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Operand Definitions

ZEMAX supports optimization operands which are used to define the merit function. Each operand may be assigned a weight which indicates the relative importance of that operand, as well as a target, which is the desired value for that operand. The operands are listed below.

ABSO: Absolute value

ACOS: Arccosine

AMAG: Angular magnification

ANAR: Angular aberration

ASIN: Arcsine

ASTI: Astigmatism

ATAN: Arctangent

AXCL: Axial color

BLNK: Blank

BSER: Boresight Error

COGT: Conic greater than

COLT: Conic less than

COMA: Coma

CONF: Configuration #

CONS: Constant

COSI: Cosine

COV A: Conic value

CTGT: Center thickness greater than 中心厚度(间隔)大于

CTLT: Center thickness less than 中心厚度(间隔)小于

CTV A: Center thickness value 中心厚度(间隔)等于CVGT: Curvature greater than 曲率大于

CVLT: Curvature less than 曲率小于

CVOL: Cylinder volume

CVV A: Curvature value 曲率等于

DENC: Diffraction encircled energy

DENF: Diffraction encircled energy fraction

DIFF: Difference

DIMX: Distortion max 最大畸变

DISC: Distortion calibrated

DISG: Generalized distortion

DIST: Distortion 畸变

DIVI: Division

DLTN: Delta N

DMFS: Default merit function start 默认评价函数起始点DMGT: Diameter greater than

DMLT: Diameter less than

DMV A: Diameter value

DXDX: Derivative Dx/Dx

DXDY: Derivative Dx/Dy

DYDX: Derivative Dy/Dx

DYDY: Derivative Dy/Dy

EFFL: Effective focal length 有效焦距EFLX: Effective focal length x

EFL Y: Effective focal length y

ENDX: End execution

ENPP: Entrance pupil position 入瞳位置EPDI: Entrance pupil diameter 入瞳直径EQUA: Equal

ETGT: Edge thickness greater than 边缘厚度大于ETLT: Edge thickness less than 边缘厚度小于ETV A: Edge thickness value 边缘厚度等于EXPP: Exit pupil position 出瞳位置FCGS: Field curvature, generalized, sagittal FCGT: Field curvature, generalized, tangential FCUR: Field curvature 场曲

FICL: Fiber coupling efficiency

FOUC: Foucault analysis

GBW0: Gaussian beam waist 0

GBWA: Gaussian beam size

GBWD: Gaussian beam divergence

GBWZ: Gaussian beam z position

GBWR: Gaussian beam phase radius

GCOS: Glass relative cost

GENC: Geometric encircled energy

GLCA: Global coordinate x normal

GLCB: Global coordinate y normal

GLCC: Global coordinate z normal

GLCX: Global coordinate x coordinate

GLCY: Global coordinate y coordinate

GLCZ: Global coordinate z coordinate

GMTA: Geometric MTF average 几何平均MTF GMTS: Geometric MTF sagittal 几何弧矢MTF GMTT: Geometric MTF tangential几何子午MTF GPIM: Ghost Pupil Image

GRMN: Gradient minimum index

GRMX: Gradient maximum index

GTCE: Glass Thermal Coefficient of Expansion HHCN: Tests for hyper-hemisphere conditions IMAE: Image analysis efficiency

INDX: Index of refraction

InGT: Index greater than折射率大于

InLT: Index less than 折射率小于

InV A: Index value 折射率等于

ISFN: Image space F/# 像方F数

LACL: Lateral color
