When you say “Hello!”to somebody, you often put your hand in the air, too. When you say “Goodbye!” you put your arm up and move your hand a few times from side to side. Y ou can say“Come here”with your hands. Which part of your body do you use to say “Y es” and


2018年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、考点考场号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小題选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结東,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Xian Xinghai was a very famous musician in China. He wrote one of the greatest pieces of music of the 20th century. In his short life he wrote-1 300 songs and an opera. Xian was bom in Panyu, Guangdong, China in 1905. Because his father died before he was born, Xian moved from place to place with-2 mother. He began learning to play_ 3 violin when he was 20 years old. In the beginning, his violin was cheap and badly made that he_ 5 not play it well. His friends laughed at him. Xian did not stop 6 and soon showed his talent. In 1934, he was one of the first Chinese students_7 studied in a special music school in Paris. Before he 8 , Xian became the schools best student 9 won several prizes for his talents. In 1935, he returned to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yan'an 10 music at a college. 11 there were no pianos in Yan'an at that time Xian still wrote 12 of his most important music there, including The Yellow River, his most famous work. In May 1940, Xian 13 to the Soviet Union by the Chinese Communist Party to


2010年广州中考数学试题 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共三大题25小题,共4页,满分150分,考试用时102分钟 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡第1面、第三面、第五面上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔走宝自已的考生号、姓名;走宝考场室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,涉及作图的题目,用2B铅笔画图,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上,如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域,不准使用铅笔,圆珠笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分(选择题共30分) 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一项是符合题目要求的。) 1.(2010广东广州,1,3分)如果+10%表示“增加10%”,那么“减少8%”可以记作() A.-18% B.-8% C.+2% D.+8% 2.(2010广东广州,2,3分)将图1所示的直角梯形绕直线l旋转一周,得到的立体图形是() A.B . C. D. 图1 3.(2010广东广州,3,3分)下列运算正确的是() A.-3(x-1)=-3x-1 B.-3(x-1)=-3x+1 C.-3(x-1)=-3x-3 D.-3(x-1)=-3x+3 4.(2010广东广州,4,3分)在△ABC中,D、E分别是边AB、AC的中点,若BC=5,则DE的长是() A.2.5 B.5 C.10 D.15 5.(2010广东广州,5,3分)不等式 1 10 3 20. x x ? +> ? ? ?- ? , ≥ 的解集是() l


中考英语口语模拟试题 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: From cats to horses,people have had animal friends for thousands of years. Pets have been part of our lives,big or small,living indoors or outdoors,for as long as we can remember. In the city,many pets are kept indoors because it may be too dangerous for them to run around outside. But how is it for the pets to be kept inside all day?Does the animal get sad or bored?It’s hard to know since they can’t talk to us. 第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分) 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信A号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示:

朋友想知道你对写日记的看法、你的日记的内容、多久写一次等。 1. Do you have your own diary?(2分) 2. How do you like writing the diary?(2分) 3. What kind of things would you like to write in your diary?(2分) 4. How often do you usually write in the diary?(2分) 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟内进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1. 你最好朋友的外貌特征; 2. 你最好朋友的兴趣爱好; 3. 你最好朋友的性格特点; 4. 大家都喜欢她。 相关链接 口语中如何说“want to” When I am talking to others in a friendly conversation,I often speed up my speech. I change words to make them faster to say. For example,when I am talking,I pronounce “want to”


2020年广州中考英语试题及答案 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1?15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books. As soon as he reads one book, he brings home 1 . Soon the house 2 . books. His wife, Alice, is angry. You 3 .do something!” David thinks hard and has 4 . idea. “I can bring my books into the faraway hills and share 5 .I have with the children.” Every week, David sets off across the countryside to faraway villages with his two donkeys. Early 6 a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river 7 .Then, from deep in the shadows, a bandit (山贼)jumps out! “P l ease let us pass,” David says. “The children 8 .”The bandit takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want 9 !” They move on until at last, David sees some houses below. The children run to meet 10 .David reads them a story first. 11 the story ends, it's time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say good-bye and run home 12 . David and his donkeys head back, over and around the hills, and into the sunset. At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys. But then, instead of 13 ,David picks up his book, 14 reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns bum as the children read borrowed books deep into their night, 15 . 1. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others 2. A. fills with B. filled with C. is filled with D. was filled with 3. A. must B. could C. would D. may


2018年广东省广州市中考数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.(3分)四个数0,1,,中,无理数的是() A.B.1 C.D.0 2.(3分)如图所示的五角星是轴对称图形,它的对称轴共有() A.1条 B.3条 C.5条 D.无数条 3.(3分)如图所示的几何体是由4个相同的小正方体搭成的,它的主视图是() A.B.C.D. 4.(3分)下列计算正确的是() A.(a+b)2=a2+b2 B.a2+2a2=3a4C.x2y÷=x2(y≠0) D.(﹣2x2)3=﹣8x6 5.(3分)如图,直线AD,BE被直线BF和AC所截,则∠1的同位角和∠5的内错角分别是() A.∠4,∠2 B.∠2,∠6 C.∠5,∠4 D.∠2,∠4 6.(3分)甲袋中装有2个相同的小球,分别写有数字1和2:乙袋中装有2个相同

的小球,分别写有数字1和2.从两个口袋中各随机取出1个小球,取出的两个小球上都写有数字2的概率是() A.B.C.D. 7.(3分)如图,AB是⊙O的弦,OC⊥AB,交⊙O于点C,连接OA,OB,BC,若∠ABC=20°,则∠AOB的度数是() A.40°B.50°C.70°D.80° 8.(3分)《九章算术》是我国古代数学的经典著作,书中有一个问题:“今有黄金九枚,白银一十一枚,称之重适等.交易其一,金轻十三两.问金、银一枚各重几何?”.意思是:甲袋中装有黄金9枚(每枚黄金重量相同),乙袋中装有白银11枚(每枚白银重量相同),称重两袋相等.两袋互相交换1枚后,甲袋比乙袋轻了13两(袋子重量忽略不计).问黄金、白银每枚各重多少两?设每枚黄金重x两,每枚白银重y两,根据题意得() A.B. C.D. 9.(3分)一次函数y=ax+b和反比例函数y=在同一直角坐标系中的大致图象是() A.B.


中考英语听力口语自动化考试问答 一、听力口语自动化考试与以往考试相比有哪些主要变化 1.考试内容实行两考合一。将以往的英语口语等级测试和中考听力测试合并进行,通过计算机一次性完成考试。 2.考试方式实行人机对话。以往的英语口语等级测试方式为“师生对话”,由测试员现场提问,现场测试打分,以往的中考听力考试则在中考笔试时进行,依靠考场内广播或录音机播放听力磁带。实行人机对话后,考生坐在计算机前,戴上考试专用耳麦,由计算机播放听力录音和试题,考生用计算机作答并对着麦克风回答口语题。出题、考试、判卷、结果反馈全部由计算机完成。 3.成绩评定实行电脑评分。考试结束后,由计算机记录下考生的答案,由自动阅卷专用服务器综合各种特征给出评分,经考试组织部门确认后发布。 综上三点,听力口语自动化考试,简化了考试程序,减轻了考生负担,规范了考试要求,避免了人为因素可能造成的不利影响。

二、听力口语自动化考试如何组织 根据省教育厅统一部署,2009年起,全省中考英语听力口语自动化考试由省教育厅统一组织,统一命制试题、统一考点设置、统一考试时间、统一考试流程、统一评分标准、统一发布成绩。 三、听力口语自动化考试考点和考场如何设置 人机对话考试对考点的要求比较高。省教育厅要求原则上以各初中学校为考点,以各学校的计算机网络机房为考场,考场计算机及相关软硬件配置均须符合考试所要求的基本条件,不符合要求的必须在升级、补充到位的基础上才能申报考点。从目前申报情况看,我市大多数初中学校已符合考场设置条件,全市大多数初中毕业生都可在本校参加听力口语自动化考试。少数不符合考场设置条件学校的学生由各地教育行政部门统一安排到就近的考点参加考试。 四、一个考场内同时有30人进行听力口语考试,会不会互相干扰 按照考场设置要求,一个考场内设置不少于33台考试机和1台监考机,每个考场同时安排30人进行考试。考试所用耳麦和话筒都是特制的,考生只能听到考试机播放的声音,话筒也只对定向的声音录音,完全不影响考试效果。


给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在80秒钟内朗读短文一遍,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。 Dear Ms White, I am James from Class 6 Grade 9 at Sunshine School. I have lots of friends, but I feel it’s not always easy to do the right thing. Sometimes I lack courage in certain situations. Last night I rode the underground home. Three tough boys got on the almost empty train. They sat beside a young boy who was travelling alone. They began to bully him. The boy was frightened and so he moved to another seat. That did no good. They just followed him and went on with their bullying. Then the train stopped at my station. I got off and walked home. I felt very sorry for the boy, but I didn’t know how to help him. I am a peaceful person and I hate violence. Was I wrong? 请根据所提供的情景回答问题,每个问题播放两遍。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在15秒钟内回答问题。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止回答。 1. What do you usually do on your birthday? 2. How did you feel on your first day at primary school? 3. I want to buy a shirt. What is your favourite colour? 4. You meet a foreigner at the party for the first time. What will you say to him? 5. Your friend Tom looks very sick today. What will you do? 三、简短对话 给你两分钟时间准备发言。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据所给的情景和表格的内容用六句以上的英文句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止叙述。 今天英语课的话题是“理想的房子”,请从下列所给的内容中选择三个或三个以上的要点进行简短发言。 My perfect house *位置*面积/大小*环境设施 *周边设施*交通*房间(数量、功能等) 参考答案 My perfect home should be very near the metro station, so it is convenient to travel to other places within the city. Markets and supermarkets should be nearby so my family can go shopping for food and other things easily. Inside my house, I would like to have a big bedroom that can allow me to enjoy some freedom, either for study or for rest and play. Finally, I hope to have a big TV set in the living-room. That way the whole family can spend the weekends watching great movies together. I hope one day in the future I can have this perfect home.


2018年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 数学试题 第一部分选择题(共30分) 一、选择题(本大题共10一个小题,每小题3分) 1. 四个数1 0,1,2, 2中,无理数的是( ) A. 2 B. 1 C.1 2 D.0 2.图1所示的五角星是轴对称图形,它的对称轴共有( ) A. 1条 B. 3条 C. 5条 D. 无数条 3.图2所示的几何体是由4个相同的小正方体搭成的,它的主视图是( ) 4.下列计算正确的是( ) A. ()2 22 a b a b +=+ B. 2 2 4 23a a a += C. ()2 21 0x y x y y ÷ =≠ D. ()32628x x -=- 5.如图3,直线AD,BE 被直线BF 和AC 所截,则∠1的同位角和∠5的内错角分别是( ) A. ∠4,∠2 B. ∠2,∠6 C. ∠5,∠4 D. ∠2,∠4 6.甲袋中装有2个相同的小球,分别写有数字1和2,乙袋中装有2个相同的小球,分别写有数字1

和2,从两个口袋中各随机取出1个小球,取出的两个小球上都写有数字2的概率是( ) A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 16 7.如图4,AB 是圆O 的弦,OC ⊥AB,交圆O 于点C ,连接OA,OB,BC,若∠ABC=20°,则∠AOB 的度数是( ) A. 40° B. 50° C. 70° D. 80° 8.《九章算术》是我国古代数学的经典著作,书中有一个问题:“今有黄金九枚,白银一十一枚,称之重适等,交易其一,金轻十三两,问金、银各重几何?”意思是:甲袋中装有黄金9枚(每枚黄金重量相同),乙袋中装有白银11枚(每枚黄金重量相同),称重两袋相等,两袋互相交换1枚后,甲袋比乙袋轻了13辆(袋子重量忽略不计),问黄金、白银每枚各重多少两?设每枚黄金重x 辆,每枚白银重y 辆,根据题意的:( ) A. ()()11910813x y y x x y =???+-+=?? B. 10891311y x x y x y +=+??+=? C. ()()91181013x y x y y x =??? +-+=?? D. ()()91110813 x y y x x y =???+-+=?? 9.一次函数y ax b =+和反比例函数a b y x -= 在同一直角坐标系中大致图像是( ) 10.在平面直角坐标系中,一个智能机器人接到如下指令,从原点O 出发,按向右,向上,向右,向下的方向依次不断移动,每次移动1m ,其行走路线如图所示,第1次移动到1A ,第2次移动到2A ……,第n 次移动到n A ,则△220180A A 的面积是( )


(一) 一、朗读(5分) 给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在80秒钟内朗读短文一遍,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。 (操作说明:学生朗读的准备时间为50秒钟,录音时间为80秒钟。当80秒钟过后,电脑 播出录音中止信号,屏幕即显示第二大题的题目) Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. The short cartoons are full of fun. They show Tom, the cat, trying to catch Jerry, the mouse. They also have a long history. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1940. It was a huge success. It’s easy to understand the cartoons, since there is usually no speaking in them. Instead, the two animals are always running around or fighting each other. Though Tom thinks he can catch Jerry, he always fails. In almost every cartoon, Tom gets in trouble with his owner, while Jerry laughs at him. The famous cat and mouse are still popular today. Children from all over the world love to watch their show on television. 二、对话(5分) 请你所提供的情景回答问题,每个情景播放两遍。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在15 秒钟内做出回应。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止回答。(操作说明:每 个英语句子电脑录音连续播放两遍,只出现声音,英语单词不显示给学生。对话之间停顿 15秒供考生思考和录音回答问题。这一大题考生的录音时间共为75秒钟。录音中止信号出 现后,电脑屏幕即显示第三大题的题目) 1. A:My birthday is coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party? B: 2. A: I ran the fastest. I won the first prize in the running race. B: 3. A: I like snow, so winter is my favourite season. Which season do you like best? B: 4. A: I’m terribly sorry. I’ve broken your MP3 player. B: 5. A: I think Cantonese food is better than Sichuan food. What’s your idea? B: 三、简短说话(5分) 给你两分钟的时间准备。当听到“开始录音”的信号时,请根据所给的提示用6句以上的 英语句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。当你听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止叙述。(操作说明:录音中止信号出现后,考试系统播放“2015年天河区初中英语口语模拟考试 结束,请考生等待答案上传。”的声音,并在屏幕上显示相关的文字说明。) 每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据以下图片,以“Take action to realize our dreams”为题,请用至少六句话,表达下图的内容。


广州中考英语口语情景回答归类 广州中考英语口语主要分为三大题,一读二答三说。拿下十分以上并不难,下面我们一起来看看网友整理的2012中考英语口语情景回答归类,希望对童鞋们有所帮助: 1. What 1. What should a student do in class? (Listen to the teacher carefully.) 2. Today is May the 15th. What’s the date tomorrow? / What was the date yes terday? (It is May the 146th./ It was May the 14th.) 3. What is the capital of China? (Beijing.) 4. I like pandas/English/basketball best. What’s your favourtie animal/ subject/ sport? /What kind of animal/ subject/ sport do you like best?(Dogs./ Engli sh./ Basketball….) 5. What will you do if your pet is ill/ sick? (I will take it to the hospital/to see a vet.) 6. I often give my pet some meat to eat. What food will you give to your pet? (Meat./ Vegetables.) 7. I like talking to my friends/playing basketball/take a walk with my friends after school. What do you do after class/ school/ lunch? (I do some reading…) 8. The weather is my hometown is warm all round the year. What’s the weather like in Guangzhou?/ How is the weather in Guangzhou? (It is very hot in summer and it is not cold in winter.) 9. When I was young, I wanted to be a singer. What do you want to be when you grow up? (I want to be a teacher.) 10. Many people think that money is the most important thing. `What do you think is the most important to you? (Study …) 11. What kind of sport do you like best? What do you usually do after school?(Basketball/ Playing basketball…)


2008年广州市中考数学试题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1、计算3(2)-所得结果是( ) A 6- B 6 C 8- D 8 2、将图1按顺时针方向旋转90°后得到的是( ) 3、下面四个图形中,是三棱柱的平面展开图的是( ) 4、若实数a 、b 互为相反数,则下列等式中恒成立的是( ) A 0a b -= B 0a b += C 1ab = D 1ab =- 5、方程(2)0x x +=的根是( ) A 2x = B 0x = C 120,2x x ==- D 120,2x x == 6、一次函数34y x =-的图象不经过( ) A 第一象限 B 第二象限 C 第三象限 D 第四象限 7、下列说法正确的是( ) A “明天降雨的概率是80%”表示明天有80%的时间降雨 B “抛一枚硬币正面朝上的概率是0.5”表示每抛硬币2次就有1次出现正面朝上 C “彩票中奖的概率是1%”表示买100张彩票一定会中奖

D “抛一枚正方体骰子朝正面的数为奇数的概率是0.5”表示如果这个骰子抛很多很多次,那么平均每2次就有1次出现朝正面的数为奇数 8、把下列每个字母都看成一个图形,那么中心对成图形有( ) O L Y M P I C A 1个 B 2个 C 3个 D 4个 9、如图2,每个小正方形的边长为1,把阴影部分剪下来,用剪下来的阴影部分拼成一个正方形,那么新正方形的边长是( ) A 3 B 2 C 5 D 6 10、四个小朋友玩跷跷板,他们的体重分别为P 、Q 、R 、S ,如图3所示,则他们的体重大小关系是( ) A P R S Q >>> B Q S P R >>> C S P Q R >>> D S P R Q >>> 二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分) 113的倒数是 12、如图4,∠1=70°,若m ∥n ,则∠2= 13、函数1 x y x = -自变量x 的取值范围是 14、将线段AB 平移1cm ,得到线段A’B’,则点A 到点A’的距离是 15、命题“圆的直径所对的圆周角是直角”是 命题(填“真”或“假” ) 16、对于平面内任意一个凸四边形ABCD ,现从以下四个关系式①AB=CD ;②AD=BC ;③AB ∥CD ;④∠A=∠C 中任取两个作为条件,能够得出这个四边形 图2 图3 图4


2012年中考英语口语模拟试题(一) (一)模仿朗读听录音,用正确的语音语调模仿朗读以下内容。(计30分)Once there was a farmer who lived near a road. It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm. Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. This hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep . The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most of time watching the hole. When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this. One day, the driver of a car said to him, "You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day." "Oh, no, " the farmer said." I don' t pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole with water." (二)回答问题根据实际情况回答下列问题。(共5小题,计30分) 1.电脑:What were you doing at nine o’clock yesterday evening? 2.电脑:Have you ever been to a history museum? 3.电脑:How often do you go to the movies? 4.电脑:What’s your favourite subject? 5.电脑:How do you study for an English test? (三)传达信息请听一段信息,从听到的信息中筛选信息回答所提问题。(计30分) 录音内容 W:Where have you been these days, Jim? M:I have been to Beijing. W:What do you think of Beijing? M:It’s really beautiful and cl ean. W:What did you do there? M:I visited some places of interest. W:How long did you stay there? M:For about 2 weeks. W:When did you come back?
