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I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

I . I have____ (feed) my cat, so it is full now.

2. He used his car _____ (most) for sightseeing.

3. He hasn’t _____ (finish) ______ (read) Harry Potter yet.

4. We needn’t go in such a hurry. We still have thirty min utes _______ (leave).

5. I need to ______ (clean) my cupboard. I never use the things in for hours. II.根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。

1. It sounds like you guys are o_____ your way.

2. They are going to a_____ on TV next month.

3. Be sure not to m______ the New Ocean Waves if they come to a city near you.

4. I like music, so I often go to a c________ with my family.

5. It is really a p_________ experience. I consider it a t______ point in my life.

III .请你来当翻译家.


1. 你给花浇水了吗?



I have many chores __________ today. So I can not _____________ with you.


Please ___________________________. It is time _______________.

4.----- 李雷,你好!能和我一起去拜访马力吗?

----- 我很想去,但恐怕现在我得去遛狗。

----- Hi, Li Lei! Would you like to _________ Ma Li with me?

----- I’d like to. But I have to _______________________________。

5.Mary 家住在乡村,她每天都要到井里汲水。

Mary _______________ a village. She ______________ from the well every day. 6.谁是你最喜欢的影星?



She is a shy girl, so she is afraid ______________________________________.

8. 他们迫不及待地站了起来。


9. 我渴了,我感觉想喝杯水。

I am thirsty. I feel like ____________________________________.

10. 瓶子里还有水吗?



1. Please go to the station to _______ when the train to Beijing starts to leave.

A. find for

B. look for

C. find out

D. find

2. Mr. Green is rich. He ______ his dog ______ meat.

A. feed, on

B. feeds, on

C. give, to

D. feeds, for

3. ________ have you been in China?

A. How long

B. How often

C. How soon

D. How far

4. He does business in Shanghai. He ____________ Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

A. leaves for

B. is leaving for

C. left to

D. is leaving to

5. He _______ carefully but he could not ________ his teacher clearly.

A. heard, listen

B. listen, hear

C. listened, hear

D. heard, listened

6. He kissed his wife and then ______ goodbye ______ her when he left home.

A. say, to

B. said, to

C. spoke, to

D. said, with

7. We need friends to ________, or we will feel ________.

A. chat, alone

B. chat with, lonely

C. speak, lonely

D. talk with, alone
